Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers
and Motivations
Miguel Gomez-Hernandez
1,2 a
, Elena Villalba-Mora
1,3 b
and Xavier Ferre
Ageing Lab, Centre for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la UPM, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Biomedical Research Networking Centre in Bioengineering Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Spain
Keywords: Mobile Phones, Tablets, Seniors, Barriers, Motivations.
Abstract: Spain has a rapidly ageing population that still faces a large digital divide. This preliminary study aims to
research the barriers and motivations that Spanish older adults experience with mobile phones and tablets. To
investigate it, semi-structured interviews and participant observations were carried out with seniors living in
Madrid. An anthropological approach was taken, to look at the social profile and cultural context of the seniors.
The preliminary results indicate that the tablet and the smartphone are not common devices among the
participants. The seniors also remarked that huge physical barriers, poor design, and a general aversion hinder
the use of mobile technologies, although these greatly depend on the social context of the participants.
Nevertheless, the devices have been acknowledged to be supportive for communication, safety, entertainment,
etc. Future studies will broaden the research topic and include a more diverse population.
The Spanish population is estimated to be the oldest
in 2050, as 32% of the population will be aged over
65 (Sancho Castiello, Abellán, Pérez Ortiz, & Miguel
Polo, 2002). Furthermore, Spain faces a large digital
divide in 2018: 48% of seniors (henceforth people
over 65) between 65 and 74 years old had not used
the internet in three months whereas 98% of
youngsters between 16 and 24 had, although this gap
has been reduced by 27% since 2007 (Abellán et al.,
Rice and Katz (2003) stated that a high income,
working full time, being married and high education
levels affect positively the use of ICT (Information
and Communication Technologies). However, other
researchers as Kang and Maity (2013) confirmed that
low-income users use phones heavily. In this regard,
González-Oñate, Fanjul-Peyró, and Cabezuelo-
Lorenzo (2015) manifested that the recent economic
crisis in Spain has constrained the incorporation of
Spanish seniors in ICT. They surveyed Spanish
seniors who responded that the mobile phone is the
most used technological device (81%), that are used
it to keep in touch with other people (69%), for
entertainment (18%), to talk (10%) and only 2%
claimed to use it for training and education. Rosales
and Fernández-Ardèvol (2016) indicated that Spanish
older adults use calendar, notes and address book
more often than other age groups and older adults use
smartphones less often in stable locations with Wi-Fi
than young people.
Various models explain mobile technology
adoption, among them, Kwon and Chidambaram
(2000), Phang et al. (2006) and Mobile Phone
Technology Acceptance Model (Van Biljon & Kotzé,
2007). Nevertheless, closer to this research, Renaud
and Van Biljon (2008) suggest “Senior Technology
Acceptance & Adoption Model” (STAM) with a
focus on mobile technologies. The latter model
consists of user context, perceived usefulness,
intention to use, experimentation and exploration,
ease of learning and use (innovative feature in the
models), confirmed usefulness and actual use. In their
Gomez-Hernandez, M., Villalba-Mora, E. and Ferre, X.
Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers and Motivations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009570400500058
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 50-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
investigation, most of the seniors did not buy a phone
device by themselves and consider spending money
on it very carefully. Rejection of these devices is
caused because of bad experimentation and a
perception that the phone is too difficult to use.
Mobile technologies facilitate seniors’ social
interaction, entertainment, brain stimulus and serve as
memory aids (Chen, Chan, & Tsang, 2013). Elderly
people use mobile technologies for health tracking
(Ghaffari, Navabi, & Gannat Alipoor, 2016) and
safety, e.g. for Alzheimer’s users to avoid getting lost
(De Leo, Brivio, & Sautter, 2011). Mobile phones
have also been studied to decrease isolation (Ojembe
& Kalu, 2019; Preston & Moore, 2019)
simultaneously allowing the user to live
independently (Vicente & Lopes, 2016). The first
person to whom they call is the partner (Kurniawan,
2007) and grandchildren usually teach seniors how to
use these devices (Mallenius, Rossi, & Tuunainen,
2007), although this might vary by the country where
the research was carried out.
