Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at
PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019
Rian Indra Wibowo and Erna Veronika
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Esa Unggul University,
Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Blk.1 No.2, Duri Kepa. Kebon Jeruk 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Eye Fatigue, Lighting Intensity, Duration, Age, Visibility, Working Period.
Abstract: Eye fatigue is intensive stress on eye functions such as the accommodation of the eye muscles in work that
requires careful observation, or the retina as a result of contrast inaccuracies. Eye fatigue can cause physical
disorders such as headaches, double vision, glare at night, red eyes and various other vision problems. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with eye fatigue. This research was conducted
with quantitative research methods with a cross-sectional study design using primary data from
measurements of light intensity, visibility, interviews, and questionnaires to 53 workers. The research
sample was workers in the TQA, Finance and HR departments who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The dependent variables studied were complaints of eye fatigue and the independent variables were the
lighting level, monitor duration, age, visibility and length of service. The results of the bivariate analysis
showed a relationship between the intensity of lighting, the duration of use of the monitor, and the distance
of the monitor with complaints of eye fatigue. Companies are advised to provide information on workers
regarding eye fatigue, and workers are advised to rest their eyes from the monitor's view every 20 minutes
for 20 seconds.
The use of computers throughout the world has
increased from time to time. With a computer, work
can be done easily and quickly. But the use of
computers also has an effect on health. The use of
computers can cause stress, as found by NIOSH
(The National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health). NIOSH found that computer operators have
higher stress levels compared to other jobs
(Djunaedi, 2003).
The computer is one of the working tools used to
assist workers in processing data and storing data,
this computer also has an impact on users such as
complaints of eye fatigue and eye refraction
abnormalities. (Komariah & Wahyu, 2014). Tired,
tense or aching eyes are disturbances experienced by
the eyes because their muscles are forced to work
hard especially when they have to look at close
objects for a long time. The eye muscle itself
consists of three muscle cells, namely the external
muscle that regulates the movement of the eyeball,
the ciliary which functions to focus the lens of the
eye and the iris muscle which regulates light into the
eye. All activities related to the coercion of these
muscles to work hard can make the eyes tired
(Santoso, 2004).
Complaints of eye fatigue is a symptom that is
often found due to continuous eye interaction with
the use of computers. The use of a computer that is
done for a long time will make the eyes tired and dry
because the eyes continue to be used to view the
monitor screen. To prevent this, we need to pay
attention to ergonomic visuals in using computers
such as distance from the eye to the monitor screen,
room lighting and the position of the monitor to the
eye so that workers get visual comfort when doing
their work (Affandi, 2005).
According to the WHO report (2012), 285
million people suffer from visual impairment, of
which 39 million have blindness and 246 million
have low vision. Ninety percent of vision
problems occur in developing countries. In general,
refractive disorders that cannot be corrected
(nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism)
are the main causes of visual impairment, while
cataracts are the main cause of blindness in middle
and low income countries (WHO, 2012). Eighty
Wibowo, R. and Veronika, E.
Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009776903600369
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 360-369
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
percent of vision problems can actually be prevented
and treated.
The Professional Services Manager of the
Australian Optometric Association stated that
complaints of eye fatigue, vision problems, and poor
health worsen as long as we continue working long
hours and depend on the computer. The office
worker group is one of the highest risk categories for
complaints of eye fatigue, some studies indicate that
35–48% of office workers suffer from this problem
(Hana, 2008).
In Indonesia, Complaints of eye fatigue are one
of the symptoms that are often found because of
continuous eye interaction with the use of
computers. The results of research conducted at the
"X" Hospital in 2004 obtained the prevalence rate of
Complaints of eye fatigue in computer workers by
95.8% (Fauziah, 2004).
The impact of complaints of eye fatigue can
cause physical disorders such as headaches, double
vision, glare at night light, red eyes, inflammation of
the lining of the eye, reduced eye acuity and various
other eye health. With no occurrence of illness and
accidents due to work, it means there is no
absenteeism of the workers. The absence of
absenteeism (or the low absenteeism rate) and the
increasing health status of workers will obviously
increase efficiency, which leads to increased
company profits (Notoatmodjo, 2011).
