Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the Grammar
Structure and Improved Self-attention Network
Hien D. Nguyen
1,2,* a
, Tai Huynh
, Suong N. Hoang
, Vuong T. Pham
and Ivan Zelinka
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Kyanon Digital, Vietnam
Faculty of Information Technology, Sai Gon University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-TU), Czech Republic
* Equal contribution by Hien D. Nguyen and Tai Huynh
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Classification, Vietnamese, Self-attention, Transformer, Natural Language
Abstract: In the businesses, the sentiment analysis makes the brands understanding the sentiment of their customers.
They can know what people are saying, how they’re saying it, and what they mean. There are many methods
for sentiment analysis; however, they are not effective when were applied in Vietnamese language. In this
paper, a method for Vietnamese sentiment analysis is studied based on the combining between the structure
of Vietnamese language and the technique of natural language processing, self-attention with the Transformer
architecture. Based on the analysing of the structure of a sentence, the transformer is used to process the word
positions to determine the meaning of that sentence. The experimental results for Vietnamese sentiment
analysis of our method is more effectively than others. Its accuracy and F-measure are more than 91% and
its results are suitable to apply in practice for business intelligence.
Sentiment analysis (SA) is one of the subfields of
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language
Processing (NLP) (Gamal et al., 2019). In the
businesses intelligence, the sentiment analysis makes
the brands understanding the sentiment of their
customers (Rokade and Kumari, 2019). They can
know what people are saying, how they’re saying it,
and what they mean. The sentiment of customer
sentiment can be found in tweets, comments, reviews,
or other places where people mention the brands.
In the current era, social network is a popular
platform for communication and interaction (Beigi,
2016). Many people found innovative information on
social network and due to that social network is the
important data source. SA is also used to detect the
influencer on the social network for the influencer
marketing (Huynh et al, 2019).
Vietnamese is a language isolate (Nguyen et al.,
2006). The meaning of a sentence belongs to the way
for organizing of its predicates (Clark, 1974). In other
words, the information about word positions
contribute the sentence meaning and grammatical
meaning. The analysing on the Vietnamese sentence
has to combine the studying of the grammar structure.
Some machine learning-based approaches have
been studied to analysis the sentiment of a
Vietnamese sentence.
CountVectorizer (Irfan et al., 2015) and Term
Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency (Tf-idf)
(Aggarwal, 2011) are used for word representations.
However, they cannot analysis the positions of words
in a sentence, so their results are not exactly. Support
Nguyen, H., Huynh, T., Hoang, S., Pham, V. and Zelinka, I.
Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the Grammar Structure and Improved Self-attention Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0009358803390346
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 339-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Vector Machine (Joachims, 1998) and Naïve Bayes
(Irfan et al., 2015) are used as classifiers. However,
those methods did not mention to the structure of a
sentence, so their results are not suitable in the
In (Krouska et al., 2017, Troussas et al., 2016),
authors present five well-known learning-based
classifiers (Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, k-
Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression and C4.5) and
a lexicon-based approach (SentiStrength) to analysis
the sentiment on Twitter. However, it only studies on
Besides, some types of recurrent neural networks
(RNNs), such as long short-term memory (LSTM)
(Hochreiter, 1997, Cheng et al., 2016), Bi-Directional
LSTM (biLSTM) (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997) or
gated recurrent unit (GRU) (Chung et al., 2014), are
very complex and take a long time to solve the
problem about sentiment analysis on Vietnamese.
The sentiment analysis for Vietnamese was
researched in (Nguyen et al., 2014). This study
investigated the task regarding both Support Vector
Machine (SVM) model and linguistics feature aspects
which is an annotated corpus for sentiment
classification extracted from hotel reviews in
Vietnamese. However, this method is not designed
based on the grammar structure, so some sentences
cannot be determined accurately.
