Geography, E-Learning and a Course in Peatland Ecosystems and
Climate Change Science
Jay Samek
, David Skole
, Rony Teguh
, Hendrik Segah
and Siti Maimunajh
Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Rd., Rm 101, East Lansing, MI 48823 USA
University of Palangka Raya, Kampus UPR Tunjung Nyaho, Jl. Yos Sudarso Palangka Raya 73112, Central Kalimantan,
Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya, Jl. RTA Milono KM 1, 5, Langkai, Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya,
Kalimantan Tengah 73111, Indonesia
E-learning, Peatland Ecosystems, Bahasa Indonesia, Geographic proximity, Climate Change
The proximity of universities to specific environments or ecosystems creates advantages for developing e-
learning courses. E-learning and advances in internet technologies also help to shrink the gap between more
remote and less remote universities. Using the example of a recently developed e-learning course on Peatland
Ecosystems and Climate Change Science, we explore the impacts of geographic location, advances in ICT,
the use of Bahasa Indonesia (as opposed to English), and Indonesian scholarship in an e-learning course.
We analyze this through a review and description of the on-line course, comparison to other relevant and
thematically related e-learning systems available to users, and from a survey questionnaire to a limited number
of participants.
Geography matters. The location of something,
where it is on the Earth, is important. Where this
something is in relationship, in proximity, to other
things is also important. For example, a city that is
close to an area’s natural resources and is also lo-
cated at a port has an advantage in terms of economic
trade, imports and exports, over an inland city that is
far from these natural resources. Technological ad-
vances and infrastructure development, like roads and
rails, can shrink or reduce the relative advantage of
the port city over the inland city. In similar fashion, a
University’s location impacts its relative advantage or
disadvantage to other Universities.
This paper explores the role of geographic loca-
tion, technological advances, e-learning and digital
information in shrinking the divide between Universi-
ties located in hinterlands (or in developing countries)
and those located near Capital cities (or in developed
countries). We discuss this through the lens of a re-
cently developed five-module, on-line course on Peat-
land Ecosystems and Climate Change Science. The
course was developed through a collaborative effort
by Michigan State University (MSU), the University
of Palangka Raya (UPR), and Muhammadiyah Uni-
versity of Palangka Raya (UMP) as part of an activity
funded by the USAID LESTARI program. The course
demonstrates the value and utility of thematic content
(in this case the Peatland Forests) related to locality
and proximity of the on-line course developers (UPR
and UMP) in Central Kalimantan. Proximity supports
the first-hand knowledge and expertise beneficial to
delivering high quality educational material.
We explore the ideas regarding influence of proxim-
ity, ICT advances, the use of Indonesia scholarship
and Bahasa Indonesia language in leveling the play-
ing field between remote and less remote higher learn-
ing opportunities through (1) a review and description
of the on-line course, (2) comparison to other relevant
and thematically related e-learning systems available
to users, and (3) analysis of a survey questionnaire
to a limited number of participants (n = 31). This is
a descriptive analysis method based on observations
rather than a correlational, quasi-experimental or ex-
perimental research designed paper.
Samek, J., Skole, D., Teguh, R., Segah, H. and Maimunah, S.
Geography, E-Learning and a Course in Peatland Ecosystems and Climate Change Science.
DOI: 10.5220/0009865300910097
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 91-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution,
is the term-of-art given to the current realities of au-
tomation and data exchange in manufacturing tech-
nologies. The term encompasses several areas spe-
cific or related to information and communications
technology (ICT), such as cyber-physical systems,
the internet of things, and cloud computing (Hen-
ning et al., 2013)(Lasi et al., 2014)(Hermann et al.,
2016)). The societal impacts resulting from the vari-
ous technological advances of Industry 4.0 are numer-
ous (Bauer et al., 2015) and include changes to edu-
cation and learning (Baygin et al., 2016)(Huba and
ak, 2016).
