Sports Massage to Improve the Immunoglobulin A (Iga) and the
Hormon Beta Endorphin
Bambang Priyonoadi
, Panggung Sutapa
, Ali Satia Graha
Sport Science Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sports massage, high intensity, weight training, IgA, beta-endorphin
Abstract: Background: Massage may decrease muscle tension, accelerate blood circulation, increase nerve
conductivity and hormonal changes, and increase immunity. Sports massage may also increase the level of
beta endorphin (BE) hormone and immunoglobulin A (IgA) to accelerate the recovery of athletes.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate evidence of the effect of exercise massage on changes in
IgA and BE hormone levels. Method: This research was an experimental research with the pre-test post-
test design. Research subjects were taken by inclusion: 1). 3rd year student of Sport Science Department,
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, 2). Male students, 3). Healthy, and 4). Willing to be the subject of
research. There were 18 students divided into 2 groups namely: treatment group I (K1), which was given
sports massage, and group II (K2) as a control group, treated with placebo massage. The blood samples
were taken through in vena cubiti of both control and experiment groups before and after treatment, and
examined for the level of beta endorphin (BE) hormone and immunoglobulin A (IgA), by using instruments.
The treatment for all the groups were physical exercises in the form of circuit weight training with 12
sessions and 10 repetitions/sets of 3 sets at high intensity for 60 minutes. After completion of circuit weight
training, all samples were rested for 60 minutes. After the breaks, then all of the samples in each group were
given 45 minutes massage treatment in the form of sports massage and placebo massage treatment for the
group I and group II, respectively followed by resting for 60 minutes. Results: The exercise significantly
increased the average IgA immune level by 36.22 mg/dl and beta-endorphin hormone levels by 1.65 ng/ml
(F> 0.05). Conclusion: Sports massage to athletes performed heavy work and or exercise at high intensity
could increase IgA and BE hormone.
The massage is often undertaken to reduce the
movement errors due to daily or exercise activities.
The massage, including sports massage, is a massage
that is specifically used or given to healthy people,
especially sportsmen. The objects of sports massage
are certain body parts of a healthy person.
Manipulation is a method of gripping, which is a
way of using the hands to adjust to certain areas of
the body and also to give certain influences (Findley,
2010). The manipulation techniques that are often
used in massage according to Paine (Paine, 2015)
are effleurage (rubbing), petrissage (squeezing and
pressing), shaking, friction (grinding), tapotemen
(beating, hacking, clapping), walken (variations of
rubbing), vibration, stroking, skin-rolling (folding
the skin), chiropractice (tapping). Those
manipulation techniques are often used in sports
activities. There are 9 types of manipulation taught
in FIK UNY (Priyonoadi, 2011) namely effleurage
(rubbing), petrissage (squeezing and pressing),
shaking, friction (grinding), tapotemen (beating,
hacking, clapping), walken (variations of rubbing),
and vibration. In this study, the manipulation
technique used only 9 kinds of manipulation, namely
(rubbing), petrissage (squeezing and pressing),
shaking, friction (grinding), tapotemen (beating,
hacking, clapping), walken (variations of rubbing),
and vibration.
Sports massage is known as a manual and
manipulative therapy. This is a physical treatment
mainly used in the neuromusculoskeletal system to
treat pain and disability. The type and method of
massage are preferred to make muscles relaxed and
to improve the blood circulation for recovery
Priyonoadi, B., Sutapa, P. and Graha, A.
Sports Massage to Improve the Immunoglobulin A (Iga) and the Hormon Beta Endorphin.
DOI: 10.5220/0009801807040709
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 704-709
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between training or high intensity competition
sessions, reducing the possibility of tissue damage
(Arroyo-Morales et al, 2009), decreasing heart rate,
improving the blood circulation and pressure,
reducing muscle tension, increasing joint motion,
and reducing pain (Callaghan, 1993), as well as
multidirectional changing in the metabolism of
important biological compounds, improving the
functional state of neuromuscular devices and
activating energy production (Bykov et al, 2011).
Therefore, the massage can help the athletes achieve
the effective recovery.
Massage after an intense exercise may increase
the IgA level (Saman et al, 2011). Similarly,
(NCCAM, 2012) concluded that a Swedish massage
session indicates a measurable biological effect and
could have an effect on the immune system. As
expressed by Major et al (Major et al, 2015), the
provision of massage effleurage in mouse showed a
trend of increasing the number of thymocytes in T
cells in lymphoid organs increasing the IgA immune
production. Similarly, massage affecting BE
hormonal changes was seen in Fraser's and Cooper
(Fraser & Cooper, 2009) and (Rokade, 2011)
massage studies. BE hormone interferes the pain
transmission by increasing the circulation of
naturally-produced neurotransmitters in neural
synapses in central nervous system pathways.
