Analysis of the Effect of Light Assets on Capital Structure
Disma Marliana and Oman Sukirman
Catering Industry Management, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
Keyword: Asset Light, Capital Structure, FAR, DAR, Restaurants, Hotels and Tourism
Abstract: This study will discuss how asset light leverageton the capital structure. Focusing on the sub-sectors of the
restaurant, hotel and tourism this coincided with the growing tourism industry in Indonesia. Using data from
the annual financial statements for nine years, the period of 2009-2017 as secondary data in this study. To
calculate light assets using the FAR (Fix-assets ratio) compares with total assets of fixed assets and to
calculate its capital structure using the DAR (Debt to Asset Ratio) compares the total debt to total assets.
From the second asset light ratio and capital structure, arranged in the form of a combinate between the time
series data and cross section data (panel data). Special processing tools used panel data is EViews 9 to find
the results of descriptive analysis and verification. The results of this study found that asset light positively
affects capital structure. 55% of the asset light effect on the capital structure in line with the results of the
research asset light of Yuan Li & Singal on Capital Structure in the Hospitality Industry: The Role of the
Asset Light and Fee Oriented Strategy
Based on the Annual Report of the World Tourism
Organization in 2017, the Assembly General of the
UN stated, in 2017 the year that is very important for
the people of tourism globally, in 2017 as the
International Tourism Sustainable for the
development, recognition globally, contributing
transformative tourism to the agenda of
development. Activities and events that occur in the
entire year 2017, within the framework of
international, aims to increase awareness in the
whole world about the potential of the sector of
tourism in leading the growth of economic, social,
preservation of culture and the environment. The
benefits of social and economic which can be in the
maximize of tourism and minimize the impact
negatively on the environment community. In the
years that will come up with a policy that is
determined, the company and all travelers
contribute. (UNWTO, 2017)
Tourism in Indonesia is very potential with
landscape nature are exotic and have power
attraction of tourist to visit the objects of tourist are
beautiful with various kinds of culture were held.
Developments visits rating foreign countries to
Indonesia experienced a rise from the year 2016
until the year 2017. The increase in visits Tourists
are much higher in comparison with the state of
The increase in visits by foreign tourists in
Indonesia experienced a rise of 22%. Compared with
some countries of ASEAN more like Thailand rose
by 8.7%, Singapore rose as much as 5.8% and 4.0%
rise that experienced by Malaysia, but Indonesia is a
low rise in visits by foreign tourists when compared
with Vietnam are experiencing the increase
amounted to 29%.
Tourism can improve and have role important in
every field. In the field of ecotourism in the years
2014-2016 the sector of tourism contributes to the
Product Domestic Bruto (GDP), provide the
opportunity it directly or not directly to the
perpetrators of the business services of tourism and
open up many opportunities of work. The tourism
industry is experiencing developments ranging from
accommodation, tourism services, transportation and
several other tourism industries that have
experienced a significant increase every year.
The role of the asset light strategy can reduce
risk and facilitate company growth with a minimum
capital investment. This strategy has received the
attention of industry practitioners and academics,
especially in the service sector such as the tourism
industry, hotels and restaurants which have heavy
Marliana, D. and Sukir man, O.
Analysis of the Effect of Light Assets on Capital Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0009881401170122
In Proceedings of the 1st NHI Tourism Forum (NTF 2019) - Enhancing Innovation in Gastronomic for Millennials, pages 117-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-495-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
assets to carry out their operational activities. (Li &
Singal, 2019)
How to work asset light that is applied by the
company in general begins with determining the
asset remains (property, plant and equipment) that
are owned. Having determined that the company that
will implement the asset light further companies will
seek investor as a partner company in the
complementary needs of the assets of companies
mentioned. When this many companies are
implementing asset light in running and managing
finances. One of the examples is the enterprise
sectors of tourism such as Airbnb and there are also
companies in the sector of transport such as Gojek.
Both companies are promoting a system application
as a tool major in running its business. They hook
partners who are willing to provide equipment and
property as business facilities. With such companies
are not issuing capital investment in the asset
remains in the number of large, but more to the
development and management of system
applications as the capital of a major effort.
