Create Tourists’ Positive Perception towards Tourism Attraction at
Tourism Village of Nglinggo Kulonprogo
Arina Pramusita
and Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo
Tourism Program Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tourism Studies Postgraduate Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
{arina.pramusita, mastri}
Social Media, Marketing, Perception, Tourist, Destination, Nglinggo.
Social media is one of the new media that grows rapidly. This media can be used by tourism destination to
promote and influence the tourist perception. The study aims to describe the implementation of social media
marketing in Nglinggo tourism village. The purpose of this research is to determine the extent of the effect
of social media marketing in form of photo crowdsourcing program in Instagram towards tourist perception
and motivation to visit. The research is conductedat Nglinggo tourism village of Kulonprogo District. The
data collection techniques of this research are observationand literature study. The result of the research is the
picture or video uploaded in Instagram could change the tourists’ perception towards the image and attraction
of Nglinggo tourism village.
The rapid technology development has transformed
changes towards tourism industry in which compa-
nies within the industry have applied various market-
ing techniques to analyze several specific factors in
developing mixed communication strategy (types of
tourism markets, tourists, preparation to purchase, de-
velopment of marketing target, marketing segmenta-
tion and product positioning). Development of tech-
nology and information has become serious challenge
for tourism industry and has important role in deliv-
ering accurate messages through proper media chan-
nel (
c et al., 2014).er returned the manuscript
must be appropriately modified.
Social media has become part of digital technol-
ogy revolution that can connect tourists with opin-
ions and recommendations from millions of people,
including friends within their social networking and
to have discussion among other tourists that they
never met previously. Social media has changed con-
sumption way of tourists and contributed to informa-
tion creation that enables individual to deliver his/her
ideas, opinions, and creations to internet and radically
has changed the way information is created and dis-
seminated (Cornellia et al., 2017) .
In relation to this, social media utilization has
shown quite significant increase, including in Indone-
sia. Based on survey from Social Media Growth
Rankings in 2018, Indonesia places the third rank
as the biggest numbers of social media users in the
globe that reaches 28,000,000 users with the increase
of 30% ( This trend of using
social media to document travel related activities of
tourists in terms of pictures and video plays role in-
directly as form of promotion from tourism destina-
tion. With one click in social media, they can dis-
burse their tourism experiences to others (Rahayun-
ingsih et al., 2017). The data shows that social media
has crucial opportunity for marketing activity. Social
media has become important part of selling strategy,
service, communication and marketing that can adjust
itself with the market.
The current rapid growth of tourism has acceler-
ate tourism destinations to become more creative in
developing their attraction to attract tourists visits and
to figure out effective promotion strategy in order to
win competition. One of the ways can be organized
is to invent and create uniqueness of tourism product.
Uniqueness and attraction quality factors in tourism
influence tourists to visit tourism destination. Fur-
thermore, not only do the present marketing strategy
of tourism destination and tourism promotion utilize
conventional promotion methode such as posters and
Pramusita, A. and Priyambodo, T.
Implementing Social Media Marketingof @nglinggo.official Account to Create Tourists’ Positive Perception towards Tourism Attraction at Tourism Village of Nglinggo Kulonprogo.
DOI: 10.5220/0009858100670071
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 67-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
brochures, but also they utilize social media due to
the fact that the level of utilization of social media
is tremendous. Therefore, promotion through social
media is considered more effective in delivering mes-
sages to tourists.
Tourism Village of Nglinggo is located at Pager-
harjo Village of Samigaluh Sub District of Kulon-
progo District of Yogyakarta Special Region. Village
of Nglinggo is a village with attractive tourism po-
tency to be developed. Tourism Village of Nglinggo
is sited at the Menoreh Hills with the altitude of 900
– 1000 meter above sea level. Laying at such altitude
makes this tourism village have cool air and magnif-
icent view due to the morning and afternoon fogs at
the village. One of the factors attracting numbers of
tourists to visit tourism destinations at Tourism Vil-
lage is viral effect of the tourism destinations in num-
bers of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter. Information delivered through social media
can become trending topic within short time and re-
ceived thousands of responses from other social me-
dia users.
