Geological Model for Mineplan Method to Support Economic Activities
in a Remote Island
, Tien Veny Vera
and Nindyo Cahyo Kresnanto
Samgeobor Drilling Company, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering Janabadra University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Geological model, Onyx, Selective mining.
Mining materials are natural resources that cannot be renewed and require a long time to form so that their
management and utilization must be wise. Mining has high economic value but is also a major cause of natural
disasters. In this study the method of investigation is by conducting a literature review, survey and investigation
of the geological and geomorphological processes that occur, then analyzing the genesis and mining activities
that are in accordance with the conditions and characteristics of the onyx marble. The onyx marble mining on
Bawean Island is manually very suitable because it is selective mining, which only takes onyx potential by not
dismantling the entire limestone so that it is more environmentally friendly. The onyx marble marketing on
Bawean Island is also not good due to the limited transportation that operates 3 times a day out / to the island
in the form of cargo ships.
The types of mining materials are differentiated based
on economic value, benefits and difficulties in obtain-
ing them. In Indonesia, based on Government Reg-
ulation number 27 in 1980, the materials are divided
into 3 types, namely excavation materials A, B and
C where onyx is included. C can be used directly as
the main raw material for industry without or little
through the processing process and does not require
an international market.
Bawean Island Stratigraphy starts from the Gelam
Limestone (Early Oligocene-Miocene) Unit, Kepon-
gan Sandstone Unit (Late Miocene-Pliocene), Bal-
ibak Volcanic Rock Unit and the youngest is an allu-
vial precipitate aged Resen(Aziz et al., 1993). Phys-
iography, Bawean Island has its own characteristics
compared to the Rembang - Madura and Kendeng
Zones which incorporate into magmatism behind the
outer arc which is likely to be built by products from
submarine volcanic activities(Van Bemmelen, 1949).
Onyx is a chalcedony coating which is a group of sil-
ica minerals (WHITTEN and BROOKS, 1976), usu-
ally layered, compact, translucent with variations of
calcite such as travertine coating having a good gloss
and usually deposited in the form of stalactites in
caves (Bates and Jackson, 1987). The definition of
onyx marble is applied to layered calcite minerals,
yellowish white, gray to reddish, translucent, crys-
talline, compact, massive, hardness of 3 Mohs scale.
There are 5 important mechanisms that can explain
how the deposition of CaCO3 and the increase in CO2
that can be dissolved in water, (1) by the increase in
temperature and evaporation, (2) by water movement,
(3) by addition of salinity, (4) by organic activity, and
(5) by pressure changes.
Onyx on Bawean Island in its formation process
is only found (Aziz et al., 1993)in a few places with
certain conditions and requires a long time so that its
existence is limited / rare and different from onyx
in other regions in Indonesia such as Tulungagung
- East Java. Bawean Island itself is an island lo-
cated on the north side of Gresik with connecting ac-
cess only in the form of ships from the Gresik pier
(East Java). Rural development issues in Bawean Is-
land have previously been compared to a similar set
of challenges in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in
regards to inadequate infrastructure and remoteness
of markets (Booth*, 2004). The parallels further in-
clude low agricultural production, a history of supple-
mentary livelihoods supporting subsistence agricul-
ture and poverty-driven de-agrarianization (Booth*,
2004). These livelihood characteristics, which have
been associated with the shift towards ASM in sub-
Saharan Africa, are also evident in West Timor. Onyx
mining in Bawean Island has been carried out by the
Kurniawan, ., Vera, T. and Kresnanto, N.
Geological Model for Mineplan Method to Support Economic Activities in a Remote Island.
DOI: 10.5220/0009877800540057
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 54-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community (artisanal and small-scale mining /ASM)
and is one of the reliable livelihoods because it has
good economic value. . It is in this context that
the artisanal miner themselves trying to strategically
manoeuver a complex, dynamic in- stitutional envi-
ronment to secure their livelihoods (Bersaglio and
Cleaver, 2018). Not only did income from mining
provide a safety net when crops failed, it also acted
as an opportunity to ‘step up’, with money reinvigo-
rating farming opportu- nities and creating new liveli-
hood opportunities.(Fisher et al., 2019).
On the other hand, there are at least three factors
which contribute to the underestimation of mining’s
impact on the local economy. The first is the exis-
tence of money flows that result from the company’s
activity on the island, but which are not taken into ac-
count in the context of input–output analysis, the most
glaring example being the incomes and expenditures
of retired employees who still live in the island.13 The
second concerns the importance of the economic and
social effects that cannot even be expressed in mon-
etary terms, such as the contribution of mining activ-
ity to the preservation of the local community and the
prevention of demographic decline or migration. Fi-
nally, mining activity possesses some special charac-
teristics that cannot be embedded in the input– output
model, the most important being that it implies the
frequent development of new productive installations
(mines), as well as the restoration of old ones, hence
the accumulation of high expenditures (Tserkezis and
Tsakanikas, 2016). This research is expected to pro-
duce genetic geological models for planning mining
methods that are good and environmentally friendly.
The procedure of this study is illustrated in Figure 1,
however this paper only presents geology and geo-
morphology process in order to explain onyx genetic
geological model. Base material of onyx is limestone.
