Enabling the Management and Orchestration of Virtual Networking
Functions on the Edge
Vincent Melval Richards
1 a
, Rodrigo Moreira
1,2 b
and Fl
avio de Oliveira Silva
1 c
Faculty of Computing (FACOM), Federal University of Uberl
andia (UFU), Uberl
andia/MG, Brazil
Institute of Exact and Technological Sciences, Federal University of Vic¸osa (UFV), Rio Parana
ıba/MG, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, NFV, Virtualization, IoT.
Tthe Internet of Things (IoT) is the pillar of the next generation of applications that will create a fusion between
the real and digital worlds. Several use cases rely on Edge computing capabilities, and the virtualization
capacity on Edge is a crucial requirement. The management and orchestration of computing, storage, and
networking resources in the Edge cloud pose several challenges. In this work, we propose a Management
and Orchestration (MANO) of Virtual Networking Functions (VNFs) on the Edge using standard solutions
such as Open Source MANO (OSM) and OpenStack. To showcase our approach, we handled an experimental
evaluation using an RPi3 infrastructure. OpenStack manages this infrastructure, and OSM provides the VNF
MANO capabilities offering a significant improvement to support cloud computing on Edge. The evaluation
showed the feasibility of using low-cost devices such as RPi with standard management solutions used in the
core cloud.
The growth and popularity of IoT pull along with its
related areas such as cloud computing, machine learn-
ing, and big data. The noted long term challenge of
how to load the vast amount of data generated by
long-term accumulation of streaming data or video
data (such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Re-
ality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)) with IoT hard-
ware devices (Kristiani et al., 2019) could be address
by the sharing of larger platform with IoT platform as
one form of solution.
Cloud Computing is of vital importance to busi-
nesses and individuals and is serving its purpose well
(Zhang and Ravishankar, 2019). However, the cloud
data centers are far away, and the distance that data
need to traverse the Internet to end-users is also fairly
long, here arises the problem of latency (Zhang et al.,
2018). Numerous proposals have been established,
such as (Gouareb et al., 2018), that aim to mitigate
the effect of structural latency, through optimization
techniques, that the conventional service implemen-
tation model imposes.
Latency is acceptable for some applications that
can tolerate delays; however, an application such
as Virtual Reality, Real-time Processing, and Aug-
mented Reality will function poorly or even fail when
faced with latency issues (Shi et al., 2016).
Furthermore, the advent of the 5G network
presents another pressing need to address the latency
challenges that Cloud Computing faces. Therefore
Edge Computing is presented as a solution to re-
solving the latency challenges. Edge computing can
achieve this by bring processing closer to end-users
at the Edge of the network and also allow the con-
tinuation of processing if the internet connection is
disrupted (Hu et al., 2015).
Cloudlet was put forward as a means to imple-
ment MEC with OpenStack++, which is a lighter ver-
sion of OpenStack, but according to the researchers
(van Kempen et al., 2017) OpenStack++ platform was
meant to execute on powerful server machines, which
would make it challenging to deploy in the realistic
geo-distributed setting. However, in our work, we
were able to install OpenStack++ on RPi on Ubuntu
16.04 armhf in a KVM virtual machine. Our new
approach was to install OpenStack nova-compute on
Ubuntu 16.04 server installed on the RPi3, and the re-
sults prove to be more satisfying.
Our contribution to the process of enabling virtu-
Richards, V., Moreira, R. and Silva, F.
Enabling the Management and Orchestration of Virtual Networking Functions on the Edge.
DOI: 10.5220/0009398203380346
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), pages 338-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-424-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
alization at the edge of the network for future service
provision includes the following:
1. Provide another alternative to the available op-
tions currently being used at the edge of the net-
work on resource constraint devices such as the
raspberry pi.
2. Demonstrate the feasibility and possibility of uti-
lizing RPi at the edge as a low-cost and low en-
ergy consumption device. Therefore aid in hasten-
ing the development of Mobile Edge Computing
(MEC) and implementation of 5G network. Our
work, along with related research, could serve as
a motivation for other researchers and investors to
get involved in the development process of Edge
Computing, which is a facilitator for the imple-
mentation of MEC and 5G computing.
3. Introduce an ETSI-compliant infrastructure for
service deployment at the edge.
