The Effect of Discipline on the Employee Performance in PT. Belitang
Makmur in Belitang Oku Timur
Departement of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, STIE Trisna Negara South Sumatera
Keywords: Discipline, Work Achievement
Abstract: Discipline is the main factor in bringing the company to progress, with the attitude to follow and obey all
existing rules without feeling forced will affect the performance of each employee -one. This study aims to
determine the effect of discipline on employee work performance at PT. BelitangMakmur OKU Timur and
the form of discipline applied. Data collection techniques are carried out by interview, observation,
documentation, and questionnaires and literature studies. From the results of these calculations, it turns out
that r = 0.14 is obtained. After consulting the conservative standard, it turns out that 0.14 is located between
0.00 - 0.200, which is included in the very low correlation. Then to answer the hypothesis test proposed in the
previous chapter has a relationship or not, then tested by hypothesis testing and obtained t count = 0.451.
While the value of t table at 95% confidence level for (n - 2) = 1,812. Then it can be seen that the value of t
arithmetic is 0.451 smaller than the value of the t table, which is = 1.812, thus means (Ho) is acceptable and
(Ha) is rejected. The study concludes that there is a very low influence between disciplines on employee
performance at PT. BelitangMakmur OKU Timur. Suggestions from this study are PT. East BelitangMakmur
OKU is expected to improve further the quality and quantity of the products produced to be able to compete
more in the future, given that competition and competitors are increasing.
Employees play an important role in maintaining the
sustainability of business ventures both now and in
the future. This is the duty of the manager to provide
action leading to work discipline. Job performance is
a major problem in an organization or company.
Without good work performance at all levels of the
organization or company, achieving goals and
success becomes difficult or even impossible. Every
organization wants maximum work results from
employees. The results of this work can be achieved
if employees can carry out their duties properly.
Work discipline here is the key to the success of
an organization to improve employee work outcomes,
whereas the definition of discipline is the use of some
penalties or sanctions if the employee deviates from
the battle. To overcome this problem, many
employees are influenced by several factors, such as
educational background, environment, personality
skills, and character.
The problems in this study are ". How is the influence
of discipline on employee performance at PT.
BelitangMakmur OKU Timur ".
Scope of object
The object of the research object is the employees
of PT. BelitangMakmur OKU Timur.
Scope of Problems
The scope of the problem is only limited to the
influence of discipline on employee performance.
Scope of Research Area Research
Conducted by the author, namely at PT.
BelitangMakmur OKU Timur.
Wihana, .
The Effect of Discipline on the Employee Performance in PT. Belitang Makmur in Belitang Oku Timur.
DOI: 10.5220/0009965503180323
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Research Objectives
To find out the magnitude of the influence of
discipline on the work performance of employees of
PT. BelitangMakmur OKU Timur and added
knowledge to the author about discipline on employee
3.2 Usability of Research
For PT. East BelitangMakmur OKU can be used as
input in solving future problems as well as provide
information to company leaders to evaluate activities
that have been carried out with alternatives that can
be used for development and progress in the future.
Discipline is something that needs to be considered in
the activities of a company or organization.
Discipline actions are carried out with the awareness
of each individual, while awareness is the attitude of
someone who voluntarily obeys all regulations and is
aware of their duties and responsibilities. To achieve
high employee performance is not an easy thing to do.
A very important factor for achieving high work
performance is the implementation of work discipline
from employees because it is one of the determining
factors for success and progress in achieving
company goals.
Understanding of Discipline, according to Malay
SP. Hasibuan (2010; 193) are:
"someone's awareness and willingness to obey all
applicable company regulations and social norms".
According to Malay SP Hasibuan Work
Achievement (2000: pp. 93), namely:
".A result of work achieved by someone in
carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skills,
experience, and sincerity as well as time.”
5.1 Data Sources
Primary Data: Namely, data obtained directly from
research activities. Data is collected from respondents
by interviewing or filling out a list of questions that
have been prepared. Secondary Data: Namely a data
obtained from outside the research that comes from
college books that have to do with research.
