Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German
Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers
Gloria Bondel, Sascha N
agele, Fridolin Koch and Florian Matthes
Chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics,
Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, Garching, Germany
API Economy, Service Ecosystem, Web APIs, Automotive Sector.
The API Economy is a type of service ecosystem that emerged due to organizations using Web APIs to provide
third parties with access to their resources, i.e., functionality or data. It is argued that participation in the
API economy creates value and offers strategic advantages to API providers. However, there are sectoral
differences within the API Economy, with specific sectors being more advanced than others. Since there are
currently no explanations for these differences between sectors, this research aims at providing insights into
barriers inhibiting the advancement of the API Economy as well as potential measures to overcome these
barriers for a specific sector, the automotive industry. We apply a Grounded Theory Methodology approach
based on interviews with 21 experts from OEMs, automotive suppliers, consultants, mobility start-ups, and
insurance firms. As a result, we present 14 legal, economic, social, technological, and organizational barriers.
Furthermore, we derive five measures to overcome these barriers.
An ecosystem perspective is increasingly applied in
research and literature, enabling organizations to ana-
lyze the progressively more complex and dynamically
changing environment they operate in (Basole, 2019;
Adner, 2016). The ecosystem metaphor has been in-
troduced by (Moore, 1996), who defined a business
ecosystem as ”An economic community supported by
a foundation of interacting organizations and individ-
uals the organisms of the business world. Within a
business ecosystem, organizations create value sym-
biotically (Basole, 2019).
A type of service ecosystem that is currently draw-
ing attention is the API Economy (Basole, 2019; Ba-
sole, 2016; Evans and Basole, 2016). At the heart of
the API Economy are Web Application Programming
Interfaces (Web APIs), which are machine-readable
interfaces that make resources, i.e., functionality or
data, accessible via the public internet. The providers
of Web APIs aim at directly or indirectly monetiz-
ing the exposed resources. At the same time, Web
API consumers use the newly available resources as
a foundation to develop new applications or services.
The resulting new resource constellations enable the
realization of new business models.
From a provider perspective, the provision of APIs
creates value, increases productivity, and offers strate-
gic advantages (Evans and Basole, 2016). Neverthe-
less, previous research shows that Web APIs are dis-
tributed unevenly across organization types and in-
dustry sectors (Basole, 2019). However, to the best
of the authors’ knowledge, there are currently no ex-
planations why these differences in the advancement
of the API Economy in different sectors exist. There-
fore, the goal of this research paper is to provide in-
sights into barriers hampering the advancement of the
API Economy as well as potential measures to over-
come these barriers.
We investigate the automotive sector with a fo-
cus on vehicle-generated data, which is data gener-
ated by sensors mounted in- and outside of vehicles
(Abdelhamid et al., 2015). Vehicle-generated data
is a valuable resource since it provides the basis for
new services that improve the security and comfort
of a driver (Bertoncello et al., 2016) and is highly
requested by third parties (EC, 2016). Also, a re-
cently published ISO standards series defines speci-
fications for Web APIs providing access to vehicle-
generated data (Smethurst, 2017; McCarthy et al.,
2017). Therefore, prerequisites for providing vehicle-
generated data using Web APIs to enable a flourishing
service ecosystem seem to be met. Nevertheless, the
API Economy is only slowly emerging in the automo-
Bondel, G., Nägele, S., Koch, F. and Matthes, F.
Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009353407270734
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 727-734
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tive sector.
Therefore, we aim at providing insights into the
reasons for sectoral differences in the API Economy
by addressing the following two research questions:
RQ1: What are barriers to the provision of vehicle-
generated data using Web APIs in the German auto-
motive sector?
RQ2: What are potential measures to overcome
barriers for the provision of vehicle-generated data
using Web APIs in the German automotive sector?
To address these research questions, we conducted
19 interviews with 21 interviewees from Original
Equipment Suppliers (OEMs), automotive suppliers,
automotive associations, consulting firms, mobility
start-ups, and insurance firms. We analyzed the col-
lected data using a Grounded Theory Methodology.
Based on this data, we identify 14 barriers hamper-
ing the advancement of the API Economy in the auto-
motive sector clustered into the categories legal, eco-
nomic, social, technological, and organizational. Ad-
ditionally, five potential measures to overcome these
barriers are derived. With these findings, we con-
tribute to a better understanding of challenges in the
advancement of the API Economy in the automotive
industry. Future work will investigate barriers in other
sectors to allow for cross-case conclusions.
