Formulation of Rose Myrtle Fruit (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa (Aiton)
Hassk) Extract as a Natural Colors in Lipgloss
Christica Ilsanna Surbakti, Yashinta Putri Darmadi, Bahtera B. D., Bunga Rimta Barus
Fakultas Farmasi Institut Kesehatan Deli husada Delitua
Keywords: Rose Myrtle Fruit, Ethanol Extract of Rose Myrtle Fruit, Lip Gloss
Abstract: Rose Myrtle is a wild plant that grows in tropical areas. Rose Myrtle is included in the Myrtaceae tribe
which has been used as an herbal medicine to treat dysentery and increase platelets. One of the plants that
can be made in lip color is Rose Myrtle fruit, because it contains anthocyanin as a natural coloring agent.
From the observations of the shape, color and odor on the 1st day to the 30th day the preparation did not
change. Lipgloss with 10% Rose Myrtle fruit extract concentration is red, 12% concentration is blood red,
while the 14% concentration gives a deep redcolor.
Lips are the second attraction after the eyes. If the
condition of the lips is not healthy or even
experiencing health problems, it will reduce the
overall attractiveness of the face. In order to obtain
healthy and attractive lips, then treatment can be
done both from within and outside, such as the tips
below: Drink water a day at least 8 glasses so as to
prevent dehydration that causes dry lips, meet the
intake of vitamin B, vitamin C, and substances iron,
so as to avoid the pain of chapped lips. Vitamin C
contained in these foods is useful as an antioxidant
that can neutralize free radicals produced by the
processes produced by metabolic processes in the
body, so that tissue damage is reduced (Chomaria,
Lip gloss is a product or preparation that can
give a glossy and shiny effect on the lips; it helps to
increase the volume of lips, sometimes it also gives
a slight color effect, feels soft and does not dry on
the lips. Lip gloss also works to help increase the
volume of lips and make the lips look denser when
used with lipstick. Lately, lip gloss preparations are
quite popular with the public and when use lip gloss,
it must be easily applied and gives a shiny
impression (Supriyatna, 2017).
Rose Myrtle is a type of wild plant with woody
trees growing wildly in open fields that can reach up
4 meters in height. The leaves are hard, 5 - 7 cm
long and 2 - 3.5 cm wide, the surface is shiny, the
lower surface is smooth white or yellowish haired,
the flowers are hidden or in 2 or 3 groups, a single
flower or in a "dichasium" flowering consists of 3
flowers, flowering stems up 1 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm
flower stalks, the fruit is purplish red with petals
with non-deciduous petals, 10-15 mm long and it
can be eaten (Mohamad , 2014).
The making of lip gloss preparations in this study
was carried out with variations in the concentration
of ethanol extract of Rose Myrtle fruits, namely
10%, 12% and 14% so that it produces a difference
on color intensity. The next process is to do some
evaluation tests on lip gloss preparations to ensure
the physical quality of lip gloss preparations, namely
color dispersion test (homogeneity), stability test,
pH test preparation, polishing test, irritation test and
hedonic test.
The examination results on the color dispersion
test (homogeneity) showed that lip gloss
preparations from Rose Myrtle fruit extract were
evenly dispersed and free of particles that were still
clumping when it is tested by using glass object.
Variation in the concentration of Rose Myrtle fruit
extract used to produce color differences in lip gloss
preparations. Lip gloss with a concentration of 10%
Rose Myrtle fruit extract is red; a concentration of
12% is blood red while a concentration of 14% is
scarlet. The lip gloss odor is a distinctive aroma.
Lip gloss stability test results showed that all
preparations made remained stable when it is stored
at room temperature for 30 days. The parameters
observed in this physical stability test include
changes in the shape, color and odor of the
Surbakti, C., Darmadi, Y., Putra, B. and Barus, B.
Formulation of Rose Myrtle Fruit (Rhodomyrtustomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) Extract as a Natural Colors in Lipgloss.
DOI: 10.5220/0009464300820088
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 82-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
preparation. From the form observations results on
to 30
day the preparation did not change on
shape. From the color observations results on the 1
to 30
day the color on the lip gloss preparations
remained stable and there were no changes in color
due to the addition of concentration of Rose Myrtle
fruit extract dye, so the resulting of lip gloss colors
became more concentrated.
All the necessary ingredients are weighed, BHT
is dissolved with a little castor oil, stir them until
they are homogeneous (period I), methylparaben is
dissolved into Rose Myrtle fruit extract and they are
mixed into (period I), then stir them until they are
homogeneous (period II), lanolin with beeswax are
melted down on a water bath (period III), period III
is mixed with the mixture into period II, stir them
until they are homogeneous (period IV), paraffin
liquid is mixed in period IV then stirred them until
they are homogeneous (period V).
