Effect of Leadership, Safety, Health, and Motivation toward
Employee Performance in PT. Inti Dinamika Logitama in Klaten
Sudaryoto, Istiana Rahatmawati, Agus Haryadi, Risma Fristiyani
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Leadership, occupational safety, and health, work motivation, employee performance
Abstract: This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of leadership on employee performance, the effect of
occupational safety and health (K3) on employee performance, and the influence of work motivation on
employee performance at PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama, Klaten. The study population was all employees of
PT. Core DinamikaLogitamaKlaten, amounting to 192 people, and 66 respondents were taken using the
proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis methods include Descriptive Analysis
and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS for Windows version 16.0. The results found that: 1)
There is an influence between leadership on employee performance at PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama, Klaten;
2) There is an influence between K3 on employee performance at PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama, Klaten; 3)
There is an influence between work motivation on employee performance at PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama,
Klaten, and 4) There is an influence between leadership, K3, and work motivation on employee
performance together at PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama, Klaten.
In the face of current global competition, many
companies are required to be more effective and
efficient in setting goals in the right way to improve
company performance. Increasing global
competition makes many companies compete in
increasing competitiveness that aims to maximize
profits, increase the value and image of the
company, and improve the welfare of its employees.
Employees are important assets to achieve company
goals, and employees should have a maximum
contribution to the company so that the objectives to
be achieved can be achieved. Companies that have
high-performance employees will be greatly
facilitated in achieving these goals, but in reality,
there is still employee performance that is not fully
in line with company expectations.
This study takes the object at PT. Inti Dinamika
Logitama Klaten is a service company that works
with PT. SarihusadaGenerasiMahardhika as a
warehouse for storing raw materials and finished
products. Seeing from the existing problems based
on the results of interviews conducted by one of the
employees found a phenomenon related to
occupational safety and health that has not been
optimal. This phenomenon is indicated by the lack
of awareness and awareness of employees in the use
of Personal Protective Equipment / PPE when doing
work. Other problems that can be seen from work
motivation, the difficulty of employees to get
promotions or promotions, so employees tend to
work carelessly. Seeing the leadership that is less
assertive from the leader of his employees, so there
are still employees who work arbitrarily.
2.1 Leadership
According to Ricky W. Griffin (2003: 68), leaders
are individuals who can influence the behavior of
others without having to rely on violence; leaders
are individuals who are accepted by others as
2.2 Occupational Safety and Health
According to Mangkunegara (2015: 161), the term
safety includes both terms, namely safety risk, and
health risk. Safety risks are aspects of the work
Sudaryoto, ., Rahatmawati, I., Haryadi, A. and Fristiyani, R.
Effect of Leadership, Safety, Health, and Motivation toward Employee Performance in PT. Inti Dinamika Logitama in Klaten.
DOI: 10.5220/0009963505490553
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 549-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
environment (bruises, broken bones, etc.), while
health risks are factors in the work environment that
work beyond a specified period, an environment that
can create emotional stress or physical disturbance.
2.3 Motivation
According to Robbins (2017: 127) states the
definition of motivation as a process that explains
the strength, direction, and perseverance of someone
to achieve goals.
2.4 Performance
According to Prawirosentono (2008), performance is
the work that can be achieved by a person or group
of people in an organization, following their
respective authorities and responsibilities, to achieve
the objectives of the organization concerned legally,
not violating the law and following moral ethics.
Based on the existing theory, the authors formulated
the following hypotheses:
H1: Leadership influence on employee
H2: Safety and health affect an employee’s
H3: Work motivation affects an employee’s
H4: Leadership, Health, Safety, and work
motivation effects together on the employee's
The research method uses survey research methods,
with primary and secondary data types. The
instrument test used is the validity test and the
reliability test. The data analysis technique used in
this study uses a Multiple Linear Regression
Analysis. The process of collecting data with
interviews and questionnaires distributed to 66
employees of PT. Inti Dinamika Logitama Klaten
using the slot in the formula:
4.1 Analysis Description
Primary data that has been successfully collected by
researchers are analyzed to determine the
characteristics of respondents, including position,
gender, age, last education, and length of work at
PT. Inti DinamikaLogitama, Klaten.
