Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot
Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension
Analyzed with Kruskal Wallis
Novrika Silalahi, Siti Marlina, Septa Dwi Insani, Hengki Frengki
Deli Husada Delitua Health Institute
Faculty of Public Health, Nursing Faculty
Jalan Besar No. 77 Deli Ttua, Deli Serdang 20355
Keywords: hypertension, sweet star fruit, carrots, cucumbers, kruskal wallis
Abstract: Hypertension is still a degenerative disease which remains a major problem in society and even in the world.
Hypertension is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity in Indonesia, so the management of this
disease is a very common intervention at various levels of health facilities. Intake with modified food
ingredients containing potassium and magnesium into one of the complementary therapies to lower blood
pressure This study examined the effectiveness of sweet star fruit juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice in patients
with hypertension. The sample uses non-probability techniques namely purposive sampling of 54 samples.
This research is a quasi experiment or quasi experiment. Wilcoxon test results of 200 ml sweet starfruit juice
for 7 days can reduce systole 23.89 (p-value = 0,000) and diastole 12.78 (p-value = 0,000), for systolic carrot
juice 9.44 (p-value) = 0.00) and diastole 4.44 (p-value = 0.000), and for cucumber juice cyste 15 (p-value =
0,000) and diastole 7.78 (p-value = 0.001). The results of the kruskal wallis show p-value cystole = 0,000 and
p-value diastole = 0.001 with mean rank cystole and sweet starfruit juice diastole namely 37.5 and 35.03,
mean rank cystole and diastole carrot juice are 18.58 and 16.19 , the mean rank of cucumber and diastole of
cucumber juice is 26.42 and 31.28.
Hypertension is a major problem for us all, because it
does not only occur in Indonesia, it remains in the
world. This is because hypertension is an entry point
or risk factor for diseases such as heart disease,
kidney failure, diabetes and stroke. Hypertension is
often found in adults and many adults suffer from the
disease, but are not aware of it. Hypertension is
referred to as the silent killer because it is often
without complaints, so the patient does not know he
has hypertension and only becomes known after
complications occur. Other complications of
hypertension that are not treated can also be
myocardial infarction, kidney failure,
encephalopathy, and seizures. Data shows that around
1.13 billion people in the world have hypertension,
meaning that 1 in 3 people in the world is diagnosed
with hypertension. The number of people with
hypertension continues to increase every year, it is
estimated that in 2025 there will be 1.5 billion people
affected by hypertension, and it is estimated that
every year 9.4 million people die from hypertension
and its complications (Ministry of Health, 2019).
According to Indonesia's 2014 Sample
Registration System (SRS) data, hypertension with
complications (5.3%) is the number 5 cause of death
at all ages. Whereas based on 2017 International
Health Metrics Monitoring and Evaluation (IHME)
data in Indonesia, the first-ranked cause of death is
caused by stroke, followed by ischemic heart disease,
diabetes, tuberculosis, cirrhosis, diarrhea, COPD,
Alzheimer's, lower respiratory tract infections and
disorders neonatal and traffic accidents.
Based on the Basic Health Research
(RISKESDAS) 2018 the prevalence of hypertension
based on measurement results in the 18-year-old
population of 34.1%, From the prevalence of
hypertension of 34.1% it is known that of 8.8%
diagnosed with hypertension and 13.3% of people
diagnosed with hypertension did not take medication
and 32.3% did not take medication regularly. This
shows that most hypertension sufferers do not know
Silalahi, N., Marlina, S., Insani, S. and Frengki, H.
Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension Analyzed with Kruskal Wallis.
DOI: 10.5220/0009837604360443
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 436-443
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that they are hypertensive so they do not get
Hypertension can be overcome with
pharmacological treatment and non-pharmacological
treatment. Pharmacological treatment is by taking
antihypertensive drugs. Pharmacological treatment is
by taking antihypertensive drugs and non-
pharmacological treatment by implementing a
healthy lifestyle in the form of weight loss, exercise,
smoking cessation, diet modification such as
consuming fruits and vegetables, reducing salt intake,
and reducing alcohol consumption (PERKI, 2016).
One way to make lifestyle modifications in people
with hypertension is by eating settings. The DASH
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is a
lifelong approach to healthy eating that is designed to
help treat or prevent high blood pressure. The DASH
diet encourages reducing sodium in the diet and
eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods that help lower
blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and
magnesium. The DASH diet is also in line with
dietary recommendations to prevent osteoporosis,
cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
According to Mama Lubna (2016), one of the
carrots that is good for reducing or controlling blood
pressure is potassium. Potassium is a strong diuretic
that helps maintain blood pressure balance. Potassium
also has a function as a vasodilation in blood vessels.
