The Effectiveness of Immunostimulant from Ethanol Extract of
Parasite Coffee Leaves in Male Rat with Slow Type Hypersensitivity
Rahmad Gurusinga
, Tati Murni Karokaro
, Iskandar Markus Sembiring
, Sri Wulan
, Novita Br
Ginting Munthe
, Romauli Anna Teresia Marbun
and Suci Wulandari
Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Faculty of Midwifery, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Faculty of Pharmacy, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Ethanol Extract of Parasite Coffee, Volume Reduction of Swelling on a rat's feet, Slow Type
Abstract: This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of immunostimulant from ethanol extract of parasite
coffee leaves with four dose variants. This research used 18 male white rats with 200 grams of weight
divided into 6 treatment groups. The rats were induced with Escherichia coli for 7 consecutive days intra-
peritoneum, then on the 7th day gave a mark on the rat's feet that had been measured (V0). Ethanol extract
of parasite coffee leaves with 50mg / kg weight, 100mg / kg weight, 200mg / kg weight, 400mg / kg weight,
0.5% CMC Na suspension, and 25 mg / kg weight STIMUNO suspension as positive control were given
orally on 8th day, after 24 hours of administration the volume of the rat's feet was measured again, then all
data from each group was processed by using the ANOVA test. The results showed that the ethanol extract
of the parasite coffee leaves proved to be effective as an immunostimulant. This is attested by reduction in
the volume of swelling on rat's feet which tested by the slow type hypersensitivity. It was said to be
effective because it had an approaching value positive control that is 25 mg stimuno starting from 200 mgkg
/ weight dose to 400 mgkg / weight. With an average reduction in the volume of swelling 1.4 mm for dosage
of 400 mgkg / weight and 1.2 mm for dosage of 200 mgkg / weight.
The commonly treatments of the Cancer are surgery,
radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but there are not
getting the optimal results yet from those therapies.
Each of these therapies has several side effects that
tend to harm the patient. The failure that often
occurs in the treatment of this cancer, mainly
through chemotherapy, is caused by the low
selectivity of anticancer drugs against normal cell.
Moreover, the failure of chemotherapy is also
caused by cancer cell resistance to
chemotherapeutic agents. Treatment of this disease
requires an aggressive and innovative approach to
the development of new treatments that require the
role of immunomodulators to enhance the immune
system (Rahim, Suartha and Sudimartini, 2017).
Cancer treatments that are commonly done are
surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Optimal
results have not been obtained from all of the three
types of therapy. Every therapy has several side
effects that endangers the patient. Failures that often
occur in treatment the cancer, therapy through
chemotherapy is due to low selectivity anticancer
drugs against normal cells (Yulianti et al., 2018).
This resistance phenomenon has consequences for
increasing dosage of therapeutic. It can be called a
Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) phenomenon that can
increase the level of toxicity of drugs that was used
for therapy. Resistance to therapy is a major problem
in cancer. Even if the treatment is initially
successful, the tumor often remains stubborn.
Chemotherapy treatments are increasingly modern
even though there is no 100% effective cancer
treatment for treating cancer. Drug resistance is
influenced by several factors including individual
factors such as somatic genetic cells in
tumors.Resistance is a common thing in cancer and
as cancer therapy becomes more effective, drug
Gurusinga, R., Karokaro, T., Sembiring, I., Wulan, S., Munthe, N., Marbun, R. and Wulandari, S.
The Effectiveness of Immunostimulant from Ethanol Extract of Parasite Coffee Leaves in Male Rat with Slow Type Hypersensitivity Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0009973504990506
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 499-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resistance is more frequent. The cause of this
resistance is due to the presence of compounds in the
body that detect anti-cancer drugs in the cell to expel
it. Apoptosis, induction and detoxification also play
a role in the formation of body resistance to
drugs.The mechanism in which cancer drug
resistance functions provides important information
in avoiding increasing levels of resistance to
chemotherapy. In addition, resistance also has
implications and pharmacokinetics for drugs that are
generally used (Brown et al., 2016).
