A Systematic Literature Review of Youth Employment and
Employability in Morocco: Role of Data Mining Techniques
Aniss Moumen
Institute of Problem Solving, Science Engineering Laboratory, National School of Applied Science, Ibn Tofail University,
Kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Data mining techniques, employability, graduate students, employment, unemployment, SLR
Abstract: Data mining (DM) is a method involving the all used techniques in data discovering; it aims to get beneficial
facts, which are hiding behind data. So, Data Mining techniques deploy several methods to discover patterns
and relationships between our data. In this paper, we present an overview of research works concerning by
youth employment and employability in Morocco; our goal is to identify and examine the contribution of data
mining techniques to analyze quantitative and qualitative data. This systematic literature review uses scientific
databases, repository and research engine to collect 186 references, between 1988 to 2020, we use IMIST
repositories, Google Scholar, Scopus, IEEE, Cairn.info, ScienceDirect, Persee, HAL and ILO Publication. As
a result of our queries and meta-analyze 1/3 of this corpus is in English, the Moroccan journal "Critique
économique" publish the most works in this topic and the authors " El Aoufi, Noureddine et al." produce
mostly the books about the subject "Employment" and "Employability" in "Morocco". After text analysis, we
found that theoretical works (63%) are more mostly present in this corpus than empirical works (37%).
Concerning Data mining techniques used in Moroccan works, we found that the Data mining algorithms are
used to explore the data, a few works utilize test hypothesis, classifications and prediction models.
In Morocco, HCP employment survey shows that
since 2006 (HCP, 2006), the most active population
has been with a diploma: Higher level, but the
unemployment rate by diploma at the national level
reveals that the tendency to have higher levels of
education does not positively lead to a good
integration into the labor market. This is manifested
by the high unemployment rate which increases
significantly when the level of education increases.
Multiple factors influence the future of laureate
after they graduate from university. Thus, it leads us
to look for related works to treat this panoply of data
by multiple Data mining techniques.
In this paper, we will present an overview of the
most important Moroccan works about the
employment and employability of youth, and we
exam the use of data mining methods to analyze the
data collected from the survey, national or
international institutions.
According to Jiawei Han (Han et al., 2012) Data
mining (DM) can be viewed as a result of the
evolution of information technology, Since the 1960s,
database and information technology has evolved
systematically from primitive file to sophisticated
database systems. The research and development in
database systems since the 1970s progressed from
early hierarchical and network database systems to
relational database systems, data modelling tools, and
indexing and accessing methods. From the mid-
1980s, after the establishment of database
management systems, database technology moved
toward the development of advanced database
systems and data mining for advanced data analysis.
Data mining techniques deploy several methods
to discover patterns and relationships between our
data. Data mining can be used in the various
important field as "Employment and Employability of
youth" which remains the primary concern and
commitment of any institution.
The concept of employment or unemployment was
introduced for the first time by the theory of
unemployment attribute to Arthur Cecil Pigou (1933)
and updated by Robert M. Solow (1980) (Solow,
1980). Also, the theory of employment was attributed
to John Maynard Keynes, published in 1936 (Keynes
and Press, 2019), who defines that the employment is
determined not by the price of labour, as in classical
economics, but by the level of aggregate demand. In
1944, "Full employment" as a qualification of
employment, in the context of after second world war,
it's defined as "a theoretical level of unemployment
where only those who are unable to work, or who are
temporarily changing jobs, are considered
unemployed". In 1958, Alban Phillips (Phillips,
1958) established the relationship between the rate of
inflation and the rate of unemployment: when the
unemployment rate fell, wages rose, and companies
raised prices to restore their margins; conversely,
prices fall when unemployment increases. After this
Keynesian view of employment, in 1968, Milton
Friedman and Edmund Phelps introduce a new
attribute for employment, defined as: "natural rate of
unemployment" (Maurice, 1964), for Friedman and
Edmund, the employment is related to monetary
circulation and production (Phelps, 1968). In 1999,
International Labour Organization (ILO) (ILO,
1999),(Burchell et al., 2014) proposed a new
redefinition of the concept of "Quality of
Employment" or "Decent Work", as the respects
the fundamental rights of the human person as well as
the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work
safety and remuneration.
