Factors Related to Posyandu Anggrek Utilization in Communities
That Have Toddlers in RW 06, Joglo II Health Center, Kembangan
District in 2019
Leny Rahmawati and Mayumi Nitami
Public Health, Esa Unggul University, North Arjuna Street Number 9, West Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Kader Support, Family Support, Utilization of Posyandu, Knowledge, the Role of Health Workers, Attitudes.
Abstract: Indication the use of posyandu is the active arrival of the community of posyandu seen from the scope of
weighing under five (D/S). Based on data at Posyandu Anggrek, the coverage seen from D/S in January 2019
was around 59.49% (94 toddlers), February it was 61.39% (97 toddlers) and in March it was 62.65% (99
toddlers). But the achievement target of the Ministry of Health (2014) 85% has not been achieved. The study
uses quantitative methods, cross-sectional design, Chi-Square Test and 106 toddlers’ samples. Data were
obtained through a questionnaire with the variables; knowledge, attitudes, the role of health workers, family
support and kader support. The results show that there’s no relationship between knowledge (P =0.435, PR
=1.581) using posyandu. There’s a relationship between attitude (P =0.035, PR =1.883) using posyandu.
There’s no relationship between the role of health workers (P =0.872, PR =0.896) using posyandu. There’s a
relationship between family support (P = 0.001, PR = 2.908) using posyandu. There’s no relationship between
kader support (P =0.335, PR =1.381) using posyandu. Suggestions are given for kader to make a variety of
PMT’s and socialize the flow of activities, provide counseling to families and extend the time of posyandu.
One indication of the utilization of health services by
the public is the liveliness of the arrival of people to
the service center, in this case, is specific to the use of
posyandu namely to inactivity son came to the GMP
or the liveliness of the parents to bring their toddler to
posyandu which can be seen from the figures
coverage child's weight to Posyandu (D / S). D is the
number of toddlers who come to Posyandu for a
certain period, S is the number of all toddlers under
five who are in the territory of the neighborhood
health center. The higher coverage D / S, at least the
higher the coverage of vitamin A and immunization
coverage and is expected to lower the prevalence of
malnutrition (Ministry of Health, 2011).
Data issued by the UNICEF-WHO Joint- The
World Bank estimates the 2012 Child malnutrition
says 165 million toddlers under five years of
worldwide experience stunted and it is estimated
there are 101 million toddlers under the age of five
around the world have a weight problem less. The
high prevalence rate of stunting among toddler under
the age of five are in Africa (36%) and Asia (27%).
Data Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013,
there were 19.6% of a toddler are malnourished
consisting of 5.7% toddler malnourished and 13.9%
less nutritional status as well as information about
child growth monitoring was obtained from toddlers
weighing frequency during last six months.
Frequency weighing 4 times in the last 6 months
decreased slightly to 44.6% (2007) compared to
45.4% (2013). Toddler aged 6-59 months who never
weighed in the past six months increased from 25.5%
(2007) to 34.3% (2013) (Ministry of Health, 2013).
According to the Ministry of Health (2014),
National average coverage D / S of 80.8% is lower than
the target of 85%. When compared with 2013,
performance in 2014 increased by 0.3%. In the
distribution scope, D / S also found disparities between
regions across the province. Values range between a
high of 91.2% provinces (Nusa Tenggara Barat) and
the lowest was 30.5% (Papua), and accounting for 19
(55.9%) provinces with the achievements under the
national average. When compared to the target (85%)
then there are 29 (85.3%) did not reach the target
provinces. And for the child's weight to posyandu
scope for Jakarta area alone amounted to 66.5.
Rahmawati, L. and Nitami, M.
Factors Related to Posyandu Anggrek Utilization in Communities That Have Toddlers in RW 06, Joglo II Health Center, Kembangan District in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009563000510058
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 51-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Goals for health center consists of babies,
toddlers, pregnant women, postpartum mothers,
nursing mothers and couples of childbearing ages.
From interviews with the kader, in posyandu there are
programs for the target, but the participation in the
work area posyandu still a bit to check with
Posyanudu, most will be checked directly to the
health center. Meanwhile, based on the data SKDN
Toddler in Posyandu Anggrek weighing seen
coverage of the D / S in January 2019 approximately
59.49% (94 infants) and in February amounted to
61.39% (97 infants) and in March to 62.65 % (99
infants). With a target achievement of the health
clinic to Posyandu program that is at least 60%.