Indonesia is rich in biodiversity that has the
potential to be developed as a drug or drug raw
material that the function as an antioxidant with low
cytotoxicity. The research on plants such as herbs,
spices, and plants that ride on other plants, such as
parasite is widely carried out because of its potential
(Wulandari et al., 2019). As an antioxidant. In
Europe, parasites especially the leaves, which have
been studied to be used as drugs in the treatment of
cancer deadly cure. In this parasite leaf there are
various kinds of substances that can help treat this
dangerous disease. Since the 16th century,
Europeans have used parasites as a powerful herbal
remedy for treating neurological disorders such as
epilepsy. For someone who has epilepsy, he tends to
have difficulty controlling his own body and uses
the benefits of parasitic leaves which are believed to
be very effective in overcoming this health problem
(Kumolosasi et al., 2018). Parasite is a semi-
parasitic plant, which was originally considered a
detrimental plant because it damages commercial
plants. But “benalu” has the potential as a medicinal
herb. Traditionally a number of parasitic species
since ancient times have been used to prevent and
treat various diseases including as cough medicines,
cancer, diuretics, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,
wound or mold infection. The parasite is a type of
plant that propagates on other plants and takes food
from attached plants. Coffee parasite is a type of
plant that lives attached to the coffee plant as its
host. In general, this parasitic plant grows well in
regions that have a tropical climate like in Indonesia.
Many parasites grow on several other types of plants
such as mangoes, coffee, starfruit and many others.
In the past, not many people knew the benefits of
this parasite coffee plant because it was considered
to interfere with the plants that were used as hosts.
Because this process of foraging from parasites
originates from the host that is attached to it, the
plant that is attached becomes lack of food reserves
and cannot grow properly (Ojezele, Erhirhie and
Arojojoye, 2016).
One of the plants that is very good to be a host is
a coffee plant.The parasite of this coffee is usually
attached to the branches and also the trunk of the
coffee tree. Often this plant is found in the
Mandiling Natal area in North Sumatra. The types of
parasites attached to this coffee plant include
parasites which have many benefits that can be used
to cure various diseases. As the attached coffee
plant, parasites also absorb some of the contents of
the coffee plant so the parasite has more or less the
same content in the coffee plant. Usually coffee
plants that have the sap can eventually be used as an
alternative to treating cancer through parasites.
Chemical content that contained in parasites are
phenolic, tannin, amino acid, carbohydrate, alkaloid
and saponin. Phenolic compounds are very active as
antioxidant. Phenolic compounds have a structure
that can easily contribute hydrogen or electrons to
acceptors such as reactive oxygen species or peroxyl
groups from fat, so they can reduce the activity of
oxygen and peroxyl radicals (Ojezele, Erhirhie and
Arojojoye, 2016). Flavonoid is a polyphenol
compound that is found in epidermis of the leaves of
fruit peels and has an important role in human life as
an antioxidant, antimutagenic, antineoplastic and
vasodilator activity. a compound consisting of 15
carbon atoms which are generally spread over the
plant world. More than 2000 plant-derived
flavonoids have been identified, but there are three
groups commonly studied, namely anthocyanin,
flavonols, and flavones (Yulianti et al.,
2018).\Chemical contents that contained in parasites
are flavonoid, tannin, amino acid, carbohydrate,
alkaloid, and saponin. Based on various researches,
compounds in parasites that are thought to have
anticancer activity are flavonoids, which are
quercetin which are inhibitors of DNA enzymes for
cancer cell topoisomerase. Quercetin is the main
flavonoid compound contained in the parasite. The
compound is a taxonomic marker of the
Loranthaceae family (Hueza et al., 2019).
Parasite of coffee is a type of plant whose life
does not require soil for its media. It lives as a
parasite, sticks to the host cell, and absorbs the
nutrients its has so that cause death to the host cell.
