Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study
Negar Haghbin
1 a
and Marta Kersten-Oertel
1,2 b
Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada
PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada
Mobile Health Applications, Gamification, Physiotherapy, Cueing, Multimodal Cues, Wearables.
Advances in mobile devices have made possible the adherence to healthy lifestyles and workout routines
with less supervision from a professional, for example, a strength trainer or physiotherapist. Mobile health
games in particular can help individuals with chronic conditions and disabilities who require physiotherapy
and rehabilitation to stay motivated and encouraged during their physiotherapy process. We developed a
mobile game application, Neblina Wrist Physio that works with a wearable motion sensor to look at the
effect of multimodal cueing, i.e. using stimuli to facilitate movement initiation and continuation, mechanisms
on wrist physiotherapy exercises. The results of our study showed that cueing in a gamified physiotherapy
environment is an effective means of keeping users entertained and engaged. At the same time, the impact of
cueing modalities in improving the quality of gamified physiotherapy exercises appears to be affected by the
difficulty of the exercise and the specific game.
In guided fitness and physiotherapy, concise instruc-
tions and feedback are needed so that patients can
both safely and effectively execute specific exer-
cises (Sch
onauer et al., 2011). Cueing is one of
the known methods of guidance in physical therapy
which can help a patient to perform activities more
effectively. Cueing has been defined as using stim-
uli (either temporal or spatial) to help in the start or
continuation of a movement (Nieuwboer et al., 2007)
or simply as giving information as to what a partic-
ular exercise should look like or how it should be
carried out (Horstink et al., 1993). Although studies
have shown the efficacy of physiotherapy can be im-
proved by the addition of cueing techniques (Nieuw-
boer et al., 2007), the use of an inappropriate modality
or excessive information, which may be the case when
using multiple modalities, may lead to excessive cog-
nitive workload. Combining different types of feed-
back or cueing can convey a better understanding of
a task since humans naturally interact with multiple
modalities. While multimodal cueing can keep pa-
tients informed, engaged, and even entertained, ex-
cessive information can be distracting, and confus-
ing (Baldwin et al., 2012). Thus a balance needs to
be found to determine which cues or which combina-
tion of cues can provide motivation and help a patient
to effectively perform their exercises.
Figure 1: To explore the effect of cueing in physiotherapy
we designed an application that works with a wearable sen-
sor for wrist exercises.
Physiotherapy can be a painful and tiring process
involving a series of exercises that patients must re-
peat over a long period. Unfortunately, patients often
get bored after a short period of time and lose moti-
vation making physiotherapy less effective. One so-
lution that has been widely used in recent years to en-
courage patients to do their exercises at home is to
gamify the exercise routines. Gamification is defined
as adding game elements (e.g. rewards/scoring, com-
Haghbin, N. and Kersten-Oertel, M.
Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010396101370145
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2021), pages 137-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-506-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
petition, and levels) to a non-game context in order
to make a rather boring task like physiotherapy more
entertaining, engaging, and interesting (Marczewski,
2013). Games and mixed reality (e.g. augmented or
virtual reality) can be an ideal medium to incorporate
physiotherapy exercises with different cueing modal-
In this paper, we describe a preliminary study in-
vestigating real-time cueing (visual or auditory) in a
gamified physiotherapy environment (see Figure 1).
To explore this, we developed Neblina Wrist Physio,
an iOS mobile application consisting of two well-
known games (Breakout and Flappy Bird) that are
played by performing wrist exercises while wearing
Motsai’s Neblina
1.1 Neblina Motion Sensor
The Neblina
core module is a low-power self-
contained Attitude and Heading Reference Sys-
tem (AHRS), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and
Vertical Reference Unit (VRU) module with wire-
less connectivity developed by Motsai (see Figure 2).
It uses a Bluetooth connection to connect to smart-
phones, tablets and other devices. It also has ex-
tremely efficient power management and low-energy
operation making it ideal for exploring motion in
wearable technology devices
. For our research, we
used the AHRS functionality of the Neblina
Figure 2: The Neblina
motion sensor compared to a
Canadian one-dollar coin size-wise.
In the following section we explore different cue-
ing modalities and gamification in physiotherapy.
It should be noted that some researchers use the
terms cueing and feedback interchangeably. Although
strategies for feedback and cueing are similar, the
moment at which the stimulus is provided differs.
