A System Dynamics Model of Land-use Change for Climate Change
Adaptation: The Case of Uganda
Isdore Paterson Guma
, Agnes Semwanga Rwashana
and Benedict Oyo
Department of Computer Science, Gulu University, Gulu, Uganda
College of Computing and Information Science, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Keywords: System Dynamics Model, Land-Use Change, Climate, Climate Change Adaptation.
Abstract: System dynamics models in land use change are useful tools for understanding the cause and effect of land
use changes, assessing the impacts of land use systems on the environment, and supports land use planning
and policy dimensions. Several studies have used different methods to examine the drivers of land-use change
in understanding the interactions of land-use change as a result of human activities. However, much less work
has been undertaken to model the future of a suite of ecosystem services in a holistic way. These studies have
been conducted with minimum emphasis on the systemic structures or feedback processes of land-use
decisions. A system dynamics model will be used to model ecosystem services to understand complex
interactions using dynamic synthesis methodology. Questionnaires and interviews will be used for data
collection. The study will explore viable policies for optimal land use to mitigate the degree of future climate
change and risks. Projections of future resource requirements and environmental stress are alarming as a result
of poorly planned economic development. Unless significant measures are taken to incorporate environmental
concerns, the situation is likely to worsen in the future. Modeling complex natural-human systems remains
an important research area.
System Dynamics (SD) is a tool for understanding
complex system interactions that deal with dynamical
processes with feedback (Rasmussen et al., 2012).
Besides, SD predicts the complex system changes
under different "what-if" scenarios, making it a good
tool and is widely used in different fields of natural
science, social science, and engineering technology
(Rasmussen et al., 2012). This is because the
complexities of the systems are beyond the grasp of
human mental models. Such a systems-oriented
stance suggests a means of untangling the
complexities of the biophysical and socio-economic
systems. SD places special emphasis on explicit
representation and simulation of non-linear feedback
mechanisms when addressing complex problems
(Siregar et al., 2018).
It helps to identify leverage factors (population
pressure, socio-economic pressure), predicts changes
in the future such as climate variability, floods
(Siregar et al., 2018), appreciate how systems change
over time, and a method for studying complex
systems based on the theory of non-linearity,
dynamics, and feedback control (Liu et al., 2017).
Hence, SD is a valuable approach that allows
exploration of how the land systems work, and more
critically, to assess the drivers of environmental
degradation and its contribution to climate change
(Josephat, 2018).
Land-use change (LUC) is a process of
transforming the natural ecosystem by human
activities, causing a significant impact on the
environmental systems (Worku, 2020). LUCs are
often nonlinear and might trigger feedback to the
system, stress living conditions, and threaten people
with vulnerability (Siregar et al., 2018).
The land degradation and loss of biodiversity have
underprivileged human communities of important
ecosystem services (Businge et al., 2017). If this trend
continues, the world will face a very serious challenge
to meet the global goals on water and sanitation, food
security, climate change action, affordable and clean
Guma, I., Rwashana, A. and Oyo, B.
A System Dynamics Model of Land-use Change for Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Uganda.
DOI: 10.5220/0010342101910198
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021), pages 191-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-528-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For example, agricultural expansion in the
equatorial forest in the Democratic Republic of
Congo is the main cause of deforestation (Samndong
et al., 2018) and in the Atlantic Forest in Northern
Brazil, 76% of the households use wood fuel
regularly, and consume on average
686kg/person/year of tree biomass; while poorer
people consume 961kg/person/year (Specht et al.,
Similarly, over 80% of the households in Uganda
live adjacent to wetland areas and directly use
wetland resources for their household food security
needs (Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019). The occupants
only associate the importance of wetlands to
consumptive use value like crop cultivation, animal
grazing, human settlement, and extraction of useful
materials while least recognizing stabilization of
hydrological cycle and microclimates, protection of
riverbanks, nutrient and toxin retention, and sewage
treatment (Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019).
At least 20% of wetlands in eastern Uganda have
been destroyed, depleted, and diminished for rice
plantations (Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019). Currently,
land resources conversion is a critical challenge for
Uganda driven by the need to meet the livelihoods of
smallholders, high demand for forest products,
urbanization increasing at the rate of 6.6%
(Mwanjalolo et al., 2018; Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019)
among others.
As a result, Uganda lost an estimated 16.5% of
forests and woodlands (Josephat, 2018) and, a decline
in wetlands by 30% (Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019)
between 1994 and 2014 causing erratic behaviour in
climate change variability (Boston & Lawrence,
2018). These indicators all point to serious
environmental concerns affecting the livelihoods of
human societies which depend on a wide range of
ecosystem services.
