Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects
Simona Motogna
, Dan Mircea Suciu
and Arthur-Jozsef Molnar
Department of Computer Science, Babes¸ Bolyai University, M. Kogalniceanu 1, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Software Engineering Education, Soft Skills, Teamwork, Project, Empirical Study.
Preparing software engineering students for industry jobs is a difficult task. Employers often ask for a com-
bination of technical and soft skills. In this paper, we describe an exploratory study focused on 47 teams of
year Computer Science students who were each involved in the development of a medium sized software
application. We employed open coding on free-text student feedback and focused on key areas of working
process, planning, challenges and lessons learned. We evaluated how student perception aligned with feed-
back received from mentors with industry experience, as well as with the assessment from teaching staff
experienced in software engineering. We open-sourced a replication package that allows reusing, repeating
or extending our investigation. We showed that the course objectives were reached, that soft skills remain
an important component of team projects as well as identified several action points that can further improve
education in software engineering.
There exists a general demand from the industry
that students should possess professional skills when
graduating from Universities, and in consequence,
there exists a constant demand on university curric-
ula to try to accommodate such skills in the learn-
ing objectives of their courses. On one hand we dis-
cuss about technical skills that are needed to develop
real life, large and complex software systems, and on
the other hand about soft skills, from which team-
work is the essential one in the software engineering
(SE) domain (Ahmed et al., 2013). As a consequence,
project-based coursework during which students have
the opportunity to acquire such professional skills are
becoming a must in undergraduate curricula.
This paper describes an exploratory study result-
ing from the teaching experience at the Babes¸-Bolyai
University in implementing a project-based course
with three particular characteristics: real life projects,
industry mentors and soft skills workshops. The
course was designed for third year students. They
are expected to already have a strong technical back-
ground in different programming languages, frame-
works, development environments and methodolo-
gies. To a certain degree however, they lack the expe-
rience of contributing to large scale projects and that
of longer-term collaborative work. Such courses are
good examples in which a strong cooperation between
universities and local companies can bring significant
improvements, as they provide students with valuable
work experience.
In our study we carry out a detailed investiga-
tion of the degree to which students acquired techni-
cal abilities and soft skills by assessing the results of
their evaluation, the feedback received from mentors
working in the industry and survey responses from the
students themselves. We combined external project
evaluation, mentor evaluation and opinions gathered
at the end of the semester with an in-depth self assess-
ment of student teams regarding their challenges and
lessons learned with regards to professional skills.
The main goal of the study is to obtain a deeper
understanding of the student perception on the activ-
ities and learned abilities. The exploratory observa-
tions conducted enabled us to draw qualitative con-
clusions. We set up and carried out our exploratory
study according to existing best practices (Runeson
and H
ost, 2009), and reflect this in the structure of
our paper. We published the raw data to enable repli-
cating or extending our study (Motogna et al., 2021).
Section 2 provides the context in which our study was
carried out. We present the main objective of our ap-
proach in Section 4, describe the data collection pro-
cess within Section 5 and study results in Section 7.
Threats to validity were identified and briefly detailed
Motogna, S., Suciu, D. and Molnar, A.
Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0010478803620371
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 362-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in Section 6, while the final section was reserved for
conclusions and an overview of future work planned.
As part of the third year Team Project course, students
in Computer Science and Mathematics and Computer
Science educational tracks are required to work in
teams of 8-12 students and develop a software ap-
plication of their choice, during the 14-week first
semester taking place from October to January.
Starting from 2017, with the purpose to foster col-
laboration between team members and to improve the
quality of the delivered product, we integrated experi-
enced mentors from the local software industry. Each
team is assigned a mentor who helps them organize,
collaborate and follow the development methodology
selected by the students at project onset. Whenever it
is needed, the mentor also plays the role of the cus-
tomer, in order to give the team a better perspective of
how a final user would see their solution. Usually,
each mentor is assigned to coordinate two or three
teams of students, from a total between 46 - 50 teams.
The exact number of teams depends on student enroll-
ment and organization.
Examples of software application themes usually
selected for implementation include internship man-
agement tools, learning management systems, educa-
tional quizzes, e-commerce solutions, and systems for
the management of personal finances.