The remaining of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we place our work in the context
of related work concerning management and orches-
tration of Virtual Networking Functions (VNF) on the
Edge. In Section 3, we describe our solution and its
features to cope with state-of-the-art challenges. Sec-
tion 4 describes a proof-of-concept scenario and the
evaluation methodology to asses our solution feasi-
bility. Section 5 presents the measurements and a dis-
cussion about them. Finally, in Section 6, we sum-
marize our findings, and we point out some research
Edge computing research and development have
reached a high point of interest. It will be the facil-
itator of 5G and Mobile Edge Computing as it seeks
to bring processing closer to the user at the Edge of
the network and, in so doing, help to resolve the la-
tency problem. However, there still exist hurdles to
get over, and the literature describes several works re-
lated to this aim.
The authors of MEC-ConPaaS (van Kempen et al.,
2017) project stated that deploying a realistic mo-
bile Edge cloud remains a challenge because mobile
operators have not yet implemented MEC technolo-
gies in production, and this makes it impossible for
researchers to use their techniques in actual mobile
phone networks.
They also noted that there exist very few open-
source platforms that may support experimentation
that emulate a mobile Edge cloud, and they recognize
the most mature one to be OpenStack++ (van Kempen
et al., 2017).
However, MEC-ConPaas researchers claimed that
the general OpenStack implementation relies on clas-
sical server machines for its deployment. Their pro-
posal is to deploy a experimental MEC testbed that re-
lies on single-board computers such as Raspberry Pis
(RPis) and similar devices. Their work relies on Con-
PaaS (Pierre and Stratan, 2012), which is an open-
source run-time management system for elastic ap-
plications in public and private cloud environments.
They utilized RPi with Linux Containers (LXC) en-
abled and OpenStack orchestrating the containers.
Therefore they proposed a more natural way of de-
ploying an experimental MEC testbed that relies on
single-board computers such as Raspberry Pis (RPis)
and similar devices. Their work relies on ConPaaS
(Pierre and Stratan, 2012), which is an open-source
run-time management system for elastic applications
in public and private cloud environments.
MEC-ConPaaS presented an interesting founda-
tion and proof of the concept of using the raspberry
pi at the edge, which was further highlighted by (Pahl
et al., 2016) who did similar research with ConPaas
and the implementation of LXC with three hundred
RPis in a cluster.
Also, they explored the various forms of a
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for edge computing.
However, these relevant foundation researches may
be impacted because of the shift from the use of LXC
to newer technologies such as Kubernetes and LXD,
along with security concerns that it presents. There-
fore a newer container technology called LXD based
on LXC was presented by (Ahmad et al., 2017) who
proposed the use of RPi2 Model B and LXD Linux
(Kristiani et al., 2019) implements Edge Com-
puting Using OpenStack and Kubernetes. Their im-
plementation uses three layers, such as the Cloud
side, Edge side, and Device side. The cloud side
mainly deals with more complicated operations and
data backup. Its main function is to deploy the Ku-
bernetes cluster on an OpenStack platform. Also, the
cloud side contains the Virtual Machine (VM) and
Kubernetes master side, and it also deals with data
backup, complex operations, data visualization, and
other applications that do not need quick responses.
A more sophisticated form of edge implementa-
tion from the previously mention containers was in-
troduced by (Chang et al., 2014), which applied a
computational model called the Edge Cloud. The ap-
plication here brings the cloud to the edge and uses
it as a means of enabling a new type of hybrid appli-
cation called Edge Apps, which runs over Openstack
Enabling the Management and Orchestration of Virtual Networking Functions on the Edge
(Chang et al., 2014).
Another edge app implementation was presented
by (Schiller et al., 2018), who creates mobile edge
apps that are managed as virtual network functions.
Their platform also includes an SDN controller to
manage traffic by using the control plane to derive
states for traffic management. They research Vehicu-
lar Fog Computing for Video Crowd Sourcing, where
they analyze the availability of vehicular fog nodes
based on a real-world traffic dataset. Then explore
the serviceability of vehicular fog nodes by evaluat-
ing the networking performance of fog-enabled video
crowdsourcing over two mainstream access technolo-
gies, DSRC and LTE (Zhu et al., 2018).
(Bellavista et al., 2018) implement a solution that
uses powerful and low-cost middleboxes deployed at
the edges of the network. It serves as enablers for
their Human-driven Edge Computing (HEC) as a new
model to ease the provisioning and to extend the cov-
erage of traditional MEC solutions. Their approach
uses different devices from the RPi but is also rele-
vant as middleboxes allow specialized services to be
used at the edge of the network. However, some of
these services can be enabled on the RPi to reduce
cost of implementation.
