Colaboration Reseach of Seroprevalensi Toxoplamosis
in Goat and Animal
Mira Fatmawati
, Dearikha Karina Mayashinta
, Masdiana C Padaga
, Ani Setianingrum
, Fidi Nur
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Puncak Dieng Eksklusif, Malang, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Veteran Street, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Toxoplamosis, collaboration, human, goat.
Abstract: Collaboration research is interdisciplinary effort that seek optimal health for people and animal.
Toxoplamosia is zoonotic disease that caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It’s intracelluer protozoan infection
that could be found in meat or milk from infected animal. The epidemiology, prevention and control
strategies are reviewed, with the objective of integrative reseach. To reduce the disease in human,
intervention are needed in the animal reservoir, necessitating close collaboration between booth the human
and veterinary medical sectors. This study showed that toxoplamosis in human are positive that infected 3
farmers (from 14 farmer). Prevalence toxopalmosis in goat are between 22% - 100%. A high prevalence on
one farm allows for human infected with toxoplamosis.
Toxoplasma gondii an obligate intracelluer protozoa
is causing infection rate that affect approximately
one third of human population wordwide.
Toxoplamosis is opportunistic disease that infected a
human with immunocompromised disease.
Toxoplasmosis infection can be transmitted via
several routes in different host species.
Toxoplamosis is common in sheep, goats, pigs and
chicken as intermediate host. However, cattle and
horses are notably resistant to the disease. In sheep,
congenital infection is a leading cause of stillbirth
and survive usually exhibit normal growth, but they
still represent a public health risk if their infected
meat is consumed. Toxoplasmosis can also occur in
adult goats, and the disease is more severe that in
sheep (Aguirre et al., 2019).
Domestic cats and other feline species may Become
infected with T gondii either by ingesting infectious
oocysts from the environment or by ingesting tissue
cysts from intermediate hosts. Cat become infected
T gondii by feeding on carcasses of small mammals
or birds infected with T gondii. Until 2001, up to
73% of small rodents and up to 71% of wild bird
may be infected with T gondii (Tenter et al., 2001).
Toxoplasmosis in human is potentially become a
agent of foodborne illnesses. The disease may be
either acute or chronic and can be cause active
infection of any age. Initial infection acquired by
pregnant women may cross the placenta and reach
the fetus. Latent or primary toxoplamosis can be
particularly dangerous in individuals with
compromised immune system including those
treated with corticosteroid, cytotoxic medicine and
antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha.
Approximately one third of HIV-infected individuals
with T. gondii infection develop encephalitis.
As a global strategy, transdisciplinary approach
across Toxo are compounded by changing practices
and attitude toward the control of owned and
unowned domestic cat which are the obligate
reservoir of parasite (Aguirre et al., 2019).
Current patterns of human driven environmental
change and globalization of travel and trade can
enhance the spillover and spillback of Toxoplasma
and parasites of animal origin into human
populations. Furthermore given that most emerging
infectious disease in human are of animal orogin
there is pressing need to integrate human-animal
ecosystem health within a common framework. The
purpose of this study is to initiate collaborative
research in order to integrate data in toxoplamosis
Fatmawati, M., Mayashinta, D., Padaga, M., Setianingrum, A. and Aini, F.
Colaboration Reseach of Seroprevalensi Toxoplamosis in Goat and Animal.
DOI: 10.5220/0009587501010104
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Molecular Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering (ICAMBBE 2019) - Bio-Prospecting Natural Biological Compounds for
Seeds Vaccine and Drug Discovery, pages 101-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-483-1
 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This prospective cross sectional study was conduct
in Batu Municipality. The inclusion criteria of this
study were farmer, veterinary technicians, veterinary
student and veterinary with age of more than 20
years. All eligible participants gave informed
consent before the commencement of this study.
Other data that support this study using
2.1 Animal and Human Samples
Between June – July 2019, blood samples were
obtained from 152 sheep and goat, 22 farmers, 23
veterinary and paramedic. Sera were obtained from
3 subdistricts in Batu Municipality.
Sampling is carried out simultaneously between
farmer and animal (goat and sheep). The location of
this study are farmer who are assisted by Department
of Agriculture of Batu Municipality. Samples
2.2 Serologic testing
Detection is made by serological methods. Clinical
signs of toxoplamosis are nonspecific and are not
sufficiently characteristic for a definite diagnosis
(Lindsay & Weiss, 2014). Serum samples from
animal were tested for immunoglobulin G and
immunologobulin M antibodies to T. gondii by the
Toxoplamosis Modified Agglutination Test
(ToMAT) in Veterinary Laboratorium in Lampung.
Serum samples from human were tested by the
enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA)
using a commercial kit in Syaiful Anwar Hospital.
Serum sample for animal will testing for IgG and
IgM. The IgM antibodies appear sooner after
infection than the IgG antibodies and the IgM
antibodies disappear faster than IgG antibodies after
2.3 Data analysis
Data analysis from serological test are then tested
descriptively. This data will describe the distribution of
cases in 3 subdistrict. Seroprevalance result in animals
are paired with human seroprevalence result.
In this study, the prevalence of toxoplamosis of
animal are between 20% untuil 100%. And
seroprevalence positive in human, found in a farm
which is have a great prevalence of animal (66,7 %,
75%, and 100%). One possible explanation could be
the T gondii are around of this farm. It could be the
contamination of water source. The high prevalence
may be the indication of frequent exposure to the
parasite on farms (Lopes et al., 2013).
Infection with T gondii can cause a wide range
of clinical consequences in people and animal.
People who become infected with T gondii have
very minor symptom and would often be unaware
the had come into contact with the parasite.