In parallel with their activities regarding project
development, in order to improve soft skills, en-
rolled students attended four different half-day work-
shops where communication, presentation skills,
Agile-driven project management and entrepreneur-
ship were discussed.
At the end of the 14-week semester, each team
presents the result of their work in a 15-minute live
demonstration session. This is carried out in front of
a faculty committee composed of professors special-
ized in software engineering, who assign a grade to
each of the teams. Within each team, student grades
are decided by the mentors, based on each team mem-
ber’s contribution and such that the average of all
team member’s grade fits the grade assigned to the
software application developed by them.
The distinctive characteristics of the course are:
Project based: the project to be developed repre-
sents the kernel of the course and also the main eval-
uation criterion.
Real-life: the project solves a real-life problem,
and real-life project management is simulated as the
team is supervised by a mentor, who is an experienced
professional from partner software companies.
Teamwork: students organize the team based on
their choice and work in teams for the whole period
of the semester.
Evidence based: all performed activities corre-
spond to set milestones and must be documented.
Freedom of Choice: students are encouraged and
have to decide both the software methodology and the
technology stack, including programming languages,
application architecture, employed frameworks and
tools for project management and version control.
Learning objectives are focused on practical com-
petencies acquired by students, which include the
knowledge and skills necessary to implement and fol-
low through a software project management process,
adapting the life cycle of a software project to an Ag-
ile context and improving team communication and
collaboration skills.
The data used in this study corresponds to aca-
demic year 2019-2020, when 492 students, forming
47 teams and 15 mentors were involved. The semester
was unaffected by the subsequent pandemic-related
A systematic literature review of papers presenting
experiences with student global SE projects resulted
in identification of overall challenges of such courses
and some recommendations to solve them. One im-
portant conclusion that has been addressed by our ap-
proach is that ”integrating cultural training, conduct-
ing teamwork exercises to build trust, and instructor
monitoring of team communication are all examples
of techniques that have been used successfully by ed-
ucators according to our review” (Clear et al., 2015).
A comprehensive study on student perception
about group projects (Iacob and Faily, 2019) provided
answers to three important research questions related
to student expectations about teamwork, issues re-
lated to the actual process of project development
and finally whether results matched the expectations.
Other results worth mentioning targeted collaborative
activities of students (Troussas et al., 2020) and anal-
ysis of members activities within team projects (Parizi
et al., 2018).
There have been several contributions reporting
experiences with team projects and capstone projects.
They include (Bastarrica et al., 2017), who investi-
gated a capstone course focusing on soft skills and
agile practices, and (Holmes et al., 2018), who used
open coding focusing on projects, tools and mentors.
Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects
Even if several strategies targeting capstone projects
may be successfully applied to other project based
courses, there exist different learning objectives and
outcomes for capstones, respectively team projects.
Team projects have also been the object of study
for other contributions, such as (Raibulet and Fontana,
2018), (Delgado et al., 2017) reporting experiences
at different universities: University of Milano - Bic-
occa , respectively University Nacional of Colombia,
where student project curricula evolved over the years
based on collected feedback.
As an experimental study that relies on student
perception, we believe our work can contribute to the
overall understanding of such courses. The distinc-
tive characteristic of our approach lies in the cross
sectional analysis of student perception using two in-
dependent assessments (teaching staff evaluation and
mentor feedback) together with the open coding inter-
pretation of student survey responses. The differential
feature of our course lies in including the workshop
activities for developing soft skills.
We structured the steps of our study according to cur-
rent best practices (Runeson and H
ost, 2009) and for-
mulated the main objective of our work using the goal
question metric approach (Solingen Rini and Rom-
bach, 2002) as a ”qualitative investigation on the stu-
dent perception regarding the challenges and learn-
ing outcomes of collaborative project work”. We op-
erationalized our main objective in the form of the fol-
lowing four perspectives:
: How did students perceive project planning
and the working process? Focus is set on two crucial
activities taking place within the initial phase of soft-
ware projects. Research and practice have confirmed
the importance of adequate project planning, which
remains rife with issues known both from anecdo-
tal and case report research (Serrador, 2012; Posten,
1985; Zwikael and Globerson, 2006). Next, we aimed
to investigate the working process as a separate con-
cept, as for many students it was the first opportunity
to experiment a collaborative environment.
: What were the students’ main challenges?
