Management Information System: Socio-economic Welfare Criteria of
the Residents
Masna Wati
, Muhammad Rizal
, Andi Tejawati
, Edy Budiman
and Niken Novirasari
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia
Socio-economic, Information System, Welfare, Poverty.
The need for data on the distribution of criteria for community welfare is very important to use to assist local
governments in alleviating poverty and welfare problems. Therefore, this study aims to develop a criteria
distribution information system. The Information System of the socio-economic conditions of the community
was built using the Laravel framework and using 13 criteria divided into 47 sub-criteria sourced from the
results of the SUSENAS Statistics Indonesia, East Kalimantan Province. The results achieved from this study
are information systems that store data on the distribution of community welfare criteria as many as 295 data
presented in the form of bar graphs and circle graphs.
The phenomenon of poverty always arises and messes
many developing countries (Kasri, 2016) (Swastika
and Supriyatna, 2016). Since decentralization and
regional autonomy is implemented, Indonesian local
governments have an important mission in poverty al-
leviation and social services (Fossati, 2019). Poverty
and inequality are problems faced by each local gov-
ernment (Budiman et al., 2017). The regional gov-
ernment has promoted several programs and efforts
to overcome these problems, including the regional
government of Samarinda (Maffirotin et al., 2018).
Based on the data from the Statistics Indonesia
(BPS) of East Kalimantan Province, the population of
Samarinda City in 2017 was 843,446 people. The data
denote that the number of poor family in 2016 is 38.95
thousand people (4.72%) and in 2017 is 40.1 thousand
people (40.77%) (Badan Pusat Statistik BPS. (BPS,
2017) . From these data, it can be seen that the num-
ber of poor people has increased from the previous
year by 0.5%.
The analysis of the socio-economic welfare condi-
tions of the community is very necessary to describe
the level of socio-economic welfare the residents in
the field based on the criteria that influence it. The so-
cial assistance programs launched by the government
have targeted and relevant manner. Therefore, there
is needed to know the socio-economic conditions of
the population in each district to facilitate the deci-
sion of the government or private to their distribution
of social assistance programs.
Currently, the process of distributing government
social assistance to the community starts with the
data collection, selection, and recommendation pro-
cess carried out by neighborhood leader. This recom-
mendation is submitted to the village chief and subse-
quently used as the poverty data by the sub-district or
the agency that organized the assistance program. An
information system is a better solution for presenting
data on the socio-economic welfare of the community
and to mapping the distribution socio-economic wel-
fare criteria of the population. This information sys-
tem model will certainly provide data that describes
the condition of the community so that it can be used
as a reference in policy making by the local govern-
ment so that the social assistance programs launched
is on target or in other words it as needed of commu-
nity (Ependi, 2012). The data of criteria distribution
of community welfare can also determine the policy
direction for the regional government in other pro-
grams to alleviate poverty and increase the welfare of
the population.
2.1 Socio-economic Welfare
Socio-economic welfare means good condition, hap-
piness, and prosperity (Sururi, 2017). Community
Wati, M., Rizal, M., Tejawati, A., Budiman, E. and Novirasari, N.
Management Information System: Socio-economic Welfare Criteria of the Residents.
DOI: 10.5220/0009857200050009
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
welfare is the procedure of a social, material and spir-
itual livelihood that is rounded by a sense of safety
and inner and outer peace that can go up for every
citizen to fulfill physical, spiritual, and social needs
for ourselves, families, and society. This study tried
to build an information system to provide information
about the condition of community welfare where the
criteria used to describe the condition of the commu-
nity based on the criteria used in the national socio-
economic survey (SUSENAS), Statistics Indonesia,
consisting of:
1. Monthly Expenditure per Capita
2. Occupation of a family head
3. Education Level
4. Home-ownership
5. Floor Area
6. Roofing Materials
7. Wall Materials
8. Floor Materials
9. Available capacity electricity
10. Water Source
11. Sanitation facilities
12. Cooking Fuels
13. Own a Car
2.2 System Design Model
UML (Unified Modelling Language) is a collabora-
tive methodology of OOSE (Object-Oriented Soft-
ware Engineering), OMT (Object Modelling Tech-
nique), and several other methods, which are the most
frequently used methodologies for an analyze and
design systems with methodologies object-oriented
adaptation to the widespread use of the language
”object-oriented programming” (OOP) (Gajewski,
2004)(Thiel et al., 2005)(Nugroho, 2009). In this
study, software that was built using object-oriented
programming languages. The system design model
is presented in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1: Use case diagram of software.
