The Effect of Provision of Young Coconut Water against Menstrual
Sri Wulan
, Nikmah Jalilah Ritonga
, Novita Br. Ginting Munthe
, Iskandar Markus Sembiring
, and
Rahmad Gurusinga
Faculty of Midwifery, Jl. Sudirman No 38 Lubuk Pakam Kab.Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Young Coconut Water, Menstrual Pain.
Abstract: Menstrual pain is an imbalance of the hormone progesterone in the blood resulting in abdominal pain caused
by uterine muscle spasms. Young coconut water, containing glucose, vitamin, hormone, and mineral, and
naturally without preservatives which can reduce muscle tension and help relieve pain due to menstrual
cramps. This research is an experimental research with the total of samples as many as 36 young women.
Collecting data used the Numeric Rating Scale observation sheet, pain was measured before and after in the
intervention group and in the control group. The result showed that there were significant differences in
menstrual pain between the intervention group and the control group with a p-value of 0.007. For health care,
this research can be applied to clients who got experience about menstrual pain in providing obstetric care.
Menstrual pain is described as cramping in the lower
abdomen that occurs during menstruation. In the
United States, it has been reported about 15% of girls
got experience severe menstrual pain and a leading
cause of absence from school and disrupt daily
activities (Rosyida. D.A.C, Suwandono.A, Ariyanti.I,
Suhartono, Mashoedi.D.I, and Fatmasari.D, 2017).
The incidence of menstrual pain in young women in
Malaysia is 62.3%, in Indonesia, young women who
experience menstrual pain reaches 64.25%,
consisting of 54.89% of primary menstrual pain and
9.36% secondary menstrual pain. Primary menstrual
pain is experienced by 60-75% of young women, with
3/4 of them experiencing mild to moderate pain and
1/4 experiencing severe pain (Ulya.H.F, Suwandono.
A, Ariyanti.I, Suwondo.A, Kumorowulan.S, and
Pujiastuti.E.S, 2017). The problem of menstrual pain
is generally considered to be only a minor health
problem in the society, but if not treated immediately
it can interfere with daily activities and even interfere
with concentration and life-threatening (Bachloo.T,
Kumar.R, Goyal.A, Parmal Singh, Yadav.S.S,
Bhardwaj.A, and Mitta.A, 2016). The frequency of
menstrual pain in young women in school is still high,
according to the survey results there are still many
students or young women who do not know how to
reduce menstrual pain (Wulandari.S, and
Afriliana.D.A, 2017).
The results of a preliminary study conducted by
researchers in March 2018 at SMA Negeri 2
Perbaungan of 5 female students, the results of these
observations showed that around 3 young women
who experience menstrual pain during menstruation
on the first day and experience disruption in their
activities, they cannot concentrate with both when
attending class lessons and feeling weak and lazy, to
overcome the pain they take pain-reducing drugs,
pharmacological drugs have chemical substances and
side effects on health if consuming drugs in high
frequency can cause interference with the function of
organs. Synthetic drugs have side effects that are
destructive or addictive. Utilizing natural remedies
can avoid the potential bad side effects of using
synthetic drugs (Firdaus. S, and Astuti, 2016).
There are so many ways to eliminate or reduce
pain, both pharmacologically and non-
pharmacologically. Non pharmacological pain
management is safer to use because it does not cause
side effects. One way to reduce menstrual pain in a
non-pharmacological way is by administering young
coconut water. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a type of
palm plant that has quite large fruit (Polemer M.
Cuarto1, Ronie F. and Magsino, 2017). Young
coconut water contains 95.5% water, protein, fat,
Wulan, S., Ritonga, N., Munthe, N., Sembiring, I. and Gurusinga, R.
The Effect of Provision of Young Coconut Water against Menstrual Pain.
DOI: 10.5220/0009467901570164
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vitamin C and vitamin B complex. Young coconut
water also contains some of minerals namely
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium,
magnesium, chlorine, sulfur and iron (life Bruce,
2017). Young coconut water contains all the natural
electrolytes that the body needs such as sodium,
potassium or potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium
and magnesium. The mineral content of potassium or
high potassium in young coconut water can be used
to treat menstrual pain (Buwana.A.P, Wijasena.B,
and Suroto, 2016).