The results of research conducted by Hijriani
(2018) showed that there was a significant
relationship between complaints of eye fatigue,
computer use duration, the distance of vision to the
monitor, and lighting intensity while age had no
significant relationship to complaints of eye fatigue.
Another study conducted by Septiansyah (2014)
showed that there was a significant relationship
between complaints of eye fatigue with
abnormalities of refraction, monitor distance,
duration of computer use, and lighting levels. A
similar study conducted by Sofiati et al (2011)
showed that there was a significant relationship
between complaints of eye fatigue and length of
service. Similar research conducted by Nourmayanti
(2010) shows that there is a significant relationship
between complaints of eye fatigue with age and
lighting levels.
PT. X in Central Jakarta is one of the companies
engaged in laboratories. The company consists of
offices and laboratories. Where the Office is the
management part which consists of Finance, TQA,
marcorp, marcomm, legal and others, then the
laboratory is a part of doing laboratory inspection
work. In its work activities, especially the Office of
Finance, HRD and TQA cannot be separated from
the use of computers. Based on a preliminary study
of the Office of 24 people who were interviewed
through a questionnaire 20 people (83%) had
complaints of eye fatigue complaints and 4 people
(17%) had no complaints of eye fatigue complaints.
Based on these problems, researchers want to find
out what are the factors associated with complaints
of eye fatigue in the Office of the clinical laboratory
company at PT. X Central Jakarta in 2019.
1.1 Eye Fatigue
Eye fatigue or asthenopia according to Medical
Science is a symptom caused by the excessive effort
of the vision system that is in an imperfect condition
to obtain visual acuity. Meanwhile, according to
Henny (2001) eye fatigue arises as intensive stress
on eye functions such as on accommodation muscles
in jobs that need careful observation or to the retina
as a result of inaccurate contrast.
1.2 Lighting Intensity
Suma'mur (2002) states that good lighting allows
workers to see objects that are done clearly, quickly
and without unnecessary efforts. In addition, poor
lighting can result in eye fatigue with reduced work
efficiency. Eye fatigue is caused by stress that
occurs in vision function. Stress in the muscles that
function for accommodation can occur when a
person tries to look at small objects and close
distances for a long time. In such conditions, the eye
muscles will work continuously and be more forced.
The tension of the accommodating muscles (corpus
ciliary) is greater so that there is an increase in lactic
acid and as a result, there is eye fatigue, stress on the
retina can occur if there is excessive contrast in the
field of vision and long observation time.
1.3 Monitor Usage Duration
Seeing for a long time at risk of tired eyes or
asthenopia (Afandi, 2002). Eye fatigue is the strain
on the eyes and is caused by the use of the sense of
sight at work that requires the ability to see for long
periods of time and is usually accompanied by
uncomfortable vision conditions (Pheasant, 2016).
Eye fatigue caused by prolonged use of the
computer or Computer Vision Syndrome will appear
after 4 hours or more exposure to the monitor screen
light. The longer the exposure will have an impact
on eye health such as tired eyes, headaches, blurred
vision, dry eyes, sore eyes, burning eyes, eyes
Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019
become sensitive to light, double vision, pain in the
neck and back, complaints of dizziness, nausea and
vomit. (Miller, 2004).
1.4 Age
According to Guyton (2007), states that
accommodation power decreases at the age of 45-50
years. A person is said to have a normal eye health
condition at the age of 20-45 years, while at the age
of 45-50 years the eye accommodation power will
decrease or in other words, health conditions eyes
will decrease (Ilyas, 2003).
1.5 Visibility with Monitor
Eyes should be facing towards the monitor. Head not
too close or too far away from the monitor because it
will quickly make the eyes tired. For that, you can
adjust the position of the monitor or can also adjust
your seat. Good eyesight around 20 inches (50 cm)
(Maryono & Istiana, 2007). The screen filter is
needed so that the radiation from the monitor does
not directly affect the eyes so that eye health is
maintained. The light fan's dark color settings on the
monitor must also be precise, and the monitor's
resolution needs to be considered. Try to adjust the
color not too bright or too dark. Provide adequate
lighting in the computer room so that the eyes do not
get tired. If this is the case, the health of every
computer user will be maintained (Sunarto, 2007).
