Factors Associated with Exclusive to Giving Breastfeeding Infants
Tambora in the Community Health Center, West Jakarta Year 2019
Dara Desyaila Putri and Ira Marti Ayu
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, University of Esa Unggul,
Jl. North Arjuna 9, Rt.1 / RW.2, Duri Kepa, Jakarta Raya 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Infants, Influencing Factors.
Abstract: Based on the Data Provided, Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Tambora District Health Center by 47.6% is still
below the targets of the Indonesian national government. This study discusses the factors associated with
exclusive breastfeeding in the Tambora Community Health Center Working Area in West Jakarta in 2019.
This study uses a cross-sectional design with a sample of 53 mothers who have 180-365 days of babies, using
the stratified sampling techniques sampling method Analyzed by the Chi-square test. Univariate results items,
namely exclusive breastfeeding (56.6%), mothers who did not work (64, 2%), good knowledge 58.5),
receiving family support (52.8%), receiving support from health workers (62.3%). There was a relationship
between maternal parity (PR = 2.100, 95% CI = 1.077 to 4.093), maternal knowledge (PR = 2.192, 95% CI =
1.162 to 4.4134), family support (PR = 3.173, 95% CI = 1,486- 6.775) and health care support (PR = 3.771,
95% CI = 1.886 to 7.543) with exclusive breastfeeding for infants. It is expected to add material and conduct
questions and answer questions after updating and monitoring with the help of Cadres.
Exclusive Breastfeeding is the first food, main and
that are best for the baby naturally. Exclusive
breastfeeding is the infant only given breast milk
alone, since the age of 30-minute postnatal (after
birth) until the age of 6 months without additional
other liquids such as milk formula, orange, maduk,
mineral water, biscuits, rice porridge, juice beet and
rice team except drink medicines and vitamins
(Prasetyono, 2009) ; (Wilyani & Purwoastuti, 2015) ;
(Roesli, 2000), Exclusive breastfeeding is still a
problem in the world. Scope of exclusive
breastfeeding in the world only by 41%. Scope of
exclusive breastfeeding highest in the world were in
East and Southern Africa by 56%. While in Asia
coverage of exclusive breastfeeding with the highest
coverage is in South Asia by 52% and the lowest
coverage in the Asia Pacific and East Asia by 22%
(UNICEF, 2018),
Based Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2018
that the proportions pattern of exclusive breastfeeding
in the last 24 hours only breast milk consumption and
not to eat or drink in the last 24 hours in infants aged
0-5 months in Indonesia amounted to 37.3% and the
proportion of pattern exclusive breastfeeding in
infants 0-5 months of Jakarta approximately 33%
(Kemenkes RI, 2018),
Based on the data from Jakarta Health Profile
2017, the number of infants who are exclusively
breastfed for 28 880 out of a total of 51 978 babies.
Based on the region implement exclusive
breastfeeding in North Jakarta (71.67%), South
Jakarta (69.59%), East Jakarta (61.22%), Jakarta
(55.54%), Thousand Islands (54%) and the lowest
was in West Jakarta (41.70%) (Jakarta Provincial
Health Office, 2017),
Mothers who breastfeed the child has long-term
health benefits such as reduced risk of being
overweight or obese. While the children are breastfed
by his mother's influence on health outcomes will
come which is to protect children against
gastrointestinal infections diseases to infectious
diseases gastrointestinal (diarrhea), respiratory tract
infection (pneumonia), stunting and ear infections.
Besides the importance of breastfeeding can reduce
and prevent allergic diseases, asthma, malnutrition
and obesity. In Indonesia there are 31.36% from
37.94% a sick child because it does not receive
exclusive breastfeeding (WHO, 2019); (Kemenkes
RI, 2019); (Prasetyono, 2009),
Putri, D. and Ayu, I.
Factors Associated with Exclusive to Giving Breastfeeding Infants Tambora in the Community Health Center, West Jakarta Year 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009563100590064
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 59-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Tambora Puskesmas is one of public health
services in the area of West Jakarta. Scope of
exclusive breastfeeding in Puskesmas Tambora in
2018 was still low at 63.1%. Tambora Puskesmas
oversees nine health centers in the villages working
area, one of the health centers coverage to its lowest
exclusive breastfeeding Urban Village Puskesmas
Tambora with the achievements of exclusive
breastfeeding 47.6%. Tambora Urban Village
Puskesmas data show that in 2018 cases of diarrhea
in infants aged 6-12 months as many as 26 people
(32.5%) and cases of malnutrition by 1 person
Based on the description above, the researchers
are interested to do research with title Factors -
Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding
Baby in Tambora Urban Village Puskesmas 2019.
