Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation
Chems Eddine Neche, Yolande Bela
ıd and Abdel Bela
es-Nancy, F-54506, France
Word Embeddings, Stream Flow Segmentation, Pages Pair Classification, Continuity, Rupture.
Page stream segmentation into single documents is a very common task which is practiced in companies and
administrations when processing their incoming mail. It is not a straightforward task because the limits of
the documents are not always obvious, and it is not always easy to find common features between the pages
of the same document. In this paper, we seek to compare existing segmentation models and propose a new
segmentation one based on GRUs (Gated Recurrent Unit) and an attention mechanism, named AGRU. This
model uses the text content of the previous page and the current page to determine if both pages belong to the
same document. So, due to its attention mechanism, this model is capable to recognize words that define the
first page of a document. Training and evaluation are carried out on two datasets: Tobacco-800 and READ-
Corpus. The former is a public dataset on which our model reaches an F1 score equal to 90%, and the later is
private for which our model reaches an F1 score equal to 96%.
Several agencies and administrations receive a mass
of documents in the form of a flow of pages which
they have to process in a relatively short time. This
is the case of incoming mail processing, the manage-
ment of bank loans to find the supporting documents,
etc. Once scanned, this gives rise to a continuous
stream of images that need to be re-grouped into doc-
uments, which is not an easy task. Indeed, the pages
that follow each other and that belong to the same
document do not always show common characteris-
tics and it is necessary to deeply explore them to find
the document limits. The Figure 1 resumes the docu-
ment stream segmentation process.
Pages stream
P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P1
Segmented stream
P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P1
Figure 1: Documents stream segmentation task.
Existing works in the literature on documents stream
segmentation can be divided into two main categories.
The first one is based on the detection of ruptures
(breaks) and continuities (Daher and Belaid, 2014;
Karpinski and Belaid, 2016; Hamdi et al., 2018). In
this case, the system is iterated on the successive pairs
of pages, takes as input the current pair of pages,
looks at whether the two pages contain indices of
similarity or continuity, then, decides whether they
represent a rupture or a continuity. The second one
is based on page classification (Gallo et al., 2016),
according to the assumption that for two successive
pages belong to the same document, they must be-
long to the same class. After having all the classes
of stream pages, consecutive pages that belong to the
same class are grouped as a single document. The is-
sue of this segmenting method is that the system is un-
able to properly separate two documents of the same
class that follow each other in the stream. For exam-
ple, two invoices will be grouped as one document
which constitutes an error.
The two segmentation categories mentioned pre-
viously require an adequate system input modeling.
Two proceeding ways are related in the literature.
The first one consists in manually extracting docu-
ment page descriptors, such as textual information
(i.e. keywords), visual information (i.e. font style,
paragraph or word location), logical (i.e. title section
numbers, items, section continuation) and factual in-
formation (i.e. dates, introductory phrase, courtesy
form in letters) (Daher and Belaid, 2014; Karpinski
Neche, C., Belaíd, Y. and Belaíd, A.
Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009146402200227
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 220-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and Belaid, 2016). Descriptors extraction process is
tricky because it relies on set of regular expressions
and rules. In addition, prior knowledge on processed
document, is required. The second one, based on
deep learning, tries to learn the descriptors directly.
CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) has been used
advantageously in this case because of its efficiency
in visual feature learning in images. In contrast, for
textual descriptors, the literature is full of techniques
such as BoW (Bag Of Words), Word2Vec, Doc2Vec
and word embedding (Wiki, 2017). These models are
efficient for sentiment analysis and text classification.
In all our previous work, we used the classification
of page pairs in continuity and breaks. We continue
to do so because of its superiority over the page clas-
sification technique. But, we reinforce this technique
in different ways, first by a correct representation of
the content by using model languages as Doc2Vec,
Word2Vec and word embedding. Then we use deep
learning models like GRUs reinforced by an attention
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the main techniques reported in the
literature. The proposed approach is described in sec-
tion 3 with the different models. In section 4, we will
give a description of the used datasets, while in sec-
tion 5, we will resume the experimental protocol and
the obtained results. We will conclude and give future
perspectives in section 6.
The first works reported in the literature rather con-
sider the flow as a sequence of pages, and the doc-
uments are found by sub-sequence analysis. Proba-
bilistic models are used to model and recognize these
So, in our research team, Meilender (Meilender
and Belaid, 2009) used a method similar to the Vari-
able Horizon Models (VHM) or multi-grams used in
speech recognition. It consists in maximizing the
probability of the flow using all the Markov models
of the constituent elements (pages). Since the cal-
culation of the probability of all pages is NP com-
plete, the solution has led to the use of windows to
reduce the number of observations. In Schmidtler and
Amtrup (Schmidtler and Amtrup, 2017), single pages
are characterized by bag of words. According to the
authors, the discriminating features are located in the
first and last page of a document. Therefore they
model the document types by using three symbols:
start, middle and end. Multi-class SVMs are used and
their scores are mapped into probabilities. The prob-
able best sequence of documents is extracted by us-
ing an algorithm similar to the beam search algorithm
(Furcy and Koenig, 2005). Gordo et al. (Gordo et al.,
2013) use an approach combining the multiple pages
of a document into a single feature vector represent-
ing the document as a whole. Then, the most plau-
sible segmentation of a page flow into a multi-page
document sequence is achieved by optimizing a sta-
tistical model that represents the probability of each
segmented document of several pages belonging to a
particular class.
The second wave of work focuses on page pairs
and tries to find out if they represent document bound-
aries. In (Daher and Belaid, 2014), a feature extrac-
tion process is used to construct the pair page descrip-
tor which summarizes the pair page relation in term
of rupture and continuity. This system classifies the
pair descriptor into rupture or continuity using Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) and Multi-Layer Percep-
tron (MLP). In the continuation of (Daher and Be-
laid, 2014), (Karpinski and Belaid, 2016) used a rule
based system to detect ruptures and continuities in a
hierarchy of documents from records (simple page),
to technical documents, fundamental documents and
cases (set of documents belonging to the same per-
son). For each level, the system descriptors are first
extracted and then compared between pairs of pages
or documents. These descriptors can be section num-
bers, page numbers, dates, salutation and conclusion
formulas. The technique in (Hamdi et al., 2017) and
(Hamdi et al., 2018), uses Doc2Vec model to real-
ize the segmentation task. At first, the Doc2Vec is
trained to learn the documents pages representation.
While sweeping through the stream pages, the system
calculates the cosine distance between the page pairs.
Finally the system compares this distance with a fixed
threshold to determine if the pair represents a rupture
or a continuity.
More recently, one can find in the state of the art
deep learning techniques with convolutional neuronal
models for the classification of documents, as (Gallo
et al., 2016; Harley et al., 2015; Noce et al., 2016;
Wiedemann and Heyer, 2017). While the first two use
only textual information, the last two use textual and
visual information. In (Wiedemann and Heyer, 2017),
for the visual content, VGG16 is employed to learn
document visual features. As for the textual content,
a CNN of text data (Kim, 2014) is used. Then both
results are combined to decide the segmentation type.
These last methods naturally led to reflect on the
representation of documents to feed these types of
models. The word embedding (mapping of words
into numerical vector spaces) has proved to be an in-
credibly important method enabling various machine
Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation
learning models that rely on vector representation as
input data to enjoy richer representations of text in-
put. These representations preserve more semantic
and syntactic information on words, leading to im-
proved performance in almost every model. This led
researchers to consider the problem of how to provide
richer vector representations to larger units of texts.
This effort has resulted in a slew of new methods to
produce these mappings, with various innovative so-
lutions like Doc2Vec or Word2Vec.
Based on our previous discussion of the richness of
textual content and the interest of having a good rep-
resentation of this content, we have conducted sev-
eral experiments incorporating textual page represen-
tations, that we will describe in the following sub-
3.1 Doc2Vec + LSTM
Doc2Vec model has played a main role in text classifi-
cation and sentiment analyses. This is why we are ex-
ploiting this document representation in order to cre-
ate a stream segmentation model. This model uses a
pre-trained Doc2Vec to calculate a page representa-
tion vector for the page pair (i.e. precedent and cur-
rent page). The precedent and the current representa-
tion vectors are analyzed using LSTM (Long Short-
Term Memory) in order to encode them in one vector
representing the page pair and to reduce the vector di-
mensionality. The choice of LSTM in this phase is
to introduce the page sequence to the model. Using
a dense layer, the pair representation vector is classi-
fied as a rupture or a continuity. The training of this
model consists of two steps: Doc2Vec model training
in order to learn the page representation vectors, and
LSTM and Dense weights training to learn the stream
segmentation task (see Figure 2).