Beside of that young coconut
water is also one of the most versatile natural products
in the world (life Bruce, 2017). Therefore, researchers
are interested in conducting research on providing
young coconut water for menstrual pain in female
students at SMA Negeri 2 Perbaungan.
This research has used a quasi-experimental design
(Quasy Experimental) with a non randomized control
group pretest posttest design. The research subjects
were grouped into 2 groups: 1 intervention group was
observed before and after being given young coconut
water when menstrual pain was taken 2 times a day 1
cup (250 ml), morning and evening, for 3 consecutive
days, and 1 control groupobservations were carried
out before and after being given deep breathing
relaxation techniques (Khodijah.S, 2017).
This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2
Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North
Sumatera. This research was begun from January -
February 2019. The population in this research was
all young women in SMA Negeri 2 Perbaungan, as
many as 135 people. The sampling technique of this
research was purposive sampling with a total sample
of 36 people who were divided into 2 groups of 18
people for the intervention group and 18 people for
the control group with inclusion criteria: girls who
experience primary menstrual pain, aged 16-18 years,
have routine menstrual cycle, have a history of
menstrual pain, and are willing to be respondents,
while exclusion criteria are: young women diagnosed
with certain gynecological diseases or secondary
dysmenorrhea, and young women undergoing
pharmacological treatment with painkillers
(analgesics). This research has been examined by a
team of research ethics commission in North
Sumatera University. The instrument used in this
research was the observation sheet Numeric Rating
Scale (NRS) 0-10 and the interview method. Analysis
of the data used in this research was to determine
before and after the intervention group and the control
group using the Paired T Test and to find out the
differences between the two groups with the
Independent T-Test which was calculated using SPSS
with a significant level of 95% = 0,05) (Wulan.S,
Soejoenoes.A, Wahyuni M,S, Hidayat.T.S,
Widyawati.N.M, and Gurusinga.A, 2017).
The following is a Figure of research
implementation flow
Figure 1: Research Implementation Flow.
The following is a Figure of the instrument used
in the study.
Figure 2: Numeric Rating Scale.
Pain Criteria are: 0 indicates no complaint of
menstrual pain or cramps in the lower abdomen, 1
3 indicates minor pain: It feels cramps in the lower
abdomen but can still be overcome and can do
activities and can still concentrate on learning, 4 6
indicates medium pain: Feeling cramps in the lower
abdomen, pain spreading to the waist, lack of
appetite, disturbed activity, hard to concentrating
learning, 7 - 9 indicates Severe pain : Severe cramps
in the lower abdomen, pain spreading to the waist,
thighs or back, no appetite, nausea, weakness, just
sleeping in bed, can’t move, can’t concentrate on
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
learning, 10 indicates Uncontrol pain : Severe
cramping in the lower abdomen, pain spreading to the
waist, legs and back, not eating, nausea to vomiting,
headache, no energy, unable to get out of bed,
sometimes until fainting (Ameade.K.P.E and
Mohammed.S.B, 2016).
3.1 Characteristic of Respondents
based on Age, Duration of
Menstruation and Days of
Menstrual Pain in the Intervention
Characteristics of respondents in the intervention
group were obtained that there were 10 people
(55.6%) who were 16 years old, 5 people (27.7%)
were 17 years old and 4 people (22.2%) were 18 years
old, whereas from menstrual period data, 2 people
(11.2%), 3 people (16.6%) had a menstrual period of
6 days and 10 people (55.6%) had a period of 7 days
and from the data of respondents who experienced
menstrual pain days, there were 2people (11.2%) who
experience menstrual pain before menstruation), 15
people (83%) experience menstrual pain on the first
day and 1 person (5.5%) experience menstrual pain
on the second day. 16-18 years old is the age of
middle adolescence during which adolescents
experience changes in her. One of the changes that
occur in adolescent girls is experiencing
menstruation, namely the process of expenditure of
blood from the vagina due to the decay of the inner
uterine wall or endometrium (Fisher.C, Sibbritt,D,
Hickman.L and Adams.J, 2018). Characteristic of
respondents based on the duration of the most
menstruation is 7 days, as many as 10 respondents
(55.6%). Respondents with 5-7 days of gestation are
more likely to experience menstrual pain faster than
those who have menstruation longer than 7 days. It’s
caused during menstruation, the pain is caused by
high levels of prostaglandins, while based on the
occurrence of menstrual pain the majority of
menstruation on the first day as many as 15
respondents (83.3%), where at the first hait
endometrium cells exfoliate releasing prostaglandins.
