Analysis of Factors Related to Work Fatigue on Workers in the CPP
(Cable Product Plan) Part of PT. City of JJ-Lapp SMI (Factory)
Tangerang in 2019
Arsyika Hakiki and Erna Veronika
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Esa Unggul University,
Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, RT.1/RW.2, Duri Kepa, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Work Fatigue, Age, Workload, Nutritional Status, Physical Activity.
Abstract: Fatigue is a symptom associated with a decrease in work efficiency, specific to the skills as well as
increased anxiety and even boredom. Fatigue itself marked by feelings of fatigue decreased output, and the
physiological condition resulting from excessive activity. This research was conducted to analyze Factors
Associated with Work Fatigue Workers in Section CPP (Cable Product Plan) PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI
(Factory) Tangerang in 2019. This study used a cross-sectional method. Research measuring instrument in
the form of questionnaire fatigue subjective work from the Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC),
weight scales and height and stopwatch. The population in this study were workers in the CPP (Cable
Product Plan) some 60 workers. Sample of 51 workers with the random sampling method. The results using
the Chi-Square test. Statistical analysis showed an association between age (p-value = 0.045), workload (p-
value = 0.000), nutritional status (p-value = 0.000) To reduce and overcome the fatigue is high then the
recommended companies carry out medical examinations on the incidence of fatigue especially on workers
and provide meals that meet the nutritional balanced for workers.
Technological advances have raised standards and
quality of human life better through increased
production and work productivity other than that
technological advancements have resulted in various
adverse impacts, which can increase environmental
pollution, workplace accidents and various types of
diseases caused by work. Overcoming these
problems requires the high performance of Human
Resources (HR) (Tarwaka, 2010). Work fatigue
contributes 50% to work accidents. Data from the
International Labor Organization (ILO) states that
almost every year as many as two million workers
die due to work accidents caused by fatigue (ILO,
Data from the International Labor Organization
(ILO) states that in 2013 1.2 million workers died
due to exhaustion (ILO, 2013) total time lost
because of fatigue on workers averaged 5.6
hours/week when compared to 3.3 hours of workers
who did not experience fatigue (Ricci et al, 2007).
According to a National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) report, in the United States, it was
found that 52% of single accidents were caused by
heavy equipment vehicles and from nearly 18% of
accident cases, drivers claimed to lack concentration
due to fatigue and fell asleep while driving (Peden,
2004). Based on data obtained from the Ministry of
Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of
Indonesia states that the number of work accidents
fluctuated in 2011 to 9,891 cases, in 2012 as many
as 21,735, in 2013 as many as 35,917, and in 2014
as 24,9106, with 65% of workers in Indonesia with
complaints work fatigue so that there is need for
control (RI Ministry of Manpower and
Transmigration, 2014). Based on the results of the
Work Fatigue Survey Report on the CPJ (Cable
Product Plant) of PT JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory)
Tangerang in 2018 using the IFRC (Industrial
Fatigue Research Committee) questionnaire from 87
workers found that work exhaustion of the CPP
(Cable Product Plant) by 70.37% (19 workers)
experienced mild fatigue and 29.62% (8 workers)
experienced moderate fatigue, CWP of (12) 100% of
Hakiki, A. and Veronika, E.
Analysis of Factors Related to Work Fatigue on Workers in the CPP (Cable Product Plan) Part of PT. City of JJ-Lapp SMI (Factory) Tangerang in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009785103920396
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 392-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
workers experienced mild fatigue, the EHS
department obtained by 80% (12 workers)
experienced mild fatigue and 20% (3 workers)
experienced moderate fatigue, the logistics
department was 81.25% (13 workers) experienced
mild fatigue and 18.75% (3 workers) experienced
moderate fatigue, and engineering and maintenance
were found 88.23% (15 workers) experienced mild
fatigue and 11.76% (2 workers) experienced
moderate fatigue.
This research uses a quantitative approach to aim to
get an idea by studying the correlation or
relationship between the independent variables of
this dependent. this research using a cross-sectional
design for this study data collection is done at the
same time. The population in this study were
workers at the Cable Product Plan with a sample size
of 51 respondents. Sample calculations performed
using two different formulas proportions. The
sampling technique in this study using simple
random sampling. The collection of data that will be
used resources in the form of primary data through
interviews using a questionnaire for age, workload,
and nutritional status the data were analyzed using
univariate performed each variable, while bivariate
analysis was done with a chi-square test using SPSS
with a significance level of p = 0.05 (CI = 95).
Based on the results of the study, it is known that the
highest proportion of fatigue levels in workers is
workers who experience high fatigue as many as 37
workers (72.5%) and the lowest proportion of
workers who experience low fatigue as many as 14
workers (27.5%). work ( 3 years) as many as 20
people (33.3%).
The results of the study on the age variable are
known to be the highest proportion of age among
workers who are at risk age category that is 34
workers (66.7%) and the lowest proportion of
workers with no risk category is 17 workers
The results of research on the workload variable
are known that the highest proportion of workload
on workers is workers who experience heavy loads
of 35 workers (68.8%) and the lowest proportion in
the medium load category of 16 workers (31.4%).
The results of the study on the nutritional status
variable found out that the proportion of nutritional
status of workers is workers with risk nutritional
status categories, as many as 36 workers (70.6%)
and the lowest proportion with no risk nutritional
status categories, as many as 15 workers (29.4%).
Table 1: An overview of each variable on the Cable Product Plan in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI factory Tangerang 2019.
