Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian
Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia
Ximena Arango-Estevez
, R. W. (Bill) Carter
and Christine Jacobson
Institute Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy
Downs, Queensland 4556, Australia
Australian humpback dolphins, dolphin feeding tourism, visitor perspectives, satisfaction, behavioral inten-
This study of visitor response to a dolphin-feeding tourism experience showed that satisfaction with closeness
to the dolphins is an expectation and desired outcome of the experience, and should be considered in terms
of best practice, better management and in re-thinking existing experience structure and design. If wildlife
experiences are not well structured and within a context of a code of best practice, and guidance is not given
in situin how to behave after participation, it is likely that the conservation benefits of the experience will be
lost. Experiences should be orientated to deliver adequate closeness to the wildlife with effective interpreta-
tion, which, in turn, can be influential on visitor satisfaction and enjoyment and in the long term, can bring
conservation benefits for the wildlife and associated environment.
The social and physical environment where people
interact with a phenomenon have an influence on
their behavioral and psychological processes (Alt-
man, 1987). When applied to dolphin feeding experi-
ences, Interactional Theory (Altman, 1987), (Powell
et al., 2009) suggests that visitor characteristics in-
teract dynamically with features from the setting to
influence human responses to a phenomenon. This
study explored visitor characteristics and their in-
fluence on potential outcomes from organizedtourist
feeding Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahu-
lensis). Tourists’ socio-demographic characteristics
and expectations of the dolphin feeding experience
affected knowledge attained, experience satisfaction,
and reported intentions to behave and act to conserve
wildlife and/or dolphins and their environment.
This case study encompasses the dolphin feeding
tourism activity occurring in the township of Tin Can
Bay, South East Queensland. This is the only place
in Australia, to our knowledge, where the hand feed-
ing of S. sahulensis takes place. It is a small com-
munity of 2,242 inhabitants (abs, 2016), located 218
km north of the state capital Brisbane, on a peninsula
between Snapper Creek and the Great Sandy Strait.
A questionnaire (adapted from (Mayes et al., 2004))
was used to identify dolphin-feeder perspectives after
their participation in the dolphin feeding activity. The
questionnaire included (a) visitor socio-demographic
characteristics (age, gender, level of education, na-
tionality, number of visits to the site and how long
ago) and closed-ended questions with a Likert scale
design for (b) expectations, (c) overall satisfaction,
(d) satisfaction with particular aspects of the expe-
rience, (e) self-reported pre and post-participation
knowledge, (f) intended pro-environmental behaviors
and (g) intended pro-environmental actions. Statisti-
cal analysis (Chi square test) was used for comparison
of pairs of variables.
Data from 217 questionnaires were used for the
analyses. Most respondents were female (63.7% fe-
male; 28.7% males, n=206), aged in the categories
of 25-34 and 35-44 years (31.4% and 30.9%, respec-
tively; n=208), with high levels of education (uni-
versity, 52.9%, n=206; high school, 17.5%, n=205).
Most were domestic visitors (81.6%, n=208), trav-
elling mainly as family groups (43.5%, n=209) and
Arango-Estevez, X., Carter, R. and Jacobson, C.
Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009867302050213
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 205-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
couples (22.9%, n=208). Most respondents were first
time visitors (80.3%, n=217) or had visited between
two and four times (15.2%, n=217). Of repeat visi-
tors, the majority had fed the dolphins between 1 and
5 years ago (8.5%, n=43).
3.1 Expectations
All individual items used to measure the variable
‘Visitor expectations with aspects of the interaction’
were considered ‘important’ to ‘extremely important’
by most participants. The most important expecta-
tions were opportunity to see the dolphins (91.5%,
n=223) and seeing the dolphins in their natural en-
vironment (90.5%, n=222). These were followed by
being able to get close to the dolphins (87%, n=223),
seeing dolphins easily (85.2%, n=223) and interesting
information about the dolphins (78.7%, n=223), avail-
ability of knowledgeable guides/staff (74.3%, n=222)
and opportunity to feed the dolphins (73.9%, n=222).
Gender had significant effects on the importance of
three expectations: opportunity to see the dolphins,
seeing dolphins easily and being able to get close
to the dolphins (Figure 1). These three expectations
were ‘important’ to ‘extremely important’ for most of
the visitors (92.2%, n=190).