Concerning the employability and according to
authors (Deacken, 2015; Gazier, 1990; McQuaid and
Lindsay, 2005; Zgoulli-Swalhi, 2014), this concept
was introduced in United-Kingdom and USA, in 1900
and 1930 respectively. The first definition for
employability was the capability of an individual to
integrate job market. In the 1960s, this definition will
evolve the aptitude of an individual to work according
to her functional test. In the 1970s, the employability
became the attractivity of an individual for potential
employers, appreciated by the result of functional
tests, the ability to work and professional behaviours.
With this definition, we distingue two meaning of the
employability, the first one is conditioned by the
labour market and the second one, related to personal
characteristics. In the 1980s, according to the
Canadian Labour Force Development Board
(Zgoulli-Swalhi, 2014), the employability is the
capacity of an individual to achieve meaningful
employment given the interaction of personal
circumstances. In the 2000s, the definition of
employability will integrate other attributes as
mobility and knowledge of the labour market.
After this brief chronological introduction to
"Employment" and "Employability", we can
conclude that employment is a concept related to the
macroeconomic context. However, the employability
is related to both individual attributes and economic
Our purpose is to focus on the position that data
mining techniques could occupy in the service of the
employment and employability of young university
graduates in Morocco. We have conducted this
review in September 2020.
To elaborate our works, the keywords chosen are:
"employability", "employment", "unemployment",
"Morocco", in both languages "English" and
We perform those requests in scientific databases
and repositories: IMIST, Scopus, IEEE,Cairn.info,
ScienceDirect, International Labour Organization
Publication and Google Scholar. After extraction of
references, the Zotero database contains 186
references, which will be analyzed by NVIVO. In the
first step, we construct a text analysis to elaborate a
word cloud for each corpus (french and English) and
create codes for "Employment", "Unemployment"
and "Employability". Then we generate a crosstable
to identify what references related to nodes. Finally,
we extract all characteristics from NVIVO to SPSS
and elaborate our meta-analysis by sources, type of
references, language, authors, publications, year of
After this first part of our analysis, we go to
discuss all Empirical studies: quantitative and
qualitative, to identify what Data mining algorithms
use the authors to analyze and present their results.
5.1 Languages
We constitute our corpus by 186 references in both
language English and French. The proportionality of
french bibliography (70, 97%) is more than English
This situation is due to the authors, especially in
management and social sciences, which utilize
French to communicate further than English. So to
analyze our corpus, we subdivide it into two
subcorpus: French and English.
5.2 Type of References
Articles constitute 66,6% of the corpus, with 55,4%
for french articles and 11,3% for the English. The
report is in the second-ranking with 6,4%, in this
category the English reports are mostly than french.
Table 1: Types of publications
English French
21 103 124
7 4 11
4 8 12
1 0 1
17 8 25
4 1 5
0 8 8
54 132 186
29,0% 71,0% 100,0%
5.3 Sources
In this synthesis, we are interested in works dealing
with "Employment" and "Employability" in the
Moroccan context, that is why the repository of
IMIST (Institue Marocaine de l'Information
Technique et Scientifique) is predominant in the
corpus, with 42%. In the second place, we found
Google scholar as an access point of secondary data,
followed by "Cairn" the repository of francophone
"Humain and Social Science" journals.
Table 2: Scientific databases or search engine * Language
English French
Cairn 1(,5%) 12(6,5%) 13 (7,0%)
22(11,8%) 25(13,4%) 47(25,2%)
0(0,0%) 5(2,2%) 5(2,2%)
Papers in
5(2,7%) 0(0,0%) 5(2,7%)
IEEE Xplore 2(1,1%) 0(0,0%) 2(1,1%)
4(2,2%) 0(0,0%) 4(2,2%)
OpenEdition 0(0,0%) 3(1,6%) 3(1,6%)
2(1,1%) 2(1,1%) 4(2,2%)
3(1,6%) 0(0,0%) 3(1,6%)
Persee 0(0,0%) 2(1,1%) 2(1,1%)
2(1,1%) 77(40,9%) 78(41,9%)
7(3,8%) 0(0,0%) 7(3,8%)
Scopus 4(1,6%) 1(,5%) 5(2,2%)
Theses.fr 0(0,0%) 2(1,1%) 2(1,1%)
0(0,0%) 2(1,1%) 2(1,1%)
Others 2 (1,1%) 1(,5%) 3(1,6%)
Total 54 132 186
29,0% 71,0% 100,0%
5.4 Ye a rs
According to this corpus, concerning the years of
publications (figure 3), we remark that :
First work dealing with "Employment" was in
Since the 2000s, "Employability" and
"Employment" become an important topic for the
More research published in 2017
Figure 2: Publication number by year.