Although in February - March has been passing
through given target health centers, the target
achievement of Ministry of Health (2014) Of 85% has
not been reached.
This study uses a cross-sectional design of the study
is to take measurements or observations at the same
time (all the time). This research was conducted in
May and June 2019. The population in this study is
the entire community who have toddlers aged 6-59
months were enrolled in some 145 Posyandu Anggrek
The number of samples in this study was a total of
106 samples were selected through a proportional
stratified sampling technique based on data registers
infants and toddlers enrolled in the Posyandu
Anggrek. The data source of this research using
primary data (interviews and questionnaire) and
secondary data (data reports SKDN in health center).
This study uses Validity and normality and the results
of this study were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.
Table 1: Results of univariate.
type Analysis
Number (n)
Percentage (%)
Utilization of
Bad Utilization of
Good Utilization of
Bad of Knowledge
Good of Knowledge
Bad Attitude
Good Attitude
The Role of Health
Bad for The Role of
Health Workers
Good for The Role of
Health Workers
Family support
Didn’t get support
Get support
Support Kader
Didn’t get support
Get support
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 2: Results of bivariate.
utilization of Posyandu
Bad of knowledge Good of
Bad attitude Good attitude
The Role of Health Workers
The Role of Health Workers Good
The Role of Health Workers
Family support
Didn’t get support
Get support
Support Kader
Didn’t get support
Get support
4.1 Univariate Analysis
4.1.1 Description Utilization of Posyandu
Anggrek on People Who Have a
Toddler in RW 06 Joglo II Health
The results showed good Posyandu utilization
frequency of 106 respondents as many as 71 people
(67.0%). This is in line with research Reihana (2014)
which states that there are 54.8% of women had good
participation to come to Posyandu.
Posyandu is one form of Community Based
Health Effort (UKBM) run of, by, for and
communicating with the community, in order to
empower communities and provide convenience to
the public in obtaining basic health services.
(Ministry of Health, 2012).
To enhance the activity of the respondents to the
Posyandu, the clinic assisted by a cadre has a role to
come to the respondent when kader carries out the
PSN. Based on the interview, respondents have
mostly been utilizing posyandu well, but when seen
from the results of monitoring the child's weight
based on the KMS book every child, it appears that
most respondents do not regularly (66.2%) came to
posyandu to weigh her child, only a few respondents
conducting routine weighing (33.8%). If seen from
the data SKDN Orchids Posyandu seen weighing
coverage has been more than the target given the
clinic but has not reached the national target of 85%.
However, when seen from the presence of the
respondents routinely can be seen the percentage is
only 33, 8% is far from a percentage of coverage
provided by the health centers. Percentage used for
these health centers is only based on SKDN whereas
there are standards of the Ministry of Health (2013)
that were able to see both visible Posyandu utilization
of the presence of mothers to the clinic 4 times in
the last 6 months.
The advice can be given to researchers to utilize
Posyandu namely for the clinic and kader to
disseminate information on the Posyandu activities
based application online chat group (WhatsApps), in
addition to information activities can also spread info,
info about current issues regarding the growth and
development of infants. The hope in the future, more
and more respondents who come to Posyandu to
weigh their toddler to child development can be
Factors Related to Posyandu Anggrek Utilization in Communities That Have Toddlers in RW 06, Joglo II Health Center, Kembangan
District in 2019
monitored well. If there are obstacles in making the
group do not have the application, the next step can
be done kader and the clinic is to visit the respondents
to his house as a concern and to monitor the growth
of toddler under five.
4.1.2 Description Knowledge in People Who
Have a Toddler in Posyandu Anggrek
Joglo II Health Centre
Based on this research, it was found that out of the
total 90 respondents obtained the highest proportion.
The results showed the frequency of respondents'
knowledge of both of the 106 respondents as many as
98 people (92.5%) whereas respondents poor
knowledge of 8 people (7.5%). This is in line with
research Nofianti (2012) which states that there are 34
people (43.0%) were both knowledgeable and 7
(33.3%) were less knowledgeable in the use of
posyandu by mothers in the region Maek health
centers, district Fifty Cities.
Based on the theory of Green (1980) in the book
Notoatmodjo (2010) explained that the increase in
knowledge is not necessarily the cause of changes in
a person's behavior, but is associated with early
determinants for people to behave. From the results
of answers, there were respondents who had low
knowledge, this is known based on 3 of the 10
statements in question. The statement asked that the
respondents did not know the length of Posyandu
(0.9%), respondents are also still unaware of the KMS
used difference color (1.9%), as well as according to
respondents’ toddlers can be weighed yourself at
home and then recorded in a KMS book (7.5%).
Based on interviews mostly mothers had good
knowledge because there is counseling conducted by
the clinic and was attended by mothers, mothers
understand this affecting the delivery of such
information so that knowledge can be said to be good.
But there are some mothers who have low knowledge
if concerns regarding this knowledge continue to be
an impact on infant growth not monitored because
knowledge of the respondents was low.
4.1.3 Description Attitude in People Who
Have a Toddler in Posyandu Anggrek
Joglo II Health Centre
The results showed a good attitude of the respondent
frequency of 106 respondents as many as 65 people
(61.3%) while the bad attitude of the respondent as
many as 41 people (38.7%). This is in line with
research Nofianti (2012) which states that there were
27 people (46.6%) who have a good attitude and 14
(33.3%) who had a bad attitude in the use posyandu
by mothers in the region Maek health centers, district
Fifty Cities.
According to Green (1980) in the book
Notoatmodjo (2010) Attitudes are covered a person's
response to the stimulus or object, which has involved
the opinions and emotional factors that are concerned.
From the results of answers, there were respondents
who had a bad attitude. It is known by two of the 10
statements submitted show that the attitude of the
respondents is still low on the utilization of Posyandu.
The form of revelation includes; posyandu feeding
does not affect me not to come to Posyandu (20.8%)
shows that the supplementary feeding (PMT) is
provided at the Posyandu can be influential in the
presence of the respondents to the Posyandu. As well
as the registration process in posyandu too long and
the length (12.3%). If this continues to happen will
result in low utilization because of the attitude of the
respondents posyandu less.
Based on the interview, the mother has a good
attitude. This is due to understand or comprehend
counseling given the clinic so it can respond well are
more actively come to Posyandu. However, based on
the results of the answers seem that there are factors
that contributed to the utilization posyandu be less
than the supplementary feeding (PMT) and the
registration process or activity in Posyandu.
Supplementary feeding (PMT) that are usually
provided by posyandu ie green beans, eggs, pudding,
fruit. This will lead to boredom for both respondents
and toddlers. The advice can be given, the clinic is
more varied in making supplementary feeding (PMT)
and not forgetting the required nutritional factors
toddlers. For the process of activities, for writers to
make observations in posyandu process or workflow
activities have followed the standards issued by the
Ministry of Health (2011). However, in practice in the
field, there are some mothers who sometimes do not
follow the path directly to the child's weight and not
to the registration desk first. This is what makes the
program will be piled up on the table as weighing.
The advice can be given for kader and clinics can
make the flow of activities posyandu then taped in
place that can be directly viewed by the mother or
guardian in order not to accumulate in the weighing
and reporting on KMS book only. This groove can be
socialized when the implementation of the extension
in a table of 4 or at the time of counseling when there
are issues - health issues that should be given
counseling to mothers - mothers. there are some
mothers who sometimes do not follow the path
directly to the child's weight and not to the
registration desk first. This is what makes the
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
program will be piled up on the table as weighing.
The advice can be given for kader and clinics can
make the flow of activities posyandu then taped in
place that can be directly viewed by the mother or
guardian in order not to accumulate in the weighing
and reporting on KMS book only. This groove can be
socialized when the implementation of the extension
in a table of 4 or at the time of counseling when there
are issues - health issues that should be given
counseling to mothers - mothers. there are some
mothers who sometimes do not follow the path
directly to the child's weight and not to the
registration desk first. This is what makes the
program will be piled up on the table as weighing.
The advice can be given for kader and clinics can
make the flow of activities posyandu then taped in
place that can be directly viewed by the mother or
guardian in order not to accumulate in the weighing
and reporting on KMS book only. This groove can be
socialized when the implementation of the extension
in a table of 4 or at the time of counseling when there
are issues - health issues that should be given
counseling to mothers - mothers. The advice can be
given for kader and clinics can make the flow of
activities posyandu then taped in place that can be
directly viewed by the mother or guardian in order not
to accumulate in the weighing and recording KMS
only. This groove can be socialized when the
implementation of the extension in a table of 4 or at
the time of counseling when there are issues - health
issues that should be given counseling to mothers -
mothers. The advice can be given for kader and
clinics can make the flow of activities posyandu then
taped in place that can be directly viewed by the
mother or guardian in order not to accumulate in the
weighing and recording KMS only. This groove can
be socialized when the implementation of the
extension in a table of 4 or at the time of counseling
when there are issues - health issues that should be
given counseling to mothers mothers.