(Tong et al., 2016) apply hierarchical architecture
for the edge cloud to enable aggregation of the peak
loads across different tiers of cloud servers. They use
this as a means of maximizing the number of mobile
workloads being served. The need for load balanc-
ing is essential and can also be implemented on the
RPi which have multipurpose capabilities which are
similar in some aspect to the PC.
Another load balancing technique is proposed by
(Puthal et al., 2018) whose technique is used to au-
thenticate the EDCs and to discover less loaded Edge
Data Centers (EDC) for task allocation. They state
that it is more efficient than other existing approaches
in finding less loaded EDC for task allocation and that
it strengthens security by authenticating the destina-
tion EDCs.
In the work (Lei et al., 2018), the authors’ so-
lution allows mobile Edge applications to be pro-
vided by chaining the service functions with the as-
sistance of Edge computing techniques and virtual-
ized resources. They also build a testbed to evaluate
their Edge caching architecture for proof of concept
and tested it with typical caching scenarios. The re-
search is not base on the RPi; however, the chaining
of function can be tested on the RPi.
In conclusion of the review of related work, the
use of the RPi with other devices is assessed in
(Akrivopoulos et al., 2018) who uses RPIs and Zo-
tac and also an off-the-shelf Intel-based edge-based
server box. The software that they deployed on the de-
vices is bundled using a collection of Docker contain-
ers. They use these to create an IoT-based platform
for real-time monitoring and management of educa-
tional buildings on a national scale. They design the
system to process sensor data on the Edge devices of
the network.
This section presents the rationale behind the multi-
Layered Edge-Core virtualization approach and the
main building blocks of the architecture designed.
3.1 Solution Rationale
To address the challenge of uniform infrastructure
and application life-cycle management, we propose
a jointly Edge-Core infrastructure management ap-
proach. According to Figure 1, the proposed so-
lution deals with two compute infrastructure tech-
nologies. First, the bare-metal witch comprises the
traditional data centers that offer public and private
cloud services on top of commodity hardware. Sec-
ond, it concerns low-cost computing where infrastruc-
ture resources could be in strategic locations, prefer-
ably close to the user. These facilities could place
in malls, sports stadiums, homes, airports, and parks.
The state-of-the-art proposals do not address the hy-
brid aspect of service deployment and management.
Although, they do not handle uniformly, heavy vir-
tualization on top of the low-cost and high-capacity
hardware simultaneously.
Figure 1: Conceptual Architecture.
Our solution is layered and maintains features
close to the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) NFV framework. Considering a
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
bottom-up approach, we describe the Network Func-
tions Virtualization Infrastructure (NVFI), the hard-
ware management entity, as a biform infrastructure
layer, so the virtualization engine is alike for low-cost,
high-performance servers. Thus, it becomes possible
to offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in which the
service is uniformly deployed over both hardware us-
ing the same manifest file (descriptor). Thereby, we
make the ability to deploy services across multiple do-
mains hybrid. Also, next to the NFVI layer comprises
the Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM), the layer
that controls and manages the infrastructure entities.
On top of the bottom layer, we propose an inter-
mediate tier that comprises the service deployment
domains. It contains the Core and Edge blocks, which
are respectively infrastructures that host services tra-
ditionally on high-performance hardware and low-
cost infrastructures that can be deployed and enabling
verticals of services such as IoT, Smart farms, and
others. MANO compliant solutions could be placed
here to handle the service management and orchestra-
tion of the middle tier. State-of-the-art solutions deal
with these deployment domains separately.
The topmost layer that makes up the framework of
the proposed solution comprises the multi-form ap-
plications that we refer to as Virtualized Everything
Functions (VxFs), according to (Silva et al., 2019).
Our proposal as a uniform virtualization layer for both
bare-metal and low-cost devices democratizes the de-
ployment domain, so the plethora of applications are
broader than state-of-the-art solutions. Also, testbeds
of applications like (Silva et al., 2019), (Sallent et al.,
2012), and (Silva et al., 2018) can add to their facili-
ties our infrastructure model that can add functional-
ity as service descriptor manifest files.
Virtualization is essential for Edge computing pro-
visioning and enables in most use-cases for new kinds
of applications (Paolino et al., 2015). Therefore, any
device that will be used on the Edge must be able
to accommodate virtualization even if it is operating
system level, such as Linux Containers (LXC) or any
other container technology.
However, the use of a virtual machine is needed
for some applications in cases where better security,
isolation, and network performance (d. S. Marques
et al., 2018) are preferred, but on most small, low-cost
devices enabling or using virtualization is more diffi-
cult, especially if one wants to use virtual machines
(Barik et al., 2016). The use of virtual machines on
the RPi is relatively new and is only enabled through
the use of particular operating systems such as Open-
Suse, Ubuntu, and Gentoo.
