Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse
Data for E-commerce Recommender System
, Nanna Suryana Herman
and Abdul Samad Hasan Basari
Departement of Computer Science University of Amikom Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology University Teknikal Malaysia Malaka Malaka, Malaysia
E-commerce, Recommender system, Deep learning, LSTM, Sparse data, Collaborative filtering.
E-commerce service have become popular way to shopping in recent decade. E-commerce machine requires
a method to provide fit product information to customer called recommender system. The most of popular
recommender system adopted for many large e-commerce companies named Collaborative filtering (CF) due
to obtain relevant, fit and essential product information. Even though CF owned some benefit, it has shortcom-
ing inaccurate recommendation when face minimum rating also popular named sparse data problem. Many
researches have been conducted to proposed model how to generate rating prediction aim to handle sparse rat-
ing effectively. Most of them exploit latent factor model or matrix factorization (MF) to handle this problem,
unfortunately, this problem fails to handle the problem when faced serious sparse data. Aims to improve the
serious problem on above, several researchers involve auxiliary information in the form of product document
or user demographic information respectively. Several researchers implemented Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN) to extract product document review incorporate MF that responsible to produce rating prediction,
another model exploited Stack Denoising Auto Encoder (SDAE) model as user demographic information ex-
traction incorporate with MF. In this research, considered implementing dual information representation using
deep learning model based on SDAE and Long Shorts Term Memory (LSTM) as product review document
representation combined into PMF to generate rating prediction. According to experiment report, the pro-
posed model called SLP (SDAE+LSTM+PMF) successful to obtained effectiveness rating prediction based
on RMSE evaluation metrices over some current model based on traditional PMF more than 15% in average
and superior over CNN more than 0.9% in average.
Recommender system is one of the most important
tools to build success e-commerce business company.
Successful applied recommender system, it would in-
fluent the selling target achievement in online trans-
action. Many large world companies have been im-
plementing recommender system to increase satisfied
service to their company to make customer enjoyable
looking for the product. It is a essential equipment
to promote sales and services for many online web-
sites and mobile applications. For instances, 80 per-
cent of movies watched on Netflix came from rec-
ommendations (Gomez-Uribe and Hunt, 2015), 60
percent of video clicks came from home page rec-
ommendation in YouTube (Davidson et al., 2010).
According to (Schafer et al., 2001) found that sales
agents with recommendations by the NetPerceptions
system achieved 60% higher average cross-sell value
and 50% higher cross-sell success rate than agents us-
ing traditional cross-sell techniques based on experi-
ments conducted at a U.K.-based retail and business
Based on algorithm approach (Hanafi et al., 2018),
e-commerce recommender system divided into 4
types as follow: 1). Content based: the method to
generate recommendation according to product clas-
sification approach. In the other hand, it is tend-
ing information retrieval to generate product recom-
mendation 2). Knowledge based: this approach is
to develops for specific necessary recommendation,
the specific character is to provide product informa-
tion rarely needed for individuals purpose for exam-
ple house, loan, insurance, car. 3). Demographic
based: product recommendation in which established
to provide product recommendation according to de-
mographic information. 4). Collaborative Filter-
ing (CF): the mechanism to produce recommendation
Hanafi, . and Basari, A.
Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009910603430351
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 343-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based on user attitude in the past such as rating, prod-
uct review, comment, testimony, purchasing and etc.
CF is the most successful technique that implemented
in many large e-commerce company due to CF have
ability to provide recommendation with special char-
acter as follow; provide product fit, serve relevant in-
formation, accurate, serendipity (Ricci et al., 2015).
In common use, CF adopted rating as explicit feed-
back as basic compute to calculate similarity user for
product uses rating matrix to generate product recom-
mendation. The big challenge in collaborative filter-
ing is just slight of user population who gave rating
for product, totally about only less than 1 percent.
The problem popular called sparse data also in ex-
treme condition sparse data famous called cold start.
When cold start happens, there is no recommendation
possible to generated by recommendation system.
CF having several advantages over another ap-
proach such Content base, Demographic base,
Knowledge base. However, CF have essential limita-
tion caused lack in rating collection from customers.