Endorphins bind to the pre-synaptic membrane,
inhibiting the release of substance P which may
inhibit the transmission of pain, resulting in less
It is possible that IgA immune and hormone
levels BE levels can be used as a parameter to
predict the health level of the body after
experiencing high-intensity exercise, such as a
circuit weight training. Therefore, the research about
the benefit of sports massage to immunoglobulin A
(IgA) and beta endorphin (BE) hormone levels need
to be conducted.
2.1 Research Instruments
The IgA immune level was examinaned by ELISA
(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method
carried out by indirect sandwich using Siemen
Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., (SIEMENS, 2008).
Data were interpreted using Elisa Reader with 95%
The BE hormone level was examined by ELISA
(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method
carried out by the indirect sandwich using
Peptide Enzyme Immunoassay (IEA, 2014). Data
were interpreted using Elisa Reader with 95%
2.2 Research Subject
This experimental research was conducted using a
pre-test post-test design (Sugiyono, 2013),
(Sugiyono, 2014). The research subjects were 23
males and during the research process there were 5
subjects who could not continue the research, so that
the entire subject was 18 males and healthy sport
science students of Yogyakarta State University,
Indonesia. Prior to the research, the subjects signed
consent letters stating the willing to be the subject of
research. During the research, the subjects divided
into 2 groups, namely treatment (K1) and control
(K2) groups. The K1 and K2 groups were treated
with sport and the placebo massages respectively.
2.3 Procedure
All the groups (K1 and K2) took a preliminary test
(pre-test). 7 mL of blood sampling of the subjects
were taken from the cubital vein. The
immunoglobulin A (IgA) and beta endorphin (BE)
hormone levels of the blood were examined in the
lab using instruments. The blood tests (post-test)
were again undertaken after the subject finished
activities including physical activity training that
was a circuit weight training of 12 sessions and
repetition 10 times / set as many as 3 sets at high
intensity for 60 minutes. Workout load of each
muscle was 30% from 1 RM, each session took 30
seconds, and the breaking interval between training
sessions to another session was 60 seconds. The
breaking interval between sets was 3-5 minutes. The
breaking interval was used as a substitute for
exhausting activities before being treated using
massage. After resting for 60 minutes, 45 minutes
sports massage was given to the group K1 and the
placebo for group K2, and another 60 minutes rest.
Measurements 1 and 2 were performed with the
sample in the position of sitting. In the research
process, there were 2 people who resigned because
they were unable to continue the research and 4
participants with the extreme data results so that the
total sample that could be analysed was 18. Data
takers were experts of Prodia Laboratory located at
Jl. Bintaran Kulon No. 28 Yogyakarta, and expert
therapists (masseurs) were professional therapists
from the FIK UNY Therapy Clinic.
Sports Massage to Improve the Immunoglobulin A (Iga) and the Hormon Beta Endorphin
2.4 Data analysis technique
Normality (Shapiro-Wilks), homogeneity (Levene
test), and T-test of data were undertaken by using
SPSS V.19.0 suit of program.
3.1 Description of Research Data
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and beta endorphin (BE)
hormone levels of pre-test and post-test were
obtained and calculated to determine the gain scores
(GS). The positive value (+) indicates the increasing
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and beta endorphin (BE)
hormone levels after treatments. Statistic parameters
of the data are given in Table.
Table 1: The Increase of IgA Immune Levels (mg / dl) in Experimental and Control Groups.
GS (Post-Pre)
GS (Post-Pre)
337 302 35 192 194 -2
307 258 49 388 361 27
320 284 36 197 187 10
237 208 29 307 298 9
250 205 45 220 211 9
242 214 28 178 174 4
220 183 37 229 228 1
304 259 45 209 213 -4
276 254 22 316 325 -9
Σ= 326 Σ= 45
Mean 36.22 Mean 5.00
Std. Dev 8.955 Std. Dev 10.512
Max 49 Max 27
Table 1 describes the results of research on the
Gain Score (GS) for the experimental group of
sports massage on the IgA immune level with the
total amount (Σ) of 326 mg/dl, the mean value (
) of
36.22 mg/dl, standard deviation 8.955 mg/dl, the
minimum value of 22 mg/dl, and the maximum
value of 49 mg/dl. On the other hand, the GS on the
IgA immune level in the control group was the total
amount (Σ) of 45 mg/dl, the average value (
) of 5
mg/dl, the average value (
) 5.00, and standard
deviation of 10.512 mg/dl, with the minimum value
of -9 mg/dl and the maximum value of 27 mg/dl.