1.6 Working Time
The working period is a period of time or length of
time when the work works somewhere (Tarwaka,
2010). The length of work is one of the tools that
can influence one's ability, by looking at the length
of his work we can find out how long someone has
worked and we can assess the extent of his
experience (Bachori, 2006). Siagian (2008) states
that the work period shows how long a person works
in each job or position. Kreitner and Kinicki (2004)
state that long work periods will tend to make an
employee feel more comfortable in an organization,
this is due to the fact that they have adapted to the
environment long enough so that a worker will feel
comfortable with his work. The working period
according to Hani (2007) is categorized into two,
covering the working period of the new category 3
years and the working period of the old category> 3
This type of research is quantitative with a cross-
sectional design. Data collection with primary data
from questionnaires and measurements. The
population is office workers (Finance, TQA, and
HR) in the clinical laboratory of PT.X. The sampling
technique was simple random sampling, which
amounted to 53 respondents with the inclusion
criteria of employees who were willing to become
respondents and did not have eye refraction
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: A description of eye fatigue in office workers at
the Central Jakarta PT.X Clinical Laboratory 2019.
Eye Fatigue Frequency Percentage
Eye fatigue 42 79,2%
No Eye fatigue 11 20,8%
Total 53 100%
Based on table 1. it can be seen that the highest
proportion of workers who experience eye fatigue
are found in respondents who experience eye fatigue
that is there are 42 respondents (79.2%). This is in
line with research conducted by Nourmayanti (2009)
in the telecommunications industry showing that the
proportion of workers who experience eye fatigue
complaints is greater than the proportion of workers
who do not experience eye fatigue complaints that is
90.2% as many as 46 respondents. This can be seen
from the duration workers who use computers can
reach more than 5 hours/day. To reduce the
appearance of eye fatigue due to computer use,
(Swamardika, 2001) recommends "3B" namely
Blink, Breath, and Break. Blink is winking, under
normal circumstances, one minute will blink 12-15
times. The winking frequency will increase when in
a state of happiness, aroused, talking, doing physical
activity. The frequency decreases when reading,
thinking, and concentrating at work. Seeing without
blinking will tire your eyes. By blinking the eyes
will rest even for a moment and there will be an eye
cleansing process and a process of re-wetting the
eyes so that vision will remain clear. Because this
blinking process is an automatic process, it must be
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
realized at an early stage that winking is important.
Breath is breathing. If under stress, there is a
tendency to hold your breath. This situation will
cause the muscles to tense up unnoticed. Breathing
correctly and regularly will cause muscle relaxation
including eye muscles. The break is a break. If work
on a computer requires high concentration, then a
short break is needed to allow recovery time. In
practice at work, the workers do not take a break
from the eye, so it is necessary to take a break in the
Table 2: A description of monitor lighting Intensity at
Office workers at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
Monitor lighting Intensity Frequency Percentage
Risk 38 71,7%
No Risk 15 28,3%
Total 53 100%
Based on table 2. it can be seen that the highest
proportion of lighting levels in the monitor area is
found by respondents with lighting levels in the risk
category that is as many as 38 respondents (71.7%).
This result is in line with Nourmayanti Research
(2009) it is known that lighting levels in desk
workers <300 lux as many as 94.1% workers.
Whereas the lighting intensity of desk workers
which is lux 300 lux is only 5.9%. When taking
measurements, there were several respondents who
claimed that they were comfortable being too close
to the monitor, this was due to the lack of light in the
monitor area, so the eyes needed to get closer to
getting information from the computer clearly so
that the eyes worked harder. The lighting in the
monitor area is still lacking so it needs to be assisted
with lighting on the monitor so that information
from the monitor can be well received by the eye.
Infield conditions there are no broken room lights
but the lights used for large rooms need to be added
so that each table gets bright lighting. Control that
can be done on less lighting is to increase lighting
according to a minimum standard of 300 lux and
measuring the intensity of lighting in the work area
monitor workers.
Table 3: A description of the duration of the use of
monitors in Office workers at the PT.X Clinical
Laboratory in 2019.