Self-attention has been used successfully in a
variety of tasks including reading comprehension,
abstractive summarization, textual entailment and
learning task-independent sentence representations
(Zhou et al., 2018). The Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
2017) is the transduction model based on self-
attention to compute representations of its input and
output without using sequence aligned RNNs or
convolution. In (Hoang et al., 2019), authors study
sentiment analysis of product reviews in Vietnamese
by using Self-attention neural networks. However,
that study does not mention to the structure of
Vietnamese sentence in the analysing, so its results
are not exactly and suitable the practical
In this paper, the method for Vietnamese
sentiment analysis is proposed. This method is used
to determine the sentiment of a sentiment sentence
including positive, negative or neutral. The structures
of a Vietnamese sentence are studied. Based on those
structures, the meaning of this sentence is analysed by
using the self-attention neural network architecture
Transformer. Besides, the layer of Squeeze and
Excitation (Hu et al., 2018) is also used to recalibrate
features in the process. The sentences will be
analysed to determine whether they are positive,
negative or neutral.
The experimental results show that our method
being more effective than other in Vietnamese
sentiment analysis. Its accuracy and F-measure are
more than 91% and its results are suitable to apply in
practice for business intelligence.
The next section presents some techniques of the
Transformer. Section 3 presents the method for
Vietnamese sentiment analysis. That method uses the
improved architecture of self-attention with
transformer on the structure of the sentences in
Vietnamese to determine their meaning. Section 4
described the experimental results. The last section
concludes the main results in this paper.
Scaled Dot-Product Attention: Let s
i - 1
be a query
vector q, and h
is duplicated with one is key vector k
and the other is value vector v
current NLP work, the key and value vector are
frequently the same, there for h
can be considered as
or v
exp( ) .
where , and ( , ) (2)
exp( )
(1 j n)
is the dimension of input vectors or k vector
(q, k, v have the same dimension as input embedding
Self-attention is a mechanism to apply Scaled
Dot-Product Attention to every token of the sentence
for all others.
For every token in sentence, three vectors Query,
Key, Value are created by using a linear feed-forward
layer as a transformation, then the attention
mechanism is applied to get the context matrix.
However, this process is very slow, so we consider
three matrices Q, K, V:
Q is a matrix containing all the query vectors,
Q = [q
, q
,..., qn] with q
is a query vector.
K is a matrix containing all the key vectors, K
= [k
, k
, ..., kn] with k
is a key vector.
V is a matrix containing all the key vectors, V
= [v
, v
, ..., vn] with v
is a value vector.
Thus, we have:
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
(, ,) softmax . (3)
Attention Q K V V
Multi-head Attention performs the attention h times
with (Q, K, V) matrices of the dimension d
/h. Each
head is a time for applying Attention. For each head,
the (Q, K, V) matrices are uniquely projected with the
dimensions d
/h. Self-attention mechanism is
performed to yield an output of the same dimension
/h. After all, the outputs of h heads are
concatenated, and applied a linear projection layer
once again. The formula for this process is as follows:
( , , ) , ,..., .
ultiHead Q K V Concat head head head W
where . , . , . (4)
head QW K W V W
In this section, the method for analysing the sentiment
of a Vietnamese sentence is proposed. The sentences
will be analysed to determine whether they are
positive, negative or neutral.
Firstly, the structures of a Vietnamese sentence
are studied. Because the scope of this study is the
evaluation comments for a product on the social
network, there are two kinds of declarative sentence
were mentioned: positive and negative sentence.
Secondly, based on those structures, the meaning
of this sentence is analysed by using the self-attention
neural network architecture Transformer. Because the
meaning of a Vietnamese sentence belongs to the
positions of words, our method is added the layer
determining the word positions into the processing
the transformer. Besides, the layer of Squeeze and
Excitation (Hu et al., 2018) is also used to recalibrate
features in the process.
3.1 Structure of a Vietnamese Sentence
Vietnamese is a language isolate. The structure of a
normal sentence of Vietnamese includes subjectum
(or thema) and praedicatum (or rhema). Subjectum is
the direct factor of a sentence describing the scope of
thing which is mentioned in the second direct factor -
praedicatum (Cao, 2017).
There are three frequent sentence types:
declarative, interrogative, and imperative. The
declarative is subject to judgments of truth and
falsehood (Cao, 2017). The interrogative elicits a
verbal response from the addressee. The imperative
indicates the speaker’s desire to influence future
events. In the problem about sentiment analysis, we
only need to determine whether a sentence is positive,
negative or neutral; thus, in the scope of this paper,
we only mention to the declarative sentence type.