4.1.4 Description Role of Health Personnel
in Posyandu Anggrek Joglo II Health
The results showed the frequency of the role of health
workers from 106 respondents as many as 67 people
(63.2%), while the role of bad health workers as many
as 39 people (36.8%). From the research Hasanah
(2015) showed that fostering good health personnel by
17 people (21.5%) in Puskesmas Kelurahan Cilincing
North Jakarta Rorotan Year 2015. From these results
obtained equation that the role of health professionals
in the area of Jakarta has been good enough.
From the results of the answers, there are 3 other
statements that demonstrate the role of health
professionals is still lacking. The statement includes;
posyandu activities underway health workers fell
directly in the activity (1.9%), in explanation that was
done by health personnel can understand (0.9%) and
health workers to explain the benefits of Posyandu
Based on the interview respondents note look role
of health workers. This is because according to the
respondent’s toddler health professionals (midwives)
are always present at the Posyandu activities take
place. But there are other factors that make the role of
health workers is less. If this continues to happen will
result in a decrease in the use of Posyandu.
Suggestions to the authors provide that if the
implementation of the extension educator teams
assigned are the volunteer health workers themselves
that at the time health workers can ask back the extent
to which respondents understand the contents of the
lectures also health workers can provide information
on the benefits of activities posyandu.
4.1.5 Description Family Support on People
Who Have a Toddler in Posyandu
Anggrek Joglo II Health Centre
The results showed the frequency of respondents who
support a family of 106 respondents was 57 (53.8%)
while respondents who have no family support as
many as 49 people (46.2%). From the research
Hasanah (2015) showed that good family support for
67 (65.0%) in Puskesmas Kelurahan Cilincing North
Jakarta Rorotan 2015.
Based on the answers, there is one question that
shows that family support is given still low. The
nature of the questions includes if the respondent was
unable to attend, the absence of a family member who
can replace respondents to Posyandu (60.4%).
Based on the interview, respondents did not take
advantage of posyandu because there are some
respondents did not have a family to replace him
because of the family work or school. If this continues
to be an impact on the low utilization of the Posyandu
to the development of infants around the working area
posyandu cannot be monitored. The advice can be
given is that the time on the implementation of
posyandu extended so that the respondent may seek
to bring their babies to Posyandu. Or, if necessary, to
do more from posyandu once a month, because it is
in conformity with the General Guidelines for
Management of posyandu is issued by the Ministry of
Health (2011b).
Factors Related to Posyandu Anggrek Utilization in Communities That Have Toddlers in RW 06, Joglo II Health Center, Kembangan
District in 2019
4.1.6 Description Support Kader in
Posyandu Anggrek Joglo II Health
The results showed the frequency of mothers who
support a cadre of 106 respondents were 60 (56.6%),
while respondents who did not receive the support of
a cadre of 46 people (43.4%). From the research
Hasanah (2015) showed that good family support for
84 (81.6%) in Puskesmas Kelurahan Cilincing North
Jakarta Rorotan 2015.
According to Green (1980) in the book
Notoatmodjo (2010) Factors amplifier for someone
healthy behavior that is based on the support of health
professionals such as nurses, doctors, midwives, and
healthy volunteers.
The research looked at kader support given to
mothers to bring their babies to Posyandu. Based on
the answers, there is one question that shows the lack
of support kader. The form of the question as you visit
the homes of respondents kader when the toddler did
not come to Posyandu (37.7%).
Based on the interview obtained kader of
respondents support more than mothers who do not
get support. However, if viewed from the
respondents, the role of kader only felt when the
implementation of the Posyandu. Very influential role
in the utilization of kader support, because the kader
is someone nearby after a family that can help
monitor the growth of toddler as well as an extension
of the clinic, if this continues to occur will result in
low utilization of posyandu recognizing the support
provided kader still lacking. The advice can be given
to increase the role of kader after Posyandu activities
by visiting the home of the respondent if the
respondent does not come to Posyandu and suggested
that they should weigh on other health services such
as health centers or clinics.