5.2 Data Collection and Processing
5.2.1 Research Library (Library Research)
That is data collection by studying various kinds of
literature, scientific books related to research.
5.2.2 Field Research
Namely, research that directly comes to the object of
research to see and research directions. Done by:
5.2.3 Observation
Namely, data collection by direct observation at the
research location, namely at PT. BelitangMakmur
OKU Timur.
5.2.4 Questionnaire
Data collection by giving a list of questions to the
leadership of employees at PT. BelitangMakmur
OKU Timur.
5.2.5 Interview
Namely, data collection by conducting direct
interviews of researchers with leaders and employees
who are considered to provide the information needed
in research.
5.2.6 Documentation
Namely data obtained by looking at documents
or records relating to research.
6.1 Qualitative
Analysis The analysis used to solve existing problems
by not using numbers as a basis for consideration, but
by using sentences that explain the state of PT.
Belitang Makmur OKU Timur.
6.2 Quantitative Analysis
Namely, an analysis that uses numbers that aims to
determine the size of the influence of discipline on
The Effect of Discipline on the Employee Performance in PT. Belitang Makmur in Belitang Oku Timur
employee performance at PT. Belitang Makmur OKU
The analytical tool used in quantitative analysis is to
use the Product Moment Correlation formula whose
formula is as follows, namely:
(Sugiyono, 2002: page. 213)
= Amount
r = Correlation coefficient between x and y
X = Discipline Variable (independent variable)
Y = Work Performance Variable
(dependent variable)
n = Number of samples
X2 = Result of square of independent
variable Y2 = Quadratic results of
dependent variable
Xy = Multiplication results between
independent and bound variables
To find out the size of the correlation that arises
between Discipline (x) and employee performance
(y), for that the author uses the Interpretation
Correlation Coefficient guidelines that can be seen in
Table 1 as follows
Table 1.
Interval Coefficients
Coefficient of
Relationship Level
0,00 - 0,199
0,20 - 0,399
0,40 - 0,599
0,60 -
0,799 0,80 -1,000
Very low
Very strong
(Sugiyono, 2009: page. 183)
To find out the size of the correlation that arises
between discipline (x) with the work performance of
employees (Y) then it must know the percentage level
(%) using the formula:
KP = r2 x 100%.
knowing the percentage level that is
affected, then other factors influence using the
100% - KP
To test the hypothesis that has been described
whether or not it can be accepted, the author uses
the formula
(Riduwan, 2010: page. 229)
t = Correlation coefficient test
r = Correlation coefficient
n = Number of samples
"t" can be searched by looking at table "t" with
degrees of freedom 0.05 for (n - 2), if t> t (n - 2) then
Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected but if t <t (n - 2)
then Ha is rejected, and Ho is accepted.
Before entering into a predetermined formula, the
results of the research from the questionnaire that has
been distributed to the respondents are tabulated in
the form of a table with an assessment of each answer
given by the respondent as follows:
a. Alternative answer A is given a score of 3
b. Alternative answer B is given a score of 2
c. Alternative C answers are given a score of 1
Table. 2 Percentage of Variable Answers to Discipline and
Variables of Work Achievement Against 12 Respondents
No Remarks Amount
By applying discipline can
encourage to improve work
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not
7 People
3 people
2 People
Giving compensation can
have a positive impact on
increasing employee morale
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not
3 There are additional wages
outside working hours
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
4 Health care for employees of
family members so that
performance increases
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not
5 Is giving sanctions to
employees who do not work
can improve employee
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not
6 Do you need punishment or
sanctions, if employees
violate work rules
a. It is necessary to
b. need it
c. unnecessarily
7 Can discipline improve
employee work performance
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No
8 What is firmness of the
leadership assign duties and
obligations to employee
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No
9 Can employees complete
product targets the charged
according to the desired time
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No
10 The existence of a good
relationship between fellow
employees whether it can
affect the improvement of
employee performance
a. can
b. sometimes
c. cant
Source: Data Processed
For this analysis used table tools and correlation
coefficient formulas, with the initial steps namely
tables obtained from the answers to research
questionnaires about the influence between
disciplines on employee performance at PT.
BelitangMakmur OKU Timur. Thus the work steps
can be seen in the following tables:
Table. 3 Variables (X)
Source: Data Processed
Table. 3 Variables (Y) Employee Performance
1 2 3 4 5
1. 3 2 3 3 3 13
2. 3 2 3 1 1 10
3. 2 3 3 2 2 12
4. 1 1 3 3 1 9
5. 3 3 3 3 1 13
6. 3 2 3 1 2 11
7. 1 3 1 3 1 9
8. 2 1 1 2 2 8
9. 3 2 2 3 1 11
10. 1 3 2 1 3 10
11. 1 3 2 2 2 10
12. 1 1 2 2 2 8
Total 124
Source: Data Processed
From the table above the following results are
n = 12
The Effect of Discipline on the Employee Performance in PT. Belitang Makmur in Belitang Oku Timur
X2 = 1,336
X = 126
Y2 = 1,314.
Y = 124
XY = 1,305
Then the above values are entered into the formula
of the Correlation coefficient as follows:
8.1 Correlation Coefficient
r =
r =
r =
r =
r =
r =
r = 0.14
Based on the results of statistical calculations
obtained r = 0.14. After being consulted with
conservative standards to find out whether or not the
relationship is close it is located at a distance between
0.00 - 0.200. It can be concluded that the influence of
discipline on employee performance at PT. Belitang
Makmur OKU Timur has a very low influence.
To find out the percentage level of influence of
discipline on employee performance at PT. Belitang
Makmur OKU Timur, the writer uses the formula:
Kp = r
X 100%
r = 0.14
= 0.0196
Kp = r
x 100%
Kp = (0.0196) x 100%
Kp = 1.96%
From the results of the above calculations, it can
be concluded that discipline on employee work
performance = 1.96%, meaning factors others that
affect the work performance of employees of PT.
Belitang Makmur OKU Timur is 100% - Kp (100% -
1.96%), there are 98.04%.
After knowing the correlation or influence of
discipline on employee performance at PT.
BelitangMakmur OKU Timur is obtained by the
number r = 0.14 and the percentage level is 1.96%,
then the following writer will answer the hypothesis
proposed previously by using the following formula:
alpha = 0.05
t = (n - 2) = t 0.05 (n - 2)
= t 0.05 (12 - 2)
= t 0.05 (10)
t = 1,812 ……. From the attached t table
r = 0.14
= 0.0196
t =
t =
t= 0.415
From the results of the above calculations, it can be
seen that the value of t arithmetic = 0.451. While the
value of t table at 95% confidence level for (n - 2) =
1,812. Then it can be seen that the value of t
arithmetic is 0.451 smaller than the value of t table
which is = 1.812, thus means (Ho) is acceptable and
(Ha) is rejected
Based on the results of previous research and
discussion, the authors can draw some conclusions
that the correlation between disciplines of employee
performance at PT. BelitangMakmur OKU Timur has
a very low influence because the number r = 0.14.
After consulting the conservative standard, it turns
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
out that 0.14 is located between 0.00 - 0.200, which
is included in the very low correlation. So that it can
be said that there is a very low influence between
disciplines on employee performance at PT.
BelitangMakmur OKU Timur. The hypothesis that
has been stated in the previous chapter using the
hypothesis test formula, is obtained (t) table = 1.812
while (t) count = 1.451 which can be concluded that
(t) count> (t) table or (t count is smaller than t table) ,
so the hypothesis proposed in the previous chapter is
not proven or Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected,
because the correlation is very low.
For the leadership of PT. East BelitangMakmur OKU
in order to pay more attention to firmness to
employees so that more discipline and work can be
more perfect and in accordance with the expected
results and PT. East BelitangMakmur OKU is
expected to further improve the quality and quantity
of the products produced in order to be more
competitive in the future, remembering competition
and increasing competition.
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The Effect of Discipline on the Employee Performance in PT. Belitang Makmur in Belitang Oku Timur