Figure 1: Statistically significant differences between visi-
tor expectations with aspects of the interaction, and gender,
nationality and number of visits.
Visitor nationality significantly affected the im-
portance given to receiving interesting information
about the dolphins (Figure 1). Domestic visitors
found this expectation ‘important’ to ‘extremely im-
portant’ (83.3%, n=174) in contrast to international
visitors (16.7%, n=174). The number of times that re-
spondents had visited the area (first time, between 2-4
times and between 5-10 times) had a significant ef-
fect on the importance given to expectations for hav-
ing the opportunity to feed the dolphins (Fisher’s Ex-
act Test, p<0.05) (Table 1). Most first-time visitors
(82%, n=161) and a small number of visitors who
had come to Tin Can Bay between 2-4 times (18%,
n=161) found opportunity to feed the dolphins ‘im-
portant’ to ‘extremely important’.
3.2 Satisfaction
Satisfaction with aspects of the experience. Most of
participants were ‘satisfied’ to ‘extremely satisfied’
with all aspects of the experience. The aspects with
highest percentages were how close I could get to the
dolphins (92.3%, n=223) and the hygiene practices I
followed (85.1%, n=223), followed by the natural be-
havior of the dolphins (75.5%, n=223), space avail-
able for the dolphins (71.2%, n=222), number of peo-
ple in the water (59%, n=223), and the number of fish
I could feed the dolphins (57.8%, n=218). Gender,
age, level of education, number of times visited and
how long ago had no significant effect on satisfac-
tion. However, visitor nationality did affect satisfac-
tion with the number of people in the water (Table 2).
A high proportion of domestic visitors were very sat-
isfied (87%, n=131), in contrast to international visi-
tors (13%, n=131).
Overall satisfaction. Most visitors reported ‘high’
overall satisfaction (60.2%) with the experience, fol-
lowed by ‘moderate’ satisfaction (33.7%). Gender,
age, level of education and nationality did not signifi-
cantly affect overall satisfaction (Fisher’s Exact Test,
p > 0.05).
However, the number of times visited had a sig-
nificant effect (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Statistically significant differences between satis-
faction with aspects of the experience and overall satisfac-
tion with nationality and number of visits, respectively.
3.3 Pro-environmental Intended
Through participation in the dolphin feeding activity,
most visitors ‘agreed’ to ‘strongly agreed’ that ‘from
my experience today’, I now feel more strongly about
supporting conservation of marine wildlife generally
(77.1%, n=223) and supporting conservation of the
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
marine environment generally (76.2%, n=223). These
were followed by supporting conservation of dolphins
(74.9%, n=223), helping to conserve the marine en-
vironment (72.5%, n=222) and assisting marine con-
servation programs (59.2%, n=223). Gender, age,
level of education, nationality, number of times vis-
ited and how long ago had no effect on visitor inten-
tions to support conservation of marine wildlife gen-
erally (Fisher’s Exact Test, p > 0.05).
3.4 Pro-environmental Intended
Respondents felt that their participation in feeding
dolphins had between ‘considerable’ and ‘high’ ef-
fect on their level of motivation (intention) to: re-
move beach and ocean litter that could harm wildlife
and/or dolphins (68%, n=223), decrease the amount
of my personal water pollution (67%, n=223), and
assist in the protection of dolphins where possible
(64.4%, n=223). In descending order, other moti-
vations affected were to: tell others about the need
to conserve oceans and animals (62.3%, n=220), be-
come more involved in marine conservation issues
(40.5%, n=222), donate to an environment organiza-
tion (38.2%, n=220), donate time to assisting with
wildlife conservation (37.4%, n=219), and join a
wildlife or dolphin conservation organization (26.5%,
n=219). Two items had ‘no’ or ‘low’ consequences
for motivation to join a wildlife or dolphin conserva-
tion organization (35.6%, n=219) and donate time to
assist with wildlife conservation (32.4%, n=219).
Visitor gender, age and nationality did not signifi-
cantly affect intentions to remove beach and ocean lit-
ter that could harm wildlife and/or dolphins (Fisher’s
Exact test, p¿0.05). Although level of education sig-
nificantly affected intentions to donate to an environ-
ment organization. For university graduates (62%,
n=69), participation in dolphin feeding had a ‘mod-
erate’ effect on their intention to donate to an envi-
ronment organization.