This research uses quantitative approach with the aim
to get an idea by studying the relationship between
the dependent and independent variables. This study
used cross sectional design because in this study were
mothers with babies 180-365 days with a sample size
of 53 respondents. Sample calculations performed
using two different formulas proportions. The
sampling technique in this study using probability
Sampling techniques Stratified Sampling.
The collection of data that will be used in the form
of primary data is done by using a questionnaire to
interview contains questions such as age, parity,
employment status, knowledge, family support and
support of health workers. Furthermore, the data were
analyzed using univariate performed each variable,
while bivariate analysis done with chi-square test
using SPSS with significance level of p = 0.05
(CI = 95%).
The result showed that the variables Exclusive
breastfeeding The highest proportion is in exclusive
breastfeeding mothers who were 30 infants (56.6%),
while the lowest proportion is the mother who does
not give exclusive breastfeeding as much as 23
infants (43.4%). Results showed that maternal
employment status variables The highest proportion
is in women who do not work as many as 34 mothers
(64.2%), while the lowest proportion is the
working mother as many as 19 mothers (35.8%).
Table 1: An overview of each Variable Exclusive
breastfeeding In Infants at Village Puskesmas Tambora,
West Jakarta 2019.
Variables Frequency
breastfeeding photo
23 43.4
30 56.6
Mother work status
19 35.8
Does not work
34 64.2
More knowladge
22 41.5
Good knowladge
31 58.5
Family support
Does not support
25 47.2
28 52.8
Support Health
Does not support
20 37.7
33 62.3
Results showed that the variables mother's knowledge
The highest proportion is in women who have a good
knowledge as many as 31 mothers (58.5%),while the
lowest proportion is in women who have poor
knowledge as many as 22 mothers (41.5%). Results
showed that the variables of family support the
highest proportion in mothers family support as many
as 28 mothers (52.8%), while the lowest proportion is
in mothers no family support as many as 25 mothers
(47.2%). Results showed that on the variable support
health workers the highest proportion in mothers
support health workers as much as 33 mothers
(62.3%),while the lowest proportion is in mothers do
not get the support of health workers by 20 mothers
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 2: Proportion of Exclusive Breastfeeding with Independent Variables in Infants in urban village Puskesmas Tambora,
West Jakarta 2019.
Exclusive breastfeeding Total P-
PR (95% CI)
No Yes
N % N % N %
Mothers Work Status
Work 9 47.4 10 52.6 19 100.0
(0.618 to 2.141) Does not work 14 41.2 20 58.8 34 100.0
More knowledge 14 63.6 8 36.4 22 100.0
(1.162 to 4.134) Good knowledge 9 29.0 22 71.0 31 100.0
Family support
Does not support 17 68.0 8 32.0 25 100.0
(1.486 to 6.775) Support 6 21.4 22 78.6 28 100.0
Support Health Officer
Does not support 16 80.0 4 20.0 20 100.0
(1.886 to 7.543) Support 7 21.2 26 78.8 33 100.0
4.1 Job Status
Based on the survey results revealed there is no
relationship between maternal employment status
with exclusive breastfeeding. This is in line with
research conducted by Susmaneli (2013) showed that
there was no correlation between employment status
with exclusive breastfeeding. Another line of research
is research conducted by Trisnawati et al., (2013)
showed no association between maternal employment
status with exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers who work
in an effort to exclusive breastfeeding often experience
barriers due to the short period of maternity leave.
Exclusive breastfeeding before ending perfectly,
mothers have started to work, it is used as a reason for
not breastfeeding mothers, especially mothers who
exclusively in urban areas (Prasetyono, 2009), but the
results of the study claim there is no relationship
between maternal employment status with exclusive
breastfeeding. This may be caused by other factors
such as knowledge, family support and support of
health workers.