Duration of The
Use of Monitors
Frequency Percentage
Risk 45 84,9%
No-Risk 8 15,1%
Total 59 100%
Based on table 3. it can be seen that the highest
proportion of the duration of use of the monitor is
found in respondents with the duration of the use of
monitors at risk (duration> 4 hours) ie there are as
many as 45 respondents (84.9%). This result is in
line with research (Sya'ban and Riski, 2014) where
the percentage of workers exposed to 4 hours is
greater than 27 people (81.8%) than workers who
experience a long duration of exposure <4 hours ie 6
people (18, 2 %). The work in PT.X clinical
laboratory requires workers to do many tasks that
are required to be completed and reach the target so
that they cannot be delayed in doing so, there are
some workers who have more working hours
(overtime) so that the duration of work becomes
longer according to the work and demands each
position, the thing that must be done by workers is
to increase the frequency of rest so that the eyes
become relaxed and comfortable to return to work,
workers can reduce exposure to the computer by
doing regular eye rest so that there is a time lag of
the eye muscles to rest.
Table 4: A description of Age Office Worker at PT.X
Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
Age Frequency Percentage
Risk 7 16,2%
No Risk 46 86,8%
Total 53 100%
Based on table 4. it can be seen that the highest
proportion of age is found in respondents who are
not at risk (age <45 years), there are 46 respondents
(86.8%). This result is in line with research
(Nourmayanti, 2009) where it is known that the
majority of workers have age <45 years which is as
much as 94.1% of workers. Whereas workers who
have 45 years of age are only 5.9% of workers.
At the PT.X clinical laboratory, many workers are
still young or under 45 years because more workers
have resigned before entering retirement.
Recruitment activities are carried out when new
Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019
employees enter the contract system and if the
employee meets the needs of the company, OJT
(On the Job Training) will be conducted, the
appointment for OJT is no longer than 1 year from
the employment contract.
Table 5: A Description of Visibility with Monitors on
Office Workers at the Central Jakarta PT.X Clinic
Laboratory in 2019.
Visibility Frequency Percentage
Risk 18 34%
No-Risk 35 66%
Total 53 100%
Based on table 5. it can be seen that the highest
proportion of visibility is found in respondents with
visibility that is not at risk that there are as many as
35 respondents (66%). The results of this study are
in line with (Supriati, 2008) where the highest
proportion of respondents is according to the
monitor's viewing distance, which is 19 respondents
(86%) Workers in PT.X clinical laboratory
companies in using monitors are in accordance with
safe viewing distances standardized that is not less
than 50 cm. This has been noted by facility service
in companies where monitors are given a sufficient
distance from the monitor user's desk so that more
monitor users are at a standard distance.
Table 6: A Description Working Period in Office workers
at the PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
Working Period Frequency Percentage
Risk 30 56,4%
No Risk 23 43,4%
Total 53 100%
Based on table 6 it can be seen that the highest
proportion of tenure is found in respondents with
tenure at risk, namely as many as 30 respondents
(56.4%). The results of this study are in line with
Fitri (2018) where the highest proportion of working
years is risky working years (> 3 years), which is 42
respondents (76.4%). The working period is a period
of time or the length of time the workforce works is
a place. The work period will give a positive
influence on performance if the longer the work
period, the workforce will be more experienced in
carrying out their work. Conversely, work tenure
will have a negative effect if with increasing work
tenure, workers experience losses such as work-
related health problems (Aditya, 2010). The workers
in the clinical laboratory company PT. X many
workers who work more than 3 years or the same as
3 years this is because the company gives sufficient
attention to employees and get more rights than
other companies so that many choose to continue
working at the PT.X Laboratory company in the
long term. more than 3 years.
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
From table 7. shows that the respondents who
experienced the highest level of lighting risk were
the proportion of respondents who worked with
complaints of eye fatigue as many as 37 respondents
(97.4%), the workers with lighting levels were not at
the highest proportion ie workers who did not
complain of fatigue eyes as many as 10 respondents
(66.7%). In the results of the crosstabulation, there is
one cell with an expected count value <5 so that the
p-value is read with Fisher's Exact and a value of p =
0,000 (p-value <0.05), which means statistically
shows a relationship between the level of monitor
lighting with eye fatigue at office workers at the
PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019. Results of PR
with 95% CI obtained 2.9 results so that workers
who have lighting levels at risk (<300 lux) will
experience 2.9 at risk for experiencing eye fatigue
compared with workers with lighting levels not at
risk (> 300 lux).
