Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle: A Case Study of
Students Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu
Septika Usdevita Sam
, Yutisnus Sukarmin
, Widiyanto
Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Lifestyle, Physical fitness
Abstract: This study aims to determine the impact of lifestyle on the physical fitness of students XI IPS 1 SMA
Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative. Population and samples
used in this research were all students of class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu amounted to 35
people. The instrument used was a closed questionnaire and a 2,400-meter test run. Techniques of
collecting the data research used questionnaires and tests. Data analysis technique used triangulation
technique of data analysis and descriptive statistics (frequency tabulation). The results of research was
divided into two criteria, namely 22 men and 13 women turned out the average skills in the impact of
lifestyle on physical fitness in students and students of class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu
for men are categorized less or 12.29%, while women were mostly moderate or 16.38%. Conclusions
could be drawn from the respondent's answer. Students and students XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota
Bengkulu had good health and physical fitness that had not been met. The pattern of life of students and
students has not got much understanding about the correct lifestyle of learning and physical fitness. Ideal
sleep time was 7-8 hours better. If less than 7-8 hours, it will result bad life.
Lifestyle is a part of the human secondary needs that
could change depending on time or desire for
someone to change his lifestyle. Lifestyle can be
seen from the way they dress, customs, and others.
Programmed lifestyle can help every individual in
carrying out daily activities tailored to the age and
the conditions in which we live. If lifestyle executed
properly, it will certainly support the achievement of
high labor productivity, which in turn increases the
culture of discipline, because without good
discipline, the pattern of life results will be difficult
to achieve an optimal way. However, on the
contrary, to those who have high discipline will
certainly produce results as expected and body will
remain healthy.
The pattern of life is basically a comprehensive
program about health, physical fitness, nutrition and
recreation as an effort to strike a balance between
physical and mental activity. For example, sports
activities that are carried out in a planned manner
will not only establish the physical, intellectual,
moral, morale and dedication of individuals, but also
it will improve the quality of life of the perpetrators
as members of existing groups in society. In
addition, the values contained in the sport also have
a significant contribution to the development of
character, fighting spirit and high achievement, so it
can be a valuable asset in order to compete with
other nations in the international forum (Suharto, et
al., 2003: 1). Physical fitness is a person's ability to
perform daily activities without experiencing
significant fatigue and still have reserve energy
left to perform other activities. Currently students
are not getting special treatment, which focuses
attention to the physical quality of the fit. Most of
the physical education teachers just focus on the
matter in the absence of treatment. However, the
ancillary aspects of physical fitness is to achieve the
maximum healthy lifestyle.
Based on preliminary observations on 24 January
2019 that researcher do in SMA Negeri 8 Kota
Bengkulu, the students' knowledge is still lacking in
the implementation of lifestyle. It can be seen from
most of the students are still coming late to school,
as a result of a pattern of irregular sleep. In addition,
in terms of dress, it can be seen students woreless
neat and hygiene clothes. Finally, in terms of the
activities of students at school during a break, there
Sam, S., Sukarmin, Y. and , W.
Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle: A Case Study of Students Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu.
DOI: 10.5220/0009801907100714
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 710-714
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are some students who read in the library, while the
other students go to the cafeteria. There were
students playing basketball on the court, and there
were also students who remained in the classroom.
Similarly, physical fitness is indispensable in
supporting the success in student learning. One of
the factors that negatively affect the students’
attendance is being ill. In addition, lack of fitness
can cause students lack of focus, lack of reasoning
ability, comprehension and expression at learning
2.1 Lifestyle
According Lisnawati (2001: 75), lifestyle is
everyday behavior patterns that lead to an effort to
maintain the positive physical, mental, and social
states. According to Broaddus, et al., (2019), it is
important for students to maintain a physically
active and healthy lifestyle. Physical activity as a
part of ones life pattern is one of the physical
education goals in schools. Having more fun and
supportive activities can also increase the chances
of long-term activity participation (Vazou, et al.,
2.2 Physical Fitness Itself
Physical fitness is very important in supporting the
activities in daily life, but the level of physical
fitness of each person is different in accordance with
the duties or professions. Physical fitness is a
manifestation of physical fitness. According
Suharjana (2013: 2), physical fitness means the
physical condition of the type of work performed
daily or, in other words, a match between the
physical components of the task in meeting the
demands of everyday life.
2.3 Characteristics of Children at
Characteristics are related to a trait of a person to get
to know someone's personality. Psychologists view
high school students as individuals who are at the
unclear stage of individual development process.