CF rely on rating as basic calculation to generate
product recommendation. Several attempts have been
made to reduce sparse data, so they hope the product
recommendations method having more accurate. The
use of auxiliary information has proven to improve
the accuracy of a product recommendation. Some of
the auxiliary information that have been explored to
handle sparse data have been done for instance audio
features in music recommendations (Van den Oord
et al., 2013) (Wang and Wang, 2014), color features
on online fashion shop (Jaradat, 2017), documents
recommendation in online news (Park et al., 2017).
With the final objective to beat the issue of in-
formation flooding, utilizations of recommendation
system have pulled in a lot of consideration in last
decade. Numerous business companies have included
recommender system into their e-commerce intelli-
gent system, for example, Amazon1, JD2, Taobao3,
and, etc. One viable technique for recommendation
is to estimate new rating of various users and items.
Presently, the most famous strategies in this field are
Content-based Filtering (CBF) and Collaborative Fil-
tering (CF). CBF utilizes the setting of users or items
to estimate new rating. For instance, we can create
user inclinations as indicated by their age, sexual ori-
entation, or diagram of their colleague, and etc. Like-
wise, genres and items review can be exploited to gen-
erate product preference for various users. On the op-
posite side, CF utilizes the rating of users for items in
their review to estimate new ratings. For example, a
table of N users {u
, u
, u
, u
, u
, ...u
} and table of
M items {v
, v
, v
, v
, v
, ...v
} . Concurrently, a ta-
ble of items v
, given rated by users u
. These ratings
can either be explicit feedback on rating star 1-5, or
implicit feedback on a scale of 0-1. Our objective is
to estimate new feedback from users without records.
Moreover, CF often more powerful over CBF due CF
(F. Ricci and Saphira, 2011). Fig. 1 is example of
movie review from users that very popular to inte-
grated into latent factor model in the term of matrix
Figure 1: example review product for movie
One of the most outstanding methodologies in CF
are Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) (Mnih
and Salakhutdinov, 2008) and Singular Value Decom-
position (SVD) (Sarwar et al., 2001). However, they
are usually against with sparse data (extreme sparse in
cold start issue), so they stall to squeeze effective de-
scription from users and items. To address the trouble
related with this issue, a functioning line of research
since the previous decade and several of method have
been proposed (Zhou et al., 2011) (Yi et al., 2016)
(Trevisiol et al., 2014). All of these methods consider
utilizing the side information of users or items into CF
to produce more effective characteristic. In addition,
the most normally utilized side information text doc-
uments, therefore several methods use text document
approach, for example, Latent Dirichlet Allocation
and Collaborative Topic Modelling have been put for-
ward by (Ling et al., 2014), (Wang and Blei, 2011)hile
earlier research has inspected text document as a bag-
of-words, it might be desirable over ponder the ef-
fect of sequences of words in text documents; con-
sequently, past techniques are constrained to several
Figure 2: Rating given by users.
According fig. 2, majority problem of sparse data
problem caused minimum rating.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
DDeep learning is one of the machine learning ap-
proaches that used to solve data sparse problems
and overcome some of the weaknesses in several ap-
proaches described above. Deep learning is a deriva-
tive of a resurgent neural network because it can pro-
duces outperform result in image processing, natural
language processing. Some experts attempt to em-
power deep learning in dealing with problems that ex-
ist in the recommender system. Several study was use
deep learning to extract content feature aims to han-
dle sparse data in rating product, such as (Van den
Oord et al., 2013) enhance Deep Convolutional Neu-
ral Network to create audio music classifier aim to de-
velop auto music recommendation, due no data prod-
uct record, the recommendation difficult to generate.
According (HANAFI et al., 2018) where author
conducting approach to eliminate sparse data by com-
bining between multi-layer neural network and non-
negative matrix factorization, even the result of hy-
bridization could be work, however the results are less
accurate than some studies that use similar technique.
Figure 3: comparison of state-of-the-art approach.
Source of Figure 3 : (Mnih and Salakhutdinov,
2008), (Wang and Blei, 2011), (Zhang et al., 2006),
(Wang et al., 2015b), (Sarwar et al., 2002), (Park
et al., 2017), (Liu et al., 2017).