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
level of work fatigue
High >60 37 72,5
Low 60 14 27,5
Risk of 36 34 66,7
Not Risk < 36 17 33,3
Heavy load %CVL 60 35 68,6
Medium load %CVL <60 16 31,4
Nutritional status
Risky <18,5 and >24,9 36 51.7
Not at Risk 8,5 -24,9 16 48.3
Analysis of Factors Related to Work Fatigue on Workers in the CPP (Cable Product Plan) Part of PT. City of JJ-Lapp SMI (Factory)
Tangerang in 2019
Table 2: The proportion of workers with work fatigue the independent variable Cable Product Planning Section PT. Cable
Factory JJ-Lapp SMI Tangerang 2019.
Work Fatigue Total P-Value OR (95% CI)
Risky Not at Risk
N % N % N %
Risk of 36
82,4 6 17,6 34
0,045 1,556
Not Risk < 36
52,9 8 47,1 17
Heavy load %CVL 60
97,1 1 2,9 35
Medium load %CVL<60
18,8 13 81,3 16
Nutritional status
Risky <18,5 and > 24,9
88,9 4 11,1 36 100.0
Not at Risk 8,5 - 24,9
33,3 10 66,7 16
4.1 Age
Statistical test results show that there is a significant
relationship between the age of workers with work
fatigue with workers (p-value = 0.045). The results
of this study are in line with Medianto (2017), that
there is a significant relationship between the age of
workers who are at risk> 36 years with work fatigue
in Unloaded Workers (TKBM) workers. This is
because the age of workers is older than older
workers, so workers experience work fatigue more
From the results of this study, it can be seen that
age is one of the factors that affect the workability of
an individual. This is because of the age at risk 36
years so that they will experience fatigue faster than
the age of no risk <36 years. The age factor can
affect a person's work capacity and a person's age is
directly proportional to his work capacity. This is as
a result of various biological changes as a
consequence of aging. Therefore, suggestions for
companies need to have a maximum age standard
for employment, so companies have workers with
higher work capacities.
4.2 Workload
Based on the results of the study obtained statistical
test results indicate that there is a significant
relationship between the workload of workers with
work fatigue with workers (p-value = 0,000). Based
on the results of research in line with Mastiawan
(2017) that there is a relationship between workload
with fatigue on PT SAP workers (Sarana Anugrah
Perkasa). This is because of the limited tools
provided in the asphalt demolition process. Workers
destroy the asphalt manually by using a hammer,
resulting in a heavy workload. The researchers inline
show that there is a relationship between workload
and work fatigue (Oesman and Simanjuntak, 2011).
The relationship of the workload with work
fatigue is influenced by the ability of each different
worker even though workers work in the same place
and with the same educational background. The
ability of someone else despite having the same
education and experience and working at the same
job, this difference is due to the capacity of that
person is different (Notoatmojo, 2003). Judging
from the cases above, the researcher suggests that
the company provides more tools (forklifts) to
reduce the workload received by workers and makes
it easier in the work process and adds to HR (Human
Resources) so that the production process can run
well. The severity of the workload received by a
worker can be used to determine how long a worker
can carry out work by the ability or work capacity
concerned. The heavier the workload, the shorter
one's work time to experience fatigue.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
4.3 Nutritional Status
Based on the results of the study obtained statistical
test results indicate that there is a significant
relationship between the nutritional status of
workers with work fatigue in workers (p-value =
0,000). This study is in line with Mentari et al.,
(2012) conducted on oil palm harvesters, there is a
significant relationship between nutritional status
and work fatigue experienced by respondents, this is
due to inadequate consumption with body needs so
that the body can feel tired, lazy, and productivity
decreases. Excessive nutritional status causes less
than optimal performance or decreased working
power and when malnutrition can also cause energy
output that is not proportional to the nutritional
intake received (Almatsier, 2005). The problem of
abnormal nutrition (excess or deficiency) at the age
of 18 years and over is an important problem that
can support the work and must be considered. This
is because there is a risk of certain diseases that will
arise and cause a person to experience fatigue
quickly and will affect one's productivity.
Based on the results in this study, workers who
have nutritional status are at risk of experiencing
high levels of fatigue compared to workers who
have no risk nutritional status. This is because the
nutritional status of workers there is more abnormal
so that workers experience an absence of balance
between energy consumption in the body and energy
supply which will reduce maximum work muscle so
that the intensity of work activities will decrease and
the body will feel more tired due to imbalance
energy needs in the human body.
Based on the observation that it was found that the
food provided by the company canteen only provided
food without regard to adequate levels of nutrition
that were not in accordance with the body's needs or
the content of nutrients that were not appropriate.
Researchers suggest that companies should pay more
attention to healthy food for workers with nutritional
levels that are in accordance with workers' needs.
Good nutrition can help workers stay healthy and
avoid work fatigue and other health risks that can
affect the performance and productivity of workers
rarely visited by health workers.
The results of this study indicate there is a
relationship between age, workload, and nutritional
status with the work fatigued Cable Product Plan
Section in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI factory in 2019.
Remedial action is needed as the company facilitates
workers to carry out work health checks on work
fatigue company clinics or health services to
minimize the occurrence of fatigue in workers and
suppress the accident rate as a result of work (CAC)
caused by work fatigue. The company provides aids
in the form of (Forklift) in the amount more to
reduce the workload received by workers and make
it easier in the work process. The company must
provide healthy food for workers' nutritional levels
that are following the needs of workers or meet
balanced nutrition for workers.
This research supervisor under the supervision of
Mrs. Erna Veronika, SKM., M.KM, with the
examiner's mother Ira Marti Ayu, SKM., M.Epid
and Mrs. Decy Situngkir, SKM., MKKK.
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