Good lighting according to Suma’mur (2013) is
lighting that allows workers to easily see objects
around them clearly without being accompanied by
unnecessary efforts. Well-arranged and sufficient
lighting will help to make the work environment
pleasant and comfortable so that it can maintain the
morale of the employees and increase productivity.
Each job has different levels of lighting intensity,
depending on the type and nature of the work. If the
lighting intensity is less, it can cause visibility and
eyestrain problems. (Tarwaka, 2011).
The workers at the PT.X clinical laboratory have
provided good lighting in the room, but in the work,
area using a monitor the level of lighting does not
meet this standard considering the light level on the
monitor each worker has their respective settings
according to the comfort of workers and
socialization related to the level of lighting has not
been given so that the eye's vision area on the
monitor does not get enough light, in the end, the
eye works harder to get information on the monitor
screen, this causes the eyes to get tired quickly.
Suggestions for companies to provide socialization
related to the use of monitors, especially at the level
of monitor lighting so that workers are able to work
comfortably and avoid complaints of eye fatigue.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 7: The Relationship Between Lighting Levels and Eye Fatigue for Office Workers at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in
Central Jakarta in 2019.
Lighting Levels
Eye Fatigue
37 97,4 1 3,6 38 100
No Risk
5 33,3 10 66,7 15 100
Table 8: Relationship Between Monitor Usage Duration and Office Workers' Eye Fatigue in PT.X Clinical Laboratory
Monitor Usage Duration
Eye Fatigue
39 86,7 6 13,3 45 100
No Risk
3 37,5 5 62,5 8 100
From table 8. above shows that the respondents
with the duration of use of the monitor were at the
highest proportion, namely the respondents who
complained of eye fatigue as many as 39
respondents (86.7%), the respondents with the
duration of using the monitor were not at the highest
proportion, namely the workers who did not
complain eyestrain is as many as 5 respondents
(62.5%). In the results of the crosstabulation, there is
one cell with an expected count value <5 so that the
p-value is read with Fisher's Exact and a value of
p=0.006 (p-value <0.05), which means that
statistically shows a relationship between the
duration of monitor use and eye fatigue in office
workers at the PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
The results of PR with 95% CI were obtained at 2.3
so that workers who have a duration of use of the
monitor are at risk (> 4 hours) will experience 2.3
are at risk for experiencing eye fatigue compared to
workers with a duration of use a monitor that is not
at risk (<4 hours).
The duration of the use of the computer is no
more than 4 hours a day. If it exceeds this time, the
eyes tend to experience refraction. In this case, it is
recommended that the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) VDT
Studies and Information take a 15-minute break
from using the computer for two hours. Frequency
of regular breaks is useful to cut the fatigue chain so
that it will increase comfort for computer users
(Murtopo and Sarimurni, 2005). Seeing for a
longtime risk of tired eyes or asthenopia (Afandi,
2002). Eye fatigue is tension in the eye and is caused
by the use of the sense of sight at work that requires
the ability to see for long periods of time and is
usually accompanied by uncomfortable visual
conditions (Pheasant, 2016). Complaints of eye
fatigue caused by prolonged use of the computer or
Computer Vision Syndrome will appear after 4
hours or more exposure to the monitor screen light.
The longer the exposure will have an impact on eye
health such as tired eyes, headaches, blurred vision,
dry eyes, sore eyes, burning eyes, eyes become
sensitive to light, double vision, pain in the neck and
back, complaints of dizziness, nausea and vomit.
(Miller, 2004).
At the current PT.X Clinical Laboratory,
demanding workers to perform many tasks that are
required to be completed and reach the target so that
it cannot be delayed in doing so, some workers have
more work hours (overtime) so that the duration of
work becomes longer according to work and
demands each position. The thing that must be done
by workers is to increase the frequency of rest so
Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019
that the eyes become relaxed and comfortable to
return to work, workers can reduce exposure to the
computer by taking regular eye breaks so that there
is a pause in time for the eye muscles to rest. To
reduce the appearance of computer fatigue,
ophthalmologists recommend rules 20 - 20 - 20.