In today’s world access to information and data
via the internet and mobile platforms is itself a revolu-
tion. Smart phones, tablets, laptops computers, high-
speed Wi-Fi and fiber optics, data storage capacity
tied to database software and servers; these are simply
a few of the technologies rapidly changing people’s
ability to access data and information. We can review
how advances in nanotechnologies have transformed
information processing and storage (Goodnick et al.,
2018), or the changes mobile cloud computing have
made on Big Data applications (Stergiou and Psan-
nis, 2017) or the advances in wireless and Internet-of-
Things (IoT) enable networks (Jan et al., 2019) to un-
derstand the transformative changes in internet tech-
nologies over the past quarter century. A paper pub-
lished by Deryn Watson thirteen years ago in 2006 ti-
tled “Understanding the relationship between ICT and
education means exploring innovation and change”
provides an appropriate description of the changes in
internet technologies (Watson, 2006).
“In 1985 having micro-computers in schools was
still relatively novel. . . Twenty years later the land-
scape is dominated by PCs and laptops, mobile tech-
nology, the Internet and Worldwide Web—a digital
world of interconnectivity. The hardware is relatively
cheap, with virtually unlimited memory, power and
connectivity devices.
These advances and the democratization of data
and information have emerged to also support e-
learning (Fry, 2001)(Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015).
[Defining e-learning is an on-going debate within
the community (Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015) and
is beyond the scope of this paper.] We note that
e-learning models can be quite diverse (e.g. syn-
chronous or asynchronous) and the terminology quite
varied (e.g. learning management systems, blended
learning, flipped classrooms, massive open online
course or MOOC, etc.).
The course developed by MSU/UPR/UMP is affil-
iated with the universities but taking the course does
not require matriculating or registering with the uni-
versity nor is the course transcriptable. Our Peat-
land Ecosystems and Climate Change Science on-line
course, therefore, more closely resembles a MOOC
course – in that it is free and open to the public.
There are numerous, similar e-learning opportu-
nities available in the related areas of forest ecol-
ogy, forest management and climate change. The
UN-REDD Programme, which is a United Nations
Collaborative Programme (FAO, UNDP, UNEP) in
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest
Degradation (REDD+) in developing countries, hosts
the REDD+ Academy and offers two free on-line
courses: (1) the Fundamentals of REDD+ and (2) Ad-
vancing on REDD+. The World Bank Group man-
ages the on-line Open Learning Campus which serves
as a clearing house for a variety of e-learning content
(archived webinar, Bite+, community of practice, data
visualization, facilitated eLearning, game/interactive,
infographic, knowledge note, MOOC and podcast).
A search on the key words climate change and forests
returned 720 results, of these, only four are MOOCs
and three are facilitated eLearning. A search on the
World Bank Group’s Open Learning Campus with the
key words peatland forests returned 32 results, none
of which were MOOCs or facilitated eLearning. Har-
vardX is an on-line resource that offers free courses
from Harvard University. A key word search for cli-
mate change and forests did not return any results, nor
did the search for peatland forests. A key word search
for climate change resulted in 63 results and a search
for forest resulted in eight results.
Learning material in non-English languages is
also limited. The Peatland Ecosystems and Climate
Change Science on-line course is more that 90%
Bahasa Indonesia. The World Bank Group’s Open
Learning Campus has some courses offered in Span-
ish, French, Portuguese, the HarvardX platform in
French, Chinese and Spanish, and the two UN-REDD
REDD+ Academy courses, according to the website,
will be available in Spanish and French in May/June
2019, however, there are no courses related to cli-
mate change and forests through these three resources
available in Bahasa Indonesia.
Notable in Indonesia too is the Ministry of Re-
search, Technology and Higher Education’s (RIS-
TEKDIKTI) emphasis and support for developing
e-learning capacity throughout the country. RIS-
TEKDIKTI Minister Nasir called for an increased en-
rollment rate in e-learning in Feb 2019. In March
2019, Secretary General of Kemenristekdikti, Ainun
Na’im, conveyed the importance of developing ICT
infrastructure related specifically to the benefit of
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
universities and e-learning. E-learning is not com-
pletely new to Indonesia, though it is in its infancy.
In May 2018, RISTEKDIKTI Minister Nasir for-
mally launched the Ministry’s hybrid learning sys-
tem named Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA)
Indonesia. SPADA offers open lectures and open
courses on a wide range of educational topics. The
on-line platform, IndonesiaX has been operational
since 2015 and began offering courses from HavardX
starting in 2016 (Post, 2016). To date, however, In-
donesiaX only offers one course related to the topic
of environment and none specifically about peatland
forests or climate change.
