PolarNet: Accelerated Deep Open Space Segmentation using Automotive
Radar in Polar Domain
Farzan Erlik Nowruzi
, Dhanvin Kolhatkar
, Prince Kapoor
,Elnaz Jahani Heravi
Fahed Al Hassanat
, Robert Laganiere
, Julien Rebut
and Waqas Malik
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada
Sensorcortek Inc., Canada
Valeo, France
{julien.rebut, waqas.malik}@valeo.com
Deep Learning, Radar, Open Space Segmentation, Parking, Autonomous Driving, Environment Perception.
Camera and Lidar processing have been revolutionized with the rapid development of deep learning model
architectures. Automotive radar is one of the crucial elements of automated driver assistance and autonomous
driving systems. Radar still relies on traditional signal processing techniques, unlike camera and Lidar based
methods. We believe this is the missing link to achieve the most robust perception system. Identifying drivable
space and occupied space is the first step in any autonomous decision making task. Occupancy grid map
representation of the environment is often used for this purpose. In this paper, we propose PolarNet, a deep
neural model to process radar information in polar domain for open space segmentation. We explore various
input-output representations. Our experiments show that PolarNet is a effective way to process radar data that
achieves state-of-the-art performance and processing speeds while maintaining a compact size.
Autonomous driving can be approached from various
sensor modalities such as camera, radar, sonar, or li-
Each sensor provides a piece of valuable informa-
tion. It is shown that the fusion of multiple sensors
is required to cover all of the environmental varia-
tions and achieve fully autonomous driving. Despite
this observation, each individual sensor needs to be
pushed to the edge of its capabilities to reduce the
complexity of the fusion systems.
Radar sensors have been around in the automo-
tive industry for a few decades already. The first sys-
tems were mostly used in the premium car segment
for comfort applications, such as Adaptive Cruise
Control (ACC). With the continuous improvement of
radar technology, recent radar sensors are also used in
safety applications, such as Autonomous Emergency
Braking (AEB).
Furthermore, radars are not affected by poor light-
ning and fog, unlike camera and Lidar respectively.
The new versions of radar will significantly increase
the resolution of the observations, therefore enabling
an even wider variety of applications.
Ultra-sonic sensors are very similar to radar, with
a focus on close range applications only, such as auto-
mated parking detection. In this paper, we propose a
model to equip radar with the ability to replace ultra-
sonic sensors. In this way, a single sensor can run
in multiple modes to provide better value and reduce
system complexity.
In recent years, deep learning models have
achieved state-of-the-art performance on various
applications (Szegedy et al., 2016)(Ren et al.,
2015)(Redmon and Farhadi, 2018)(Lin et al.,
2017)(Chen et al., 2017)(He et al., 2017)(Qi et al.,
2017). However, these models are rarely used with
automotive radar; traditional signal processing meth-
ods such as Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) (Fa-
rina and Studer, 1986)(Minkler and Minkler, 1990)
are commonly used to process radar data. Radar is
an alternative depth sensor that presents a less expen-
sive solution than Lidar at the cost of quality of depth.
Recent advances in radar technology introduced High
Definition radars that address the issues with the qual-
ity of the depth data. The lack of publicly available
radar datasets could be seen as the primary reason for
the smaller amount of literature in this field. This is-
Nowruzi, F., Kolhatkar, D., Kapoor, P., Heravi, E., Al Hassanat, F., Laganiere, R., Rebut, J. and Malik, W.
PolarNet: Accelerated Deep Open Space Segmentation using Automotive Radar in Polar Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0010434604130420
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2021), pages 413-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-513-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sue is partially addressed by novel datasets with radar
observations (Barnes et al., 2019)(Nowruzi et al.,
2020) that have recently been introduced to enable
the scientific community to expand the boundaries of
knowledge in this field.