To understand the impacts on the natural
landscape and feedback onto humanity, this study
aims to develop a system dynamics model of land-use
change for climate change adaptation.
1.1 Reference Modes
System dynamics models represent problems but not
systems, and the first step in the modeling process is
to define the problem (Saeed, 1998). The problem is
defined by the reference mode based on historical
information and is often described in a graphical form
(Saeed, 1998). Available data for this model's
reference modes are in two areas namely:
deforestation and carbon emission. In system
dynamics, a problem is defined as an internal
behavioural tendency found in a system (Saeed,
Deforestation. Uganda lost on average 844kha of
tree cover equivalent to 11% since 2000 (Pendrill et
al., 2019), translating to 218Mt of CO
emissions. In
2001, the tree cover loss was recorded at 29.7kha
representing 0.38%; 65.1kha, 117kha, and 63.3kha
were recorded representing 0.84%, 1.5%, and 0.81%
in the year 2011, 2017, and 2019 respectively as
depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Deforestation trends 2001 to 2019 (Source:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Forest is a net source of
, emitting on average 25.5t of CO
per year from
1990 to 2016 (Dou et al., 2016), representing 44%
greenhouse gas emissions over the same period. For
instance, in 2001, 29.7kha of tree cover was lost and
10.8Mt of carbon was emitted. A total of 65.1kha and
20.9Mt of tree cover losses and carbon emissions
recorded in 2011 respectively. In 2019, 63.3kha of
tree cover equivalent to 12.6Mt of carbon emissions
as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Carbon emission trends (2001-2019) (Source:
1.2 Dynamic Hypothesis
This is a theory of how structure, decisions, and
policies can generate the observed behaviour (Oliva,
2003). The model theory explains the causal link
between structure and the simulated behavioural
output arising from the interaction of the equations
and initial conditions. The dynamic hypothesis
SIMULTECH 2021 - 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
explains the problematic behaviour shown by
balancing loops B1, B2, and B3 by providing an
explanation of the dynamics, characterizing the
problem in terms of feedback and delays in the
structures by the system as in Figure 3.
In loop B1, an increase in population increases
demand for ecosystem services leading to ecosystem
degradation, which in turn increases environmental
hazards thereby affecting food security in the long
run. In loop B2, increasing ecosystem degradation
leads to an increase in environmental hazards
negatively affecting economic growth, implying that
government has to spend a lot to minimize
environmental challenges affecting the population.
The negative effect of economic growth widens the
poverty gap among the population, further
exacerbating ecosystem degradation.
While in loop B3, increasing ecosystem
degradation increases economic growth as the
ecosystem provides a source of income to the poor
population. At the same time, expanding agricultural
land as a result of forest and wetland degradation with
other economic activities improves the livelihoods of
the poor as in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Dynamic hypothesis of land-use change.
Several studies have used different methods to
examine the drivers of LUC such as statistical
methods (Gray & Bilsborrow, 2014); spatial analysis
and remote sensing (Call et al., 2017); and system
dynamics (SD) models (Bastan et al., 2018; Turner &
Kodali, 2020) in understanding the interactions of
LUC as a result of human activities. Other models
include: carbon sequestration (Boysen et al., 2020;
Lawrence et al., 2020), biodiversity (Di Marco et al.,
2019; Hof et al., 2018) among others to examine how
future land-use changes affect individual ecosystem
However, much less work has been undertaken to
model the future of a suite of ecosystem services
holistically and have been conducted with minimum
emphasis on the systemic structures or feedback
processes of land-use decisions (Dang & Kawasaki,
2017; Krause et al., 2017; Molotoks et al., 2018;
Rabin et al., 2020).
Uganda like any other country in Sub-Saharan Africa
and the world experiences environmental and socio-
economic changes as a result of land-use changes.
Land use and its exploitations are critical links
between human activities and the natural
environment contributing to regional and global
climate change by driving energy recycling and
material exchange on the land surface (Liu et al.,
2017). Land-use is any form of human activity on the
land to benefit from the land resources (Liu et al.,
This interplay between population growth,
resource depletion, and environmental degradation
has been a matter of debate for decades (Creutzig et
al., 2019). The common position is centred on both
population growth and unsustainable development as
the cause for concern.
