Searching Information Tourism using Vector Space Model
Dede Wintana
, Sfenrianto
, Hikmatulloh
, Mugi Raharjo
, Jordy Lesmana Putra
, Dyah Ayu
, Desi Dwi Jayanti
Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta, Indonesia
Information System management Departemen, BINUS Graduate Program, Master of Information System Management,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tourism, Searching, Vector Space Model, Waterfall, Information Retrival.
Development of tourism is directed at creating tourist destinations that are evenly distributed in an area, includ-
ing tourism in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. This study conducts secondary data retrieval from the internet
by using keyword ”air terjun sukabumi“. Information search method is to use a Vector Space Model (VSM) to
see the level of similarity with the weighting term. By passing various processes such as tokensizing, filtering,
stemming, tf and df, calculation of inverse document frequency and several other processes. The results shows
that the proposed algorithm is very suitable for processing the sample. Determination of document ranking
is done by several stages of the algorithm that produce some documents with the highest value. The study
can also prove the proposed algorithm can work well in the case of searching for waterfall data in Sukabumi
West Java has one district with promising potential
for the advancement of tourism, namely Sukabumi
Regency, which is located in the Java south. In the
Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) of
Sukabumi Regency in 2005-2025 it was stated that the
priority of tourism development was directed at the
creation of tourism destinations in Sukabumi as one of
the leading tourism destinations in West Java. Indone-
sian tourism competition was increasingly sharp, so
that demanding every region explore potential sources
power to sell, attract and be visited by tourists (Darsi-
harjo, 2016). Eco-tourism is a type or type of tourism
that makes natural resources an object that is one of
the selling power of Sukabumi district, coupled with
artificial resources. For some areas in West Java, eco-
agro-tourism has developed well, but there are still
many other areas that have the potential to develop
eco-agro-tourism for the advancement of the region
and the welfare of its people (Hasugian, 2003).
From a development perspective, ecotourism busi-
nesses should only be considered successful’ if local
communities have some control over them and if they
share the benefits equitably emerge from ecotourism
activities (Scheyvens, 1999). One of the visited ar-
eas at Sukabumi is the existing Ciletuh geopark in the
southern region of Sukabumi. The Geopark is an earth
park that is included in a conservation area, which has
elements of geodiversity, biodiversity, and cultural di-
versity which has aspects in the field of education
as knowledge geology on the uniqueness and diver-
sity of the earth’s heritage in managing the area as
tourism (Darsiharjo, 2016). It has also many diversity
of tourist attractions such as beaches and many water-
falls that can be visited and waterfalls in the Ciletuh
area (Hardiyono et al., 2015). There are some wa-
terfalls in Ciletuh, namely: Awang waterfall, Curung
Puncak Manik, Sodong waterfall, Cimarinjung water-
fall and much more.
Collaboration is very important for tourism mar-
keting that is sucses, purpose, and electronic com-
munication are a new opportunity to be an opportu-
nity to work between tourism suppliers (Palmer and
Mccole, 2009). The increasing number of tourists to
Sukabumi is one way to increase regional income, but
until now tourism development is still not evenly dis-
tributed, especially the many waterfalls, consequently
even distribution of tourism objects is not yet optimal
so scientific studies are needed on tourist attraction in
Many countries promote nature-based tourism in
Indonesia to promote the purpose of nature conser-
vation and income generation (Hearne and Salinas,
Wintana, D., Sfenrianto, ., Hikmatulloh, ., Raharjo, M., Putra, J., Ambarsari, D. and Jayanti, D.
Searching Information Tourism using Vector Space Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0009882102470251
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 247-251
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2002). For natural resource management planning
planners make schemes and approaches to anticipate
various biased information caused by these limita-
tions. The characteristics of coastal resources and
Ciletuh geopark are quite complex and require spe-
cific management policies in order to provide optimal
and sustainable life and livelihood (Wahyudin, 2011).
In this study conducted research from the Internet
by using the keyword ”air terjun sukabumi“ to deter-
mine the extent to which tourists know about tourist
objects in the region. It is expected that with using
a Vector Space Model (VSM) can be known about
which regions little tourists for help the Sukabumi
tourism department in promoting tourism objects.
The research framework starts from data presentation
(see Figure 1). The data that will be used is sec-
ondary data taken from the internet related waterfall
in Sukabumi on the internet. The data will be pro-
cessed using vector space model (SVM) to calculate
the amount of value obtained based on a keyword.
Figure 1: Research Framework.
The VSM is the basic method used for text repre-
sentation. To represent the text of each feature term
(Ti) considered as a coordinate in n-dimensional vec-
tor space, the corresponding weight (W1, W2, W3,
... Wn) is considered to be the coordinate of value.
Then, it can be used to represent text (Houy, 2013)
(Langcai et al., 2017). It is a method to see the level
of proximity or similarity term by weighting the term.
Documents are viewed as a vector that has a magni-
tude (distance) and direction. In the VSM, a term is
represented by a dimension of vector space. The rel-
evance of a document to a query is based on the simi-
larity between the document vector and the query vec-
tor (Amin, 2013) stages in the Information Retrieval
covering several processes in documents.
Then, indexing process to get the weight of each
term in the document. Calculation of these weights
is done by calculating the Term Frequency (Tf) and
Document Frequency (Df) of each term contained in
the document collection. Next process are tokenizing,
filtering, and stemming.
The tokenizing process is done by a mechanism
if the document on the corpus is found in a space,
so the term between spaces will be retrieved by the
system. Then the term is placed in the initial table.