Vasodilation in blood vessels can reduce peripheral
pressure and increase cardiac output so that blood
pressure can be normal. Research conducted by Nurul
Fitriani Haris (2012), shows that carrot juice has an
effect on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive
patients and research conducted by Fitri Parwanti
(2010) also shows that administration of carrot juice
is effective in reducing systolic blood pressure and
diastolic pressure in hypertensive patients. Based on
Zul Fikar Ahmad (2017), lowering blood pressure can
be done by drinking cucumber juice. Cucumber is a
fruit that is found in many communities and has been
widely consumed as a complement to dishes. Based
on the report of the United State Department of
Agriculture (USDA) every 100 grams of cucumber
contains 147 mg of potassium and does not contain
sodium, and many other nutritional content. The high
potassium content, making cucumbers as one of the
choices in efforts to treat nonpharmacological
hypertension. Based on research conducted by
Kusumastuty, et al (2016) about potassium intake on
blood pressure, found that potassium intake is
associated with systolic blood pressure and diastolic
blood pressure with a negative correlation direction,
it shows that the higher the consumption of
potassium, it can reduce blood pressure in patients
hypertension. The absence of sodium content also
makes clear the benefits of cucumbers. Based on
research conducted Riyadi, et al (2016), that
excessive sodium consumption is four times the risk
of suffering from essential hypertension when
compared with those who consume less sodium.
Sweet star fruit can also be sweet star fruit has a
diuretic effect that can facilitate urine so that it can
reduce the workload of the heart. A food is said to be
healthy food for the heart and blood vessels, if it
contains a ratio of potassium to sodium of at least 5:
1. Star fruit contains potassium and sodium with a
ratio of 66: 1, so it is very good for people with
hypertension (Astawan, 2016). Based on the
explanation above, the researchers aimed to
comparison the effectiveness of sweet star fruit juice,
carrot juice, cucumber juice in patients with
The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare two
free samples from two different populations. The
Kruskal-Wallis test was chosen if the data were not
normally distributed and the data variance was
different. The Kruskal-Wallis test, also called the H
test, is an alternative procedure to one-way ANOVA.
The Kruskal-Wallis test also assumes that the
variance between the population k (treatment) is the
same, but the population k has a continuous
distribution and has the same shape (while the shape
can be skewed, bimodal, or whatever). And unlike the
ANOVA test, Kruskal-Wallis, which is an alternative
nonparametric method, can be used for ordinal or
ranked data response. The p-value is less than the
critical limit of alpha, generally 0.05, which means
rejecting Ho or accepting H1, meaning that the
treatment has a significant effect. Kruskall Wallis is
an omnibus test that is a test that can only find out if
there are statistically significant differences without
being able to know which treatments differ, so a Post
Hoc test or a further test is needed. As in the previous
discussion that the Post Hoc test after Kruskall Wallis
can use the Mann Whitney U Test, which is to test the
difference in mean between one group or treatment
with other treatments.
This research was conducted at the Namorambe
Health Center, Namorambe District, Deli Serdang
Regency. From Table 1 it can be seen that this study
used a sample of 54 adults with a non-probability
sampling technique that is purposive sampling. This
study used 3 groups of juice therapy samples: the first
group 18 samples using star fruit juice, the second
Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension Analyzed
with Kruskal Wallis
group 18 samples using carrot juice, and 18 samples
using cucumber juice. All samples were hypertension
patients aged 26-70 years, with the classification of
mild hypertension (stage 1) 140-159 mmHg and
moderate hypertension (stage 2) 160-179 mmHg.
Table 1: Pretest and Posttest data for Patient Hypertension
with Sweet Star Fruit Juice
No Age
Blood pressure
1 56 P 160/90 140/80
2 50 P 170/100 150/90
3 55 L 160/100 130/80
4 46 P 150/100 120/80
5 57 L 150/90 130/80
6 48 P 140/90 120/80
7 62 L 160/90 150/80
8 44 P 150/90 130/80
9 44 P 140/80 110/70
10 60 P 150/100 120/80
11 55 L 150/90 130/80
12 64 P 170/100 140/90
13 51 P 160/90 130/80
14 50 L 160/100 130/80
15 55 L 170/100 150/80
16 63 L 150/90 130/80
17 50 P 140/90 120/80
18 53 L 150/100 120/90
Table 2 : Pretest and Posttest data for Patient Hypertension
with Sweet Carrot Juice
No Age
Blood pressure
52 L 160/90 150/90
2 40 L 150/90 140/90
3 53 P 160/100 150/90
4 55 L 160/90 150/80
5 42 P 160/90 160/100
6 56 P 170/100 160/90
7 43 L 150/90 140/90
8 60 P 150/90 140/90
9 63 L 160/100 150/90
10 52 L 140/90 130/90
11 50 P 150/100 140/90
12 66 P 150/100 140/90
13 59 P 170/100 160/90
14 46 L 150/90 140/90
15 57 P 140/90 130/80
16 64 L 160/90 150/80
17 60 L 160/80 150/90
18 58 P 160/100 150/90
Table 3 : Pretest and Posttest data for Patient Hypertension
with Cucumber Juice
No Age
Blood pressure
1 50 L 160/100 130/80
2 55 L 170/100 150/80
3 63 L 150/90 130/80
4 50 P 140/90 120/80
5 53 L 150/100 120/90
6 63 L 160/100 150/90
7 52 L 140/90 130/90
8 53 L 150/100 120/90
9 52 L 160/90 150/90
10 40 L 150/90 140/90
11 63 L 160/100 150/90
12 52 L 140/90 130/90
13 50 P 150/100 140/90
14 66 P 150/100 140/90
15 59 P 170/100 160/90
16 46 L 150/90 140/90
17 57 P 140/90 130/80
18 40 L 150/90 140/90
This research is a quasi-experimental where the
research is given treatment to the research subjects.