Rejection of these devices among seniors may be
caused because of several factors. Low quality of
interface seems to be a predominant reason to discard
mobile technologies (Abascal & Civit, 2001). In
addition to this, the absence of clear pricing, a small
screen, complex menu, small buttons and a small font
of characters also limit its usage (Mallenius et al.,
2007). Deficient evaluation of user needs and
incomprehensible manuals and instructions are major
shortcomings for the mobile industry (Ibid.). Phones
are also known to provoke a great readjustment of
seniors’ life routine, which becomes a limitation for
its use (Ling, 2008).
There are also physical barriers playing a big role
in the use of mobile technologies among seniors. For
example, Czaja et al. (2006) describes cognitive
barriers that encompass memory and processing
speed. Other physical limitations that deter potential
use of phones are visual, auditory and motor control
abilities (Eek & Wressle, 2011). The mental barriers
that seniors experience include privacy concerns,
security and safety (Chiarini, Ray, Akter, Masella, &
Ganz, 2013) and low confidence (Mitzner et al.,
2010). In this sense, seniors become lost, return more
often to the top of the menu and spend more time with
tasks (De Leo et al., 2011).
Previous research has focused on the barriers and
facilitators that older adults experience with mobile
technologies, however, there is not enough qualitative
research concerning this in the Spanish context. This
literature review thus fosters an inquiry to explore
qualitatively what is the actual use of mobile
technologies by Spanish older people. The main goal
of this article is to investigate what are the barriers
and motivations of Spanish seniors when using
mobile phones and tablets. The research has been
framed within an anthropological investigation with
an attempt to explore associations between the social
background and cultural context of the participant and
his or her technology adoption. For that, qualitative
methods, that are elaborated in the next section, have
been applied among 15 Spanish seniors dwelling in
The methods performed have been semi-structured
interviews and participant observations. Interviews
are defined by Kvale (2007) as conversations with
structure and purpose. The interviews were semi-
structured so as to let the senior participant speak
freely but remaining within the mobile technologies
topic. Besides that, participant observation helps
ethnographers to gain an understanding of the actors’
activities in a natural environment (Kawulich, 2005).
Participant observations used to be carried out in
exotic settings, although recent ethnographers shifted
the researched site to where ethnographers live.
Spradley (1980) states that ethnographers observe
social situations that are composed of actors,
activities and a place. Once the observer knows the
social situation, he or she can try to link other social
situations around by looking at clusters of situations
in one place, networks of actors’ proximity and
situations of similar activities (Ibid.).
The semi-structured interviews were composed of
two central topics. Firstly, we asked about their lives
and the current social context of the participant which
was useful to empathize with. Then, the topic of
discussion narrowed down, so we addressed closely
the topic of mobile technologies. Interviews and
observations happened in the same setting and time.
The observations have occasionally been
nonparticipant to avoid interference when the
participant was dealing with the device and give
freedom of error and success. In contrast, the
informants asked us a few times how to use certain
functions of the device, thus we had to intervene in
the process, making our observations slightly
The interviews have taken place in quiet spaces
where the elder was able to focus on the device and
explanations. When he or she knew us beforehand,
the interview occurred at their houses. In other cases,
the interview was held in neutral places (cafeteria,
Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers and Motivations
hospital, etc.) when we were not enough known by
the elder.
Some interviews were held in couples (wife and
husband), which on one hand limited the freedom of
speech of the partner, but on the other hand, it made
the interview richer in terms of data. The seniors, in
general, spoke on behalf of the partner, in this sense
not having an individual approach. Furthermore,
carrying out some of the interviews in couples
enabled not to overload the participants, as two
interviews were held at once.
The participants signed a consent form and we
made voice recordings to transcript the interviews.
The interviews lasted approximately 1h 30’, in which
around half of the time was meant to foster rapport
and the second half to address the topic of research.
We have also used jottings to create field notes of the
person, setting and methodological lessons. Jottings
are short sentences or keywords to aid the researcher
to keep the situation memorized (Bernard, 2011).
The data collected from the interviews
(transcriptions, pictures, and field notes) has been
coded by NVivo whose one of the functions is to
generate a map of codes that helps frame an
investigation. Coding the data has been performed by
doing a thematic analysis, so we made a prior list of
codes of the first interview that has evolved over we
analysed more interviews. For instance, an emerging
code that we did not address in the interview guide
was “Landline Phones”, but the participants talked
about it often. The language used in the interviews
has been Spanish, thus the quotes cited in this article
have been translated into English.