Quality of tourism destination is not only valued
from condition of the tourism destination. Promotion
activity organized by tourism destination has quite
crucial role in establishing perception and decision
of tourists’ purchase. Information and communica-
tion technology utilization through social media uti-
lization in marketing activity enable the occurrence of
social collaboration among tourists to exchange their
information and experience (Del Chiappa, 2011). It
will then increase credibility and trust on social me-
dia application among tourists in which they have
more trust towards information gained in media so-
cial than inputs from a professional tour planner that
at the end will influence tourists’ perception towards
one tourism destination. Prior to visit of tourism des-
tination, tourists will collect information on tourism
destination visited. At this level, they actually have
perception towards the tourism destination gathered
from numbers of stimuli, one of them is social media.
. The utilization of information technology, that
is internet, offers convenience in arranging traveling
itinerary. Therefore, tourists can arrange their trav-
eling activities and do not depend any more on ser-
vices of travel bureau. It applies the same to tourism
industry which then has switched to system and on-
line transaction to sell their tourism product, either
through website or social media. They even prefer use
social media to find tourism references. Therefore,
tourists’ perception mostly is established from vari-
ous social media. It can be stated that the existence of
social media has quite significant role in establishing
tourists’ perception.
Perception and impression of tourists towards
quality of tourism attraction determine the opportu-
nity for them to return and to visit the destination or
at least they share their experience when they return
to their origin area. The tourists’ perception can be in-
fluenced by various variables of economy, social and
demography of the tourists. Along with the devel-
opment of technology, tourists’ perception is also in-
fluenced by social media. The high utilization of so-
cial media by tourists make social media has faster ef-
fect in establishing opinions and perception of tourists
since its information has greater range of coverage.
This research aims to figure out on how the im-
plementation of marketing of social media and the
influence of social media in establishing the percep-
tion of tourists towards the quality of tourism attrac-
tion at Tourism Village of Nglinggo. The benefit of
this research is expected to provide implication on
the opinion and interest of tourists towards the exist-
ing tourism attraction at Tourism Village of Nglinggo
which will provide output for the development of
product and marketing of tourism at Tourism Village
of Nglinggo.
This research applies qualitative descriptive analysis
approach with observation and literature study meth-
ods. Literature study is an approach used to find refer-
ences of relevant theories with the studied case. This
article is written based on the prior research taken
from numbers of literature and relevant scientific jour-
nals. Data of the research applies secondary data from
books, internet and previous research reports.
3.1 Tourism Destination
Tourism destination is an interaction among several
elements managed well. Those elements include
tourists, tourism attraction and information about the
tourism attraction (Sayangbatti and Baiquni, 2013).
Source of information brings quite significant influ-
ence, apart from communicating tourism product to
market. Source of information is required by tourists
related to the process of selecting tourism destination
since prior to making decision to visit a destination,
tourists will find information from several sources in
terms of commercial and non-commercial informa-
tion as well opinions of others.
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
3.2 Perception
Perception is a fundamental concept in understand-
ing on how customers react towards communication
activity and marketing stimuli (McCabe, 2010). Per-
ception is an activity to choose, to organize, to inter-
pret and to value towards certain object. Someone’s
perception towards a stimulus of an object will be re-
flected from the response occurred in terms of their
opinions or attitudes. Stimuli or information stimula-
tion is responded, organized and interpreted based on
the manner of each person. Perception is influenced
by two factors, id est.: stimulus and personal response
factors. Stimulus factor comes from stimulus that can
be experienced, such as shape, size and color. Mean-
while, personal factor has internal quality and is in-
fluenced by individual interests, needs, motivations,
expectations, personality and social status.
3.2.1 Social Media Marketing
Social media refers to activity, practice, and attitude
of community of people gathered online to share in-
formation, knowledge and opinion using text messag-
ing media. Text messaging media is web based appli-
cation that enables users to make and send contents in
the form words, pictures, videos, and audios conve-
niently (Safko and Brake, 2009).
Social media marketing is a process accelerating
individual to conduct promotion through website or
online medial social service channel to communicate
and organize marketing activity (Weinberg, 2009).
