Application of Classification and Word Embedding Techniques to
Evaluate Tourists’ Hotel-revisit Intention
Evripides Christodoulou
, Andreas Gregoriades
, Maria Pampaka
and Herodotos Herodotou
Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
Keywords: XGBoost, Topic Analysis, Word2Vec, Revisit Intention, Data Mining, Tourists’ Reviews.
Abstract: Revisit intention is a key indicator for future business performance in the hospitality industry. This work
focuses on the identification of patterns from user-generated data explaining the reasons why tourist may
revisit a hotel they stayed at during their holidays and aims to identify differences among two classes of hotels
(4-5 star and 2-3 star). The method utilises data from TripAdvisor retrieved using a scrapper application.
Topic modelling is initially performed to identify the main themes discussed in each tourist review.
Subsequently, reviews are labelled depending on whether they mention the intention of their author to revisit
the hotel in the future using an ontology of revisit-intention generated using Word2Vec word embedding. The
identified topics from the labelled reviews are utilised to train an Extreme Gradient Boosting model
(XGBoost) to predict revisit intention, which is then used to identify topic-patterns in reviews that relate to
revisit intention. The learned model achieved satisfactory performance and was used to identify the most
influential topics related to revisit intention using an explainable machine learning technique to illustrate
visually the rules embedded in the learned XGBoost model. The method is applied on reviews from tourists
that visited Cyprus between 2009-2019. Results highlight that staff professionalism (e.g., politeness, smile)
is critical for both classes of hotels; however, its effect is smaller on 2-3 start hotels where cleanliness has
greater influence on revisiting.
The rapid development of Web 2.0 applications has
given users the opportunity for two-way
communication and dramatically expanded tourism-
related content on the Web (Sigala, 2016). This
increase triggered the interest of many researchers in
discovering patterns with regards to tourists
preferences, behaviours, and actions (Pan et al.,
2007). Online consumer opinions also referred as
micro blogs communicated via social media such as
Twitter, gained popularity as means for expressing
peoples’ views (Chamlertwat et al., 2012). Micro-
blogs, also known as electronic word of mouth
(eWOM), are a type of unstructured data relating to
consumer opinions and emotions and can, therefore,
affect an organisation’s reputation. For this reason,
eWOM analysis is linked with marketing activities.
In tourism, there are two classes of tourist consumers:
first-time consumers and returning consumers
(Huang & Hsu, 2009). Destination marketers are keen
to understand what drives tourists’ intention to revisit,
because the cost of retaining re-visitors is lower than
that of attracting new visitors (Um et al., 2006);
hence, the subject of tourist revisit has significant
monetary benefits.
TripAdvisor is a popular platform for tourist
related eWOM with numerous studies utilising such
data to understand and measure customer satisfaction
(Sotiriadis & van Zyl, 2013) or revisits. Most studies
on tourists-revisit consider revisit intention as an
extension of satisfaction that is derived from the
experience during the initial visit. Most studies
investigate the effect of eWOM on revisit intention
using surveys (Huang & Hsu, 2009; Raza et al., 2012).
This research focuses on examining the concept
of revisit intention by analysing eWOM generated by
tourists after their experience with a hotel at a
destination using natural language processing.
Motivation for this work lies in the limited number of
studies exploring the topics discussed in eWOM and
their relationship to revisit intention.
Christodoulou, E., Gregoriades, A., Pampaka, M. and Herodotou, H.
Application of Classification and Word Embedding Techniques to Evaluate Tourists’ Hotel-revisit Intention.
DOI: 10.5220/0010453502160223
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 216-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The methodology employed includes the use of
topic modelling to identify the main themes discussed
in eWOM and word embeddings for the identification
of reviews with high similarity with prespecified
revisit keywords. The annotated data is used to train
an XGBoost classification model that predicts revisit
intention. The model’s resulting patterns are made
explicit through a popular machine leaning model
interpretation technique, namely Shapley Additive
explanations (SHAP).
