Analysis of the Effect of Internal and External Factors on the Efficiency
toward Profitability of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia
Muhammad Asril Maulana
Post Graduate Program of Islamic Finance and Banking, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Bank Size, Non Performing Finance, Inflation, Efficiency, Profitability, Islamic Banking Industry.
Getting profits is the main goal of establishing a business entity, one of which is Islamic banking. One of the
ways to increase the profitability of Islamic banking is efficiency. This study aims to examine the internal and
external factors that affect Islamic banking industry inefficiencies which consist of internal factors, namely
Non-Performing Finance (NPF) and bank size, as well as external factors, namely inflation, and the impact of
Islamic banking inefficiency on the profitability of Islamic banking. Every bank needs to maintain a level of
bank operational efficiency. Islamic banking needs to know how to control it so that bank operations remain
efficient with the aim of banks being able to increase profits. The populations of this study are all Bank Umum
Syariah (BUS) and Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) in Indonesia. The sample used in this study is all BUS and
UUS in Indonesia with research time limits of the period 2007-2018. The data analysis technique used is
path analysis. The results of the analysis shown that Non Performing Finance (NPF), and bank size have a
significant impact on Islamic banking inefficiency, and the results of data analysis show that inflation does
not have a significant impact on Islamic banking inefficiency, and Islamic banking industry inefficiency has a
negative and significant impact on profitability. The results of this study can be used as a consideration for the
Islamic banking industry management to increase efficiency in bank operations, because of efficiency can be
a positive signal to encourage increased profits earned by Islamic banking industry.
As a country with the largest Muslim populations in
the world, Indonesia has great potential to become
a center of development of the Islamic Finance In-
dustry (OJK, 2018a). The growth of Islamic banking
in Indonesia is indicated by the increasing number of
BUS, UUS, and BPRS. From 1992 to October 2018,
the number of BUS in Indonesia reached 14 banks,
UUS reached 34 units and BPRS reached 168 banks
(OJK, 2018b).
Obtaining profits is the main goal of the estab-
lishment of a business entity, both business entities in
the form of Perseroan Terbatas (PT), foundations and
other forms of business entities (Sintiya, 2018), and
one of them is Islamic banking. The growth of Islamic
banking industry in Indonesia can be seen from the
growth net profit both BUS, UUS, and BPRS which
have increased every year (OJK, 2018b).
One of the ways to increase the profitability of Is-
lamic banking industry is efficiency. Efficiency mea-
surements are used to analyze bank performance (Ma-
jeed and Zainab, 2017). Efficiency in the banking
system is very important because the efficiency of a
bank shows the progress of the bank. If the bank does
not operate efficiently, it will cause problems for the
bank. Therefore the efficiency of the banking system
is emphasized because of the efficiency of the bank-
ing system will cause banks to get high profits (Hus-
sain et al., 2012). The current measure of efficiency
of Islamic banking is the percentage of BOPO (Biaya
Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional).
Despite increasing profits, the percentage of Is-
lamic banking BOPO fluctuated. This can be seen
from the percentage of BOPO, Bank Umum Syariah
until 2018 which is still at the level of 89.36%. Judg-
ing from the BOPO percentage, the operations of
Bank Umum Syariah are still inefficient. Even though
the lower the BOPO percentage, that is better because
it shows an increasingly efficient bank. BI continues
to press the BOPO percentage to be 60% -70%. This
aims to approach BOPO of Southeast Asian banks
which reach 40-60% (Sutaryono, 2013).
With these conditions, the challenges of Islamic
banking in carrying out their activities are also get-
ting bigger. Islamic banks industry need to improve
Maulana, M.
Analysis of the Effect of Internal and External Factors on the Inefficiency Toward Profitability of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009868502830287
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 283-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
their efficiency in operational activities (Puteh et al.,
2017). The efficiency of Islamic banking is influenced
by internal and external factors. Efficiency describes
performance in producing the desired maximum out-
put from a number of inputs provided with available
technology. Efficiency is said to increase when maxi-
mum output is produced without changes in inputs or
with fewer inputs (Wahab and Rahman, 2012).
This research is intended to discuss the factors that
influence inefficiency in Islamic banks which consist
of problematic financing (NPF), bank size, and infla-
tion, and the impact of Islamic bank inefficiency on
profit. The identified model can help understand the
factors that influence the inefficiency of Islamic banks
and their impact on profit.