In this paper, we introduce a novel deep learning
approach that takes benefit of the polar representation
of the radar observations and performs open space
segmentation in parking lot scenarios. In the past,
these applications relied on traditional signal process-
ing techniques such as Constant False Alarm Rate
(CFAR) that employs hand crafted filters to detect
points on a potential object. The area can then be seg-
mented into occupied and available spaces based on
these points. We explore using learnable filters, which
have shown improvements over hand-crafted ones in
many computer vision fields. Our model relies on a
series of 1D and 2D convolutions that reaches state-
of-the-art segmentation performance in an end-to-end
manner. To address the requirements of the automo-
tive industry, we ensured that the model is compact
and fast to run on embedded platforms. Our contribu-
tions are listed as follows:
1. A deep model, PolarNet, that takes radar frames
in polar coordinate and generates an open-space
segmentation mask in a parking-lot scenario
2. Evaluation of various models and loss functions
for this task
3. Detailed comparison of PolarNet to the state-of-
the-art in terms of performance, speed, and size.
The literature review of deep segmentation model
architectures, along with radar applications, are dis-
cussed in Section 2. A brief description of radar data
can be found in Section 3. The compared model ar-
chitectures are described in Section 4. In Section 5,
various experiments, including the effect on model
performance of using different input data represen-
tations, segmentation models, and loss functions are
evaluated. Furthermore, the computational complex-
ity requirements of each model are discussed in detail.
Many research works are proposed to address the
challenge of labeling individual pixels in images for
semantic segmentation. There are two category of
methods in this subject. One uses an encoder-decoder
architecture, and the other uses specialized convolu-
tions to avoid decimating input map size. The com-
plexity of the former approach is highly dependent on
the models used for each component, while the lat-
ter suffers from large memory requirements caused
by maintaining the large feature maps which help in
generating fine segmentation masks.
(Chen et al., 2014) first proposed the idea of us-
ing a fully connected conditional random field as a
decoder at the end of a deep convolutional model to
extract quality segmentation masks.
Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) (Long et al.,
2015) uses an encoder network, made up of convolu-
tional layers only, to extract intermediate feature maps
of the inputs. By employing skip-connections, up-
sampling, and transposed convolution operations on
the decoder side, an output mask of the desired size is
Following up with the idea of (Chen et al., 2014),
DeconvNet is introduced in (Noh et al., 2015), and
utilizes a more specialized decoder architecture that
consists of a series of decoupled unpooling and con-
volution layers.
(Badrinarayanan et al., 2017) proposes a similar
architecture to DeconvNet, but with greatly reduced
complexity and compares variations of the FCN, De-
convNet and SegNet models.
The U-Net(Ronneberger et al., 2015) architec-
ture iterates on the FCN model by using deeper de-
coder feature maps and extensive data augmentation.
The U-Net++ (Zhou et al., 2018) architecture is a
more general version of U-Net which significantly in-
creases the number and the complexity of the skip
connections between the encoder and the decoder.
(Chen et al., 2018a) pioneered the use of atrous
convolutions for segmentation to avoid subsampling
of the input data, and instead enlarge the field of view
of the convolution kernel without using any pooling
layers. Furthermore, multiple parallel atrous con-
volutions are utilized to segment objects at different
(Zhao et al., 2017) introduced the idea of pyra-
mid pooling to collect global and local information.
(Szegedy et al., 2016) is used with (Chen et al.,
2018a) to build mid-level feature maps. By using par-
allel pooling layers, coarse to fine information is gen-
erated that is later used to extract the final segmen-
tation result. (Chen et al., 2018b) merged both cate-
gories of methods by using (Chen et al., 2018a) as the
encoder network and using a small decoder network
to achieve better performance.
To accelerate scene segmentation, (Badino et al.,
2009) considers the space in front of a vehicle free
unless there is a vertical obstacle present. This re-
sulted in the introduction of Stixel as a rectangular
block on the image that identifies vertical surfaces.
Hence, a compressed representation of the environ-
ment is achieved. (Schneider et al., 2016) adds the se-
mantic labels to each stixel. Inspired by these ideas,
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Stixelnet (Levi et al., 2015) segments an image for
open space using stixel-like rectangular regions. In-
stead of a segmentation model, it relies on a classi-
fication network that predicts the junction point for
ground and the obstacle. Later, a conditional random
field is used to smooth the jittery predictions from the
column-wise network. In this case, each stixel cor-
responds to a specific angle interval from the camera
point of view. As we explain later, Polar representa-
tion of the radar is well suited for this family of archi-
The majority of aforementioned methods rely on
camera based inputs. It is common to use a pre-
trained back-bone to build a new model as training
a completely new architecture is still a challenging
problem. However, in the case of radar input data,
using a pre-trained model from other domains is not a
promising approach. This is due to the fact that there
are various radar representations, and that most radar
processing currently uses traditional techniques (Fa-
rina and Studer, 1986)(Minkler and Minkler, 1990).