2.1 Access to the Field
We firstly got access to observe and talk with seniors
who were part of the SPRINTT project. This is a
European investigation that, within Spain, happened
at Hospital Universitario de Getafe. Its team was
formed by physiotherapists, doctors, and nutritionists.
Our laboratory has had an earlier relationship with
this team which eased our access to some of the
We came to two of the sessions to initially get to
know the participants. They had a prior walk to
warmup through a corridor, so we walked along with
them to build trust. They later had to do some physical
exercises (zigzags, squads, etc.) and then performed
other exercises in another room: stretch muscles, lift
weights, etc. In the beginning, we simply sat beside
them waiting for the session to finish, however, we
repeated the same exercises in the last days as it
seemed to us a reasonable way to get their trust. We
talked with different seniors every session and, as
soon as we felt that we strengthened rapport, we
scheduled an interview. In SPRINTT, we interviewed
4 seniors until the project finished by mid of October
Prior to the interviews, we asked the participant to
bring his/her phone to see how he/she uses a known
device. We brought an external tablet to the
interview, as in case they had one, it is not an easy
device to carry for the participant. Furthermore, we
presumed that most of them would not have a tablet
nor know what it is, therefore it would be easier to
bring it and be able to discuss what a tablet entails.
Being known by the participant has facilitated our
access to them greatly. As an opposite example, a
participant who did not know us beforehand
suspected that the interview was meant to sell her a
phone. Getting trusted by Spanish seniors might be
tough, especially with older people who are going
through economic struggles or previous difficulties
during and after the Spanish Civil War.
When the SPRINTT project finished, we sought
seniors that are part of our social networks: they live
close to us or they are friends’ relatives. With this
approach, 11 older adults were interviewed. The prior
condition was that they belonged to a middle/low
socioeconomic background. However, the
participants have eventually come from diverse
socio-economic contexts and we decided to include
people with a high level of education and apparent
high incomes, in this way the research strategy
evolved. Generalizations in this article are founded in
the dominant patterns that the majority of participants
mentioned. The quotes represent common interview
themes, in contrast, if processes or themes are not
general these are not discussed. The sample is diverse
and their insights are useful to be examined.
Furthermore, this is a preliminary investigation and
we preferred to do an in-depth analysis and lengthy
observations of the participants through qualitative
methods assuming that we would be limited to
interview a large number of seniors.
2.2 Population
Up to this point, 15 senior citizens have been
interviewed and their names have been anonymized.
The following data contains the information that they
expressed in the qualitative interviews and our
The mean age of the participants is 78.5, being 65
the youngest and 90 the oldest. 10 interviewees were
women and 5 men. 11 seniors have had manual jobs
in the past (cleaner, assembler, taxi driver, housewife,
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
etc.) and no more than elementary education. In
contrast, 4 participants have had skilled jobs (director
ICT company, engineer, etc.) and university
education. We observed that 12 were physically fine
and 3 looked frail. The participants currently live
around Madrid and 7 come from rural areas in Spain
having lived a mean of 57.6 years in Madrid. 8 seniors
remarked not to participate in public activities with
other elderly people while 7 seniors reported
participating in social activities.
The analysis is divided into 2 sections. The first
focuses on the motivations that the seniors experience
using mobile technologies. The second part
emphasizes the barriers that limit the senior
participants using them. The tablet has not been a
frequent device among the participants, thus it is not
often mentioned in the analysis. Two examples of the
participants’ mobile phones can be seen hereinafter
and it is noteworthy that 5 seniors have the Alcatel
2008G (the phone on the left) whereas only one senior
owns the Sony XA1 Ultra (the phone on the right).
Figure 1: Examples of seniors’ mobile phones.
Some preliminary results of the fieldwork can be
seen in the next table. The second, third and fourth
columns detail whether the participants possess the
devices, the fifth informs about for how long time the
mobile phone has been used and the last column
indicates the frequency of use. When “x” appears, it
means that there is no such information:
All participants have a phone, except for a couple
that has one for both. However, there are only 8
holders of smartphones, which represent almost half
of the sample. Owning a tablet is less common as only
5 participants reported having one. The length of time
using mobile technologies has been on average 14.4
years, with a large disparity between the participants.