Whereas cueing is the use of external stimuli to
facilitate movement during initiation and continua-
tion (Nieuwboer et al., 2007), feedback is used based
on a person’s performance [of a movement] during or
after an action. In the related works described below,
we choose the term that was used in the paper being
2.1 Modality
Different modalities, e.g., visual, auditory, or so-
matosensory, can be used for cueing. In gen-
eral, visual cueing provides more useful informa-
tion; however, auditory information is processed more
. In movements where extra mobility is re-
quired, directing attention to visual cues might nega-
tively affect a physiotherapy process. In these cases
auditory or somatosensory cues are preferable. In
the specific context of health, the cueing and feed-
back that is normally given by a professional is vi-
sual (e.g. demonstrating the proper way to make a
move), auditory (e.g. giving verbal instruction), or
somatosensory (e.g. moving a person’s limb into
the right position or applying pressure to a specific
area of the body) (Sousa et al., 2016). The emer-
gence of computer-vision and wearable sensors is en-
abling automated cueing and feedback without the
need for constant human supervision. In these cases,
visual cueing has been defined as the addition of non-
content information to visual representations and can
have various formats including graphics (e.g. arrows,
coloring, flashing, etc.), on-screen narrations and/or
texts (Lin and Atkinson, 2011). The most studied
type of computer-generated auditory cueing is rhyth-
mic (Gallagher, 2017) for example the use of an un-
derlying beat in music (Ford et al., 2010) to increase
stride length and cadence in participants with Parkin-
son’s Disease.
2.2 Wearables, Cueing and
Gamification in Physiotherapy
Wearable sensors are becoming more and more fre-
quently used in rehabilitation. Gallagher (Gallagher
et al., 2015) investigated auditory cueing, visual cue-
ing, feedback, and directed attention for cycling in
healthy adults and those with Parkinson’s Disease
(PD). The results showed that whereas for healthy
individuals only audio cueing and directed atten-
tion increases pedaling speed, for PD patients all 4
conditions affect pedaling rate positively. Another
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Extension and Flexion. (b) Ulnar and Radial deviation. Figures from (Larcombe, 2015).
study (Dowling et al., 2010) demonstrated the use
of wearable sensors in gait modification for people
with knee osteoarthritis (KO). The authors examined
which type of real-time feedback (verbal or sensor vi-
bration feedback) is most effective in improving gait
and found that vibration feedback was better than ver-
bal. Nikmaram et al. (Nikmaram et al., 2019) did a
study on sonification (i.e., changes in musical pitch)
in post-stroke rehabilitation. They used of each indi-
vidual’s affected hand movements by capturing data
using sensors attached to the wrist and arm of a patient
to play simple tunes. Although there was no effect
of sonification on training overall, a small effect was
found on movement smoothness. Doyle et al. (Doyle
et al., 2011) used an iPhone as a motion sensor to in-
vestigate if exergaming can improve a patient’s accu-
racy in performing exercises. Participants who played
the exergame showed more accuracy over no feed-
back and limited video feedback environments. Gar-
cia et al. (Garcia and Navarro, 2014) developed a mo-
bile rehabilitation application using augmented reality
(AR) and gamification to help individuals with ankle
sprain injuries. Their results showed that using AR
and gamification can increase motivation and adher-
ence to rehabilitation routines. In a similar work, Shin
et al. (Shin et al., 2014) developed a task-specific in-
teractive game using virtual reality for post-stroke re-
habilitation of upper body parts. Their system showed
to be effective in improving attention, providing an
immersive flow experience, and individualizing inter-
ventions during the rehabilitation process.
As seen from these related works, the context, in-
tended population, and exercise can impact the effec-
tiveness of gamification, cueing and participant en-
Wrist injuries or wrist pains are very common in peo-
ple who do sports or who do repetitive wrist motions
(e.g. typing on a keyboard or working on an assem-
bly line). In addition, wrist pain might be a result of
sudden impacts or certain diseases such as rheuma-
toid arthritis, which mostly affects the elderly. Physi-
cal therapy is a common treatment for wrist disorders.
