Effects of Ceragem Therapy on Decline Uric Acid Levels
Samuel Ginting,
Arfah May Syara, Anita Sri Gandaria, Pitriani, and Dian Anggri Yanti
Faculty of nursing and physiotherapy Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
Email : {sukaginting, arfahmaysyara, anitapurba, pitriani, diananggriyanti }@medistra.ic.id
Keywords: Terapi Ceragem,Uric Acid
Abstract: Gout disease is a disease characterized by the sudden and recurring attacks of arthritis which very painful
because of the deposition of monosodium uric crystals that accumulated in joint as a result of the high levels
of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia.). Gout or gout is a disease that has been known since the hippocrates,
often referred to as "the disease of kings and kings of disease" because it often appears in a group of people
with high socio-economic ability so that it can often consume meat (ie the royal family in ancient times) as
well as for causing extreme pain. This type of research is a quasi experiment (quasi-experimental) with a time
series design model. That is, before the treatment is carried out, observations are made on the sample and after
the treatment is also carried out several observations Statistical test results obtained p-value <0.05 (0.002
<0.05) Based on the results of statistical tests using paired t-test is 0.002 obtained from these test results can
be concluded the influence is very significant before and after therapy Ceragem.
Gout or gout is often not considered a deadly disease,
but if not treated properly can be chronic gout where
the sufferer will often suffer pain in the joints. In the
long run, this not only disrupts activity, but also has
the potential to cause kidney stones and kidney failure
and even heart disease. Do not let you be haunted by
gout. Get to know and overcome JKJ in the right way.
Gout or gout is a disease that has been known
since the hippocrates, often referred to as "the disease
of kings and kings of disease" because it often appears
in a group of people with high socio-economic ability
so that it can often consume meat (ie the royal family
in ancient times) as well as for causing extreme pain.
Gout itself comes from the Latin language, namely
gutta (droplets) because of the ancient belief that the
disease is caused by injuries that fall droplets by drops
in joints.
The incidence or prevalence of gout varies from
country to country, in America over 18 years the
prevalence is 1.5%, in Iceland it is only 1-18%, in
Indonesia gout is mostly found in the ethnic minahasa
toroja, and batak, the occurrence number is 29.2 %
According to a neurologist from Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, nearly 80% of the world's
population has experienced low back pain, meaning
that 8 out of 10 people have had gout because of low
back pain, including the symptoms of gout 50% of
joint pain complaints caused by calcification.
Based on the status of the population census,
Indonesia's population over 65 years increased from
2.98 million (2.25%) in 1971 to 4.78 million (3.26%)
in 1990 and to 6.69 million (3.88%) 1999. After that
according to the latest projections of the world bank,
this group will constitute 4.33% of the total
population of 7.08% in 2010.
Epidemiology data of gout which vary in local
population and hospital baset in several areas such as
Malang, Semarang, Jakarta, Bandung. In the uric acid
clinic in less than 2 years (2003-2005) there were
2100 new cases of gout with the diagnosis as follows
osteoarthritis (69%) systemic lupuseritematous
(6.4%) gout arthritis (4.2%) reumotoid arthritis (1.2
%) spandila arthritis (0.7%) systemic sclerosis
Gout is estimated to occur in 840 people out of
every 100,000 people. The prevalence of gout in
Indonesia occurs at the age of under 34 years by 32%
and above 34 years by 68%.
In Indonesia, arthritis gout was first investigated
by a Dutch doctor, in 1935. Which found 15 cases of
severe gout in underprivileged communities in Java.
The results of the 1988 study, in Bandung, Central
Java, showed that among 4,683 people aged 15-45
years studied, 0.8% had high uric acid 1.7% and
0.05% of them had reached the stage of gout
Ginting, S., Syara, A., Gandaria, A., Pitriani, . and Yanti, D.
Effects of Ceragem Therapy on Decline Uric Acid Levels.