3.2 GRU
GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) is a recurrent neural net-
work. Unlike the previous model, it learns words em-
beddings and the segmentation task simultaneously.
We could use LSTM instead of GRU layers, but we
got the same performance. So, we decided to keep
GRU for its simplicity.
The GRU-based model proposed here learns
words embeddings by analyzing the pair pages inde-
pendently in two layers of GRUs. The GRUs analyze
the current (GRU CP) and previous page (GRU PP)
Figure 2: Doc2vec + LSTM Model architecture.
Figure 3: GRU Model architecture.
words embeddings. In order to obtain a page rep-
resentation vector, we use an aggregation operation:
summation or averaging. Since the GRU analyzes the
text word by word, so, the output of the word
depend on all the previous words in the sequence. So,
the sequence level information is encoded in the out-
put of the GRU. The idea behind the path separation
is to learn different layer weights for the current and
precedent page paths in order to treat their words dif-
ferently. This separation will add information con-
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
cerning the word source (i.e. current or precedent
page). The classification is performed using the dense
layer on the pair vector, obtained by concatenating the
page pair vectors (see Figure 3).
3.3 AGRU
This model is an improvement of the previous one.
Because the GRU model aggregates page word em-
beddings to obtain the page representation vector, all
the page words are performed identically even those
that mark rupture or continuity. To fix the GRU is-
sue, we propose an attention mechanism that allows
the model to detect words that indicate a relationship
between the pages pair.
Figure 4: AGRU Model architecture.
The attention mechanism in this model is performed
by applying a Softmax activation function on each
output of the GRUs in order to obtain probabilities
for each word. Once the scores are calculated, we
calculate a page vector by performing a product be-
tween scores and their embedding. The concatena-
tion of page
and page
vectors represent the input
pages pair which will be classified by the dense layer
(see Figure 4).
In this section we will describe the used datasets to
train and evaluate the proposed models. In addition,
we will explain how to prepare the page pairs for
training. We have to precise at this point that the
considered pages are scanned images ocrized using
Tesseract open source Google OCR. We can notice
that in this study, the quality of the OCR has not been
taken into consideration. This means that we have
processed the texts with their possible OCR errors.
4.1 READ-Corpus
This is a private collection of multi-page document
images. It consists of 898 documents (3819 pages)
of type invoice (INV), medical article (MA), offi-
cial journal (OJ), conference article (CA) and train-
ing councils documents of the University of Lorraine
(TC). The Table 1 shows the distribution by number
of documents, number of pages, and average number
of pages per document for all the classes.
Table 1: READ-Corpus Description.
Document count 68 216 140 181 293
Page count 437 216 893 1536 737
Average page number 6.4 1 6.3 8.4 2.5
4.2 Tobacco-800
This public dataset (Zhu and Doermann, 2007) con-
sists of 1290 scanned pages of realistic documents for
research in image analysis of documents. These docu-
ments were collected and digitized by tobacco indus-
try organization in the United States. This database
contains 743 multi-page documents (1.7 pages per
document on average) such as letters and invoices.
Tobacoo is a complex base, it has been used in sig-
natures and logos localization in (Lewis et al., 2006).
The Figure 5 shows some documents issued from
Tobacco-800 and from Read-Corpus.
4.3 Pairs Preparation
At first, we split the documents into three sets: 60%
for training, 20% for validation, and 20% testing. For
READ-Corpus, the splitting is done by balancing the
number of documents per class in each set (see Table
2). Since the Tobacco-800 database is not labeled by
document class, it has been split by document (see the
Table 3).
As our segmentation models take the pages pairs
as input, we have created pages pairs from the previ-
ously mentioned databases. On the one hand, pairs
that represent continuity has been created from two
consecutive pages of a document. On the other hand,
ruptures are created from pages pairs where the first
Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation
Figure 5: Examples of some documents from Tobacco-800
(a) and READ-Corpus (b).
