Review of VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) and Countermeasure
against DOS Attack
Muhammad Ananda Fauzan
, Selo Sulistyo
and I Wayan Mustika
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
VANET, MANET, Security, Node, Communication, Autonomous Vehicles, ITS.
VANET technology is a sub-domain of MANET that being used in vehicles. This technology able to improve
the security for drivers because it provides communication features between vehicles. Vehicles will act as a
nodes and supporting infrastructure. VANET is susceptible to various types of attacks such as Denial of Ser-
vice (DoS) because it is still on the development phase, increasing security for this technology will guarantee
the implementation on actual conditions. Various attacks that occurs will be classified and determined which
ones gives the heaviest impact and disrupt the performance of VANET. The use of VANET technology will
help to create traffic that are able to improve the security and comforting users on the road. Thus, applied the
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) can ensuring a friendly environment for safety traffic.
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a develop-
ment of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), VANET
is a combination of vehicles equipped with wireless
devices. Communication occurs on the highway be-
tween vehicles with other vehicles, vehicles with in-
frastructure, namely the Road Side Unit (RSU). Com-
munication between vehicles and RSU is referred to
as the Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The aim of
VANET is to help people avoid vehicle accidents, ac-
cording to the US Department of Transportation (US-
DOT). ITS is intended to describe how vehicles can be
connected to overcome some problems such as safety
and the environment.
VANET has several possible attacks, Sybil at-
tacks, timing attacks, replay attacks, routing attacks,
DOS attacks are a few examples. This can be seen
from the motives of the perpetrators, as well as the
use of security holes in accordance with the security
requirements that are targeted.
Literature process begins with finding reference pa-
per from several sources like IEEE and Scopus jounal
database. Filtering selection of the paper that will be
reviewed in this study based on the date the paper was
published (range of years: from 2010-2018) and the
quality of journal based on the number of citations.
The data used in this review related to the technology,
and research journals on computer science and engi-
neering, IEEE Review in Engineering.
Keywords that are being used to find an appropri-
ate paper such as ”Autonomous Vehicles”, “VANET”,
and ”DOS Attack”. The main focus in the analysis
of a paper is in the parts of the method and discus-
sion. The obtained information from the sources pa-
per then recorded and will present on discussion and
finding part. We will discuss the objectives and meth-
ods that being used on each paper. In total, there are
11 reference paper related with attack on VANET that
obtained by filtering process.
3.1 VANET Architecture
The architecture of VANET consists of: On Board
Unit (OBU), Application Unit (AU) which is part of
the OBU, RSU and network access.
a. On Board Unit (OBU): in the form of a Global Po-
sitioning System (GPS) module, wireless commu-
nication module, Central Control Module (CCM),
and user interface. CCM acts as a serial port pro-
cessor, memory, and transceiver data. Supporting
Dedicated Short range Communication (DSRC)
Fauzan, M., Sulistyo, S. and Mustika, I.
Review of VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) and Countermeasure against DoS Attack.
DOI: 10.5220/0009865901270132
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 127-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Literature process.
is also a function of OBU. DSRC regulates the
sender of security and status between vehicles
within a certain range (Kumar et al., 2017).
b. Application Unit (AU): additional components in
the OBU to facilitate communication using the
program, in the form of a physical component
connected to the OBU. AU only deals with net-
works through OBU and performs tasks related to
safety applications related to vehicle mobility and
network functions (Krishna, 2017).
c. Road Side Unit (RSU): network support devices,
usually physical and permanent, are placed at
the end of the road or around the intersection,
supporting devices that are equated with traffic
lights, serve to increase signal coverage and inter-
OBU data distribution and communication be-
tween RSU to reach OBU in the other region (Ku-
mar et al., 2017).
Figure 2: VANET architecture
3.2 Security Requirements and
Potential Attack
Authentication, ensuring that messages sent by vehi-
cles are authentic and genuine, those messages com-
ing from clients that have been recognized and regis-
tered on the network are used to prevent the spread
of messages that are not authentic and aim to dis-
rupt the network and affect user safety. Integrity, the
message sent is not changed by the sender to the re-
cipient. Non- repudiation, the transmission of mes-
sages that have been sent cannot be denied by the
sender. Availability, the system must always be avail-
able and accessible under any circumstances. Confi-
dentiality, guarantees that message transmission can
only be accessed by users who have been authenti-
cated and closely related to user privacy, if it comes
from another user who is not authenticated then the
message can be ignored (Sumra et al., 2011)(Luck-
shetty et al., 2016).
Some examples of threat attacks that can occur in
accordance with security requirements:
Table 1: Security Requirements and Potential Attack
Security Require-
Potential Attack
Availability DoS, DDoS, black
hole, spamming mal-
Confidentiality Timing attack, home
attack, man-in-the-
middle attack, traffic
Analysis, brute
force attack, bogus
information, ID
Authentication and
Node impersonation,
replay attack, tun-
neling, GPS spoof-
ing, message sup-
pression, sybil attack
3.3 Type of Attacker
Determining the attacker’s motives for carrying out
attacks on VANET is difficult because it is unpre-
dictable. In order to prevent and help anticipate this,
the motives and reasons for the attackers are grouped
into several types.