4.2 Bivariate Analysis
4.2.1 Relationship between Attitude with
Utilization Posyandu Anggrek in
People Who Have a Toddler in RW 06
Joglo Urban Village Puskesmas II
District Kembangan 2019
Based on the research results with the use of
Posyandu Anggrek relationship with attitude on
people who have toddler in RW 06 Joglo II Health
Centre, respondents who had a bad attitude there were
19 (46.3%) who do not utilize Posyandu and
respondents who had a bad attitude there is more 22
(53.7%) which utilize posyandu. While the
respondents who have a good attitude, there are 16
(24.6%) who do not utilize Posyandu and respondents
who have a good attitude are more 49 (75.4%), which
utilizes the Posyandu. This research shows that there is
a relationship between attitudes to the use of Posyandu
Anggrrek on people who have a toddler in RW 06
Joglo II Health Centre, Kembangan Sub-District 2019.
This research is in line with research Rita (2016)
stating that there was a significant relationship between
attitudes to the use of Posyandu Melati III. These
results are also consistent with research Nirmala
(2018) stating that there is a significant relationship
between attitudes to the use of Posyandu toddler in
village easterlies Puskesmas Setabelan Surakarta. The
prevalence value ratio in this analysis is 1.883 means
that mothers who have a bad attitude would risk 1,883
times to utilize Posyandu poorly, compared with
mothers who have a good attitude.
According to Green (1980) in the book
Notoatmodjo (2007) attitude is a reaction or response
which was still closed from a person to a stimulus or
object. Attitudes cannot be seen directly, but can only
be interpreted in advance of behavioral closed.
Attitude signifies connotations of their conformity
reaction to certain stimuli that in everyday life is an
emotional reaction to the social stimulus.
Counseling is done posyandu is quite effective,
but the attitude in utilizing posyandu still low. It is
known from the answers that respondents. There are
several proposed statements that are still a low value.
If this continues to happen will result in low
utilization of posyandu conducted by the respondent.
Supplementary feeding (PMT) that are usually
provided by posyandu ie green beans, eggs, pudding,
fruit. This will lead to boredom for both respondents
and toddlers. The advice can be given, the clinic is
more varied in making supplementary feeding (PMT)
and not forgetting the required nutritional factors
toddlers. The activities during the writers' make
observations in posyandu process or workflow
activities have followed the standards issued by the
Ministry of Health (2011b). However, in practice in
the field, there are some mothers who sometimes do
not follow the path directly to the child's weight and
not to the registration desk first. This causes the
buildup mothers in one table such as weighing. The
advice can be given for kader and clinics can make the
flow of Posyandu activities and tape in place that can
be directly viewed by the mother or guardian in order
not to accumulate in the weighing and reporting on
KMS book only. This groove can be socialized when
the implementation of the extension in a table of 4 or
at the time of counseling when there are health issues
that should be given counseling to mothers of toddlers.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
The advice can be given for kader and clinics can make
the flow of Posyandu activities and tape in place that
can be directly viewed by the mother or guardian in
order not to accumulate in the weighing and reporting
on KMS book only. This groove can be socialized
when the implementation of the extension in a table of
4 or at the time of counseling when there are health
issues that should be given counseling to mothers of
toddlers. The advice can be given for kader and clinics
can make the flow of Posyandu activities and tape in
place that can be directly viewed by the mother or
guardian in order not to accumulate in the weighing
and reporting on KMS book only. This groove can be
socialized when the implementation of the extension in
a table of 4 or at the time of counseling when there are
health issues that should be given counseling to
mothers of toddlers.
4.2.2 Relationship between Family Support
Utilization Posyandu Anggrek on
People Who Have a Toddler in RW 06
Joglo II Health Centre District
Kembangan 2019
Based on the research results with the use of family
support relationships Posyandu Anggrek on people
who have toddler in RW 06 Joglo II Health Centre,
respondents who have no family support there were
25 (51.0%) who do not utilize Posyandu and
respondents who have no family support are more bit
24 (49.0%), which utilizes the posyandu. While the
respondents get family support there were 10 (17.5%)
who did not take advantage of the respondents get
posyandu and family support n there are more 47
(82.5%), which utilizes the Posyandu. This research
shows that there is a relationship between family
support with the use of Posyandu Anggrek on people
who have a toddler in RW 06 Joglo II Health Centre,
Kembangan Sub-District 2019.
This research is in line with research Oktarina &
Malindo (2015) showed that there was a significant
relationship with the family support posyandu
utilization by mothers in urban village Puskesmas
Kurao Nanggalo Padang 2015. This is in line with the
research Djamil (2018) states that there is a
significant relationship between family support with
the behavior of mothers to weigh their toddler to
Posyandu in the region of UPT Puskesmas Way Panji
South Lampung regency 2016. The prevalence Value
Ratio in this analysis is 2.908 means that respondents
who have no family support would be at risk 2.908
times to utilize posyandu poorly, compared to
respondents who receive family support.
According to Green (1980) in the book
Notoatmodjo (2010) reinforcing factors for someone
healthy behavior that is based on family support.
Mom will be active to Posyandu Anggrek if any
encouragement from people nearby, including the
family. Family support was instrumental in
preserving and maintaining optimal nutritional status.
Posyandu Anggrek held each month on the third
week, it is because based on interviews with holders
program and kader is the result of community
agreement executed on the day and also carried out in
the morning until noon because of the growth
monitoring sessions involving all agencies dealing
with the public as in the sphere of health in the
implementation and administration posyandu activities
that would typically come to do the monitoring.
Based on the interview, respondents did not do the
utilize of posyandu because it does not have a family
to replace him because of the family work or school.
If this continues to happen, will result in low
utilization of posyandu makes volunteers and health
workers are not able to monitor the growth and
development of toddler under five in the region of
posyandu orchids. Based on observations conducted
by researchers at the Posyandu, there are mothers who
come in past the deadline and kader Posyandu
activities suggest that weigh directly to the clinic, of
course it will have an impact on the level of utilization
of the Posyandu. Therefore, the advice that can be
given is that the time on the implementation of
posyandu extended so that the respondent may seek
to bring their babies to Posyandu. or if necessary,
Now, for the family members of both children that
older and fathers can provide informational support in
the form of information about the health of toddlers
to mothers so that in the future she can assess that
come to Posyandu is the thing to do. Information on
the child's health is obtained either through
counseling given puskesmas or information from
medical journals. For the clinic, in cooperation with
volunteers to provide counseling targeted at families,
this is done so that an understanding of information
about the child's health or the Posyandu can be
delivered as a whole so that the health of toddlers can
be improved. If in the implementation of counseling
a lot of families who do not bring their members.
Based on the research results can be summarized as
Factors Related to Posyandu Anggrek Utilization in Communities That Have Toddlers in RW 06, Joglo II Health Center, Kembangan
District in 2019
1. Distribution of mothers who utilize Posyandu
Anggrekgood orchid that is equal to 67.0% (71
2. Distribution mother knowledgeable both in
Poyandu Orchid as much as 92.5% (98 people).
3. Distribution of mothers who have a good
attitude in Posyandu Anggrek by 61.3% (65
4. Distribution of mothers who feel the role of
health workers in Posyandu Anggrek of 63.2
5. Distribution of mothers who received family
support at 53.8% (57 people).
6. Distribution mothers get the support kader in
Posyandu Anggrek by 56.6% (60 people).
7. There is a relationship between attitude with
Posyandu Anggrek Utilization the Community
which has Toddlers in RW 06 Joglo II Health
Centre, District Kembangan Year 2019. The
PR value of 1.883 means that respondents who
have a bad attitude would risk 1,883 times to
utilize Posyandu poorly, compared to
respondents has a good attitude.
8. There is a relationship between family support
with Posyandu Anggrek Utilization Anggrek
the Community which has Toddlers in RW 06
Joglo II Health Centre, District Kembangan
Year 2019. The PR value of 2.908 means that
respondents who have no family support would
be at risk of 2.908 times to utilize Posyandu
poorly, compared to respondents who get
family support.
1. Volunteers can make the supplementary
feeding (PMT) varied without losing the
content or nutritional value. The clinic in
collaboration with the volunteer can make or
socialize groove enforcement Posyandu. For a
family to be more active in communication
with mothers or guardians about their rapidly
developing toddlers.
2. Puskesmas working with volunteers doing
counseling with a family target, also provide
information such as pamphlets and advice each
family member both children and fathers to
care for the growth and development of infants.
The clinic can be considered regarding
implementation time posyandu and if possible,
the implementation can be done more than once
a month.
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health