Table 2: READ-Corpus splitting result.
Docs count 40 192 84 108 175
Pages count 257 129 540 902 438
Page average 6.4 1 6.4 8.3 2.5
Docs count 13 43 28 36 58
Pages count 79 43 177 312 145
Page average 6 1 6.3 8.6 2.5
Docs count 15 44 28 37 60
Pages count 101 44 176 322 154
Page average 6.7 1 6.2 8.7 2.5
Table 3: Tobacco-800 splitting result.
Set Docs count Pages Count Pages average
Train 531 785 1.4
Validation 177 244 1.3
Test 178 261 1.4
page corresponds to the last page of a document,
while the second page represents the first page of an-
other document. The pairs are generated so that the
number of continuities is equal to the number of rup-
tures in order to obtain balanced datasets (see the Ta-
ble 4).
Let W
be the page p words embeddings matrice.
Let h
) be the output of the GRU at the instance
t using as input the Word embedding W
of the word
at the position t belonging to the page p. GRU(W
) is
the result of passing through all the words of the page
p by the GRU layer.
) = [h
), h
), ..., h
where n is the max page length in the dataset.
Let Attention(W
) be the result of applying the at-
tention mechanism on the page p which could be the
current or the precedent page.
) = So f tmax(GRU(W
)) ×W
Table 4: Page pairs description.
Datasets Class Training set Validation set Test set
READ- Continuity 1730 578 613
Corpus Rupture 1730 578 613
Tobacco- Continuity 254 67 83
800 Rupture 241 79 93
5.1 Models Parameters Tuning
The Doc2Vec language models are trained on each
dataset, in order to learn representations for each doc-
ument page. The training parameters are given in the
Table 5.
Table 5: Language model parameters.
Model Epochs Vector size Window size Learning rate
Doc2Vec 50 100 5 0.1
The learning rate and the window size values are pro-
vided by the Gensim framwork (Rehurek and Sojka,
2010). With regard to the number of iterations and
the size of the vectors, their values have been experi-
mentally established. We found that increasing vector
size does not improve the performance of the segmen-
tation model. In this respect, we chose 100 as vector
size for the Doc2Vec models in order to have simple
and efficient model.
As for the architecture training previously pro-
posed in the section 3, a script was created to vary
the parameters as the activation functions, the unit
number and the dropout rate, for each model layer.
Regarding the number of iterations, we used the
EarlyStoping mechanism of the Keras framework
(Chollet, 2015) which consists in stopping the learn-
ing if there is no improvement in validation set loss af-
ter 20 iterations. The optimizer used during the learn-
ing is Adam with a learning rate equal to 0.001. The
Tables 6 and 7 summarize the best model configura-
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 6: Models parameters for the READ-Corpus
Model Layer Unit Nb Dropout
LSTM 64 0.4 0.4 ReLu
+LSTM Dense 1 - - Sigmoid
GRU PP 8 0.2 0.6 ReLu
GRU CP 8 0.2 0.6 ReLu
Dense 1 0.4 - Sigmoid
GRU PP 1 0.0 0.2 ReLu
GRU CP 1 0.0 0.2 ReLu
Dense 1 0.4 1 Sigmoid
Table 7: Models parameters for the Tobacco-800 database.
Model Layer Unit Nb Dropout
LSTM 64 0.4 0.4 ReLu
Dense 1 - - Sigmoid
GRU PP 8 0.0 0.8 ReLu
GRU CP 8 0.0 0.8 ReLu
Dense 1 0.4 - Sigmoid
GRU PP 1 0.4 0.6 ReLu
GRU CP 1 0.4 0.2 ReLu
Dense 1 0.4 1 Sigmoid
5.2 Results
Now, let’s move to the evaluation of our models. We
remind in the following the calculation formulas:
TP (True Positive): sample number belonging to
class A and classified in class A by the model.
FP (False Positive): sample number belonging to
class A and classified in class B by the model
FN (False Negative): sample number belonging to
class B and classified in class A by the model.