We investigated both technical and soft skills-related
challenges, as they were perceived by the students
themselves. In answering this question we attempted
to identify the existence of any common technolog-
ical challenges and to characterize their occurrence
and severity. We also aimed to investigate the de-
gree to which students could identify and pinpoint
non-technical challenges that we grouped under the
general umbrella of soft skills. Existing literature has
already shown their role (Fowler, 2020) and impor-
tance in the workplace (Ahmed et al., 2013), so we
believe that more accurate student perception of these
issues can create a long-term industry impact.
: What were the main lessons learned from the
students’ perspective? We analyzed student feedback
provided after the group projects were completed and
evaluated. We drew parallels with the answers for Q
and Q
and examined the relation between working
process, challenges and lessons learned.
: To what extent did student perception match
the overall assessment of their project? We placed
findings from student feedback into the context pro-
vided by the assessment from the teaching staff com-
mittee, which was made up of professors with rele-
vant experience in software engineering and product
Data collection was carried out as part of the pro-
posed learning activities of the Team Project course-
work. Once technical project work was completed,
each team was asked to respond to a survey (one re-
sponse per team) consisting of a questionnaire as part
of which they provided the team name, a short sum-
mary of the project topic and a detailed description of
their perspective during and after project completion.
All fields were free text and students were encour-
aged to provide detailed descriptions. Mentor feed-
back was solicited in the form of a separate question-
naire. We published the questionnaires, together with
student and mentor responses in the form of a data
replication package (Motogna et al., 2021). Finally,
projects were evaluated, with teaching staff providing
team grades that were refined by mentors according
to individual participant effort and involvement.
5.1 Student Surveys
At project completion, teams were asked to respond to
a survey consisting of four questions: 1) What was the
working process? 2) How was the project planned?
3) What challenges did you encounter? and 4) What
were the lessons learned during this project?
We decided to apply Grounded theory (Glaser and
Strauss, 1967) as a qualitative analysis method, re-
spectively open coding (Corbin and Strauss, 2014) for
determining conceptual codes collected from the data
itself, and then merging them in more general cate-
gories. Such a method is recommended in case of
surveys in which the same questions are asked and
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Open coding process: the steps of the process ap-
pear as rounded indexes, and the numbers in rectangles rep-
resent the count of initial topics, respectively merged topics.
the responses are collected in the form of free text.
Figure 1 describes the steps of the coding process.
The 47 enrolled teams provided answers in the form
of free text structured according to the above men-
tioned perspectives. For each category, two indepen-
dent coders performed the initial step of open coding
(Step 1 from Figure 1) during which they established
the labels and then populated them with topics (Step
2). The third independent coder proposed the merging
process that was later debated and mutually agreed
upon during discussion by all three coders (Step 3).
This resulted in the list of topics to be analyzed for
each perspective. The numbers in the figure represent
the count of initial topics (result of Step 2), then the
number of merged topics (result of Step 3). The fol-
lowing tables present in detail the labels and topics
accompanied by suggestive quotes for each perspec-
tive. For each label we introduced an abbreviation,
in order to associate the team answer to the question-
naire rubric. As an example, answer T12.WR repre-
sents the answer given by team 12 (indices assigned
randomly for anonymization) to the Working Process
section, labeled with Roles.
5.2 Mentor Feedback
Professionals fulfilling the mentor role were solicited
to fill in a questionnaire at the end of the course, af-
ter the student evaluation phase. The questionnaire
was focused on student performance, typical issues
encountered in student team projects as well as main
lessons learned (Iacob and Faily, 2019).
5.3 Project Evaluation
Each software application was assigned a grade be-
tween 1 and 10, based on the evaluation of the imple-
mentation documentation and a 15-minute presenta-
tion that included a live demonstration. The evalua-
tion was done considering the following five evalua-
tion criteria and deliverables: application design com-
plexity and suitability, degree of the main function-
alities coverage, quality of user experience (intuitive,
consistent and uniform), code structure and documen-
We organized our exploratory study according to ex-
isting best practices (Runeson and H
ost, 2009). Ques-
tionnaires were set up and sent to respondents af-
ter course completion, as previously described. One
of the present paper’s authors was directly involved
within the course, while all three have previous exper-
tise in software engineering, both from an academic
as well as industrial perspective. The major steps car-
ried out for the study regarded processing student re-
sponses using open coding, analyzing the results and
carrying out the cross sectional analysis.