Prostaglandin stimulate uterine muscles and affect
blood vessels that cause uterine contractions through
myometrial and vasoconstriction contractions.
Prostataglandin levels increase especially on the first
day to the second day.
3.2 Characteristics of Respondents
based on Age, Duration of
Menstruation and Days of
Menstrual Pain in the Control
Characteristic of respondents in the intervention
group were obtained below that there were 11 people
(61.1%) who were 16 years old, 5 people (27.7%)
were 17 years old and 2 people (11.2%) were 18 years
old, whereas from menstrual period data, 1 person
(5.5%), 3 people (16.6%) had a period of 6 days and
13 people (72.4%) had a period of 7 days and from
the data of respondents who experienced menstrual
pain, there were 3people (16.6%) who experience
menstrual pain before menstruation), 14 people
(77.9%) experience menstrual pain on the first day
and 1 person (5.5%) experience menstrual pain on the
second day.
Adolescence is a period of change from children
to adult. Teenagers will experience physical and
emotional changes. In women, puberty is
characterized by menstruation. Menstruation is an
event of blood loss from the uterus or endometrial
wall decays periodically because it is not fertilized.
Menstruation is natural so it can be ensured that all
normal young women will experience menstruation
(Preeti Gupta.G, Jini Gupta.J, Govind Singha.G, and
Meharda.B, 2018).
From Figure 5 it is also known that the majority
of the control group experienced menstruation for 7
days this is also the same as that experienced by the
intervention group of the characteristics in this study,
it is seen that the female students or young women
under study all have a productive age, while based on
the majority of menstrual pain daysoccurred on the
first day as many as 14 respondents (77.9%) this was
also the same as the intervention group, menstrual
pain is abdominal pain that comes from uterine
cramps and occurs during menstruation. Menstrual
pain is one of the most common gynecological
problems experienced by women of various age
levels (Windartik.E, Yuniarti.V.E, and Akbar.A,
3.3 Menstrual Pain Scores before and
after Administration of Young
Coconut Water in the Intervention
Based on the Figure 3 It was found that from 18
respondents prior to the intervention the majority of
respondents experienced severe pain as many as 10
The Effect of Provision of Young Coconut Water against Menstrual Pain
people (55.6%) and a minority experienced mild pain
1 person (5.5%) while after the intervention the
majority of respondents experienced moderate pain as
much as 10 people (55.6%) and minorities experience
severe pain as many as 3 people (16.6%).
The following is a Figure 3 of the distribution of
menstrual pain in the intervention group before and
after being given young coconut water taken 2 times
a day 1 cup (250 ml) morning and evening for 3
consecutive days.
Figure 3: Distribution of menstrual pain in the intervention
The results showed that there were no respondents
who did not experience pain. These results are
obtained by measuring the level of menstrual pain
before and after given young coconut water. Factors
that influence menstrual pain are psychological,
family history, endocrine factors, and hormonal
factors. Yesuf (2018) said during menstruation the
body will produce the hormone estrogen,
progesterone and prostaglandin. The hormone
estrogen stimulates contractility of the uterus, while
the hormone progesterone inhibits it. (Septianingrum.
Y, Hatmanti. M. N, and Andikawati. 2019)
Progesterone has the function of maintaining
endometrium, but due to the absence of fertilization,
the release of the hormone progesterone becomes less
and the endometrial wall will decay, endometrium
which exfoliates to produce prostaglandins. Increased
prostaglandins in the endometrium following the fall
in progesterone levels cause an increase in uterine
contractions and then pain (Teshager Aklilu Yesuf.
A.T, Eshete. A.N, and Sisay.A.E, 2018).