This research was carried out by means of
preliminary data collected including measurement of
hypertension blood pressure with a
sphygmomanometer before being given the treatment
of star fruit juice, carrot juice and cucumber juice.
During treatment, the sample is monitored for the
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
portion of juice consumed and all complaints
experienced by the sample are recorded. This
treatment is given for 7 days, each juice group sample
taken by 100 ml. After 7 days, blood pressure
measurements were taken to systole and diastole with
a sphygmomanometer. The ingredients used to make
juice are blenders, knives, filters, measuring cups,
Liostar brand scales with a capacity of 3 kg. The data
obtained were processed using the Wilcoxon Rank
and Kruskal Wallis tests. Prior to the Wilcoxon Rank
and Kruskal Wallis tests, the normality and
homogeneity tests were previously carried out, which
is to find out whether the data is normal or not and
homogeneous or not. Because to use the test data
must not be normally distributed. Normality test
obtained p-value <0.05 and vice versa for data not
normally distributed.
Figure 1: The process of making juice
Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension Analyzed
with Kruskal Wallis
Based on the results of research conducted for 7 days,
obtained samples that suffer from hypertension as
many as 54 people, each grouped 18 people using
sweet starfruit juice, 18 people using carrot juice, and
18 people using cucumber juice, obtained blood
pressure data after drinking juice as follows:
Table 4: Result of Differences in Juice Therapy with Wilcoxon Test in Hypertension
Pressue Results Blood
Mean Median SD p-value
Sweet star
fruit juice
Pretest sistole 18 154,4 150 9,835
Post test sistole 18 130,5 130 11,617
Pretest diastole 18 93,8 90 6,076
Post test diastole 18 81,1 80 4,714
Pretest sistole 18 155,5 160 8,555
Post test sistole 18 146,1 150 9,164
Pretest diastole 18 94,4 90 5,113
Post test diastole 18 88,8 90 4,714
Pretest sistole 18 152,22 150 9,428
Post test sistole 18 137,22 140 11,785
Pretest diastole 18 95 95 5,145
Post test diastole 18 87,22 90 4,609
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Figure 2: The Graphic Prestest and Posttest Systole-
Based on Table 4, the p-value of systole 0.001 and
diastole 0.000 is obtained so that it can be concluded
that Reject H
which means there is a difference in the
effectiveness of giving sweet star fruit juice, carrot
juice and cucumber juice to decrease high blood
pressure in people with hypertension. With the mean
rank of systole sweet starfruit juice group 37.50 and
systole carrot juice group 18.58, and systole
cucumber juice group 26.42. While the results of
diastole in the sweet starfruit juice group 35.03,
diastole in the carrot juice group 16.19, and diastole
in the cucumber juice group 31.28. From the above
results it can be seen that sweet starfruit juice is more
effective in lowering blood pressure in people with
hypertension compared to carrot juice and cucumber
Table 5: Distribution of Average Diffrences in
Effectiveness of Juice Therapy with the Kruskal Wallis Test
in Hypertension
Blood Pressure Results
Sweet star fruit systole 18 37,50
Carrot systole 18 18,58
Cucumber systole 18 26,42
Sweet star Fruit Diastole 18 35,03
Carrot Diastole 18 16,19
Cucumber Diastole 18 31,28
The results of this study are in line with research
based on DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension) said to reduce blood pressure is highly
recommended to consume foods high in potassium
and fiber (Chaturvedi, 2009). Sweet star fruit has a
diuretic effect that can expedite urine so as to reduce
the workload of the heart. A food is said to be healthy
food for the heart and blood vessels, if it contains a
ratio of potassium to sodium of at least 5: 1. Sweet
star fruit contains potassium and sodium with a ratio
of 66: 1, so it is very good for people with
hypertension (Astawan, 2009). Diuretics have an
antihypertensive effect by increasing the release of
water and sodium salt. Potassium maintains the
stability of the body's electrolytes through potassium
sodium pumps, reducing the amount of water and salt
in the body and loosening blood vessels so that the
amount of salt in blood vessels enlarges, this
condition helps blood pressure to become normal.