Internal Threats. Were addressed by involving re-
searchers who are both experienced teachers as well
as practitioners of software development. Question-
naires were designed and validated within the team.
We considered the open coding phase to be the most
prone one to threats, so work was done in pairs, with
the third person having a validation role, and conduct-
ing a final agreement overview.
While our study’s findings are in line with exist-
ing literature (Ville and Daniels, 2019; Delgado et al.,
2017; Ahmed et al., 2013), we are aware that circum-
stances regarding course curricula, team size and or-
ganization, as well as means and moment of reporting
can all act as external threats. In order to address
them, we used previous results from literature to es-
tablish questionnaire structure and contents, as well
as the four key areas that represent the focus of our
research. In addition, one of the study authors had
no previous involvement with the course structure, in
order to control bias (Ville and Daniels, 2019).
Furthermore, we focused on carrying out a qual-
itative evaluation, where open coding and cross sec-
tional analysis in particular were employed in order
to strike a balance between eliminating questionnaire
bias and capturing the essence of issues reported by
Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects
Table 1: Labels for ”Planning”.
Label Topics Examples
Initial planning ( was
followed/how much)
(label: PI)
slightly followed, somewhat
followed, almost followed
”we covered a proportion of 85% from the initial
plan”, ”Initial planning was followed only by a third
of the team”
Final result (% of fi-
nal implementation
(label: PF)
good (over 75%), medium
( 50%), weak
we achieved in the end what we had intended at
the beginning”, ”some features were not fully imple-
Process progress
(label: PP)
slow start accelerated finish,
significant adjustments, con-
tinuous process, good start
slow finish
”the larger chunk of the work was done during the
very last weeks of the time that was left”, ”we ad-
justed the initial planning and managed to reach a
realistic plan”
Planning related ac-
(label: PA)
technology choice, task ori-
ented, role oriented, sprint
oriented, feature oriented,
component oriented, adapt
”we quickly decided upon the technologies”, we cre-
ated and choose the tasks each of us would do”,
”planning was carried out according to the role of
the actors”
: How did students perceive project planning and
the working process? The planning section of the sur-
vey intended to assess how students constructed the
initial plan, what means they used to follow the plan,
which activities were dedicated to following the plan
and in the end, to have an overview of the deviation
from the initial plan. Given that students used free
text for responses, we realized when interpreting this
section of the survey that almost all teams considered
important to state to what extent they followed the ini-
tial plan, respectively in the end to what extent their
implementation was complete. We found that only
some of the teams described their progress (17 teams)
or which planning activities they adopted (33 teams),
as shown in Table 1.
Process Progress. The onward evolution of the pro-
cess was reported by 17 teams, and the open cod-
ing processing of the responses identified four cate-
gories: 10 teams increased their working pace when
the deadline was approaching (”we started working
on the project a bit later than what we expected”
T27.PP), four teams considered that the development
pace was constant (”the process has been smooth,
with the tasks being executed in a good enough time”,
T45.PP), two teams made significant modifications to
initial plans (”the initial planning was changed a lot,
we made a lot of refactoring”, T9.PP) and one team
decreased the development rate near the end of the
project: ”the rate has decreased ongoing, deadlines
have not been respected any more”, T38.PP.
Planning Related Activities. As revealed by student
Text in italics represents unmodified snippets from stu-
dent responses.
responses, in most of the cases activities were ori-
ented on sprints, tasks or features/functionalities. A
number of 11 teams used sprint-driven planning (”we
aimed to have at the end of each sprint a working
version of the software”, T28.PA, ”At the beginning
of the sprints we had planning sessions”, T18.PA),
seven teams made task oriented planning (”we cre-
ated and choose the tasks each of us would have to
do”, T5.PA), while six teams had feature oriented
planning: ”Though we didn’t succeed in implement-
ing all the features we talked about at the beginning”,
Table 2 summarizes the labels, topics and exam-
ples corresponding to the working process perspec-
tive. Four main concepts were inferred as a result of
applying open coding in this part of the survey: the
roles assigned to team members, the applied develop-
ment methodology, soft skills as part of the working
process and tools that were used by the teams.