The paper is organised as follows. The next
section outlines the literature pertaining to revisit
intention which is followed by a technical review of
natural language processing techniques, covering
topic modelling, word embedding, and XGBoost
decision trees. Subsequent sections elaborate on the
method followed and the results obtained. The paper
concludes with the implications of the research and
future directions.
This section briefly overviews the background on the
area of tourist revisit intention which provides the
context of this work
Revisit intention is the intention of a traveller to
choose and visit more than once the same destination
(Chang et al., 2019). The revisit intention procedure
has been the focus of investigations for several years,
trying to understand the patterns and variables that
can lead to repeated purchase (Jang and Feng, 2007).
According to destination choice theory, tourists select
a destination that would satisfy their needs and get the
planned outcome based on a range of criteria, such as
economic factors, destination image, and destination
environment (Stylos et al., 2017). During the decision
process for choosing to visit for a second time the
same destination, travellers consider the level of past
satisfaction, needs satisfaction, attractiveness, and
perceived quality as a metric of the difference
between the expectations and the actual performance,
and finally the overall perceived risk (Quintal &
Polczynski, 2010).
Evidence suggests that many aspects of touristic
experience as described in eWOM can affect revisit
intention (Raza et al., 2012) while tourist
accommodation experiences vary by hotel star rating
and the ability of the hotels to provide different
service quality that may lead to different parameters
affecting the intention to return (Hu & Chen, 2016).
In this study, we use a bottom-up approach in
identifying these factors utilizing eWOM produced
by tourists. The main research questions are:
1. Which factors affect the intention of tourists
to revisit a hotel based on the content of their
online review?
2. What are the differences in the influencing
factors between 4-5 and 2-3 hotels?
Natural Language Processing refers to the field of
research that focuses on the analysis/processing of
human language using computers. It falls under the
umbrella of artificial intelligence and uses machine
learning, with the aim of finding patterns and
information through raw data (Yilmaz, 2014). Models
are trained using labelled or unlabelled data, with the
former referred to as supervised and the latter as
unsupervised learning. Regression and classification-
based techniques such as XGBoost and Random
Forest can be used to find patterns in textual data.
Regression is used to predict values or ranges, such
as the change in tourists’ sentiment score from
eWOM. Classification is used to find the category to
which input data falls, for example finding whether a
tourist intents to revisit a destination or not (Kim et
al., 2020).
Natural language processing has many functions
(Yilmaz, 2014); the most popular and relevant to this
study are as follows:
1. Language Modelling, which focuses on
modelling the input language so that it can
understand and predict the possibility of the
connections between words.
2. Information Retrieval, which is about finding
relevant information linked to a keyword or
keywords, for example “revisit intention”.
3. Topic Modelling, which aims to discover the
various topics discussed in a corpus of
The remaining of this section elaborates on the
main techniques in natural language processing that
have been employed in this work. The emphasis is on
topic modelling and word embedding methods as a
mean to retrieve relevant information from the corpus
and to label (i.e., specify the class they belong to) the
reviews according to their connotation to revisit
intention. The foundations of the XGBoost algorithm
are also introduced.
3.1 Topic Modelling
Topic modelling is one of the basic functions of
natural language processing and a very popular tool
Application of Classification and Word Embedding Techniques to Evaluate Tourists’ Hotel-revisit Intention
for extracting information from unstructured data. It
belongs to the category of unsupervised data mining
techniques employed to reveal and annotate
documents with a key thematic information
(Nikolenko et al., 2017). In general, it involves a
statistical model aiming at finding topics that occur in
a collection of documents. Two of the most popular
techniques for topic analysis are the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation and the Structural Topic Model (STM)
In this study, an STM topic model has been
developed using the dataset (Roberts et al., 2014).
