Plyometric Training Effects on Volleyball Athletes Power
, Risti Nurfadhila
Sport Sciences Study Program, Graduate School Yogyakarta State University, Colombo Street, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Plyometric, Power, Volleyball athletes
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of plyometric training, consisting of both dynamic and
static plyometric training, on power of volleyball athletes. Eight-teen volleyball athletes were recruited as
samples. The sample consisted of two groups, namely dynamic plyometric and static plyometric group. In
addition, power performance was assessed by standing broad jump test. This study used experimental research
design. Paired t-test was employed to find out the effects of plyometric training, which consists of dynamic
and static plyometric training, on power of volleyball athletes while independent t-test was used to find out
different effect of dynamic and static plyometric training. The result showed that there was a significant effect
of dynamic plyometric training on power (p= 0.028); no significant effect of statistic plyometric training on
power (p= 0.540), and a significant different effect of dynamic and statistic plyometric training on power (p=
0.000). The result suggests that dynamic plyometric training is effective to improve power.
Volleyball is a sport that has complex movements.
Many factors influence the success of volleyball
achievement, which is based on several aspects
including physical exercise, technique, tactics, and
mental training (Bompa & Haff, 2009). Physical
condition is one of the most important factors in
volleyball achievement. In order to achieve high
performance in competitive sports, a prime physical
condition is needed according to the needs and
demands of the sport. The prime physical condition is
needed by every athlete, especially for sports that
demand long-term heavy performance. Many benefits
are obtained from prime physical conditions such as:
easy to master complex skills, reduce the risk of
injury, maintain physical performance, accelerate
recovery after exercise, and increase self-confidence.
According to Bompa (2000), physical condition is
an important element and becomes the basis for
developing techniques, tactics, strategies and mental
development. Physical condition status can reach the
optimal point if it is started from an early age, carried
out continuously throughout the year, tiered and
guided by the principles of training correctly. In
addition, the development of physical conditions
must be planned periodically based on the stages of
exercise, the status of the athlete's physical condition,
the needs of each number / class / sport, the fulfilment
of balanced nutrition, adequate facilities and
equipment, a healthy environment, and the level of
training of athletes. Anderson, D., Tharp, T.,
Elsberry, C., Best, A., Barr, R., and Legg, B., (2011)
state that physical ability consists of strength,
endurance, speed, agility, flexibility, coordination,
power, and stamina.
Volleyball is a team sport which is a non-cycle or
acyclic sport in which a motion is carried out
intermittently. The load given for power training for
acyclic sports between 50-80% is done with rapid
movements, and given intervals of 3-5 minutes and
full recovery or complete recovery (Bompa, 1999).
Volleyball is an open exercise in which the
movements are made in a moving environment or
using unknown objects. In volleyball, the rhythm of
motion requires an explosive power from the muscles
of both the upper and lower extremities. The
movements in volleyball games are very anaerobic,
with an average of 7-9 seconds rally. Setting, spiking,
jumping, and blocking are all anaerobic power
movements (Bertucci, 1982; Stone & Kroll., 1991).
The players are also required to always move along
in one rally. The ball known as ball out-of-play is not
played in less than 20 seconds. Meanwhile, the ball is
played in an average of 7 minutes during a set. It is
not played on average 17 minutes in one set (24
minutes). The game of volleyball requires a large leg
of power to jump and also able to continue playing at
Mansur, . and Nurfadhila, R.
Plyometric Training Effects on Volleyball Athletes Power.
DOI: 10.5220/0009797905760578
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 576-578
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
high levels for several hours. Active players must
jump vertically once in 43 seconds on average,
sometimes they also jump 2 to 3 times in a row.
Therefore, power is a very important physical aspect
of volleyball.
In order to achieve excellent power, the right
practice is needed. There are several types of physical
training methods. Plyometric training is one type of
exercise that can be used to improve physical
condition. Lubis (2005) states that plyometric training
is one of the exercises carried out by the trainers
specifically to sports that require the ability of the
explosive leg and arm muscles. Dynamic and static
plyometric exercises are a form of plyometric
exercise. Both of these types of exercises have
advantages and disadvantages. There have not been
detailed studies discussing the comparison and the
influence of the two plyometric exercises which are
the focuses in this study.
This study employed an experimental method, which
investigated the possibility of interconnected cause
and effect by using one or more treatment conditions
to one experimental group. The population in this
study included Yuso Sleman volleyball athletes. To
determine the sample, the purposive sampling
technique was used in the present study. This
technique was chosen specifically based on the
research objectives.
Furthermore, in this study the data were collected
through testing and measurement techniques. The
data from this study were taken directly through tests
and measurements with power test. Meanwhile, data
analysis techniques carried out in this study were
quantitative analysis. Paired t-test and independent t-
test were used in this study.
The plyometric training programs used in this
study were both dynamic and static plyometric
program. The subject warmed up for 15 minutes and
directly performed the plyometric exercise for 20
minutes before technique and tactic exercise.
Both paired t-test and independent t-test of this study
are presented in table. The results of paired t-test
showed that the dynamic plyometric training was
significant (p= 0.028) and had an effect on power. In
contrast, constant plyometric exercises were not
significant (p= 0.1540) yet had an effect on increasing
power. The independent results of the t-test showed
that there was a significant difference between
dynamic and the static plyometrics exercise with p=
0.000. Dynamic plyometric exercises, therefore, have
a better effect than static plyometric on increasing
Tabel 1: Paired and Independent T Test Result
Dynamic Plyometric
Static Plyometric
Dynamic Plyometric* Static
Plyometrics, also known as "jump training" or
"plyos", are exercises involving maximum muscles
force exerted in a short interval of time to increase
muscle power. This training focuses on learning to
move from a muscle extension to a contraction in a
rapid or "explosive" manner, for example with
specialized repeated jumping.
It was evident that after six weeks of plyometric
and resistance training, young volleyball players have
had great improvement in their skeletal strength and
explosive power. In comparison to different training
methods, the highest improvement was observed in
resistance training group and then in plyometric
group. Bosco (1982) believes that the increase in
explosive power is the result of two factors:
adaptation in bio motor organs and the improvement
in skeletal functions to store motor energy in elastic
elements. In other words, the role of plyometric
training is feasible in neural- skeletal system which
results in the fast transference from external
constriction to internal one. Therefore, increase in the
strength as a result of plyometric training, might be
because of the increase in the size of muscle fibres.
Adaptation in the production of skeletal power is in
close association with the increase in muscle fibres.
Plyometric training programs might cause a
significant increase at the first and second type of
skeletal muscle fibres.
Dynamic plyometric exercises are the types of
plyometric exercises with a front and side direction,
while static plyometric exercises are plyometric
exercises with a forward direction. The results of the
study showed that dynamic plyometric exercises had
a better effect on power than static plyometric
exercises. Dynamic plyometric exercises have a
better effect because physiologically a stretch reflex
or myotatic reflex is a response to a given level of
muscle stretching and is one of the fastest reflexes in
Plyometric Training Effects on Volleyball Athletes Power
the human body so that dynamic plyometric exercises
are more effective than static plyometric exercises.
The result showed that there was a significant effect
of dynamic plyometric training on power (p= 0.028);
no significant effect of statistic plyometric training on
power (p= 0.540), and a significant different effect of
dynamic and statistic plyometric training on power
(p= 0.000). This result, therefore, suggests that
dynamic plyometric training is effective to improve
Anderson, D., Tharp, T., Elsberry, C., Best, A., Barr,
R., and Legg, B., 2011. High School Strength
Training. IOWA High School Athletic
Association. (515) 432.
Bompa TO, and Haff GG., 2009. Periodization:
Theory and Methodology of Training.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
Bompa, T.O., 2000. Total Training for Young
Champions. United States of America: Human
Faigenbaum, Avery D. & Westcott, Wayne L. (2009).
Youth Strength Training. USA: Human Kinetics.
Lubis, J. 2005. Plyometric Training. 24 februari 2016.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)