Roles. 26 teams stated that they divided the team
into backend and frontend subteams (”the tasks
were divided... into backend and frontend tasks”,
T4.WR, ”to allow parallel development on backend
and frontend”, T38.WR), 10 teams had an assigned
role for testing (”members responsible with testing”,
T30.WR), while six teams acknowledged the role of
the Scrum master: ”each subteam had its own Scrum
master”, T36.WR. A set of other roles have been men-
tioned, either functional or non-functional (such as IT
support, documentation, team leader).
Methodologies. Agile methodologies were adopted
by most teams, as 15 teams mentioned Agile, 10 oth-
ers mentioned Scrum, respectively 5 mentioned Kan-
ban, and 2 teams used feature driven development. A
careful investigation revealed that in some cases, even
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Labels for ”Working process”.
Label Topics Examples
Roles (identi-
fied roles in the
(label: WR)
backend/frontend, project manager, product
owner, requirements engineer, devops, testing,
IT support, technical leader, documentation, re-
viewer, team leader, scrum master, AI
”X took responsibility for the back-
end”, ”groups that worked on differ-
ent tasks: mobile application, backend
development, testing, documentation.
(label: WM)
Agile, including: Scrum, Kanban, Feature
driven development (with several related activi-
ties: sprints, stand-ups, voting, planning poker,
user stories), upfront design, task management
”Apply AGILE methodology technique
(Scrum board)”, ”we split our avail-
able time for development in sprints”,
”We went with a Kanban way”
Soft skills
(label: WS)
communication, collaboration, mentoring,
”weekly meetings”, ”Provide a proper
feedback”, ”co-location”, ”we allo-
cated time to learn new technologies”
(label: WT)
source control tools and task management tools ”Github”, ”GitLab”, ”BitBucket”,
Table 3: Labels for ”Challenges”.
Label Topics Examples
(label: CO)
time management, task man-
agement, teamwork, collabora-
tion, technology choice
”synchronizing as a team and working together”, ”de-
cide which tools and frameworks to use”, ”finish every-
thing before the deadline”
(label: CT)
technical skills, effective col-
laboration, over-engineering
”learn to use the technologies”, ”how to combine what
we worked on”, ”over-engineering in some places”
Soft skills
(label: CS)
involvement, communication,
collaboration, teamwork
”Being able to motivate everyone to work consciously
and constantly”, ”it was way harder for everyone to keep
in touch with everyone ”, ”organizing and coordinating”
if the students declared to have an agile approach,
their responses actually described a waterfall method-
ology. Upfront design was adopted by four teams:
”the first couple of weeks was mostly dedicated to the
engineering of the layers and architecture”, T5.WM.
Soft Skills. Given that teamwork was one of
the learning objectives of the course and as stu-
dents benefited from two workshops targeting soft
skills, we found it reassuring that the students in-
cluded soft skill aspects in their working process.
As desired, communication-related terms appeared
most frequently, in 17 responses, such as: meet-
ings (”we planned weekly meetings”, T15.WS), co-
location (”we strive to find a common space to serve
as office”, T10.WS, negociation (”tried to do what
was best for us as a team, which basically meant we
compromised a lot”, T2.WS) or feedback (”Provide a
proper feedback to every teammate”,T8.WS).
We appreciated the desire of teams to learn, as
training was labeled in seven team answers: ”first
ticket was associated to different learning activities”,
T17.WS, and mentoring (”We scheduled workshops,
where some of our more experienced colleagues held
training sessions for the rest of the team”, T14.WS).
One team was identified as having dysfunctional
teamwork: ”I’ll tried... but the team mates mostly
ignored me”, T43.WS.
We also identified a number of 8 teams that ex-
posed self-organizing procedures in their working
process: ”brainstorming”, ”efficient organization”,
”interact”, T37.WS.
Tools. Teams used several tools as part of project
implementation. They can be classified in tools for
source control (such as Github, GitLab, Bitbucket)
and task management (Trello and Discord).