Also, for the highly educated visitors (48.7%,
n=78), followed by visitors with high school educa-
tion (28.2%, n=78), participation in the dolphin feed-
ing had a significant effect on the intention to become
more involved in marine conservation issues (Figure
Figure 3: Statistically significant differences between pro-
environmental intended actions and level of education and
number of visits to the dolphin feeding experience.
The number of times (first time, between 2-
4 times, between 5-10 times) visitors attended the
feeding of dolphins significantly affected four pro-
environmental actions intentions (Fisher’s Exact test,
p¡0.05). It influenced intentions to: (a) become
more involved in marine conservation issues (Figure
3), with most respondents being first time visitors
(71.6%, n=88), followed by those who had visited
between 2-4 times (23.9%, n=88); (b) decrease the
amount of personal water pollution (Table 3) for most
respondents (67%, n=215), especially first-time visi-
tors (78.5%, n=144); (c) tell others about the need to
care for our oceans and animals (Figure 3) for most re-
spondents (62.1%, n=214), with the majority of these
being first-time visitors (78.2%, n=133); and (d) do-
nate to an environment organization (Table 3), again,
this particularly applied to first time visitors (86.8%,
n=76), followed by visitors who had been in the area
between 2-4 times (10.5%, n=76).
3.5 Knowledge Change
The comparison of self-assessed knowledge pre- and
post the feeding experience indicated that most visi-
tors (72.9%, n=217) considered they had ‘low’ knowl-
edge change, followed by those who reported ‘mod-
erate’ (24.0%, n=217) and ‘high’ change (2.8%,
n=217). Of those who reported ‘low’ knowl-
edge change, most were the tertiary trained (62.8%,
n=145), followed by high school educated respon-
dents (18.6%, n=145) and visitors with techni-
cal/TAFE education (10.3%, n=145). Gender, age,
nationality, number of times visiting, and last time
Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia
Figure 4: Statistically significant relationships between
visited had no significant effect on knowledge change
(Fisher’s Exact test, p > 0.05). However, level of
education did significantly affect knowledge change
(X2(n=199) =19.981, p=0.001, φ=0.332).
3.6 Implications of Statistically
Significant Correlations between
Significant correlations (Chi square) between vari-
ables suggest several implications for how visitors re-
spond to elements of the wildlife feeding experience
(Figure 4). Females had particularly strong expecta-
tions. They expected to see the dolphins, see them
easily and get close to them; nevertheless, further re-
search is needed to confirm gender differences.
However, that gender differences exist suggests
that knowing the type of visitor attending wildlife
tourism activities and their expectations may help in
designing experiences and/or re-orienting them to ful-
fil expectations. These findings have implications for
the management of wildlife feeding, highlighting the
relevancy of adjusting current operations. Domestic
visitors had a greater interest in learning as part of
their wildlife tourism experience. Learning and edu-
cation(Espinosa Abascal et al., 2015), (Moscardo and
Pearce, 1999), (Ryan and Huyton, 2000),(Ryan and
Huyton, 2002), have been investigated as a motive
for visiting an attraction. Which aspects of learn-
ing the dolphin-feeder domestic visitor is interested
in (e.g. personal growth) and where their motivations
for learning lie (e.g. desires or beliefs) would be valu-
able to clarify.
Feeding the dolphins was more important for first-
time feeders than for those who hadvisited previ-
ously. First-time respondents were more likely to
gain higher levels of satisfaction from their dolphin-
feeding experience than those who had participated
previously. That is, repeat visitors appeared to be
more discriminating when evaluating their satisfac-
tion of their visit. The first exposure to dolphin feed-
ing also appears to be the more influential in stimu-
lating intentions to act pro-environmentally, and de-
clines on subsequent visits. This has implications for
conservation because it shows that it would be useful
to increase engagement with first time visitors to mo-
tivate them to return to the wildlife experience. When
visitors are in situ for the first time, they are open to
suggestions to join a conservation organization and
act on the experience. Post visit communication with
visitors might reinforce messages and precipitate in-
tentions to join a conservation organization; however,
this needs to be explored. Additionally, a higher rate
of visitor return would have positive economic impli-
cations. It can bring extra revenue to the local area;
however, the locality’s carrying capacity needs to be
While the dolphin-feeding experience did moti-
vate visitors to act with some immediacy to support
marine conservation, it is not known whether the ex-
perience motivated a long-term commitment. The
dolphin-feeding experience also motivated intentions.