In order to build an Edge-Core virtualization plat-
form to host VxFs spanning in different use-case do-
mains, we have separated the architecture into two
verticals to make it loosely coupled. The state-of-
the-art solutions deal with VxF deployment specifi-
cally for each domain, and each virtualization tech-
nology: low-cost and high-performance virtualization
requires specific managers (Li et al., 2017). For in-
stance, OpenNebula (Edge release) (Miloji
c et al.,
2011) deploy services on low-cost hardware; how-
ever, uniformity on it does not prevail. That is, ser-
vices as conceived as LXC on low-cost device ser-
vices, and for bare-metal follows standard virtualiza-
Unlike other Edge virtualization proposals,
our solution enables VNF life-cycle management
smoothly. VIM does not need to handle low-cost
compute infrastructure or bare-metal separately.
Somewhat we adapted a uniform virtualization
layer for both types of hardware. Thus, the service
deployment on top of the low-cost computing does
not necessarily have to be container-based once those
solutions have network connectivity drawbacks.
3.2 Architectural Design
To handle these drawbacks we bring a uniform solu-
tion as described in Figure 2. Our proposal enables
x86 64 virtualization compatibility on top of low-cost
compute resources as it is straightforward on bare-
metal compute resources. The boot process, which
starts on Nova-API (release 13.1.4), receives the re-
quests to a new VxF creation. Afterward, the mes-
sages go through the RabbitMQ mechanism to the
Nova-Scheduler, which decides which compute-node
contained in the cluster (Cellv2) will handle the re-
quest. Ultimately, the remaining build-block compo-
nents are Keystone 9.3.0, Glance 12.0.0, and Neutron
The filter (ComputeCapabilitiesFilter) in Nova-
Scheduler checks if the deployment request fits ad-
equately on the low-cost compute-node, according to
VxF flavor, being possible the nova-boot process will
create and instantiate the VxF. If a low-cost compute-
node is unable to handle the deployment request, the
VxF will be launched on top of bare-metal compute
Commonly RPi has only one physical network
interface, and the basic OpenStack deployment re-
quires two interfaces, we proposed an approach based
on Open vSwitch (OvS). Therefore, we created two
virtual interfaces vnet0 and vnet1, which we assign
different addressing plane. Both interfaces were as-
sociated with a OvS, which had as trunk port the
only physical interface of RPi. The RPi physical in-
terface connects directly to a physical switch where
Enabling the Management and Orchestration of Virtual Networking Functions on the Edge
Figure 2: Proposed Solution Build-Blocks.
the controller-node and the network gateway are also
connected. Thus, one virtual interface served as a
provider interface for the Neutron plugin, working as
L2 Agent, and the other allowed the compute-node to
exchange messages with the controller-node services
such as AMQP and databases.
Our solution for enabling Edge computing in-
volves the use of the small and low-cost RPi running
Ubuntu 16 armhf -capable. However, its limited mem-
ory, in comparison to the bare-metal poses restrictions
on the programs that can be installed and executed on
it. Therefore, since we are installing OpenStack on
the RPi, only the Nova-Compute can be installed on
it and not the Nova-API or Nova-Cert as these freezes
the RPi as soon as they start running. However, we
build it with Nova-Compute and Neutron for the net-
work. Therefore, the RPi memory capacity was able
to allow these to run smoothly.
As long as OpenStack requires virtualization, we
enable such technology for the Edge with this ap-
proach. To this end, we implement OpenStack Nova-
Compute to utilize virtual machine by connecting a
localized OpenStack controller to our RPi OpenStack
compute-node. The RPi configuration enables the
booting, stopping, accessing, and deleting virtual ma-
chines from the RPi.
Therefore our solution can place all these added
functionalities at the Edge of the network closer to
the user. The use of low-cost devices will also benefit
the users and businesses, along with the benefit of low
latency will be achieved when the services and func-
tionality are placed at the Edge of the network closer
to the user.
Our proposal investigates use of standard virtual
machines on low-cost hardware. The goal is to use
the same virtual machine that usually runs on high-
performance hardware in order to verify the suitabil-
ity and compatibility of the use of a single MANO en-
tity, in our case OSM. Container-based solutions are
known (von Leon. et al., 2018) on these scenarios;
however, the suitability of a uniform proposal for de-
ploying VxFs according to the ETSI framework was
not discussed in previous studies.
To evaluate our solution, we propose an experimental
scenario in a real testbed environment. This section
presents the testbed that realizes the proposed solu-
tion, the experiment and the method used for its eval-
4.1 Testbed Description
The architecture of our experiment includes a RPi3
) and a bare-metal desktop computer
) which are together in the network
edge. The bare-metal desktop can run services de-
ployed in edge cloud while the RPi3 is the edge com-
puting near the user. Besides that, there is an Open-
Stack Controller, as presented in Figure 2.
The RPi3 is a Model B+ with a Broadcom
BCM2837B0 system on a chip (SoC) with a Cortex-
A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit 1.4 GHz processor and 1 gi-
gabyte of LPDDR2 SDRAM. The bare-metal com-
puter and Controller are Core I7 (i7-8550U) proces-
sors with 8 gigabytes of RAM. The RPi3 has Ubuntu
16.04 armhf server, customized to ARM processors,
and publicly available. The software that was in-
stalled and configured on the RPi include neutron and
The bare-metal desktop computer uses a Ubuntu
16.04 64-bit (AMD64) server image. It also has the
neutron and nova-compute OpenStack components
(Mitaka release).
The controller computer uses a Ubuntu 14.04 64-
bit (AMD64) server image and several OpenStack
components such as Keystone, Glance, Nova, Place-
ment, Neutron network, and Manila.
All the hardware was interconnected using a lo-
cal physical network. A bridge network configuration
supported the connection of the virtual machines cre-
ated inside the RPi3, the local network.
The overall setup of the experiment is presented
in Figure 3. A user uploads a Network Service De-
scriptor (NSD) to OSM. This service descriptor has
an indication to create Virtual Machines (VMs) on
the RPi3 located in the Edge. OSM interacts with the
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Experimental Scenario Sequence Diagram.
Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM), which is rep-
resented by the controller computer described above
and creates the VMs during the experiment using the
nova-compute service running in the RPi3. The setup
also enables the creation of VMs in the commodity
server represented by the bare-metal desktop com-
puter with is the edge cloud compute server.
4.2 Evaluation Methodology
To find out the capability of the RPi3 to support tra-
ditional VMs, our experiments look standard system
resources usage parameters such as CPU, RAM, and
disk swap usage. Also, we investigate the processor
The percentage of CPU performance is one such
metric that was collected for analysis. Memory re-
sponse was also necessary as it provides relevant in-
formation regarding the amount and types of pro-
grams that the system will be able to accommodate.
The use of swap was also necessary to buffer RAM
after all the system memory has been allocated.
The temperature, which is also related and rele-
vant to the CPU performance, was also recorded for
analyzed. Finally, the virtual machines boot times
were collected to compare the boot time when only
one virtual machine is running as opposed to progres-
sively running multiple virtual machines simultane-
During the experiments, we used the psutil tool
(Rodola, 2016) to collect the data about resource us-
age on the RPis. We executed each test 20 times to
avoid statistical bias and calculated average values.
Using the experimental setup and following the evalu-
ation methodology presented in Section 4 the solution
presented in this work was evaluated.
The following charts present the results of our ex-
periments. We repeated the experiments to collect the
boot times, fifteen rounds.
Figure 4: Instances Total Boot Times.
Figure 5: Resource Allocation over Time.
Figure 4 displays the boot times in minutes. The
time present is the average time. In each round, we
created three VMs since the RPi3 did not support
more than this number of instances.
Figure 5 presents the % of the usage of CPU, disk
swap, and RAM combined in one chart to give an
overall view of the system performance. This view
makes it possible to compare and assess these re-
lated system performance metrics quickly. The graph
shows the evolution of each of the above parameters
during the experiment. The system resource usage
starts the measurement at the beginning of the exper-
iment. It continues getting this information while the
three different VM instances are created. The values
presented in the charts is the average of the fifteen
rounds of the experiment.
After analyzing the virtual machines booting
times, it can be seen from Figure 4 that the booting
times of each new virtual machine continue to in-
crease for each new virtual machine that is booted.
Therefore after the first virtual machine is booted on
the RPi3, the boot time for each subsequent virtual
machine will increase; however, it will only increase
by less than one minute.