4.2 Mother’s Knowledge
Based on the survey results revealed there is a
relationship between knowledge of mothers with
exclusive breastfeeding. This is in line with research
conducted bySusmaneli (2013) shows that there is a
relationship between knowledge of mothers with
exclusive breastfeeding. Another line of research is
research conducted by Trisnawati et al., (2013)
showed no association between maternal knowledge
with exclusive breastfeeding. One's knowledge of the
object has a different intensity. Knowledge and
understanding enough about breastfeeding in terms of
feeding positions, treat breast, stimulate breast milk,
the benefits and advantages of breastfeeding, will
motivate mothers to breast feed properly and will
increase the breastfeeding baby (Maryunani, 2012),
Efforts are underway health centers to improve
knowledge of the mother in the form of counseling
pregnant women and education puerperal women
with delivery of material in the form of the sense of
exclusive breastfeeding, the benefits of breastfeeding,
how to express the milk, breastfeeding is right, what
is breast milk colostrum, the substance contained in
breast milk and how to facilitate breastfeeding
without question and answer. As for storage, the
composition of breast milk and breastfeeding infants
marks are not described in these materials.
4.3 Family Support
Based on the survey results revealed there is a
relationship between family support exclusive
breastfeeding. This is in line with research conducted
byRubinem (2012) shows that there is a relationship
between family support exclusive breastfeeding.
Another line of research is research conducted by
Trisnawati et al., (2013) showed no relationship
between family support exclusive breastfeeding.
According toMubaraq (2012), The family is the
strategic focus of health care because the family has
a major role in maintaining the health of all family
members, and family issues are interrelated, the
Factors Associated with Exclusive to Giving Breastfeeding Infants Tambora in the Community Health Center, West Jakarta Year 2019
family can also be a place in health care decision
makers. Support husband greatly affect family,
especially exclusive breastfeeding for infants. That
the support of the family, especially the husband is
very important in the success of the mother to produce
the quality and quantity. When the mother was having
difficulty with breastfeeding, a husband who can not
wait will advise mothers to switch to formula
(Fikawati et al, 2018). Based on the interview with
the mother, because of family reasons do not support
her husband have entrusted the affairs of the house
and the child to the mother. Then when it is
experiencing difficult to breastfeed then husband/
family suggested that formula feeding in anticipation
of the baby is hungry. As for the efforts of health
centers that provide education about the role of the
family in the exclusive breastfeeding when the
mother's womb control with the family.
4.4 Support Health Officer
Based on the survey results revealed there is a
relationship between health workers to support
exclusive breastfeeding. This is in line with research
conducted by Arifiati (2017) shows that there is a
relationship between health workers with the support
exclusive breastfeeding. Another line of research is
research conducted by Rubinem (2012) showed no
relationship between support health workers with
exclusive breastfeeding. An important role for
menunjung success of breastfeeding, health care
workers are required to provide information and
education exclusive breastfeeding to mothers or
members keluraga baby is concerned since prenatal
care until the period of exclusive breastfeeding is
finished and health officials are forbidden to promote
and provide infant formula that dampat inhibit feeding
programs exclusive breastfeeding unless there is a
medical indication determined by a physician who
require drinking milk formula (Fikawati et al., 2018).
Based on the interview to health workers that in order
to succeed in addition to the extension of exclusive
breastfeeding during pregnancy and after childbirth
education, health care workers to monitor every
Posyandu, mothers with babies less than 180 days
they were asked about exclusive breastfeeding or not.
The results based on the observation that health
officials are tasked to monitor infants aged less than
180 days amounted to only one person, so it is less
effective. Efforts made health officials when mothers
do not come to Posyandu appealed to cadres to pick
up the ball that is attended to home, weighed and
asked about exclusive breastfeeding.
These results indicate the relationship between
mother's knowledge, family support and support of
health workers. There was no relationship between
maternal employment status.
To increase rates of exclusive breastfeeding in
Puskesmas Village of Tambora in 2019 then
puskesmas village added the material was enough
milk, how breast milk storage and milk composition
and conduct a question and answer after being given
counseling and education and monitoring of
exclusive breastfeeding monthly smoothly should
health workers ask for help the cadres to conduct
monitoring of exclusive breastfeeding on the
following day for 6 months so that the monitoring is
effective for reports posyandu every month.
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health