Figure 2: Activity diagram of software
Figure 3: Sequence diagram of software
Figure 4: Class diagram of software
Information System socio-economic conditions of the
community are built using the Laravel framework and
web-based. This information system is built to put
on information on the data deployment of community
welfare criteria displayed in the form of bar and cir-
cle graphs (pie). Bar charts display the distribution
of sub-criteria and population per year. The pie chart
displays the comparison of population data distribu-
tion based on criteria per sub-district.
This study uses 295 data and 13 criteria which
are divided into 47 sub-criteria from the results of the
National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) by the
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
Statistics Indonesia, East Kalimantan. The criteria are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Criteria of socio-economic condition
Criteria Sub-criteria
Monthly Expenditure
per Capita
> 1.610.620 IDR
1.000.000 IDR
< 1.000.000 IDR
Occupation of a fam-
ily head
Small business
Labour / Employee
Education Level Non-graduate /
Equivalency educa-
tion for elementary
Primary School
Middle school
High school
Associate degree
Bachelor’s/ master
/doctoral degree
Home-ownership Own house
Official house
Floor Area >100 m2 (large)
50 m2 (medium)
< 50 m2 (narrow)
Roofing materials Concrete
Roof tile
Wood / Shingle
Wall Materials Brick
Wood / Board
Floor Materials Tile flooring
Stone flooring
Wood flooring
Cement / red Brick
Available capacity
Non Electricity ¡900
Using 900 Watts
Using > = 1300
System implementation is the stage of exhibiting
data on the condition of public welfare level based on
criteria in Table 1 in the design of a web-based in-
formation system built with Laravel framework. The
Water Sources Water supply net-
Shallow wells / deep
Surface water
Sanitation facilities Have a toilet
Public sanitation
Cooking fuels LPG 12 Kg
LPG 5.5 Kg
LPG 3 Kg
Own a Car Yes
interface of the information system socio-economy of
community welfare that has been built is presented
Figure 5: Home page interface
The home page interface of the system built is
shown in Figure 5. In this interface information is
provided about population, the number of criteria,
sub-district data, and village data. The information is
presented in the form of a menu where the menu con-
tains a number of data describing the contents of this
system, namely information on the socio-economic
conditions of each family based on existing criteria.
On this home page displays, all information also is
presented in a bar graph per year and a pie chart that
shows population distribution based on the criteria
used in this system.
Figure 6: Data on sub-districts and villages
Figure 6 is an interface page which is the contents
of the villages menu on the home page. This page
presents a list of villages based on sub-districts and
also included a unique code for each village in ac-
cordance with the standard code of Ministry of Home
Management Information System: Socio-economic Welfare Criteria of the Residents
Affairs. On this page, the admin manages village data
using the action buttons provided.
Figure 7: Criteria page interface
The system interface page shown in Figure 7 is the
contents of the criteria menu on the main page. This
criteria page presents information on socio-economic
criteria that describe the condition of people’s wel-
fare. Criteria that are managed in this system based
on the criteria in table 1. Admin can also manage this
page using the action buttons provided.
Figure 8: Population data interface
The population page in this system is shown in
figure 8 where this page can be accessed through the
population menu on the main page. This page pro-
vides information on the socio-economic conditions
of each family based on the criteria used in this sys-
tem. To add population data, the admin can click the
add button to display the add population data page.
There is also an action button for viewing details,
changing, and deleting data.
Figure 9 is a pie chart display that displays the
distribution of all criteria used in the system, where if
one criterion is clicked it will display the distribution
of sub-criteria according to the respective criteria.
Figure 9: Distribution of criteria
Figure 10 is a pie chart one of the criteria used
in the system which is spread into 10 existing sub-
districts. Details of criteria distribution can be seen
Figure 10: Interface of data of expenditures per capita
by clicking on one of the criteria or names of sub-
districts so the distribution of sub-criteria will appear
based on the selected criteria.
Figure 11: Diagram of data of expenditures per capita
Figure 11 is a bar graph display that presents infor-
mation on population based on sub-criteria per year.
This graph shows a comparison of data on population
numbers from year to year from existing sub-criteria.
In this study, information system-based software was
built. It is Information System of the socio-economic
welfare of society which can display information on
the deployment of socio-economic criteria in graphs
and circle graphs. This information system can use to
facilitate the government or decision makers to get in-
formation about the condition of the society as refer-
ence material in making the right decisions and poli-
cies in poverty alleviation programs and to increase
social welfare. Addition of population data to support
information can be a concern in future research. The
more population data produced the better the infor-
mation produced. Further development can also add
mapping features or geographic information systems
to the distribution of community welfare criteria.
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Management Information System: Socio-economic Welfare Criteria of the Residents