The ve-module on-line course developed by
MSU/UPR/UMP uses Moodle, an open source,
course management system learning platform. The
course is deployed using the Moodle platform from
an Amazon Web Services node in Singapore. The
course is focused on Peatland Ecosystems and Cli-
mate Change Science, topics of great importance to
the province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (Fig.
1). Approximately 95% of the learning material in the
course is in Bahasa Indonesia and most of the required
literature for the five modules are authored by Indone-
sian scientists (Table 1). The module contents draw
on a variety of digital resources: You Tube streaming
videos, scientific publications in PDF format, active
websites with media content and tools, Google Earth,
etc. (Table 2). The course is essentially a mash-up in
ICT terminology.
Access to the on-line course is through one of two
portals hosted at UPR and UMP. Log-in credentials
are required.
The five-module course is designed as an asyn-
chronous learning environment. Students or learners
may go at their own pace through the course. There
are specific learning objectives and learning outcomes
for each module. The modules can be completed in
any order. Each module is estimated to take between 8
– 12 hours. Modules include quizzes, accessible only
after specific content has been viewed, that require
a passing grade. The quizzes are multiple choice,
true/false, and matching type questions. Each module
has a 50-question final exam that is accessible only af-
ter the module quizzes have been successfully passed.
A learner can access a module Certificate of Comple-
tion when the exam is passed. If all five module ex-
ams are successfully passed the learner can access a
Course Certificate of Completion.
The target learner group for the course includes
advanced university undergraduate students, univer-
sity graduate level students and provincial and dis-
trict level professionals at government institutions and
NGOs working in the field of forestry, natural re-
source management or similar areas.
The course was launched recently at a USAID
TUNITIES, in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan
held 25 April 2019. Most of the audience were lo-
cal to Palangka Raya. Three individuals came from
Aceh Province and three people came from Jakarta.
We conducted a brief survey at the symposium and
had 31 respondents. The survey consisted of the fol-
lowing four questions:
1. E-learning and on-line courses will have a
2. Greater and greater role to play in higher educa-
tion learning in the near future.
3. The best future path for higher education in In-
donesia is . . . ?
4. I feel that the USAID LESTARI LMS Course on
Peatland Ecology and Climate Change Science is
useful and appropriate for . . . ?
5. I would like to see an LMS Course deliver mate-
rial and content on this topic.
The first two questions in the survey were in-
tended to help us gauge the general tenor and ac-
ceptance among our audience of e-learning in gen-
eral and asynchronous models specifically. The third
question provided some insight as to the level of user
and whether our course content matched our intended
user target level. The last question has provided in-
formation on the topics that are of most interest for
additional content or new courses among our respon-
The results of the survey (Figure 4) show, at least
in our symposium audience (n = 31), that nearly all,
96%, agree or strongly agree that e-learning and on-
line courses will have a greater and greater role to play
in higher education learning in the near future. Nearly
two-thirds (65%) strongly agree. All respondents feel
that on-line courses or a mix of on-line and traditional
Geography, E-Learning and a Course in Peatland Ecosystems and Climate Change Science
classroom courses are the best path forward for higher
education in Indonesia. More than two-thirds (71%)
feel it should be a mix of on-line and traditional class-
room courses, while a little less than one third (29%)
feel that on-line courses with an instructor are the best
path forward. No respondent chose traditional class-
room only or chose on-line course without an instruc-
tor. This last choice bodes poorly, in the case of the
MSU/UPR/UMP on-line course, which is an asyn-
chronous, no instructor course.
Figure 1: Indonesian authors and publications used in the
Course (partial list).
Figure 2: List of URLs for digital resources used in the
course (partial list).
Figure 3: On-line Course on Peatland Ecosystems and Cli-
mate Change Science.
The respondents seem split regarding the tar-
get audience for the MSU/UPR/UMP on-line course.
While nearly all felt that the content was not suited
toward senior high school students (only 5%) the re-
maining five categories of user types where identi-
fied almost equally (18% for four categories and 23%
for university faculty and staff). This may be a re-
sult of the respondents having little or no actual time
for themselves reviewing the course material and only
receiving a short preview of its content during the
symposium talks and brief live demonstration. It is
likely that with additional time for users to log in and
work through the modules we would see a narrowing
of the user type in one direction or another; that is
toward professionals and higher-level students or to-
ward lower level students. We will continue to seek
review of the course content in order to understand
the utility of the material for the audience we intent to
Figure 4: List of URLs for digital resources used in the
course (partial list).