Higher educated visitors were more inclined to donate
to environmental organizations. This reflects avail-
ability of discretionary expenditure, but this was not
explored in this study. The higher educated also were
less likely to report a change in knowledge. Thus,
information and interpretation provided during the
feeding was perceived not to add to the knowledge
of visitors. This suggests that education and inter-
pretation elements of the experience were ineffective;
alternatively, visitors may have been already highly
informed about dolphins. The former explanation for
this result is more probable. Respondents were will-
ing to support conservation generally;however, socio-
demographic haracteristics appear not to be associ-
ated with intentions to behave to benefit the environ-
ment. Other factors may be involved.
Visitor characteristics (e.g. gender, nationality and
number of visits to the site) appear to be related to
specific factors important for the visitors. Level of
education and number of visits influenced motivation
to adopt specific pro-conservation actions. There was
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
an interplay between gender differences and expec-
tations of being close to the dolphins and sighting
them, which was more important to a higher propor-
tion of females than males. This concurs with the
literature since attitudes (precursors of expectations)
toward animals have been reported as being valued
differently by males and females (Kellert and Berry,
1987). While females tend to perceive animals from
the affective domain, males value animals for more
practical and recreational reasons (Kellert and Berry,
1987). Nevertheless, all visitors tended to value see-
ing and being close to the dolphins. Gender differ-
ences were less prominent with respect to outcomes
of the dolphin feeding experience (e.g. knowledge
change, satisfaction, pro-conservation behaviors and
actions). This contrasts with previous research where
gender was a strong predictor of behavioral intentions
and changes in environmental knowledge (Kellert and
Berry, 1987), (Stern et al., 1993).
A relationship was found, although weak, be-
tween visitor nationality and expectations of acquir-
ing information related to dolphins. This aligns
with a New Zealand study (Amante-Helweg, 1996)
that found eco-tourists attending a swimming-with-
dolphins program were interested in acquiring dol-
phin related information. The New Zealand study
concluded that visitor typology tends to change over
time, even at wildlife tourist attractions (Amante-
Helweg, 1996), (Duffus et al., 1990). In the be-
ginning, visitors are explorers and specialized (e.g.
birdwatchers). With time, a combination of both ex-
perts and generalists are attracted, and finally gen-
eralists dominate (Duffus et al., 1990). The re-
sults in this reported study showed a greater propor-
tion of domestic (Australian) dolphin feeder visitors
(81%) who had highereducation (52%), like whale-
watching tourists in West Scotland (63%) (Parsons
et al., 2003) and swimming-with dolphins’ visitors
in New Zealand (40.9%) (L
uck, 2003). They ex-
pected to improve their knowledge about cetaceans
through participation in the experience. These re-
sults emphasize the importance of developing struc-
tured wildlife programs that realistically contribute to
visitor knowledge given their inherent interest when
attending wildlife tourism experiences. Should the
animals fail to show up for a short or permanent pe-
riod, significant consequences are likely to be expe-
rienced by the tourism operator and the local com-
munity. Wildlife tourism experiences, when occur-
ring in natural settings, cannot guarantee the presence
of fauna. Thus, when designing wildlife experiences,
managers and practitioners would be prudent to con-
sider a wide range of educational resources and not
emphasize and encourage appreciation of only one
species and/or a specific number of individuals. A
successful example of this design is Tangalooma in
Moreton Island, Australia where the feeding experi-
ence is strongly promoted; however, there are alterna-
tives, such as visiting or participating in activities at
the education center (personal observation). Despite
the positive predisposition of most Tin Can Bay dol-
phin feeders to pro-environmental behaviors, further
exploration of this relationship was not possible. It
would have involved a longitudinal study of visitors’
actual behavior after they have left the site. How-
ever, the predisposition suggests managers and opera-
tors might consider providing in situ opportunities to
join conservation organizations, initiatives, or cam-
paigns or to participate in local, regional and/or na-
tional activities associated with conservation organi-
zations. This could be done by providing information
on how to be active in conserving and/or protecting
wildlife and its habitats or providing the opportunity
on-site to join these organizations.