5.5 Publications
The most important journals that published on
Employment and Employability in Morocco are:
"Critique économique", "Moroccan Journal of
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management",
"Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences" and
"Revue Economie, Gestion et Société".
"Critique Economique "(CR) is a journal founded
in 2000 by the research team from university
Mohamed V of Rabat. CR is interested in economic
subjects. We have found published on its 25 papers
related to employment and unemployment.
Table 3: Publication * Language Crosstabulation
English French
0 25 25
Dossiers de
Recherches en
Économie et Gestion
0 4 4
La Revue Marocaine
de la Pensée
0 5 5
Moroccan Journal
of Entrepreneurship
0 7 7
Procedia - Social
and Behavioral
6 0 6
Revue Economie,
Gestion et Société
0 6 6
Revue Marocaine de
Recherche en
Management et
0 4 4
Total 54 132 186
CR is flowed by "Moroccan Journal of
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management"
(MJEIM) and " Revue Economie, Gestion et Société"
(REGS), launched in 2016. these journals are hosted
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, is an
Elsevier open-access collection of conference
proceedings published between 2009 and 2018, with
an emphasis in core social and behavioural sciences
disciplines. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science
was indexed in Scopus.
5.6 French Word Cloud
The word cloud illustrated in the image below was
obtained after the analysis of collected abstracts of
French references. According to the occurrence of
words, it's seems that we have three categories :
1st category (high occurence) are respectively
"travail", "Emploi", "Maroc"
2nd category of words (between high and
medium occurence): "développement",
"diplômé", "formation", "chômage",
"économique", "marché","jeunes","recherche"
3th category of words (between medium and low
occurence) : "Employabilité",
5.7 English Word Cloud
Concerning the English references, the word cloud
present three categories according to the word
1st category (high occurrence) are respectively
"data", "mining", "employment"
2nd category of words (between high and
medium occurrence): "student/students",
"graduate", "university", "skills", "algorithm",
3th category of words (between medium and low
occurrence): "Employability",
5.8 Quantitative and Qualitative
From cloud word, we can elaborate on, the textual
requests to identify papers with empirical study, as
indicated below:
Quantitative quantitative empirique
analyse déterminants facteur
factor empirical prediction
statistique statistic algorithm
classification association
Qualitative qualitative exploratory "étude
exploratoire" interviews
As a result, we found that in this corpus we have
61 references for a quantitative study, 6 references for
mixed study and 1 reference for a qualitative study.
We remark that the theoretical studies are dominated
in this corpus, with more than 60% of all references.
Table 5: Empirical * Language Crosstabulation
English French
Empirical Non-empirical
43 77 118
11 50 61
0 1 1
0 6 6
54 132 186
Regarding the results of corpus analysis presented
above, to elaborate our discussion, we will select the
works according to two criteria:
The paper must present an empirical study or
documentary study with data analysis.
The paper must include discussion employment
or employability for Moroccan students or youth.
6.1 Quantitative Studies
In 1995, World Bank (World Bank, 1995) elaborated
an economic study of the employment to describe,
first of all, the economic framework of Morocco and
the historical macroeconomic indicators. Also, in this
report world bank present the factors of the labour
market. We notice that this report include a univariate
and bivariate descriptive analysis.
In 2002, Mohamed Bougroum and Aomar Ibourk
(Bougroum and Ibourk, 2002a, 2002b) present two
studies about unemployment of graduate students in
Morocco, the authors used crosstable of historical
indicators, histogram, the test of hypothesis and
probabilistic model to predict unemployment of an
In 2004, Belghazi, Saâd (Belghazi, 2004)
presented an analysis of quality of employment
regarding many survey and data collected from an
official institutions, international and national
organization, as : HCP, CNSS, BIT, CGEM, AMITH.
The author use frequencies analysis and historical
data to describe the factor that affects employment
quality. Also, in the same year Aomar Ibourk
(Ibourk, 2004) describe the institutional support to
professional insertion of youth graduate. To present
his interpretation, the author utilizes crosstable,
percentage and effective analysis of data collected
from institutions (HCP, CNJA, CIOPE, ANAPEC,
OCP) and survey.