The frequency also varies, but 8 seniors use the phone
Table 1: Preliminary results.
at least once a day. Furthermore, the participants
reported using the former mobile devices of their
adult children and grandchildren, whereas a few
seniors bought mobile technologies by themselves.
Concerning the learning process, 6 older adults
expressed to have learned to use the phone on their
own, whereas 9 were taught by their close relatives.
3.1 Motivations to Use Phones and
The most common reason reported by the participants
to use mobile technologies is to get a feeling of
security. The mobile device makes the seniors feel
safe when going out as they have the possibility to be
in contact. Some of the participants expressed to use
the phone solely on the street, unlike others who
never take it out not to be monitored by their children.
Other seniors acknowledged being obliged by their
children to carry the mobile phone outside for safety.
To illustrate safety with an example, a couple of
participants said:
Because of the stroke, they advised us to have one
phone for each, as he sometimes goes for a walk while
I cook and tidy up the house, and the walk takes too
long, then I call him and he tells me he is with so-and-
so. (I9-I10)
Other senior participants reported using mobile
phones to communicate with their sons and
daughters. Apart from this, the device allows the elder
Cases Phone
of use Use frequency
I1 Yes Yes No 22
I2 Yes No No 8
I3 Yes No No 8 x
I4 Yes No No 10
Once 15 days
I5 Yes Yes Yes 20
On holiday s
I6 Yes Yes Yes x
On holiday s
for both
Yes No x
Once a day
for both
No No x
Once a day
I9 Yes No No 2
Twice a day
I10 Yes No No 1
Twice a day
I11 Yes Yes Yes x
Not often
Yes No No 7 Once a day
Yes Yes Yes 30 Constantly
Yes Yes Yes 20 Constantly
Yes Yes No 30 Constantly
Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers and Motivations
to live independently, so seniors might not need to be
accompanied by a caregiver. Smartphones’ owners
manifested to use the technologies to request taxis
and to read online newspapers. A couple of
participants remarked on the usefulness of the public
transport app, EMT Madrid. This couple appreciates
that smartphones help decrease isolation and allow
take pictures of the environment. This couple of
seniors who have higher education, have had skilled
jobs and are frequent users of tablet and smartphones,
Now you look dumb if you don’t have a phone,
you’re isolated. If it wasn’t for the phone, I wouldn’t
have communication with many friends. Because the
landline phone is not used by anyone. (I5-I6)
The older adults, who reported to prefer to keep
their cellphones instead of switching to smartphones,
stated a lack of confidence to learn to use the latter.
However, none of the participants explicitly
acknowledged feeling anxiety or fear towards
unfamiliar mobile devices, although we could
observe them on some occasions. In contrast,
smartphones’ owners expressed that they hold these
devices because of their beauty, practicality, and
usefulness. In relation to landline phones, four
participants stated to have a preference for them over
mobile phones. Those seniors reported landline
phones being less difficult and have a longer shelf life
than mobile phones. They also manifested to
remember easily landline’ numbers as they are used
to. A senior couple who possess cellphones, a
landline phone, and they do not want to buy a
smartphone, expressed:
It is easier to remember the numbers on the
landline phone because you dial them, and here in the
cellphone is more complicated with the phone book.
Holders of Alcatel 2008G, the cellphone
previously displayed, did not have troubles when
unlocking, muting, calling, taking a call and dialling
(in the case they had no low vision). This device has
big buttons and numbers that facilitate the
aforementioned functions. The unique senior who
owns a Sendo S330, I4, reported not having problems
when charging the phone, refilling the balance,
turning it off and on, calling and taking calls. Besides,
the holder of a Samsung Galaxy S3, I1, finds the
screen well-sized and with a proper interface quality.
Other participants who own smartphones did not give
an account of difficulties to take pictures, and other
basic functions such as call, hung up, etc.