Magnesium and potassium affect the smooth muscle
of blood vessels then cause vasodilation and decrease
peripheral resistance and blood pressure. Star fruit is
rich in content of provitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin
B2, and vitamin C, in addition there are other contents
such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, pectin,
and fiber that can help nourish blood vessels while
lowering blood pressure. This study is in line with
research conducted by Dwipayanti (2011) entitled
"Effectiveness of Star Fruit on Reducing Blood
Pressure in People with Hypertension", it was found
that starfruit is effective for reducing blood pressure
in patients with hypertension because star fruit has
high potassium (potassium) levels with low sodium
as a proper hypertension drug. Research conducted by
Wanayanti (2015) entitled "Effect of Starfruit Juice
(Avverhoa Carambola Linn) on Reducing Blood
Pressure in Elderly Patients with Hypertension", the
results showed that there was an effect of star fruit
juice on reducing blood pressure in patients with
hypertension in the elderly group. Research
conducted by Ardiyanto (2014) entitled
Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension Analyzed
with Kruskal Wallis
"Effectiveness of Starfruit Juice on Reducing Blood
Pressure in the Elderly in Tawangmas Baru Sub-
District, West Semarang District", found the effect of
starfruit juice on reducing pressure in the elderly with
hypertension in Tawangmas Barat Sub-District, West
Semarang District .
Based on the results of the study, it was found that
there were differences in the effectiveness of
administration of sweet starfruit juice, carrot juice
and cucumber juice to decrease high blood pressure
in people with hypertension. With the mean rank of
cystole sweet starfruit juice group 37.50 and systole
carrot juice group 18.58, and cystole cucumber juice
group 26.42. While the results of diastole in the sweet
starfruit juice group 35.03, diastole in the carrot juice
group 16.19, and diastole in the cucumber juice group
31.28. From the above results it can be seen that sweet
starfruit juice is more effective in lowering blood
pressure in people with hypertension compared to
carrot juice and cucumber juice.
Star fruit is rich in content of provitamin A,
vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, in addition
there are other contents such as phosphorus, calcium,
potassium, iron, pectin, and fiber that can help
nourish blood vessels while lowering blood pressure.
For kidney disease sufferers it is not recommended to
consume star fruit, so in this study if hypertensive
sufferers who experience kidney disease are not
advised to drink star fruit juice. Other scientific
research shows, the content of pectin in star fruit has
a role in lowering blood pressure. Pectin in star fruit
works by binding cholesterol, then taking it out with
feces. Therefore, people who consume star fruit to
lower blood pressure also get a bonus to reduce levels
of bad cholesterol. This fruit has vitamin A and C
which is quite high. Especially vitamin C which
reaches 33.00 mg in 100 grams of star fruit. Of
course, high vitamin C content has antioxidant
benefits that can prevent the development of cancer
cells and enhance the body's immune system. Star
fruit has very effective properties to reduce high
blood pressure or hypertension when consumed in
juice. This is because the content of vitamins,
minerals, fiber and various antioxidants in star fruit
that is useful for people with hypertension to lower
blood pressure. Star fruit also contains less than 1
gram of fat, so it is very good for people with
hypertension who have an obsession in losing weight.
The fat contained in star fruit is polyunsaturated fat
that can produce vitamin E and antioxidants. These
compounds can help protect body cells. When weight
has fallen to the ideal range thanks to the consumption
of star fruit, blood pressure will be stable in the
normal range and the occurrence of heart disease and
stroke in the future can be avoided. According to the
National Kidney Foundation, consumption of star
fruit in people suffering from kidney disease will
cause reactions such as hiccups, confusion, and
seizures. That is caused by the inability of the kidneys
to process and get rid of "poisons" from star fruit. As
a result, what happens next is damage to the brain.
Starfruit effective for reducing high blood pressure in
people with hypertension that only applies to people
with hypertension whose disease is still not severe. If
the disease is already severe and causes complications
to the kidneys, starfruit can even bring disaster to
This research was supported by Health Institute of
Deli Husada, Health Institute of Medistra Lubuk
Pakam, Sembiring General Hospital Foundation, and
Medistra Foundation, Indonesia
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Comparison Efficiency of Consuming Sweet Star Fruit Juice, Carrot Juice and Cucumber Juice against Patients with Hypertension Analyzed
with Kruskal Wallis