4.1 Highest Scoring for Individual
This study showed that a high proportion of visi-
tors expected and considered as ‘important’ to ‘ex-
tremely important’ the sighting of the dolphins (92%)
in their natural environment (91%) and being close
to them (87%), ahead of being educated (79%) and
feeding them (74%). These results reflect the affinity
that humans have towards nature, despite it not be-
ing clear if this is an innate and/or learned response
(Wilson, 1984), (Knopf, 1987), (Kaplan, 1995). They
also reflect a general response to attractive and/or
charismatic species (Arango et al., 2007) such as dol-
phins (Bentrupperbaumer, 2005) and, in this case, the
qualities of S. sahulensis. This attraction to observe
has been called aesthetic appeal (Kellert, 1996), an
anthropomorphic character attributed to some verte-
brates (Amante-Helweg, 1996), (Bentrupperbaumer,
2005), as well as species rareness (Reynolds and
Braithwaite, 2001). Regardless of why people have
an affinity towards some wildlife species, efforts to
improve understanding of the species seems wise in
terms of sustaining the wildlife tourism experience,
because without visitor support, the viability of the
activity in the long term is unlikely (Moscardo and
Pearce, 1999). This study shows that sighting the dol-
phins tended to be more important, for most visitors,
than the feeding. This suggests opportunities exist
to develop alternatives that can shift visitor attention
away from the feeding component, which is associ-
ated with ethical and conservation concerns. The re-
sults also suggest how a supplementary perspective
Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia
and tourism product might buffer community impacts
should the dolphins depart the setting. Moreover, the
community of Tin Can Bay, while not economically
dependent on dolphin feeding, is vulnerable to its loss
due to the input that this activity brings to employ-
ment and financially for a community composed by
retirees (Arango-Estevez, 2018).
Given most visitors (60%) reported they were
‘very’ or ‘extremely’ satisfied with the dolphin feed-
ing experience, it seems to have met expectations;
however, there is still room for improvement. This re-
sult contrasts with an earlier study of dolphin feeding
in Tin Can Bay (Mayes et al., 2004), which found that
90 per cent of visitors reported being ‘very’ and ‘ex-
tremely’ satisfied. The drop in the percentage may be
associated with differences in the time spent close to
the dolphins and/or the physical distance between vis-
itors and dolphins. It might also be related to the level
of education1, since a higher proportion (approxi-
mately 58%) of visitors had university level educa-
tion in comparison to a lower proportion (about 40%)
of highly educated visitors in the previous study. An-
other possibility for the difference may be related to
the presence of more generalist visitors, who, while
more educated, have higher expectations. This re-
sult gives insight to the evolution status of the site,
which may be reaching a final stage of development,
where visitors become generalists and more demand-
ing (Duffus et al., 1990).
A substantial majority of visitors indicated ‘high’
satisfaction, especially with closeness to the dolphins,
but also with the dolphins’ natural behavior and hy-
giene practices followed. Expectations are indicators
of quality perception of services, products and ex-
periences that are developed after a visitor is moti-
vated with a holiday scenario or a wildlife experience
(Gnoth, 1997). Therefore, it seems that closeness to
the dolphins and on-site procedures followed are rele-
vant motivators for dolphin feeding participation and
therefore should be considered in terms of manage-
ment of wildlife tourism experiences. While close-
ness to the dolphins is facilitated by feeding, there are
two elements to closeness in the dolphin-feeding ex-
perience in Tin Can Bay. The first relates to when
visitors are close to the dolphins over an extended pe-
riod (pre-feeding) but without feeding them; the sec-
ond occurs during the short feeding period. This find-
ing was not explored in this study, but it would be
useful to know whether satisfaction with closeness to
the dolphins is more associated with the first moment,
the second, or a combination. Understanding the in-
fluence of these elements of closeness would inform
management of the contentious issue of the public
hand-feeding dolphins.