The presence of Chlorophyll causes parasites have
the ability to carry out photosynthesis. However, this
plant is not able to take water and nutrients directly
from the soil which makes it as a parasite plant
(Poelman et al., 2019). The using of parasites as
traditional medicine has been known for a long time
to cure various diseases. Parasite is used by the
society as an anti- inflammatory drug, pain reliever
(analgesic), antivirus, anticancer, etc. For example
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
tea’s parasite and mango’s parasite which are used
as the cure for cancer (Choi et al., 2019). The
flavonoid content in coffee’s parasite can be
optimized in the extraction process by defeating
(Yulianti et al., 2018). Definitely, also tumor and
immune cells, including tumor associated
macrophages and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (of
both the innate and the adaptive arm of the immune
system) can produce these factor (Poggi, Varesano
and Zocchi, 2018).
The immune system is a body's defense system
that has the function to protect, maintain and destroy
antigens such as bacteria, viruses and other
microorganisms that can cause various diseases. One
effort to maintain the immune system is by giving
(Putra, Azizah and Nopriyanti, 2020). The immune
response is the response of the immune system to
objects or substances that are considered foreign. So
there are two types of immune responses that might
occur, namely the nonspecific immune response and
the specific immune response (Emelda et al., 2018).
Immune system compilation exposed to substances
that are considered foreign, then there are two types
of immune responses that might occur, non-specific
and specific immune response. Non-specific
immune response is immune congenital (innate
immunity) in the sense that the response to foreign
substances can occur in the body has never been
exposed to these substances. Meanwhile, a special
immune response is acquired immune responses that
arise against certain antigens (Xue et al., 2019).
Immunomodulation is a compound that can affect
the humoral and cellular immune systems. There are
two types of immunomodulation, namely
immunostimulator (boosting the immune system)
and immunosupressor (suppressing the immune
system). Some compounds that contained in plants
have immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive
effects. Immunomodulation are related to
macrophage activity and capacity (Yulianti et al.,
2018). Macrophage is one of the cells that play an
important role in the immune response, both
functional roles in phagocytosis and their role as
Antigen Presenting Cells (APC). In carrying out
these two roles, the endogenous mediator aid such as
cytokines is definitely needed. While the need for an
exogenous mediator such as carotene and flavonoid
still needs thorough research (Ofokansi et al., 2018).
A substance that acts as an enhancer or booster
immune can be obtained by using of herbs that have
efficacy as an immunostimulant. One of the herbs
which used is ethanol extract of the parasite leaves
of coffee which according to previous researchers
has the potential as an immunomodulation with high
antioxidant activity (Suparman, Kadarusman and
Situmeang, 2018).
Immunomodulation is a compound that can
affect the humoral and cellular immune systems.
There are two types of immunomodulation, namely
immunostimulator (boosting the immune system)
and immunosupressor (suppressing the immune
system). Some compounds that contained in plants
have immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive
effect, Immunomodulation is related to activity and
capacity of macrophage (Rahim, Suartha and
Sudimartini, 2017). Water extract of ethanol extract
from parasite leaves of coffee
(LoranthusferrugineusRoxb.) Active Test of immune
system activity can be done by various methods,
namely by looking at phagocytosis activity using
carbon clearance methods, slow type
hypersensitivity response, and hemagglutination test
for antibody titer (Zhang et al., 2019). The
effectiveness of the immune system test can be
carried out with the antibody titer method
determined based on the last dilution where the
antibody is still detected through visually involved
hemagglutination. The antibody titer value is
transformed with [2log (titer) +1] (Marbun, Suwarso
and Yuandani, 2018). To obtain the compound of
flavonoids, the parasite leaf powder was extracted
first with methanol, then the dried methanol extract
was extracted again with ethyl acetate and ethyl
acetate extract was partitioned with n-hexane.
Residue that insoluble with n-hexane is a total
flavonoide. Total flavonoids were hydrolyzed with
HCl 2 N to obtain aglycone flavonoids. Methanol
extract, ethyl acetate and n-hexane extract
phytochemical screening to determine the class of
metabolites contained therein, and carried out
antioxidant activity (Eriani et al., 2018). Based on
the above considerations, the authors feel it is
important and necessary to test theimmunostimulator
effect of ethanol extracts of the parasite leaves of
coffee (LoranthusferrugineusRoxb.) in male rats.
Therefore, scientific research such as
immunostimulator research and testing in
pharmacology is needed.