Sless et al. (Sless et al., 2019) proposes an encoder-
decoder architecture with a Bird’s Eye View (BEV)
input and a 3-class output: occupied, unoccupied or
Bauer et al. (Bauer et al., 2019) proposed a simi-
lar U-Net architecture for occupancy prediction. They
formulate the classification problem as both a three
class problem, as in (Sless et al., 2019), and as a four
class problem. The four-class approach uses an un-
known class to show the certainty of the predictions.
Another issue in the radar domain is the low num-
ber of publicly available datasets that contain some
form of radar data. The NuScenes dataset (Caesar
et al., 2019) is a large-scale dataset developed for au-
tonomous driving. However, the radar data is pro-
vided after processing with traditional models, rather
than providing the raw signal data.
The Oxford Radar RobotCar dataset (Barnes
et al., 2019) is available for scene understanding anal-
ysis. The radar used for data collection offers much
finer resolution and higher range than typical automo-
tive radars. It provides a 360 degree azimuth-range
representation of the received power reflection. It is
worth noting that this is 2 dimensional representation.
Raw radar data is not available in this dataset, but the
radar modality provided by the authors is less pro-
cessed than that of the NuScenes dataset. The usage
of specialized hardware uncommon in the automotive
domain due to its physical characteristics is a major
disadvantage for some applications. Most recently,
(Nowruzi et al., 2020) introduced a novel dataset for
open space segmentation in automotive parking sce-
narios. The dataset includes raw radar echos collected
by an automotive grade radar along with the tool chain
to extract various representations. They proposed a
variation of FCN targeted for embedded platform de-
ployment. Their results are evaluated against well-
known deep segmentation models. We rely on this
dataset to benchmark our work.
To propose a new model, we first need to understand
the data that will be used. Raw radar data consists
of a series of echos received from each transmitter-
receiver combination. Each signal consists of multi-
ple chirps and samples. This results in a four dimen-
sional matrix of Samples, Chirps, Transmitters, and
Receivers. It is common that the last two dimensions
are concatenated and stacked as one dimension result-
ing in a three dimensional representation of Samples,
Chirps, and Antennas (SCA). SCA is a raw echo rep-
resentation. Although it includes all the information,
its visualization does not provide much insight into
the data.
To address this, Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) are
applied along each dimension to achieve the Range,
Doppler, and Azimuth (RDA) representation. The
distance associated with an observation is represented
in the Range dimension, the velocity is represented
in the Doppler dimension, and the angle of arrival of
the signal is represented in the Azimuth dimension.
Note that prior to applying the FFT along the Antenna
dimension, zero-padding is applied along the last di-
mension to achieve the target angle resolution.
RDA = fft
zero pad
RDA representation is a 3D tensor that, depend-
ing on the view point, shows multiple representations.
For the case of open space segmentation, the most
suitable representation is the RAD view that generates
a polar Range-Azimuth map for each Doppler bin.
Taking log and summing along the Doppler di-
mension results in Range-Azimuth (RA) representa-
tion. RA is a simple 2D BEV of radar data in polar
) (2)
RA representations conveys the power responses
received from objects around the vehicle in Polar co-
ordinates. A sample of the RA representation, along
with the annotation, is shown in Figure 1.
PolarNet: Accelerated Deep Open Space Segmentation using Automotive Radar in Polar Domain
Figure 1: Samples from the dataset. (a) Range-Azimuth
representation. (b) Ground truth annotation on RA. (c) RA
in Cartesian form. (d) Ground-truth projected on Cartesian
map. The angle interval between 45 and +45 is selected
for training.
PolarNet is a convolutional neural network that is ap-
plied on the RA and RAD representations of radar
observations. In this representation, the first dimen-
sion (rows) of the input tensor renders the distance,
while the second dimension (columns) corresponds
to specific angles. Inspired by StixelNet (Levi et al.,
2015) that uses Stixels, we propose applying one di-
mensional convolutions on each column of the input.
In this way, we apply a filter on each angle and ef-
fectively try to identify where the open space ends.
Furthermore, by using one-dimensional filters, we are
reducing the complexity of the network.
PolarNet is an encoder-decoder network with a
smoothing layer at the end of the model. All of the
layers use ReLu as the activation, except for the final
two layers that employ Sigmoid activations.
The encoder portion of the model consists of 7
layers. Three of these layers are column-wise con-
volutional filters that are designed to find the location
where the ground meets the first obstacle. Another
three layers, positioned after each column-wise lay-
ers, are designed as row-wise convolutions. These
layers are used to pool the information from neigh-
bouring columns, and reduce the size and, conse-
quently, the computational complexity of the model.
Column-wise layers have a stride of 2 along the
columns and row-wise layers use an stride of 2 along
each row. After each column-wise and row-wise
convolution tuple, a batch-normalization (Ioffe and
Szegedy, 2015) and drop-out (Srivastava et al., 2014)
layer is employed. In the last layer of the encoder, we
use a two dimensional 3×3 convolution with a stride
of 1. The output of this layer is concatenated with
the output of layer 6 and is then passed to the decoder
The decoder network consists of a series of con-
volutions and transposed convolutions. Reversing the
order in the encoder, one row-wise transposed con-
volution is applied on the feature map, followed by
a column-wise transposed convolution. The former
layer has a stride of 2 along the columns, while the lat-
ter uses the same stride size along the rows dimension.
The output of this layer is fed to a two dimensional
convolution layer with a kernel size of 5×2. This
layer is responsible for integrating adjacent feature
maps with the goal of reducing jittery artifacts in the
final output. We apply the final batch-normalization
and drop-out layer. Another column-wise convolu-
tional layer with a larger kernel of 32×1 is used at
this stage, thereby forcing a larger receptive field over
the feature map. Radar is capable of observing spaces
behind various objects such as cars. Using this filter
size, the information from an obstacle is propagated
to those trailing areas. This helps in assigning oppo-
site bits to the ground and non-ground locations; if the
larger receptive fields are not used, the model will be
confused by the conflicting nature of the information
in the input and the mask requirements.
At each layer of the decoder, the depth of the fil-
ter map is consistently reduced. Prior to the final
1 × 1 convolution layer that pools all the information
to produce the final result, the feature maps are up-
sampled to match the input shape through bilinear up-
sampling. The complete architecture of the proposed
model is shown in Figure 2.
The final output contains logits in the range [0,1].
Cells with a value lower than 0.5 is considered as oc-
cupied, while values higher than this threshold are
considered as non-occupied. After this division, a
softmax cross-entropy (SMCE) function is used to ex-
tract the final loss value. We use the SMCE
function as in (Nowruzi et al., 2020):
+ |w
where w
represents the trainable weight for class
c, N
is the number of pixels of class c in a particular
groundtruth mask, and SMCE
represents the softmax
cross-entropy loss calculated for a pixel i. As such,
this modification of SMCE uses trainable parameters
to weight the SMCE loss on a per-class basis.
A rate of 0.5 is used as drop-out probability. Batch
size is set at 64. RMSProp with initial learning rate
of 0.1 and decay factor of 0.8 at every 3500 steps is
chosen as the optimizer. We use Tensorflow
as the
framework to implement and test our model.
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 2: Detailed architecture of the PolarNet model.
We use the radar dataset of (Nowruzi et al., 2020)
to perform our experiments. This dataset consists
of 3913 frames from 11 sequences with correspond-
ing ground truth. Further, we use their processing
to produce RAD and RA representations to
feed as input to our model. Two of these sequences
are left out to make up the test set enabling us to mea-
sure the model’s ability to generalize on previously
unseen scenarios. This ensures the selection of mod-
els that do not overfit on the training set.
The annotated points from the Cartesian ground
truth are transformed into the Polar coordinate system
to generate the Polar ground truth information. For
training, RA and RAD tensors are cropped to match
the selected field of view. Note that cropping along
columns (angle dimension) equates to reducing the
angular field of view in the Cartesian domain.
To benchmark our work we re-use the three deep
learning approaches from (Nowruzi et al., 2020) that
include DeepLabv3+ (Chen et al., 2018b), Fully Con-
volutional Networks (FCN) (Long et al., 2015) and
thier proposal FCN tiny. All three of these segmenta-
tion models use MobileNet-v2 as their back-bone.