Despite most visitors being highly satisfied with
being close to the dolphins, this was not the case for
satisfaction with the time spent with the dolphins and
the number of fishes used in feeding; only about half
of the visitors felt highly satisfied. A limitation here is
that we cannot know whether this drop-in percentage
of visitors with high satisfaction, due to the amount of
time spent with the dolphins, occurred because they
only fed the dolphins and may have not spent time
with them in the pre-feeding moment. The other drop
in percentage of visitors highly satisfied was due to
the amount of fishes given to the dolphins. This result
suggests a lack of structure (Newsome and Rodger,
2008) and understanding about the practice of feed-
ing dolphins. As suggested previously (Newsome and
Rodger, 2008), (O’Neill et al., 2004), best practices
and on-site interpretation can help to make visitors
more aware, responsible and knowledgeable about the
risks versus benefits of hand-feeding wildlife. With
improvement in education (interpretation messages)
and appropriate management (e.g. re-structure of
crowds and location) of dolphin feeding in Tin Can
Bay, an improvement in visitor satisfaction might be
expected in a wider variety of aspects of the feeding
Visitors were satisfied with hygiene practices.
This confirms that explained management proce-
dures, and their benefits, leads to support for the prac-
tices (Kessler and Harcourt, 2010). In previous re-
search on swimming-with-dolphins, despite a mis-
match between visitors’ initial elevated expectations
of the activity, and a posteriori application of guide-
lines within a Code of Practice, the management pro-
cedures were supported by tourists (O’Neill et al.,
2004). In the present study, it appears that restruc-
ture of the current operation in Tin Can Bay to a best
practice standard is possible without affecting visitor
satisfaction, whether explanation is provided or not.
Such changes may enhance benefits for visitors and
reduce potential detrimental impacts on S. sahulen-
sis (although there is no current empirical evidence
that the feeding has negative impacts on the species
and its population in the Great Sandy Strait). How-
ever, some tourism operators are reluctant to imple-
ment changes due to fears associated with visitor re-
action to new rules and the possibility of a reduc-
tion in their attendance to the wildlife experiences
(cf. (Moscardo and Saltzer, 2004)). The results sug-
gest that these fears may be unfounded if effective
interpretation is provided. Thus, conservation agen-
cies or private organizations managing wildlife inter-
action experiences should develop strategies to show
evidence to tourism operators and visitors of the ben-
efits for themselves and the wildlife when new man-
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
agement practices are implemented. Most visitors
reported low knowledge acquired after participation
in the dolphin feeding and, coincidently, most were
highly educated. This suggests that either interpreta-
tion messages delivered in Tin Can Bay do not meet
the expectations of the well-educated clientele or that
visitors are specialized and knowledgeable in subjects
related to cetaceans and specifically dolphins. The
findings indicate that the interpretation messages de-
livered in situ are basic and not to the standard ex-
pected by educated visitors. This suggests that on-site
interpretation can be improved. However, some cau-
tion is advisable, because participants self-reported
knowledge change, rather than an assessment of ac-
tual knowledge change. In addition, whether the feed-
ing experience is reaching a final stage of develop-
ment where generalists, although highly educated, are
dominating the clientele is worth further investigation
(Amante-Helweg, 1996), (cf. (Duffus et al., 1990)).
This is likely to be relevant in creating dolphin feeder
profiles that would inform development of best prac-
tice guidelines that focus on interpretation and educa-
tion to targeted audiences. This could then improve
visitor satisfaction by prioritizing enjoyment from the
whole experience ahead of feeding as entertainment:
the emphasis being placed on fostering respect, ap-
preciation and ethical values relating to wildlife and
nature in general (see (Newsome and Rodger, 2008)),
(Garrod et al., 2007).
In the study previously conducted in Tin Can Bay,
47 per cent of visitors reported, post experience, that
their knowledge about dolphins had ‘increased a lot’
((Mayes et al., 2004), p.46); whereas inthe present
study, only 2.8 per cent reported high knowledge
change. Divergent results may be related to educa-
tion levels and improved access to dolphin-related in-
formation through the internet, social networks (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter) and television2. However, these
results indicate that wildlife tourism participants are
seeking value-added learning, but opportunities are
missing due to the lack and delay of implementa-
tion of best practices that emphasize education, sat-
isfaction and safety. Visitors reported intentions and
motivation to practice pro conservation behavior af-
ter participation in dolphin feeding. They ‘agreed’
to ‘strongly agreed’ to support conservation of ma-
rine wildlife (77%) and their environment (76%) and
specifically in conservation of dolphins (75%), and
helping and assisting in conserving the marine en-
vironment and marine conservation programs (59%).