The tools and materials used rotary evaporators,
mercury water pletismometers, vapor cups, glass
beakers, analytical weights, reaction tubes, CMC
Na, 96% alcohol, Na C l, coffee leaf extract. The
process of taking and preparing samples can be seen
in Figure 1. The animals used 18 white rats about
The Effectiveness of Immunostimulant from Ethanol Extract of Parasite Coffee Leaves in Male Rat with Slow Type Hypersensitivity Method
150-200 grams which are treated by unifying food.
Animal examples used for experiments can be seen
in Figure 2a. The dosage used in the research is
based on previous research on the activity and
vasorelaxant of the parasite leaves of 50mgkg
/weight, 100mgkg/weight, 200mgkg /weight, and
400mgkg/weight. Each group was made up of three
rats. The process of giving ethanol extract of
parasitic leaves of coffee (EEBK) to rat can be seen
in Figure 2b.
Figure 1: Taking and preparing sample
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Animal experiment; (b) Giving (EEBK) to rat
Weighed the extract as much as 50mg, was
added to the mortar, then poured a little 0.5% CMC
Na suspension while crushed until homogeneous,
afterhomogeneous it was put into a 100ml
volumetric flask. Phytochemical is used to test
whether or not of secondary metabolites in plants
qualitatively. The method that is used for searching
and finding bioactive compounds is
phytopharmacologic screening approaches. Alkaloid
examination. The sample was weighed as much as
0.5 g then added 1 ml of 2N hydrochloric acid and 9
ml of distilled water, heated over a water bath for 2
minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate obtained
was used for the alkaloid test. Then divided into 3
tubes, each tube added 2 drops of reagent mayer, 2
drops of bouchardat reagent, 2 drops of dragendroff
reagent. Alkaloid is positive if there are 2 to 3
deposits in each experiment.
Flavonoid examination: The sample was
weighed 5g, then added 10 ml of hot water, boil for
5 minutes and filtered under heat. Into the filtrate
were powdered magnesium and 1 ml of concentrated
hydrochloric acid and 2 ml of amyl alcohol. Shaken
and allowed to separate. Flavonoid is positive if
there is a yellow, orange or red color in the alcoholic
layer. Tannin examination: The sample was
weighed as much as 1g boil for 3 minutes in natural
distilled water then cooled and filtered. 1-2 drops of
iron (III) chloride 1% w / v are added to the filtrate.
If there is a blackish blue or blackish green indicates
tannin. Saponin experiment: The sample is weighed
0.5g and put into a test tube, then added 10ml of hot
water, cooled, then shaken vigorously for 10
minutes. If a stable 1- 10cm high foam is formed not
less than 10 minutes does not disappear with the
addition of 1 drop of 2N hydrochloric acid then it
shows the presence of saponin. Glycoside
experiment: The sample was weighed 3g and then
mixed with 30ml alcohol-water (7: 3) and 10ml of
2N hydrochloric acid, refluxed for 2 hours, cooled
and filtered. Taken 20 ml of filtrate, 25 ml of
distilled water and 25 ml of lead (II) acetate of 0.4
M are added, shaken, allowed to stand for 5 minutes,
then filtered. The filtrate was filtered with a mixture
of chloroform-isopropanol (3: 2) 3 times. Anhydrate
sodium sulfate is added to the extract, filtered and
evaporated at a temperature of no more than 50ºC.
The remainder is dissolved with 2 ml of methanol,
the remaining solution is put into a test tube,
evaporated on a water bath. To the remaining, added
2 ml of water and 5 drops of molish reagent. Be safe
to added 2 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid, a purple
ring formed at the liquid limit indicates the presence
of a sugar bond. Steroid examination: The sample
was weighed as much as 1g, macerated with 20 ml
of n-hexane for 2 hours, filtered. The filtrate was
evaporated in a vaporizer cup and the remaining
concentrated sulfuric acid reagent was added
through the wall of the cup. If a purple or red color
turns into purple or blue, green, it indicates the
presence of steroids / tri terpenoids.