Moreover, performing simple stretching and strength-
ening exercises regularly or as warm-ups before doing
sports can help to prevent wrist injuries
Two of the most common sets of wrist physiother-
apy exercises are (1) extension and flexion and (2)
ulnar and radial deviations. Extension is defined as
raising the back of the hand and flexion describes the
bending of the hand down so that the palm faces in
toward the arm (Figure 3a). Ulnar deviation is the
movement of bending the wrist towards the little fin-
ger’s side. Radial deviation is the movement of bend-
ing the wrist towards the thumb’s side (Figure 3b).
Normal values for wrist range of motions are 71 de-
grees of extension, 73 degrees of flexion, 33 degrees
of ulnar deviation, and 19 degrees of radial devia-
tion (Kim et al., 2014).
To study the impact of cueing modality preferences in
gamified physiotherapy, we developed a wrist therapy
application with different cueing modalities: visual,
auditory and visual and auditory cues combined. The
study involved participants playing two video games
on an iPad while having the Neblina
sensor placed
on top of their hand as can be seen in Figure 4.
Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study
Figure 4: Setup of the user experiment.
Specifically, we had the following research ques-
tions:Which cueing modalities (no cueing, audio, vi-
sual, or a combination of audio and visual) are best
to improve physiotherapy exercise quality in a gami-
fied environment? and Do users have fun and become
more engaged in physiotherapy exercises when they
are gamified?
4.1 Neblina Wrist Physio App
To answer our research questions, we developed an
iOS wrist therapy application consisting of two video
games: Breakout and Flappy Bird.
4.1.1 Breakout Game
Breakout is based on a popular arcade game (Fig-
ure 5a). In this game, the user controls a paddle at
the bottom of the screen to keep a ball from falling
while popping blocks at the top of the screen using
the same ball. In our version of the game, the paddle
is controlled by Neblina
sensor which is placed on
top of the user’s hand. Thus, the user has to do ulnar
and radial deviations in order to play the game.
In the Breakout game the visual cue was given
by arrows that pointed to the left or right indicating
where the paddle needed to be moved to hit the ball.
For auditory cueing, a voice saying ”Move left” or
”Move right” speaks while the ball moves downward
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Screenshots of the Breakout game. (a) The Break-
out game in Neblina Wrist Physio app. (b) The Flappy Bird
game in Neblina Wrist Physio app.
indicating where the paddle needs to be moved. We
also studied the combination of both cues.
4.1.2 Flappy Bird
Flappy Bird is a game, where traditionally, the user
controls the bird by tapping on the screen and avoid-
ing pipes appearing in the way (Figure 5b). In our
version of the game, the bird is controlled by the ex-
tension and flexion of the user’s wrist. In this game,
extension of the wrist makes the bird fly higher and
flexion of the wrist makes the bird fly lower. For this
game, visual cueing was given using arrows pointing
up or down while the bird is approaching a pipe and
audio cueing was done by having a voice say ”Move
up” or ”Move down” while the bird is approaching a
pipe. The combination of cues was also studied.
4.2 Experimental Design
The setup for the user experiment required the user to
place their right arm comfortably on a desk. A prelim-
inary study showed that participants playing Breakout
would tend to move their whole arm rather than just
the wrist, therefore, two horizontal poles were taped
to the desk to limit the movement of the user’s arm. To
perform the exercises correctly, the user’s arm should
stay still on a flat surface, thus the participants were
instructed to leave their arm flat on the table and only
use their wrist to move within the games. The par-
ticipant’s wrist was not placed on the desk so that it
could move freely without any restrictions (Figure 4).
In addition, for both games, the user can perform the
exercises while making a fist or having their hand flat.
For both games, the Neblina
sensor was placed
on top of the user’s hand and the speed of the game
and sensitivity of the sensor were calibrated for each
participant. Prior to the study users were first in-
structed on how to do the exercises and then asked to
do each exercise without the system for 30 seconds.
Each participant played each game for 2 minutes un-
der four conditions: (1) no cue, (2) visual cue, (3) au-
ditory cue and (4) visual and auditory cue combined.
Thus each participant played 8 minutes of each game.
The ordering of which game was played first, Break-
out or Flappy Bird was alternated. Participants were
able to rest before each round of the game and were
told they should stop at anytime if they experienced
any discomfort.
4.2.1 Pre-test Questionnaire
Prior to playing the game participants signed a con-
sent form and filled out a pre-test questionnaire con-
taining questions about participants’ experience with
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
wearable sensors, video games, and guided exercis-
ing. Example questions from the questionnaire in-
clude: Have you done guided exercises or rehabili-
tation before? How often do you play video games?