This ambiguity happens in a transition period, i.e.
from the childhood to the adult period. During this
period, they undergo adolescence or puberty.
Generally, they feel like n adult ltough their
psychology has not yet reached the level.
Based on the issues to be addressed in this study, the
type of this study was descriptive qualitative
research method. As noted by Mahmud (2011: 100),
''descriptive study is a study which sought to
examine the problem systematically and accurately
about the facts.'' The study was conducted in the city
of Bengkulu, Bengkulu University using the stadium
for the implementation of the test of physical fitness.
The study was conducted in the second semester of
the academic year 2018/2019. The population and
sample in this study were all students of class XI IPS
1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu, amounting to 35
According Sugiyono (2012: 142), questionnaire
is a data collection technique in which participants/
respondents fill out the question, and once filled
completely, it returns to the researchers. This
research used the closed questionnaire. Closed
questionnaire expects respondent’s to give brief
answers by selecting one answer to every question
that has been provided, so that the respondents are
free to choose he answers according to their
respective characteristics.
According Asril (2010: 4), test is one of the tools
or procedures are required to collect the data OF a
person, or object through the measurement and
certain rules. In this study, the test was aerobic run
test 2,400 meters (Method Cooper).
The type of questionnaire used in this study was
a closed questionnaire, where researchers set up a
lattice question in accordance with the formulation
of the above problems. 2,400 meter run test aimed
at measuring the capability and capacity of physical
To analyse the data, triangulation and descriptive
statistics (frequency tabulation) were used.
Triangulation is defined as data collection
techniques that combine various data collection
techniques and data sources that already existed.
Descriptive statistics (frequency tabulation) is done
by describing the observations obtained from
measurements (tests) of the pattern of life and
physical fitness.
Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle: A Case Study of Students Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 1, 15 respondents answered (e) exercising
in the mornings, 14 students who answered (d)
exercising in the afternoons, 6 students who
answered (c) exercising during the daay, whereas no
one who answered the answer (b) exercising in the
mornings and evenings, and (a) exercising in the
evening. After being asked of the willingness of
respondents to fill out a questionnaire, the students
filled out the questionnaires. Then, a questionnaire
has been filled reassembled for subsequent data
processing with data analysis.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 1, 4 respondents answered (b) rarely, 6
students answered (d) often, 20 students answered
(e) always, whereas 5 students answered (c)
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 3, 24 respondents answered (e) always, 8
students answered (d) often , 3 students
answered (c) sometimes, while no one answered (b)
rarely, and (a) never.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 4, 10 respondents answered (e) always,
students answered (d) often, 15 students answered
(c) sometimes, 4 students answered (a) never, while
no one answered (b) rarely there.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 5, 10 students answered (e) always, 20
students answered (d) often, 5 students answered (c)
sometimes while no one answered (b) rarely, and
(a) never.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in the item
question number 6, 5 students answered (e) always,
15 students answered (d) often, 3 students answered
(c) sometimes, while 10 students answered (b)
rarely, 2 students gave the answer (a) never.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on an item to
question 7, 5 respondents answered (e) 7-8 hours a
day, 10 students answered (d) 5-6 hours per day, 15
students answered (c) 4-5 hours per day, while 5
students answered (b) 3-4 hours per day, and no one
answered (a) 2-3 hours a day.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 8, no respondents answered (e) never, 5
students answered (d) rarely, 10 students answered
(c) sometimes, while 20 students answered (b) often,
and no one answered (a) is always there.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness in question
item No. 9, no respondents answered (e) never and
(d) rarely, 5 students answered (c) sometimes, 10
students answered (b) often, and 20 students
answered (a) always.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 10, 20 students answered (e) very
influential, 10 students answered (d) effect, 5
students answered (c) Mediocre, while no one
answered (b) has no effect, and (a) is not an effect.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 11, 20 students answered (e) of muscle
strength, flexibility, endurance and agility, 10
students answered (d) coordination, body
composition, reaction speed and strength, 10
students answered (d) coordination, body
composition, reaction speed and strength, 5
students answered (c) agility and balance, while no
one answere (b) muscle strength
flexibility, and (a)enough muscular endurance.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 12, no respondents answered (e) is
always, 5 students answered (d) often, 20 students
answered (c) rarely, 10 students answered (b)
never, no one answered (a) was never.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 13, 3 respondents answered (e) has a lot
of know, 8 students answered (d) sufficient, 22
students answered (c) only slightly, 2 students
answered (b) do not know, while no one answered
(a) was not aware.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 14, 15 respondents answered (e) to the
hospital, 15 students answered (d) health centers, no
one answered (c) taking traditional medicine and (a)
go to a shaman, while 5 students answered (b)
sufficient alternative treatments.