Some of these types are insider, active, extended,
and malicious, independent, dependent, outsider, pas-
sive, local, and rational, intentional, and uninten-
tional. This is done to better understand the habits
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
of attackers so that attacks can be more easily antici-
pated. These types are also used as markers and pri-
ority giving (Sumra et al., 2013).
a. Insider & Outsider: Insider is a network user who
has been authenticated and has access to the net-
work. Outsiders are individuals or groups of at-
tackers whose capacity to attack is limited.
b. Malicious & rational: malicious is an attacker
type that only has the motive to damage and dis-
rupt the functions of network services. Nationally,
attackers who have a goal to gain profits, in prac-
tice, are more predictable.
c. Active & Passive: active attacks with the aim of
changing content, signals, and packages. Passive
attacks that aim to analyze information on the net-
d. Independent: the attacker has an independent na-
ture of the network, so it does not depend on other
things in the attack process.
e. Intentional: is the personal purpose of an attacker
who intentionally interferes with the work of the
network in order to create problems for the user
when accessing the network.
f. Dependent: is a group of attackers that are inter-
dependent with one another intentionally carrying
out specific attacks. Coordinate in groups when
carrying out attacks.
g. Unintentional: accidentally involved in network
damage that occurs and causes various network
problems to users. Usually occurs in the process
of operation and transmission on the network.
(Malla and Sahu, 2013) the types of attacks that
can be carried out are grouped into five attack classes.
This types of attack determine which one gives most
impact based on their classes.
3.3.1 1st Class Network Attack
Directly affects communication whether the media is
used such as infrastructure or other vehicles, some ex-
amples of attacks are as follows :
a. Denial of Service (DOS Attack)
Attacks carried out on communication media
cause interference to the node in accessing the
network. Blocking nodes (vehicles) that have au-
thentication to access network services, as well
as infrastructure in the form of RSU (as access
points). There are three level of DoS Attack the
attacker use to disrupt communication (Pathre,
2013)(Rampaul et al., 2016):
(1) Overwhelm the node resources
This level attacker focuses on nodes to disrupt
communication, to overwhelm the resources
so nodes become busy, by sending unique
messages continuously so they are not able to
do their job in verifying messages to be sent or
received. Make the victim unable to access the
In other cases the attacker attacks the RSU,
causing a busy condition when verifying the
message from the attacker so that other nodes
will not be able to get reply from the RSU,
resulting in the service becoming unavailable.
Figure 3: Overwhelm the resources node and infrastructure.
(2) Jamming the channel
At this level the attack is carried out by di-
rectly jamming the channel, make the users
unable to access the network. The attacker
sends frequencies to a particular domain, so
that the domain and its surroundings cannot ac-
cess the network, users can re-use the service
when leaving the domain.
In other cases the attacker attacks using certain
frequencies to jam the infrastructure. At this
stage sending and receiving messages from and
or to other nodes is not possible because it make
the network inacessible.
(3) Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Execute DoS attacks from various locations.
The attack will take place at different times, the
attacker’s habits will be different for each ob-
ject of attack (vehicle). The purpose of an at-
tack is the same as DoS, but it is done at dif-
ferent locations and times on the same target.
The attack can also be done on V2I Communi-
b. Node Impersonation
On VANET each vehicle has its own unique
identity that is used to verify the message sent,
in a critical case such as an accident the message
sent will be crucial make this unique identity is
needed so that the wrong message is not sent
Review of VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) and Countermeasure against DoS Attack
to other users. This attack aims to change the
message from the original node by modifying the
attacker’s identity and when received by other
users it remains detected as a message from the
original sender.
Figure 4: Node impersonation
c. Sybil Attack
This type of attack manipulates the attacker’s
vehicle, creating the identity of the attacker’s
vehicle to have the same identity as the others,
each vehicle seeing the attacker at a different
location at the same time. In Figure 5 Vehicle
A duplicates its identity so that it is detected to
fill the road. The main goal of an attacker is
the ability to control the direction of the other
vehicle’s (Pathre, 2013).
Figure 5: Sybil attack
3.3.2 2nd class Application Attack
The attacker’s main motive for this attack is to change
the content on the application (safety and non-safety)
that is used for its own purposes. Types of safety ap-
plications such as warning information on the road,
the attacker will change the warning content into false
info that can result in an accident.
Figure 6: Safety application attack
In non-safety applications the information pro-
vided is in the form of conditions outside the traffic
so that if changed it will not cause dangerous condi-
3.3.3 3rd Class Timing Attack
Gives delay to the message / information sent, so the
message will be late until it enters the expiration time.
Figure 7: Non-safety application attack
The first information (1) is conveyed to the closest
vehicle that is to the attacker’s vehicle, then because
the information was not delivered on time there was
a second accident (2) involving the vehicle behind it.
In the safety application, time is the most crucial thing
because the message must be received directly at that
time if not the main function of the application will
be lost.
