The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Work Environment and
Job Satisfaction toward the Performance of Employees in the Office of
Public Works, Housing, and Energy of Mineral Resource in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta
Titi Laras
, Nindyo Cahyo Kresnanto
, Rini Raharti
and Nurwiyanta
Janabadra University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Transformational Leadership, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
This study aims to determine the influence of transformational leadership, work environment and job satisfac-
tion on employee performance in the office of public works, housing, and energy of mineral resource in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta (PUP Department Office and ESDM DIY). Totaling respondents in this study
is 204 with proportional stratified random sampling method. The analytical tool used multiple regression with
F test and T test to test the hypothesis in this study. The results of this study concluded that variables of
transformational leadership, work environment and job satisfaction have a significant effect simultaneous on
the performance employees of the office of PUP Department and ESDM DIY and variables of transforma-
tional leadership, work environment and job satisfaction have positive effect and significant individually on
the performance employees of the Office of PUP Department and ESDM DIY.
An organization that is always developing is every-
one’s dream. Both the government and the private
sector expect their organizations to grow and develop
well. With these developments, the organization is ex-
pected to be able to compete and accelerate with the
progress of the times. The fact shows that organiza-
tions that are not able to accelerate with the progress
of the times will be left behind to then sink into the
times. The level of success of an organization can
be seen from how the organization manages its re-
sources. Organizations with good performance, have
effectiveness in handling human resources, determine
goals that must be achieved both individually and in
their organizations.
Employee performance is one of the important as-
pects that must be considered in the organization, be-
cause employee performance guides the organization
to achieve its objectives. Employee performance is
a work achievement, a comparison between work re-
sults that can be seen clearly with the work standards
set by the organization (Dessler, 2006). The factors
that affect the decline in employee performance at
the Office of PUP and ESDM DIY are the gaps in
mindset/ perspective between leaders and employees,
a less ideal work environment, timeliness in complet-
ing tasks, abilities possessed to utilize resources or
potential that exists, open communication is also one
of the factors that affect the decline in employee per-
formance. Communication that is established in the
PUP and DIY EMR Office between leaders and em-
ployees is quite good, only because the level of lead-
ership is high enough so that it does not allow time
for any time to meet face to face or communicate di-
rectly, this causes a gap in communication relations
between leaders and employees. The delay or ab-
sence of employees entering the office is also one of
the causes of the decline in employee performance, so
this certainly will affect the receipt of employee ben-
efits. These problems are part of the causes of declin-
ing employee performance. Some of these problems
are indicated by three things: transformational lead-
ership, work environment and job satisfaction.
The Office of PUP and ESDM DIY has the duty
to carry out the affairs of the Regional Government
in the fields of public works, housing, spatial plan-
ning, and energy mineral resources and Deconcen-
tration and Co-Administration tasks provided by the
Government. (PERGUB DIY No. 47 of 2008), while
the WWTP outline of this WWTP has three benefits,
namely protection of water bodies (rivers and wells)
Laras, T., Kresnanto, N., Raharti, R. and Nurwiyanta, .
The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction toward the Performance of Employees in the Office of Public Works, Housing, and Energy of Mineral
Resource in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009879101090114
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 109-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from household pollution, improvement and environ-
mental aesthetics, utilization of IPAL products in the
form of organic fertilizer from mud wastewater. Balai
PSDA is in charge of carrying out operational services
to the community in the field of water resources, and
operational management of conservatio/preservation
of water and water resources and technical training in
water resources. (article 47) and BPIPBPJK (Center
for Testing, Settlement and Building Information and
Construction Services Development), tasked with su-
pervising the quality control process of development
tasks in order to realize the control system and quality
assurance, delivery of residential and building infor-
mation and construction services. (article 53).
From this description, the researcher needs to con-
duct research using the title: “The Influence of Trans-
formational Leadership, Work Environment and Job
Satisfaction Toward the Performance of Employees
in The Office of Public Works, Housing, And Energy
of Mineral Resource in The Special Region Of Yo-
gyakarta” Based on this background, the problem can
be formulated as a problem as follows:
1. How is the effect of transformational leadership,
work environment and job satisfaction simultane-
ously on employee performance at the PUP Office
2. How is the partial /individual influence of trans-
formational leadership, work environment and job
satisfaction on employee performance at the PUP
Office and ESDM DIY?