The phytochemical test results of the parasite
leaves sample contained alkaloids, tannins, saponins,
glycosides and flavonoid. Phytochemical test results
on leaves are slightly different from those ever
reported by muamar muulian who stated that
secondary metabolites contained in methanol
extracts of the parasite leaves of coffee are alkaloids,
flavonoids, terpenoids, and tannins. This is expected
because the samples obtained are from different
places so that the content of secondary metabolite is
different.(Yulianti et al., 2018). Phytochemical
screening test results can be seen in Table 2 and
recording the results of the swollen volume of rat
feet can be seen in Table 1.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Table 1: Recording of the results of the volume of
swelling of the rats feet.
Table 2: Phytochemical screening test
Test animals used 18 male rats with a weight of
150-200 grams. Before treatment, the experimental
animals were first conditioned for 2 weeks in a good
cage to adjust their environment and uniform food.
The animals were grouped into 6 groups including 1
group with 0.5% CMC Na absorption, the second
group with a 25mg stimuno suspension, the third
with 50mgkg /weight ethanol extract suspensions,
the fourth with a leaf ethanol extract suspension
parasite’s coffee with a dose of 100mgkg/weight, the
fifth with ethanol extract suspension of the parasite
leaves of coffee at a dose of 200mg/weight, the sixth
with the suspension of ethanol extract of the parasite
leaves with a dose of 400mg/weight. Each group of
experimental animals were injected e.coli inoculums
intravenously as antigens with 0.1 inoculum,
treatment was started on day 0. The process of the
slow type hypersensitivity testing method can be
seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Slow Type Hypersensitivity Testing Method.
Homogeneity and normality are determined by the
research results to determine the statistical analysis
used. If there are differences, proceed by using the
Post Hoc Tuckey test to find out which variables
have differences. Data were analyse using the one-
way ANOVA test to determine the average
difference between treatments. Based on the
significance value of p 0.05, it is considered
significant. The type of research used is Laboratory
Experiment. This research uses Anova One Way
parametric test. The sample which used in this study
was the Ethanol Extract of Parasite coffee Leaves
(LoranthusferrugineusRoxb). The data obtained
were analyzed using SPSS with the Anova test.
Continued by the Post Hoc Tukey test to see
variables that have a significance value of p <0.05.
Phytochemical test results of the parasite leaves of
coffee containing alkaloids, tannins, saponins,
glycosides and flavonoids. Phytochemical test
results on leaves are slightly different from those
ever reported by Yullian Muamar who stated that
secondary metabolites contained in methanol
extracts of the parasite leaves of coffee are alkaloids,
flavonoids, terpenoids and tannins. This is expected
because the samples that obtained are from different
places so that the content of secondary metabolite is
different.(Yulian, 2018). From 1500 grams of dried
samples macerated using a rotary evaporator to get
30 grams of ethanol extract of parasitic coffee. Thick
extract has a distinctive odor, black in color.The
result of this research of ethanol extract of parasite
coffee leaves is given for 7 days at a dose of 50 mg /
Before After Deviation
1 2,12 1,2 0,92
2 2,12 1,2 0,92
3 2,13 1,2 0,93
1 2,12 1,2 0,92
2 2,12 1,14 0,98
3 2,13 1,19 0,94
1 2,12 0,92 1,2
2 2,12 1,02 1,1
3 2,13 0,93 1,2
1 2,12 0,82 1,3
2 2,12 0,72 1,4
3 2,13 0,83 1,3
1 2,12 0,45 1,67
2 2,12 0,47 1,65
3 2,13 0,48 1,65
1 2,12 1,47 1,65
2 2,12 1,4 0,63
3 2,13 1,48 0,65
No Doses Rat Average
The Effectiveness of Immunostimulant from Ethanol Extract of Parasite Coffee Leaves in Male Rat with Slow Type Hypersensitivity Method
BW and a dose of 100 mg / BW still provide effects
such as negative control. However, at a dose of 100
mg / BW has begun to lead to positive control, at a
dose of 400 mg / BW the measurement results of the
swelling feet volume of rat approach the positive
control of stimuno with an average value of 1.6, with
an average of 1.4. We strongly encourage authors to
use this document for the preparation of the camera-
ready. Please follow the instructions closely in order
to make the volume look as uniform as possible
(Breda et al., 2019). Based on the results of the
research that has been done by varying the dosage of
ethanol extract of parasites of coffee leaves by
measuring the volume of rat swelling using a
mercury pletismometer, using the slow type
hypersensitivity method is found in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Swelling volume of rat feet.