In 2005 and after in 2008, El Aoufi Noureddine
and Bensaïd Mohammed (Aoufi and Bensaïd, 2005;
El Aoufi and Bensaïd, 2008), edited a book about
employability and unemployment of Moroccan youth
people. The authors use crosstable, histogram,
graphics, percentage and also they present prediction
of some indicators as population.
In 2006, Nizar baraka et al. (Baraka and Benrida,
2006) present a study about employment and the
relationship with the economic context, labour market
and education system.
The authors present their result with crosstable of
historical data function of many variables (PIB,
Population, Age, Sexe...) also the authors use T-Test
to present a comparative study with other countries,
the data was collected from many international and
national institution (Ministère de l'emploi, Ministère
de l'économie, Conseil National de la Jeunesse et de
l’Avenir, HCP, OCDE).
In 2012, Bouzekri Touri (Bouzekri, 2013)
presented a study about the impact of the impact on
college students scientific content acquisition and
employment market Requirements in Morocco. The
author uses three tests for 1,456 students to
demonstrate that the students suffered from language
skills; this situation will impact their employability.
The author uses descriptive analysis, graphics,
crosstable and proportionality to present his results.
In 2014, Ibourk Aomar (Ibourk, 2014), present a
study about the attitude of youth graduate in the job
search process. The author uses a mathematical
model, an econometric model, hypothesis test and
multivariable analysis to describe the attitude of
youth. For the econometric model, the author uses a
database of 1 934 Moroccan students from four
universities: Moulay Ismail University, Chouaib-
doukali university, Mohamed Ist university and Cadi-
ayyad university. In the same year, Fatima
BOUTALEB (Boutaleb, 2014) present a conference
paper that includes a quantitative study with a
questionnaire about the effect of gender in
employability, this study concern ENCG and ENSA
laureates. Also, the author exposes a theoretical study
to elaborate a conceptual framework for
In 2019, Tejan et al. (Tejan and Sabi, 2019)
present a result of an empirical study conducted by
questionnaire about employability skills of graduate
students, This study involved 20 employers from
three sectors, primary education, banking and tourism
in the region of Marrakech-Safi. The authors use
Standard deviation and Mean to expose their results.
6.2 Qualitative Studies
In 2020, Balhadj Said et al. (Balhadj and Melhaoui,
2020) present a study about support for autonomy to
improve students’ perception of employability. The
authors adopt a qualitative approach for ENCG
students in Morocco. Also, NVIVO was used to
analyze the textual data.
6.3 Mixte Studies
In 1988, Mohamed Guedira (Guedira, 1988) focused
his works on non-adequation between educational
programs and labour market demand for economic
and management students. The author adopts an
approach qualitative by using interviews with
employers and quantitative study which use a
questionnaire with students and workers. Mohamed
Guedira uses manual text analysis for exploratory
research, and then he uses descriptive statistics
(frequencies and percentages) to present the result of
the questionnaire without any use of other Data
mining techniques, like regression or classification.
In 2014, Mohamed Essaoudi et al. (Essaoudi et
al., 2014) present an empirical study on evaluation of
the experience of the first year of employability
among novice inspectors of education in morocco.
The authors use interviews coupled to questionnaire
to collect a total of 26 novice inspectors opinions
about their first year as an inspector. Three data
collection tools were used according to the principle
of triangulation. The quantitative data analysis was
performed by different statistical treatments:
percentages, frequency distribution, and processing
In 2020, Mezzour (Mezzour, 2020), present a
research project that combines Data Sciences and
Artificial Intelligence for Improved Youth
Employability in Morocco, the author use Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and Social Network
Analysis (SNA) techniques to analyze unstructured
and semi-structured text. The data was collected from
job ads of 10+ top Moroccan recruitment websites to
identify job market needs and then compare these
needs to university curricula.
According to this overview, data mining methods
have proven their utility to study employment and
employability in a different context. However, most
works collected in this corpus, present a view and
interpretation of data already collected and published
by institutional and organizations, under this
institutional references, the authors utilize descriptive
analysis to present their results. Also, we remark that
Moroccan references are mostly writing in French;
they are present in many scientific databases a
repository; this situation complicates the collection of
references. Finally, we conclude that Data mining
algorithms are mostly used to explore the data;
however, a few works utilize test hypothesis and
prediction models.
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