Figure 5: Survey Question 4.
Responses to the final survey question, which was
open ended, do indicate an interest in the current
course content (biodiversity, social forestry, climate
change, environmental policy, etc.) and a desire for
specific thematic areas that could either be a part of
a current course module or be developed as a stand-
alone module or even an entire course (Figure 5). The
range too is from basic science or fundamental infor-
mation (e.g. environmental awareness education ma-
terial, basic material and climate change on the envi-
ronment peat) to applied information and content (e.g.
technological management materials and sustainable
use of peat, marketing of peatland products). We see
in these responses the idea that e-learning courses and
content can be useful to students during their edu-
cational year and to professionals who are working
directly in the field of natural resource management,
sustainable forestry and the like.
We return now to our first statement, geography
matters. It is without question, partly due to histori-
cal developments, that universities in proximity to the
capital city, Jakarta, or on Java, as well as to other
large provincial capital cities in Indonesia (Surabaya,
Medan, Semarang, etc.) receive an unequal share
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
of resources and benefits than universities in or near
smaller cities and less populated provinces in Indone-
sia. The city of Palanka Raya is ranked well below the
top 20 in terms of population. This is not a judgement
statement, only a fact. And while Palangka Raya is
not one of the larger provincial capitals, it is in one
of the most environmentally and ecologically impor-
tant areas, not only in Indonesia, or Southeast Asia,
but in the world. The vast extent of peatland soils and
the remaining orangutan habitat of Central Kaliman-
tan are of nearly unequal importance in terms of cli-
mate change and biodiversity (Wibowo, 2009)(Mus-
tari et al., 2010). Universities located in Palangka
Raya are, therefore, quite literally uniquely positioned
with respect to these vital ecological and environmen-
tal areas. Faculty and staff focused on climate change,
biodiversity, peatland forests and ecosystems, who
work at Palangka Raya universities, have the advan-
tage over others simply by their location, their prox-
imity to these ecosystems. This is not to say that
experts from abroad or from other Indonesian uni-
versities or government agencies don’t exists. They
do exist (Rieley et al., 2008)(Dharmawan, 2014)(Wi-
bowo et al., 2016) and they often gain their expertise
through collaboration with faculty and staff at the uni-
versities in Palangka Raya. Geography matters. Lo-
cation and proximity are important.
The faculty and staff at universities in Palangka
Raya are uniquely positioned to develop material
and teach subjects related to the peatland ecosystems
through a variety of academic disciplines: soil sci-
ence, hydrology, land use and land cover change,
climate science, forestry, biodiversity, social sci-
ence (livelihoods), economics (including valuation of
ecosystem services), geo-spatial science, etc. Fac-
ulty at Harvard, or UN-REDD and World Bank scien-
tists are certainly capable of developing content for e-
learning on peatland ecosystems – particularly if they
have conducted research in these areas. However, the
advantage of a group of faculty members from mul-
tiple disciplines and multiple local universities to de-
velop a complete course that includes more than one
academic discipline is unmatched.
Language is an integral part of culture. Ba-
hasa Indonesia is the national language of Indonesia.
Academic courses at universities are predominantly
taught in Bahasa Indonesia. E-learning content can
come from a great variety of sources and in many lan-
guages. There are numerous infographics related to
the carbon cycle and climate change science and most
of these are in English. However, through technologi-
cal advances in automatic language translation on-line
and in internet content now delivered in multiple lan-
guages, Bahasa Indonesia versions can be found. For
example, Indonesia Wikipedia is in Bahasa Indone-
sia and has a very thorough entry on climate change
or perubahan iklim. Considering the number of aca-
demic faculty and research scientists at Indonesian
universities and working in Indonesian government
agencies, there is a wealth of information related to
peatland ecosystems and climate change science pub-
lished in Bahasa Indonesia. Using these materials
in an e-learning course, theoretically, should mean
more access by Indonesian students and profession-
als, since language would not be a barrier. Utiliz-
ing the expertise of faculty and staff at the universi-
ties in Palangka Raya to identify quality publications
and material for the e-learning course is also impor-
tant and extremely beneficial.