The results of macroscopic examination carried out
on the parasite leaves of coffee
(LoranthusferrugineusRoxb.) Namely the top surface
is smooth and green, the lower surface is weak
green. The macroscopic results of the form of coffee
parasites are slim-shaped roots, radiating at the host
and dull in color. Long stems of plants upright dull
green small, oval shaped leaves that have a dark
green color with a slightly rough surface. There are
small seeds - interrupted between leaf stalks and
stems, small seeds shaped like the contents of a
pencil, have a short tentacle, macroscopic and
microscopic examination carried out on parasites of
coffee leaves in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Figure 5: Macroscopic examination carried out on
parasites of coffee leaves.
Description Figure 5: Leaf stalk parenchyma (1),
Leaf parenchyma with calcium oxalate crystal (2),
Hair cover (3), Palisade fragments and leaf
parenchyma (4), Flower petals fragments with petals
(5), Pericarp parenchymal fragments (6), Trachea
(7), Pollen (8).
Figure 6: Microscopic examination of the parasites of
Description Figure 6: Hair cover (1), Kolenkim (2),
Upper epidermis (3), Palisade parenchyma (4),
Spongy tissue (5), Floem (6), Xilem (7), Lower
epidermis (8).
The results of the research were obtained from the
administration of ethanol extract of the parasite
leaves of coffee (LoranthusferrugineusRoxb) at a
dose of 50 mgkg /weight, 100 mgkg / weight, 200
mgkg /weight, and 400 mg/weight for 7 days
showed a decrease in swelling volume, this can be
seen in the Table 3. However, the results of several
dose variants showed an average difference
between each treatment.Comparison of the
average value of eachtreatment that is at a dose of
50 mg / BW and 100 mg / BW that tends to have
an average value approaching negative control,
namely CMC Na, but at a dose of200 mg / BW to a
dose of 400 mg / BW the average value changes
towards the direction of positive control. There is a
difference in the average value of each test group
that has been done. Then it will be continued by
using the post hock tukey test to find out which
variable has a difference based on the significance
value<0.005 which is considered significant, this can
be seen in the Table 4.
Table 3: Changes in swelling feet volume of rat
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Table 4: Results of data analysis.
From the results of the post hock tukey test
between the negative control group, the 50 mgkg /
weight dose and the 100 mgkg /weight dose had an
effect but was not significant compared to the 200
mgkg /weight dose and the 400 mg kg / weight dose
which gave an average value close to the 25 mg
Stimuno positive control. Decrease in the volume of
swelling of rat's feet is suspected because in the
extract contained secondary metabolites such as
alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and
glycosides contained in coffee parasites leaves
(LoranthusferrugineusRoxb). This compound
belongs to the group of polyphenols which besides
having biological functions such as improving
glucose metabolism as well as antioxidants and
The results showed that the using of ethanol extract
of parasite leaves at a dose of 400 mgkg/weight
could reduce the swelling volume of rat's feet and
was effective as a significant immunostimulant can
be seen from the significance value of р <0.005. The
recommended dose used as immunostimulant is the
highest dose. At the highest dose in this research, it
has the same effectiveness with positive controls that
already exist in the market, namely
This Research is Supported by Institut Kesehatan
Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Medistra Foundation,
Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada, and Sembiring
General Hospital Foundation, Indonesia. My deepest
thanks to Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
and Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada for providing
the opportunity for all lecturers on this beloved
campus to gain Knowledge in Writing the Scientific
Journal and provides new Experiences in holding the
International Conferences. Hopefully with the
implementation of this activity in the future I can
contribute to the progress of Institut Kesehatan
Medistra Lubuk Pakam and Institut Kesehatan Deli
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