Process results in the form of original terms (terms
that still have additions, inherent punctuation marks,
and numbers).
The filtering process is done by a mechanism if the
terms in the initial table table are found punctuation,
capital letters, and numbers. Then the program will
remove (punctuation and numbers) and change cap-
ital letters to lowercase letters, then check the term
with stopwords. The process results in the form of
selected terms (without punctuation, without capital
letters, and not including stopwords).
The Stemming process is a program for eliminat-
ing process or how to remove the rewards found in the
filtering term. The eliminating process is done by re-
moving the prefix, insertion, and suffix. The result of
the process is frekuency table. Finally the calculation
process and ranking of documents are carried out.
3.1 Data Preparation
The research data was obtained from searches on
Google’s search engine by inputting the request
”air terjun sukabumi”. There are 8 (eight) docu-
ment sample titles (D1 - D8) search results, including:
[D1] Curug Sawer, Air Terjun Eksotis di Suk-
[D2] Air Terjun Cikaso, Wisata Alam Andalan
Kabupaten Sukabumi
[D3] Air Terjun Pareang, kemegahan surga
tersembunyi di Sukabumi
[D4] Mengintip Blue Curug Cikaso yang mem-
pesona di Sukabumi Selatan
[D5] Curug Mawi, tempat baru untuk berada di
Cibadak Sukabumi
[D6] Air Terjun Gerong Sukabumi Air Terjun
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
[D7] Eksotisme Air Terjun Cimarinjung, Wisata
Dunia Jurrasic dalam gaya Sukabumi
[D8] Curug Caweni, Alam Perawan Sukabumi
3.2 Tokenizing
After data is available, the next step is tokenize pro-
cess. Figure 2 shows the results of the tokenize which
have to group each word from the document that has
been obtained.
Figure 2: Tokenizing Process.
3.3 Filtering
After tokenizing, the words that appear in the data are
known. It has been applied for a few words, then it
will enter the filtering stage.
Figure 3 - Figure 4 shows the filtering results from
the data.
Figure 3: Filtering Process.
Figure 4: Filtering Process (Extension).
3.4 Stemming
In the Filtering process is data that generates 34
words. While in this process of stemming is 31 words
(see Figure 5 - Figure 6).
Figure 5: Stemming Process.
Figure 6: Stemming Process (extension).
3.5 Calculation
The calculation process consists of tf-idf, document
weight (W), distance Q - D, the document calculation
of DOT, and similarity. In the VSM approach, cal-
culations can be found based on the term frequency
Searching Information Tourism using Vector Space Model
and inverse document frequency (t f id f ) based on
the log Number of Documents (D) / many documents
(df). For example ”Air” data, It is known: D =
8 ([D1], [D2], [D3], [D4], [D5], [D6], [D7], and
[D 8]); df (water) = 2; then t f id f = log(8/2) =
0.6021. Then to calculate document weights using
equations w f (td) = t f (td)id f t. Based on document
”air” data in document 1 [D1], then t f (td) =;id f =
0.602.T husw f (td) = 1 0.6021 = 0.6021.
To calculate the distance query (Q) to document
distance (D) using the equation : Sqrt(
DOT product calculations use the equation:
) =
i j
. The result of Q D and DOT Prod-
uct from documents can be seen in Figure 7 and Fig-
ure 8.
Figure 7: Document Calculation of Distance.
Figure 8: Document Calculation of DOT product.
The next process is to calculate the cosine an-
gle between the vector Query with each document
by the formula: Consine θ D
= (Q D)/(|Q|
|). The results of each document are Cosinus
[D1] = ((1.53) * (1,648809)) / (0,262778); Cosinus
[D2] = ((1.53) * (1,648809)) / (0,665157); Cosinus
[D3] = ((1.53) * (1,80618)) / (0); Cosinus [D4] =
((1.53) * (1,903881)) / (0); Cosinus [D5] = ((1.53)
* (2,019371)) / (0,665157); Cosinus [D6] = ((1.53)
* (1,648809)) / (0,262778); Cosinus [D7] = ((1.53)
* (1.676064)) / (0); and Cosinus [D8] = ((1.53) *
(1,411956)) / (0).
3.6 Document Ranking
From the results of the Vector Space Model (VSM)
analysis, the ranking results for the top four of the 8
documents that have been calculated are Ranking 1:
[D2] with a value of 0.262819; Ranking 2: [D5] with
a value of 0.21459; Ranking 3: [D1] with a value
of 0.10383; and Ranking 4: [D.6] with a value of
0.10382. So the documents that are most relevant to
the keywords ”air terjun sukabumi” is the document
4 or D4 = Mengintip Blue Curug Cikaso yang mem-
pesona di Sukabumi Selatan.
The study results show that the proposed algorithm
can function quite well in processing a sample of
8 (eight) documents. Determination of document
ranking is done by several stages of the VSM (Vec-
tor Space Model) algorithm that produces 4 (four)
large documents with the highest value, and the value
0.262819 becomes the highest value. It can prove that
the proposed algorithm can work well in the case of
search for keyword ”air terjun sukabumi”.
The development of this research still has to be
done, because in this study the data taken is still in
the scope of the Sukabumi district, so that more op-
timized results can then be taken in further develop-
ment within the scope of a wider waterfall data. In
further research can also be developed by trying sev-
eral algorithms that are more optimal in this study
case 6.
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Searching Information Tourism using Vector Space Model