Young coconut water can be administered during
the first day of menstruation taken 2 times a Day 1
glass (250cc), morning and evening, for 3 consecutive
days can reduce painful menstruation because young
coconut water contains electrolytes, minerals, folic
acid and vitamins. The blood that comes out can be
replaced by folic acid. Folic acid assists in the process
of forming red blood cells. Menstrual pain complaints
are due to the presence of uterine hypercontraction
and the hormonal imbalance of progesterone and
prostaglandins. The vitamins and minerals contained
in coconut water stimulate the production of
progesterone and prostaglandins in stable quantities.
Enough hormone levels will stimulate and accelerate
the process of endometrial decay and the pain that
arises will soon diminish. Pain will be reduced after
the blood is quite a lot or smooth.
Water is one of the essential components for the
body because the cell function depends on the liquid
environment. Water composes 60-70% of the whole
body. Drinking therapy of young coconut water aims
to replace the lost fluid and lower menstrual pains.
The use of therapeutic herbs such as young coconut
water is very effective in helping to relieve pain that
arises during menstruation. The use of this
therapeutic herb is expected menstruation blood
expenditure will be smooth and the pain felt will soon
decrease (Nuriyanah.E.K and Hanum.F. 2018)
This is in line with research by Fitri Lestari and
Sarwinanti (2017) on the Effect of Green Coconut
Water Supply on Menstrual Pain Levels in Nursing
Science Study Program Students in Stikes'Aisyiyah
Yogyakar that of 18 respondents showed the value of
Asymp Sign (2-tailed) 0,000 (<0,05). There is an
influence of giving green coconut water to the level
of menstrual pain (Lestari .F, and Sarwinanti, 2017)
3.4 Menstrual Pain Scores before
Breathing Relaxation in the
Control Group
Based on Figure 4 it is known that in the control group
before breathing relaxation in the majority of
respondents experienced severe pain as many as 10
people (55.6%) and in figure 8 known after breathing
relaxation the majority of respondents still
experienced severe pain that is as many as 11 people
(61.1 %) and minority experienced mild pain of 1
person (5.5%). This is because when relaxation of the
breath the respondent did not concentrate so that there
was no decrease in pain and even increased.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
The following is a Figure 4 of the distribution of
menstrual pain in the control group before and after
breathing relaxation techniques were given.
Figure 4: Distribution of menstrual pain in the control
Every young woman has different menstrual
experiences and menstrual pain. Most of young
women got menstruation without complaints, but not
a few of those who get menstruation accompanied by
complaints in the form of menstrual pain that causes
discomfort and impact on disruption of activities such
as: teenagers are not concentrated in accepting
lessons, decreased learning achievement and often
absent (Ardela.M, Yuliwar.R, and Dewi.N, 2017).
Based on Figure 5 the average data of menstrual
pain before giving young coconut water is 6.45 and
after the intervention has decreased pain with an
average value of 4.61. Whereas in the control group
there was no decrease in pain before and after
breathing relaxation with an average value of 6,78.
The results of this study are in line with what was
done by Latifah (2016) about the effect of green
young coconut water in decreasing dysmenorrhoea
pain in class XI students at SMK Ma'arif 5 Gombong.
There is a difference between the treatment group and
the control group. Paired t-test results of the treatment
group were obtained (p), where the value of ρ = 0,000
(<0.05) and the results of the control group p = 4.215
(> 0.05) (Latifah, U, 2016).
The following is a Figure 5 of average menstrual
pain in the intervention group before and after young
coconut water is given and average pain in the control
group before and after breathing relaxation
techniques are given.
Figure 5: Mean of menstrual pain before and after in the
intervention group and the control group.
The decrease in the value of pain varies between
one individual with another and the relatively small
change in value can be caused by a variety of factors.
For one thing, because pain is subjective, no two
individuals experience the same pain and no two
events of the same pain produce an identical response
or feeling to the individual. Pain is a source of
frustration, both for patients and health workers.
Other factors that can cause pain values vary and
show relatively small changes, including the meaning
of pain, pain perception, pain tolerance, and reaction
to pain (Wulan.S, Soejoenoes.A, Wahyuni M,S,
Hidayat.T.S, Widyawati.N.M, and Gurusinga.A,
Provision of young coconut water is one of the
non-pharmacological independent measures. During
menstruation the body will produce the hormones
estrogen, progesterone and prostaglandins. The
hormone estrogen stimulates contractility of the
uterus, while the hormone progesterone inhibits it.