Conclusion for Q1: Students acquired experience
in project planning, processes and teamwork as a
soft skill
Action Point: Improve constant working
:What were the students’ main challenges? The
challenges that students faced and tried to overcome
can be grouped into three main types: organizational,
technical and related to soft skills, as shown in Table
3. In order to have the full picture, we incorporated
mentor feedback, illustrated in Table 4 into our anal-
Organizational Challenges. 16 teams considered
task management to be the hardest challenge (”Chal-
lenge: create and detail tasks to be easily under-
stood”, T2.CO), respectively time management (”one
challenge was intense work in last days to finish
Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects
Table 4: Mentor feedback on 10 common issues in team
projects. Scores recorded on a 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)
scale, including standard deviation (σ).
Challenge Mean σ
Lack of engagement from team
3.62 1.30
Student task knowledge and as-
3.50 0.53
Miscommunication within the
3.25 1.03
Problems with time manage-
3.25 0.88
Team leader dictates what team
members do
2.87 1.24
Lack of technical expertise 2.87 1.12
Dividing the work among team
2.50 1.41
Work is carried out by one or
two team members
2.37 1.3
Conflicts among team members 2.37 1.4
No one wants to act as team
2.12 1.45
project”, T10.CO). Summarizing, either tasks or time
have put pressure on project development for approx-
imately 68% of the teams. Eight teams faced tech-
nology choice as the main challenge: ”main issues
was to decide which tools and frameworks to use”,
Technical Challenges. More than half of the teams
(53%) dealt with technical problems, in some part due
to lack of technical knowledge (”a more messy chal-
lenge was learning new frameworks and libraries on
the go”, T2.CT), or due to incorrect project manage-
ment (”Our challenge arose when, after starting our
implementation, we frequently needed to change the
DB schema and relations, thus indirectly forcing ev-
eryone to do the same updates”, T28.CT).
Soft Skills Challenges. The extent of each team
member’s involvement was the main problem for
10 of the teams: ”Being able to motivate everyone
to work consciously and constantly”, T5.CS. Five
teams were confronted with communication prob-
lems: ”biggest challenges that we encountered were
communication with the team members, ... and the
communication with the mentor”, T18.CS.
One team declared that they had no challenges
worth mentioning, and that the ones that appeared
were easily solved, while two other teams (T12, T24)
did not complete this part of the survey.
Mentor Feedback. Table 4 shows the mentor’s an-
swers regarding some of the most common challenges
in the team projects (Iacob and Faily, 2019). The most
significant highlighted challenge was the lack of en-
gagement from team members, for which mentors re-
ported a mean score of 3.62, with 3 out of 8 respon-
dents attributing it the maximum value on a 5-point
scale. Another significant issue regarded communi-
cation and the assumption of project roles and tasks
within teams. We note the low value of the standard
deviation (σ=0.53), which shows agreement among
the mentors. Mentor feedback was mostly positive
regarding the existence of team conflicts, or for the
presumed case of students not wanting to assume co-
ordination responsibilities. In most cases, we observe
a value of σ 1, which shows that the prevalence of
issues still varied among the teams.
We were also interested in a cross-sectional explo-
ration of challenges as perceived by students versus
mentors. In this regard, our answer to Q
shows align-
ment between student and mentor perception. On
one hand, challenges were an important motivator of
progress; we believe that agreement between student
and mentor perceptions represents an important indi-
cator of effective communication and team progress.
Conclusion for Q2: Students learned project
management and improved technical skills
Action Point: Address lack of involvement
: What were the main lessons learned from the stu-
dents’ perspective? Student responses can be grouped
into what they have learned, in the sense that what
knowledge they have accumulated while working on
the project, respectively ”lessons learned” in terms of
experiences and practices that they realized are impor-
tant in project development, as described in Table 5.
Like in the case of Q
, we employed mentor feedback
included within Table 4 to complete the perspective
provided through student feedback.
Acquired Knowledge. Teamwork was mentioned by
the largest number of teams (12), and this must be
appreciated as it was one of established learning out-
comes, and also the subject of one workshop. The
teams identified several aspects of teamwork to be
equally important, such as ”we all agreed that in the
end we learned how to be a team”(T16.LA), ”team-
work makes the dream work”(T33.LA), or in even
more detail: ”we saw how to work in a team, simi-
lar to a working place (responsibilities, targets, dead-
Technical skills were mentioned as acquired by a
total of 9 teams: ”enhancing technical skills through
knowledge sharing”(T24.LA), or ”working with tech-
nologies we have never used before and doing it suc-
cessfully”(T32.LA). Six teams considered communi-
cation as the principal gain of the project: ”The
project represented a valuable exercise in improv-
ing communication”(T45.LA), or ”we communicated
a lot throughout all the development stages”(T32.LA).