Do you have any experience working with wear-
able devices containing motion sensors (e.g. HMD,
Smartwatch, Smart clothing etc.)? and Do you have
any experience doing ”gamified” fitness activities
(e.g. Wii Sports, Kinect Sport Games, Zombie Run,
Ingress, etc.)? The full questionnaire was created
using Google Forms and can be accessed at: https:
4.2.2 Post-test Questionnaire
After finishing the experiment, participants were
asked to fill out a post-test questionnaire. In the post-
study questionnaire we targeted participants’ pref-
erence and feeling regarding cueing modalities for
each game, and their perception of wearable sen-
sors and the use of games for physiotherapy. In ad-
dition, they were asked about any further sugges-
tions for improving the application. The post-test
questionnaire can be accessed at
For the study, 10 healthy participants (4 females and
6 males, age 24 to 44) were recruited
. None of them
had any major hearing, vision or wrist problems.
5.1 Participants’ Background
According to the pre-test questionnaire, half (50%) of
the participants love new technologies and try using
them and 20% of them like new technologies but are
not eager to use them. The rest of the participants
might like or dislike them depending on the context
(see Figure 6).
Regarding the experience with guided exercises or
physiotherapy of any kind, 70% of the participants
did not have any experience. Twenty percent of the
participants had experience with conventional guid-
ance methods, for example with paper instructions
(e.g. sheet with physiotherapy exercises), a profes-
sional demonstrating exercises (e.g. in an aerobics
class), and video instructions (e.g. a yoga YouTube
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and partial lock-down
in Montreal at the time, we could only run subjects from
within our bubble, thus limiting the study size and our abil-
ity to recruit subjects currently doing arm/wrist physiother-
apy exercises.
Figure 6: Users’ feeling towards new technologies.
video). Lastly, another twenty percent had experi-
ence using guidance with movement trackers or sen-
sors. None of our participants had experience in doing
guided exercises with augmented or virtual reality.
The pre-test questionnaire also showed that the
general perception of gamified fitness activities was
positive. From the 30% of the participants who had
experience with them, 66.6% believed that they can-
not be effective in improving general health but they
are motivating. All of the participants believed that
they are fun, engaging and interesting. Participants
generally disagreed that games are frustrating, stress-
ful or discouraging. On the contrary, subjects who had
experience with team gamified fitness activities (20%)
believed that doing fitness activities with a team in a
gamified way can improve fitness and general health.
Regarding the use of video games, almost half
of the participants (40%) rarely played video games.
Twenty percent of them played video games more
than 10 hours weekly and 30% of the participants
played video games less than 3 hours weekly. 10% of
the participants played 3 to 10 hours weekly. The ma-
jority of the participants (80%) used mobile devices
for playing games. Almost half, 40% use a desktop
computer and/or laptop to play and 10% of the par-
ticipants use a video game console. With respect to
the participants’ general feeling during game playing,
70% of them felt entertained, 40% of them felt ex-
cited and another 40% felt relaxed. These differences
of feelings could be due to differences in the type
of game play (e.g. Tetris/Sudoku type games versus
first-person shooter games).
In terms of wearables, we found that 70% of our
participants have previously used a wearable device
containing motion sensors (e.g. HMD, smartwatch,
smart clothing) and 80% of them had experience with
motion-sensing devices (e.g. Kinect and Wii).
Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study
Figure 7: Users’ feeling while playing Neblina Wrist Physio games.
5.2 Wearable Sensor
The post-test questionnaire queried users’ perception
of the Neblina
sensor. Participants were asked to
rate the precision on a scale of 1 to 5, ve being very
precise. We found that 90% of the participants rated
the precision of the sensor to be greater than 3. The
majority of participants (70%) believed that the sen-
sor was easy to use and all of them felt comfortable
using the sensor.
5.3 Perception of Gamified
Generally, the participants favoured the idea of using
a game for doing physiotherapy exercises. They all
felt motivated and 90% of them felt that the study was
fun, engaging, and effective; however, almost half of
the participants (40%) felt the overall system was dif-
ficult to work with. This was mainly due to the fact
that the sensor had to be attached to the wrist and cal-
ibrated, and thus could be alleviated in future studies
with, for example, the use of a wearable bracelet. At
the same time, all of the participants responded that
they would use this type of system for physiotherapy
or rehabilitation.