This rule recommends that every 20 minutes work
in front of the computer, workers must take a break
of at least 20 seconds by looking at an object or
object about 20 feet (20 feet) =6 meters (Flammini,
From table 9. Below shows that the highest
proportion of age-at-risk workers is 5 respondents
(age> 45 years) complaining of eye fatigue (71.4%),
and the highest proportion of respondents not at risk
are workers complained of eye fatigue of 37
respondents (age <45 years) (68.6%). In the results
of the crosstabulation, there is one cell with an
expected count value <5 so that the p-value is read
with Fisher's Exact and a p-value = 0.626 (Pvalue>
0.05), which means statistically shows there is no
relationship between age and eye fatigue in workers
office at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019. Results
of PR with 95% CI showed a result of 0.88 (<1) with
a p-value of 0.62 (<1) So that age at risk of workers
is a protective factor from eye fatigue.
According to Guyton (2007), states that
accommodation power decreases at the age of 45 -
50 years. Someone said to have normal eye health
conditions at the age of 20-45 years, while at the age
of 45-50 years the eye accommodation power will
decrease or in other words, the condition of eye
health will decrease (Ilyas, 2003). Suma'mur (2013)
believes that poor lighting can result in eye fatigue
with reduced power and work efficiency. Distance
monitor can also affect the occurrence of eye
fatigue. The results of the study by Venkatesh, et al
(2016) showed that workers who use computers with
a distance of <25 inches or equivalent to <50 cm
experience eyestrain as much as 34.7% of workers.
In addition, it can be influenced by the long duration
of computer use. Research by Berliana and Fauzia
(2017) at Bangko City Bank on Factors Associated
with Complaints of Eye Fatigue in Computer User
Workers, showed complaints of eye fatigue as much
as 96.3% of workers who worked at risk with a
duration of computer use> 4 hours.
The absence of a significant relationship between
the two age variables and eye fatigue complaints in
this study could be due to the fact that most of the
workers were young (<45 years) so the risk was
lower for old age (> 45 years) to get a higher
proportion of eye fatigue complaints.
Table 9: Relationship Between Age and Office Workers' Eye Fatigue at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
Eye Fatigue
5 71,4 2 28,6 18 100
No Risk
37 68,6 9 19,6 46 100
Table 10: Relationship Between Monitor Visibility and Office Workers' Eye Fatigue at PT.X Clinical Laboratory 2019.
Monitor Visibility
Eye Fatigue
18 100 0 0 18 100
No Risk
24 68,6 11 19,6 35 100
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 11: Relationship Between Working Period and Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in Central
Jakarta in 2019.
Working Period
Eye Fatigue
24 80 6 20 30 100
No Risk
18 78,3 5 21,7 23 100
From table 10. shows that the respondents with
monitor visibility were at the highest proportion,
namely workers who complained of eye fatigue, 18
respondents (100%), while those with visibility were
not at risk, the highest proportion of workers who
complained about eye fatigue were 24 respondents
(68.6%). In the results of the crosstabulation, there is
one cell with an expected count value <5 so that the
p-value is read with Fisher's Exact and a value of p =
0.01 (p-value <0.05), which means that statistically
shows the relationship between the monitor's
visibility and fatigue eyes on office workers at PT.X
Clinical Laboratory in 2019. Obtained PR results
(95% CI) 1.4, so that workers who have visibility
at risk (<50 cm) will experience 1.4 times the risk
of experiencing eye fatigue compared with
workers whose duration of monitor use is not at risk
(> 50 cm).
Efforts that can be done in order to prevent the
occurrence of complaints of eye fatigue is to pay
attention to the distance of the eye to the object seen
when the eye is used to see from close range, the eye
is forced to do the process of accommodation and
convergence. Accommodation is the process when
the eye changes or adjusts the focus to see things
from a certain distance so that the object being seen
can be focused, a set of convergence is a movement
that is done in order to avoid the occurrence of
double vision. so that the further the visibility of the
meta-object the possibility of eye irritation due to
accommodation and excessive conference will be
smaller. Another effort related to the monitor itself is
to flatten the monitor screen in such a way
(Wardhana, 1997).