DeepLabv2 introduced the idea of replacing con-
volutions with atrous convolutions to increase the ef-
fective field of view of a feature extractor without us-
ing the feature extractor’s last 2 pooling layers. The
resulting networks uses much larger feature maps, and
thus has a higher memory cost. The latest version
of this network, DeepLabv3+, uses an atrous spa-
tial pyramid pooling (ASPP) module, introduced in
DeepLabv2, on the extractor’s output, made up of
atrous convolutions of varying rates and an image
pooling layer in parallel, to help the network detect
objects of varying size. A small decoder, similar to
FCN’s skip architectures, is also used on the ASPP’s
outputs upsampled by a factor of four to refine the
As in (Nowruzi et al., 2020), we use a complete
version of the DeepLabv3+ architecture with rates of
2, 4 and 6 in the ASPP, in addition to a 1x1 convolu-
tion and an image pooling layer. We remove the last
two pooling layers of MobileNet-v2, and multiply the
convolutions’ rates by 2 after each removed pooling
The FCN architecture that offers the best compro-
mise between accuracy and speed is the FCN-8’s ar-
chitecture. We use MobileNet-v2 as an encoder and
use two skip architectures as a decoder. Each skip ar-
chitecture works by upsampling its input (either the
encoder’s output, or the previous skip layer’s output)
by a factor of two, then concatenating with the feature
map of matching size taken from the encoder, which
are first passed through a 1x1 convolution to reduce
their depth. A 3x3 convolution is applied to the out-
put of the concatenation. As in (Nowruzi et al., 2020),
we use a depth of 32 within the encoder. After two
skip steps, bilinear interpolation is used to resize to
the input size.
(Nowruzi et al., 2020) proposes a smaller version
of MobileNet-v2-FCN-8. It uses a depth multiplier of
0.25 in the encoder, and a set depth of 8 in the decoder
(25% of the full FCN’s decoder depth).
As in most segmentation literature, we use Mean
PolarNet: Accelerated Deep Open Space Segmentation using Automotive Radar in Polar Domain
Figure 3: Sample results of PolarNet. (a) camera image. (b) ground-truth in polar coordinates. (c) segmentation result. (b)
segementation result shown in Cartesian coordinates.
Intersection-over-Union (Mean-IoU) as the evalua-
tion metric. This metric is calculated as the mean of
the IoU’s for each class in the dataset. Sample re-
sults of the proposed model in both Cartesian and po-
lar forms, along with the matching ground truths and
camera images, are shown in Figure 3.
Our experiments section is divided into three.
First, we compare the effect of various input represen-
tations on the performance of the model. Second, we
evaluate the effectiveness of various loss functions.
Finally, we compare the computational performance
and size of our model against the state-of-the-art on
multiple platforms.
5.1 Input Representation
PolarNet is designed to be applied on polar repre-
sentations; these include the Range-Azimuth-Doppler
(RAD) and the Range-Azimuth (RA) representations.
RAD is a tensor of size 128 × 128 × 64. Each range
bin is approximately 11.17cm with a maximum range
of 15m that covers an angle interval of 45 to +45
degrees. The third dimension represents the Doppler
bins that cover a velocity range between 37.3 kmph
and +37.3kmph. The RA representation is calculated
from the RAD representation by selecting the maxi-
mum values along the Doppler bins for each Range-
Azimuth index.
Table 1 shows the comparative results of PolarNet
against the state-of-the-art.
Our proposed PolarNet model is the best per-
former with RA inputs. While using RAD results
Table 1: Mean-IoU comparison of models with different
Model RA input RAD input
FCN 83.98 85.16
DeepLabV3+ 83.01 83.58
FCN tiny 84.18 83.14
PolarNet 84.20 83.79
in a performance reduction for PolarNet, it still takes
second place behind the much larger FCN model as
shown in Table 3. From the experiments, we observe
that the larger models have an easier time manag-
ing RAD inputs that contain 64 times more informa-
tion than RA inputs. Inversely, smaller models such
as FCN tiny and PolarNet have a harder time han-
dling this huge dimensionality increase. As we see in
the next sections, the small reduction in performance
comes with a larger advantage in the computational
complexity of the system.
5.2 Loss Functions
We compare three loss functions for this task:
trainable softmax cross-entropy loss, softmax cross-
entropy and Lovasz loss (Berman et al., 2017).