The analysis of the CPU performance during the
virtual machines booting process per rounds shows
Enabling the Management and Orchestration of Virtual Networking Functions on the Edge
that at the start of the booting process of a virtual ma-
chine, the base value of the CPU is low then rises
sharply and remains high while fluctuating. Then
again at the start of the second virtual machine on the
RPi, the CPU value falls sharply first then rises again
sharply however the base of the low CPU value now
shows an increase. This falling and rising behavior
during the virtual machine booting process continues
with the booting of the third virtual machine along
with the low base value rising again significantly.
Also, we depict in Figure 6 the temperature rise
per experiment round. As we can see, it is possible to
notice the increase as the instances are launched. The
average temperature, considering the 95% confidence
interval, is 55.29
Figure 6: Temperature Measurement.
Also, the analysis of the temperature provided by
Figure 6 shows that it rises during the process of boot-
ing each new virtual machine. However, after the
booting process of each virtual machine, it falls sig-
nificantly but not very low. Then risings steadily but
After the creation of a new virtual machine, the
RAM allocation, and consumption increases. The
memory capacity is the major restricting element in
the number of virtual machines that the RPi3 can sup-
port. The RPi3 used in the experiment has one giga-
byte of RAM. Considering that Ubuntu 16.04 armhf
image requires 256 RAM per virtual machine, the cur-
rent limit is three virtual machines.
However, when RAM consumption is near its
limit, the swap memory is used as a buffer for pro-
cessing to prevent the system from crashing. In Figure
5 swap can be observed to be steady before and after
one virtual machine is created. Then starts to increase
with the creation of the second virtual machine until
it peaks with the creation of the third virtual machine.
It can be be seen that the CPU, RAM, swap, and
temperature are connected to an extent, and all are
influenced by the creating of the virtual machines, es-
pecially the last two. All the parameters show an in-
crease during the last two boots, especially with the
booting of the third virtual machine.
The MEC-ConPaaS project (van Kempen et al.,
2017) states that they use LXC on the nova-compute,
which is an RPi also, they state that their first LXC
launch image test took 10 minutes to launch them
with many configurations they were able to get it to
90 seconds. The boot time of an instance on our Edge
infrastructure average less than 2 minutes, which is
relatively close to the 90 seconds booting of instances
in LXC, which are not as secure as virtual machines.
Finally, we were able to launch images from a
MANO miles away. Here we connect the controller
to OSM, and this allows us to also start virtual ma-
chines on the Edge with virtual network functions as
needed or requested. Using this approach then makes
it possible to monitor and manage virtual machines on
the Edge much more straightforward, using standard
platforms common used.
Within this work, we showcased a unique approach
to manage and orchestrate resources on servers on the
core and low-cost hardware on edge using the same
MANO entity, in this case, represented by OSM. We
also could explore the constraints associated with the
use of the RPi on edge regarding standard parameters
associated execution of virtual machines on these de-
Previous approaches to deal with state-of-the-art
OpenStack implementation on the edge such as Open-
Stack++ (Ha and Satyanarayanan, 2015), and MEC-
ConPaaS (van Kempen et al., 2017) were initiated to
encourage faster Edge computing development with
cloudlets. However, OpenStack++ was meant for
powerful servers and was not made with consider-
ation of low-cost devices that are prerequisites for
widespread adaptation of edge computing.
The reason for this is that the RPi is a low-cost and
low power consumption device (Bekaroo and San-
tokhee, 2016). Therefore this article shows that the
RPi can be used for virtualization on the Edge, and
more importantly, it demonstrates that virtualization
can be enabled with OpenStack using traditional in-
stances on RPi. Furthermore, it has another advan-
tage where the controller resources can be shared with
the RPi when a virtual machine is booting from the
RPi. This allows the launching of more significant in-
stances and more memory-hungry virtual machines to
meet the needs of applications that need more mem-
ory than the RPi limited memory will allow.
According to performance tests, memory is the
resource that most degraded as low-cost hardware
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
served virtual machines. This paves the way for new
memory allocation formats on low-cost devices.
Our infrastructure proposal based on the ETSI
framework made it possible to launch virtual ma-
chines uniformly. Namely, MANO does not need
to deal with different virtualization technologies
for each hardware (high-performance and low-cost).
Also, the limitation of our proposal opens the ways
for advances in the virtualization spectrum on low-
cost hardware.
For future work, we will investigate which of ap-
plications we execute the infrastructure showcase in
this work and measure their performance. This work
will bring a better understanding of the supported use
cases and will provide information about the limita-
tions associated with such scenarios, thus bringing
knowledge about the weaknesses and strengths of the
use of low-cost hardware on edge.
This work is inside UFU-CAPES.Print Program. This
study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code 001. This research
also received the support from PROPP/UFU.
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