When using a computer, the eye is forced to
focus on the computer. A computer user must
constantly focus his eyes to keep the image sharp
(Roestijawati, 2007). There were 18 respondents in
the clinical laboratory of PT.X whose visibility was
too close then complained about complaints of
eyestrain, while the computer's arrangement was set
so that it was far from the eyes with a monitor. This
is due to the lack of lighting so the eyes must
approach the monitor to get information on the
monitor screen so that the close distance causes
complaints of eye fatigue. Computer worker workers
should pay more attention to eye distance when
using a computer to not get too close, at least 50 cm.
Then it is necessary to do promotions related to the
visibility of the computer's eyes through stickers,
posters and others.
From table 11. above shows that the workers
with tenure at risk were the highest proportion,
namely in workers who complained of eye fatigue,
24 respondents (80%) and those with tenure who
were not at risk the highest proportion, among
workers who complained of eye fatigue as many as
18 respondents (78.3%). In the results of the
crosstabulation, there is one cell with an expected
count value <5 so that the p-value is read with
Fisher's Exact and obtained a value of P = 1,000
(Pvalue> 0.05), which means that statistically shows
there is no relationship between work period and eye
fatigue in office workers at PT.X Clinical
Laboratory in 2019. Obtained PR results (95% CI)
1.02 So that workers who have no risk of the
working period (<3 years) will experience 1.02
times the risk of experiencing eye fatigue compared
to workers with the duration of use of the monitor at
risk (> 3 years).
The working period is a period of time or the
length of time that the workforce works in one place
(Tarwaka, 2010). The length of work is one of the
tools that can influence one's ability, by looking at
the length of his work we can find out how long
someone has worked and we can assess the extent of
his experience (Bachori, 2006). Siagian (2008) states
that the work period shows how long a person works
in each job or position. Kreitner and Kinicki (2004)
state that long work periods will tend to make an
employee feel more comfortable in an organization,
this is due to the fact that they have adapted to the
Factors Associated with Complaints Eye Fatigue in Office Workers at PT. X Jakarta Pusat Clinical Laboratory in 2019
environment long enough so that a worker will feel
comfortable with his work. Other causes are also due
to the policies of agencies or companies regarding
life insurance in old age.
In the PT.X Clinical Laboratory company in the
results of the chi-square test found no relationship of
work period with complaints of eye fatigue compl-
aints, but in the proportion found 24 respondents who
experienced complaints of eye fatigue in the working
period category of more than 3 years, so this situation
needs to be considered. The existence of workers with
a work period of more than 3 years who did not
complain about eye fatigue complaints occurred
because of the long use of the respondents there were
less than 4 hours so minimized to complain of eye
fatigue. Then this relates to the age of the worker
where the highest proportion is found at a young age
or not at risk so that at a young age the work period is
still classified as not at risk of being affected by eye
fatigue so this causes no meaningful relationship at
work with eye fatigue.
4.1 Conclusions
1. The highest proportion of workers who
experience eyestrain is workers who do not
experience eyestrain complaints
2. The highest proportion of lighting levels in the
worker's monitor area is found in respondents
with lighting levels at risk.
3. The highest proportion of the duration of
monitor use is found in respondents with the
duration of monitor use at risk.
4. The highest proportion of age found in
respondents with age who are not at risk.
5. The highest proportion of visibility is found in
respondents with visibility that is not at risk.
6. The highest proportion of work period is for
respondents with a risky work period.
7. There is a relationship between monitor
lighting levels and eye fatigue in Office
workers at PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
8. There is a significant relationship between the
duration of monitor use with eye fatigue in
Office workers at the PT.X Clinical
Laboratory in 2019.
9. There is no significant relationship between
age and eye fatigue of Office workers at PT.X
Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
10. There is a relationship between monitor
visibility and eye fatigue in Office workers at
the PT.X Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
11. There is no relationship between work period
with eye fatigue in Office workers at PT.X
Clinical Laboratory in 2019.
4.2 Recommendations
1. Suggestions for companies to provide
information related to eye fatigue.
2. Suggestions for companies to be able to check
lighting intensity routinely in the work area of
workers' monitors.
3. Suggestions for workers should turn away
from the computer at least every 20 minutes
and close a distant object (at least 20 feet or 6
meters) for 20 seconds.
4. Suggestions for workers to maintain visibility
on the monitor screen that is at least 50 cm
from the monitor.
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