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents by Position
No. Position
Number of
1 Admin 4
2 Team Leader 5
3 FLD FG 3
4 Admin Scales 4
5 Repack 2
6 WH Spv Admin 1
7 WH Spv FG 3
8 FG Checker 1
9 Admin FG Inventory 1
10 Team Leader Inventory 3
11 Admin Repack 1
12 Cleaning Service 1
13 HR Spv Development 1
14 HR & GA Spv 1
15 HSE Spv 1
16 QC Staff 1
17 HSE 1
18 Helper NC 3
19 Assistant Manager 1
20 Helper PM 2
21 Admin PM 3
Administration Inventory
23 Team Leader 4
24 Admin RM 8
25 WH Spv RM 3
Team Leader System &
27 FLD RM 1
28 Helper RM 3
Total 66
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Table 2: Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
Gender Amount
Men 64 97.0%
Women 2 3.0%
Total 66 100%
Table 3: Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Age Number ( %)
16 - 25 years 2 3.0%
26 - 35 years 28 42.4%
36 - 45 years 23 34.8%
46 - 55 years 13 19.7%
> 55 years 0 0%
Total 66 100%
Table 4: Characteristics of Respondents Based on Last
Education Number of %
Elementary School 0 0%
Middle School 2 3.0%
Vocational School /
High School
55 83.3%
Diploma 0 0 %
Bachelor 9 13.6%
Total 66 100%
Table 5: Characteristics of Respondents Based on Length
of Working
Length of Working Number of (%)
1-3 years 23 34.8%
Years 14 21.2%
> 6 years 29 43.9%
Total 66 100%
Primary data sources processed, 2019
4.2 Quantitative
Analysis Quantitative analysis is the analysis used to
process data that has been obtained from
respondents. In this case, the statistical analysis used
is multiple linear regression analysis. The regression
equation used is:
Y = a + b1.X1 + b2.X2 + b3.X3 + e
From the data processing using SPSS 16.0 for
windows, the results can be seen in Table 1.6.
Results of Multiple Linear Regression analysis as
Table 6: Results of Multiple Linear Regression
Unstandardized Coefficients
t Sign.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -0.069 0.372 -0.186 0.853
Leadership 0.210 0.089 0.224 2.375 0,021
Safety and
0.302 0.114 0.272 2.653 0.010
0.484 0.108 0.447 4.473 0.000
R Square (R2): 0.652R2: Adjusted 0.635
F Statistics : 38,689 Sign. : 0,000
The primary data source is processed, 2019
Based on Table 1.6, the regression equation can
be obtained, and the estimated results are as follows:
Y = -0.069 + 0.210X1 + 0.302X2 + 0.484X3
Based on these equations can be described as
Constant value (a) = -0.069
The constant value of the results of the
regression equation of -0.069 means leadership, K3,
and work motivation at PT. The core of Logitama
Dynamics is -0.069 with the assumption that the
leadership, K3, and work motivation variables are in
a constant/constant state.
Leadership regression coefficient variable (X1) =
The leadership variable has a direct effect on
employee performance of 0.210, which means
providing evidence that the performance of
employees of PT. Core Dynamics Logitama will
immediately increase by 0.210. The significant level
of 0.021 is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 <ɑ =
0.05). The better the leadership, the more impact, the
higher the performance, and vice versa, the less
good the leadership, the lower the employee's
Effect of Leadership, Safety, Health, and Motivation toward Employee Performance in PT. Inti Dinamika Logitama in Klaten
The regression coefficient of occupational safety
and health variables (X2) = 0.302
Work safety and health variables have a direct
effect on employee performance of 0.302, which
means providing evidence that the performance of
employees of PT. Core Dynamics Logitama will
directly increase by 0.302. The significant level of
0.010 is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 < ɑ = 0.05).
The better the occupational safety and health will
have an impact on the higher performance, and vice
versa, the less good the occupational safety and
health, the lower the employee performance.
Coefficient of work motivation variable
regression (X3) = 0.484
Work motivation variable has a direct effect on
employee performance of 0.484, which means it
provides evidence that the performance of
employees of PT. Core Dynamics Logitama will
directly increase by 0.484. A significant level of
0,000 is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 <ɑ = 0.05).
The better work motivation will have an impact on
the higher performance, and vice versa, the less
good work motivation will be the lower the
employee's performance.
4.3 Hypothesis Test 1
In this hypothesis, test H1, H2, and H3 are tested
using the t-test, which is to determine the
significance level of the influence of leadership,
occupational safety and health variables, and work
motivation on employee performance. Testing via
the t-test is to compare the error probability
significantly can tolerate (ɑ = 5%). Based on Table
1.6, it can be seen the calculation results obtained
Leadership variable (X1) has a t-count of 2.375
with a significance level of 0.021 which is smaller
than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 <ɑ = 0.05). These results
indicate that leadership partially influences
employee performance.
Occupational safety and health variables (X2),
have at count of 2.653 with a significance level of
0.010 which is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 <ɑ =
0.05). These results indicate that occupational safety
and health partially affect employee performance.
Variable work motivation (X3), has a count of
4.473 with a significance level of 0.000 which is
smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig 0,000 <ɑ = 0.05). These
results indicate that work motivation partially
influences employee performance.
Thus H1, H2and H3, which states variables of
leadership, health, and safety, and work motivation
partially influence the performance of employees at
PT. Inti Dinamika Logitamais supported.
4.4 Hypothesis 2
In a test of this hypothesis, H4 was tested using the
F test to calculate the level of significance that
together influence the variables of leadership, health
and safety, and work motivation on employee
performance. Testing through the F test is to
compare the probability of error Fcalculated with a
significance that can be tolerated (ɑ = 5%). Based on
Table 1.6, it can be seen the results of calculations
obtained F count equal to 38.689 with a significance
level of 0.000, which is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 (sig
0.000 <ɑ = 0.05) or so H4 are supported. The
hypothesis means that the variables of leadership,
occupational safety and health, and work motivation
together have a significant effect on employee
performance at PT. Inti Dinamika Logitamais
Table 1.6 also shows that the coefficient of
determination(R2 Adjusted) amounted to 0.635
means that the influence of variables of leadership,
health and safety, and work motivation on employee
performance amounted to 63.5% while other
variables outside this research influence the
remaining 36.5%.
Based on the results of the discussion analysis, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
Leadership influences the performance of
employees at PT. Core Dynamics Logitama,
Kemudo, Klaten are thus H1 supported.
Occupational Safety and Health (K3) affect the
performance of employees at PT. Core Dynamics
Logitama, Kemudo, Klaten thus H2 supported.
Work motivation affects the performance of
employees at PT. Core Dynamics Logitama,
Kemudo, Klaten thus H3 supported.
Leadership, Occupational Safety and Health
(K3), and work motivation simultaneously influence
the performance of employees at PT. Core
Dynamics Logitama, Kemudo, Klaten thus H4
Based on the research results and conclusions
obtained, the advice that can be given is that PT. The
essence of Logitama Dynamics in increasing work
motivation can be done by strengthening the kinship
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
(Gathering). PT. Core Dynamics Logitama can
improve the performance of its employees by
strengthening family relationships among fellow
employees by holding a "gathering" or regular
monthly meetings to establish the intimacy of the
employees in the company so that it is expected that
from these activities employees will feel more
comfortable when working with colleagues. With
this, employee performance can improve.
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Effect of Leadership, Safety, Health, and Motivation toward Employee Performance in PT. Inti Dinamika Logitama in Klaten