Granularity Effect of Patient’s Medication Compliance Moderated by
Bugi Satrio Adiwibowo
, Suryari Purnama
and Andi Rahmat Saleh
Communication Science Faculty, Esa Unggul University, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9,
Duri Kepa, Kb. Jeruk, 11510, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Economy and Business Faculty, Esa Unggul University, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9,
Duri Kepa, Kb. Jeruk, 11510, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Keywords: Granularity, Communicator, Compliance, Specialist Doctor, Co-assistant Doctor.
Abstract: Information about the time to take medication to patients is very important to be considered by each
hospital. Many hospital communicators in this study (specialist doctors or co-assistants) who provide
information about the time to take medication using the word 3 times a day, so that there are often
differences in perceptions received by patients that affect adherence to taking medication. The use of fine
granularity (every 8 hours) is once thought to be more precise than coarse granularity (3 times a day).
Objective: Analyze fundamentally (exploratory research) the effect of granularity on patient compliance
with medication moderated by communicators. Method: The study was conducted by collecting quantitative
data with a questionnaire distributed to 120 respondents. This data is analyzed using two ways ANOVA.
Results: Information about the time to take medicine delivered by expert communicators using fine
granularity every 8 hours once more increases the patient's need to take medication. The contribution of this
study is so that specialists at the Hospital can use the word every 8 hours for the time to take medication to
further improve the health of the Indonesian people.
Lately, there are a lot of doctors in hospitals that
provide information about the time to take
medication to patients by using the word 3 times a
day rather than the word every 8 hours. The use of
the word 3 times a day often leads to differences in
perceptions received by the patient and will lead to
patient disobedience for taking medication. So that
the effect of the medicine is not optimal or even
cause excessive side effects. Therefore, the role of
the communicator, namely the doctor in relation to
the recipient of information, namely the patient, is
an important thing that must be given attention to all
of us, in order to provide information about the
timing of taking the medicine more clearly. So that
the welfare of the Indonesian community will be
This issue was first placed from the context made
by Grice's (1975), the logic of conversation, which
provides a conceptual framework for understanding
how recipients of information get substantially
different conclusions that are equivalent to speech
It was first predicted and observed that the
granularity effect of the communicator's quantitative
speech influenced the recipient's confidence in the
accuracy of the information. In study 1 conducted by
Zhang and Schwarz (2012) states that consumers put
a window of time around the time that will be
fulfilled from a project by showing the fastest time
and the longest time they think of the project to be
completed. This time window resembles a shrinkage
of the confidence interval with the granules of
quantitative expression, where completion time is
expressed as "1 year" coming with a window of 140
days, but this time window shrinks to 84 days and at
the same time is presented as “52 weeks”.
This effect seems to reflect that the recipient of
the information draws pragmatic conclusions from
the form of communicator speech, which is
consistent with the Gricean logic of conversation.
Thus, both granularity should only influence
consumer conclusions under conditions where they
can assume that the communicator is cooperative,
that is, follow the Gricean norms in conducting
conversation (Schwarz, 1996). Empirically this case
occurs when the communicator is cooperative.
Adiwibowo, B., Purnama, S. and Saleh, A.
Granularity Effect of Patient’s Medication Compliance Moderated by Communicator.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561900130019
In Proceedings of the 1st Inter national Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 13-19
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a replication of the Journal of
Consumer Research Inc. entitled "How and Why 1
Year Differs from 365 Days: A Conversational
Logic Analysis of Inferences from the Granularity of
Quantitative Expressions" by Y. Charles Zhang and
Norbert Schwarz "in 2012. Results from study 1
conducted by Zhang and Schwarz, recipients of
information go beyond the literal meaning of
communicator sayings and they are present to
choose granularity in interpreting the approximate
meaning of time. In accordance with predictions
from Grice's (1975) Logic of Conversation, it can be
concluded that when communicators express using
fine granularity it turns out to have a higher level of
precision than when communicators express using
coarse granularity. It was first predicted and
observed that the granularity effect of the
communicator's quantitative speech influenced the
recipient's confidence in the accuracy of the
information. In study 1 conducted by Zhang and
Schwarz (2012) states that consumers put a window
of time around the time that will be fulfilled from a
project by showing the fastest time and the longest
time they think of the project to be completed. This
time window resembles a shrinkage of the
confidence interval with the granules of quantitative
expression, where completion time is expressed as
"1 year" coming with a window of 140 days, but this
time window shrinks to 84 days and at the same time
is presented as "52 weeks".