Progesterone has the function of maintaining
endometrium, but due to the absence of fertilization,
the release of the hormone progesterone becomes less
and the endometrial wall will decay, endometrium
which exfoliates to produce prostaglandins. Increased
prostaglandins in the endometrium following the fall
The Effect of Provision of Young Coconut Water against Menstrual Pain
in progesterone levels cause an increase in uterine
contractions and then pain. Vitamin and mineral
contained in young coconut water which can
stimulate the production of progesterone in a stable
amount. Adequate levels of progesterone will
expedite the endometrial decay process and the pain
that arises will immediately pass
(Aulia, 2017).
3.5 Differences in Mean Menstrual
Pain before and after in the
Intervention Group and the
Control Group
The difference in respondent's pain value in the
intervention group was 1.83 and the control group
was 0.67 with a p value of 0.007> 0.05. This is in line
with Siti Khodijah's research (2017) on the Effect of
Green Coconut Water Supply on the Reduction of
Dysmenorrhea Pain in Study Program D IV Students
of Educator Midwives at 'Aisyiyah University in
Yogyakarta where the results of statistical tests show
that there is an influence of green coconut water on
the reduction of pain in dysmenorrhea with a p =
Research conducted by Amirita (2017) about the
effect of giving young coconut water to the reduction
of teenage menstrual pain in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk
Pakam. The lowest menstrual pain scale before being
given young coconut water is 3 (mild pain) and the
highest is 7 (severe pain) with a standard deviation of
0.927. The lowest menstrual pain scale after being
given young coconut water is 0 (no pain) and the
highest is 5 (moderate pain) with a standard deviation
of 1.009. Different test results using Wilcoxon test
showed that the p value 0,000 (p <0.05) could be
interpreted as a mean difference in the scale of
teenage menstrual pain before and after being given
young coconut water. Young coconut varieties used
are early types of eburnea coconut. Early maturing
coconuts are small in size and the color of the rind is
green that the coconut has been identified as suitable
for soft or fresh drinks (young coconut) especially the
early maturing coconut of eburnea variety (fast
bearing fruit and many fruit production). Early
maturing coconut fruit generally at the age of 3-4
years after planting with a variety of fruit production.
The respondents who were given the intervention
found a decrease in menstrual pain after being given
young coconut water. This is because during
menstruation the body releases fluids and blood.
Young coconut water contains a number of
electrolyte liquids that can prevent dehydration. Folic
acid contained in it is also useful to replace the blood
that comes out.
Water is an important component for the body
because cell function depends on the liquid
environment. Water makes up 60-70% of the whole
body. Therapy to drink young coconut water aims to
replace lost fluids and reduce menstrual pain. The use
of herbal therapies such as young coconut water is
very effective in helping to relieve pain that arises
during menstruation. The use of herbal therapy is
expected to smooth menstrual blood discharges and
the perceived pain will soon decrease. Folic acid is
one of the components needed in the production of
red blood cells. There is enough of blood production
will accelerate blood circulation. A smooth
circulation of blood will be enough for cells to need
oxygen and nutrients. With this condition, the body
will be more resistant to painful sensations caused
during menstruation (Ismantoa. V and Beharb. N.A.,
2018). Complaints of pain during menstruation can be
caused by uterine hypercontractility caused by
prostaglandins. Vitamins and minerals contained in
young coconut water which can stimulate the
production of progesterone in a stable amount.
Adequate levels of progesterone will expedite the
endometrial decay process and the pain that arises
will immediately pass (Putri, S.A., Yunus, M. and
Fanani, E, 2018).
Based on the result of statistical tests and the above
discussion of 18 respondents in the intervention group
and 18 respondents in the control group it is known
that there are differences in the average value in the
intervention group 1.83 and in the control group 0.67
with a p value of 0.007 so that it can be concluded that
there is an effect of water delivery young coconut
against menstrual pain.
It is recommended for young women or girls who
experience menstrual pain are expected to be able to
consume young coconut water 2x a day with a dose
of 1 glass (250 ml) for 3 days to cope with menstrual
pain and for health services this research can be
applied to clients who experience menstrual pain.
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