Design of Inpatient Electronic Medical Records to Improve Patient
Health Services
, Eko Purwanto
and Novita Yuliani
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
Electronic Medical Record, Inpatient, Patient, Health,Waterfall
Medical record is a file that contains records and documents about patient identity, examination, treatment, ac-
tions and other services that have been provided to patients in health care facilities. Most hospitals in Indonesia
have implemented a computer-based Hospital Management Information System, however for the majority of
patients’ medical record services are still manual. This manual medical record has the disadvantages of re-
quiring a large storage area, a long-time services, and a lot of human resources to access the data. Moreover,
documents are easily damaged and data security is not guaranteed. This can result in less optimal patient
health services. This research aims fasten the management of inpatient medical data recording, so it can run
quickly, precisely and efficiently. This system development method uses waterfall. This information system
is based on WEB using the PHP programming language supported by the MySQL database. The results of
this designed system show that the system is able to store and present inpatient treatment history information
faster and more accurate. This designed system will be able to improve the inpatient medical record service to
be more optimal. This designed system can be one of the solutions to the problems of inpatient medical record
services that have been done manually.
Generally, every hospital in Indonesia will improve
its services to patients as well as possible. There-
fore, support from various related health service fac-
torsare needed. One of them is the implementation
of applicable standardsfor medical record. Medical
records are files that contain records and documents
about patient identity, history, examination, treatment,
actions, and other services to patients at patient care
facilities (Permenkes, 2008). Medical record is confi-
dential, secure, and contains information that can be
accounted for. Medical Record is also a compilation
of facts about a patient’s health condition and illness
which includes documented data about the present
and past illness, also treatment that has been and will
be carried out by medic in writing (Puspitasari et al.,
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a medical
record technology that uses information technology
devices to collect, store, process and access data
stored in patient medical records with a database man-
agement system that collects various sources of med-
ical data (Handiwidjojo, 2015). The use of EMR can
provide information on the history of examinations,
treatment and development of patient health quickly
and accurately to improve higher quality advanced
health services. In addition to improving administra-
tive services, the use of electronic medical records can
facilitate retrieval of patient health service informa-
tion that has been provided (Schnipper et al., 2008).
Most hospitals in Indonesia have implemented
a computer-based Hospital Management Information
System. However most of the patient’s medical record
services are still done manually. This manual med-
ical record has the disadvantage of requiring a large
storage area, a long-time service, a lot of human re-
sources to access, more over the documents are eas-
ily damaged and data security that is not guaranteed.
This can result in less optimal patient’s health ser-
vices(Tominanto et al., 2018).
Research on the development of information sys-
tems or applications of electronic medical records has
been widely carried out including (Chuan, 2014),(Pan
et al., 2014), (Kho et al., 2012), (Purnama, 2020),
(Khasanah and Rosyidah, 2011). These studies de-
velop various electronic medical record models to
solve the problem of managing medical records by us-
Tominanto, ., Purwanto, E. and Yuliani, N.
Design of Inpatient Electronic Medical Records to Improve Patient Health Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0009908502410245
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 241-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing various methods, software and specific databases.
However, most of them produce conclusions that elec-
tronic medical records can improve patient health ser-
vices. This study focuses on the development of an
electronic medical record model for inpatient medical
record services, namely the design of inpatient elec-
tronic medical records using the waterfall software
development method (Sasmito, 2017), PHP program-
ming language and MySQL database.
The method of developing electronic medical record
software using waterfall has 5 stages : communica-
tion, planning, modeling, contruction, and deploy-
ment as in Figure 1 :
Figure 1: Waterfall method
The stages of the waterfall system development in
Figure 1 are as follows :
1. Communication is a comparison of the current
system with the information system proposed us-
ing the PIECES aspect
2. Planning is the retrieval of information related to
the needs of system users
3. Modeling is the representation of system require-
ments into a design as a standard for designing an
4. Construction is a waterfall system design imple-
mentation into an application through coding and
testing processes
5. Deployment is the implementation of applications
that have been created by testing the system that
has been run.
The stages of developing the waterfall system in
Figure 1 are carried out sequentially from the com-
munication, planning, modeling, contruction, and de-
ployment. However, when a stage finds a problem, it
can be repeated back to the previous stage or to an ear-
lier stage, then proceed to the next stage in sequence
until the inpatient electronic medical record software
is successful in the system testing phase.
3.1 Designed System
The results of this study began with the design of
an inpatient electronic medical record architecture as
shown in figure 2 :
Figure 2: Inpatient electronic medical record architecture
In the system architecture, the figure 2 shows that
the patient who conducts the examination or treatment
in the inpatient unit will get an electronic medical
record information service from the inpatient EMR.
Inpatient EMR accesses data from databases that have
been connected with various health services including
registration, supporting examinations, medical mea-
sures, supporting examinations and medicines.