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 5: Labels for ”Lessons learned”.
Label Topics Examples
(label: LK)
teamwork, technical skills, com-
munication, estimation, collab-
oration, code review, SCRUM,
time management, version con-
trol system, task management
”We learned ... teamwork and the ability to support and
help each other”, ”We have learned to make construc-
tive reviews and learn from the feedback we receive”,
”We learned mostly about the efficiency of the SCRUM
methodology, about teamwork and time management”
Good prac-
(label: LP)
communication, motivation,
teamwork, project management
”Communication is Key”, ”we have learnt is how hard it
is to motivate people, and to manage a team of 9 people”,
”task management is crucial”
The insights also revealed special attention ded-
icated to learning (”learn by listen to team mates
opinions”, T6.LA), review (”We have learned to make
constructive reviews and learn from the feedback we
receive”, T11.LA) or adaptation (”adapt to others’
needs”, T15.LA, ”adapt to several ways of problem
solving”, T38.LA).
Good Practices. 16 teams considered that commu-
nication was the most important practice in the team
project: ”Communication is Key - is what probably
most of us discovered more and more during our col-
laboration”, T2.LP, ”The most important lesson is
that communication is essential in order to get things
done”, T14.LP. Six teams gave equal importance to
practices related to motivation: (”The most important
lesson that we have learnt is how hard it is to motivate
people”, T18.LP) and task management: (”During
the implementation of our software solution, we were
taught that ... task management is crucial”, T27.LP).
We believe it is important to perform a cross sec-
tional analysis in order to identify and characterize
the relation between lessons learned, working process
and challenges.
Lessons Learned vs. Working Process. Different
correspondences were tried, and even while some of
them did not result in a significant dependency be-
tween terms from the two sections of the survey, we
have identified two important relations that can be
summarized in the following:
Out of the 16 teams that considered ”communica-
tion” as a good practice, 10 identified and used
roles during their working process (label Roles
in Table 2), which led us to the conclusion that
roles enabled better communication between team
Among the 16 teams for which ”communication
is key” was mentioned as a good practice, only
3 mentioned communication activities in the de-
scription of the working process (label Soft skill
in Table 2). So, in most cases the teams real-
ized that they did not communicate efficiently,
and that they would have performed better if they
would have included communication activities in
the process;
Lessons learned vs. Challenges. the cross sectional
analysis performed on these two survey sections may
identify whether students were able to overcome and
find solutions to their challenges in terms of acquired
knowledge and/or lessons learned. For the organi-
zational challenges, the following dependencies have
been observed:
Out of the 16 teams for which ”task management”
was the organizational challenge (see Table 3, la-
bel: Organizational) 8 stated ”communication is
key”, 4 mentioned motivation, 3 stated collabora-
tion, and 2 mentioned teamwork as good practice;
Considering the 16 teams challenged by ”time
managment”, 4 highlighted the importance of
planning as part of project management;
Teamwork was mentioned as a good practice by
13 teams, and from these only three have consid-
ered team related activities as challenges.
As 25 teams stated that the lack of technical skills rep-
resented their main technical challenge (label Techni-
cal in Table 3), we examined if progress was made
by the end of the project: namely, seven of these
teams (28%) acquired technical skills, and another
nine teams (36%) formulated different good practices
related to technical abilities. Summarizing, 64% of
teams have extended their grasp of technical knowl-
edge and practices.
A closer analysis of the challenges related to soft
skills (label Soft skills in Table 3), revealed a num-
ber of 10 teams that dealt with ”lack of involvement”
in the project. Three of these teams mentioned the
good practice of ”difficult to motivate” (out of a to-
tal of six teams), meaning that only half of the teams
managed to overcome this challenge. It made us con-
clude that keeping students motivated and conserving
involvement of all members in the team remains an
important challenge and one that must be considered
for improvement.
Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects
Table 6: Mentor feedback of team progress in four key ar-
eas. Scores recorded on a 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)
scale, including standard deviation (σ).