Each topic represents a set of words occurring
frequently together in a data set. Each topic is
associated with different documents based on a
probability distribution. In this paper, documents
refer to online tourists’ reviews.
3.2 Word Embedding
To process unstructured information in text, we need
to transform this data into numerical format which
can be processed. This transformation of raw text into
a numeric vector format is known as word
representation. Word embedding represents words as
numerical vectors based on the contexts in which they
appear and is a popular method for analysing text.
This numerical word representation enables the
mapping of words in a vocabulary to a point in a
vector space. This technique is popular in capturing
semantic relations among words usually learned from
words co-occurrence information in large corpus.
This technique is based on the distributional
hypothesis stating that words occurring in similar
contexts are semantically similar (Le & Mikolov,
2014). Word2vec is one of the most popular word
embedding algorithm (Church 2017) that is based on
artificial neural network, bag of words, and skip gram
models (Church, 2017) to learn the mapping of words
to a point in a vector space. Word2vec is a prediction-
based method that can be implemented in two ways:
as a continuous bag-of-words and as a skip-gram.
Skip-gram is an unsupervised learning technique used
to find the most related words to a given word, while
the continuous bag-of-words attempts to predict a
focus word given its context. The two key parameters
for training word2vec are the number of the
embedding dimensions, and the number of words
before and after the target word, which is considered
as its context. The advantages of word2vec compared
to other word embedding algorithms is its ability to
predict the probability of word’s similarity to a given
context and the ability to predict context similarity in
a given word in addition to word similarity prediction
(Church, 2017).
3.3 XGBoost
Extreme Gradient Boosting decision trees (XGBoost)
is a newer version of the gradient boosting decision
tree model (Chen & Guestrin, 2016) for classification
and regression problems; it has been extensively used
in academia and industry due to its excellent
performance in machine learning tasks. XGBoost
offers performance improvement over traditional
boosting algorithms by addressing model’s
overfitting with regularization, and hence it produces
generalizable models in timely manner (Gumus &
Kiran, 2017). XGBoost combines multiple decision
trees in a linear way, with each tree built based on the
result of the previous tree (Zamani Joharestani et al.,
2019). It is an ensemble method since it combines
multiple classification and regression trees (CARTs),
each composed of a number of nodes. Because
XGBoost generates high performance on predictions,
it has been used in research related to weather
predictions, traffic accidents, etc. with the
combination of SHAP for plotting models’ insights
(Parsa et al., 2020). Also, after validating its
effectiveness in micro blogs, it has become a popular
method and is often chosen for studies aiming to find
patterns among eWOM text data for opinion mining
(Wang et al., 2019).
The workflow employed to answer our research
questions is depicted in Figure 1. The process starts
with the data extraction from TripAdvisor using a
python scrapper for tourists who visited Cyprus
between 2010 and 2019. The scraper saves in comma
delimited format the travellers’ username, rating of
hotel, user helpful votes and contributions, date of
stay and day of feedback, city of stay, hotel stars,
country of origin, and the review text. A total of
65000 reviews was collected, all in English language,
created by tourists coming from 27 countries and who
stayed at 2 to 5-star hotels.
The first step in the process is the pre-processing
of the data to remove irrelevant ASCII codes and the
elimination of reviews with incomplete information
(e.g., missing country of origin). Next step is the
elimination of reviews from local visitors to focus on
overseas tourists.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3StarHotel s
DataCl eaning
revis it
Figure 1: Overall method’s flowchart.
The next step is the identification of the main
themes presented in each review using the STM topic
modelling approach. An illustration of this process
can be found in Christodoulou et al., (2020). During
this process, the corpus underwent pre-processing to
remove stop-words and irrelevant information,
followed by tokenization (breaking sentences into
word tokens), and stemming (converting words to
their root form). During the learning of the STM
model, an iterative process was followed examining
different values for the number of topics (K) and
inspecting the semantic coherence and exclusivity of
the model at each iteration until a satisfactory model
was produced (Roberts et al., 2014). Two different
models were developed for this purpose, based on the
feedback of tourists who stayed in two categories of
hotels (2-3 and 4-5 stars).