In the following, we describe relevant concepts,
present our research approach, present, and discuss
the findings.
2.1 Web APIs and API Economy
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are
machine-readable interfaces that enable applications
and databases to share assets like functionalities and
data while encapsulating implementation details (Ja-
cobson et al., 2011). Different technologies and pro-
tocols can be used to implement APIs, but we focus
on Web APIs, which expose their resources over the
public internet and are accessed using the HTTP pro-
tocol (Bermbach and Wittern, 2016).
From a provider perspective, APIs can be catego-
rized into different types depending on their intended
user group and goals. In general, APIs are either pri-
vate or public. An API is private if it is only accessible
for a predefined group of developers, which can be in-
ternal (internal API) or external (partner API) to the
API providers organization. Internal APIs are usu-
ally used to foster interoperability and reuse, while
partner APIs regularly aim at facilitating integration
with external partners, generally in the context of spe-
cific business processes. Public APIs, on the other
hand, can be accessed by everyone interested in the
resources offered. The goal of providing open APIs
is usually to generate additional profits through direct
or indirect monetization of the API (Jacobson et al.,
In the past, the research focus has been primar-
ily on private APIs, with the goal of enabling inte-
gration and reuse. However, recent developments in
mobile devices, decreasing data storage costs, and in-
creasing economic value of data, lead to a dramatic
growth in the number of public Web APIs in the
last couple of years (Basole, 2019), with currently
over 23,000 public APIs across different industry sec-
tors registered in the most extensive public API reg-
istry, ProgrammableWeb
. Furthermore, organiza-
tions like Salesforce and eBay generate more than
half of their revenue via APIs (Iyer and Subramaniam,
2015). This abundance of APIs allows third parties
to access newly available resources, enabling the cre-
ation of new applications or services (Evans and Ba-
sole, 2016).
Web APIs enable the realization of new busi-
ness models for API providers as well as consumers,
enabling a type of service ecosystem, the so-called
API Economy (Basole, 2019). A service ecosys-
tem is defined as: ”A relatively self-contained, self-
adjusting system of mostly loosely coupled social and
economic (resource-integrating) actors connected by
shared institutional logics and mutual value creation
through service exchange. (Lusch and Nambisan,
2015). Thus value is created by organizations form-
ing relationships (Basole, 2019; Rouse and Basole,
2010) using digital connectors, e.g., Web APIs. In
the context of digital platforms for third party devel-
opment, these digital connectors are sometimes also
referred to as boundary resources (Eaton et al., 2015;
Ghazawneh and Henfridsson, 2013; Ghazawneh and
Henfridsson, 2010).
Even though the provision of public Web APIs
supposedly creates value, increases productivity, and
offers strategic advantages, APIs are distributed un-
evenly across organization types and industry sec-
tors (Evans and Basole, 2016; Basole, 2016; Basole,
2019). First of all, ecosystem analysis revealed that
mainly young, digital organizations actively provide
public Web APIs, e.g., Amazon and Google, com-
pared to more traditional, established organizations
1, accessed on
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(Evans and Basole, 2016). Additionally, there are dif-
ferences across sectors, with mapping, e-Commerce,
and social APIs being most relevant in the API Econ-
omy ecosystem (Basole, 2019). Thus, organizations
choose different API strategies to influence their po-
sition within the ecosystem as well as the health of
the ecosystem as a whole (Basole, 2019). However,
the best of the authors’ knowledge, currently no ex-
planations for the differences between sectors within
the API Economy exist.
2.2 Status Quo of the API Economy in
the Automotive Sector
The automotive sector provides an appealing indus-
try for analyzing barriers for the advancement of the
API Economy since it is a sector characterized by tra-
ditional organizations. Additionally, prerequisites for
providing access to data seem to be met, but the API
Economy nevertheless advances only slowly.