The structure of a single declarative sentence in
Vietnamese is shown in Fig.1:
Figure 1: Structure of a single declarative sentence in
Definition 1: Kinds of the structure of a positive
A single positive declarative sentence in
Vietnamese has the foundation structure:
<Sentence> = <S> <P>
It is classified as Table 1.
Table 1: Kinds of the structure of a positive sentence.
Kinds Variants
P is <noun>:
= <S><noun>
<S> “là” <noun>
<S> <quantity> <noun>
<S> <comparative word>
<S> <word of kind> <noun>
P is <verb>:
= <S> <verb>
<S><verb><object pronoun>
P is <adjective>:
= <S> <adj.>
<S> “thì” <adj.>
P is <noun><adj.> with <noun> belongs to <S>
<Sentence> = <S><noun><adj.>
Definition 2: Kinds of the structure of a negative
A single negative declarative sentence in
Vietnamese has the foundation structure:
<Sentence> = <S><negative word><P>
It is classified as Table 2.
Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the Grammar Structure and Improved Self-attention Network
Table 2: Kinds of the structure of a negative sentence.
Kinds Variants
P is <noun>:
= <S> <negative
word> <noun>
<S><negative word> “là”
<S> <negative word>
<quantity> <noun>
<S> <negative word>
<comparative word> <noun>
<S> <negative word> <word
of kind> <noun>
P is <verb>:
= <S> <negative
<S><negative word> <verb>
<object pronoun>
><negative word> <verb>
> <negative word> <verb>
P is <adjective>:
<Sentence> = <S> <negative word> <adj.>
P is <noun><adj.> with <noun> belongs to <S>
<Sentence> = <S><noun><adj.>
In a Vietnamese declarative sentence, each word
has to been appeared orderly. Although two sentences
have the same referent, “same referent” means they
both describes an objectivity fact, they are not identity
about the meaning. The meaning of a sentence
belongs to the way for organizing of its predicates. In
other words, the information about word positions
contribute the sentence meaning and grammatical
Some characteristics of an isolate language,
especially Vietnamese, for learning context are as
In linguistic activities, words do not change
their morphemes. Grammatical meanings are
not included in words.
Formal word, word position and word order
clarify the grammatical relationship as well as
the grammatical meaning of words and
sentences. Example: Add the formal words “s
(will) or “đang” (_ing) before “hc” (study) will
change the tense of the action. Another example
of reversing words also changes the meaning of
grammar, for example "chân bàn" (leg of table)
and "bàn chân" (foot).
The lines between syllables, morphemes and
words are not clear. Example: In Vietnamese
"nhà" is a morpheme, and also is a word.
The main point of this research is around the
importance of word position information to
contribute sentence meanings and grammatical
3.2 Pre-processing Method
Datasets will be gone through a pre-processing
pipeline of the text documents. Some available
research, such as sentence segmentation, normalize
the text, word segmentation and noise cleaning, were
mainly used to do this pipeline automatically.
Sentence segmentation is a procedure to split a
paragraph into sentences. Then, each sentence will be
text normalized.
In the text normalization, the input will be low
cased. Next, all the links, phone numbers and email
addresses were replaced by “urlObj”,
phonenumObj” and “mailObj”, respectively.
Finally, words tokenizer from Underthesea (2019) for
Vietnamese was also applied. The input text will be
split into words, phrases, or other meaningful parts,
namely tokens.
3.3 Word Embedding
The fastText (2019) is used for word embedding. In
many cases, users may type a wrong word
accidentally or intentionally. fastText deals with this
problem very well by encoding at the character level.
In case having a wrong word, very rare words or out-
of-vocabulary words, fastText still can represent them
with an embedding vector that most similar to word
met in trained sentences.
There had been no fastText pre-trained model for
Vietnamese spoken language. Therefore, we trained
fastText for Vietnamese vocabulary as embedding
pre-trained weights from a corpus over 70,000
documents of multi-products reviews crawled from e-
commerce sites mentioned above with no label. Rare
words that occur less than 5 times in the vocabulary
were removed. Embedding size is 384. After training,
we have 5,534 vocabularies in total.