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the
impact of lifestyle on physical fitness on item
Question no 15, no respondents answered e) is
always there (a) was never was not there, and (d)
often is not there, 30 students answered (c) rarely,
while 5 students answered (b) never =. (Obtained
from the sum of the answer a, b, c, d, and e) the
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
results of the percentage that answered (e) is, the
result of the percentage who answered (d) is, the
result of the percentage who answered (c), the
percentage who answered (b ) was 0% while that
answer (a) is.
Table 1: Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle
Result 1
≥ 15:31 2 9.09% SK
12:11 to
7 31.81% K
10:49 to
10 45.51% S
09:41 to
2 9.09% B
08:37 to
1 4.50% BS
≤ 8:37 - - -
It can be concluded that out of 22 male students, a
total of 2 students (9.09%) in the category of time
taken 15.31, a total of 7 students (31.81%) in the
category of time it took 12:11 to 15:30, as many as
10 sisw (45.51%) in the category of time it took
10.49 - 12:10, a total of 2 students (9.09%) in the
category pursued 09:41 to 10:48, as many as 1
students (4.50%) in the category of the that of 13
female students, a total of 3 students (22.07%) in the
category of time taken 16.55- 18:30, a total of 8
students (61.54%) in the category of time taken
14.3116,54, as much as 2 students (15.39% ) in the
category of time it took 12:30 to 14:30.
Table 2: Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle
Result 2
≥ 18:31 - - SK
16:55 to
3 23.07% K
14:31 to
8 61.54% S
12:30 to
2 15.39% B
11:50 to
- - BS
≤ 11:50 - - BS
Based on the description of the data and the
processed data on the "Impact Analysis Lifestyle
Against Physical Fitness (Case Study On Student
Schoolgirl Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota
Bengkulu)", it can be argued answers of formulation
of the problem that has been asked before, namely,
"How can the impact of pattern life of the physical
fitness of the students of class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri
8 Kota Bengkulu?” with regard to the impact of
lifestyle. For more details of the answer can be
described as follows
According Lisnawati (2001: 75), the lifestyle is
everyday behavior patterns that lead to an effort to
maintain the physical, mental, and social are in a
positive state. Of the respondents who pointed out
that the item no one more answer (e) exercising in
the morning with a percentage of 42.86%,
respondents in item No. 2 more questions answered
(e) always with a percentage of 57.14%, respondents
on item No. 3 more answered (e) always with a
percentage of 68.57%, respondents in item No. 4
more questions answered (c) sometimes with a
percentage of 42.86%, respondents in the item no
5 more many answer (d) often with a percentage of
57.14%, respondents in item No. 6 more questions
answered (d) often with presentse 42.86% whereas
in both categories are 2 boys and 2 female students
with a percentage of 9.09% and 15.39%, whereas in
the good category once only male students is 1 with
a percentage of 1.50%. Based on data obtained from
sample number 35 is divided into two categories of
criteria: 22 men and 13 women, apparently of
grouping two criteria can average time taken on a
test aerobic run 2400 meters of male students is 12,
29 minutes so that it can be categorized less, while
in the can the average time in the travel in aerobic
test run 2400 meters perempun students yitu 16.08
minutes so it can be considered moderate.
From the questionnaire results seen from the family
environment, school environment, community,
knowledge utilization and daily behavior can lead
good results. The results of a test run 2,400 m
obtained the results for male students took 12:29
minutes seen from frequency table in the category of
less, while the female student took 16:38 minutes
seen from a frequency table with category. Male
students have physical fitness is less due to the lack
of implementation of lifestyle in their daily
activities, whereas the female students have physical
fitness because they already started to implement a
Impact Analysis of Physical Fitness Lifestyle: A Case Study of Students Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu
good lifestyle in everyday life.
After doing some research, the author gives
suggestions as follows: The need for more
understanding about healthy lifestyle on physical
fitness for male and female students in class XI IPS
1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu that can be applied
in various aspects of family life, school, and
community. Healthy lifestyles for male and female
students in class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Kota
Bengkulu need to be considered as a state of sleep
until late at night,maintaining the cleanliness of the
body properly, proper diet, regular exercise in order
to gain support for physical fitness.
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