Immuno-compromised individuals are also an
important risk group for infection with T. gondii as
they are unable to effectively control parasite
multiplication. Patients with acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) that have persistent T.
gondii infection may present with severe brain
lesions where the T. gondii parasites within tissue
cysts become active again and start multiplying due
to the dysfunction of their cell-mediated immune
system which would otherwise keep the parasite in
check (Innes et al., 2019).
Domestic cats are likely the major source of
ecosystem contamination in many areas due to their
abundance on the landscape relative to native felids.
T gondii is known to be influenced by
environmental condition, survival of oocysts in the
soil may be influenced by geological and
environmental characteristics such as soil
temperature, texture and chemistry. T gondii oocyst
in the environment increases the likelihood of
infection for all at risk species in the ecosystem.
Reports documenting the presence of T. gondii in
diverse environmental matrices, including water,
soil, vegetables and seafood have been increasing.
New methods that can discriminate the route of T.
gondii acquisition have demonstrated that, in some
populations, a significant proportion of infections
are caused by oocyst ingestion (Shapiro et al., 2019)
ICAMBBE 2019 - 6th ICAMBBE (International Conference on Advance Molecular Bioscience Biomedical Engineering) 2019
Table 1. Prevalence of Toxoplamosis in Human and
Num Sub Human Prevalence Result of
District Code In Goat Human
1 Batu A1 33,3%
2 Batu A2 70,0%
3 Batu A3 20,0%
4 Batu A4 62,5%
5 Batu A5 100,0%
6 Batu A6 100,0%
7 Junrejo B1 10,0%
8 Junrejo B2 66,7%
9 Junrejo B4 63,6%
10 Junrejo B5 22,2%
11 Junrejo B6 75,0%
12 Bumiaji C1 100,0%
13 Bumiaji C3 40,0%
14 Bumiaji C6 50,0%
The environmental infection of T gondii starts with
oocysts shed in cat feces that contaminate soil and or
water and are subsequently transmitted to hosts
(intermediate, paratenick and definitive). Infection
caused by ingestion of oocysts, bradyzoites (tissue
cycts) or vertical transmission (congenital),
transfusional or organ transplatation infection.
Infection or contamination of T gondii transmitted
directly from water and soil.
Figure 1: Toxoplasma gondii oocyst transmission tree
(Shapiro et al., 2019)
The importance of oocysts as the primary
infective stage responsible for transmission of
Toxoplasma gondii to intermediate host such as
rodents or birds, as well as herbivorous meat-
producing animals. In wildlife, oocyst-borne T.
gondii infections have been proposed to occur in
numerous species including freshwater-dwelling
mammals. Humans and susceptible animal hosts can
be exposed to Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in the
environment through drinking water contaminated
with felid feces. Foodborne transmission of
Toxoplasma gondii has traditionally referred to the
ingestion of tissue cysts in raw or poorly cooked
meats. However, it has become increasingly evident
that ingestion of oocysts on fresh produce and other
foods is under recognized, and the significance of
this route of transmission to humans is not entirely
clear. Unlike other foodborne protozoan parasites,
which have been implicated in numerous illness
outbreaks worldwide, there have been only two
reported outbreaks of toxoplasmosis associated with
the consumption of fresh produce or juice (Shapiro
et al., 2019).
Sheep can become infected with T. gondii
through the consumption of sporulated oocysts
contaminating pasture, feed and water and if a
primary primary infection occurs when the ewe is
pregnant the tachyzoite stage of the parasite can
invade and multiply within the placenta and infect
the developing foetus resulting in abortion or birth
of a still born lamb. Epidemiology studies have
emphasised the importance of consumption of raw
or undercooked meat from T. gondii infected food
animals as a major transmission route for human
Prevention program start from cutting the
transmission of this disease from other species. Such
as in cat, in all cases, faeces of pet cats should be
removed daily from household. Whereas for the
cage of goat. The cage and all item that may have
come in contact with cat faeces should be cleaned
thoroughly with hot water and detergents wearing
gloves (Tenter et al., 2001).
Reducing the risk of oocyst-borne Toxoplasma
gondii infections in animals and people should target
three distinct but not mutually exclusive factors: 1)
reducing felid contributions of oocysts into the
environment; 2) preventing oocyst contamination of
water, soil, and foods; and 3) physically removing or
inactivating oocysts in water and foods such as
shellfish and produce.
However, with the appropriate preventive
measures the risk of acquiring an infection with T
gondii from a pet cat can be highly controlled by its
Colaboration Reseach of Seroprevalensi Toxoplamosis in Goat and Animal
owner. The most important ecosystem management
tool is control contaminated runoff to mitigate the
health impacts of coastal habitat pathogen pollution
(Aguirre et al., 2019).
The strategic application of vaccination of food
animals was suggested as a means of preventing
/reducing viable tissue cysts in meat making it safer
for human and animal consumption. Research is
needed to integrate data across scales to assess risk
and devise methods of control, as links are made
between toxoplasmosis and significant adverse
health outcomes beyond acute infection in humans,
i.e., congenital infection, increased death rates in
traffic accidents and environmental transmission
rather than meat consumption as a significant
pathway for infection
Collaboration research needed as a bridge
disciplines linking human health, animal health, and
ecosystem health. Toxoplasmosis demands
integrative approaches breaching disciplinary
boundaries. This integration is needed to generate
new approaches to manage and control the disease.
The complexity of toxoplasmosis requires the
development of a dashboard system of measures that
are a combination of health and ecological
indicators, that is, an easy set of indicators for quick
reference to identify prevention and management
needs. Transdisciplinary, integrative research, and
capacity building are core elements in establishing
One Health interventions that address
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ICAMBBE 2019 - 6th ICAMBBE (International Conference on Advance Molecular Bioscience Biomedical Engineering) 2019