Since last decade deep learning have become trend-
ing to solving in several computer science research
field because of outstanding improvement. Feature
extraction of deep learning has solid characteristic,
the increase in the number of studies has adopted
deep learning technology by implementing side in-
formation to produce effective description. For exam-
ple, Deep Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for News
Recommendation (Park et al., 2017), another Author
proposed a model to dig user rating latent factor us-
ing Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (SDAE) (Wang
et al., 2015a) (Wang et al., 2015b) and Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) (Wang et al., 2015a) a.k.a.
Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System
ConvMF, which difference angle the inquiry of words
in text documents. In any case, ConvMF just thinks
about item side information (e.g., text documents, re-
view, synopsis, abstract, etc.), so users’ latent factors
still have no effective description. Another approach
by Author (Kim et al., 2016) shows that SDAE is
proficient at extricating remarkable feature in users’
latent factor without involving text documents, this
causes items latent factor stay with equal classical
methodologies. Hence, according to handle the prob-
lem on above, we incorporate SDAE-NN and CDNN
into a probabilistic model to develop more effectively
extract users’ latent factor and items latent factor.
1. We propose hybrid model involve users latent
factor layer by using SDAE-NN and items la-
tent factor by using DC-NN, both of them incor-
porating by probabilistic model. Our proposed
model called MultiLayer Deep Learning (MLDL)
recommender system. To the best our insight,
MLDL is the pioneer model to incorporating two
deep learning layers (SDAE-NN and DC-NN)
into probabilistic point of view.
2. We widely show that MLDL is a mixing of a sev-
eral best performance techniques but with a more
effective representation.
3. We establish unique strategy and conduct exami-
nations which demonstrate that MLDL successful
to eliminate CF sparse data issue.
Similar with some existing state of the art, this ex-
periment adopts document of product review to inte-
grated into probabilistic matrix factorization to pro-
duce rating prediction (PMF). Following to famous
pre-processing procedure, we have n users, m items,
and an extreme sparse in rating matrix R R
. Ev-
ery input R
i j
of R corresponds to user’s i rating on
item j. Involvement document product review explain
in below, the auxiliary information of users and items
are denoted by X R
and Y R
mx f
, respectively.
Let u
, v
R be user i latent factor vector and item j
latent factor respectively, where k is the dimensional-
ity of latent space. In this process, the corresponding
matrix form of latent factor for users and items are U
= u[1:n] and V = v[1:m], separately. Given the sparse
rating matrix R and the side information matrix X and
also Y, our objective is to learn effective users latent
factor U and Item latent factor V, and after that to es-
timate the missing rating in R.
In this section, we consider explaining three essen-
tial method to develop SLP (SDAE-LSTM-PMF) to
produce rating prediction to handle sparse data in rec-
ommender system based on collaborative filtering.
5.1 A. Probabilistic Matrix
Factorization (PMF)
PMF is traditional latent factor model using matrix
factorization to produce rating prediction. This model
considers Gaussian Normal Distribution to create user
and item latent factor representation. First model pro-
posed by Salakhutdinov (Mnih and Salakhutdinov,
2008). Unfortunately, majority collaborative filtering
based on traditional latent factor whether PMF, SVD,
SVD involve temporal effect, Non-Negative Matrix
Factorization (NNMF) obtain inaccurate rating pre-
diction when faced with sparse data. Aim to handle
this problem, considering item or user side informa-
tion are needed. In this experiment, considered PMF
required to obtain rating prediction integrated with
5.2 SDAE to Extract User Demographic
SDAE is sub class of neural network model where it
is based on feed forward approach. This model very
popular to adopt in deep learning mechanism. Ba-
sic concept of this approach by follow the term of
autoencoder mechanism by using feedforward neural
network that it has an input layer, one hidden layer
and an output layer as follow figure 5. The output
layer has same number of neurons as the input layer
for the purpose of reconstructing its own inputs. This
makes an autoencoders a form of unsupervised learn-
ing, which means no labelled data are necessary just a
set of input data instead of input-output pairs. In SLP
model (SDAE-LSTM-PMF, SDAE consider extract-
ing user demographic information representation to
transform within 2D latent space. User demographic
information were used as input of SDAE for feature
learning representation. The result of SDAE output in
the term of 2D latent space would be integrated with
PMF. Before SDAE processes be conducted, user de-
mographic information would be pre-processing us-
ing vectorized to transform user information into vec-
tor space.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
5.3 Long Shorts Term Memory (LSTM)
to Extract Product Review
TItem document information has become popular in-
formation to support latent factor model to improve
performance in producing recommendation in last
decade. Majority of previous work adopted LDA
model to interpreted product review document. Some
of researcher using CNN to make more deeper under-
standing of product document interpretation. How-
ever, several of them fail to capture contextual un-
derstanding of product review document due to ig-
nore sequential word aspect to develop latent seman-
tic representation. Aims to improve the problem in
contextual understanding, this research considers to
adopted LSTM model to detect contextual understat-
ing of product review document.