This effect seems to reflect that the recipient of
the information draws pragmatic conclusions from
the form of communicator speech, which is
consistent with the Gricean logic of conversation.
Thus, both granularity should only influence
consumer conclusions under conditions where they
can assume that the communicator is cooperative,
that is, follow the Gricean norms in conducting
conversation (Schwarz, 1996). Empirically this case
occurs when the communicator is cooperative.
This research is a replication of the Journal of
Consumer Research Inc. entitled "How and Why 1
Year Differs from 365 Days: A Conversational
Logic Analysis of Inferences from the Granularity of
Quantitative Expressions" by Y. Charles Zhang and
Norbert Schwarz "in 2012. Results from study 1
conducted by Zhang and Schwarz, recipients of
information go beyond the literal meaning of
communicator sayings and they are present to
choose granularity in interpreting the approximate
meaning of time. In accordance with predictions
from Grice's (1975) Logic of Conversation, it can be
concluded that when communicators express using
fine granularity it turns out to have a higher level of
precision than when communicators express using
coarse granularity.
Based on the results of these studies, we will
conduct a follow-up study of Study 1 conducted by
Zhang and Schwarz (2012) regarding "Estimate of
Precision" which explains that communicators who
express with fine granularity are estimated to have a
higher level of precision. When the doctor speaks to
his patient in giving an explanation of the time to
take the medication, the explanation for the
medication is often heard three times a day. But
there are also some doctors who provide an
explanation of the time to take medicine every 8
hours. From the doctor's information about the time
to take the medicine has different perceptions
received by the patient. The information received by
these patients is two different things where the
effects of information provided when
communication occurs between the doctor and the
patient can affect the patient's adherence to taking
medication. Besides that, communicators in this case
specialist doctors or co-assistants have an important
role in influencing patient compliance to take
medication. The importance of explaining the time
to take the medicine is very influential on the
effectiveness of the medicine that will be felt by the
patient, therefore researchers feel it is important to
discuss this so that it can be used as a reference that
each doctor should be able to provide more accurate
information on taking medication so that the patient
can obey him.
In this study, it was found that patient
compliance with medication was strongly influenced
by the information conveyed by the communicator,
in this case, a specialist or co-assistant. Information
conveyed in conversations between patients and
specialist doctors or co-assistants regarding the time
taken to take the medicine is in the form of fine
granularity, which is 3 times a day and coarse
granularity which is every 8 hours. This study will
prove whether there is a difference between fine
granularity and coarse granularity to patient
compliance with medication? Is there an influence
from patient compliance with medication that is
moderated by a specialist or co-assistant?
2.1 Customer Behavior
According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2004), the
notion of consumer behavior is the behavior shown
by consumers in the search for purchases, use,
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
evaluation, and replacement of products and services
that are expected to satisfy their needs. Many
understandings of consumer behavior by experts,
one of which is defined by Umar (2003), namely
"consumer behavior is direct action in obtaining,
consuming and spending products and services,
including the decision process that precedes the
2.2 Health Communication
Health communication is the process of delivering
health messages by communicators through certain
channels or media to the communicant with the aim
of encouraging human behavior to achieve
prosperity as strength which leads to a healthy
(mental) and social (status) condition. Health
communication is narrower than human
communication in general. Health communication is
closely related to how individuals in society try to
maintain their health, dealing with various issues
related to health. In health communication, the focus
includes specific health relationship transactions,
including various factors that influence the
transaction in question.
In the level of communication, health
communication refers to areas such as national and
world health programs, health promotion, and public
health plans. In the context of small groups, health
communication refers to areas such as meetings
discussing treatment planning, staff reports, and
medical team interactions. In the context of
interpersonal, health communication is included in
human communication which directly affects
professionals and professionals with clients. Health
Communicalevation is seen as part of the relevant
fields of science, the focus is more specific in terms
of health services.