The word2vec method is used to find the
eWOM’s author intention to revisit or not and was
used as the class variable during the training of the
XGBoost model. The features used for training the
classification model were the topics that emerged
from the STM results.
Labelling reviews based on the intention for
revisit is a key process in this study. To make this
possible, visit-related keywords were found from a
learned word2vec model trained on the tourists’
reviews corpus. A similar approach is employed to
create ontologies for finding relevant documents from
corpus (Church, 2017). The training of the word2vec
models was performed using the pre-processed
corpus using bigrams, trigrams, and four-grams
phrases. Using the word2vec model and a similarity
function of genism library, the 50 most similar words
and phrases to revisit were identified, and from these,
the 10 most correlated with each other were selected
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Most similar words to revisit using the learned
word2vec model.
These words and their associations constituted a
simple ontology based on which the corpus was
searched, and reviews were labelled. The reviews
were classified as positive if their content had a clear
connotation of intent to revisit and neutral otherwise.
Reviews with a clear reference to non-revisit
intention were eliminated due to very low
frequency/proportion. Reviews with no reference to
revisit were considered as neutral. The intent to revisit
was specified by searching the content of the reviews
for text containing any of the words of phases in the
prespecified ontology. To classify reviews that refer
to revisit in a positive way rather than a negative, the
rating of the review was also utilised. For instance, “I
will revisit” versus “I will not revisit” both contain
the keyword “revisit” but relating to different
intentions. Hence, the rating of the review was used
as an additional property to aid the correct labelling
of the reviews, with high rating (>4) and occurrence
of the key phases and words from the ontology
denoting an intention to revisit and vice versa. A
frequency distribution of the intention to revisit per
year based on the compiled dataset is depicted in
Figure 3 that also shows the imbalance between
revisit and neutral classes.
The new dataset, that emerged from the labelled
reviews and the topics associated with each review,
was used to train a classification model using
XGBoost to predict the topics that influence the
intention to revisit by hotel-category. The topics’
probability distributions per review were used as
input features of the model. Given the data imbalance,
and in order to maximize the efficiency of the model,
Application of Classification and Word Embedding Techniques to Evaluate Tourists’ Hotel-revisit Intention
the grid search of scikit toolkit was used to check and
select the best hyperparameters for achieving the best
Area Under the Curve (AUC) classification metric.
This process was performed twice, for the two
datasets relating to the class of hotel stars and the
different topics per category.
To scrutinize further the learned XGBoost model
and to enhance our confidence in the produced model
results, an additional step was also included in our
methodology that compared the XGBoost against
another powerful tree-based classifier, namely
Random Forest. This additional classifier was also
developed using the same dataset and following the
same steps as described earlier.
To improve the interpretability of the XGBoost
model and aid the identification of patterns that have
the most influence on the target variable, SHAP, a
popular model interpretability technique was utilised.
This enables the quantitative estimation of model
interpretability and enables the visualization of black
box algorithms outcome (Lundberg & Lee, 2017).
Figure 3: Distribution of revisit intention across the years in
absolute numbers.
For the first stage of the process, the STM topic model
was developed using the estimated K number of
topics based on the model’s coherence metrics. The
K for the 2-3 and 4-5 stars hotels were 34 and 30
respectively. Topics were named using the most
frequent words in each topic. The topics and their
naming as identified are depicted in Table 1.
The word2vec model created using the reviews
corpus was utilised to find the most similar words and
phrases to revisit. Subsequently, similar words to the
utput of that process were used again using the
Table 1: STM topics table.
This iterative process was continued until the
words and phrases that were emerging had no
connotation to revisit. A filtered subset of these words
and phrases is depicted in table 2.
Table 2: Ontology Words retrieved from word2vec.