Figure 8: Timing attack
3.3.4 4th Class Social Attack
An attack intended to influence the emotions of the
user. Through the messages aiming to generate angry
behavior from the user when the message is received
by the user.
3.3.5 5th Class Monitoring Attack
The attacker will monitor the communication that oc-
curs on V2I and V2V, when the information needed
has been obtained it will be channeled to the other at-
tackers who need it.
3.4 Solution to Prevent Attack
In its application there are several models to prevent
certain types of attacks that can occur on the VANET.
(Hasbullah et al., 2010). This first model relies on
the OBU’s ability in each vehicle to make a decision
to block DoS attacks, in its application the process-
ing unit is able to recommend OBU to select antici-
pation, according to the type of attack OBU has 4 op-
tions that can be done; Channel switching, Technol-
ogy switching, Frequency hopping spread spectrum
(FHSS), Multiple Radio Transceiver. New informa-
tion can be received and forwarded to users by OBU
after going through the process and selecting the most
appropriate technology.
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
Figure 9: Model of OBU features
(VIPIN and Chhillar, 2018). The Group Con-
trolled Analysis Model is analyzing the types of nodes
that are dangerous and harmless based on several pa-
rameters compared namely the direction, position,
and speed of the vehicle. As shown on Table 2 is the
result of the model.
Table 2: Result of the method
Measure Per-
Throughput 517.48 743.47
PDR 83.16 87.27
4.87 0.83
The results of the analysis of these parameters de-
tect communication carried out by nodes that do no
harm to produce communication that does not affect
delay, response time, and communication loss. It is an
observation of communication problems at an early
stage. Being able to ensure communication occurs
more effectively to the small scope of the vehicle, in
blocking the occurrence of DDoS attacks.
(Kolandaisamy et al., 2018). Multivariant Stream
Analysis, MVSA consists of several stages in detect-
ing DDoS attacks on the network. There are 3 algo-
rithms used in detecting the attack of the first algo-
rithm for classification, the second algorithm is a set
of rules generated from calculations, algorithm 3 will
give the final result.
a. Preprocessing Stage
Begin the classification phase of safety and non-
safety applications in traffic by collecting logs on
packages containing information.
b. Multivariant Stream Weight Stage
The algorithm is used at this stage to calculate
weights to detect DDoS attacks.
Ap f
The payload value (Ap), is the value of bandwidth
that is affected by the frequency of the package
(Apf). hop count (Ahc) depends on TTL (Attl).
As shown in equations (1).
Masw = Σ
Time divided by number of time windows (24) as
per hour count into one time window assume this
calculation to detect in one day make it 24 time
windows. As shown in equations (2).
c. DDoS Mitigation Stage
It is the final stage of the MVSA method, doing
a trace on the first node then preprocessing it in
the log, the preprocessing stage generates a rule /
standard and produces a value / weight that will
be used to detect the problematic packet. Using
algorithm 3, the detection results from the pack-
age will be known.
Dist(Ri.Pl, P.Pl)
The value calculated for the package received
must be of a certain size (σ) at a certain time win-
dow (Ti). The algorithm must calculate the dis-
tance (Dist) between the rules and features (Ri)
extracted for the packet received. The value calcu-
lated for the package received must be of a certain
size (σ) at a certain time window (Ti). The algo-
rithm must calculate the distance (Dist) between
the rules and features (Ri) extracted for the packet
received. As shown in equation (3).
IFMASM < MASW&&MASM <> Ri.Features
Comparison between MASM and (MASW and
MASM) is the end result in computational algo-
rithms to detect DDoS attacks.
After observing the communication in traffic
against various different situations such as net-
work trace, payload, the amount of data generated
by the packet, then hop count (a number of mes-
sages from the node that must be sent to reach the
destination), time to live (duration of data trans-
mission on the network). Four (4) features are
calculated to produce a rule and weight which can
classify an authentic or dangerous a package is.
The result show that MVSA outperform the other
3 methods (H-IDS, Multi Filter, Trilateral trust) in
term of throughput, detection accuracy, detection
time, delivery ratio, packet delay, packet drop ra-
tio. Figure 11 shows result on delivery ratio.
Review of VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) and Countermeasure against DoS Attack
Figure 10: Delivery ratio
From the research that has been done, it can be con-
cluded that based on the security requirements and
types of attacks that can occur in vanet, network avail-
ability is the first and most important thing because it
is related to network services, if not available, users
will lose the benefits of safety and non-safety appli-
In order to be used properly, network services
must be available at all times, but attacks on DoS
that are carried out can result in availability being dis-
rupted. This attack is categorized as the first class be-
cause it diverts services from the start and prevents
sending information between nodes and infrastruc-
In this paper, we describe the vanet architecture,
attack type, type of attack, several methods and mod-
els to cancel and reduce the risk of attacks, not only
DoS also includes DDoS. The most important thing
is to maintain availability on the network, messages
generated by VANET services must be guaranteed
and provide benefits to users.
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ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management