3.1 Drivers and Implications of
Land-use Change
The key driver of land-use change according to
researchers is the population growth and derived
human activities (Fang et al., 2019; Mwanjalolo et al.,
2018; Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019). Population
explosion drives encroachments into forest reserves
(Mwanjalolo et al., 2018), wetlands for agriculture
(Baker et al., 2019); settlement (Liu et al., 2017),
mining sand and clay (Willbroad & Kiyawa, 2019).
These human-induced activities of land degradation
not only exacerbate global warming through
increasing greenhouse gas emissions, rather
persistently causing irreversible biological diversity
losses across the globe (Liu et al., 2017).
Urbanization and socio-economic development
have increased human-environment interactions (Yao
et al., 2018) as more than 50% of the world's
population lived in urban areas, a number that will
likely reach over 70% by 2050.
The prevailing poverty in low-income developing
countries is another contributor to environmental
threats. Poor farmers in rural areas live in the most
marginal, fragile environments, forcing them to
A System Dynamics Model of Land-use Change for Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Uganda
sacrifice long-term sustainability for short-term
survival (Izazola & Jowett, 2010). Poverty accounts
for 21.4% of the population in Uganda (Izazola &
Jowett, 2010).
In this context, some studies have reported a
decline of over 53.8% of wetlands in the Lake
Victoria basin and 14.7% in the Lake Albert basin
(Businge et al., 2017).
3.2 Climate Change Adaptation
In Uganda and elsewhere in the world, current
climatic events could have led some individuals to
conclude that "unprecedented is the new normal". For
instance, the floods experienced in New Zealand
during 2017 were recorded as the most expensive on
record costing $243M of insured losses (Lawrence et
al., 2018). Similarly, floods have occurred in
Auckland in May 2018 costing $72M with the 2018
total already at $173M. These indicators in damage
and costs are reflections of our changing climate and
evidence of a more volatile and dynamic
The research methodology adopted will be dynamic
synthesis methodology (DSM) (Williams, 2002) and
employs a research design that combines two
powerful research methods; case study research
(qualitative) and system dynamics methods
(quantitative) to provide solutions to problems
(Sooka & Semwanga, 2011). The two methods
complement each other in terms of theory building,
testing, and theory extension (Williams, 2002).
A combination of qualitative and quantitative
research methods increases the robustness of results
which can be strengthened through cross-validation
(Williams, 2002). Methodological pluralism is
important in research as it eliminates personal bias
(Williams, 2002).
4.1 System Dynamics Method
The SD method provides tools capable of
incorporating mental models into stock-and-flow-
based simulations linking physical materials, delays,
and information flows (Sweeney & Sterman, 2000).
SD method investigates complex systems whose
models are both descriptive and behavioural as they
attempt to represent the physical world relevant to a
specific problem (Sweeney & Sterman, 2000).
Systems theory explains the behaviour of
complex dynamic systems endogenously; identifying
feedback effects most often hidden because of delays
at large time scales. SD illuminates three principal
effects: exogenous shocks, systemic feedback loops,
systemic delays and unintended consequences
(Rwashana et al., 2009).
4.2 Case Study Method
A case study is an empirical investigation that probes
and examines responses of convenient influences
within the real operational environment of the task,
user, and system (Williams & Kennedy, 2012). Case
study approach refers to group methods that
emphasizes qualitative analysis (Yin et al., 1985).
Case study is quantitatively used to validate and
evaluate SD simulation models (Yin et al., 1985).
Similarly, the case study method emphasizes the
study of a phenomenon within its real-world context
favouring the collection of data in natural settings,
compared with relying on "derived" data (Yin et al.,
The research strategy is a step-by-step approach for
data collection and analysis (Rwashana et al., 2009).
It follows a six (6) step process as illustrated in Figure
Figure 4: Research Design Strategy (Source: (Rwashana et
al., 2009).
Stage 1: Problem Statement. The stage of this
process requires solving problems rather than
answering questions. It identifies key stakeholders,
problems, and their owners.
SIMULTECH 2021 - 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Stage 2: Case Studies. It is used to validate and
evaluate the SD model and provide a deeper
understanding of the problem being investigated.
Stage 3: Field Studies. Provides tools and techniques
for conducting studies of users, their tasks, and their
work environments (Rohn et al., 2002).
Sampling Procedure. Purposive sampling will be
adopted by the researcher, enabling the selection of
cases that are both easy to get to and hospitable to the
research inquiry (Kazerooni, 2001). It is flexible in
meeting multiple needs and interests based on the
purpose of the study and knowledge of a population
(Tongo, 2007).