SMCE is commonly used as an extension of the
typical classification task to the segmentation task;
the loss is calculated independently on a per-pixel ba-
sis and then averaged over the entire image. To aid
in training using SMCE, it is better to use a weight-
ing parameter to reduce effect of any imbalance on
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
data. However, tuning this extra hyper-parameter can
be cumbersome. Another interesting function to con-
sider is the Lovasz loss. It enables optimization of
the mean IoU metric directly, thereby showing a di-
rect link between the main metric for segmentation
and the optimization of the loss function. We com-
pare these two functions with the loss function used
in our previous experiments: SMCE
PolarNet architecture is used with RA inputs to
evaluated mentioned loss functions. Results are re-
ported in Table 2.
Table 2: Mean-IoU for PolarNet with RA input and polar
labels using different loss functions.
Loss Function Mean-IoU
SMCE 82.02
Lovasz 82.85
achieved the best results in this experi-
ment. Weighting parameter learning in SMCE
sults in its better performance in comparison to the
original SMCE and Lovasz that both lack the weight-
ing functionality. This has shown to be the key differ-
entiator in the performance of the models.
5.3 Complexity Analysis
Our final analysis concerns the computational com-
plexity and the speed of our model architectures. It is
crucial for the models to target embedded deployment
and real-time performance on such systems. The de-
tails of our experiments for the proposed model archi-
tectures are shown in Table 3.
DeepLabV3+ is the largest model with slowest
performance in both RA and RAD input cases. Sur-
prisingly, the segmentation performance of this model
is also inferior to the other models. FCN is 90% of
the size of DeepLabV3+ and almost 10% faster on a
Geforce RTX2080 TI GPU. However, on a Core i9-
9900K CPU, it is almost twice as fast. This trend can
be observed on the Jetson TX2 as well.
FCN is still a large model when considering
a Radar on Chip (RoC) product. PolarNet and
FCN tiny address this challenge. PolarNet is one fifth
of the size of DeepLabV3+. It runs more than 2.5
times faster on Jetson TX2 while providing the best
mean-IoU on RA and second best on RAD.
The main advantage of FCN tiny against Polar-
Net is its smaller parameter space. FCN tiny perfoms
faster on the Jetson’s CPU than PolarNet, but Polar-
Net outperforms FCN tiny on the Jetson TX2 GPU.
This is similar to the behaviour of DeepLabv3+ and
FCN. In case of PolarNet, this can be attributed to the
fact that PolarNet uses larger convolution kernels that
are faster to calculate on GPU than on CPU because
of their vectorized computation.
In this paper, we proposed a novel deep model, Po-
larNet, to segment open spaces in parking scenarios
using automotive radar. Our model takes benefit of
vectorized GPU operations and outperforms the state-
of-the-art in terms of speed.
Furthermore, PolarNet provides the state-of-the-
art performance using Range-Azimuth as its input
modality. These characteristics of the model make it
the perfect candidate for RoC integration scenarios.
We have proposed a single frame model. To fur-
ther increase the performance of this model, tempo-
ral filtering methods could be used: aggregating pre-
dictions at various timesteps would reduce the noise
in the segmentation mask. However, this will result
in more parameters and larger computational require-
ments that needs to be addressed prudently.
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PolarNet: Accelerated Deep Open Space Segmentation using Automotive Radar in Polar Domain
Table 3: Computational complexity comparison for the tested methods.
Input RA RAD
Model PolarNet FCN tiny FCN DeepLabv3+ PolarNet FCN tiny FCN DeepLabv3+
GPU (fps) 575.01 324.50 300.75 275.15 364.89 249.79 224.56 199.83
CPU (fps) 271.39 267.58 118.56 61.91 208.14 189.12 133.78 61.93
TX2 GPU (fps) 54.65 31.91 29.18 22.39 48.18 28.87 28.91 21.46
TX2 CPU (fps) 25.90 41.62 22.20 10.46 17.97 36.86 19.68 10.09
# parameters 562,472 210,279 2,933,449 3,223,865 598,758 214,817 2,951,593 3,242,009
Memory cost 29.85 Mb 16.02 Mb 59.64 Mb 134.86 Mb 39.79 Mb 23.04 Mb 70.81 Mb 143.74 Mb
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