Companies like this are seen using light assets as
their business strategy.
The structure of capital is the ratio of the amount
of debt or capital foreign to the capital itself.
(Mustafa, 2017). The structure of capital optimum
happen if the risks and returns that are expected
balanced, so the price of the stock will be in
maximized. Business risk is a risk that occurs in
companies because the company does not use debt
in the company's operations. While the financial risk
is the risk that occurred in the company so it
becomes burden for holders of shares, because the
company in its discretion to use debt in the activities
of the operating companies.
This study aims to determine the effect of asset
light on capital structure in companies in the
restaurant, hotel and tourism sub- sectors and also
with regard to the culinary industry, especially in the
restaurant sub- sector companies. The title of the
article it is " “ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF
expected to add to the knowledge about the
management of finances and also have benefits for
business growth in the culinary field or restaurant,
hotel, and tourism generally for the community and
especially for writers.
2.1 Tourism
Understanding Tourism According to the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia 10 Year 2009 on Tourism,
Tourism is the activities of the trip that made a
person or group of people to visit the place specified
for the purpose of recreation, the development of
personal, or learn kaunikan southwest Pull tourist
who visited the period of time while.
Tourism is a type of business that has economic
value. Tourism is as a process that can create value
added to goods or services as a single entity product,
well that seems or real (tangible products) and that is
not visible or not tangible (intangible product).
(Sulastiyono, 2008)
2.2 Gastronomic Tourism
According Turgarini Goddess (2015) development
of gastronomy as an object of travel is recognized as
a way to conduct cultural culinary locally,
stimulating demand for tourism and increase the
power of competitiveness destinations, making
tourism the gastronomic also has emerged as a
component that is important. Travelers will find it to
get the experience more towards culture locally, then
the public to share the local culture them with
travelers through the media of this, residents of local
make representations identity of purpose. The
formation of identity and the creation of the image
of the right bekaitan with food locally, so it can
attract the market that target and bermanfaaat
development of tourism gastronomy.
According to Pitana & Rukendi (2008: 4)
Culinary Tourism is a tourism product where food
and cuisine are the main power. Actually, becoming
southwest pull or not, food and beverages remains
important in various types of tourism because every
person definitely needs to eat
2.3 Restaurant
According to Major Rai (2016: 99) Restaurant is a
place or building that is organized by a commercial,
which organizes services with good to all his guests
either in the form of meal or drinks.
2.4 Tourism Facilities and
According Bagyono (2012: 21) argues that the
means tourism is a facility of service which is
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
supplied by the company to travelers either directly
or not directly. According to Major Rai (2016: 175)
Infrastructure is all something that is supporting
major of the implementation of a process of tourism.
Infrastructure of tourism that is all that is in the form
of facilities supporting primary that allows to turn on
and develop a means of tourism to provide services
up to the traveler.
2.5 Hospitality Accommodation
According Zalukhu and Meyers ( 2009: 6-7)
accommodation hospitality is a place where travelers
spend the night for a while in an area of travel.
Accommodation facilities are generally equipped
with facilities for eating and drinking. Means of
accommodation that makes travelers feel at home is
a property that is clean, with service that is good (
friendly and right time ), as well as the location of
which is relatively easy to reach. There are other
types of accommodation based on the shape of the
building, facilities, and services that are provided are
: Hotel, Guest House, Homestay, Inn, campground,
and Villa.
2.6 Financial Management
Management Financial is a part important of the
whole management as a whole. Management of
finances related to the task manager finance in a
business enterprise that is directly related to the
department functional as marketing and production.
Management of finance has the space scope of that
broad with the approach multidimensional. (
Cashmere, 2009)
2.7 Asset Light
Asset Light is a strategy that aims to boost profits
and suppress the amount of capital to maximize the
value of the company to holders of shares. The Asset
Light strategy can reduce risk and facilitate company
growth by minimizing or reducing capital
investment. (Li & Singal, 2019)
The Asset Light strategy can affect capital
structure through loans. Given that tangible assets
can be used as collateral for loans. Even in the case
of bankruptcy, assets of intangibles can emerge from
the bankruptcy that most large are not controlled.