3.4 Sentiment Analysis in Vietnamese
In original architecture of Transformer, the position
encoding for a word is summed with Context
encoding from pre-trained fastText model (with same
dimensions of features). After this process, the
outputs were applied a linear projection to create
three vectors Q (query), K (key), V (value) as input
for Multi-head Attention layer:
.( )
where A is one of the three vectors Q, K, or V,
inputs of Multi-head Attention, which were
mentioned in Section 2. C is the context encoding
dimension, and P is the position encoding
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: The process of Vietnamese sentiment analysis.
with d
dimension too. W
is a matrix of trainable
weights with the size d
From (5), we have:
That means, Context information and Position
Information both play the same role to create
semantic meaning of a word in the sentence.
Nonetheless, in Vietnamese, the meaning of a
sentence belongs to the information of word
positions. Thus, the concatenate operator is used to
combine the information of word positions and the
inputs of Multi-head Attention layer. That makes the
context information and position information having
the different weights during the transformation
(,)X Concatenate C P
The dimension of X is 2*d
, then W
is a
matrix of trainable weights with the size 2*d
; thus, P and C are not the same weight as (6).
It means: if the meaning belongs to the word order,
the weight of the position (P) will be larger; else if it
is the formal word, the weight of the context (C) will
be larger.
The process for the Vietnamese sentiment
analysis is shown in Fig.2. The proposed model for
sentiment analysis in Vietnamese is based on Self-
attention with Transformer architecture. In this work,
the “concatenate” operation is used to incorporate
position information with word context information
as the input to Multi-head Attention layer as (7)(8).
The input sentence is transformed to context
embedding by using self-attention mechanism.
Moreover, in Fig.2, the layer of Squeeze and
Excitation (Hu et al., 2018) is added between Multi-
head Attention and Feed Forward layer to recalibrate
features. It uses global information from the context
matrix, which was the result of the Multi-head
Attention layer, to select important features and
suppress less useful ones before performing a
transformation with feed forward network layer. It
helps network to learn more important features
efficiently for the task of sentiment analysis.
The gating mechanism of the Squeeze and
Excitation (SE) layer is performed by stacking a
GobalAveragePooling1D layer then forming a
bottleneck with two dense layers. The first layer is a
dimensionality-reduction layer with reduction ratio r
with a non-linear activation. The second layer is the
dimensionality-increasing layer to return the result of
a sigmoid activation function with the dimension
where, f
is the i
feature of the context matrix F,
j is the j
token of the sequence.
The output of this process is the squeeze global
information of a feature of sequence into a feature
channel descriptor. Then, every feature in the context
matrix are represented by a value of this descriptor.
After that, a bottle-neck dense net is used to select
the important features for sentiment task efficiently.
where, δ refers to the ReLU function, S is the
feature channel descriptor, σ is a sigmoid activation
function, and W
, W
are trainable weights of the
The final output of this layer is obtained by the
feature-wise multiplication between the scalar S and
the context matrix:
(,)OM FS
where, O is the recalibration of the context matrix,
and M
(F, S) refers to the feature-wise
multiplication between the scalar S and the context
matrix F.
The work of the SE layer is shown in Fig. 3:
Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the Grammar Structure and Improved Self-attention Network
Figure 3: The layer of Squeeze and Excitation.
4.1 Dataset
Dataset is set of comments of electronic products
which were crawled from Vietnamese e-commerce
websites, such as Tiki, Lazada, Shopee, Sendo,
Adayroi, Dienmayxanh, Thegioididong, FPTShop,
Vatgia. It includes 32,953 documents in labelled
corpus: 22,335 positives documents and 10,618 of
negatives documents.
For making the dataset balanced, some short
negative documents are duplicated and segmented the
longer ones. In the final result we have over 43, 500
documents in corpus with 22, 335 positives and 21,
236 negatives. Using for training models, we splitted
corpus into 3 sets as following:
Training set: 27, 489 documents.
Validation set: 6, 873 documents.