The relationships between these words formed the
ontology based on which the reviews were classified.
The XGBoost classification model that emerged from
the compiled dataset (and after hyper parameter
tuning) obtained a prediction accuracy of 84% and
um Topic name 2 – 3 Stars Topic name 4 - 5 Stars
1 Clubbing holidays Renovated over years
2 Renovation Poor
3 Good rooms Special bar drinks
4 Dirty bathroom Spa gym massage
5 Dirty-unprofessional
Smiling staff
6 Helpfull staff Rude staff
7 Other guests Efficient service
8 Insufficient all
Best stayed
9 Good location Well furnished room
10 Amazing staff Extra costs for amenities
wifi,coffee machines
11 Not well equipped
Just ok
12 Good access (bus
Amazing dinner (buffet,a
la carte
13 Comfortable room Bad maintenance
14 Poor entertaiment and
With transportations
15 Limited breakfast
Located close to beach
16 Pool area Great for weddings
17 Value for money Great for anniversaries
18 Close to beach with pool Perfect location
19 Basic accomotation Without complains agains
20 Accept late arrials Luxury
21 Good dinner Great staff organisation
22 Low quality food and
Room with seaview
23 Smelly room Exceptional service
24 Good bar service Dirty
25 Ideal for summer
ool area
Bad service
26 Bad customer service With entertaiment
27 Old room Great for families
28 Good entertaiment Bad managment
29 Friendly staff Centrally located
30 Basic apartment no
Great service staff
31 The best experiance
32 Close to beach
33 Bad facilities
34 Clean
ood se
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
AUC score of 90% for the reviews of tourists who
visited 2-3 star hotels, and 89% prediction accuracy
and AUC score of 90% for the 4-5 star hotels. Figures
4 and 5 show respectively the summary SHAP plots
for the 2-3 and 4-5 star models with the topics’ names
depicted on the left y axis and the horizontal axis
indicating the effect of each feature (topic) on the
intention to revisit, with positive effect indicating
higher log odds for revisit shown with a positive
SHAP value on the x-axis. The weighting of the effect
of each topic on the target variable is denoted by the
hierarchy of the topics on the y axis with the most
important topics appearing at the top. The colouring
of the violin graphs indicate the intensity of the topics
discussed in the reviews and the spread of each violin
line denotes the frequency of each topics’ state.
Figure 4: XGBoost summary for 2-3 star hotel reviews.
The model’s most important topics that can shape
the revisit intention are 10 from the total of 34 for the
2-3 star hotels. The most important topic refers to
dirty space and unprofessional staff. When reviews
refer to these, then the chance of re-visiting is
reduced. The second and third most important topics
mainly refer to staff in a positive way. When reviews
talk about amazing and friendly staff, then the
intention to revisit increases. The next most important
topic has to do with the dirtiness of the rooms and
especially bathrooms; when the tourist refers to such
aspects, the revisit intention is reduced. The opposite
happens when the review talks about the location of
the hotel and its facilities as a summer destination.
The model for the 4-5 star hotels gave rise to the
10 most important topics that can determine the return
visit. There are several similarities with the previous
model for 2-3 star hotels. For example, the most
important topic we find in the feedback text relates to
the rudeness of the staff. When it appears, it reduces
the chance of a tourist intending to visit again. The
happy and smiley staff can lead to revisit intention,
which can be reduced when the hospitality topic is
reported to be cheap or poorly maintained or dirty.
Figure 5: XGBoost summary for 4-5 star hotel reviews.
To improve our confidences in the results from the
XGBoost, a Random Forest (RF) model was also
generated for each of the two hotel categories and
compared against the results of the XGBoost models.
The two RF models for each category of hotels
yielded 82% prediction accuracy and 88% AUC score
for the 2-3 star hotels, and 85% accuracy and 88%
AUC score for the 4-5 star hotels. Both classifiers
achieved comparable AUC performance, hence the
purpose here was to investigate the inherent patterns
of both models for possible discrepancies. Initially,
the SHAP summary plots of the two RF models were
generated and compared against those of XGBoost.