E-learning and the technologies that support it
are helping to shrink the divide between universi-
ties located in less populated areas and those in more
resource-rich, highly populated areas. E-learning and
advances in new technologies are also supporting a
more self-reliant Indonesian academic structure that
doesn’t need to rely as much on information devel-
oped outside of Indonesia. The course developed
through collaboration between MSU, UPR and UMP
far surpasses the content available through other on-
line sites (UN-REDD, World Bank Group, HarvardX)
and nearly 100% of it is in Bahasa Indonesia. Deliv-
ering content and material on subject matter that is
in a university’s backyard is an equalizer in terms of
resource advantages. That students or learners don’t
require residency at a university in Palangka Raya in
order to take the course, because it is on-line, reduces
the proximate advantage of universities closer to more
populous cities or to the nation’s capital.
Climate change is a real and present threat to peo-
ple in all countries. The peatland area of Kaliman-
tan, Indonesia store very significant quantities of car-
bon in soils and in biomass. Peatland forest are some
of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth and are
home to certain endemic species found nowhere else.
Sustainable use and management of the resources in
Kalimantan require special consideration of ecosys-
tem services (such and carbon storage and biodiver-
sity) balanced with economic development.
Information related to the environmental signifi-
cance of peatlands in Kalimantan is easily accessed
and available to anyone with an internet connection
Geography, E-Learning and a Course in Peatland Ecosystems and Climate Change Science
and e-device. You Tube videos and Ted Talks deliver
valuable content related to many academic areas in-
cluding the environment and climate change. Search
Google Scholar for publications of peatland ecosys-
tems and climate change, or in Bahasa Indonesia eko-
sistem lahan gambut dan perubahan iklim, and you
will have enough reading material to last many days.
Start a search on Wikipedia for the term carbon cy-
cle, follow all the related links in the text and the fifty
plus references, links to further reading and external
links and one can learn a great deal on the topic, self-
taught. A disciplined, resourceful and motivated in-
dividual can do this. However, there is a great deal
of poor, bad and even fake data circulating on the in-
ternet. Climate deniers post reports on-line that are
fraught with misinformation, fallacious and illogical
arguments, and made-up data. Weeding through the
good from the bad can be mystifying if not frustrat-
ing. Such information can also influence young learn-
ers who are only beginning to develop their critical
thinking skills. These are significant challenges.
University faculty and staff who develop e-
learning courses and the content are, at the very least,
in a position to identify quality material available for
e-learning. Faculty and staff from universities that are
in or near to an ecosystem that is the focus of an e-
learning course are in key positions to identify and
create high quality content. E-learning courses related
to environmental issues can help students or learners
remain focused on material that is significant and ac-
curate and guide the student or learner through a logi-
cal process in learning the information. This is the op-
posite of the random-walk approach that often starts
with a simple google search, and which may or may
not lead to significant learning of correct information.
Creating content in the local language and uti-
lizing research developed by local scientists and re-
searchers enables a greater potential for students
whose first language is not English to learn and ac-
quire knowledge on important environmental issues.
Indonesia has a rich history of scientific and academic
excellence whereby a large number of publications
written in Bahasa Indonesia are available in digital
formats. This is a great advantage in developing e-
learning courses and reaching students and learners
in Indonesia.
The opportunities for universities in Indonesia to
develop e-learning courses in Bahasa Indonesia, fo-
cused on their proximate environmental, social, eco-
nomic, or other fundamental academic areas is now
boundless. Less well-known academic institutions
that are located in or near some important or signif-
icant area should take advantage of their geography
and expertise to develop e-learning courses. Imag-
ine a future, not too distant from now, with e-learning
courses in Indonesia on (1) The Environmental and
Social Impacts of Tourism or (2) High-Risk Areas,
Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation or (3)
Fisheries, Coastal Ecosystems, Policy and Manage-
ment. The future is bright. Indonesian universities,
even in remote areas, through e-learning and internet
technologies can lead the way forward to this bright
future of higher learning in Indonesia.
The authors thank the USAID LESTARI Project
for supporting the development of the LMS e-learning
course on Peatland Ecosystems and Climate Change
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Geography, E-Learning and a Course in Peatland Ecosystems and Climate Change Science