2.1 Transformational Leadership and
Employee Performance
(Burns and Leadership, 1978) states that the trans-
formational leadership model essentially emphasizes
that a leader needs to motivate his subordinates to
carry out their responsibilities more than they ex-
pected. Transformational leaders must be able to de-
fine, communicate and articulate the organization’s
vision, and subordinates must accept and recognize
the credibility of their leaders. (Hater, 1998) states
that ”the dynamic of transformational leadership in-
volve strong personal identification with the leader,
joining in a shared vision of the future, or going be-
yond the self-interest exchange of rewards for com-
Transformational leadership style can improve job
satisfaction for employees and in turn will improve
the performance of employees, because of the higher
needs of employees such as self-esteem needs and
self-actualization. The results of this study also re-
inforce the opinion of (Nicholls, 1994), Pawar and
Eastman (1997) that the practice of transformational
leadership style is able to bring more fundamental
changes such as employee values, goals, and needs
and these changes have an impact on increasing em-
ployee performance. Whereas (Bycio et al., 1995)
and Howell and Avolio (1993) suggest that transfor-
mational leadership has a positive relationship to em-
ployee performance because employees feel valued
existence, then transformational leadership style in-
fluences employee performance. From the descrip-
tion, the hypothesis can be derived as follows:
H1 : Transformational leadership has a significant
positive effect on employee performance, at the PUP
Office and DIY ESDM.
2.2 Work Environment and Employee
(Sedarmayanti and Pd, 2001) work environment is
all the factors that surround the workplace for work
purposes. The work environment includes the physi-
cal work environment is a physical form of situation
that is around the workplace that can affect employ-
ees both directly and indirectly. Whereas the non-
physical work environment is all the situation that oc-
curs relating to work relations, both relationships with
superiors and relationships with colleagues, or with
subordinates. This work environment both directly
and indirectly will determine the level of comfort in
(Ruky, 2001) states that ”performance is a trans-
lation of English” performance ”which is interpreted
by Bernadin and Russel as a record of the results ob-
tained from certain job functions or certain activities
during a certain period of time). In this definition, it
is clear that they emphasize the notion of achievement
as a result or thing that comes out of a job and their
contribution to the organization.
While an inadequate work environment can inter-
fere with the concentration of employees in carry-
ing out their work so as to cause errors in work and
employee performance will decrease (Siagian, 2002).
According to Nunung Ristiana (2012) there is a pos-
itive and significant influence on the variables of the
work environment, the more comfortable the work en-
vironment, the more employee performance will be.
H2: The work environment has a significant posi-
tive effect toward employee performance, at the PUP
Office and DIY ESDM Office.
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
2.3 Job Satisfaction and Employee
According to (Hasibuan, 2013) job satisfaction is an
emotional attitude that is fun and loves his job. Em-
ployee job satisfaction must be created as well as pos-
sible so that work morale, dedication, love and dis-
cipline increase. This attitude is reflected by work
morale, discipline, and work performance. Job sat-
isfaction enjoyed in work, outside work, and a com-
bination of in and outside work.
(Rivai and Basri, 2005), states that performance
is a person’s overall results during a certain period
in carrying out tasks, such as work outcome stan-
dards, targets or targets or criteria predetermined and
agreed upon. According to (Sudarmanto, 2009) there
are three levels of performance, namely; (1) organiza-
tional performance, is an outcome (out come) at the
level or unit of analysis of the organization related to
organizational goals, organizational design, and orga-
nizational management; (2) process performance, is a
performance in the stage process in producing a prod-
uct or service that is influenced by process objectives,
process design, and process management; (3) the per-
formance of individuals / jobs, is the achievement of
effectiveness at the level of employees or jobs that
are influenced by job objectives, work design, and job
management and individual characteristics.
The relationship of Job Satisfaction with Perfor-
mance is more appropriately called the ”management
myth” and it is difficult to determine in what direc-
tion the causal relationship between the two. But from
various studies found evidence that organizations that
have more satisfied employees tend to be more effec-
tive than organizations that have employees who are
less satisfied (Robbins and Judge, 2008).
H3: Job satisfaction has a significant positive ef-
fect on employee performance, at the PUP Office and
DIY ESDM Office.
2.4 Transformational Leadership, Work
Environment, and Job Satisfaction
and Employee Performance
The presence of leaders in the company is very im-
portant because of the backbone and has a strate-
gic role in achieving organizational goals. The right
leadership style can lead to employee motivation for
achievement, because the success or failure of em-
ployees in carving work performance can be influ-
enced by leadership style. The work environment
is related to everything that is around the work and
which can affect employees in carrying out tasks in-
cluding employee service, working conditions, em-
ployee relations in the company concerned (Agus Ah-
yari, 1994). A good work environment is a pleas-
ant work environment and can provide security. That
work environment is what everyone wants. This can
motivate employees to work better, so that it will im-
prove employee performance. In addition, more sat-
isfied employees tend to be more effective than orga-
nizations that have employees who are less satisfied.
H4: Transformational leadership, work environment
and job satisfaction partially/individually have a sig-
nificant positive effect on employee performance, at
the PUP and DIY ESDM Office.
3.1 Object of Research
The research was carried out at the DIY PUP and
ESDM Office, which was located at Kyai Mojo Yo-
gyakarta Street and various Balai which was part of
the DIY PUP and ESDM Office, with the object of re-
search being the employees of DIY PUP and ESDM
Office, Balai PSDA, Balai BPIPJK, and the IPAL
3.2 Data Source
The data sources used in this study are primary data
and secondary data. Primary data means data ob-
tained directly from the source, using instruments or
questionnaire tools that contain a number of struc-
tured written questions to obtain information from
respondents, both about the person and other things
needed in this study.
Secondary data is a way of collecting data ob-
tained from various library materials, both in the form
of books, magazines, journals or other documents that
have to do with the study material. Secondary data is
obtained by using documentation and literature.
3.3 Sampling Technique
Population is the object of the overall research whose
characteristics are to be expected (Djarwanto and
Subagyo, 1996). In this study, the population is 414
employees. Samples are a portion of the population
whose characteristics will be examined and consid-
ered to represent the whole of the population (Djar-
wanto and Subagyo, 1996). In this study, the deter-
mination of sample size was calculated based on the
The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction toward the Performance of Employees in the Office
of Public Works, Housing, and Energy of Mineral Resource in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
opinion of Solvin (Husein, 2005), so the sample num-
bered 203.4 respondents, rounded up to 204 respon-
The sampling technique used is proportional strat-
ified random sampling method which is a sample se-
lection which can be done by first classifying a popu-
lation into sub-populations.
3.4 Data Analysis Method
To test hypotheses one to four, the data analysis
method used in this study uses multiple linear regres-
sion. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to de-
termine the effect of several independent variables on
the dependent variable (Wiratna, 2007). The multiple
linear regression models in this study are as follows:
Y = a + b
+ b
+ b
+ e (1)
4.1 The Effect of Simultaneous
Transformational Leadership, Work
Environment and Job Satisfaction
on Employee Performance of PUP
Office and DIY ESDM
Based on the results of the F test, it shows that signifi-
cantly transformational leadership, work environment
and job satisfaction affect employee performance at
the PUP and DIY ESDM Office simultaneously, be-
cause the calculated F value is greater than the F-
table (3.866> 2.65). This means that if the transfor-
mational leadership is good, the work environment is
good and the job satisfaction of the employees is more
satisfied, it will improve the performance of employ-
ees of the PUP Office and DIY ESDM.
The results of this F test also show that the re-
gression model in this study can be declared fit, be-
cause the probability of significance is 0.003, where
this value is smaller than 0.05, and the contribution
of the independent variables (transformational leader-
ship, work environment and job satisfaction) on the
performance of employees it can be said that it ful-
fills the requirements because of the magnitude above
0.5, which is 0.527. This indicates that this equation
model can be applied by the leadership in order to
improve the performance of the PUP and DIY ESDM
staff employees.