2.1 Profitability
Profitability is one way to assess a company’s man-
agement ability to make a profit (Sintiya, 2018). Prof-
itability is an indicator of the company’s success,
especially its ability to generate profits by utilizing
its resources such as assets or equity (Mubarok and
Rohman, 2013). Some measures for calculating the
level of profitability include ROE (Return on Equity),
ROA (Return on Assets) and Net Profit Margin. Com-
panies with high profitability will reveal more infor-
mation. This is because high profitability indicates
how companies can manage risk well. The ratio com-
monly used to measure the performance of profitabil-
ity or rentability is ROA. ROA shows the ability of
bank management to generate income from the man-
agement of assets owned (Sintiya, 2018).
2.2 Efficiency
performance (Majeed and Zainab, 2017). Efficiency
in the banking system is very important because the
efficiency of a bank shows the progress of the bank
in performance that will have an impact on increasing
profits (Hussain et al., 2012). Banking efficiency can
be observed from two sides, namely in terms of costs
(cost efficiency) and profitability (Suseno, 2008). In
terms of costs (cost efficiency), banks are compared
with other banks to find out the management of costs
and production with the same output and technol-
ogy. Whereas in terms of profit (profit efficiency),
the ability of banks to generate profits in each input
unit is used to measure the level of banking efficiency
(Suseno, 2008).
2.3 Non-Performing Finance to
High Non-Performing Financing (NPF) will increase
the cost so that it has the potential for bank losses.
The higher the ratio, the worse the quality of bank fi-
nancing that causes the number of problematic financ-
ing to increase, and therefore the bank must bear the
losses in its operational activities so that it affects the
decrease in the level of efficiency and the decrease in
profits obtained by the bank (Wahab, 2015).
NPF causes the potential profit to be obtained to
be smaller, because the bank will allocate funds to
form Penyisihan Aktiva Produktif (PPAP). Therefore,
the bank needs to reserve it as an attitude to deal with
it by charging a certain percentage of the financing
disbursed. This Penyisihan Aktiva Produktif (PPAP)
in the balance sheet of Islamic banking has the char-
acter of reducing earning assets, thus influencing effi-
ciency and profitability (Kasmir, 2003). Based on the
explanation above can be drawn a hypothesis:
H1: Non-Performing Financing (NPF) has a posi-
tive and significant effect on inefficiency
2.4 Bank Size (Assets) to Inefficiency
Bank size is a description of the size of a company.
The size of the bank can be expressed by total assets,
financing, and market capitalization (Amran et al.,
2009). Bank size is one of the characteristics that
are specific to banks that are generally and are deter-
minants and efficiency of banks (Sari and Saraswati,
2017). Banks with relatively large total assets will
have a better level of efficiency because they have
relatively large total revenue as a result of increased
product sales. With the increase in total revenue,
it will increase the company’s profit (Wahab, 2015).
Based on the explanation above can be drawn a hy-
H2: Bank size has a negative and significant effect
on inefficiency
2.5 Inflation to Inefficiency
purchasing power accompanied by a decrease in the
ability to save funds in banks (Endri, 2015). The de-
crease in the amount of funds deposited in banks due
to high inflation rates has an impact on the perfor-
mance of banks burdened with high operational costs,
while their income from interest is reduced so that
the bank becomes inefficient in its operational activ-
ities. Inflation has the potential to hinder the growth
of credit itself. While income from the credit sector
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
will be small. This affects the profitability of the bank
concerned (Wibowo and Syaichu, 2013).