The seniors who reported using mobile
technologies regularly, hold a tablet and a
smartphone, at the same time did not claim barriers
when using these devices. These participants (I5, I13,
I14, and I15) have previously worked in
organizations in high contact with technologies, have
higher education and demonstrated to master a lot of
the given functionalities of mobile technologies. For
instance, a senior woman, who is a frequent user of
her smartphone and her tablet, differentiates the use
of both technologies:
I use the tablet less, although when I am in the
room I use the tablet. So as not to drain the whole
battery life of the phone, I use the tablet. I use the
phone for calls and the tablet to look at a few apps
and some programs, as I already have it and I have
to use it. The tablet is not hard for me to use, as well
as the phone, both are Samsung (I13)
In relation to tablets, the sixth participant has one
and uses it to seek information on recipes, trips,
fashion, transport, and weather. This participant uses
this device more frequently than her husband who
prefers the computer. The eleventh senior participant
showed us all the kinds of devices she has at her flat:
TV, computer, tablet, smartphone, landline phone,
cordless vacuum, etc. She uses the tablet to listen to
the radio, read online newspapers, play board games,
navigate in Amazon, listen to audiobooks, use
Facebook and watch gossip on YouTube. This elder
remarked to have a preference for the tablet over the
mobile phone because it is bigger and has a lot of
things to be entertained. She also uses her smartphone
for health, namely, she sets up reminders to take
medicines and make appointments for the doctor
through the public healthcare app, “Cita Sanitaria
3.2 Barriers When using Mobile
The participants of this research reported having
several troubles with tablets and mobile phones that
in general surpassed motivations. An adverse attitude
towards technologies, particularly tablets and mobile
phones, has been common. The seniors deemed in the
interviews the technological hazards that especially
affect young people: addiction, absence of physical
communication, etc. However, they acknowledged
some of the benefits that technologies bring for
society. The senior participants also felt that
technologies are changing so rapidly that they cannot
get on their track. In contrast, the seniors who have
higher education, had skilled jobs, and use
technologies frequently were less reluctant to tablets
and mobile phones than the rest of the participants.
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Concerning physical limitations, we perceived 10
seniors have them and they also acknowledged them.
For example, some older adults manifested to suffer
a limited memory to remember the steps to reach
some functions in the smartphone and to recall the
phone numbers. We also observed that many
participants have low vision, due to cataracts and
myopia, thus struggle with locating things on the
phone screen. Furthermore, the seniors showcased
poor thumb performance, as a result of high hand
tremor and finger clubbing. They, therefore, did not
accurately press the different functionalities of the
touchscreen. Some participants reported having
deafness, as another physical limitation to hear calls
and listening to the caller’s voice.
Some of the owners of smartphones stated to find
the keyboard too small. For example, a user of
Samsung Galaxy S3 considered rough texting in
WhatsApp, thus she needs to communicate by voice
recordings. The same elder is a football fan and
frequently reads the sports app Marca. However, she
has low vision and reported ignoring how to regulate
the letter font. She thereby struggles when reading
texts in the app and she needs to be guided by the logo
of the teams to find things.
The holder of Sony XA1 Ultra once typed the
wrong direction in the app MyTaxi which made the
journey more expensive than planned. Furthermore,
the same participant uses the Amazon app that asks
her to create a new account each time she logs in.
