Spatial K-anonymity: A Privacy-preserving Method for COVID-19
Related Geo-spatial Technologies
Rohan Iyer
1 a
, Regina Rex
1 b
, Kevin P. McPherson
1 c
, Darshan Gandhi
, Aryan Mahindra
Abhishek Singh
and Ramesh Raskar
PathCheck Foundation, Cambridge, U.S.A.
MIT Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge, U.S.A.
Spatial K-anonymity, Contact Tracing, Spatial Privacy.
There is a growing need for spatial privacy considerations in the many geo-spatial technologies that have been
created as solutions for COVID-19-related issues. Although effective geo-spatial technologies have already
been rolled out, most have significantly sacrificed privacy for utility. In this paper, we explore spatial k-
anonymity, a privacy-preserving method that can address this unnecessary tradeoff by providing the best of
both privacy and utility. After evaluating its past implications in geo-spatial use cases, we propose applications
of spatial k-anonymity in the data sharing and managing of COVID-19 contact tracing technologies as well as
heat maps showing a user’s travel history. We then justify our propositions by comparing spatial k-anonymity
with several other spatial privacy methods, including differential privacy, geo-indistinguishability, and manual
consent based redaction. Our hope is to raise awareness of the ever-growing risks associated with spatial
privacy and how they can be solved with Spatial K-anonymity.
1.1 Motivation
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a multitude
of challenges, from public health to economic insta-
bility. Solutions for COVID-19 contact tracing and
other purposes involve an exponential rise in the use
of geo-location technologies and location-based ser-
vices at every level of society which has presented
its own set of ethical challenges and adoption is-
sues (Cole, 2020; Hassandoust et al., 2020). Each in-
dividual’s physical location and location history can
be exploited by cybercriminals interested in mining
personal information such as home, work, and school
addresses as well as a daily itinerary, among others.
The threat of leakage of information gets even more
amplified in these scenarios since it also reflects the
person’s infection status. Spatial privacy risks may
extend beyond the individual, compromising families,
coworkers, communities, and even enterprises. Ap-
propriate measures are necessary to ensure spatial pri-
vacy is maintained in all solutions for the COVID-19
1.2 Contribution
This paper presents a developmental approach to ad-
dressing contact tracing spatial privacy concerns us-
ing Spatial K-anonymity (Ghinita et al., 2010). Spa-
tial K-anonymity has been implemented in many pre-
COVID-19 use cases (Martin et al., 2015; Sweeney,
2002; Allshouse et al., 2010; Gkoulalas-Divanis
et al., 2010); here, we discuss the unique applications
that have emerged for spatial K-anonymity for the
COVID-19 pandemic. We also compare the spatial K-
anonymity approach with other existing solutions like
Geo-indistinguishability and Consent Redaction to
demonstrate the advantage of utilizing K-anonymity
in COVID-19 contact tracing.
Before the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns about spa-
tial data collection have been echoed worldwide re-
garding individual security and privacy. Due to these
concerns, several policies, like the European Union’s
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Coun-
cil of European Union, 2014), outline identifying
location data as personal, requiring other parties to
anonymize the collected data or gain explicit consent
Iyer, R., Rex, R., McPherson, K., Gandhi, D., Mahindra, A., Singh, A. and Raskar, R.
Spatial K-anonymity: A Privacy-preserving Method for COVID-19 Related Geo-spatial Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010428400750081
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2021), pages 75-81
ISBN: 978-989-758-503-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from the user for spatial data collection.
In light of current issues, spatial data plays an im-
portant role in surveillance, data sharing, and digital
contact tracing as used by various government (Park
et al., 2020; Jacob and Lawar
ee, 2020; Jian et al.,
2020) and corporate entities (Inc., ) in their efforts to
combat COVID-19.
Contact Tracing (Lo and Sim, 2020) involves data
collection to help public health officials better con-
trol and understand an infectious outbreak, and it also
informs individuals about their probable exposures
to other infected people. Manual Contact Tracing
(MCT) involves caseworkers working with infected
persons to trace who they have been in close contact
with during their infection period. MCT is labori-
ous, and it relies on the infected person’s ability to
accurately recall people there were in close contact
with (Barrat et al., 2020). It is also resource-intensive
and not scalable; if many people are infected, each in-
fected person would need to be assigned a caseworker.