Interviews. Semi-structured interviews will be used
to interview key stakeholders and occupants of
research sites.
Questionnaires and Data Collection. A tool for
collecting and recording information which provides
the missing data for the model. The sample size will
be determined using the Krejcie & Morgan (1970)
Data Analysis. Analysis will be done using SPSS
version 22.
Stage 4: Model Building. Detailed model structure
comprising influence diagrams (CLD) using Vensim
software. The stocks and flows provide a richer visual
language for the quantitative representation using
STELLA Architect, and mathematical relationships
between and among variables are defined.
Stage 5 & 6: Model Testing, Validation and Policy
Analysis. Both model structure and model behaviour
tests will be performed involving different
stakeholders. Success in the testing of the model
creates confidence in the model. While determining
whether the model is valid or not, the following
questions can be asked:
Does the model represent the real-life situation?
Do the specifications of requirements satisfy the
system's needs?
5.1 Expected Outcomes
The following will be the expected outcomes of the
First, design of CLD showing relationships
among the interacting variables, generating a theory
of the observed behaviour of the dynamics of land-
use change.
Secondly, design of quantitative models using
Stella architect software.
Lastly, formulation of suitable policies from
simulation runs.
Sustainable land-use systems planning and
management require a thorough understanding of the
human ecosystem interactions across any landscape.
However, the contributing factors must be interpreted
carefully given the multiple socio-economic and
methodological perspectives in which related studies
have been conducted. Besides, interactions between
contributing factors add to the complexity of land use
change processes.
Rapid population growth drives depletion of
forest resources owing to the increasing demand for
productive land for agriculture, forest products by
clearing more forests. Deforestation reduces species
diversity and erodes the genetic base of tropical trees.
Another driver of land-use change is the weak
environmental laws and policies leading to illegal pit
sawing and timber harvesting activities in tropical
high forest (Mwanjalolo et al., 2018).
Similarly, wetlands provide important socio-
economic value ranging from fish breeding, crop and
livestock farming, non-use values such as micro-
climate regulation, flood control, water regulation,
habitat and eco-tourism, and food security (Kakuru et
al., 2013). The economic value of wetlands through
crop production is attributed to reliable moisture for
crop growth. However, this practice causes
overgrazing and leads to the removal of vegetation,
soil compaction, and destabilization of river banks
and lakeshores, affecting filtering capacity of
wetlands, flood control abilities, water recharge, and
wildlife habitat.
The exploration of the dynamic land system reveals
important dynamics that would be missed even by far
more complex models that treat climate change
adaptation variability exogenously. This calls for
engagement of different stakeholders who play a key
role in adaptation to climate change including
securing ecosystem service provision, the
dissemination of effective adaptation strategies, and
A System Dynamics Model of Land-use Change for Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Uganda
smoothing out shocks. This interplay between
government agencies, the private sector, and
occupants of the affected land ecosystems are
important aspects in determining the adaptive
capacity of land-use changes.
However, the design of interventions is hindered
by the uncertainty of climate change and population
dynamics, untested strategies, and time lags in
implementation (Koontz et al., 2015; Lyle, 2015). At
the same time, actions may have severe unintended
effects on the provision of ecosystem services when
legacies of a previous policy supporting a certain land
use prevent future additional holistic interventions
(Holzhauer et al., 2019). Understanding the interplay
of human actions within the land system is therefore
challenging and projecting their impacts becomes
even more difficult.
System dynamics supports exploration of various
socio-economic and environmental scenarios by
representing different stakeholder viewpoints leading
to fair or better simulation results and fair policy
(Balint et al., 2016).
In this regard, effective governance requires
adaptive and pro-active processes of policy design
and actions to reconfigure incentives that support
policy design. These in turn require integrated
analysis of multiple policies that support an
understanding of different options, risks, stresses, and
outcomes of such policies.
Effective systems and policy design require the
knowledge and ability to examine and understand,
evaluate, and then manage the complex, dynamic
(non-linear) trade-offs existing at the structural level
of land-use changes including climate change
adaptation and mitigation. Future research requires
integrating system dynamics method with other
methods in participative modeling of a suite of
ecosystem services, taking into account all
stakeholder viewpoints.
The authors appreciate the financial support from
Building Stronger Universities (BSU) towards
publication of this work. More appreciation goes to
the course facilitator who has been instrumental in
guidance and production of this paper. We are also
indebted to the Almighty God for His protection and
wisdom. Not forgetting the course mates who have
contributed ideas as far as this work is concerned.
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