Progress Area Mean Score σ
Project Management 3.43 0.82
Software Development 4 0.75
Communication 3.87 0.99
Team work 3.87 0.99
Another observation was concluded on the 5 teams
that nominated ”communication” as a challenge, and
four of them considered in the end that ”communica-
tion” is a good practice, which shows that the objec-
tives related to this soft skill have been reached to a
great extent.
Mentor Feedback. As presented in Table 6, we
summarize the mentor’s feedback regarding key ar-
eas of improvement. In all four areas, we notice that
the standard deviation σ 1, illustrating differences
within the mentors’ own perceptions. Mentors re-
ported progress in all areas, and we note that none
of them reported the lowest possible score of 1 for
any of the areas, which shows that mentor assessment
pointed toward progress taking place.
We also noted that student and mentor perceptions
were well aligned. Since we made the same observa-
tion in our analysis regarding challenges as part of Q
we can conclude that the student perception was vali-
dated using mentor feedback.
Conclusion for Q3: Main objectives of the course
are reached: technical and soft skills;
Action Point: Most important skill is communica-
: To what extent did student perception match the
overall assessment of their project? All 47 student
teams succeeded to develop a software product which
was evaluated at the end of the 14-week semester.
We found that from all teams that addressed the
extent of following the initial plan, one third declared
that they applied consistent changes to the initial plan,
another third made smaller changes while the last
third followed the initial plan almost completely (la-
bel Initial Planning in Table 1).
We compared the students’ assertions with the
grades assigned to their projects by the teaching staff,
and found a moderate positive correlation of 0.45.
This could be related to the fact that in the begin-
ning most teams were optimistic about their capacity
to deliver a complex software product. Anyway, even
if most of them had to adjust their plans, this did not
necessarily affect the requested quality or complexity.
A number of 23 teams have made some conclu-
sions about the final stage of their software product
(label Final result in Table 1). Our open coding proce-
dure identified three categories: we considered a 75%
or over completion declared by 16 teams, around 50%
by four teams, and three teams recognized as hav-
ing weak results, in the sense that the application was
functional but only a few features were implemented.
We could not identify a relation between following
the initial plan and the final result.
Regarding the students’ perception on the final re-
sult and its relationship with the way teaching staff
evaluated it, we found a strong positive correlation
of 0.80. This result could be the consequence of
the teams’ good self-evaluation skills as well as good
relative estimation skills, understanding where their
project was placed in comparison with other projects.
Nevertheless, a pessimistic perspective on the quality
of their own product could have a negative impact on
the live demonstration and could influence the evalu-
Conclusion for Q4: All students completed the
Action Point: While initial planning was not in-
dicative of project success, students were able to
correctly assess the result of their work.
The goal of this paper was to provide a better un-
derstanding of the students perception on the activ-
ities and learned abilities needed to develop a soft-
ware product. We analyzed different outcomes such
as student surveys, mentor feedback and the result of
the final evaluation; we employed a variety of em-
pirical methods such as open coding, cross sectional
analysis and statistical evidence, and we assessed both
technical abilities and soft skills acquired during the
studied coursework. The cross analysis performed on
challenges encountered by student teams and lessons
learned by team members revealed that in most cases,
students were able to overcome both technical and
soft skills related challenges.
We designed our report in the form of four ques-
tions, and for each of them, our analysis has revealed
a conclusion related to course objectives, and action
points that represent aspects that can be improved in
the future. Summarizing the four conclusions of our
objectives, we can state that the course outcomes have
been achieved, as all student teams managed to de-
liver a working product while acquiring essential pro-
fessional skills; organized workshops were found to
have a positive impact on soft skills.
The action points revealed that the teaching staff
should search for incentives to address continuous
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
participation and motivation of all students in the
teams, should supervise project planning more thor-
oughly and should encourage constant and efficient
For future work, we intend to extend our investi-
gation to cover several consecutive academic years for
a more accurate overview of the Team Project course
evolution and to gain a deeper understanding of stu-
dent perception on their overall performance. Further-
more, since the 2020-2021 academic year the Team
Project course took place fully online, a comparative
evaluation between onsite and online approaches is of
interest in order to identify the main changes in stu-
dent performance and perception.
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Investigating Student Insight in Software Engineering Team Projects