Concerning WhatsApp, she was once sending a voice
recording and forgot to stop it, thus she sent follow-
up private conversations unconsciously. She talked
about how hard is texting in WhatsApp (which is a
communication app extensively used in Spain), in this
regard she said:
I do not know how to type in the phone because
the keyboard is too small and when I click on “a”
either it gets in capital A or a number is displayed or
I get out of the app, I don’t know how to write in
WhatsApp. (I11)
In relation to the senior participants who own
cellphones, e.g. Sendo S330 and Alcatel 2008G,
declared the great difficulty of texting. The letters and
numbers are tiny and there are three letters in each
number which makes texting and dialing numbers
harder. They also narrated how tough is to find a
person in the list of contacts for calling. A couple of
seniors, who are owners of one Alcatel for both,
sometimes turn on the flashlight accidentally and
cannot turn it off. In the interview with them, the
woman elder declared to be afraid of doing something
wrong with the device, as her husband gets angry
when she uses it. This example showcases a lack of
confidence and the gender gap in technology:
We always go out together and he doesn´t let me
touch the phone because he says that I damage it. He
says that anything I touch I bust it, I am afraid of
touching everything! (I7-I8)
The eleventh participant, the holder of a Sony
XA1 Ultra, complained about the lack of warnings
when the phone tariff finishes. Her smartphone does
not notify her either when she neglects to hang up
after a call. The same senior sometimes takes
unintentional photos and finds the menu highly
complex. A couple, holders of Alcatel 2008G, asked
us to teach them how to reach access to the messages
inbox to delete 64 old messages unread. In this case,
the interview became slightly participant as
mentioned in the methodology. This couple did not
know that, apart from the function OK, there is a grey
square which points to the right, left, up and down:
We didn´t know that the phone has certain
movements, we thought that it simply had the centered
button (OK). The messages are displayed in Basque,
that’s because of my sons. (I let them try, they have
64 unread messages) One needs to learn to delete
them. Can one write with spelling errors? (I answer,
yes). I don’t see the letters properly (thus, I advise
them to call rather than text) (I9-I10)
Despite the seniors regarded a negative attitude
towards the technologies or claimed not to know
certain functions of the device, we observed some
inconsistencies over the course of the interviews. For
example, the fifth and sixth participants firstly
indicated to use the phone only on holidays, then
confirmed to use it only when notifications pop up
and finally acknowledged to use it before going to
sleep. Other seniors alleged not to know what a
smartphone is regardless they have one. It seems to us
that the participants proved good performances and
frequent use of the devices, yet pretended an adverse
attitude towards mobile technologies as that is what
society expects from them.
We observed other potential inconsistencies
among the participants. For instance, an elder
expressed to feel confident when using the phone but
at the same time repeatedly manifested that
technologies are not her thing, falling the mobile
technologies into disuse. Furthermore, some
participants reported feeling careless with
technologies that we understand as a barrier to use
them. The seniors explained carelessness as a lack of
excitement with technologies, plus the fact that their
grandchildren already use them a lot. In this regard,
Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers and Motivations
a couple of users linked such attitude with a lack of
As we know we can’t manage them, as we can’t
remember data, we haven’t worried about this (I9-
These inconsistencies might be due to the societal
perception of older adults with technologies. In other
words, as youngsters and adults do not expect seniors
to handle mobile technologies, seniors might reject
these devices and eventually prove the society that
they do not use these devices, regardless they do.
The research question of this preliminary
investigation is to find out what barriers and
motivations Spanish seniors experience with mobile
phones and tablets. This article has also examined the
social profile of the participant, however, it has not
been central to the article. In order to answer the
question, the fieldwork has been carried out with
seniors living in Madrid.
All participants of this research have mobile
phones, yet only half of them hold smartphones and
one-third own tablets. González-Oñate et al. (2015)
and Rosales & Fernández-Ardèvol (2016) still outline
the increasing relevance of smartphones among
Spanish older adults. In this research, the time and
frequency of use have varied among the participants.
We have observed that these indicators are associated
with social factors such as level of education and
previous experiences with technologies. This is
aligned with Rice and Katz (2003) who state that
belonging to higher social status affects ICT use
positively. It is however different from Kang and
Maity (2013) who report that low-income people use
phones frequently. Although both authors do not
focus on elderly people.
Most of the participants indicated that they did not
buy their phone by themselves, so they either use their
relatives’ former devices or they were given a phone
by their children. The seniors also remarked that they
do not prefer to spend a lot of money on the mobile
phone. Concerning the learning process, the
participants, who have no previous work experience
with technologies and have elementary education,
usually are taught by their grandchildren and
children, which is associated with the studies of
Mallenius, Rossi, and Tuunainen (2007); Conci,
Pianesi, and Zancanaro (2009) and Barnard et al.
The motivation to use mobile technologies was
extrinsic and not intrinsic, as the participants use
smartphones and tablets for external reasons.
Nevertheless, this might be due to the way we guided
the interviews which specifically focus on the reasons
that trigger the use of these technologies. The senior
participants reported feeling safe as one of the main
reasons to use mobile phones, already found by De
Leo, Brivio, and Sautter (2011). Aligned with Chen
et al., (2013), the seniors also use mobile technologies
to communicate with relatives, namely, seniors’
children and partners the most frequently called.
Besides, the seniors considered that mobile phones
allow them to live independently and at the same time
reduce their loneliness which is a current social
problem among Spanish older adults. Smartphone
owners also indicated health reasons to use these
technologies, e.g. reminders to take pills or to make
appointments for the doctor. Concerning tablets, they
are used mainly for entertainment.