(Sohn, Tang, & Jang, 2013)
2.8 Capital Structure
The structure of capital is the balance between the
amount of debt term short to be permanent, the debt
term long, shares of preferred and shares ordinary.
Capital structure is the comparison between foreign
capital or the amount of debt with own capital.
Wisdom of the structure of capital is an election
between risks and returns are expected. (Mustafa,
2.9 Hypothesis
Based on the studies previously were poured in the
background behind, the study of literature and the
results of the study earlier gives an overview on the
study of this, allegedly no influence Asset Light on
the Structure of Capital in the Company Sub Sector
Restaurants, Hotels and Tourism are Listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia Period 2009-2017.
Research is using the approach to management of
finance, especially regarding the analysis of the
effect of the asset light on the structure of the
Capital at Companies Sub Sector Restaurant Hotel
and Tourism which is listed on the Stock Exchange
Indonesia Period 2009-2017. The object of research
that investigated consist of a variable dependent the
structure of capital and asset light as a variable
independent. The object of research is data- the data
reports of financial companies are listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia on sub sectors
Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism. While the subject of
research this is the Company's sub- sectors
Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism are listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia period 2009-2017 are
associated with the asset light and Structure Capital.
Method of taking a sample that used is purposive
sampling. Purposive sample is done by way of
taking the subject is not based on strata, random or
region but is based on the purpose specified. From
25 companies which is registered in the sub- sector,
restaurants, hotels and tourism, only 17 companies
were taken as samples because meet the criteria for
the study of this.
Types and sources of data exist in the research is
to use the data quantitatively in the form of a data
source which is data that is obtained in the form of
already finished in the form of publications.
Secondary data is generally in the form of evidence,
historical records or reports that have been compiled
Analysis of the Effect of Light Assets on Capital Structure
in archives ( documentary data ) published. Data
secondary are needed in research this is the report of
financial year the Company Sub- sectors Restaurant,
Hotel and Tourism are listed on the Stock Exchange
Indonesia period 2009 - 2017. The incorporation of
the data time series data and cross section or are
often referred to by the panel data, and to calculate
the data panel using the EViews 9 application.
Descriptive analysis aims to determine the value
of variables. In this study aims to discuss how to
influence asset light on srtuktur capital of the
Company Sub Sector Tourism, Hotels and
Restaurants Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Period 20 09- 201 9. Meanwhile, to measure the
effect of the two variables in the research is to use
the test regression linear simple. According Pramesti
(2018: 115) Regression is one of the techniques in
the science of statistics to determine the relationship
between two or more variables. In the analysis of
regression, will determine a linear model between
one or more variable -free ( independent ) against
one or more variable dependent ( dependent ).
Model analysis of regression linear simple can be
described as mathematically as follows:
Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), or which is more
known as the Stock Exchange Indonesia (BEI) is a
capital market that is owned by Indonesia, which is a
combination between the Stock Exchange Jakarta
(JSX) and the Stock Exchange Surabaya (BES)
merges into the Stock Exchange Jakarta (JSX) and
changed its name into Stock Exchange Indonesia
(BEI). Act Capital Markets 8 year 1995 on capital
markets to define the capital market as follows
" The activities are concerned with offers general
and trading securities, companies public which
relates to the effect of the issuance, as well as
institutions and professions which relates to the
effect ".
The Indonesia Stock Exchange is a stock
exchange that can provide investment and funding
sources in an effort to support national economic
development. Stock Exchange Indonesia also play a
role in efforts to develop investors locally are large
and solid to create Indonesian capital market stable.
The vision and mission of the Stock Exchange
Indonesia is Becoming exchanges competitive with
the credibility level of the world and provide the
infrastructure to support the implementation of
trading securities that regular, fair, and efficient and
easily accessible by the entire stakeholder interests (
stakeholders ). In the sub- sector of restaurants,
hotels and tourism registered 25 companies and only
17 companies that meet the criteria of the samples
were used in the study of this
The result if the data presented in the study is an
output of the testing of data statistical use
application EViews 9. The result if the data
regression is divided into two parts namely parts of
the first to find out the effect of asset light on the
structure of capital in companies sub- sector of the
restaurant, hotel and tourism were registered in
Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2009-2017. Part
two to determine the effect of asset light on the
structure of capital, but more focused on the
company's restaurants are listed on the Stock
Exchange Indonesia Period 2009-2017. Here are the
results of data processing
Table 1.
Source: Data Proceed
Then, the regression equation will be presented:
Table 2
DAR = 0.319+1.899 FAR
= 0.069+0.319+1.899 FAR
= 0.140+0.319+1.899 FAR
= -0.221+0.319+1.899 FAR
= 0.278 +0.319+1.899 FAR
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
= -0.058+0.319+1.899 FAR INPP
= 0.049+0.319 +1.899 FAR JIHD
= 0.022 +0.319+1.899 FAR JSPT
= -0.183+0.319+1.899
= -0.248+0.319+1.899 FAR
= 0.309+0.319 +1.899 FAR
= 0.078 +0.319
= -0.225+0.319+1.899 FAR PGLI
= -0.005+0.319
= -0.025+0.319+1.899 FAR
= -0.090+0.319+1.899 FAR
= 0.197+0.319+1.899 FAR PTSP
= -0.088+0.319+1.899 FAR SHID
FAR (Fixes-asset ratio) is a means of measuring to
calculate asset light on the study of this. By way
calculated using the formula FAR ie PPE (Plant,
Property and Equipment) divided by total assets.
Companies sub scores restaurant, hotel and
tourism the period 2009-2017 had an average FAR
is 3.71%, which means that on average across the
enterprise sub- sector of the restaurant, hotel and
tourism period of use PPE at 3.71% of total assets in
asset light his.
Year 2016 company SHID has a ratio of FAR the
highest is 10%, which means the company SHID
have asset light (PPE) one-tenth of total assets.
While the ratio of FAR bottommost owned by the
company FAST in the year 2011 amounted to
0.0015%, which means that asset light (PPE)
0.000015 times the total assets.
DAR (Debt to Asset Ratio) is a measurement
tool to calculate the capital structure in this study.
By way calculated using the formula DAR is total
debt divided by total assets. Companies sub scores
restaurant, hotel and tourism the period 2009-2017
had an average DAR 0.39, which means that on
average across the enterprise sub- sector of the
restaurant, hotel and tourism period has a debt of
39% in the structure of the capital of her.
Year 2011 company ICON is the number of the
highest is 0.82 which means the company ICON has
a debt as much as 82% in the structure of capital.
While the amount of room that is 0.02 which
acquired the company INPP in the year 2009, which
means that companies that have a debt amount of
2% in the structure of capital.
The results if the data part of the first that is
contained in the drawing 1 indicates that the results
of the FAR influence positively and significantly to
the DAR. While the results of the R test have an R-
Squared value of 0.550. Figures have had the sense
that amounted to 55% asset light (FAR) can affect
the structure of capital (DAR) and by 45%
influenced by factors other that are not investigated
Based on the results of research and discussion
which has been done on the analysis of the effect of
the asset light on the structure of the capital can be
concluded that the Asset Light on companies sub-
sector of the restaurant, hotel and tourism are listed
on the Stock Exchange Inonesia the period 2009-
2017 has a value of an average of 3.71%. Y ang
means that on average across the enterprise sub-
sector of the restaurant, hotel and tourism use of
PPE ( assets fixed ) at 3.71% of total assets in asset
light her. The structure of capital in companies sub-
sector of the restaurant, hotel and tourism are listed
on the Stock Exchange Indonesia Period 2009-2017
has a value of an average of 0:39. Which means that
on average across the enterprise sub- sector of
restaurants, hotels and tourism has a debt amounting
to 39% in the structure of capital. Asset Light
influence positively on the structure of capital in
companies sub- sector of the restaurant, hotel and
tourism are listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesia
period 2009-2017.
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