Digital Contact Tracing (DCT) is used to address the
shortcomings of MCTs. It involves using technolog-
ical devices such as smartphones and smartwatches
to estimate close-range proximity It is more reliable
than MCT, as it is more accurate in sensing people in
close proximity (Smieszek et al., 2016). Despite the
effectiveness and efficiency of DCT (hbr, 2020), there
has been a lot privacy concerns regarding spatial data
collection (Rowe, 2020; Boulos et al., 2009).
In the privacy domain, there have been efforts to
ensure user spatial privacy rights are respected. State-
of-the-art methods like k-anonymity (Gkoulalas-
Divanis et al., 2010), l-diversity (Machanavajjhala
et al., 2006), and t-closeness (Li et al., 2007) are some
of the few that are applied to various technologies
that utilize spatial data. K-anonymity assures that
any query on data will give limited access and will
maintain the anonymity of at least k individuals. This
is usually achieved by using the concepts of purging
or generalization. l-diversity covers for the cons of
K-anonymity by ensuring that there is significant at-
tribute diversity between equivalence groups. How-
ever, it is difficult to accomplish with data having nu-
merous Quasi Identifiers. t-closeness solves this prob-
lem by ensuring that the distribution of each sensitive
attribute in an equivalence group is close to the distri-
bution in the complete dataset. Thus, these methods
help in maintaining user privacy immensely.
Many spatial data protection measures have also
been used to safeguard users’ spatial privacy rights
in various COVID-19 contact tracing applications.
Some of the privacy measures applied as outlined
in (Wirth et al., 2020) involve pseudonymization or
anonymization of spatial data, aggregation of geo-
spatial and temporal data, data minimization, trans-
parency, explicit consent, and ability to revoke con-
sent by the users.
BlueTrace (Bay et al., 2020) protects the users’
privacy by using local storage for geo-location history
and through the users’ explicit consent to data loca-
tion. They also provide the ability for a user to recount
their given consent. Another contact tracing applica-
tion, Epione (Trieu et al., 2020), guarantees more ro-
bust privacy protection using a cryptographic protocol
that securely delivers users’ status to health authori-
ties and ensures that users’ contact information is not
revealed to other non-desired parties. These are just
some of the methods used to guarantee users’ spatial
data protection in digital contact tracing. A more un-
usual approach to this problem is TrackCovid (Yasaka
et al., 2020), which avoids handling personal loca-
tion data for contract tracing and uses anonymization
via QR codes at specified checkpoints. (Chan et al.,
2020) highlights possible privacy issues that can arise
from the various methods of COVID-19 related con-
tact tracing and suggests a Bluetooth pseudonymiza-
tion approach to combat these privacy issues.
3.1 Contact Tracing
Location-based privacy is growing in popularity due
to the data collection mechanisms of smartphones and
other location-agnostic devices. During the COVID-
19 pandemic, spatial privacy has proven to be of
paramount concern to government officials, public
health experts, and other medical professionals. In
some countries, it is predicted that because of the con-
sequences of sharing contact-tracing data, over 70%
of patients who have contracted COVID-19 were at
risk of being identified by location, gender and/or age
(Jung et al., 2020).
GPS provides an advantageous solution to contact
tracing than other solutions, given other technologies,
such as outbreak response tools or symptom tracking
tools. Particularly, GPS based solutions can trans-
mit data in background mode via smartphones and
wearable devices, provide public space and infection
proximity data, and have cross-platform functional-
ity inherent to the data. When digital contact trac-
ing employs a GPS-based solution for tracing indi-
viduals, it often queries highly specific geo-location
data of a user. This data is quite sensitive as it tracks
GISTAM 2021 - 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
the real time location of a user and stores it onto
a database that could be potentially used for track-
ing and tracing purposes. Spatial k-anonymity em-
ploys certain methodologies that convert highly accu-
rate geo-location data into a more granular form while
preserving the effectiveness of location-based contact
Imagine person X queries location-based data
from address Y. An attacker may use this information
to associate person X’s real-time location with high
accuracy. Spatial k-anonymity solves this problem
by employing methods that ensure user X’s location-
based query has a probability larger than 1/k, where k
is a defined anonymity requirement.