LSTM method adopted to transform item docu-
ment product review. The detail explanation of our
model shows on Fig 3 below where item document
obtains from IMDB, then pre-processing process us-
ing NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kits) module con-
duct some process such as lemmatization, stop word
removal, remove punctuation and vectorized into one
hot encoding. After pre-processing stage success
to implemented, exploiting LSTM using TensorFlow
would be utilities in the next processes. The final
process resulted 2D latent space in the form 50 di-
mensional. So, the document product review as prod-
uct representation would integrate with SDAE as user
information representation into latent factor model
based on PMF.
Figure 4: LSTM to extract item document information
5.3.1 Hybrid SDAE, LSTM and PMF
The success story of model based using latent fac-
tor based on matrix factorization popularized several
researchers and academicians in Netflix competition
event on early 2006. Majority of matrix factoriza-
tion success to improve memory-based model signif-
icantly. Began in this competition, model based us-
ing matrix factorization become favorited model to
increase performance of collaborative filtering recom-
There are several researches considered to inte-
grated deep learning model with matrix factorization
to increase performance in handling sparse data due to
deep learning has tremendous achievement for several
computer sciences field such Audio, image process-
ing, sentiment analysis, text mining. A kind of deep
learning class is convolutional neural network, feed-
forward neural system that has effectively been em-
ployed to Computer Vision (Krizhevsky et al., 2012),
Natural Language Processing Kim (Kim, 2014) and
Audio Signal Processing (Piczak, 2015). Essen-
tially, there are a few examinations have utilized CNN
in recommender system, for example, content-based
music recommendation (Van den Oord et al., 2013),
fashion shop based colour feature (Jaradat, 2017),
which opposed with conventional method utilizing a
bag of words as description of the audio signal with
deep CNN, and Dynamic Convolutional Neural Net-
work (DCNN), which utilizes CNN to produce items’
latent factors however this model lack in users latent
factor due the users security issue. In other hand,
their effort just thinks one sided latent factor (i.e.,
item auxiliary information), which uses estimated rat-
ing not similar to SVD via gradient descent. Hence,
we utilize items’ latent factor developed by LSTM
and user’ latent factor by a family of SDAE. We have
prepared SDAE model which consideration imputing
missing value to increase effective representation of
user latent factor. In the previous work, considera-
tion integrated user and item information represen-
tation into matrix factorization has been made that
called PHDMF. This model exploit CNN to capture
document of product review understanding. Different
with PHDMF, our approach exploits LSTM to cap-
ture contextual understanding of product review doc-
ument. The detail of SLM model demonstrated on
Figure 5 below.
Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System
Figure 5: Integrate SLM model include SDAE, LSTM and
Figure 5 on above show overview of the proba-
bilistic matrix factorization approach to support SLP,
which combine SDAE and LSTM model into PMF.
Based on a probabilistic point of view, the formula
given by:
p(R|U, V, σ
) =
i j
, σ
i j
Where N(x|µ , σ
) is the probability density func-
tion of the Gaussian normal distribution with mean µ
and variance σ
. Thus, to finalize users’ latent factor
can be produce by reference equation on below.
= sdae(W
, X
) + ε
= N(0, σ
I) (2)
To calculate w
we consider using zero-
mean spherical Gaussian prior, equation according on
) =
|0, σ
) (3)
Finally, the distribution over user latent factor
given by:
, X, σ
) =
, X
), σ
) (4)
Similarly, the user’s latent factor, an item latent
factor given by formulation structure:
= lstm(W, Y
) + ε
= N(0, ε
I) (5)
dcnn representation of the output of dcnn ap-
proach, also use zero-mean spherical Gaussian prior.