DOI: 10.5220/0009471702320238
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 232-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Prabowo , 2009). In Indonesia the first gout was
examined by a Dutch doctor named Dr. Van Den
Horst in 1935. He found that there were 15 patients
suffering from severe gout in poor communities in
To overcome the problem of gout, the action
given in addition to drugs but also given therapeutic
measures using an electric device called Ceragem.
Ceragem is a leading family health equipment
company in the world, originating from South Korea
in 1998 and began marketing its products to
international markets, namely the United States in
October 1999. Until now Ceragem has been present
in the world. Ceragem offers an opportunity for the
public to try this medical device free of charge,
without being charged at any Center in the world.
Ceragem's marketing strategy is friendly and friendly
service has made Ceragem's company a company that
is loved by people everywhere.
The way this tool works is centered on the spine,
where as we all know that the spine is the source of
our life and is the center of the arrangement of nerves
and related blood vessels with organ tubuh lainya
sehingga pada saat mengunakan alat ini akan can
improve the problematic nerves and improve blood
circulation throughout the body. The following are
the working principles used by Ceragem alternative
Sorting is applying pressure with the fingers,
which in Ceragem massage using jade on the five
paths of chi and the chi holes on the back and the
pressure comes from our body
Kop according to eastern health sciences has been
used since ancient times and until now it still gets
international recognition. Inserting the warmth of
infrared light far from jade into the body of the sick
with the aim, can widen blood vessels, so that blood
will flow smoothly, help remove impurities in the
body. Killing poisons in the body so that it can treat
chronic diseases
Far infrared ray is a safe life ray of warm effects
can absorb and penetrate into the body so that
approximately 12 cm and works by accelerating
blood bleeding, killing cells that are not useful, germs
and lumps. Can activate the hormone regeneration,
which can prevent premature menopause aging
Chiropractic is a five severe health that is
currently very popular in the country because it is able
to correct the crooked and bent vertebrae and treat
stressed nerves so that nerve function is back to
Based on the results of a preliminary study
conducted by researchers at Ceragem Center Jalan
Medan, it was found that the total number of gout
sufferers (gout arthritis) was 40 people. From the
above background, the researcher is interested in
knowing how the effect of CERAGEM therapy on
decreasing uric acid levels in Ceragem Center Jalan
Medan, Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency
This type of research is a quasi experiment (quasi-
experimental) with a time series design model. That
is, before the treatment is carried out, observations are
made on the sample and after the treatment is also
carried out several observations (Aziz, 2009).
In this study, researchers chose the sample of the
study (gout sufferers). Furthermore, the measurement
of uric acid levels in the blood (pre-test observation).
After that gout sufferers are given ceragem therapy
measures which will then be measured again uric acid
levels in the blood (observasi post-test).
Figure 1: Research groove
Collecting data in this study using observation
sheets and a measurement tool for uric acid levels in
the blood using an electric device. Data collected
through observation sheets are respondent
demographic data (name, gender, age, level of
education, occupation, and duration of therapy), the
results of measurement of respondent's blood uric
acid levels of respondents pre and post action. Tool
specifications: Easy Touch Blood Glucose / uric acid
dual function monitoring system. The name of the
ET-1 model is the electrochemical method. Sample
volume 4 µl (microliter), the type of blood sample
is capillary blood. Test range 2-7 mg / dl, test time 20
secondsValiditas alat
Prior to use the tool has been tested for validity
using strips that have been designed by the
manufacturer and are a package with the tool. The
strip is inserted into the instrument hole. Layer will
Effects of Ceragem Therapy on Decline Uric Acid Levels
display the words "OK", then the tool will work
correctly or valid. But if the "X" appears, then there
is a problem with the tool or the tool is invalid. The
instrument test results showed a blood uric acid test
meter named easy touch with a sensitivity level of
Uniform is an alternative choice that bridges between
western technology and heritage treatment (santi,
2009). The word Ceragem comes from the Greek,
which means stone (jade) warmth. So, CERAGEM is
a medical device that uses infrared light technology
combined with jade in a high-tech machine.
Benefits of Ceragem Therapy
The main principles of the benefits of this therapy are
a) Detecting
b) Healing
Various diseases that can be cured such as kidney
disorders, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, gout, high
blood pressure, stomach disorders, strokes, and
c) Take care
3.Principles of Ceragem Therapy Work
a) Massage
Sorting is to apply pressure with the fingers, which in
ceragem massage using jade on the five paths of chi
and chi holes in the back and the pressure comes from
our body. By sorting in these parts, the Ceragem is
made in such a way as to conform to the shape of the
human body.b) b. Kop
According to Eastern health sciences Kop has
been used since ancient times and until now it still
gets international recognition. Entering the warmth of
infrared rays far from the jade into the body with
temperatures between 60-70 ° C in a certain period of
time in the sick body part in order to be able to widen
blood vessels, so that will accelerate blood
circulation, help remove impurities that are in body,
as well as killing poisons in the body so that it can
treat chronic diseases.
c) Infra Red
Is the light of life with the same warm effect can
absorb and penetrate into the body up to
approximately 12 cm and work by accelerating blood
circulation, killing cells that are not useful, germs and
bumps, can activate the regeneration hormone that
can prevent aging and premature menopause
d) Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a western health science that is very
popular in developed countries because it is able to
correct the crooked and bent vertebrae and treat
affected nerves so that normal nerve function returns
to normal.
All stages of the principle of work carried out
within 30 minutes. Divided into two sessions, the first
session of the spine centered at 13 points and the hips,
second, the session of the body centered at 3 points
on the stomach. Given the time of jade suppression
and irradiation of far infrared rays for two minutes.
Provision of far infrared rays is not done continuously
but rotates.
This is a Ceragem therapy tool that is used for
patients who have gout complaints, this tool is very
easy to get because it can be ordered directly to the
Ceragem therapy center or can be ordered via online
Figure 2: Ceragem Therapy Tool
Ceragem is a medical device that uses infrared
technology combined with jade in an advanced
technology machine. There are four main principles
of ceragem treatment namely massage, knob, far
infrared and chiroparactic (spine) as a step in the
healing process.
The principle of order in the human body is
believed to be eastern society has a flow of chi. When
attacked by disease, the flow of chi becomes
obstructed and as a result the body's metabolism does
not run normally and then the body is sick. With jade
totaling nine pieces on ceragem will put pressure on
the body at 12 points in the spinal region and three
points on the stomach, so that blood flow will be
smooth, he infrared light emitted can penetrate to a
depth of 14 centimeters.
The therapeutic process will give effect to the
treatment of the illness suffered by the patient. But
don't worry, because if the body feels hot, jade will
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
move to other parts of the body by itself. While the
principle of cupping, is believed to be able to provide
stimulation, activate cell function, help produce cells,
cleanse blood vessels to improve blood circulation,
improve nerves and deactivate metabolism until the
body's antibodies increase.
The infrared ray that blends when jade puts
pressure on the points on the body at the source of the
disease. Detection results seen on the skin becomes
reddish because blood circulation in the body is not
The last principle is Chiropractic or spine.
Ceragem, according to Ratri, is indeed a treatment
that believes that the source of various diseases comes
from the spine. The backbone, he said, has a nervous
system that is vital for the body. When the body is
disrupted, it is believed that the problem can originate
in the spine.
All principle stages are carried out within 30
minutes. Divided into two sessions, the first session
of the spine and hips and second, the body session. At
13 points on the spine and three points on the
abdomen were given time to press with jade and
irradiated far infrared light for two minutes. Provision
of far infrared light is not done continuously but
Data distribution of respondents based on age 40-
50 years amounted to 6 people or 30.0%, aged 51-60
years amounted to 14 people or 70% in the control
group and in the intervention group aged 40-50 years
there were 14 people and aged 51-60 a total of Date
distribution of respondents based on age 40-50 years
amounted to 6 people or 30.0%, aged 51-60 years
amounted to 14 people or 70% in the control group
and in the intervention group aged 40-50 years there
were 14 people and aged 51-60 a total of Date
distribution of respondents based on age 40-50 years
amounted to 6 people or 30.0%, aged 51-60 years
amounted to 14 people or 70% in the control group
and in the intervention group aged 40-50 years there
were 14 people and aged 51-60 a total of 6 people in
the intervention group as in Table 1. This is in
accordance with the existing theory that the aging
process is very influential in the process of knee
osteoarthritis (Elisabet, JC 2011). there were 20
respondents from two intervention groups
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents
n % n %
40-50 6 30 % 14 70%
51-60 14 70 % 6 30%
Total 20 100% 20 100%
SD 16
80 %
60 %
15 %
Total 20 100% 12 100%
IRT 8 40% 4 20%
PNS 3 15% 5 25%
Petani 4 20% 4 20%
Wiraswasta 5 25% 7 35%
This is thought to be related to the hormone estrogen,
where adult women have less calcium in bone than in
adult men and after menopause the estrogen hormone
disappears quickly, causing women to lose calcium in
bones faster than men of equal age. The
disappearance of the hormone estrogen quickly
causes an increase in osteoclast activity, reduced
osteoblastic activity in bone, reduced bone matrix and
reduced intake of calcium and bone phosphate
(Kumar, V., 2011).
These data confirm that with A person's age
increases the risk of inflammation or calcification in
the joints, especially in the knee joint because the
knee joint is the most mobile joint and sustains
weight. Whereas for the sexes that suffer the most
osteoarthritis, they are women, this is due to the
monopouse process which causes hormonal changes
Pain measurement results obtained that the average
value of acid level Uric Acid Levels above can be
seen that the effect of pharmacological therapy on
decreasing levels of uric acid before and after
pharmacological therapy is 20%. Based on the results
of statistical tests using the paired t-test formula
obtained 0.926 from the results of this test it can be
concluded that there is no effect before and after
regular pharmacological therapy.
Effects of Ceragem Therapy on Decline Uric Acid Levels
Table 2: Difference in Mean Uric Acid Levels Before and
After Performin Pharmacological Therapy
Mean differences between before and after
ical therap
Mean differences between farmakologi =
Mean differences between pharmacological
= 80.5714
Mean differences between before and after
ical therap
= 0.2857
Based on the results of statistical tests using
dependent sample t-test / paired t test showed that the
average uric acid level before pharmacological
therapy was 80.8571, the average uric acid level after
pharmacological therapy was 80.5714 and the
difference in uric acid levels before and
pharmacological therapy was 0.2857.
The Influence of Ceragem Therapy on Decreasing
Uric Acid Levels at Ceragem Center it can be seen
that the effect of pharmacological therapy on
decreasing uric acid levels before and after ceragem
therapy is 85%. Based on the results of statistical tests
using the paired t-test formula obtained 0.009 from
the results of this test can be concluded that there is a
significant influence before and after ceragem
Table 3 : Difference in Mean Uric Acid Levels Before and
After Performing ceragem therapy
Mean differences between before and after
ceragem therapy
Mean differences between before ceragem =
Mean differences between after = 79.1429
Mean differences between before and after
ceragem therapy = 2.7142
Based on the results of statistical tests using
dependent sample t-test / paired t test showed that the
average uric acid level before pharmacological
therapy was 81.8571, the average uric acid level after
pharmacological therapy was 79.1429 and a
significant difference in uric acid levels before and
the pharmacological therapy was 2.7142
From the results of observations before
pharmacological therapy carried out to respondents
who became the control group were respondents who
had high blood uric acid levels of 16 people (80%),
respondents who had normal blood uric acid levels of
4 people (20%), while after pharmacological therapy
carried out to the same respondent results obtained
are respondents who have high blood uric acid levels
of 15 people (75%), respondents who have normal
blood uric acid levels of 5 people (25%), Based on the
results of statistical tests that Using the paired t-test
formula, the mean (mean) value for before therapy =
80.8571 and for after therapy = 80.5714. And for the
value of paired samples correlations = 0.926 from the
results of this test it can be concluded that there is no
effect before and after regular pharmacological
Uric acid is the final product that is excreted from
the breakdown of purines in humans. In other
animals, gout undergoes further degeneration into
alantonin. In normal humans, 18-20% of lost uric acid
is broken down by bacteria into CO2 and ammonia
(NH3) in the intestine and excreted through feces.