Intentions to undertake specific actions were also very
positive. However, most visitors were more motivated
to undertake actions that required less effort (e.g. re-
moving potentially harmful litter for wildlife and/or
dolphins (68%) and decreasing personal amount of
water pollution (67%). These results match the find-
ings of (Mayes et al., 2004)(Orams, 1997), where ac-
tions requiring more effort had a lower proportion of
visitors intending act in this way (e.g. becoming more
involved in environmental issues and donating money
to environmental organizations).
4.2 Outcomes of the Dolphin Feeding
Experience and Interactions
While information and interpretation presented in Tin
Can Bay, at the time of this study, was limited and
unstructured (personal observation), it seems to have
had an influence on some visitor outcomes (overall
satisfaction and intention to collect dolphin-harming
beach and ocean litter). As found by others, the
dolphin-feeding tourism experience encouraged vis-
itors to undertake specific actions beneficial to the en-
vironment and the species (cf. (Orams, 1997)). In the
context of an Interactional Theory approach, dolphin-
feeding tourism in Tin Can Bay does evoke short term
and in situ positive outcomes in visitors (e.g. overall
satisfaction, self-perceived confidence in intentions
to adopt pro-conservation behaviors, and specific in-
tentions such as becoming active in conservation of
wildlife and their environment). Current management
of dolphin feeding in Tin Can Bay, including oper-
ation design and information and interpretation de-
livery, appears to have limited influence on motivat-
ing active roles in conservation, which is likely to be
diluted after visitors leave the setting. Best practice
tourism wildlife interactions demand that visitors take
home a strong conservation message beyond what can
be engendered, haphazardly, by the emotion-evoking
feelings of enjoyment of the experience.
Visitors’ socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. gen-
der, nationality, number of visits to the site), with di-
rect exposure to, and interaction with dolphins in nat-
ural settings, were shown to influence visitor expec-
tations of the experience. Level of education, number
of visits and expectations of the experience can influ-
ence outcomes from the experience (e.g. knowledge
change, overall satisfaction, pro-environmental be-
haviors and specific pro-environmental actions). Gen-
der influenced expectations of seeing the dolphins,
seeing them easily and being close to them. Na-
tionality influenced expectations of receiving infor-
mation about the dolphins. More educated and first-
time visitors recognized the knowledge acquired dur-
Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia
ing dolphin feeding was limited. However, increased
knowledge still influenced intentions to be more ac-
tive donors to environmental organizations. Num-
ber of visits to the dolphin feeding activity, espe-
cially for first-time visitors, influenced intentions to
be more pro-active towards the environment (e.g. do-
nating money, giving time) including making changes
at personal levels (e.g. decreasing personal water
pollution). The first-time visit also seems to be an
important stimulus influencing overall satisfaction in
visitors. This study showed that satisfaction with
closeness to the dolphins is a desired outcome of
the dolphin feeding experience and should be con-
sidered in terms of best practice and better manage-
ment of the experience and in re-thinking existing
experience structure and design. If wildlife experi-
ences are not well structured and within a context of
a code of best practice, and guidance is not given in
situ in how to behave after participation, it is likely
that the conservation benefits of the experience will
be lost. Experiences should be orientated to deliver
adequate closeness to the wildlife and effective inter-
pretation, which, in turn, can have strong positive in-
fluence on visitor satisfaction and enjoyment and in
the long term, can bring conservation benefits for the
wildlife and associated environment.
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the dolphin feeding activity in Tin Can Bay for their
support for and participation in this research; to the
Sustainability Research Centre and the University of
the Sunshine Coast, Australia for the funding and con-
tinuous support, and to CONICYT (BECAS-Chile)
for the PhD scholarship to the first author.
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Tourist Characteristics Influence Outcomes When Feeding Australian Humpback Dolphins in South East Queensland, Australia