, 0, σ
)) (6)
p(V |W, Y, σ
) =
|dcnn(W, Y
), σ
I) (7)
5.4 Evaluation Measure Metric
RMSE is frequently used measure of the differences
between values (sample and population values) pre-
dicted by a model or an estimator and the values ac-
tually observed. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
is might the most famous metric used in evaluating
accuracy of predicting rating. The system generates
predicted ratings ¯r
for test set t of user-item pairs (u,i)
for which the true rating r
are known. Typically, r
are known because they are hidden in an offline exper-
iment. The RMSE between the predicted and actual
rating is given by:
This research focus to develop a method to handle
user rating sparse data extremely in case collaborative
filtering recommender system involve deep learning
machine to find relationship latent factor between user
rating from a product. According our best knowledge,
in state of the art by use matrix factorization has fail-
ure to addressing user rating sparse data extremely.
So, the result of recommendation sometime getting
the mistake (Koren et al., 2009). This research is
categorical lab scale research involve public datasets.
We consider MovieLens dataset as convince datasets
were applied in so many study in recommender sys-
tem research field, detail specification refer to (Harper
and Konstan, 2015).
6.1 Device and Library Tools
Our experiment involves several tools include soft-
ware and hardware. There are several tools and soft-
ware that involve includes Python with several li-
braries such as tensor flow for deep learning imple-
mentation and GeForce GTX 1001 for running con-
volutional neural networks supported by processors
that we use Xeon 2.4 Ghz.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 6: Detail specification device and library.
6.2 Datasets
In this research to understand the performance of SLP
model, we considered to implemented on three real
datasets obtain from Movielens and AIV. The detail
characteristic of datasets shows on Figure 7 below.
Figure 7: Characteristic of Datasets.
To show the effectiveness of our approach in terms
of rating prediction. Firstly, we applied real-world
datasets acquired from MovieLens (Harper and Kon-
stan, 2015) and Amazon 3. These datasets contain
of consumer’ explicit ratings for products on rating
scale of 1 to 5. Amazon dataset contains opinion for
products as item description documents. Because of
MovieLens does not include item description docu-
ments, we generate the documents use correspond-
ing items from IMDB server. Equal with (Liu et al.,
2017), we conduct to preprocessed description doc-
uments for all of them datasets as follows: 1) set-
ting the data with maximum length of raw documents
to 300, 2) removing stop words, 3) calculated tf-idf
score for each word, 4) removing corpus specific stop
words that have the document frequency higher than
0.5, 5) Choose top 8000 distinct words as a vocabu-
lary, 6) removing all non-vocabulary words from raw
documents. As a result, average numbers of words
per document are 97.09 on MovieLens-1M (ML-1M),
92.05 and Amazon Instant Video (AIV), We consider
to deleted items that have no their description doc-
uments in dataset table, and specially for the case
of Amazon dataset, we consider to removed user’s
data that have just only less than 3 ratings. The re-
sult, statistics of each data show that three datasets
have different characteristics on table 2. Finally, even
though some users have removed by preprocessing,
Amazon dataset is still extremely sparse compared to
the others.
The result of experiment report shows on figure be-
low include some scenario training process where we
divided dataset into training and testing categories
with interval 10%. So, our scenario experiment in-
cluded 10/90, 20/80, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50, 60/40,
70/30, 80/20, 90/10. The complete experiment result
demonstrated figure below.
Figure 8: Evaluation metrices result ratio 10:90
Figure 9: Evaluation metrices result ratio 20:80
Figure 10: Evaluation metrices result ratio 30:70
Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System
Figure 11: Evaluation metrices result ratio 40:60
Figure 12: Evaluation metrices result ratio 50:50
Figure 13: Evaluation metrices result ratio 60:40
Figure 14: Evaluation metrices result ratio 70:30
Figure 15: Evaluation metrices result ratio 80:20
Figure 16: Evaluation metrices result ratio 90:10
Based on this experiment it can be shown our pro-
posed hybrid model called SLP success to produce
rating prediction using ninth scenario training and
testing process. According to the experiment report
on above, the best performs on ratio 90:10 composi-
tion training and testing compare to another compe-
tition. User information latent factor and item docu-
ment latent factor play important role to support PMF
in producing rating prediction. Our plan for future
experiment considers to implemented with several pa-
rameter and comparison with previous state of the art
to understand effectiveness rating prediction level.
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Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning and Latent Factor to Handle Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System