Social media marketing has become online promo-
tion activity utilizing cultural context from one social
community covering social networking, virtual real-
ity, news site, and sharing site for communication pur-
pose (Tuten, 2008). Gunelius (2011) states that there
are four variables of social media marketing as fol-
a. Content creation
Content creation is a content that becomes strate-
gic base in conducting social media marketing.
The created content must be interesting and repre-
senting personality of a business in order to have
trust from customers.
b. Content sharing
To provide content to social community can sup-
port in expanding networking of a business and
online audience. Content sharing can cause in-
direct and direct selling depending on the shared
c. Connecting
Social networking enables someone to meet more
people that have similar interest. Broad network-
ing can establish relationship that can generate
more businesses.
d. Community building
Social web is a huge online community in which
interaction among human beings in the globe by
utilizing technology. It is to establish community
in internet that has similar interest through social
The present existence of social media has brought
quite significant change related to individual or tourist
in planning and consuming his/her travel (Buhalis and
Jun, 2011). Prior to making decision to visit a destina-
tion, tourists will find information about the tourism
destination, especially from social media. The uti-
lization of social media in making choice to travel
is due to the fact that social media is more interac-
tive in which people can exchange comments, make
testimonies, and share information about destination
among members of community.
Social media is an important tool to analyze tourists’
attitude that will be confirmed in increasing the pur-
chase and recommending to other users. The estab-
lishment of service based brand that is succeeded in
traveling means that each must become unique value
proposition based on the the experience of customers.
Tourists need to know the trusted source, on how their
experience can be used to anticipate uncertainty and
to create expectations from what they might find at
tourism destination (Zeithaml et al., 2000). Due to
the fact that uncertainty of tourism, a tourist must
gain the needed information to make correct decision
about his/her travel. Currently, modern tourists trust
more on other tourists’ opinions and use social media
rather than suggestions from official marketing.
When social media become more expressive, cus-
tomers are able to influence other customers related
to their opinions and experiences. Since social me-
dia has low cost and free from bias, it becomes the
benefit for marketing communication (Kotler et al.,
2010). Numbers of academic literature classify types
of social media based on level of social existence
or media property and level of self-presentation and
self-disclosure. Six types of social media are identi-
fied: social websites (id est.: Facebook, Linkedin),
blog, content community (YouTube, Flickr, Scribd,
Slideshare, Delicious), project collaborative (id est.:
Wikipedia, Wikitravel), social virtual reality (id est.:
Kehidupan Kedua), and virtual game (id est.: World
Implementing Social Media Marketingof @nglinggo.official Account to Create Tourists’ Positive Perception towards Tourism Attraction at
Tourism Village of Nglinggo Kulonprogo
of Warcra). Even though, there are other types
of media social such as microblog (such as Twit-
ter), customers review and give rankings at websites
(such as TripAdvisor, Epinions) and internet forum
(id est.: OrnTree, Fodor’s Travel Talk) (Buhalis and
Jun, 2011).
One of significant stimuli in establishing tourists’
perception currently is social media. Social media
is currently recognized as one of important com-
petitive instruments in tourism marketing (
et al., 2014). Tourism needs to involve tourists in
multichannel integrated communication and acceler-
ate them to discuss and recommend good experiences.
Involving tourists in real time at social media has
great implication towards traveling industry. Cur-
rently, tourists have found new digital technology that
can assist them in improving service and making on-
line experience more personal and relevant.
Other than source of information, profiles of
tourists also have significant role in establishing per-
ception. Behavior and attitude of someone towards
an object will depend highly on what s/he feels dur-
ing his/her visit to tourism destination. Perception can
be shifted into negative or positive perception when
tourists are at tourism destination or when they re-
turn from the destination. Based on this perception,
tourists then will value a tourism destination whether
it fits to expectation and gives satisfaction. Tourists’
satisfaction on tourism destination visited will bring
influence towards sustainability of tourism destina-
Social media influence several components of
tourists’ attitude such as awareness, information,
opinion, behavior, and attitude of purchase. It is
then utilized by tourism destination managers to at-
tract tourists’ visits. Tourism destination managers
create media social account that will be used as pro-
motion facility, information provider and communi-
cation with tourists. Information related to tourism
destination will be delivered rapidly when it is deliv-
ered through social media.