Regarding subjects’ feelings during playing the
Breakout game, albeit they mostly had positive feel-
ings such as entertained (50%), excited (40%), happy
(10%), had fun (10%), and were engaged (10%), 30%
of the participants felt stressed and one subject felt
bored. This result is more or less the same for the
Flappy Bird game with one major difference, that no-
body felt stressed during this game while 40% of the
participants felt relaxed during this game. In addition,
fewer participants felt excited and more felt bored.
These results could have been expected since during
the user study, the Breakout game was perceived to
be more challenging for the participants in compari-
son to the Flappy Bird game. When looking at the
participants’ general perception of video games, the
same participants that felt excited or stressed had an-
swered in the pre-test questionnaire that games typ-
ically make them stressed or excited. Thus, these
participants had the same perception of physiother-
apy games as typical games played for leisure. Those
participants who play games more often felt less en-
tertained and more bored during the study likely since
the main goal of these games is performing physical
therapy exercises rather than entertaining users (Fig-
ure 7). Furthermore, based on the post-study ques-
tionnaire, less excitement for a game might result in
boredom during the game (Figure 7).
5.4 Exercise Quality
Although we did not directly measure the quality of
the wrist exercises we did observe participants. Dur-
ing the game, even though participants were asked to
not move their arm and only use their wrists for the
exercises in some cases of the Breakout game, they
tended to shift their arm or rotate their wrists instead
of doing ulnar and radial deviation in order to avoid
losing. This might be directly connected to their level
of excitement or stress while playing the game. We
posit that the more engaged users become the more
likely they are to focus on gaining points and doing
well in the game than doing the exercise properly.
Thus games need to be carefully designed in order to
allow for proper movements and avoid more injury.
One way to do this is to use games where the score is
based on exercise quality.
5.5 Cueing
We queried the users on their preference about cueing
modality in terms of engagement, helpfulness in per-
formance, and distraction. Overall, the favourite cue
for Flappy Bird game was the auditory cue (40%), in
comparison to no cueing for the Breakout game (Fig-
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Users’ preference regarding the type of cue. (a) For the Breakout game. One participant preferred the combination
of audio and visual, provided that they are timed better. (b) For the Flappy Bird game.
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Users’ opinion of types of cueing. (a) For the Breakout game. (b) For the Flappy Bird game.
ure 8). A T-test showed that there were no significant
differences between the two games in terms of users’
opinion of cueing modalities (visual (p=0.4263), au-
dio (p=0.3375), audio + visual (p=0.4766)). We sum-
marize the results of the main findings in Figure 9.
5.5.1 Visual Cueing
For the Breakout game the majority of participants
felt that visual cues were not distracting (70%) or an-
noying (80%). In addition, half of the participants
sensed an improvement in their performance, and
40% of them felt it was helpful. For the Flappy Bird
game, fewer participants (40%) felt the visual cue had
a role in improving their performance but more sub-
jects (50%) sensed it was helpful. Almost all of the
participants agreed that the visual cues were not dis-
tracting (90%) or annoying (80%) for the Flappy Bird
game. The major difference regarding visual cues be-
tween the games was the level of engagement; 30% of
the participants thought that the visual cues had made
the Breakout game more engaging, whereas this re-
sult is 50% for the Flappy Bird game. This difference
is also likely due to the difference of difficulty in the
game. One participant commented that the Breakout
game was more difficult so the cues helped, whereas,
for the Flappy Bird, which is more simple and easy to
play, the cue had no impact and therefore was ignored.
5.5.2 Audio Cueing
For both games over a third of the participants (40%)
felt that auditory cueing was annoying. This might be
as a result of the fact that participants were focused
on the visual elements of the games and having audio
cues repeating (“up/down” or “left/right”) became an-
noying. At the same time, by some participants the
cues were deemed helpful and were felt to improve
users’ performances. Thus it seems they did not neg-
atively impact the users’ game performance. For both
the Breakout game and Flappy Bird game, half of the
participants felt an improvement in their performance
comparing to visual cueing rounds. Half of the partic-
ipants felt audio cueing was helpful for the Breakout
game and this number increased for the Flappy Bird
game to 70% which is also higher than the visual cue-
ing. The majority of the participants agreed that au-
dio cues were not distracting when playing the Flappy
Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study
Bird game (80%) or the Breakout game (70%). A ma-
jor difference regarding the level of engagement with
audio cues between the games was apparent. In terms
of engagement, 40% of the participants felt that audio
cues had made the Breakout game more engaging and
70% felt that for the Flappy Bird game.