Subsequently, the decision plots for both RF and
XGBoost were compared as shown in Figure 6.
The decision plots in Figure 6 depict the first-
order interactions in the model and hence display the
cumulative effect of model’s features and their
interactions for one or more observations. In our case,
we depict the average score of each feature from the
dataset to explore how this, when used as input to the
model, will generate an output. The x-axis shows the
log odds of the revisit intention and in the y-axis the
features in order of importance. The base value of the
model is the average model output over the training
dataset and is designated by the origin of the x-axis.
The decision plot explains all predictions from the
dataset using both main effects and interactions. As
can be seen in Figure 6, the most influential topics to
revisit intention that emerge from both models for 4-
5 star hotels are very similar with the main topics
affecting revisit intention that occur in both models,
such as those that refer mainly to the staff and hotel
cleanliness. For the development of the decision
plots, we utilize the mean value for revisit intention
Application of Classification and Word Embedding Techniques to Evaluate Tourists’ Hotel-revisit Intention
and neutral cases, and use these two as exemplar
cases to explain the critical mass of the dataset in an
intuitive way. The decision plots highlight that the
effect of the staff parameters on revisit intention are
high with the negative effect (log odds) of poor staff
attitude being higher than the positive effect of
exceptional staff attitude. This abides with the
asymmetry theory in service quality which states that
the effect of a hotel attribute performance on guests’
satisfaction is not linear. Similar results are obtained
for the 2-3 start hotels.
Figure 6: XGBoost (top) and RF (bottom). Decision plots
for 4-5 stars hotels. The red line corresponds to revist
intention cases and blue to neutral cases.
This study addressed the problem of tourists’ revisit
from a big data analytics perspective, given its
importance to tourism industry. The methodology
employed utilises topic modelling, word embedding,
and contemporary classification algorithm such as
XGBoost and Random Forest. Data was collected
from TripAdvisor; topics were created using STM
topic modelling and information retrieval using
word2vec. Unlike other approaches, this method
focuses on analysis of the raw text data posted on the
internet in order to find the corresponding topics that
correlate with the revisit intention instead of finding
associations through predefined topics (Jang and
Feng, 2007; Raza et al., 2012).
The main results show that the variables that are
associated with, and perhaps can influence, intention
to return relate to aspects pertaining to the staff and
service provided. The service and the emotions
conveyed by the staff are important variables that
shape the level of satisfaction (Rao, 2013) and the
intention for a traveller to consider returning
(Badarneh et al., 2001), thus these results are in
agreement with literature. The next most important
factors influencing the revisit intention are the
cleanliness of the hotel, its facilities, and its location.
Similarities between the 2-3 and 4-5 star hotels
are presented despite the difference in their stars
rating. Even though the expectations of the tourists
are different for each hotel class, the baseline factors
remain similar (Shanka & Taylor, 2004).
The purpose of the data separation was to find
different topics that would indicate different aspects
influencing revisit intention in each hotel category.
However, although the topics are different, the
intention to return is associated with topics that are
common to both cases and relate to staff
professionalism and service. The main difference in
the two classes of hotels is the level of cleanliness
which has greater effect for the 2-3 star hotels
compared to 4-5 hotels. Overall, the results highlight
that staff professionalism is critical for both classes of
hotels; however, its effect is smaller on 2-3 start
hotels where cleanliness is also an important
consideration for revisiting and has a greater effect.
A limitation of this work regards the labelling of
reviews based on their revisit intention. The
technique used in this study might miss out reviews
that refer to revisit due to language semantics. To
address this limitation a combination of embedding
techniques will be applied in the future and the results
will be compared with the proposed approach.
Finally, future work will incorporate reviews in other
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