When inflation is at a normal level, the economic
enthusiasm will increase the bank’s profitability, so
banks can improve their efficiency. Preferably, when
economic conditions are depressed and on the other
hand inflation is higher, it will increase the risk of
profitability and / or decrease bank efficiency, unless
the bank is able to race faster to increase interest (for
conventional banks) or for Islamic banks to increase
bank service revenues or rent from sharia products
(Asngari, 2013). Based on the explanation above can
be drawn a hypothesis:
H3: Inflation has a positive and significant effect
on inefficiency
2.6 Inefficiency to Profitability
The efficiency of the banking system needs to be con-
sidered because the efficiency of the banking sys-
tem will cause banks to get high profits (Hussain
et al., 2012). The current measure of efficiency of
Islamic banking is the percentage of BOPO. Biaya
Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) is
a comparison between operating costs and operating
income. The operational cost ratio is used to mea-
sure the level of efficiency and ability of banks in
conducting operations. The lower BOPO means the
more efficient the bank is in controlling its operational
costs, with the existence of cost efficiency, the prof-
its obtained by the bank will be even greater (Sintiya,
2018). Based on the explanation above can be drawn
a hypothesis:
H4: inefficiency has a negative and significant ef-
fect on the profitability of Islamic banking
This study is intended to discuss the factors that influ-
ence inefficiency in Islamic banking industry which
consists of Non-Performing Finance (NPF), Bank
Size, and inflation, and the impact of Islamic bank-
ing inefficiency on Islamic banking profit. The re-
search method used is quantitative, because the re-
search data in the form of numbers and analysis us-
ing statistics. The population in this study is the
Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) and Unit Usaha Syariah
(UUS) which publishes monthly reports to Bank In-
donesia (BI) or the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) for
the period 2009-2018, so this research uses time se-
ries data. In other words, the method used in this re-
search is the census method. Refers to the opinions
of experts(Hair Jr et al., 2016)(SUHARTANTO et al.,
2018), Data analysis techniques used in this study
are path analysis (analysis path) using the PLS-SEM
(Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling)
method. Data processing is done using WarpPLS 6.0
software (Hair Jr et al., 2016)(SUHARTANTO et al.,
The results of data processing carried out showed
that the percentage of goodness of fit (GoF) was
0.885, and indicated that the suitability of the ideal
model. Furthermore, Average block VIF (AVIF) has
an acceptable percentage of 2.076 and Average full
collinearity VIF (AFVIF) also has an acceptable and
ideal percentage at a value of 4.978 as well as Symp-
son’s paradox ratio (SPR) which has an acceptable
percentage of 0.667 . Finally, the R-squared contribu-
tion ratio (RSCR) shows an acceptable percentage as
well at 0.960 and a Statistical suppression ratio (SSR)
of 1,000 can fulfill the model match. As per the indi-
cators that must be fulfilled in WarpPLS, the models
compiled in this study are appropriate.
4.1 Path Analysis
Based on the conditions that must be fulfilled in the
PLS-SEM analysis using the WarpPLS analysis tool,
it can be concluded through the final results which
will be shown in the figure below:
Figure 1: Result of Testing The Model
Non-Performing Finance (NPF) and Bank Size
have a positive and significant effect on sharia bank-
ing inefficiencies with coefficients of 0.37 with sig-
nificance ¡0.01 and 0.57 with significance ¡0.01. This
shows the greater the Non-Performing Finance (NPF)
and the greater the size of the bank, the higher the
bank inefficiency. This shows that the management
of Islamic banks must maintain that the percentage of
Non Performing Finance (NPF) and bank size is al-
ways maintained. In addition, inflation does not have
a significant effect on bank inefficiency. This shows
that the rise and fall of inflation does not affect the
level of bank inefficiency at all. This is influenced by
Analysis of the Effect of Internal and External Factors on the Inefficiency Toward Profitability of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia
the majority of Islamic bank financing is murabahah
which requires banks to first buy goods in full, so that
the rising and falling percentage of inflation does not
affect the inefficiency of Islamic banks. This shows
that the rise and fall of inflation does not affect the
level of efficiency of the bank. Inefficiency has a neg-
ative and significant effect on bank profit with a co-
efficient of -0.92 with a significance of ¡0.01. Based
on the results of this study, it can be seen that bank
inefficiencies affect bank profits, the higher bank in-
efficiencies it will reduce bank profits.
The main of this study was to examine the effect of
Non-Performing Finance (NPF), bank size, and in-
flation on Islamic banking industry inefficiencies and
the effect of Islamic banking industry inefficiencies
on profitability. Overall, the results of this study indi-
cate that non-performing finance internal factors and
bank size have a significant effect on Islamic bank-
ing industry inefficiency, although this study also re-
vealed that inflation external factors have no signifi-
cant effect on inefficiencies. Other results reveal that
inefficiency has a significant effect on the profitability
of Islamic banking industry.
This research shows that every bank needs to
know the steps so that the Islamic banking industry in
Indonesia remains efficient in carrying out bank op-
erations. Islamic Banking needs to reduce the level
of Non-Performing Finance (NPF) respectively, and
control asset variables to be efficient. Although the
results show that inflation does not have a significant
effect on the efficiency of Islamic banking industry,
Islamic banking industry management must remain
vigilant against various other external variables.
This study has several limitations. First, the vari-
ables that affect profitability in this study are only
one variable, namely the inefficiency indicated by the
BOPO percentage. For further research other vari-
ables that can affect profitability can be added, so that
a comparison of which variables can have a greater
impact on the Islamic banking industry can be made.
Second, further research is recommended to add vari-
ables that have not been studied in this study and add
internal factors and other external factors that influ-
ence inefficiencies, such as exchange rates, Islamic
finance, and overhead costs.
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Analysis of the Effect of Internal and External Factors on the Inefficiency Toward Profitability of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia