Minimization Strategy of Radiation Impact on Radiation Workers:
Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in 2018
Justinus Tambunan
, Felix Kasim
, Saiful Batubara
Columbia Asia Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health Deli Husada Health Institute, Deli Tua, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara,Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: policy, radiation, compliance, radiation protection
Abstract : The Radiology Services Unit is one of the supporting medical installations, using ionizing radiation sources
to diagnose the presence of a disease in the form of anatomical features displayed in the radiographic film.This
study aims to obtain in-depth information about the existence of a policy from Management that related to X-
Ray Radiation Protection and compliance of workers in carrying out their tasks in accordance with the rules
applicable in the use of Personal Protective Equipment and compliance with the system of justification,
optimization and limitation for safety workers.Descriptive qualitative research is to obtain or describe the
reality of the events studied so that objective data that will be obtained by way of in-depth interview and focus
group discussion as well as direct observation in the field.Policy is a rule that must be executed properly and
consistently in the field of radiation sources work, where the radiation has adverse effect to the workers, the
policies concerning to the standards of equipment, procedures, referrals, use of Personal Protective Equipment
and exercises. These policies must be obeyed by the workers for the safety from radiation and the impact can
be minimized properly and effectively.
The use of ionizing radiation, including X-
rays in medicine, both for therapy and diagnostics is
common. Since the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm
Conrad Roentgen in 1895 and the production of the
first radiographic equipment for clinical diagnostic
use, the basic principle of radiography has not
changed at all, namely producing an image on a
receptor film with a radiation source from an X-ray
beam that is experiencing absorption and attenuation
when passing through various organs or parts of the
body. (Lukman, 1991 in The use of ionizing radiation,
including X-rays in medicine, both for therapy and
diagnostics is common. Since the discovery of X-rays
by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895 and the
production of the first radiographic equipment for
clinical diagnostic use, the basic principle of
radiography has not changed at all, namely producing
an image on a receptor film with a radiation source
from an X-ray beam that is experiencing absorption
and attenuation when passing through various organs
or parts of the body. (Lukman, 1991 in Sugiratu,
Radiology services must pay attention to aspects
of radiation safety. In addition to providing benefits,
these activities can also cause dangers to radiation
workers, the general public and the environment. The
danger that can be caused by the use of ionizing
radiation is the emergence of harmful radiation
effects for patients, workers and the general public.
Some of the effects of radiation on humans are:
a. Deterministic Effect
This effect arises in unusual conditions, for
example in conditions of radiation accidents
(acute radiation exposure), so there will be a
large number of cells that die, while the cell
replacement process is not balanced, so it will
greatly affect the body system.
b. Stochastic Effect
The effect of radiation does not completely
result in cell death, but can also change the cell.
In general, these changes will not significantly
affect the cell so that there will be no observable
effect, but it is possible that the changed cell can
affect the control system in the cell, which in
turn will cause the cell to divide faster than
Tambunan, J., Kasim, F. and Batubara, S.
Minimization Strategy of Radiation Impact on Radiation Workers: Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in 2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0009516003950402
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 395-402
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
normal cells. If these abnormal cells invade
normal tissue, they are called malignant cells
and the result of this is cancer. Cancer does not
appear immediately after people are exposed to
radiation but requires a long calm time. The
quiet time depends on the type of cancer but can
vary from two years (leukemia) to thirty years
or more for other types of cancer. In other
words, the smaller the radiation dose a person
receives, the less likely the effect will appear.
c. Hereditary Effects (Heredity effect)
If one reproductive cell (either a sperm cell or
an egg cell) is damaged by radiation, then there
is a possibility that this damage affects the first
offspring or offspring in the next generation. This
type of effect is known as the Heredity effect and
because it appears based on probability it is
grouped into stochastic effects. The risk of this
type of heredity effect is far less than the risk of
getting cancer (Sugiratu, 2012).
Based on this background above, researchon The
Strategy of Minimizing radiation on radiation
workers at Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in 2018,
was intended to be known.
X-ray radiation protection for worker safety and
related information will discuss protection in work
that complies with applicable regulations regarding
the use of personal protective equipment and is
related to the justification, optimization, and
limitations in radiation systems.
The demand for compliance to carry out
Radiation Safety Management is carried out to protect
patients, workers, community members, and the
environment from the dangers of radiation, as
stipulated in Perka BAPETEN No. 08 of 2011. The
regulation is by the theory of compliance (compliance
theory). According to Dr.Cialdini in the theory of
compliance, there are six principles that affect
compliance, one of which is closely related to the
radiation safety management system is the principle
of Commitment and Consistency, where in running a
system a strong commitment is needed to achieve
optimal results in minimizing the impact of radiation
and carried out consistently and thoroughly.
X-rays are produced from X-ray tubes, which are a
tool to produce free electrons, accelerate and finally
hit a target (Batan, 2011) where X-rays are emitted
electromagnetic waves with very short wavelengths
and are categorized as one of the radiation ionizing
which can interact with biological cells and can cause
adverse effects on these cells. Therefore as a radiation
worker must comply with all forms of policy that
have been determined in terms of radiation
The current radiation protection philosophy
dopted by the International Commission on Radiation
Protection (ICRP) in a statement governing radiation
dose limitation, which essentially follows:
a. An activity will not be carried out unless it has
a positive advantage compared to risk, known as
the justification principle
b. Radiation exposure is sought at the lowest
possible level (as lowas reasonably achievable,
ALARA), taking into account economic and
social factors, known as optimization principles.
c. Individual doses may not exceed the limits
recommended by the ICRP for a particular
environment, known as the principle of
This research was conducted in a descriptive
qualitative way to find out or describe the reality of
the events under study making it easier for writers to
obtain objective data using the action research
approach. Where in the data collection by means of
in-depth interviews (Indepth Interview) of key
informants and focus group discussions as well as
direct observation in the field of research related to
the Minimization of the Impact of Radiation on
Radiation Workers at Columbia Asia Medan Hospital
in 2018.In collecting data collected from in-depth
interviews with 3 informants as informants and 1
focus group discussion. In interviews and group
discussions the key words taken (coding) related to
the hazard factors of radiation so that the results of
these keywords can be analyzed in the discussion so
that the results obtained can create a strategy to
minimize the impact of the radiation hazards.
In the results of the study, researchers explained the
interview process to all informants regarding the
extent of the Strategy. Minimization of the impact of
Radiation on radiation workers at Columbia Asia
Medan hospital. When conducting interviews from
sources of information, there are several key points
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
that are very dominant in taking steps - very
influential in suppressing radiation so that it does not
have a high impact on radiation workers
including:Policy and Compliance
In interviews that were found from all
informants, field observations and data search,
Columbia Asia Medan Hospital was also
complemented by policies from the central level of
Columbia Asia Indonesia in the form of Central
Policy CA-C / Rad / 01 / ID concerning the Scope of
Radiology Services, Central Policy CA -C / Rad / 04
/ ID regarding Inspection and Investigation Requests,
Central Policy CA-C / Rad / 09 / ID regarding
Equipment Maintenance.
Columbia Asia Medan
Hospital is also equipped with several Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) relating to the
applicable Policy that have been established from the
Columbia Asia Indonesia Center, which are SPO
Radiology Services for Inpatients, SPO Radiology
Services for Outpatients, SPO Radiology Services for
Patients in the Emergency Unit, SPO Radiology
Equipment Maintenance, SPO Radiation Protection
in General, SPO CT Scan, SPO Mammography, SPO
General X-Ray. All SPOs are related to the
implementation of routine procedures in the
Radiology Section. From the completeness of
radiology facilities and infrastructure, the three
informants explained that the radiological
infrastructure facilities especially those related to
personal protection from radiation exposure are very
complete, but the compliance of the workers
themselves will use the personal protective
equipment and also when carrying out their duties in
the utilization of radiation. But in practice in the field
based on the focus group discussion, the informant
revealed the existence of non-compliance of the
officers in the use of Personal Protective Equipment,
following excerpts from the discussion of the opinion
group of Informant 4 implied that the officer was
inconsistent in the use of personal protective
... we should use it because we haven't used it
all this time ...
Likewise, this was corroborated in the interview
obtained from informant 2 about the use of personal
protective equipment whose impression was very
difficult to control the officer in terms of the use of
personal protective equipment such as the interview
informant 2
"If that is their negligence depends on each
individual. But if we have recommended it like that,
they don't want to use it, it might be individual
individuals. We can't do anything. "
In addition, officers must also comply with
the rules set by Bapeten No.8 of 2011 in terms of the
principle of justification where the officer performs
his duties if there is a radiological request referral
from a doctor and also as determined by applicable
regulations from the parent company of Columbia
Asia contained in Columbia Asia Central Policy CA-
C / Rad / 04 / ID regarding "Request for Examination
and Investigation / Ordering Tests and
Investigations" point 1 which contains Radiology
tests can only be ordered by a medical doctor /
Radiology Examination can only be instructed by a
medical doctor . But in the recognition of
Radiographers who carry out their duties in the
fieldset forth in group discussions there are only those
who examine without a referral from the sending
doctor. By looking at the excerpts from the discussion
results it can be concluded that the radiology service
system has not yet run optimally in terms of the
justification principle. And this is found in the field is
a patient who came not from the outpatient and
inpatient clinical services at Columbia Asia Hospital
but came directly from outside with various reasons
such as photo control that had previously been done.
Fulfill this so as not to be bumped into regulations and
authorized to enter examination services to all
sections including radiological examinations, the
radiology department requests the assistance of
hospital doctors to conduct examinations to include
radiology services for the smooth flow of radiology
services at Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in
accordance with Central Columbia Asia CA-C / Rad
/ 04 / ID Policy on "Request for Examination and
Investigation / Ordering Tests and Investigations"
point 3 whose contents are OTC (over the counter)
cases without an appropriate requisition shall be
screened by an in-house doctor before the
investigation is carried out / OTC (over the counter)
cases without proper application will be screened by
an in-house doctor before the examination is carried
From the results obtained in the study, in
terms of radiology equipment maintenance went well
and consistently in carrying out regular and
continuous calibrations. And the use of individual
personnel measuring instruments is also consistent in
their use and measured in the BPFK laboratory (Balai
Safeguard Health Facilities) running well and the
results obtained in measurements during 2017 the
results are still in the safe zone and below 20 mSv /
Minimization Strategy of Radiation Impact on Radiation Workers: Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in 2018
year as the following table. The human body is
exposed to large doses of nuclear radiation will
experience acute radiation syndrome (ARS) or
radiation poisoning that can lead to death. The
severity and symptoms that arise depends on how
much nuclear radiation is absorbed by the body. The
amount of radiation absorption depends on the
strength of the radiation energy and the distance of
the body to the radiation source. Signs and symptoms
of nuclear radiation poisoning may not appear
immediately when the body is exposed to large
amounts of nuclear radiation. Symptoms may only
appear within a few hours, up to weeks after exposure
to radiation. Nuclear radiation sickness cases have
started to boom since the explosion of the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki atomic bombs in Japan. Even more
devastating was when the Chernobyl nuclear power
plant in Ukraine exploded and devastated the city.
The damaged nuclear reactor released radioactive
iodine and cesum. The material is believed to have
caused hundreds of thousands of Chernobyl nuclear
power plant workers to die, either during the incident
or due to nuclear radiation arising after the incident.
Some types of radiation have enough energy to ionize
the particles. In general, this involves an electron that
is 'thrown' from the electron shell, which will give a
(positive) charge. This is often disruptive in the
biological system, and can cause mutations and
cancer. This type of radiation generally occurs in
radioactive waste and radioactive waste. The three
main types of radiation are found by Ernest
Rutherford, Alpha, Beta, and gamma rays. The
radiation was discovered through a simple
experiment, Rutherford used a radioactive source and
found that the resulting beam hit three different
regions. One of them is positive, one of them is
neutral, and one of them is negative. With this data,
Rutherford concluded that radiation consists of three
rays. He gave names taken from the first three letters
of the Greek alphabet namely alpha, beta, and
gamma. t low doses, body cells exposed to radiation
are still able to recover themselves in a short time.
Damaged cells will only die and be replaced by new
cells. However, at high doses, damaged cells will
multiply to become cancer cells (especially if your
lifestyle supports being exposed to cancer such as
smoking, consumption of carcinogens-prone foods,
and so). Exposure to radiation at high doses in one
time or short term will also cause some symptoms
(called acute radiation syndrome) on your body such
as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weakness until
fainting, hair loss, skin flushing, itching, swelling
until burning, pain to convulsions. These symptoms
will certainly be different if you are exposed for a
long time. Sometimes the sensitivity of one's body
also affects the impact of radiation exposure on one's
body. For example, gamma radiation as much as 400
brakes will cause death to someone if exposed to two
different times, with a span of 30 days. However, the
same dose will not even have any effect if we are
exposed for one year in smaller evenly distributed
doses. The radiation we receive at all times, including
radiation for medical purposes, has positive and
negative impacts on human safety and the
environment. The positive effects of radiation on
human safety include being used as a treatment and
the negative effects are dependent on the large dose
received including starting from nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, hair loss, causing cancer, genetically
inherited, and even more dangerous is cause death.
Therefore we must be careful of the dangers it poses,
both to radiation workers and the general public
including patients. Protection against the dangers
posed by radiation is known as radiation protection.
So that the dose received annually by workers or the
general public does not exceed the dose limit set by
Bapeten. Various efforts have been made to minimize
these hazards so that workers and patients feel safe
doing and subjected to medical measures. Radiation
is energy that is emitted in the form of particles or
waves. Radiation is divided into two types, namely
ionizing radiation (large dose radiation) and non-
ionizing radiation (low dose radiation). The type of
radiation that is at high risk of causing health
problems is ionizing radiation. One can be exposed to
this type of nuclear radiation from nuclear energy
transmitting machines, such as on CT scans and X-
rays, or through nuclear bomb explosions and nuclear
reactor leaks. The impact of exposure to nuclear
radiation in high doses is very deadly. But this rarely
happens in regions or countries that do not use much
nuclear power as a source of electricity. If exposed to
nuclear radiation, be sure to remove all clothing
attached to the body to prevent additional
contamination, and immediately wash the affected
body part or skin with soap and water.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Table 1: Limit Doses of Individual Radiology Officers Columbia Asia Hospital Medan in 2017
Name of the
Apr -Juni Jul-Sept Okt-Des Dose
Amount /
ose determined
/ year by
01 Radiologist 1 0,0082 0,0100 0,01 0,01 0,0382 20
02 Radiologist 2 0,034 0,0100 0,0351 0,01 0,0891 20
03 Radiologist 3 0,0090 0,0065 0,01 0,01 0,0355 20
04 Radiografer 1 0,0582 0,0328 0,0358 0,0355 0,1623 20
05 Radiografer 2 0,0723 0,0495 0,0753 0,0501 0,2472 20
06 Radiografer 3 0,0611 0,0553 0,057 0,0771 0,2505 20
07 Radiografer 4 0,0946 0,0213 0,0637 0,0293 0,2089 20
08 Radiografer 5 0,0634 0,0659 0,0661 0,0455 0,2409 20
09 Radiografer 6 0,1835 0,2362 0,0839 0,0863 0,5899 20
10 Radiografer 7 0,0316 0,0300 0,0156 0,369 0,4463 20
11 Radiografer 8 0,0455 0,0560 0,0455 0,0432 0,1902 20
12 Radiografer 9 0,0786 0,0553 0,0668 0,0367 0,2374 20
13 Radiografer 10 0,0306 0,0293 0,0321 0,016 0,108 20
14 Radiografer 11 0,0703 0,0465 0,0585 0,0294 0,2047 20
15 Radiografer 12 0,030 0,0587 0,1825 0,1119 0,3831 20
16 Radiografer 13 0,0288 0,0296 0,0379 0,039 0,1353 20
17 Radiografer 14 0,0750 0,1052 0,063 0,0783 0,3215 20
Based on the results and discussion of the research
that has been submitted, the conclusions can be
drawn as follows:
1. All radiology measures must refer to the applicable
policy, namely the existence of standardization of
calibrated radiology equipment, the existence of
Standard Procedures in conducting examinations,
referral of sending doctors, use of Personal Protective
Equipment and continuous training.
2. From compliance, Officers do not consistently use
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which in
principle every time implementing PPE procedures
must be used as an effort to minimize radiation
3. The absence of a provision from theManagement
or Radiology department willlimits of the number of
procedures set for each radiation worker in carrying
out his work.
This conclusion can be illustrated by the
Schematic Relationship Between Components in the
Strategy to Minimize the Impact of Radiation on
Radiation Workers at Columbia Asia Medan
Hospital in 2018.
Based on the conclusions drawn, it is recommended:
1. All Radiation Workers must better understand the
importance of using Personal Protective Equipment /
Radiation Protection, where radiation is invisible but
has a biological effect on people exposed to radiation.
2. Management should send workers to a special
radiation protection training to be more caring and
responsible again.
3. With an individual NBD (Dose Limit Value) result
below 20 mSv / year, the part should be able to make
a quality achievement target in terms of establishing
Minimization Strategy of Radiation Impact on Radiation Workers: Columbia Asia Medan Hospital in 2018
NBD standards in the radiology section called the
Dosing Constrain.
4. Hospital Management, in this case, the Radiology
manager can make a limit on the number of
procedures for workers for the creation of radiation
safety and the achievement of minimization of the
impact of radiation for workers
My deep thanks to DELI HUSADA Deli Tua Health
Institute for providing the opportunity for all lecturers
on this beloved campus to gain Knowledge in Writing
the Scientific Journal and provide new Experiences in
holding the International Conferences. Hopefully
with the implementation of this activity in the future
I can contribute to the progress of DELI HUSADA
Deli Tua Health Institute.
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