Test set: 8, 591 documents.
4.2 Evaluation Measures
Four measures which have been used in this study are
based on the confusion matrix output. They are True
Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative
(TN), and False Negative (FN).
Precision (P) = TP/(TP + FP)
Recall (R) = TP/(TP + FN)
Accuracy (A) = (TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN)
F-measure = 2.(P.R)/(P + R)
4.3 Results of Testing
We compare our model with four base line RNN
models such as Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM),
Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), stacked bidirectional
LSTM and stacked bidirectional GRU with the
following configurations. All models were evaluated
on 8,591 documents.
LSTM and GRU: 1 layer with 1,200 units.
Stacked bidirectional model of LSTM and
GRU: 2 stacked layers with 1,200 units in
forward and 1,200 units in backward for
each layer.
These model are compared with our method: i/
improved Self-Attention without the SE layer, ii/
improved Self-Attention combining the SE layer. The
comparison results based on evaluate measures are
shown in Table 3.
The method using the improved Self-attention
with SE layer is more effective than other for
Vietnamese sentiment analysis. Besides, this method
is also more useful about the inference time.
From the experimental results, the improved Self-
attention has the accuracy and F-measure is better
than original methods of GRU and LSTM. Although
the precision and F-measure of the improved Self-
attention are lower than improved methods of GRU
and LSTM (Stacked bi-GRU and Stacked bi-LSTM,
its inference time is faster because it worked based on
the grammatical structure of Vietnamese sentence.
The SE layer helps to select important features and
remove less useful ones before performing a
transformation with feed forward network layer. It
helps network to learn more efficiently for the task of
sentiment analysis. From that, the improved Self-
Table 3: The results of the comparison between methods.
GRU 58.9 58.5 58.7 58.7 0.25
Stacked bi-GRU 91.1 90.8 90.9 91 1.05
LSTM 63.7 61.7 61.3 62.7 0.38
Stacked bi-LSTM 89.6 89.2 89.3 89.4 1.63
Improved Self-attention 86.6 85.1 85.3 85.9 0.003
Improved Self-attention
combining SE layer
91.7 91.6 91.6 91.6 0.07
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
attention combining SE layer is more precise than
other methods, it has the accuracy and F-measure
being more than 91%. Moreover, the inference time
of the combining method is also better than others.
Hence, the proposed method can be useful in practice,
especially in business intelligence.
In this paper, a method for sentiment analysis in
Vietnamese is proposed. This method is studied based
on the combination between the structure of a
Vietnamese sentence and the technique of NLP, the
self-attention with Transformer. The structures of a
declarative sentence are studied and applied in the
analysing of their meaning. Based on those structures
of the sentences, the Self-attention network with the
Transformer is used to analysis the sentiment of the
sentence. The Self-attention network is improved by
two steps:
(1) Adding the layer to determine the word
positions by using the formulas (7)(8).
(2) Adding the layer of Squeeze and Excitation
between Multi-head Attention and Feed
forward layer to recalibrate features.
The experimental results of our method for
Vietnamese sentiment analysis has the accuracy more
than 91%, it is more effective than other methods.
Besides, the inference time of the proposed method is
also better than others. The process of this method can
be applied in business for analysing the information
on social network which serves in the influencer
In practice, the vast amount of training examples
necessary to get satisfactory results is an obstacle to
develop the natural language processing. In the
future, we will use the method to transform this paper
proposes a method for transforming the sentiment of
a sentence to the opposite sentiment (Leeftink and
Spanakis, 2019). This method can reduce by half the
work required in the generation of training examples.
In the real-word, people can show their views in a
sarcastic way that is difficult to determine. In the
future work, the method need to be developed to
classify the sentiment in those cases. That
improvement has to analysis deeper in the sentence’s
structure and the technique of self-attention network.
Moreover, for applying in business intelligence, such
as the influencer marketing, the sentiment analysis in
Vietnamese will be used to design the method for
detecting the influencer on the social network, which
were presented by the relational model (Do et al.,
2018, Nguyen et al., 2015).
This research is supported by VinTech Fund, a grant
for applied research managed by VinTech City, under
grant number DA132-15062019.
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