5.5.3 Multimodal Cueing: Visual and Audio
In terms of the users’ perception of both visual and
audio cueing, while the combination resulted in the
same perception for helpfulness (50%) and distraction
(20%) for both of the games, the Flappy Bird game
with both modalities was considered more engaging
(50%) and more effective regarding improvement in
performance (50%) compared to the Breakout game
with both of the modalities. In addition, the Flappy
Bird game was found to be less annoying (20%) than
the Breakout game (30%).
The results of our work suggest that people believe
gamified physiotherapy is engaging and can help in
exercises. However, the design of these types of
games requires its own set of considerations and a
game’s level of difficulty needs to be customized
based on each individual’s capabilities. Furthermore,
consideration into using cueing for better timing and
smoothness of the exercise should be considered in
future work (Benoit et al., 2014). The impact of cue-
ing on cognitive load needs to be customized as well.
As one of the participants mentioned “... I ignore
them [visual cues for the Breakout game] because it
takes longer for me to process visual cues than play
based on my assumptions...”. This reflects some of
the previous studies that show that visual cues may
take too long to process and should not be used when
visual attention should be paid elsewhere.
Although our population believed that more chal-
lenging games might be more exciting and engaging,
this may not be the case with an elderly population.
With more engaging games people might pay more
attention to scoring rather than correctly performing
the physiotherapy exercises. Thus, for more engag-
ing games a possibility for future work would be to
include pose estimation, and use of feedback to show
a user when an exercise is not being performed cor-
rectly (Christiansen et al., 2013; Ayman Hassan et al.,
2020; de Araujo et al., 2017). Gaming mechanisms
where users lose points for not performing exercises
correctly could also be considered but must be bal-
anced with the motivation of users.
In terms of limitations, our user study was con-
ducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since this
study required participants to place a wearable sensor
on their hands, it limited us in terms of finding more
participants from diverse backgrounds, or those who
were currently doing rehabilitation exercises. Our
study also only included two cueing modalities (i.e.
visual cueing and auditory cueing). The next step
of this work will be to not only explore the effect of
haptic cueing and the combination of haptic with au-
ditory and visual cueing but also the effect of feed-
back modalities on basic and more challenging physi-
cal therapy exercises. Moreover, we will use in-game
scores as a quantitative measure for assessing users’
There is considerable research potential regarding
providing guidance in a virtual environment for phys-
iotherapy exercises. In addition, the emergence of
computer vision methods and wearable motion track-
ing devices has provided various ways of collecting
users’ movement data. Still, several concerns remain
that need to be addressed regarding the clinical ef-
fects of cueing and other forms of guidance on gam-
ified physiotherapy movements. Most prominently,
we currently lack understanding of the connection be-
tween in-game performance and cueing and whether
this in turn impacts enjoyment and ultimately adher-
ence to physiotherapy routines. Although our study
shows promising results regarding the use of cue-
ing with basic gamified physiotherapy exercises and
a healthy population, it is currently unclear whether
our method will hold true for a more complex physio-
therapy routine and for participants who present with
motor deficits and are going through an actual physio-
therapy process. In addition, since a number of phys-
ical therapy exercises need the patient to be more ac-
tive and move more often during an exercise, the use
of other cueing modalities such as haptics might be
more beneficial than visual cues. Moreover, provid-
ing feedback to show if the user is performing exer-
cises correctly can continuously improve the users’
performance as was demonstrated in previous stud-
ies (Ribeiro et al., 2011; Christiansen et al., 2013).
Future investigations should examine whether having
feedback along with cueing can have the same or even
a stronger effect on users’ adherence to routines and
quality of movements and exercises.
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
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on PoseNet. Informatics Bulletin, Faculty of Com-
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ter, M. S., Mayhorn, C. B., and Ferris, T. K. (2012).
Multimodal cueing: The relative benefits of the audi-
tory, visual, and tactile channels in complex environ-
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