A widely used method to calculate k involves
masking a user’s location by deploying specific ge-
omasking techniques and relocating the user to a new
buffer location. Geomasking is a general category of
methods that is used to mask or change the geograph-
ical location of a user or patient in an unpredictable
way that maintains that user or patient’s relationship
to a particular geo-location and their status as it con-
cerns a disease infection or outbreak (Stinchcomb,
2004). The k-anonymity value is the number of all
potential residential locations inside this buffer area,
including the original user location. The value of 1/k
is thus a measure of the person’s disclosure risk in
question (the probability of being re-identified) after
geomasking. The smaller the 1/k, the more difficult it
is to re-identify the person’s real location.
3.2 Heat Map
The incorporation of heatmaps is primarily for bet-
ter visualization and understanding of the travel his-
tory of the user over a period of time. With the help
of the heatmap feature the user can realise the travel
history and make optimum decisions while planning
their next travel journey.
Case 1: Restricted to an Individual User. In this
case the user can get detailed information about their
travel history and they can use this information to fur-
ther make their travel plans.
The user can map a circle or any arbitrary shape
to distinguish the regions as a public or private one.
Based on the segregation, the user can be shown only
their travel history in the public region. This would
help them to understand their travelling trends. Also,
there can be potentially marked several points of dan-
ger and caution on the map and accordingly notify the
user if they have crossed paths during their journey. A
track of the last 7-14 days should be kept ideally since
that would help to keep track of the exposure period.
The primary objective of this is to keep the user
aware of their surroundings and help them make
concrete decisions while making their next travel
plan.The first option should be the most suited and
feasible as well.
Case 2: Combination of All the Users Data. In this
case, the methodology is to club the details of all the
users around a specific user and with the help of that a
combined heat map can be plotted. This would poten-
tially help the user get a good understanding of their
surroundings. Again, classification of zones can be
implemented here with the RED region as a danger
zone and alert the user if they are travelling by that
particular area.
Many of the new metrics are based on uncertainty.
In this paper here the authors suggested a test how
easily and quickly the location of the user can be
traced and identified from the anonymous collection
of users. It was observed that the major focus was on
the path a user might have taken. Thus, one of the
key parameters metric to track would be to identify
the size of the cluster, larger the size, larger the ambi-
guity and more difficult to track the individual user.
A few suggestions would be to showcase the ex-
act coordinates as street or even the town/ city coor-
dinates, this would add a high amount of ambiguity
in the process of identifying the exact location of the
user thus helping them stay protected and preserve
their privacy.
In this section we will give a detailed description of
the various spatial privacy approaches: K-anonymity,
geo-indistinguishability, and consent redaction. We
will also show how these approaches differ from
each other and spatial k-anonymity, highlighting their
strengths and weaknesses in digital contact tracing
and other COVID-19 related applications.
K-anonymity (Gkoulalas-Divanis et al., 2010) is a
well known anonymization technique for spatial pri-
vacy. This technique refers to the process of trans-
forming a data set that contains personal or identify-
ing information to a dataset that strips away any in-
formation that could identify an individual, making
it hard for other parties to determine the identity of
an individual from the transformed data set. In this
paper, we will be focusing on the K-Anonymity al-
gorithm for protecting spatial privacy. K-anonymity
is characterized as the number of individuals, which
Spatial K-anonymity: A Privacy-preserving Method for COVID-19 Related Geo-spatial Technologies
Figure 1: An example of a user’s location history represented as a heat map (Red-orange heavily visited, Green regularly
visited, Blue least visited).
is a distinct value ‘k’, associated with alike attributes
like gender, city, etc such that one particular individ-
ual cannot be identified from the data set. Since the
dataset consists of geographical identifiers as well, the
traditional k-anonymity algorithm can be expanded to
spatial k-anonymity. Spatial k-anonymity is a widely
used method to evaluate the degree of geoprivacy ob-
tained following the implementation of a particular
geo masking technique.
Spatial k-anonymity works the best for conven-
tional geo-spatial datasets wherein only one geo-
graphical area is identified for each individual, how-
ever, it has important shortcomings when dealing with
individual GPS datasets. Spatial K-anonymity algo-
rithm is highly regarded since rather than having a
single geographic location that can disclose a person’s
identity, it provided multiple several everyday activ-
ity locations, for example, home, offices, and shop-
ping venues that can be easily identified from a GPS
dataset, which makes it difficult to zero down a sin-
gle person. Having data of a single location associ-
ated with a person can make an individual vulnerable
by providing a wealth of geographic data to hackers
and can be utilized for similar malpractices. How-
ever, since most people spend only a small amount of
time at home and spend a significant amount of time
away from home, having multiple locations increases
the scope of user privacy. It is important to consider
the disclosure risk associated with all daily activity
locations in a detailed manner.
Geo-indistinguishability (Andr
es et al., 2013) is
a metric used for location-based systems that protect
the user’s exact location while allowing approximate
information, typically needed to obtain a specific de-
sired service, to be released. The underlying mo-
tivation for geo-indistinguishability comes from dif-
ferential privacy but more handcrafted for the spatial
data. It is focused on protecting the user’s location
within a radius, with a level of privacy that depends on
that corresponds to a generalized version of the well-
known concept of differential privacy. The value must
be optimized in consideration of both privacy and util-
ity, and it must be large enough to fit the notion of
privacy. That is, an attacker with potential auxiliary
information should not be able to pinpoint the user’s
identity. For example, must also be small enough
to allow digital contact tracing to accurately iden-
tify users who have been in contact with a user who
has tested positive. Like spatial K-anonymity, geo-
indistinguishability guarantees spatial privacy needs
for location-based systems such as digital contact
tracing apps. (Vepakomma et al., 2020) uses differ-
ential privacy to release a sketching data structure of
location data. Aside from this, there have not been
any application of geo-indistinguishability in digital
contact tracing.
GISTAM 2021 - 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Manual Consent Redaction is a privacy-
preserving methodology that enables users to
revoke given consent to data collection for specific
locations or all locations tracked by geo-spatial
technologies. This technique offers users greater
control over their data, as they can choose to opt-in
or out of the service or select what data points to
exclude from external servers. In manual consent
redaction, the user can choose to revoke their con-
sent for geo-spatial technologies to access all their
locations or just for specific locations. If the user
desires the latter, they must manually select which
locations to exclude from the data collection process,
and these would also be removed from the external
servers. Choosing the former means the user can
not use the geo-spatial technology, and all their data
should be removed from the servers. This approach
gives user’s control over their privacy and is a highly
interpretable notion of privacy from a user standpoint.
Its disadvantages includes the risk of human error
and it has less privacy-utility tradeoff.
Most contact tracing apps only give the users the
option of fully consenting to data collection or re-
voking their consent. Using this approach, the user
can only use the contact tracing app if they agree to
data collection. Otherwise, they can not specify if
they want only specific locations redacted. Unlike
the other privacy-preserving methods above, manual
consent redaction alone does not fully guarantee spa-
tial privacy. It is more restrictive, as revoking con-
sent bars a user from using the technology. For ex-
ample, (Bay et al., 2020) uses consent revocation in
combination with other privacy-preserving methods
to ensure users’ privacy. The more user-friendly ap-
proach, where users can exclude specific data points if
they choose to, does not guarantee the remaining data
collected are non-identifying. i.e., attackers can still
identify users based on their DAL even if they redact
private locations from data collection.
The idea of a spatial k-anonymity development solu-
tion is that it takes a list of user’s locations (L), and
creates a bound portion of anonymized geographical
locations (anonymized-L) that is shared with at least
K-1 other users.
Pulling heavily on the previous work of (Cassa
et al., 2006), which addresses the issues of using an
anonymizing algorithm while preserving the fidelity
of containing an outbreak through epidemiology data,
the features of our algorithm are as follows:
1. Population Density-based Gaussian Spatial
Skew. We hope to “blur” any location the user
deems as private. As such, we need to take the
user’s addresses that are private (represented in
longitude and latitude), and skew using a random
offset based on Gaussian distribution which has
a standard deviation that is inversely proportional
to the area’s population density. This allows for
smaller transposition of people in high density ar-
eas while maintaining k-anonymity.
Individual Point Gaussian Blur. Points will
have to be skewed a minimum distance. To do
this, we develop two randomly selected vari-
ables, σ
and σ
which represent standard de-
viations from a normal distribution to give the
distance and direction of a user’s displacement.
From here, two displacement values ((d
Gaussian blur, a concept used in image process-
ing, takes a float or integer representation and
applies noise in line with a Gaussian distribu-
2. Combining with the Anonymization Algorithm
of Cassa et al. Assuming we have some con-
text data like US Census or other state-sponsored
data collection, we want anonymization skewed
inversely with population density. That is, if
someone lives in a highly-dense area, they should
move a shorter distance in the anonymized mode,
whereas rural participants move larger distances
in the anonymized mode.
3. Anonymization Multipliers. In order to con-
trol for population and age-based density is-
sues, multipliers from the Cassa et al. pa-
per will be employed. They are as follows:
APDM = Age-based population density multiplier
TPDM = Total population density multiplier
AGPD = Average age group population density
UBGAD = User’s block group age density
ATPD = Average total population density
UBGPD = User’s block group population density
AM = Age Multiplier
APD = Age-based population density
CM = Combined multiplier
Equations (1) and (2) combine to form a com-
bined multiplier that looks like this:
CM = AM APD +(1 AM) T PDM (3)
Spatial K-anonymity: A Privacy-preserving Method for COVID-19 Related Geo-spatial Technologies
The overall Anonymization Multiplier is as fol-
lows, with c being a scaling factor that can alter
the overall skew of a coordinate pair:
CM = AM APDM + (1 AM) T PDM (4)
These solutions should prove to hold up to traditional
spatial K-anonymity privacy standards that any nefar-
ious effort to identify the user’s location can be pin-
pointed with no greater than 1/K probability (Ghinita
et al., 2010).
In order to exemplify our developmental solution, a
technical solution is implemented in Python using an
SQLite database, as one might find in a mobile appli-
cation to hold a small dataset of 50 locations in the
Government Center neighborhood of Boston, Mas-
sachusetts. The application of the code can be found
on Github in a Jupyter Notebook (McPherson, 2020)
In summation, the approach follows a similar
production-level approach one might find in a mo-
bile application: starting with an SQLite database,
the data is transformed into a dataframe, while each
longitude and latitude are Gaussian blurred and trans-
formed from the estimates above.
To test the hypothesis that the latitude and longi-
tude coordinates were skewed in a Gaussian manner,
a Shapiro-Wilk test is provided at the end of the note-
book, as provided by the scipy library. The Shapiro-
Wilk test estimated a p-value greater than 0.05 (0.118)
for latitudinal values, meaning that the null hypothe-
sis cannot be rejected. We assume then that the lat-
itudinal values are transformed in a Gaussian man-
ner. However, the Shapiro-Wilk test concluded that
the null hypothesis for longitudinal values should be
rejected (p=0.00). However, it can be noted that there
appears to be an outlier in the distribution, which
probably affected the transformation (see In[30] in
Finally, it is illustrated that, when following the
probability distribution of a Gaussian distribution, the
estimated k-anonymity (see In[32] in notebook) in-
creases non-monotonically by the equation of:
Estimated k-anonymity = location population den-
sity * area of neighborhood * probability in Gaussian
standard distribution.
This allows for k-anonymity to increase non-
linearly even as the standard distribution increases
linearly. This, paired with the factors that are con-
text and geographically specific, allow k-anonymity
to vary in magnitude across space and time. Although
knowledge of various characteristic values like popu-
lation density likely would compromise the algorithm
in some way, the algorithm randomizes the magni-
tude of skew by inverse variation to other personal
and hard-to-obtain privacy data like patient age and
exact location.
One main limitation of our study is the number
of data points our team was able to obtain from var-
ious census blocks, as well as those census block’s
characteristic information regarding age and popula-
tion density. A follow-up study should be performed
on the power of the data in regards to its normality
test, as well as obtaining more data points to be able
to apply the algorithm to actual confirmed COVID-19
Currently, we have built an application to demonstrate
the concept of spatial privacy protection of the user.
For the same we managed to build a working front
end and back end product. In future, we plan to up-
scale this and make it production ready to be deployed
for real life use cases. For the same we plan to shift
from using SQLite as our database to others such as
Postgres for handling heavy load. Also, we plan to
add several new features such as heatmap generation
for the user to help them understand their travel pat-
terns, mark points/places of heavy concentration of
users and declare it to be a zone of high risk, also
identify and mark the points which are public places.
All these features would help the user to plan their
travel journey better and also help understand the sur-
roundings they reside in a better way.
Special thanks to PathCheck Foundation for sup-
porting our paper, including Ramesh Raskar, Aryan
Mahindra, and Haris Nazir.
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Spatial K-anonymity: A Privacy-preserving Method for COVID-19 Related Geo-spatial Technologies