The flowchart overview of the process of inpatient
electronic medical records such as Figure 3 below:
Figure 3: Inpatient electronic medical record flowchart
The of inpatient electronic medical record
flowchart in Figure 3 flows as follows:
1. When patients come for treatment is determined
as a new visit or an existing patient
2. If a new visit then inputted registration as a new
patient, whereas if an existing patient then the data
is sought in the registration system and then reg-
istered as existing patient
3. The next stage is the doctor’s examination process
and nurses in the inpatient room, at this stage the
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
doctor or nurse can read or access the patient’s
medical record before giving medical treatment
4. Doctors, nurses and other medic can provide
medical treatment, supporting examinations and
medicines during the patient being treated and
record the entire medical treatmentand services at
the Inpatient EMR.
5. All medical record data during treatment will be
stored in a database and can be used for further
treatment services and for the purposes of hospital
management reports.
The next design is the Use Case Diagram of an in-
patient electronic medical record as as shown in figure
4 :
Figure 4: Use Case diagram of an inpatient electronic med-
ical record
Use Case Diagram of an inpatient electronic med-
ical record in figure 4 shows that in this inpatient
electronic medical record system there are at least
6 actors namely: Patients, Medical Record Officers,
Nurses, Doctors, Laboratory Assistants, and Pharma-
cists. The first stage begins with patients who register
to be served by medical records officers. The sec-
ond stage the patient gets an examination and med-
ical action from doctors and nurses, in this process
there will be carried out supporting tests of laboratory
tests conducted by the laboratory assistantif needed.
The third stage is the process of prescribing medicines
by the doctor and continued with the service of tak-
ing medicines by the Pharmacist. The processes in
the Use Case Diagram are developed electronically
and are interconnected in a database of inpatient elec-
tronic medical records.
3.2 System Implementation
The inpatient electronic medical records design is im-
plemented with the PHP programming language and
MySQL database. The results of the implementation
are as follows:
1. Inpatient data input form
The inpatient data input form is used to input new
inpatients. Display form is like the following fig-
ure 5:
Figure 5: Input form for inpatients
Data entered on this form is patient’s identity. Pa-
tient identity that has been entered is stored in an
inpatient electronic medical record database. Be-
sides input data, there is also a data update menu
on this form.
2. Inpatient registration data input form
The registration data input form is used to enter
new and existing patients who will register for
hospitalization. Display the form as shown in fig-
ure 6 :
Figure 6: Inpatient registration form
In this form, inpatient registration data is consistof
patient identity data, responsible data, method of
payment, guarantee number, treatment room, and
the doctor.
3. Initial Medical Assesment input form
The initial medical assessment form is used to
input the patient’s initial examination data when
hospitalized. This initial examination data is
needed to take further treatment. Display this
form as shown in figure 7:
Figure 7: Initial medical assessment form
4. Input Form of Integrated Patient Development
Records for Doctors and Nurses
Integrated Patient Development Record Form is a
Design of Inpatient Electronic Medical Records to Improve Patient Health Services
form used by doctors and nurses in inputting the
examination and treatment of patients while being
treated at the Hospital. Display the form shown in
figure 8 below:
Figure 8: Integrated Patient Development Record Forms for
Doctors and Nurses
5. Input form doctor’s instructions
This doctor’s instruction form completes the ex-
amination and treatment process carried out by the
doctor. It looks like the following figure 9:
Figure 9: Doctor’s instruction form
In the doctor’s instruction form there is input
for the disease course and medication or medical
treatment needed.
6. Operation record form
The surgery entry form is used if there are patients
with surgical medical procedures. Display form is
as shown in figure 10:
Figure 10: Operation record form
7. Medicines administration form
This Medicines administration form is used by
doctors to input the medicines prescriptiongivento
patients. Display this form as shown in figure 11:
Figure 11: Medicines administration form
The prescription data entered will be forwarded
by the system to the Pharmacists to prepare the
medicines needed by the patient.
3.3 System Testing
The inpatient electronic medical record system test-
ing uses the Black Box Testing method. Testing the
system with this method emphasizes testing the func-
tional program and checking input and output data
(Larrea, 2017) (MZ, 2016).
Testing is done by testing data input 30 times with
10 times printing output in each process. The final
results of the trial show that the inpatient electronic
medical record system is running well and without an
error. The inputted data is stored valid to each table
and can be accessed which produces valid output.
The conclusion of this research is the design of in-
patient electronic medical record software developed
by the waterfall method, using the PHP programming
language and MySQL database. The test results show
that this software can store and present inpatient treat-
ment history information properly and without errors.
This will improve inpatient medical record services to
be more optimal.
This paper is one of theresearch publications in
the Higher Education Applied Research (PTUPT)
scheme. This research was funded by the Directorate
of Research and Community Service at the Ministry
of Research, Technology and Higher Education in
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Design of Inpatient Electronic Medical Records to Improve Patient Health Services