In normal people, the amount of uric acid pool is
approximately 1000 mg with a turnover speed of 600
mg / day. The normal content of sodium urate in the
serum is less than 7 mg / dl (Martin et. Al, 1984).
Based on clinical laboratory studies, normal uric acid
levels for women range from 2.4-5.7 mg / dl and for
men ranging from 3.4-7 mg / dl. If serum uric acid
levels exceed the above standards, it is called
The way jade works is centered on the spine,
which as we all know that the spine is the source of
our life and is pusat susunan saraf dan pembuluh
darah yang relate to other body organs so that when
using this tool will be able to repair the problematic
nerves and facilitate blood circulation throughout the
body. The following are the working principles used
by Ceragem alternative medicine.
From the results of observations that have been
made in the intervention group conducted to
respondents who become the intervention group are
respondents who have high blood uric acid levels that
are 11 people (55%), respondents who have normal
blood uric acid levels are 9 people (45%). Based on
the results of statistical tests using the paired t-test
formula, the mean value obtained before ceragem
therapy = 81.8571 and for after ceragem therapy =
79.1429. And for the value of paired samples
correlations = 0.009 from the results of this test it can
be concluded that there is a difference between the
influence of the split apart before and after therapy.
Based on the results of the statistical tests and the
discussion above, it can be concluded that
Based on the results of the statistical tests and the
discussion above it can be concluded that Kadar Uric
Acid Before and after Pharmacological Therapy in
the Control Group at the Ridos Clinic menteng
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
sandpaper road, From the results of observations
before pharmacological therapy carried out to
respondents who were in the control group were
respondents who had high blood uric acid levels of 16
people (80%), respondents who have normal blood
uric acid levels are 4 people (20%), whereas after
pharmacological therapy is carried out to the same
respondent, the results obtained are respondents who
have high blood uric acid levels that is 15 people
(75%), respondents who have levels Normal uric acid
blood is 5 people (25%). Based on the results of
statistical tests using the paired t-test formula, the
average value obtained (before) = 80.8571 and after
therapy = 80.5714.
Uric Acid Levels Before and After Ceragem
Therapy, From the results of observations that have
been made in the intervention group conducted to
respondents who are in the intervention group, those
are respondents who have high blood uric acid levels,
11 people (55%), respondents who have blood uric
acid levels normal, 9 people (45%). Based on the
results of statistical tests that are menggunakan rumus
paired t-test diperoleh nilai he mean (mean) for
before ceragem therapy = 81.8571 and for after
ceragem therapy = 79.1429. And for the value of
paired samples correlations = 0.009 from the results
of this test it can be concluded that there is a
difference between the influence of the split apart
before and after therapy.
As input and additional knowledge for health services
about the effect of uniform therapy on reducing uric
acid levels. It is expected to be able to increase
knowledge and insight about the effect of
CERAGEM therapy as a cognitive behavior to reduce
levels of uric acid. As input in the development of
science in further research. From the results of this
study provide an overview and reference of research
results about ceragem therapy as a cognitive
behavioral therapy to reduce uric acid levels which
will be used in conducting further research. To
increase knowledge and experience in conducting
special research on the effect of Ceragem therapy on
reducing uric acid levels.
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ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology