Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic
and User’s Perspective
Eduardo Akimitsu Yamauchi
1 a
, Cristiano Maciel
1 b
, Fabiana Freitas Mendes
2 c
Gustavo Seiji Ueda
and Vinicius Carvalho Pereira
3 d
Institute of Computer Science, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiab
a, Brazil
Faculty of Gama, University of Bras
ılia, Bras
ılia, DF, Brazil
Languages Institute, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiab
a, Brazil
Requirements Engineering, Digital Legacy, Digital Life and Death, Posthumous Interaction, Digital
Memorials, Digital Legacy Management Systems.
There are now relatively new systems and functionalities aimed at digital legacy management. In this paper,
our objective is to analyze the domain of digital legacy management systems from three perspectives: the
theoretical, the systemic and the users’. Due to the complexity of those systems, these perspectives were
analyzed jointly and in an exploratory approach. Therefore, this article proposes the following classification
of digital legacy management systems: dedicated systems and integrated systems. The innovative results from
this study allow software developers to better understand important issues concerning the complex cultural
practices in this domain, thus contributing to a rich discussion on those systems, their requirements and limits
to their development.
With the widespread popularity of the Internet start-
ing in the mid-1990s, there has been exponential
growth of people accessing the web and systems that
store user data, and this poses challenges to its man-
agement. Among these challenges, we highlight:
what to do with the data of people who die? This
question led to the development of relatively new sys-
tems and functionalities to manage the challenges.
In this context, there are several questions left unan-
swered and are intended to be discussed in this article.
In Brazil, one perceives that there is concern with
the treatment of data in the event of death. Among
the categories of challenges listed in 2012 in the
GranDIHC-BR (Baranauskas et al., 2014), is the ’G4-
Human Values’, which included, among others, the
challenge related to the theme Posthumous inter-
action and digital legacy after death (Maciel and
Pereira, 2012b). In 2016, the GranDSI-BR were elab-
orated. One of the themes, The technological and
human challenges of dealing with death in informa-
tion systems (Maciel and Pereira, 2016), proposed
a discussion on postmortem digital legacy, on solu-
tions related to digital assets and on how web systems
(cloud applications, digital memorials and social net-
works, for example) have been used and developed
in light of these issues. In other communities, such
as Software Engineering, there is also an opportunity
to discuss this area. The sensitivity of this discussion
should be highlighted, since taboos and beliefs about
death also permeate the life of software engineers and
can reflect on system design, as addressed by Maciel
and Pereira (2012a). On the other hand, there is con-
cern about the user data on networks (Braman et al.,
2014; NYTimes, 2018). From the business viewpoint,
there are different solutions in the market. Facebook
(2020) and Google (2018) have implemented solu-
tions in their systems functionalities that address dig-
ital legacy; furthermore, there are a few systems dedi-
cated to digital legacy administration (Beyond, 2018).
These systems generally store user data in Cloud Stor-
age (Carroll and Romano, 2010; Hopkins, 2013) gen-
Yamauchi, E., Maciel, C., Mendes, F., Ueda, G. and Pereira, V.
Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0010449800410053
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 41-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
erating, among other problems, concern about the le-
gal requirements applied in the territories where the
servers are located.
With the focus on literature, the development of
these systems and the perception of users, this re-
search seeks to investigate: what are the functionali-
ties and how do they serve users in managing legacies
via software? In order to provide answers, this arti-
cle’s goals was to analyze the proficiency of digital
legacy management systems from three perspectives:
theoretical, systemic and user. It was understood that,
given the complexity of these systems, such perspec-
tives should be unveiled together in an exploratory
To this end, the literature on the subject was ini-
tially investigated from a theoretical perspective,
especially work aimed at classifying such systems.
More specific references are incorporated into the de-
bate from other perspectives. From a systemic per-
spective, digital legacy management systems avail-
able on the market were analyzed and the authors
saw the need to propose a typification for Digital
Legacy Management Systems (DLMS): Dedicated
Digital Legacy Management Systems (DDLMS)
and Integrated Digital Legacy Management Systems
(IDLMS). From these, a list of requirements is de-
rived and discussed in the light of their engineering
and other studies in the area. The starting point for
these definitions was the existing literature on systems
in the domain; however, no literature addresses the
subject using this nomenclature. From the users’ per-
spective, in order to understand how they behave and
feel using such systems, information was collected
through a survey. Among other points, the partic-
ipants answered a questionnaire that encouraged re-
flection about digital legacy and the types of systems
involved in the field. The innovative results of this
research are useful to software designers for the ab-
straction of important issues and practices in this area,
through the establishment of concepts linked to this
complex domain.
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
a review of the literature related to digital legacy
the user perspective of using digital legacy sys-
a classification of digital legacy system consider-
ing the literature and survey findings
a list of requirements for digital legacy manage-
ment systems derived from literature review and
survey findings
The theoretical and systemic perspective presents a
survey of classifications and functionalities for DLMS
as well as other related data sources (see Section
3) The user perspective brings the analysis of user’s
opinion on the subject (see Section 4). Section 5
presents and discusses the two main results of this sur-
vey: the differentiation between integrated and ded-
icated systems for digital legacy management, and
the list of requirements for DLMS. Finally, Section 6
presents the final considerations related to this survey,
including its limitations and future work.
This research is exploratory, with contributions from
a technical, technological and human nature point
of view. Three perspectives of investigation were
adopted in an integrated way: theoretical, systemic
and user (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Research Phases.
The literature review stage (theoretical perspec-
tive) was performed in a non-systematic way. For
the selection of the theoretical references, a free sur-
vey was available in digital libraries of a specific
database in this field, which was developed by the
project (DAVI, 2020), was carried out. Many of the
selected works performed the tool analysis (systemic
perspective). These works considered several tools
such as Eter9 (2020), Afternote (2020) and Safebe-
yond (2020), Facebook (2020), Instagram (2018) and
Google (2018).
Finally, the user perspective was assessed through
a survey. The study opted for the construction and
electronic distribution of a questionnaire in order to
reach a larger number of answers, considering the
exploratory proposal. The data collection focused
on users’ experiences and opinions regarding digital
legacy management systems (DDLMS and IDLMS).
The questionnaire
was applied in two moments.
The questionnaraire is available at
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
First, with the students of the subject Special Topics
in Software Engineering at University X. In the sub-
ject, the students developed a redesign project for an
DLMS. The project gave them an understanding of
what digital legacy management tools are, but it was
believed that they already had knowledge about the
subject before answering the questionnaire and there-
fore they compose the first group of subjects in this
survey. In this first stage, 47 responses were obtained
in 12 days.
In a second stage, the questionnaire was shared
on social networks (Facebook and Twitter) and was
sent by e-mail to research groups, with 133 responses
recorded in a 7-day application period. In total, 180
answers were obtained. The data were treated in order
to detect inconsistencies. At the end, out of the 180
answers, nine were discarded because the participants
only answered one part, which left 171 questions. Ta-
ble 1. presents the numbers obtained in the survey.
Table 1: Survey Numbers.
Data Collection Phase Number of
Students 47
Public in General 133
Total (before data treatment) 180
Total (after data treatment) 171
Then, for the purpose of anonymity, the participants
of the first stage were identified as UAn and those in
the second stage as Un, wheren is a unique number
and each unit represents a different participant in that
Although the collection was carried out at differ-
ent times, the data was analyzed together, but noting
differences between the two sets. Below, the three
perspectives for the study of this domain are pre-
sented, following the methodology explained above.
The following sections present the results obtained
in each of the phases of this research (DAVI - Da-
dos Al
em da Vida/Data beyond Life) (DAVI, 2020),
which has approval from the Ethics Committee on Re-
search with Human Beings of UFMT.
While alive, an individual produces information asso-
ciated with the online or digital world, such as social
network profiles (Facebook, Twitter etc.), e-mails,
databases, images, sounds, videos, passwords to ac-
cess digital assets and services and several others. All
this production is defined by Edwards and Harbinja
(2013) as digital assets. Once this individual dies,
he leaves a digital legacy that deserves special atten-
tion as it belongs to the field of intimacy of the holder
(Leal, 2018; Beppu and Maciel, 2020). For Carrol
and Romano (2010), “a digital legacy is the sum of
the digital assets that you leave to others”. In this
sense, concerns arise as to where and how this data is
left, how it is passed on, how it can be managed, how
the systems can support users in these tasks, among
Gulotta et al. (2014) also states that ”the creation
of a digital legacy is a complex process, and the rapid
growth of technology is increasingly intersecting with
it in profound ways. In addition to that, Pfister (2017)
highlights that “digital legacy is fragmented over de-
vices, storage locations, and storage providers.
Based on researches such as Odom et al. (2012)
and Carroll and Romano (2010), Pfister (2017) agrees
that ”The term digital legacy is used quite vaguely in
prior work and shall, in this work here, also imply that
every information item digitally created and curated
by an individual has the potential to become a digital
heirloom given the right kind of socially-constructed
circumstances once an individual passed away.
In this context it is important to have Digital
Legacy Management Systems (DLMS), because they
aim to help the user define what happens with his
legacy after death. This non-systematic literature re-
view identified four approaches to studying DLMS:
(1) studying the functionalities of an DLMS, (2)
discussing aspects related to the data handling of
a DLMS, (3) services offered by a DLMS, and fi-
nally, (4) the behavior of users and developers towards
DLMS. The following sections present the SGDLs
considering these four approaches.
3.1 DLMS Functionalities
Ueda et al. (2018) analyzed eleven digital legacy sys-
tems, listed a series of functionalities and detailed
more complex functions of some of these services,
typifying the systems and functionalities in: inher-
itance management, memorial, communicators and
online immortality.
Gullota et al. (2016), analyzed the contents and
functionalities of 75 digital legacy systems and clas-
sified the DLMS in four categories, as follows:
1. Systems Designed Primarily for Personal Use:
they are designed to assist the user who wishes
to plan the events arising from his future death.
Systems of this category generally provide func-
tionalities for the administration of their users’
data, as well as functionalities for the disclosure
Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective
of their latest wishes, the sending of messages to
pre-configured people, and the management of in-
formation and possessions that will be inherited
by the pre-defined heirs.
2. Mourning Support Systems: these are designed
for people who are in mourning or who have an
interest in remembering information about some-
one who has already passed away. They are typ-
ically used by people who have met the deceased
in life. This category is composed of websites and
applications where users create a memorial for the
3. Systems That Cater to ‘memories’ and Share
Information about Ancestors or People Who
Died in a Distant Past: they include tree systems
and share similar objectives with the first and sec-
ond category. Some users use these systems to
understand their own lives, or prepare for death.
Similarly to the second category, these systems
are designed for people in life to reflect on people
who have died. In addition, they provide the func-
tionality to connect information about the user’s
4. Systems that Promote Public Reflection and
Debate on Significant Events and Experiences:
they aim at public reflection and debate, such as
war or major disasters. This category uses ele-
ments from others, but is distinct because it is de-
signed to collect and store information regarding
a broad theme, not specifically an individual or
The next section presents the LMSs considering the
data that they store.
3.2 Data Management in DMLS
Bahri et al. (2015) propose a conceptual framework
based on a review of studies in the field (Brubaker
et al., 2014; Schiffman, 2003; Hopkins, 2013; Mick-
litz et al., 2013) with a view to data management re-
lated to digital legacy in the context of social net-
works. From this perspective, the process of defin-
ing the fate of the digital legacy is the central point.
To this end, the authors categorize the data contem-
plated by the framework as follows: a) donation data:
b) legacy data, c) intellectual property data, and d)
destructible data: data which the user wishes to be
destroyed after his death.
In the first stage of the framework the user dis-
tinguishes the categories of data he/she possesses and
selects who will be his/her heirs, the institutions that
will receive his/her data and the people who will au-
thenticate his/her death when it occurs. The second
stage consists of the framework’s performance after
the identification of the user’s death. The framework
deletes all destructible data, selected in the first stage,
and performs the delivery of legacy data, intellectual
property and donation to people and institutions pre-
viously defined.
The next section presents studies that discuss the
DLMS from the perspective of the services they offer.
3.3 DLMS Services
Ohman and Floridi (2017) also discuss DLMS ser-
vices in the commercial context and coined the term
Digital Afterlife Industry (DAI) to characterize ser-
vices and products offered as a result of the death of
an online user, which can be monetized by the indus-
try. The DAI is defined by three criteria:
1. Production: to be classified as an industry, some
form of goods or services must be produced,
therefore the DAI refers to production activities,
this distinguishes it from activities without any
productive result, such as unregistered mourning.
2. Commercialism: companies operating with DAI
generate goods, services or experiences (such as
bereavement and death) with the objective of ob-
taining profit, thus producing commodities (Marx,
1887). This excludes non-profit activities, such as
religious communities; memorial sites written by
users; and charity, which fall outside the produc-
tion criteria.
3. Online Use of Digital Human Remains: DAI
can act on any information left by the deceased
online, such as: a) commercialization of physical
funerals and off-line digital services, such as the
alteration of the photo of a tombstone or the cre-
mation of the deceased; b) projects of biological
immortality that increase the durability of the or-
ganic body; and c) business of digital assets that
do not involve human beings or animals.
In this study, Ohman and Floridi (2017) selected 57
companies from three resources: a list provided by
the Digital Afterlife Blog (2018), a list used in the
Oliveira studies (2016) and the 50 applications found
in Google search using the string “Digital Afterlife
Service”. Ohman and Floridi noticed that the selected
systems offer a set of services to achieve their main
goal. They analyzed the systems from the perspective
of the services offered, detecting 72 services related to
the digital legacy. Ohman and Floridi classified these
72 services into 14 “generic groups”, later grouped
into four “service types”:
1. Information Management Services: help the
user with the administration of digital assets in
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
case of death or the administration of data from
a deceased third party.
2. Posthumous Messaging Services: provide the
delivery of messages to their recipients after de-
tection of the user’s death.
3. Online Memorial Services: provide an online
space for a deceased or a group for the deceased to
be remembered/commoned. In the literature, uses
of memorials linked to social networks (de Cam-
pos et al., 2017), specific for this purpose (Maciel
et al., 2019) and/or linked to physical spaces (Ma-
ciel et al., 2017) are recorded.
4. Life Recreation Services: they use personal data
to generate new content replicating the behavior
of the deceased, from the perspective of digital
immortality (Galv
ao and Maciel, 2017).
Another important issue to be explored in the context
of DLMSs is the behavior of users and developers to-
wards the challenges imposed on this type of system.
The next section aims to present authors who have
discussed the DLMSs from this perspective.
3.4 User and Developer Behavior in
Relation to DLMS
The same research by Gullota et al. (2016) cited in
Section 3.1 also discusses how the analyzed systems
engage users to feed their data into these same sys-
tems, taking as assumptions “the possible uncertain-
ties of life and death”, “the desire to contribute to the
next generations” and the ability of digital systems
to protect the personal life of users, that is, death-
oriented practices in the system. It was noted that
systems need other types of death-oriented practices,
since narratives that engage ordinary users may not
engage all users. In this same context, Maciel (2011)
analyzed, through a questionnaire, the perception of
83 software engineers about aspects related to DLMS.
In particular, the author analyzed the destination of
digital assets on the social web and highlights a list
of requirements for the deployment of volition in So-
cial Web applications. In another study with the same
data, Maciel (2012a) identifies taboos and beliefs that
engineers have in digital legacy management.
Pereira et al. (2019) analyzed how the public un-
derstood and how they used a DLMS by reporting the
emotional cost of death-related technologies to both
the user of a DLMS and the heir. They focused on the
perception of young adults, from 18 to 24 years old,
about these systems. This age group was chosen be-
cause they are the “main” potential users of this type
of system. The researchers used the semiotic inspec-
tion method and the DiLeMa framework proposed by
Pereira et al. (2017), composed of six dimensions:
1) Interlocutors, 2) Definition of Inheritance, 3) As-
signment of Functions, 4) User Status, 5) Availability
of Inheritance and 6) Security Mechanisms. The first
dimension refers to the interlocutors, those who as-
sume functions in the DLMS. In the second dimen-
sion (definition of the inheritance), the collection
that will be inherited (the digital legacy), how it is ob-
tained and the associations of this collection with the
heirs are defined. The third dimension deals with how
the assignment of functions takes place. The fourth
dimension, user status, deals with when the actions
defined by the user must be initiated. The user can
assume two statuses: active or inactive. The change
of status occurs through triggers, which can be a no-
tification to the system by the trusted contact or the
inactivity time of the user. After this time, the system
sends notifications to the trusted contacts, who must
confirm or deny the death of the user. The way to
make the legacy available is handled in the fifth di-
mension. Finally, the sixth dimension deals with se-
curity mechanisms: authentication of the interlocu-
tors and data security.
Considering the four approaches to the study of
DLMS presented here, in general, the authors deal
with systems to support mourning and the rites
of death (Gulotta et al., 2016;
Ohman and Floridi,
2017), inheritance management and transfer of as-
sets (Gulotta et al., 2016;
Ohman and Floridi, 2017;
Ueda et al., 2018; Bahri et al., 2015; Maciel, 2011;
Pereira and Prates, 2017), digital memorials (Gu-
lotta et al., 2016;
Ohman and Floridi, 2017; Ueda
et al., 2018; Maciel, 2011), posthumous messages or
communicators (
Ohman and Floridi, 2017; Maciel
et al., 2015; Ueda et al., 2018) and digital immor-
tality (Galv
ao and Maciel, 2017; Gulotta et al., 2016;
Ohman and Floridi, 2017; Ueda et al., 2018). Many of
these systems are dealt with by providing services in
an interconnected and overlapping way, which makes
their analysis difficult. The centrality of legacy man-
agement in heritage management, asset transfer sys-
tems and in digital memorials, which can incorporate
solutions for others, is noteworthy.
Finally, it should be emphasized that there is no
definition in academic literature that contemplates the
DLMS from the perspective of the primary objective
of the systems that will offer this service, that is, if
the focus is on the management of the legacy, or if
they are functionalities embedded in a system that has
other purposes. Such perspectives broaden the scope
of these systems, respectively called dedicated and in-
tegrated in this research.
Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective
This section aims to present the results of the survey
conducted with 171 users, as presented in Section 2.
An initial discussion of these data was briefly pub-
lished in (Yamauchi et al., 2018).
In relation to the survey respondents’ profile,
29.8% were between 26 and 30 years old; 26.9%
were between 21 and 25 years old; 18.7% were be-
tween 31 and 40 years old; 18.1% were between 40
and 60 years old; and 4.1% were between 17 and
20 years old. Of these, 57.7% were identified as
belonging to the male gender; 42.1%, female; and
0.6, as non-binary. In general, the participants had
a good education level: 62% had university degrees;
34.5% incomplete university degree; and 2.9% had
only a high school degree. All participants claimed to
use some form of social media: 97.07% used Face-
book; 80.70%, Youtube; 70.76%, Instagram; 36.5%,
Google+; 26.9%, Pinterest; 16.95%, Snapchat; and
9.94%, Twitter. Regarding foreign languages, 60.81%
answered that they were fluent in English.
The knowledge about digital legacy was gauged
through a discursive question. Considering the an-
swers given, the idea is derived that digital legacy is
any data that is left stored in some digital system and
may persist or not after the user’s death. Furthermore,
participants understand the relationship between dig-
ital assets and legacies, but without distinguishing the
different types of assets and what they are used for. Of
the 171 participants, 29.9% answered that they had
prior knowledge about DLMS; 70.8% did not. For
those who answered the latter, the questionnaire was
finalized. The upcoming survey questions addressed
specific aspects of the DLMS, which are discussed in
the following sections.
Transfer of Inheritance. One of the objectives of
these systems is the transfer of digital heritage. There-
fore, the users were asked to notify their will as to the
destination of the legacy itself, with a list of options.
Of the respondents, 34% preferred the assignment of
a guardian; 18%, the assignment of an heir who would
have complete access to all accounts; 22%, the exclu-
sion of accounts, but with data transfer to the heir;
12%, the total exclusion of accounts; 10%, the ex-
clusion of some pre-selected accounts, leaving the re-
sponsibility for others to an heir; 2%, the exclusion
of the account, but leaving only the data that was se-
lected while alive; and 2% gave another option. In
the latter case, the U87 participant answered ‘I would
like for it to be possible to group the information and
classify it into categories or tags, and so the systems
can allow you to choose what data you want to share
while you are alive, or omit data that you don’t want
anyone to see”. It should be noted that the majority
of the users opted for the exclusion of the account,
with or without transfer of goods. This data corrobo-
rates Gach’s (2019) research on users’ preference for
account exclusion.
Guardians. Regarding the use of guardian mech-
anisms (data administrators) (Brubaker et al., 2014)
of digital assets, the majority of participants (54%)
are comfortable with the use of this mechanism; 36%
do not feel comfortable; and 10% fit in like others.
Participant UA3 has another response: I don’t think
the idea of a guardian is legal. Because you might
choose a guardian who doesn’t want to manage your
account. So I think you should delete the accounts
and just keep the information, which is similar to what
happens in real life. Because when the person dies she
stops performing activities”. The participant UA13
believes that there is no need to assign a guardian
and the system should only ensure that all posts are
deleted permanently”.
For digital legacy management systems to be ef-
fective, users must determine their will while alive
(Maciel, 2011), as well as define their heirs, accord-
ing to the systems’ rules. In the questionnaire it was
asked if all preconfigured settings in the digital will
should be obeyed. The study found that 86.0% of the
respondents believe that it should. Participant UA3
emphasizes that wills must abide by current law”.
Participants UA3, UA6 and U58 stressed that wills of-
ten cannot be fulfilled. Participant UA32 stresses that
the will must always be updated, since the user’s will
always changes. The participant suggests techniques
such as machine learning (Britannica, 2018) or some
kind of “judge” to evaluate whether the will recorded
in the digital will should be complied with or disre-
garded. Prates, Rosson and De Souza (2015) report
a set of challenges that, if met by the systems, will
ensure the anticipation of user interaction, providing
higher volition (Maciel, 2011) at the time the users
configure their digital legacy.
Digital Will. Another issue addressed in the survey
was whether participants consider that the digital will
has the same relevance as a physical will and, in case
there was any conflict between the two, which one
should be prioritized. Of the total number of respon-
dents, 84% think that the digital will has the same im-
portance as the physical will.
Respondents were also asked whether the digital
will and the written on paper (physical) have the same
validity. Of the respondents, 54% believe that the last
written will is valid; 24% opted for the physical and
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
12% gave no response. Participant UA38 replied that
It depends on the origin of the digital document, and
security considerations should be validated”, while
participant UA44 replied: The physical one! Who
guarantees that the user was not hacked and his will
was changed?”. Therefore, there are concerns that
the will may be improperly changed by third parties;
for the digital will to be valid, the system must pro-
vide security mechanisms and authentication of users
(Pereira and Prates, 2017).
Data in SGLD. Online systems use globally dis-
tributed databases, i.e. the data of a given user may
be stored in a different country than the country of
residence. Users were asked whether they feel com-
fortable having their data stored in other jurisdiction,
empyazing that databases are subject to the laws of
the countries where they are located. The survey
showed that 64% of respondents felt comfortable with
this, but 36% did not.
The form of data management is, in the vast ma-
jority of systems, described in the terms of use and
privacy policies of the systems. In this context, par-
ticipants were asked if they read the terms related to
digital legacies. Answers were 52% they do not, 44%
read sometimes and only 4% read such documents.
Oliveira et al. (2016) highlight that“the lack of knowl-
edge on the part of participants about the terms of use
of the services and Yamauchi et al. (2016) point out
the difficulty of understanding these texts, as they are
long and have a very technical vocabulary.
The participants were also asked how they felt
about the ownership of their data: 84% affirm that
the data are from the users themselves; 8%, from the
companies that hold the data; 4%, from the public;
and 4%, others. However, in terms of use, this is not
always the understanding about the ownership of dig-
ital assets.
Types of DLMS. In another question, participants
were asked what DLMSs are, presenting the proposal
of two subgroups: the dedicated (DDLMS) and the
integrated (IDLMS). About the DDLMS, 66% an-
swered that they knew what it was; 26%, that they
did not know; and 6%, that they only knew about
it after the Special Topics in Software Engineering
classes. In another question, the IDLMSs were con-
textualized, giving as an example Google Inactive Ac-
counts (2018), and it was questioned if the partici-
pants had knowledge about this functionality in the
Google systems: 58% answered that they knew about
it; 40%, that they didn’t know; and 2%, that they only
knew about it after attending the course. In the open
question at the end of the questionnaire, some high-
lighted the importance of dealing with the subject in
the course and through the survey conducted. This re-
inforces the importance of literacy in relation to this
subject (Maciel and Pereira, 2012a).
The questionnaire asked participants what their
preference would be regarding the two types of sys-
tem (DDLMS and IDLMS) to configure their digi-
tal legacy. 44% answered that they would use inte-
grated systems; 40% would use dedicated systems;
12% could not answer; and 2% were not interested
in configuring their digital legacy. Participant UA27
states that it would be ideal for all online systems to
have tools for the administration of the digital legacy,
enabling a better configuration of the data that will
be inherited in the future”.
This section aims to present and discuss the two
main results of this research: the classification of the
DLMSs into two types (Section 5.1 and a list of re-
quirements for DLMSs, both results derived from the
literature review, the study of DLMS and the survey
conducted in this research.
5.1 Types of DLMS
Considering the works and concepts related to Digi-
tal Legacy Management Systems (DLMS) presented
in Section 3, it is possible to classify them into two
types: Integrated Digital Legacy Management Sys-
tems (IDLMS) and Dedicated Digital Legacy Man-
agement Systems (DDLMS).
The main difference between DDLMS and
IDLMS is that IDLMS do not have the manage-
ment of the digital legacy as one of their main ob-
jectives. These systems only incorporate function-
alities related to the digital legacy to supply other
needs. Therefore, they are systems that continue to
exist even if the digital legacy functionalities are re-
moved. We analyzed functionalities integrated into
Facebook (2020), Instagram (2018) and Google Inac-
tive Accounts (2018). In general, they are functional-
ities that are pre-configured in life by the user and ex-
ecuted after the detection of inactivity or death. Some
involve the transfer of user data to third parties, the
transfer of an account, the transformation of a pro-
file into a memorial, or the deletion of their respective
IDLMSs, in the context of the DiLeMa framework
(Pereira and Prates, 2017) (described in section 3.4),
can assume some strategies due to their specificities.
For example, in dimension 2, it is foreseen that a file
Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective
is already contained in the system (so it is not required
to upload this file, only for complementary additions)
and the feeding process (Gulotta et al., 2016) is fos-
tered by the nature of the system, as in a social net-
work that is used and fed by the user. In dimension
5, the heir may be obliged to create an account in the
system in order to then have access to the collection.
Another option is for the system to provide a way to
download the legacy stored and destined to that heir
(Maciel, 2011).
The DDLMSs are developed with one of the pri-
mary objectives being to manage the digital legacy
of its users. Therefore, they incorporate some of the
above mentioned functionalities related to the digital
legacy, depending on the focus and needs of the ser-
vice. However, by removing the digital legacy man-
agement functionalities, the system would be totally
uncharacterized, as it would lose a primary function.
Of the so-called DDLMS, the functionalities of Eter9
(2020), Afternote (2020) and Safebeyond (2020) were
analyzed. These systems hold or store the data sent
by the user and execute, after his/her death, the wills
configured in life. It is interesting to note that these
systems can also incorporate services not exclusively
related to the digital legacy, such as funeral wishes,
for example.
In the context of DiLeMa, in dimension 2,
DDLMSs do not previously hold the user’s legacy.
For this purpose, these systems can allow users to
store the information necessary to access the collec-
tion in another system or provide the DDLMS some
level to the external system. Furthermore, they can re-
quest the user to send their legacy items to be hosted
in the DDLMS. Regarding dimension 5, the DDLMSs
could send the heir a link and instructions how to
download the legacy collection, request that they cre-
ate an account in the system to then access or, depend-
ing on the types of legacy items, could send the data
through the email platform.
Dedicated system services include digital inheri-
tance and desire management systems; posthumous
messaging systems; online memorial systems; life
recreation systems; grief support systems; systems
that provide the ability to remember and share infor-
mation about one’s ancestors or people who died in
the distant past; and systems that promote public re-
flection and debate about significant events and expe-
5.2 DLMS’s Requirements
The distinctions between these two types of systemic
possibilities were made, based on the analysis of the
functionalities of the analytical tools, and require-
ments were elicited, which can be modeled in IDLMS
or DDLMS, depending on the primary objective of
the system. Some requirements conflict, especially
because they depend on the primary objective of the
application: to be a dedicated system for legacy man-
agement, or to do it in an integrated way with systems
with other objectives. In any case, they are complex
solutions that have found specific studies in the liter-
In general, digital legacy management sys-
tems have different target audiences: users, heirs,
guardians, curators, lawyers, trusted contacts, service
provider company’s, etc. In terms of digital assets, all
files in text, image, documents, audio, etc. that may
be of interest to the user are considered in the context
of these requirements
. This section aims to discuss
each of the listed requirements, considering five main
categories: (1) registration, (2) death detection, (3)
legacy administration, (4) bereavement support, and
(5) security and other usage rules. The following sec-
tions deal with each of them.
Req. Group 1: Registration. First of all, it is im-
portant that the parties interested in the process im-
plemented by an DLMS are properly registered in the
system, which is the reason for requirements 1 to 3.
Maciel, Pereira and Sztern (2017) point out that it
is relevant to consider the temporality of the contact
information, since human relations and contact data
change over time. For this, the system must be in
constant contact with the heir (requirement 42). In
addition, the system can foresee the possibility of the
user dying as well as his heir (requirement 43). For
this purpose, the systems can make use of trustees,
guardians and/or lawyers to pass on “digital assets”,
as expressed in requirements 3 and 10. Brubaker et
al. (2014) define that stewards are people who act as
data and account administrators after the user’s death,
and meet the wishes established by the user in life,
such as being continuously present online in social
media. Some digital legacy management systems use
the guardian mechanism to activate the triggers re-
garding the detection of death and the accurate de-
livery of user data.
Req. Group 2: Death Detection. Another funda-
mental functionality is expressed in requirement 32,
the detection of death by the system. There is the pos-
sibility of this occurring automatically, by text min-
ing, for example, as occurs in social networks that
transform profiles of deceased users into memorials
The requirement list is available at
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(Viana et al., 2017). However, in other systems, such
as Google Inactive Accounts (2018), contacts are reg-
istered in the system so that it can check the user’s
status with third parties (Maciel et al., 2015; Maciel,
2011; Maciel and Pereira, 2016).
Req. Group 3: Legacy Administration. Legacy
management on dedicated systems would require in-
terconnection with other systems to facilitate data
management, interfering in terms of use and privacy
policies specified by the companies providing the ser-
vices and policies of each country, as proposed in
the requirements. Some authors have dedicated them-
selves to outline this discussion in different contexts
(Yamauchi et al., 2016; Edwards and Harbinja, 2013;
Viana et al., 2017). In particular, there is a concern
that users do not give due value to such documents,
often leaving them unread (Yamauchi et al., 2016).
Regarding the transfer of goods through the sys-
tem, two conflicting requirements are proposed, 13
and 14. Requirement 13 advocates the transfer of the
password to third parties, which generally occurs in
DDLMS while in requirement 14, there is the trans-
fer of account management to third parties, as occurs
in integrated systems (such as some social networks
(de Campos et al., 2017)), in a less invasive way. In
both, the application must take care of the express in
requirement 44, the authentication of the interlocu-
tors and data security (Pereira and Prates, 2017). It
should be noted that these requirements, like the oth-
ers, have a strong impact on what is expressed in the
terms of use and privacy policies (Eter9, 2020; After-
note, 2020).
Another option in the systems, especially the inte-
grated ones, is the possibility of deleting the account,
contemplated in requirement 12. According to Gach
studies (Gach, 2019), with specific members of the
public, the most popular preference is for the post-
summary profiles is deletion of data. If, on the one
hand, this satisfies the user’s desire to take his/her
data off the network, on the other hand it eliminates
the possibility of posthumous interaction (Maciel and
Pereira, 2012a,b). Thus, aspects of the application
that deserve to be treated, such as those related to be-
reavement, for which requirements 33 and 34 have
been proposed, are no longer valid. This has an im-
pact on the bereaved who remain in the system and
could find in these profiles a relief for their pain. With
the elimination of the account, systems with Artificial
Intelligence, which could perform posts on behalf of
the user (requirement 23), would not be met.
Req. Group 4: Grief Support. Regarding be-
reavement support, other functionalities need to be
dealt with in the application, especially integrated
ones, since the “presence” of the user’s post-summary
data affects people in mourning. Thus, cultural issues
affecting the deceased, such as religious and those re-
lated to sports symbols (Ueda et al., 2019), can be
addressed, a fact for which we have requirement 34.
It is also possible that an heir to the account inserts
information related to the death of the user, changing
elements of the interface and inserting data such as
date of death and epigraph (Ueda et al., 2019), or, as
in requirement 45, inserting data useful for access to
physical spaces. This depends on the powers that the
account administrator has, as in requirement 14.
One aspect that has gained space and can be used
with data from integrated or dedicated systems is the
transformation of data into digital art, contemplated
in requirement 30. According to Gach (2019, it is im-
portant to design the system to give the experience of
digital death a ritualistic aspect. In this proposal two
key aspects of a user’s data are used: the use of data
as art and the use of data as an individual (personal).
In addition, there is an aspect dedicated to us-
ing data for digital immortality (Galv
ao and Maciel,
2017). Generating memorials is a way to immortal-
ize the subject, however it is also possible to use the
data for chatbot conversations or to generate avatars
ao and Maciel, 2017), which is why require-
ments such as 28 and 29 were proposed. On the
other hand, the recreation of life by software results in
many reflections, including the ethical limits of data
use (requirement 31), and the support to bereavement
of those who will interact with such data (requirement
Another possibility for these systems is the regis-
tration of posthumous messages, which has fostered
the development of specific applications (Maciel and
Pereira, 2012b). The requirements of 20 to 22 aim to
deal with this possibility. Pereira et al. (2017) per-
formed the analysis of two posthumous message sys-
tems, If I die (2020) and the Se eu morrer primeiro
(Unknown, 2020), under the perspectives of semiotic
engineering, recommendations for volitional require-
ments (Maciel, 2011) and challenges to the anticipa-
tion of interaction (Prates et al., 2015).
Req. Group 5: Security and Other Rules of Use.
The authors noticed four important aspects in the con-
text of these systems: indication and access to trusted
contacts; possibility of editing posthumous messages
by the user herself ; possibility of different media in
generating the content to be sent as posthumous mes-
sages; and use of reminders and notices to users and
trusted contacts. On the other hand, these systems can
be used to pass passwords or to send unwanted mes-
Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective
sages, thus generating new problems. In general, few
of the requirements listed in this section are present in
integrated systems, especially because they are social
networks or e-mail managers, photos, etc., i.e. they
meet the primary objectives of the application. As an
example, requirement 24 (profile transformation into
a memorial).
Moreover, many features are in specific areas and
are not known to the general public. Although they
are important for these systems, it is believed that this
occurs due to the emotional cost of operating these
functionalities, as highlighted by Pereira et al. (2017;
2019), especially because they are linked to the taboos
of death (Maciel and Pereira, 2012a). Thus, some sys-
tems, such as Facebook, attempting to reduce the con-
tact of users with experiences that can be painful (NY-
Times, 2019), not sending reminders of the birthday
of a family member who passed away, if the profile
becomes a memorial, for example. However, if the
system makes the possibility of legacy management
more transparent to users, this can allow an anticipa-
tion of interaction (Prates et al., 2015), according to
requirement 40.
In order to get around problems that affect usabil-
ity and that allow users to be informed about the sys-
tem’s functionalities, applications, whether integrated
or dedicated, must provide information that helps in
their use, which is why requirements such as num-
bers 6 to 9 and 36 are proposed. Requirement 9, in
particular, more useful for integrated systems, aims
to engage users in what is called memento mori
(from Latin, “remember that you will die”) (Maciel
and Pereira, 2012a).
Another very important issue is the fact that many
passwords are stored in web browsers, interfering
with requirements such as 44, which deals with se-
curity and data authentication.
This article discusses digital legacy management sys-
tems from the theoretical, systemic and user perspec-
tives. It is believed that the adoption of such perspec-
tives was fundamental for the presentation of the sub-
ject, given the complexity of systems in this field, sur-
rounded by taboos, beliefs, legislation, ethical, human
and technological challenges.
From a theoretical perspective, the main contri-
bution is the literature review. We found some studies
in the literature that are concerned with classifying
these types of systems in different ways. However,
few of them focus on the users’ perspective on the
processes adopted in digital legacy management sys-
tems. From a systemic point of view, the main con-
tribution is the understanding of main systems already
available. We brought a discussion between IDLMS
and DDLMS by analysing some systems and com-
paring them to the literature, a set of requirements
was proposed and discussed. In this way, it is ex-
pected to assist software engineers in the development
of systems in this field. It is not a trivial area and to
have knowledge of the subject from a different per-
spectives is fundamental. Solutions that seem simple
and have been offered in the market could be better
designed in the feasibility study stage of the system.
From the users’ perspective, the main contribution
was understand the needs and thoughts related to dig-
ital legacy subject. The questionnaire helped the re-
spondents understand the challenges in dealing with
digital legacy. In general, they still didn’t have an
opinion about legacy management possibilities. How-
ever, many of the respondents showed concern about
the issue.
Regarding the two types of systems specified in
this work, there appeared to be advantages in using
dedicated digital legacy management systems. Due
to the centralization of the deceased person’s data,
there is greater control in the transference of the dig-
ital inheritance, thus allowing the execution of more
complex functions and a better will, thought out in the
set of assets as a whole. A good example is Safebe-
yond (2020), which provides the functionality to de-
liver data from an event predetermined by the user
(with death being detected by the system or notified
by a third party). The occurrence of this event dis-
engages the sending of the information and data that
will be inherited.
On the other hand, dedicated systems have the
disadvantage of being difficult to manage by a com-
pany, and needs this company to survive throughout
generations, because the company has considerable
responsibility over third parties’ digital assets and the
transfer of the data. Perhaps for this reason we still
have few systems of this size, some of which have
been discontinued or are under maintenance, such as
Eter9 (2020), analyzed in this research. In Brazil,
there is this gap for innovation.
Integrated systems have different advantages
compared to dedicated systems, thanks to the premise
that they do not have as primary objective only ser-
vice related to digital legacies. Users who use this
type of system feed it, in an organic way, with data
that will become their legacy. Thus, they do not need
to perform a large data transfer to a dedicated sys-
tem if they are later interested in the issues related
to the digital legacy. It is only necessary to config-
ure the system for this service. In addition, in inte-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
grated systems there may be users who are not inter-
ested in configuring their digital legacy or who feel
uncomfortable being prompted by the system with is-
sues related to their death/digital legacy. However,
there may be users who are interested in configuring
their legacy, but do not know of the existence of such
features and/or settings. Therefore, it is necessary to
make users aware of this issue and provide solutions
for their needs. Solutions in the field of artificial intel-
ligence can be adopted aiming at systems increasingly
adapted to each user and their contexts, thus being
able to make more assertive decisions and exempting
the user from exposure to these possible uncomfort-
able situations.
The list of requirements
presented as a result
of this research has addressed several problems de-
tected in the literature, for example the factor that the
currently available DLMSs do not clearly discern the
nature of the data. This categorization needs to be
offered by the systems and configured by the users
while alive, which is not simple. Thus, the system
could better manage the legacy of users, for example,
by discerning sensitive data from others, such as de-
structible data Bahri et al. (2015). Furthermore, the
user could define the end of his data based on cate-
It is also important to point out that digital assets
are expanding, leading to an appreciation of the dig-
ital legacy, which is a complex, dynamic and present
issue on a daily basis, meeting the demand of the mar-
ket, which is increasingly concerned with issues re-
lated to user data and sensitive contexts such as death.
6.1 Limitations and Future Works
During the research, it was noticed that many of
the participants at the first stage had no knowledge
of what a digital legacy was, even while using sys-
tems that had digital legacy services incorporated into
them, such as the possibility of transforming their pro-
files into digital memorials (de Campos et al., 2017)
or data transfer after death. In addition, another per-
ceived issue was that not all users wanted to choose
the destination of their data when they die. As a lim-
itation of this research phase and consequent future
proposal, there is the need to discuss the subject after
a more complete exposure than DLMS by forming a
study with a more specialized focus group.
The treatment of the digital legacy is perceived as
advantageous from the perspective of integrated sys-
tems and dedicated systems. Current systems tend
to have different architectures, configurations and be-
haviors from when the literature began to investigate
Available at:
issues related to the subject. Today, integrated sys-
tems tend to have an expansible and modular set of
functionalities, so they can maintain their primary ob-
jective, but incorporate services related to the digital
By analyzing from the perspective coined in this
work, we can perceive the different nuances of these
systems, as well as the users’ perception of digital
legacy. However, in future studies, it is necessary
to expand the requirements and separate the analy-
ses according to the two types of systems. Another
important issue to be better delimited is the meaning
of digital assets, its concepts and the limits of what is
inheritable according to succession law (Maciel et al.,
2015) or to affection.
As for the limitations of the study with ques-
tionnaires, one of them was the age range and aca-
demic background of the respondents, despite efforts
to reach a larger audience. It is believed that the sur-
vey can evolve to reach participants from other areas,
the labor market and the elderly, for example. In ad-
dition, the quantity and complexity of the questions
in the second stage caused fatigue to the participants,
something verified during the validation of the ques-
tionnaire. It has not yet been possible to investigate
in greater depth the feelings and perceptions of these
users in relation to DLMS and IDLMS, which is be-
ing launched for the future. Also, it is important to
modify the questionnaire to bring data in a quantita-
tive way.
The authors would like to thank the volunteers partic-
ipants and the institutions that offered us partial sup-
port to this publication in Brazil: the Conselho Na-
cional de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
(CNPq); the Pr
o-reitoria de Pesquisa (PROPeq) of the
Federal University of Mato Grosso, and the Uniselva
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Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and User’s Perspective