The dissolution process causes changing of limestone
to onyx. The main factor: (1) Hot water, (2) Evapora-
tion, (3) hot air and (4) fracture.
The presence of underground rivers, caves, stalac-
tites, and travertine deposits is an indication of geo-
morphological processes which also greatly influence
the control of onyx formation.
Figure 1: Flowchart of study on Onyx in Bawean Island
Genesis is the sequence of events in the formation
of an object in geology related to the trigger force,
namely exogenous energy (originating from outside)
that works on the surface of the earth and endogenous
energy (from the inside) that works below the surface
of the earth. The two forces that cause the formation
of various forms that exist in this earth but also there
are natural processes on the surface of the earth such
as the process of erosion, transporting the results of
erosion, transportation and sedimentation that affects.
Onyx on Bawean Island is a type of onyx marble
which is milky white, milk chocolate, gray, and red-
dish milk chocolate, translucent, crystalline, straight
wavy and homogeneous, massive and hollow, with
hardness of 3-4 Mohs scale. The difference of onyx
silica and onyx marble namely onyx silica is com-
posed of quartz, the composition of SiO2, hardness of
7 on the Mohs scale while onyx marble is composed
of calcite, composition of CaCo3, hardness of 34 on
the Mohs scale.
The process of forming onyx starts from the crys-
talline deposits of calcium carbonate carried by water
containing carbon dioxide flowing into the limestone
and can convert calcium carbonate to soluble plus the
help of hot water, air heat and evaporation, stalactite
and stalagmite in the limestone cave. The metamor-
phosis process then changes the deposits to be harder
and increase density. The number of onyx spreads is
very limited compared to the extent of the surround-
ing limestone distribution because onyx which is the
result of dissolution of the limestone itself and its for-
mation is controlled by typical geological and geo-
morphological factors also requires a long time (thou-
sands to millions of years) so that onyx has high eco-
nomic value.
Geological Model for Mineplan Method to Support Economic Activities in a Remote Island
Figure 2: Onyx Genesis Process
Figure 3: Outcrop of Onyx and Limestone
Figure 4: Outcrop of Onyx and Limestone
Onyx quality is a combination of the properties pos-
sessed including objective genetic factors and subjec-
tive market tastes. Quality based on genetics is objec-
tive, namely:
a Scarcity where the onyx formation takes a long
time in the geological time scale, the distribution
is not evenly distributed only in places that meet
the requirements for the formation of onyx, so the
less frequent onyx is in the price, the more expen-
sive the price.
b Violence where increasingly hard onyx is increas-
ingly expensive, because the retrieval process
(cutting and forming) requires a large amount of
special and special equipment.
c Purity is defined as authenticity, passivity, clean-
liness which all determine quality and price.
d The layer pattern shows the flow structure and
onyx. The bawean island forms straight or wavy
and homogeneous layers, following the slope of
ancient slopes.
e Pore where onyx has a high pore level will reduce
the level of quality onyx because it is easily bro-
Quality based on market tastes is subjective,
a Beauty is determined by high aesthetics when
it has artistic and suitable properties when com-
bined with other objects in a layout arrangement.
The smoother the refinement, the higher the qual-
ity and the more expensive the price.
b The larger the size of the onyx, the higher the
quality and the more expensive the price.
c Color is closely related to beauty because it usu-
ally depends on the nature and tastes of each per-
d Complexity where the more complex the shape,
the higher the quality and the more expensive the
price because it requires special expertise and the
time and cost of production.
Onyx marble mining activities on Bawean Island
are still manual work by man (human) and simple
equipment that has the character of ”selective mining”
where mining concentrations are only on the onyx
marble excavation material whose unique position is
not to spread across limestones but only in certain
places so that damage to limestone or soil around it
can be minimized, making it more environmentally
friendly. In addition to positive values, manual min-
ing has a negative value, namely the risk of workplace
accidents is very large, this is due to the lack of equip-
ment and operational security and safety (K3) stan-
dard in the mine location.
The marketing of onyx marble in the form of raw
materials as well as those that have been processed at
this time is still minimal due to inadequate access to
the entry and exit of goods to Bawean Island where it
is only served by cargo ships operating 3 times a week
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
The genetic geology model is very important in the
interpretation of determining the presence of mineral
deposits, the geological and geomorphological pro-
cesses that make up deposits of minerals, the asso-
ciation of mineral deposits and the time of formation
of mineral deposits in the geological environment.
Factors that influence the genetic geology model
are thin volumes of sediment, so descriptive infor-
mation is needed to describe the formation of sedi-
mentary complexes through drawing or sketching the
onyx formation process, site of formation and other
factors that play a role in the formation of onyx.
The genetic geological model illustrates the re-
lationship of each data and fact in the field to the
geological environment, namely geological and geo-
morphological processes in the form of images and
formation sequences without using long explanations
such as descriptive geological models, but only a short
description of the image.
The geological model of onyx genetic is useful in
knowing the formation process and determining min-
ing activity planning, namely in determining the di-
rection of mining as well as selective and appropriate
manual mining methods where this will have a direct
impact on the spatial layout planning of Bawean Is-
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Geological Model for Mineplan Method to Support Economic Activities in a Remote Island