TN (True Negative): sample number belonging to
class B and classified in class B by the model
On the basis of these elements, we define the follow-
ing quantities:
Accuracy =
Recall =
Precision =
F1 = 2
Precision Recall
Precision + Recall
The Table 8 summarizes the performances of our pro-
posed models on the test set of READ-Corpus and
Table 8: Models performance.
READ-Corpus Tobacco-800
Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1
Doc2vec + LSTM 0.94 0.94 0.83 0.83
GRU 0.93 0.93 0.88 0.88
AGRU 0.96 0.96 0.90 0.90
Tobacco-800, by following the protocol of experi-
mentation explained in the subsection 5.1.
According to the Table 8 and the confusion matri-
ces in Table 11 and Table 12, the AGRU outperforms
the Doc2Vec + LSTM and GRU. The Table 9 reports
the state of the art method performance among dif-
ferent datasets. According to this table, the AGRU
model has given satisfying performances.
The Figures 6 and 7 represent the word clouds
of the weights calculated by the attention mechanism
from two pages pairs taken from READ-Corpus and
Tobacco-800 respectively.
The word cloud illustrated in the Figure 6 con-
cerns a READ-Corpus pair of whose previous page is
of the TC class, whereas the current page belongs to
the CA class. The attention mechanism has given sig-
nificant weights to the words such as “resume”, “key-
words”, “abstract” that indicate a rupture for the CA
class (see Figure 6b).
(a) Precedent page
(b) Current page
Figure 6: A cloud indicating a rupture for the CA class in
The Figure 7 represents the weights calculated by the
attention mechanism for another pair representing a
rupture. In the case of this pair of pages, the AGRU
model manages to detect a rupture. Since the current
page is part of the class letter, the attention mecha-
nism has given significant weights to the words that
Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation
Table 9: Comparative table of segmentation models.
Author Model Input Dataset Accuracy F1
Daher & Bela
ıd (Daher and Belaid, 2014)
SVM Text Private - 80%
MLP Text Private - 83%
Gallo & Noce (Gallo et al., 2016) CNN + MLP Image Private 97% -
Hamdi & Coustaty (Hamdi et al., 2018) Doc2-Vec Text Private 84% -
Wiedemann & Heyer CNN Text Text +
Archive22k (private) 93% -
(Wiedemann and Heyer, 2017) + CNN Image Image Tobacco-800 91% -
Our model AGRU Text
READ-Corpus 96% 96%
Tobacco-800 90% 90%
Table 10: GRU.
C 597 16
R 56 557
(a) Doc2Vec + LSTM.
Table 11: Models confusion matrices on READ-Corpus
database where C: Continuity and R: Rupture.
C 592 21
R 68 545
C 608 5
R 43 570
(a) AGRU
Table 12: Models confusion matrices on Tobacco-800
database where C: Continuity and R: Rupture.
C 71 12
R 17 76
(a) Doc2Vec + LSTM.
C 67 16
R 5 88
(b) GRU.
C 74 9
R 8 85
(c) AGRU
represents the beginning of the page of this class of
document, such as “dear”, “avenue” (see Figure 7b).
(a) Precedent page
(b) Current page
Figure 7: A cloud indicating a rupture in Tobacco-800.
In this paper, we described segmentation mod-
els based on deep learning. At first, we pro-
posed Doc2Vec + LSTM based on language models
Word2Vec. The training of this model was carried out
in two stages: the training of the language model; the
training of the different layers for the global model.
In general, Doc2vec is used for text classification and
sentiment analysis tasks. The training of these lan-
guage models is not oriented segmentation task be-
cause it is an unsupervised training. This led us to
propose the models GRU and AGRU which learns the
segmentation task and the word embedding simulta-
The evaluation results show that the AGRU is the
best of the models using textual information. This
is due to the attention mechanism that reinforces the
segmentation task by giving high scores to important
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
words that represent the first page of a document.
Given the lack of administrative databases at pub-
lic reach, we will propose to develop a synthetic
administrative document generator in order to push
the search into the document flow segmentation task.
Since our AGRU model deals with lexical entities
only, we will propose to combine the AGRU model
with models capable of identifying named entities,
dates, identifiers, physical and logical characteristics,
and factual information.
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Use of Language Models for Document Stream Segmentation