2.3 Granularity Effect
The above reasons imply that Gricean's
consideration will influence the choice of
communicators of granularity where they reveal
quantitative information as well as conclusions of
recipients of this choice. In general, quantitative
communications provide more information when
quantities are represented in the form of fine
granularity rather than coarse forms. This is the
clearest example, estimates show "$ 5,000-$ 6,000"
or "$ 1,000 - $ 10,000," here, the choice of the width
of the interval strengthens the communicator's
confidence in the accuracy of his estimates. Not
surprisingly, information recipients prefer narrow
intervals, which provide further information. In
addition, they are willing to sacrifice formal
accuracy to assess information. For example, when
the actual value is $ 22.5 billion, 80% of participants
expect "$ 18- $ 20 billion" to exceed the estimates of
"$ 20- $ 40," Although the last interval includes the
correct value and the non-forming (Yaniv and
Foster, 1995).
We assume that recipients are sensitive to the
communicator's granularity choices and take them
into account when they interpret communicators'
sayings. Therefore, we predict (i) that recipients that
the recipient of the information will see the time
estimate more precisely if the information conveyed
use fine granules rather than coarse granularity,
produced (ii) in the estimation of narrow intervals.
These effects should not be observed when
recipients doubt that the speaker is a cooperative
communicator. When many variables can damage
the perception of recipients from cooperativeness
communicators (Levinson, 1983 and Schwarz,
Finally, the pragmatic conclusions of consumers
tend to have behavioral consequences. If the same
estimates are expected to be more precise when
delivered in fine-granularity units, (iv) consumers
must be more confident that the products provided
are promised when quantitative promises are
expressed well rather than coarse units that influence
their product choices (study 4). When we assume
that this prediction of granularity applies to all
quantity of expressions, this study tests them in the
area of the estimated time. Consumer perception
about time is an important element in many aspects
of consumer habits, from planning. (Leclerc,
Schmitt, and Dube, 1995. Ulkiimen, Thomas, and
Morwitz, 2008) and menu (Kumar, Kalwani, and
Dada, 1997) toward product service and evaluation
(Mogilner, Aaker, and Pennington, 2008).
2.4 Compliance
Obedient means to like and obey orders or rules, and
be disciplined. Compliance means obedience,
submission to teachings or rules. Compliance is the
level of behavior of patients who are directed
towards the instructions given in any form of
therapy that is determined either diet, exercise,
treatment or keeping an appointment with a doctor
(Stanley, 2007). Compliance is a change in behavior
from behavior that does not adhere to behaviors that
comply with regulations (Green in Notoatmodjo,
Granularity Effect of Patient’s Medication Compliance Moderated by Communicator
According to Tyler (2004), there are two basic
perspectives in the sociology literature regarding
compliance with the law, which are called
instrumental and normative. The instinctual mental
perspective assumes that the individual as a whole is
driven by personal interests and responses to
changes intangible, incentive, and penalties related
to behavior. The normative perspective relates to
what people perceive as moral and contrary to their
personal interests (Saleh, 2004; Prabowo, 2008;
Sulistyo, 2010). In terms of delivering financial
reports to the public, the instrumental perspective
illustrates that the incentives obtained by the
company when delivering its financial statements on
time are the response of the public to the company
itself, and vice versa. Whereas for the second
perspective, an individual tends to comply with the
provisions, in this case, the timeliness of financial
reporting because it is considered as a normative
commitment through morality and because the
authoring authority of the provision dictates
behavior to report its financial condition at the
specified time (normative commitment through
legitimacy) in this case is Bapepam.
The thinking framework in this study described
above can be seen in the picture below:
Figure 1: Thinking Framework.
Therefore to prove whether the patient is more
obedient for the time to take the medication with
coarse granularity (3 times a day) or fine granularity
(every 8 hours) and has a higher level of precision
when explained by a specialist than a co-assistant,
the authors propose several hypotheses:
H1: It is assumed that the level of patient
compliance for taking medication using fine
granularity (every 8 hours) is better than coarse
granularity (3 times a day).
H2: Alleged communicator expertise (specialist)
modera- tes granularity and compliance.
This study uses the setting of medical services in
a polyclinic at a General Hospital, with participants
being male and female students. The criteria for
study participants are school students aged 17-18
years. The study was conducted on high school
students. The total number of participants needed is
120 people with details of 30 people for each group.
To see the effect of fine granularity and coarse
granularity on compliance that is moderated by
communicators, ANOVA is used as a data analysis
tool in this research activity by comparing, so that it
can find out the results of relevant research.
The type of data used in this study is qualitative
data. The data needed are primary data, namely data
obtained directly from the object of research in the
form of responses, suggestions, criticisms, questions,
and assessments of the object of research as
respondents, explanations, and information on the
results of direct observation. The data collection
technique needed is to conduct surveys through field
research (Field Research) by visiting directly to the
object under study. The technique of data collection
is done by questionnaire, namely a number of
written questions that are used to obtain information
from respondents.
In collecting data there are two types of data
clustering that are often used in the process of
grouping data namely hierarchical data clustering
and non-hierarchical data clustering. K-means is one
method of non-hierarchical clustering that seeks to
divide existing data into clusters or groups so that
data that has the same characteristics are grouped
into one and the same cluster of data that has
different characteristics grouped into other groups.
This study uses non- hierarchical data clustering
methods. To analyze the variables of the two
concepts studied, they can be described in the
instrument grid table as follows:
Table 1: Instrument Grid.
Analysis of research is done by categorizing each
participant's answer into a number symbol. For
example, in the granularity variable, the group of
"fine granularity" with the number "1", the group
"coarse granularity" with the number "2". Whereas
in the communicator variable, the group of specialist
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
doctors is coded with the number "1", the co-
assistant with the number "2". After giving the code
to each participant's answer, the researcher checks
the answer to the manipulation check.
Participants who did not give the answer as
expected in the manipulation check sheet were not
included in the hypothesis test. In this study,
descriptive analysis was used to describe the
granularity profile in each group. This analysis is
needed to test the uniformity (homogeneity) of the
granularity profile in the group variable between-
subject. Because the independent variables use
categorical data, the dependent variable uses single
continuous data and there are moderating variables,
the analytical methods carried out in this study are
two ways ANOVA.
Because independent variables use categorical
data and dependent variables using single
continuous data, in general, there is an analysis
method carried out in this study, namely ANOVA
which is an analytical technique that aims to test
whether the average of more than one sample is
significantly different or not, and test whether the
sample has the same population variance or not,
using the ANOVA model:
yij = µ + τi + εij, i = 1, 2, ...a
j = 1, 2,
yij: the value of the response variable in the
treatment for the j-th observation
τi: the effect of the second treatment
εij: random error
a: number of categories in treatment
ni: the number of observations in the i category
SMAN 18 Tangerang Regency students have the
character of teenagers in general. On average they
come from disadvantaged families with a
background of less-educated parents. The SMAN 18
school environment is good enough to shape the
character of students to be better even though their
home environment is less supportive. Cleanliness,
good manners and discipline of students is quite
good. The students who became the object of the
study were 45 grade, 1 students of science 1, as
many as 45 people, 40 Natural Sciences Classes as
many as 40 people, IPS 1 grade students as many as
45 people and IPS 2 students as many as 38 people.
4.1 Hypothesis Test 1
Allegedly the level of patient compliance for taking
medication using fine granularity (every 8 hours) is
better than coarse granularity (3 times a day).
H1: test the hypothesis about the difference in mean
Y deviation between each cell formed by the
level of granularity factor. There is an average
difference in the obstruction of compliance [Y]
between each cell formed by granularity.
Table 2: General Linear Model ANOVA Test Result Tests
of Between-Subjects Effects.
Based on the table above hypothesis 1 is not
proven (rejected) because after testing it turns out
the significance of granularity in the table is 0.191.
These results are> 0.05 which means if Sig> 0.05,
then H1 is rejected.
4.2 Hypothesis Test 2
Presumably communicator expertise moderate’s
granularity and compliance. H2: Test the hypothesis
for each β2, β3. The hypothesis can be either a one-
party or two-party hypothesis. Especially for
specialists [communicators = 2], the average
deviation of compliance [Y] between the degree of
fine granularity [fine = 1] is greater than the degree
of coarse granularity [coarse = 2].