Managers of Tourism Village of Nglinggo create
two accounts at social media, id est.: Instagram ac-
count with the name of @nglinggo.official and Face-
book account with the name of Desa Wisata Nglinggo
in order to promote and market its product. Through
these accounts, they update numbers of information
related to products and on-going events at Tourism
Village of Nglinggo. The presented content in those
accounts are varied from pictures to videos. For Insta-
gram account of @nglinggo.official, currently it has
372 followers and 67 postings. Whilst for Facebook
account of Desa Wisata Nglinggo, it gains 2029 likes
from internet users.
Social media enables the communication between
individuals, different companies, various groups
around the globe to share and exchange information
and ideas interactively. Social media platforms such
as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn have of-
fered opportunity for users to discuss online-reviews,
recommendations, agreeing or disagreeing or dissat-
isfaction on many aspects, such as quality of products
or customer services. (Elena, 2016). Through the In-
stagram account of @nglinggo.official managers of
Tourism Village of Nglinggo would like to establish
intensive communication with other netizen; they will
answer questions from netizen requiring information
about Tourism Village of Nglinggo. They always
post updated information about Tourism Village of
From these two social media accounts, Insta-
gram account of @nglinggo.official is more active
in posting information related to Tourism Village of
Nglinggo compared to Facebook account of Desa
Wisata Nglinggo. The Instagram account was created
and has been an active account since 2017. Observ-
ing from the numbers of likes given in each posting
of Instagram, numbers of like is low, that is average
of 40-63 likes for each posting. The only and most
received posting is the posting when soap opera actor
Eza Gionino visited the Tourism Village of Nglinggo
receiving 109 likes. This account is quite active
in posting information related to Tourism Village of
Nglinggo. Nevertheless, it can be said that Insta-
gram account management is not optimum. Numbers
of followers are considered low and several postings
tend to monotonous and lack of information. Even,
the latest posting of the Instagram account was in De-
cember 2018. There has been no posting for the year
of 2019 from managers of the tourism village.
Description gained related to marketing activity
through social media of Tourism Village of Nglinggo,
it can be stated that social media marketing strategy is
not effective yet to increase numbers of visits and to
influence perception of tourists towards Tourism Vil-
lage of Nglinggo. There are many factors rendering
ineffective social media marketing strategy. First, it
relates to the content created by managers of tourism
village or the administrator of the account does not
provide numbers of information and up date the infor-
mation. Secondly, lack of human resources managing
social media account of Tourism Village of Nglinggo
becomes the second factor. Therefore, management
of social media account is not optimum. It can be
stated that social media is not recognized as the main
instrument in marketing strategy and it is frequently
neglected (Hays et al., 2013).
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
Communication of tourism product will affect posi-
tively when the message delivered creates satisfaction
reaction from customers on tourism destination com-
pared to other destinations. Communication stimulus
created through interesting and unique contents in so-
cial media will shape positive effect towards tourists.
Social media content, either from destination man-
agers or tourists, will influence perception of cus-
tomers towards quality of attraction and tourism im-
age. The output will be very beneficial for brand man-
ager and communication in making plan of company.
The existing content at social media can create
a response supporting in disseminating promotion to
wider public. Tourism village managers in this case
can sponsor online community at social media site
that influence and offer tourists the ability to estab-
lish relationship with others who have similar interest.
Therefore, they can exchange information and experi-
ence on traveling that effectively can result the inter-
est of tourism visit. Social media becomes communi-
cation facility that can be utilized in supporting infor-
mation distribution in the form of texts, pictures and
videos. The characteristics of current tourists are tend
to be visual. They tend to see pictures and videos.
They are also active users of social media that the in-
formation distribution through social media is consid-
ered more effective. The displayed contents through
social media will then influence perception of tourists
towards the quality of tourism attraction. The interest-
ing display of pictures and videos and viral ones will
give impression that a tourism destination is reason-
able to be visited. Therefore, managers of Tourism
Village of Nglinggo should always update informa-
tion regularly that tourists following its social media
account always receive new and interesting informa-
tion to visit the tourism destination.
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Implementing Social Media Marketingof @nglinggo.official Account to Create Tourists’ Positive Perception towards Tourism Attraction at
Tourism Village of Nglinggo Kulonprogo