Data generated by sensors mounted inside and
outside of a vehicle, e.g., odometer or ambient tem-
perature, is called vehicle-generated data (Abdel-
hamid et al., 2015). Vehicle-generated data is a valu-
able resource since it provides the basis for digital
connectivity between vehicles, between vehicles and
the transportation infrastructure (EC, 2016), and be-
tween cars and third-party service providers. Con-
nectivity is the foundation for new services improv-
ing road safety, traffic efficiency, and driving comfort
(EC, 2016). An analysis conducted in 2016 revealed
that in general, customers are interested in services
based on vehicle-generated data, which increases the
safety and convenience of mobility (Bertoncello et al.,
2016). The same study estimated the overall rev-
enue pool for monetization of vehicle-generated data
to reach 450 750 billion USD by 2030. Also, for
almost a decade, there have been calls from vari-
ous stakeholders within and outside of the automo-
tive industry requesting to make vehicle-generated
data available (McCarthy et al., 2017). Finally,
(Evans and Basole, 2016) observed a rapid increase
of transportation-related APIs, which goes beyond
vehicle-generated data, including, e.g., public trans-
portation APIs. This leads to the assumption that an
API Economy in the automotive sector should flour-
However, the implementation of vehicle-
generated data using public APIs progresses only
slowly, since the growth and shape of a new market
for these services depends on the question who can
access the data, and under which condition it can be
accessed (McCarthy et al., 2017). Currently, data
generated by sensors of a vehicle is transferred to
a backend server of an OEM via a mobile network.
Thus, the OEMs are in a powerful position since
they decide which parties get access to the data
and which approach for data access they provide.
However, reacting to the market pressure, OEMs
have committed themselves to provide a data server
platform to grant access to vehicle-generated data
to third parties per the standardization project Ex-
tended Vehicle (ExVe) which resulted in the ISO
20077, ISO 20078 and ISO 20080 standards and
the Neutral Extended Vehicle for Advanced Data
Access (NEVADA) approach. The goal of these
standardization projects is to provide third-parties
with standardized and non-discriminatory access to
vehicle-generated data by granting them access to the
backend server of the OEM, where vehicle-generated
data is stored. In this research paper, we will focus
on the provision of access to vehicle-generated data
via data server platforms following the ExVe and the
NEVADA concepts.
As of November 2019, German OEMs that have
implemented the ExVe and NEVADA approaches are
for specific BMW and Mini cars and Daimler
for certain Mercedes Benz cars. Each implementation
consists of an API platform enabling third parties to
access vehicle-generated data of a customer as well
as a customer-facing portal providing vehicle owners
with the possibility of releasing or withdrawing data
access rights for respective third parties. Also, both
APIs can be accessed via neutral car data platforms
like Otonomo
However, the number of services realized based
on vehicle-generated data provided via the Web APIs
is currently still minimal. Existing use cases, e.g.,
pay-as-you-drive insurances or driver logbooks, are
predominantly realized using data collected via mo-
bile apps or the in-vehicle on-board diagnosis (OBD)
connector. An OBD interface is a mandatory and pre-
cisely specified physical connector in a vehicle that
provides access to specific data, e.g., error messages
for diagnosis purposes. However, data access via mo-
bile apps or the OBD connector is very limited.
Summarizing, while there is high potential to cre-
ate value through new services based on vehicle-
generated data as well as high pressure to release the
data, which even culminated in corresponding stan-
dards, the API Economy is only slowly advancing in
the automotive sector. Therefore, the automotive in-
dustry provides an interesting case study for analyz-
Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers
ing barriers for the advancement of an API Economy
and measures to overcome these barriers.
This research paper aims at identifying barriers and
measures to overcome these barriers for the API
Economy in the automotive sector. To achieve these
goals, we apply a Grounded Theory Methodology,
which is suitable for research on technological change
and socio-technical behavior for which limited prior
research exists (Wiesche et al., 2017). The Grounded
Theory Methodology approach that we applied com-
prises data collection, open coding, and selective cod-
We conducted a total of 19 semi-structured inter-
views with 21 experts in the time between October
2018 and February 2019. We targeted experts from
the automotive industry, using existing contacts of our
chair. We deliberately chose experts with different
perspectives, including OEMs, automotive suppliers,
automotive associations, mobility startups, consulting
firms, and insurances. Tab. 1 provides an overview of
all interview partners. The semi-structured interviews
comprised seven open-ended questions and took 34
minutes on average. We recorded and transcribed
each interview.
To analyze the collected data, we applied open
coding to the interview transcripts resulting in 641
codes across 286 categories. This first analysis step
was conducted to gain a better understanding of the
use case domain and provided a basis for selective
coding. During selective coding, we focused on bar-
riers and measures to overcome these barriers. Over-
all, we identified 14 barriers categorized into legal,
economic, social, technological, and organizational
barriers. Furthermore, we derived five potential mea-
sures to overcome these barriers. We used the tool
MAXQDA to support the coding process.
This chapter presents 14 identified barriers for open
vehicle-generated data clustered into the categories
legal, economic, social, technological, and organiza-
tional. Figure 1 provides an overview of the barriers.
In the following, we will describe each of the identi-
fied barriers in more detail.
4.1 Legal Barriers
The category legal barriers comprises three barriers
that are related to German or international legislation.
Strict Regulations. Strict privacy regulations, espe-
cially the GDPR, can hamper the implementation of
open vehicle-generated data projects. While the inter-
viewees deem the need to get the explicit consent of
the consumer as solvable, purpose limitation and the
right to delete personal data are obstacles. However,
the right to delete personal data is only applicable to
data that has is not anonymized.
Uncertain Data Ownership. Some interviewees
stated that it is currently not clear who owns vehicle-
generated data. Data protectionists argue that the data
belongs to the drivers of a car and their passengers
since they produce the data. Here, a clear distinction
has to be made between the driver of a vehicle and
the owner of a car, especially since shared mobility
concepts like car sharing lead to the fact that the own-
ership and use of cars often no longer coincide. Even
though no interviewee argued that the data should be-
long to the owner of a car, a court decision exists,
where the course of a car accident was reconstructed
based on data collected by the car-sharing provider
(Breitinger, 2016). Furthermore, some OEMs argue
that specific data should belong to them since they
carry the cost of data collection and storage. Finally,
one could also argue that governmental institutions
should have the right to specific data concerning the
well-being and safety of society, i.e., the information
on the condition of the infrastructure.
Uncertain Data Handling Requirements. Another
barrier is concerned with uncertainty regarding how
data should be stored and processed by the data col-
lectors. There are currently no guidelines or prece-
dents regarding the classification of data into different
data categories (e.g., personal/non-personal), the pri-
vacy requirements for each data category, and the def-
inition of access rights for various parties (e.g., private
organizations/the government). Furthermore, the lia-
bility of organizations storing data providing safety-
relevant information is not clear. As one interviewee
reported, an entity collecting data could be liable for
not forwarding safety-relevant information that this
entity could theoretically derive from stored data.
4.2 Economic Barriers
Business considerations cause economic barriers, of
which we identified a total of five.
Unknown Business Models. The collection and pro-
vision of vehicle-generated data requires considerable
financial effort, as the OEM must create and main-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Overview of interview partners.
ID Organisation Classification Role
1 Consulting Technical Architect
2 Mobility Startup CTO
3 Consulting Head of Department Automotive
4 Consulting Digital Innovation Officer
5 Mobility Startup Senior Partner Manger
6 Insurance Technical Architect
7 Automotive supplier Business Development
8 Automotive supplier Business Development
9 Automotive Association Head of Department IT
10 Consulting Head of Department IT
11 Automotive supplier Head of Department IT
12 OEM Technical Architect
13 Mobility Startup Head of Department IT
14 OEM Business Analyst
15 Automotive Association Product Manager
16 Mobility Startup Data Analyst
17 Finance Managing Director
18 Insurance Technical Architect
19 OEM Technical Architect
20 OEM IT Project Manager
21 OEM Business Project Manager
tain the appropriate infrastructure. Potential revenues
offsetting these efforts are difficult to quantify in ad-
vance. The difficulty in defining the value of data is
because it is not known which use cases, and therefore
which data, is relevant for third parties. First experi-
ences have shown that rather simple data is requested,
which could also be collected by a mobile phone.
Securing of Own Market Position. The German au-
tomotive market is a market with few but large OEMs,
which traditionally compete against each other. Al-
though there were already first cooperations between
these OEMs, e.g., the joint acquisition of the naviga-
tion system developer HERE
by Daimler, Audi, and
BMW, each OEM tries to protect its market position.
This also hinders the development of a common plat-
Change of Role From Vehicle Producer to IT Ser-
vice Provider. The classic business model of OEMs
is the production and sale of vehicles, as well as
the subsequent absorption of profits on the aftermar-
ket. This traditional business model is now increas-
ingly threatened by new trends such as Mobility-as-
a-Service and Shared Mobility. Thus, the automotive
ecosystem changes as well as the OEMs role within
that ecosystem. The OEMs new role creates chal-
lenges such as building new skills in software engi-
neering and changes in mindset. Besides, the com-
petition is expanded from a small number of other
OEMs to include also mobility start-ups and large dig-
ital companies such as Google and Apple. Also, the
new business models are deemed to be less profitable
for OEMs. OEMs are therefore trying to exploit ex-
isting business models for as long as possible before
disrupting their business model.
Lack of Market Pressure. A further aspect is miss-
ing market pressure from customers. End customers
do not actively request new features and services in
cars, and therefore there is no market pressure on the
OEM to use or share data to enable new services.
Risk of Exposing Business Secrets. The provision
of vehicle-generated data could enable far-reaching
analyses of the vehicle itself. These analyses could
provide insight into the technologies used or reveal
deficiencies of individual vehicle models. Concerns
that third parties might gain access to these business
secrets relating to the OEM’s core products, therefore,
hamper the provision of specific data.
4.3 Social Barriers
Social barriers arise due to consumers’ sentiments re-
lated to the sharing and value of vehicle-generated
data. One social barrier has been identified.
Importance of Privacy (Especially in Germany).
Customers fear that third parties could gain insight
into their driving behavior based on collected data.
Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers
An example mentioned was that a driver’s mood could
be recognized, which could be relevant for insurance
in case of an accident. Thus, customers often asso-
ciate negative feelings with the sharing of data with
third parties. Interviewees often mention that this bar-
rier is especially relevant for the German market due
to the traditionally conservative attitude in Germany
towards data sharing. As a result, the high importance
of privacy hampers customers’ willingness to share
data with the OEM. Furthermore, it also influences
OEMs willingness to share data with third parties as
they fear that data sharing could lead to a negative im-
age, even when they meet the legal requirements.
4.4 Technological Barriers
The limitations of current technologies cause techno-
logical barriers. We identified four such barriers.
Expensive Data Transmission. The sensors of the
car generate vehicle-generated data, which the car
then transfers to a backend server via a mobile net-
work. This architecture creates a technical challenge
with regards to the data transfer between the vehicle
and the backend server due to the significant amounts
of data that can be generated by vehicle sensors. Ex-
isting mobile networks are not capable of transferring
these amounts of data, and even the 5G network may
not be sufficient in some instances, e.g., when a foot-
ball match ends and several thousand cars try to leave
the car park simultaneously. Besides, using mobile
networks is particularly expensive in Germany com-
pared to other countries.
Lack of Standardization. Standardization is a sig-
nificant barrier for the advancement of an API Econ-
omy in the automotive sector since each OEM pro-
vides its proprietary platform for vehicle-generated
data. The platforms realize different implementations
of web services concerning data protocols, architec-
ture paradigms used (e.g., REST, GraphQL), SLAs,
billing models, etc. Also, the data differs in type
and quality not only between different OEMs but also
for various vehicle models, different configurations
of a model, and the year of production. Although
ExVe and Nevada already provide standardization ap-
proaches defining which resources a data platform in-
terface should provide, the standards do not describe
implementation details, since too high a degree of
standardization could inhibit innovation. However,
the remaining degree of freedom in the design of
web services still leads to high efforts for third party
providers when integrating vehicle-generated data of
Ensuring API Quality. To enable third-party
providers to build business models based on vehicle-
generated data provided via an API, the API has to be
of acceptable quality with regards to function as well
as non-functional requirements. However, to guaran-
tee the quality of an API, OEMs have first to ensure
the quality of data internally, which can be cumber-
Increased Safety and Security Requirements. The
malfunction of a vehicle, whether caused by a fault
within the system or triggered by an attacker, can
have devastating consequences. Safety and security,
therefore, play a particularly important role in the au-
tomotive sector. The provision of a web service to
access vehicle-generated data is associated with high
requirements in terms of safety and security to avoid
penetration of systems running in the vehicle.
4.5 Organizational Barriers
Organization barriers capture barriers caused by cur-
rent organizational structures in data collecting and
data processing organizations.
Lack of Data Interpretation Skills. A further chal-
lenge based on the significant amount of data is miss-
ing experiences and expertise with regards to data in-
terpretation. Currently, OEMs, as well as startups, are
missing these skills.
In this section, potential measures to overcome some
of the barriers for advancing the API Economy in
the automotive sector will be presented. Overall, five
measures have been derived based on the analysis of
the interviews.
End-user Empowerment. Eleven interviewees men-
tioned end-user empowerment as a measure that could
help overcome mainly social barriers. On the one
hand, end-user empowerment aims at providing data
owners with the power to control how their data is
processed and by whom, including the option of not
sharing data at all. Additionally, providers have to
educate end-users on their data-related rights and the
implications of both sharing data or not. Thus, end-
user empowerment aims at creating trust on the side
of the end-user.
Market Pressure. Nine interviewees mention market
pressure, which can be exerted by different stakehold-
ers. First, end users are changing their behavior and
adapting to new digitized services in various domains,
e.g., digitized health care apps. This trend leads to the
end-users requesting integrated solutions also in the
automotive sector, e.g., they want to access data gen-
erated by two cars of different brands belonging to
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Overview of barriers for the advancement of the API Economy in the automotive sector.
the same household using a single platform. Further-
more, some interviewees expect that foreign competi-
tors will start making vehicle-generated data available
and realize associated business models, thus exerting
pressure on the German automotive industry. Finally,
several experts expect a significant first-mover advan-
tage, with new business models, with new business
models often being introduced by startups.
Clear and Legally-binding Government Regula-
tion. Mentioned by eight interviewees, a further po-
tential measure are clear and legally binding govern-
ment regulations. On the one hand, clear means that
new regulations should define a standard for the API
design. On the other hand, clearness refers to the
removal of uncertainties with regards to data owner-
ship and data handling requirements. Furthermore,
new regulations should be legally binding since only a
few OEMs implemented the ExVe and the NEVADA
standards, to which the OEMs commitment them-
selves. During the interviews, several comparisons
with other domains have been drawn, e.g. the PSD2
in the banking sector or the HIPAA Privacy Rule for
medical data in the US, which should be monitored
and could be used as templates for a regulation for
vehicle-generated data.
Edge Computing. Addressing technological barri-
ers, especially the expensive data transmission, five
interviewees suggested edge computing as a useful
solution approach. The increasing amount of data
generated in a vehicle could be preprocessed in the
vehicle to reduce the amount of data before transfer-
ring it over the mobile network. However, preprocess-
ing requires mounting expensive hardware in the car,
e.g., powerful CPUs. Therefore, OEMs have to care-
fully consider the amount of logic implemented in the
Collaboration between OEMs. Collaboration be-
tween OEMs was mentioned by three interviewees,
who believe that OEMs should work together to pro-
vide a neutral server as suggested by the NEVADA
standard. This measure would address the barrier
of lacking standardization between data providers.
However, the German automotive market is very com-
petitive, and it was not detailed how OEMs should be
motivated to collaborate.
The API Economy is a type of service ecosystem that
promises value generation for organizations partici-
pating in it. However, there are sectoral differences
within the API Economy, with specific sectors being
more advanced than others. These observations lead
to the question of what causes these differences. Ad-
dressing this research gap, we provide insights into
barriers hampering the advancement of the API Econ-
omy for vehicle-generated data in the German auto-
motive sector. To identify these barriers, we applied
a Grounded Theory Methodology approach based on
interviews with 21 experts. Overall, we identified 14
barriers. Furthermore, we derive five potential mea-
sures to overcome these barriers. Our findings con-
tribute to the identification of barriers and drivers for
the emergence of the API Economy. Furthermore,
our results provide a starting point for analyzing the
reasons for differences in the advancement of an API
Economy between different sectors.
The analysis of the data shows legal, economic,
social, technological, and organizational barriers. Le-
gal barriers arise due to legal restrictions and uncer-
tainty, which could be addressed with clear, legally
binding government regulations. Focusing on eco-
nomic aspects, barriers are concerned with unknown
Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers
business models and the changing role of OEMs
caused by current trends in the automotive industry,
hampering the OEMs willingness to make vehicle-
generated data accessible. These economic barriers
could be overcome by forcing OEMs to provide ac-
cess to vehicle-generated data using government reg-
ulations but also by building market pressure. An ad-
ditional finding regarding economic barriers that we
would like to mention is that several interviewees ex-
plained that the availability of a critical amount of
data would be necessary to gain experiences with
new business models. However, current legal reg-
ulations hamper the collection of data, i.e., purpose
limitation, and the competitive situation in the auto-
motive market. This creates a catch-22 situation, with
data not being made accessible due to missing expe-
riences and missing experiences due to missing data
availability. Barriers in the social category arise due
to a lack of trust of end-users in organizations han-
dling their data. A measure to overcome this barrier
could be end-user empowerment. Technological bar-
riers are mainly concerned with large amounts of data
that have to be transmitted, as well as a lack of stan-
dardization between data providers. Edge computing
could address the first of these barriers, while the lat-
ter would profit from increased collaboration between
OEMs. Even though we also identified organizational
barriers, we deem them as insignificant since intervie-
wees described them as easily solvable.
Limitations of the validity of the presented re-
search arises from the focus on the German automo-
tive market and the limited number of 21 intervie-
wees. Future work could address these limitations
by analyzing barriers and drivers for the emergence
of the API Economy in other sectors to enable cross-
case conclusions.
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