Table 3: General Linear Model ANOVA Test Result
Parameter Estimates.
Granularity Effect of Patient’s Medication Compliance Moderated by Communicator
Regression model equation:
Y = β0 - β1 [granularity = 1] x [communicator = 1]
+ β2 [granularity = 1] x [communicator = 2] - β3
[granularity = 2] x [communicator = 1] + ɛ where
value 1 = fine and coarse 2 = co-assistant. To test the
hypothesis, it is necessary to prepare a table
‘intercept‘ parameter β i
Table 4: Intercept parameter β i.
The contents of each cell are an intercept so that
the difference obtained is the difference in the
Table 5: Different in the intercept.
Based on the table 'intercept' parameter β I show
that the results of the special difference are β2. Then
it can be seen in the estimated parameter table of the
β2 significance value is 0.005. These results are
worth <0.05, which means that hypothesis 2 is
proven (accepted).
In this study, after testing hypothesis 1, it was
assumed that the level of patient adherence to taking
medicines using fine granularity (every 8 hours) was
greater than using coarse granularity (3 times a day)
and the results of hypothesis 1 were not proven. The
unproven cause of hypothesis 1 is that in testing
hypothesis 1 the results are not significant. The
possible causes of the results are not significant is
the possibility caused by the respondents used in this
study are high school students of grade 3 with an
average age of 17-18 years, which when viewed
from the age of those who still do not have sufficient
knowledge and understanding that influence the
answers from questionnaire distributed by resear-
After testing hypotheses 2, the guess that the
communicator's expertise moderated granularity and
compliance showed that the results of hypothesis 2
were proven. The proven cause of the hypothesis is
that in testing hypothesis 2 the results are significant.
The influence of an expert communicator in this
matter is a specialist who provides information about
drinking time using fine granularity which shows
that patients will be more obedient. The reason for
the patient's compliance may be that patients who go
to a specialist have a serious illness and need to be
treated correctly and precisely because of that the
patient will be more obedient. Other causes of
patient compliance for taking medication every 8
hours delivered by specialists are due to the high
confidence and trust of patients to specialist doctors.
Based on the research conducted by Zhang and
Scwarz (2012), the researchers are very interested in
conducting more exploratory and fundamental
research by conducting experimental research. First,
pre-research is done by making 5 scenarios or story
questions that tell about as if the respondent is sick
and, in a hospital, and getting treatment by a
specialist or co-assistant. From the five illustrations,
the researchers asked 10 people to read and choose
which scenario was good and make the reader as if
they were in a situation created in the story scenario.
Then to ask about the time to take medicine for
the dependent variable (compliance), 5 questions
were made. Then the 5 questions are distributed to 5
people and ask which sentence is easily understood
by the respondent. After getting the best results from
the pre-study, the researchers made 4 booklets
consisting of fine granularity groups with specialist
doctors (booklet 1), the fine granularity with co-
assist- ants (booklet 2), the coarse granularity with
specialist doctors (booklet 3) and coarse granularity
with co-assistant (booklet 4). After that, the
researcher made 30 booklets for each booklet. So
that the total of all booklets is for 120 respondents
then distributed at the same time randomly or
randomly to each respondent in this study who were
respondents were students of SMAN 18 Tangerang
After each booklet was collected based on the
group, then the data obtained was entered into excel.
After data processing was performed using two ways
ANOVA method, it was found that hypothesis 1 said
that it was assumed that the level of patient
compliance for taking medication using fine
granularity (every 8 hours) greater than coarse
granularity (3 times a day) was found not proven
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
because the results were not significant. So,
hypothesis 1 is rejected.
Hypothesis 2 which states that alleged
communicator expertise moderates granularity and
compliance it turns out that after data analysis is
found significant results so that hypothesis 2 is
accepted. Based on the testing of hypothesis 2, it is
seen specifically for groups that communicate with
specialists with fine granularity patterns showing
patients to be more obedient in taking medication
compared to specialist communication patterns with
coarse granularity. The authors conducted this study
by using experimental studies. The data analysis
with non-hierarchical clustering data using the K-
means method is still very rarely used because there
is no supporting theory.
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