The participants who manifested a positive
attitude towards mobile technologies, concurrently,
own smartphones and tablets, use them frequently
and belong to higher societal status. The owners of
smartphones reported that they are happy with their
current devices and they would not go back to
cellphones. Modern mobile technologies thereby
seem to solve more problems for Spanish older adults
than foster them. Nevertheless, the elders who own
cellphones were reluctant to switch to a smartphone
and acknowledged a lack of confidence to learn these
new devices. These elders additionally showed a
preference for landline phones over their cellphone.
However, despite smartphones are not accessible for
the participants, cellphones are not either a solution to
adopt mobile technologies. This chimes with
Kurniawan (2007) who said that out-of-date devices
for seniors do not help reduce the digital divide.
A general negative perception of the technological
world, in particular mobile technologies, has been
observed among the participants, especially those
who still hold cellphones. Such an apathetic attitude
was shown despite the good performance of their
devices. However, the senior participants, over the
course of the interview, shifted the negative
perceptions towards more positive, thus being
somewhat inconsistent. We assume that society
expects Spanish seniors to have an adverse attitude
towards technologies, in this way they exhibit it in
public, being incongruent with the aforementioned
The reported barriers comprise physical
limitations, such as low vision, limited memory,
deafness, and hand tremor. These definitely hinder
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
the use of mobile technologies which however are not
accessible to seniors with those conditions either way.
Concerning the devices’ limitations, these have been
observed in touchscreens with small keyboards,
which prevent the elders from texting messages and
dial numbers. This could be especially taken into
account in the design of WhatsApp, which is the
dominant communication app in Spain. A solution for
this could be bigger keyboards such as tablets, as they
have bigger touchscreens, and senior training to use
voice recordings in WhatsApp. The tablet is,
however, a heavy and spacious device to carry which
does not easily fit in a pocket or purse, although
retired seniors who spend most of their time at home
could benefit from it.
Moreover, the systems of smartphones and apps
should be adapted to respect the privacy of a senior
person who is not used to mobile technologies. Our
senior participants experienced problems in this
regard when they sent unconscious voice recordings
or forgot to hang up a call. In cellphones, texting
becomes truly challenging when the elder seeks a tiny
letter out of three in each number, as in the keyboard
of Alcatel 2008G. This problem is common since
33% of our participants had this phone because it is
one of the most popular devices for seniors in Spain
which only serves for calls, as the elders reported.
This in-depth and preliminary investigation has a
sample of participants who generally have a low
technology adoption and belong to lower social
classes, but some exceptions. Thereby, for future
research, the sample should be widened and balanced
in terms of gender, education and social class so as to
be able to generalize to the Spanish elderly
population. It shall also equate senior participants
with apparent high and low technology adoption. In
addition, the fieldwork could take place in seniors’
homes to prompt real home-scenarios, as not all of
our interviews did.
Furthermore, researchers should do lengthy
fieldwork with seniors observing their performances
and potential inconsistencies, as this allows to reach
valuable understandings of older adults.
Nevertheless, the researcher should be aware of
keeping distance and not to become a “native” in the
field. As a way to build rapport and be involved with
participants, a reasonable research strategy could be
to participate in technology education programs while
researching within them. Besides, the connections
between social contexts and technologies’ adoption
should also be considered more profoundly.
Spanish population still faces a big digital divide,
as stated by Abellán et al. (2019). In our opinion, the
digital divide is due to a short democratic lifespan and
poor performance by the decision-makers, which
results in social inequalities. Spain should aim to
reach an integration between senior citizens and
technologies, adapting the latter to the Spanish
seniors’ needs. The governments should invest in
educational programs of technologies to empower
seniors. In addition, we consider necessary to provide
proper technological facilities for senior citizens
living in rural areas, those from low socioeconomic
backgrounds and female elders to close the
technology gender gap. We also deem relevant to
stand against ageist attitudes that older people
embrace as their own attitudes and expectations.
We would like to thank FEDER funds for co-
financing our home institutions. We thank Hospital
Universitario de Getafe for its collaboration by
contacting participants for this research and the senior
participants for their time spent with us.
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