Table 2: The Increase in BE Levels (ng/ml) in the Experimental and Control Groups.
Independent Variable BE HORMONE
GS (Post-Pre)
GS (Post-Pre)
9.52 8.53 0.99 14.83 14.98 -0.15
11.15 9.37 1.78 7.97 7.41 0.56
10.13 8.99 1.14 14.53 15.38 -0.85
13.83 12.14 1.69 9.65 9.37 0.28
14.03 11.5 2.53 13.63 13.07 0.56
13.44 11.88 1.56 16.16 16.53 -0.37
15.72 13.07 2.65 12.61 12.56 0.05
11.1 9.46 1.64 13.5 13.76 -0.26
11.32 10.42 0.9 8.64 9.1 -0.46
Σ= 14,88 Σ= -0.64
Mean 1.6533 Mean -.0711
Std. Dev .61838 Std. Dev .47745
Min .90 Min -.85
Max 2.65 Max .56
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 2 describes the results of research on the
Gain Score (GS) for the experimental group of
sports massage on the value of the BE hormone level
with the total level (Σ) of 14.88 ng/ml and the
average value (
) of 1.6533 ng/ml, standard
deviation .61838 ng/ml, minimum value of .90
mg/dl, and maximum value of 2.65 ng/ml. Whereas
the GS level of BE hormone in the control group
was gained the total score (Σ) of -0.64 ng/ml and the
average value (
) of -.0711 ng/ml, standard
deviation of .47745 ng/ml with the minimum value
of -.85 ng/ml, and the maximum value of .56 ng/ml.
3.2 Presentation of Test Results Test
The normality test of immunoglobulin A (IgA) and
beta endorphin (BE) hormone levels data indicates
that data is normally distributed with p ˃ α 0.05.
The homogeneity test of immunoglobulin A
(IgA) and beta endorphin (BE) hormone levels data
is analysed by using the Levene's technique. It is
obtained that F> α 0.05, meaning the working
hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is
accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the final
Gain Score (GS) data of the population variants in
the treatment group is homogeny.
Table 3: T-test
t-test for E
of Means
t df Sig.
E. D
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Equal variances assume
6.783 16 .000 31.22 4.603 21.46 40.980
Equal variances not assume
6.783 15.606 .000 31.22 4.603 21.44 41.000
ual variances assume
6.622 16 .000 1.724 .2604 1.172 2.27651
ual variances not assume
6.622 15.03 .000 1.724 .2604 1.169 2.27939
Based on the results of data analysis through the
Simultaneous Confidence Interval presented in table
5, the confidence level was 95%. It can be argued
that with a 95% confidence level there was an
increase in the Iga and BE variables. The degree of
changes in the increase of IgA was at the lowest
level of 21.464 mmHg with the coefficient of 31.222
mg/dl, whereas the increase of BE hormone was at
the lowest level of 1.17238 ng/ml with the
coefficient of 1,72444 ng/ml.
Based on the presentation of the results of T-test
data analysis in Table 5., the Gain Score (GS) data
of the whole group of sports massage treatment and
in the control group on the immune measurement
test of IgA and BE hormone levels have been found
significance F> α 0.05, meaning the working
hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is
accepted. So it can be concluded that the final Gain
Score (GS) data: 1) Sports massage has a significant
effect on elevated IgA immune levels; 2) Sports
massage may have a significant effect on elevated
levels of the hormone BE.
The results showed that: 1) Sports massages may
increase the average IgA immune level by 36.22
mg/dl and have a significant effect of F> 0.05; 2)
Sports massage may increase hormone levels to 1.65
ng/ml and have a significant effect due to F> 0.05.
3.3 Discussion
Agreeing with Tejero's statement (Tejero-Fernandez,
Membrilla-Mesa, at al 2014), the best
way to describe the practice of massage to
mechanically manipulate body tissue was by
applying rhythmic pressure. Furthermore, Field et al.
(Field, Diego, Hernandez, 2010) stated that one of
the mechanisms giving to massage impacts is by
stimulating mechanoreceptors nervous system found
in the skin (eg. Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles,
Merkel disc tip, Ruffini and free nerve endings). The
pressure applied to the receptors activated pathways
that send signals along nerve fibres and myelin to
limbic regions of the brain (Sliz, Smith, Wiebking,
Northoff, Hayley, 2012) or affected the release of
such substances P or serotonin considered
responsible for mediating 'relax' (Listing, et
al. 2010).
These suggested that emotion and
neuronal modulation were key elements for the
effectiveness of massage therapy. Major et al
believed catecholamine released in lymphoid organs
under central nervous system control was known as
regulators of the immune repertoire.
The mediation of massage increases
catecholamine. Banker (Banker, Christine, Waters.,
2013) stated that the effleurage massage to rats may
Sports Massage to Improve the Immunoglobulin A (Iga) and the Hormon Beta Endorphin
significantly decrease fluorescence intensity in both
the cortical and cortico-medullary intersections. This
is in line with the opinion of Herman et al (Herman,
Poindexter at al 2012) that the large noradrenergic
nerve plexus predominates in the subcapsular cortex
and the corticomedullary junction, where reside
thymocytes are more mature. Reinforced
by Major's research previous studies conducted on
human’s show that the effleurage massage enhances
vagal activity through stimulation of pressure
receptors which in turn signals the limbic system
reduces norepinephrine release in the bloodstream
causing regulation of overall sympathetic activity.
Interestingly, Major's research and other research
groups have shown sympathetic nerves that
lymphoid innervate tissue as one of the major
pathways of the nervous and immune systems
communicate to maintain body homeostasis (Diego
at al, 2009), (Field, 2008), (Pilipovic et al, 2012),
(Leposavic at al, 2011), (Leposavic & Perisic, 2008)
The results of the above analyses indicate that
sports massage can increase the immune IgA levels
physiologically due to the result of treatment of
manipulation in sports massage as much as 9 (nine)
repetitions beginning with effleurage manipulation,
petrissage (squeezing and pressing), shaking,
friction, beating, hacking, clapping, walking,
vibration and closing with effleurage manipulation
leads to smoothening of the circulatory system that
delivers the build-up of lactic acid and carbon
dioxide and increases oxygen levels to help the
process of energy formation in muscle cells within
the mitochondria. This smooth blood circulation will
stimulate the endocrine system in the thymus gland
to produce the thymocytes and in the liver and bone
marrow produced lymphocytes consisting of B cells
and T cells circulated through blood and lymph
nodes to the mucosal epithelial tissue of mucous
membranes, including mucus, saliva, and tears and
mucosal tissue in the respiratory and digestive tracts
that trigger to produce IgA immunity (Barrett at al,
2010), (Wiarto, 2012). So sports massage is highly
recommended to be given to athletes in order to
increase the levels of IgA is very high useful as
immune in the body. Meanwhile sports massage can
increase levels of hormones BE physiologically due
to the impact of treatment on sports massage as
much as 9 (nine) repetition that resulted in the
influence on a good in nerve system, it turns out that
this repetitive manipulation stimulus is responded to
by larger A-beta fibres, so this stimulus reaches the
brain first, thereby closing the pain gate so that pain
perception does not arise. In addition, the
stimulation provided to stimulate the body's natural
morphine expenditure is the hormone endorphin by
stimulating the sensory nerve receptors to be
delivered to the central nervous system. If the
impulse reaches the nucleus of the raphe Magnus
resulting in secreting the encephalin proceeding in
both directions downward to the end of the dorsal
nucleus root of the spinal cord (aiming at the
secretion of serotonin to affect the spinal cord
neurons to secrete encephalin) in order to inhibit the
carrying nerve the pain that enters through the
lamina I and IV of the dorsal roots, while the
upwardly transmitted signals of the midbrain of the
midbrain (periaqueductal), the stimuli received by
the periaqueductal are conveyed to the
hypothalamus, from this hypothalamus via the
descending nerve pathway of the endorphin
hormone secreted to the vessels blood, so it can be
said that the pain and fatigue is reduced because the
release of encephalin (inside the endorphin beta
molecule) released by centring on the brain and
spinal cord as a result of the gate control theory also
resulted in a sense of euphoria due to the release of
the BE hormone that circulates throughout the body
(Guyton, 1994). So sports massage is recommended
to the athlete in order to increase the levels of the BE
hormone that is used in an effort to reduce muscle
fatigue and pain, although the rate of increase is not
greatly increased compared to IgA.
Sports massage may affect and significantly increase
IgA immune and BE hormone levels.
I am grateful to all the sport science students of
Yogyakarta State University who have been pleased
to be the samples, and the masseurs who generously
assisted the treatments.
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Sports Massage to Improve the Immunoglobulin A (Iga) and the Hormon Beta Endorphin