Adversity Quotient on Single Mother
Cut Rizka Aliana
, Thobib Al-Asyhar
, Nurwahidin
Faculty of Psychology, UIN Ar-Raniry
Department of Islamic and Middle East, Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Single Mother, Divorce, Widow, Adversity Quotient.
Abstract: Single mother is someone who loses a partner and is responsible for raising her children. Became a single
mother would have difficulties and problems and has a double role in the household (as a mother whose job
is to take care of the household as well as replace the figure of the husband as the breadwinner to overcome
the difficulties of life requires a special ability in the form of Adversity Intelligence. The aim of this study to
examine how the Adversity Quotient of single mothers in solving their daily challenges. The approach in
this study uses qualitative methods with purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis use in-depth
interview and observation were used to collect data from six single mothers (divorced and widow single
mother) that participated in this study. The results of this study showed that Adversity Quotient gave
positive contributions to help single mothers solving their daily challenges. In this study, divorce single
mothers were more likely to have better endurance than widow single mothers. As for distinguishing
adversity quotient between divorcee single mother and widow single mother is the endurance dimension.
Interestingly, all subjects have the same motivation in the form of providing proper education for their
children, so that single mother strives to realize that goal.
Status of a single mother is not a preferable option
for all women. Some researches have indicated that
there is a wide range of problems that will be faced
by a single mother. This is due to the additional
burden they must endure to cover up the role or
replace a missing figure in a family. So the single
mother had to play double roles for the realization of
the family's prosperity and happiness. Some
problems that often caused by changes in the status
of being a single mother is, as mentioned by Papalia,
Olds, and Feldman (2009) that the experience of the
death of a spouse will have an impact on the onset of
a stressor that is much higher than with a divorce.
This is because the wife had lost her husband
suddenly without any preparation. Coupled with the
doubled roles a wife should endure being the head of
the family to replace the figure of her husband.
According to Cox (2002), a single mother would
face so many problems. In addition to economic
problems, single mothers also face social isolation.
Work, home maintenance and raising her children
normally make a single mother had very little time
to interact with their environment or other activities
that can build their selves. On the other hand, the
loss of a spouse can also give rise to feelings of
loneliness and helplessness to the single mother.
Emotional isolation from the loss of a spouse due to
divorce or death can increase due to the negative
stigma from society.
Based on the data of Perempuan Kepala
Keluarga (Pekka) and Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Indonesia through Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional
(Susenas) from 2001 to 2007 there was an increasing
number of single-parent women by 0.1% annually,
with details as follows:
Table 1: Percentage of Single Mother in Indonesia.
Persentase (%)
< 13 %
13,60 %
31,88 %
Furthermore, a significant increase continues to
grow in 2013 to reach 31.88%. According to Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia through Survei
Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) in 2013
approximately 17.10% single mothers living in
urban areas, while the remaining 14.78% is a single
Aliana, C., Al Asyhar, T. and Nurwahidin, .
Adversity Quotient on Single Mother.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561603220327
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 322-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mother who lives in the countryside. This data
indicating that the percentage of single mothers in
urban areas is higher than the single mothers in the
village. Data Pekka 2004 stated that more than half
of a single mother in Indonesia living in poverty.
The same thing also expressed by DeGenova (2008)
which is the common problem faced by single
mothers is the financial pressure that makes single
mother families are more likely to live in poverty
than families with a complete parent. The results of
the research showed that although a single mother
has a pretty good education, generally a single father
has a better economic state and family life than the
single mother has. In addition to facing economic
problems, the research McLanahan (in Zanden,
1993) compared the family of two parents with a
single mother family. The results showed that
single-mother families experience more stress than
families that are still intact.
Psychologically, being a single mother may pose
some psychological and social problems, such as
having to work twice as much as the absence of a
father figure, receive discrimination from the
environment, anxiety about the future of their
children, and so forth. To overcome some of the
difficulties and psychological problems that
happened to a single mother, toughness is needed,
which can be reviewed in psychology through
Adversity Quotientin a single mother to withstand
and overcome the difficulties of life.
But on the other hand, changes in the status of
being a single mother will not necessarily hurt the
family. A single mother can also be a challenge for
success, thus motivating a single mother to live a
better life. Some stories of a single mother at the
time of the Prophet also has illustrated that with the
persistence of a mother who works and raises her
children alone was able to break the negative
perception that often arises amongst the society.
Several lessons can be taken from this story is the
mother of Imam ash-Shafi'i is a single mother who
can educate, nurture and loved Imam ash-Shafi'i
until he became a great priest.
Besides, there are also several other stories of a
single mother being summarized in a book titled "the
single moms" which written directly by three
successful single mothers who are BudianaIndr stuti,
Mia Amalia and Ainun Chomsun. This book is about
the life of single-mother families who were able to
achieve success in building their careers and their
children's education. With two different facts that
occurred in the field of a single mother, there is a
single mother who is stuck in the problems
(economic, psychological and social), and a single
mother who successfully built her career and her
family well. This attracted the attention of
researchers to examine more in a single mother who
is successful in her career and educating her
From the perspective of psychology, special
abilities that can help an individual to cope with the
difficulties of life can be achieved with Adversity
Quotientwhich is evaluated from four dimensions,
namely the control or restraint, endurance, range,
and ownership. Therefore, in this study, the
researcher wanted to uncover "how Adversity
Quotient of a single mother capable to make them
pass through the difficulties of life and achieve
success in career and educating their children".
Based on the above background, it can be
concluded that the motivation underlying the
necessity of this research are:
1. It gives an overview of how Adversity Quotient
of a single mother capable to make them
survive in the toughness and keeping up with
their lives.
2. As an additional reference to other single
mothers on how to be a tough individual.
Provide an overview of the public about how
the life of a single mother in the middle of a
struggle to build their career and educating their
Stoltz (2005) defines Adversity Quotient is the
intelligence to overcome the difficulties.
According to Pulatie (Stoltz, 2005), the deeper
meaning of the Adversity Quotient is the theory
as well as substantially according to the size of a
set of instruments that aim to help people to
persevere in the face of various challenges. In
this study Adversity, Quotient is defined as the
individual's ability to use their intelligence to
steer, change thinking pattern and act so
persistent and confident in the face of obstacles
and difficulties. The dimensions of Adversity
Quotient according to Stoltz (2005) are as
a. Restrain/ control (C), is a dimension of
Adversity Quotient related to how many
individuals feel confident to overcome
every problem they faced.
b. Durability/ endurance (E), is a dimension
that describes an individual's perception
regarding how long it takes when
experiencing difficulties.
Adversity Quotient on Single Mother
c. Range/ reach (R), is part of Adversity
Quotient that questioning how far the
difficulties could reach another part of an
individual's life.
d. Owner/ origin and ownership (O2), is a
dimension that questioning who or what is
causing the difficulty and the extent to
which individuals consider themselves as a
source of these problems.
Several previous studies that discuss a single
mother are as follows:
a. Research from Pranandari in 2008 about
Adversity Quotient of a single mother. This
study aims to look at the extent of
Adversity Quotient in a single mother in
terms of problem-focused coping. The
focus of research that researchers will do is
on adversity intelligence in single female
parents in more depth by using qualitative
methods in the form of interviews. In
addition to the focus of problems and
different methodologies, in this study, the
researcher also focused the research subject
on a single parent of women who managed
to overcome the problem by the specific
characteristics of the study.
b. Research by Hasan Mawardi (2007) in the
form of a thesis explains the influence of
Islamic counseling against Adversity
Quotient and Spiritual Intelligence ODHA.
In contrast to the research conducted by
Hasan Mawardi above, the research the
researcher will undertake does not provide
special treatment to the research subjects.
Research researchers only reveal in-depth
how the adversity intelligence and patience
of a single mother conducted by in-depth
interviews with natural situations (without
special settings).
c. Research on resilience in single mothers
after divorce conducted by Dewindra Ayu
Kartika in 2012. This study which using
qualitative methods explained on issues
such as economic, practical, family, sexual,
social and residence. In this study also
explained about the depiction of resilience
and the factors that affect the achievement
of the resilience of a single mother after the
divorce. This study also explained the
picture of resilience and the factors that
influence the achievement of resilience in
single mothers after divorce. While the
research focus of researchers is adversity
intelligence and patience on single mothers
who are successful in their careers and
educating their children.
Types and research approach. This study used
qualitative research with a phenomenological
approach to understanding the problems of the
individual in social context to present a complete
and complex depiction without any intervention
from the researcher (Creswell, 2007).
Data Collection Techniques. The procedure of
the subject's selection in this study was purposeful
sampling that defines the subject based on the
characteristics relevant to the objectives of the study
(Herdiansyah, 2010). Through this purposive
method, the subject is taken based on the opinion of
the researcher who roughly meets the criteria
according to the research's theme and is willing to let
their data being learned. The criteria used in this
study are female, status single mother because of
divorce or loss of spouse, working to support their
family's needed, have children and capable to pay
for her children's school, being a single mother for
minimum 5 years, willing to be the subject of study
and signed the informed consent.
Instrument. The instrument used is a list of
research questions that include Adversity Quotient
compiled based on the dimensions of Stoltz (2005).
The questions were posed openly by the researcher
to the subjects and being adjusted in relevance to the
subject's answer to find depth and complete data.
The process of data analysis. Analysis of the data
used in this study followed the stage of research
analysis phenomenology, namely:
a. Create a transcript of the recorded interview of
six (6) subjects into written form.
b. Perform data reduction, the data that has been
transcripted then being analyzed verbatim
(verbatim analysis) in the form of group
sentences whiches considered to represent and
relevant to the research's indicators. Here the
researcher had classified the subject's answers
into three categories, namely cognitive,
affective and psychomotor.
c. Perform data presentation (display data), the
researcher compiled the results of data
reduction that have been done before in the
form of a chart or table to form a series of
meaningful information and relevant to the
research's problems studied.
d. The last was made a conclusion or verification
of all data that have been obtained from each of
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
the studies reviewed dimensions. This stage
can be interpreted as a withdrawal of the
meaning of the data that has been shown.
The The following researcher will describe the
profile of subjects in general to give an overview of
research that has been done.
The general profile of the six subjects of this
study are as follows:
The study was conducted through interviews and
observation methods against 6 (six) subjects with the
following profile:
Table 2: Data Subject Identity.
Age (years)
The year
Long been
a Single
For the analysis of the subjects, researcher
discuss the situation of Adversity Quotient of six
research subjects. Depiction of each subject’s
Adversity Quotient will be discussed based on the
theory of Stoltz (2005) about the dimensions of
Adversity Quotientcovering restrain or control,
durability (endurance), range (reach) and ownership
(origin and owner).
5.1 Adversity Quotient Analysis
5.1.1 Dimension of Restrain or Control
Generally, the six subjects were able to control the
hardship experienced. Only the ability to control the
hardships of life on the subject NA, RP and HN
better than the three other subjects.As Stoltz (2005)
states that restrain or control of the person closely
associated with how individuals feel in control of the
difficulties encountered.
Next, the striking findings of the restraint or
control dimension here are the similarity of
motivation in the six subjects that require them to
keep trying to make it happen. The motivation is for
the benefit of their children's education. The entire
research subjects felt that for the sake of children's
education, they try to always control themselves, so
they can be strong enough to face every difficulty.
5.1.2 Dimension of Durability (Endurance)
Optimism and hope for a better and a strong passion
to strive in all subjects in this study by the statement
of Stoltz (2005) that an individual who has a
dimension of good durability is an individual who
has hope and optimism to overcome adversity or
challenge being faced.
On the subject NA, YH and EN, their greatest
hope to be able to provide good education to their
children has encouraged them of its own, hence
three subjects developed an optimistic attitude to try
harder to meet those expectations. While on the
subject RP, being able to specify her existence
within an organization has become a way that helps
to create a better life expectancy. So RP uses the
opportunity to join the organization to develop
optimism and enthusiasm in working hard.
5.1.3 Dimension of Range (Reach)
During living as a single mother, all sixth
subjects can specifically assess the burden of life
they've experienced and limited them, so they will
not affect the other side of life. As stated by Stoltz
(2005) that dimension associated with the range of
Adversity Quotient on Single Mother
live load ratings so that the problems encountered
are not reaching all aspects of life.
5.1.3 Dimension of Ownership (Owner and
Sixth subjects agreed that their role as a single
mother is a choice that must be followed so that the
six subjects did not blame themselves as the cause
for the difficulties experienced. Stoltz (2005) says
that the dimensions of ownership include the origin
which is the extent to which individuals consider
themselves to be the cause of the trouble. And
ownership is the ability of individuals who are not
blaming themselves too much and take
responsibility for overcoming the difficulties. The
fifth subject's ability to overcome every problem and
responsibility illustrates that the five subjects had a
good quality of ownership. Based on these findings,
the researcher found that there is a difference of AQ
between the subject who experience divorced and
those who experience loss spouse in Jakarta and
Aceh. Table 3 is shown the difference.
Table 3: Comparison Matrix Single Mother.
Table 4: Comparison Matrix Single Mother by Domicile
(Jakarta and Aceh).
A single
mother who
lives in Jakarta
tend to have to
try harder to
make ends
meet, had less
mercy of God
A single
mother who
lives in Aceh
felt a lot of
God's grace,
and feel a lot
of wonders
in life
On the subject who experienced divorce in
marriage have endurance better than single mother
who experienced loss spouse. This is because a
single mother who divorced already has several
considerations and predictions to prepare for life
decisions taken, in contrast to a single mother who
loss spouse need more time to overcome the
difficulties of life after being left by her husband.
This results in the durability of single mother
divorced dead lower than the resistance of a single
mother divorced alive. Next to the single mother
who lives in Jakarta, the ability to survive is heavier
than a single mother who lives in Aceh, so that in
terms of intelligence, a single mother's adversity in
Aceh is more likely to receive God's grace so that
many get miracles and conveniences felt during their
roles as single mother. This correlates to the
adversity intelligence of single mothers in Aceh that
feels more spiritual than the intelligence of single
mother adversities in Jakarta.
This study proves that the single mother both as a
consequence of divorce alive or dead divorce tends
to have a pretty good Adversity Quotient. This is
evident from the ability of the six subjects who
successfully pass all the difficulties of life with
strong and full responsibility. The factors that
influence Adversity Quotient in each subject is a
belief (faith) that these are the fate from God that
must be followed, with the hopes that this will lead
to a better life. On the other side, a single mother of
the divorced die has a better extent of controlling
emotional compared with divorced single mother. It
is due to bad past experiences by a single mother
divorced coming through, so they still have the
anger to revenge on ex-husband. In terms of
domicile, a single mother in Aceh can feel inner and
outer peace compared to a single mother in Jakarta.
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Adversity Quotient on Single Mother