The results of this study are supported by several
previous studies which were carried out among others
by (Aulia, 2015), (Mangkunegara and Huddin, 2016),
(TARTIB, 2013) (Handayani, 2013). From some of
these studies, concluded that transformational leader-
ship, work environment and job satisfaction simulta-
neously have a significant effect on employee perfor-
4.2 The Influence of Transformational
Leadership on Employee
Performance of PUP Office and DIY
Based on the results of the t test, transformational
leadership has a positive and significant effect on
the performance of employees of the PUP and DIY
ESDM Office. This is evident from t count¿ t table
(3.719> 1.962) and Sig ¡0.05 (0.002 <0.05). This
means that if transformational leadership is carried
out well, it will increase the performance of employ-
ees of the DIY PUP and ESDM Office offices.
Based on the positive responses of the respon-
dents, where in the respondent’s answer from 204 re-
spondents it was known that 58.33% of respondents
agreed and 35.78% of respondents stated strongly
agree with the statements contained in the question-
naire of transformational leadership variables, and
5.88% expressed doubt. This indicates that the trans-
formational leadership style is appropriately applied
to the Office of PUP and DIY ESDM.
The results of this study are supported by several
previous studies that have been carried out, among
others, by (Yuliandi, )(Cahyono et al., 2014), (So-
fyan, 2013)(Setiawan, 2013) where the conclusions
from their studies are that transformational leadership
has a positive and significant effect on performance
employee. For this reason, the transformational lead-
ership style that has been applied to the PUP Office
and ESDM DIY Office needs to be maintained and it
will be even better if the quality is improved.
4.3 Effect of Work Environment on
Employee Performance of PUP
Office and DIY ESDM Office
Based on the results of the t test, the work environ-
ment has a positive and significant effect on the per-
formance of employees of the PUP and DIY ESDM
Office. This is evident from t count¿ t table (2.359>
1.962) and Sig <0.05 (0.007 <0.05). This means that
if the work environment supports it, it will improve
the performance of the employees of the DIY PUP
and ESDM Office offices.
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
These results indicate that the working environ-
ment at the PUP and DIY ESDM Office is ideal.
This is reinforced by the results of the analysis of
respondents’ answers to the statements contained in
the work environment variable questionnaire, which
states agree at 59.80%, and which states strongly
agree at 39.71%. Nevertheless, there were still 0.49%
who expressed doubts. This indicates that in relation
to the work environment according to the PUP and
DIY ESDM staff, there were still some respondents
who actually wanted to disagree, but maybe because
of shame and so on they finally answered doubtfully.
The results of this analysis stating that the work
environment has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance is supported by several pre-
vious studies, including (Yunanda, 2013) (Sofyan,
2013)(Putra, 2013) (Suryani, 2013), where the results
of their research concluded that the work environment
has a positive and significant effect on employee per-
4.4 Effect of Job Satisfaction on
Employee Performance of PUP
Office and DIY ESDM
Based on the results of the t test, job satisfaction has
a positive and significant effect on the performance of
employees of the PUP and DIY ESDM Office. This is
evident from t count> t table (2,072> 1,962) and the
Sig value <0,05 (0,009 <0,05). This means that if the
employees are more satisfied, then this will improve
the performance of employees of the DIY PUP and
ESDM Office offices.
The results of this study are supported by sev-
eral studies that have previously been carried out by
among others (Hakim, 2013), (Sofyan, 2013), (Stiven
et al., 2014)(Furi, 2012). Their results show that job
satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. Thus, the results of this study
are the same as the results of previous research stud-
Job satisfaction has a significant effect on the
performance of employees of PUP Office and DIY
ESDM, so the situation that causes employee job sat-
isfaction needs to be improved, among others: From
the dimensions of the work itself, it is necessary to
increase the self-confidence of employees in order to
work more seriously and Responsible for his work.
From the dimensions of promotion, an open promo-
tion system can be accepted by all employees, be-
cause with a clear promotion system, employee ex-
pectations for a career will be more real, so that it
will have an impact on the performance of employ-
ees. From the supervision dimension, the inherent su-
pervision that has been carried out, needs to be im-
proved, for example by monitoring the work results
of employees, and providing direction and guidance
to employees. From the dimensions of woker a good
relationship between employees will have an impact
on the calm and comfort of employees in work so that
it can improve employee performance.
Based on the result of this study, it is proven that the
transformational leadership, work environment, and
job satisfaction have a signifiant effect both partially
and simultaneously on the performance of PUP and
DIY ESDM staff employees.
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ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science