Traditionally, Rose Myrtle leaves can be used to
stop bleeding, relieve pain such as chest pain, reduce
back pain and leaf collisions can be used to
compress the forehead to reduce body temperature
during fever. In Malaysia, leaf stew is taken to treat
diarrhea and as a medicine for stomach ache, while
in Indonesia it is used to heal wounds (Putri, 2015).
In the West Sumatra, Rhodomyrtustomentosa
(Aiton) Hassk (Myrtaceae) known as karamuntiang,
it has traditionally been that used as an anthelmintic
in humans, medicine for wounds, scabies,
headaches, abdominal pain and diarrhea, retain
bleeding and prevent infection after childbirth. The
fruit is used as an antidote and diarrhea, and it can
be made of jam, which is in India it is called
The wood contains dyes that can discolor teeth,
while the Rose Myrtle root extract is used for the
treatment of heart disease, diarrhea, reducing pain
after childbirth and for the scar treatment (Nasution,
2014). In Rose Myrtle plants, after it is done
photochemical testing, there are chemical
compounds such as flavonoids and anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are classified as pigments called
flavonoids which are generally soluble in water.
Anthocyanin pigment colors are red, blue, and
purple. Appearance of reddish purple Rose Myrtle
fruit shows that there is coloring naturally which is
contained in it (Jumiati, et al 2017).
According to Rose Myrtle fruit has a large
antioxidant activity. Antiokidants are defined as
inhibitors that work to inhibit oxidation by reacting
with reactive free radicals to from non free radical
compounds that are not reactive and relatively
stable. This plant stems and twigs have large
antioxidant activity, and weak toxicity. Explained
that ethanol extract of hard mounting leaves has
anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory activity. This
plant (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) contain flavonoids,
saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids. Flavonoid
content is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce
lipid peroxidation, increase epithelialization speed,
and is anti micobial.
In a study conducted by (Jumiati, et al. 2017) by
using Rose Myrtle fruit as a natural coloring agent in
food, convincing researchers that Rose Myrtle fruit
can also be used as a natural coloring agent in
cosmetic preparations, namely lip gloss.
Judging from the content of flavonoids that have
Rose Myrtle fruit, this fruit has the potential to be
used as natural dyes in cosmetic preparations. Dyes
(pigments) are dyes naturally which is found in
plants and animals. The usage of natural dyes for
cosmetic preparations does not cause health losses,
as well as synthetic dyes that are increasingly used.
Among synthetic dyes that are very dangerous for
health so that their usage is prohibited are Rhodamin
B. Red dyes which are widely found in nature are
grouped into two groups namely carotenoids and
anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are classified as a
pigment that is called flavonoids which are generally
soluble in water. Anthocyanin pigments which are
red, blue, violet; they are usually found in flowers,
fruits and vegetables. The appearance of Rose
Myrtle fruit which is purplish red indicates that there
is a natural coloring contained therein. One of the
flavonoid compounds contained in Rose Myrtle fruit
is anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are known to function
as natural dyes.
In this research, Rose Myrtle fruit is used as a
natural color because of the existence of literature or
references from journals (Jumiati, et al. 2017) which
states that we can utilize the natural wealth that is
around us as additional material. Natural products
that we can use include those from wild plants. The
role of wild plants (not cultivated) is very diverse
ranging start from its use as medicine, cosmetics,
agriculture, up to the food industry. One of the wild
plants that have potential as natural dyes is Rose
Myrtle fruit (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk)
(Jumiati, et al. 2017).
2.1 Place and Time
This research is an experimental type. Experiments
are experimental activities that is aimed at knowing
Formulation of Rose Myrtle Fruit (Rhodomyrtustomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) Extract as a Natural Colors in Lipgloss
all the symptoms or effects that arise, as a result of
the existence of certain treatments.
2.2 Research Tools
The study tools were stirring rods, 1000 mL glass
beakers, 250 mL, 100 mL (Pyrex), brown bottles,
glass sample bottles, vaporizer cups, 250 mL
Erlenmeyer (Pyrex), freeze dryers, 100 mL
measuring cups, 10 mL (Pyrex), gauze, parchment
paper, filter paper, ash-free filter paper, porcelain
crushers, mortar and stamper, oven, water bath, tube
clamp, filter, dropper, porcelain, Rotary Evaporator,
horn spoon, spatula, test tubes, furnaces, digital
scales, and containers.
2.3 Research Material
The materials used in this study were Aquadest,
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), beeswax, Rose
Myrtle fruit extract, 96% ethanol, lanolin, castor oil,
methylparaben, and paraffin liquid.
2.4 Sampling Method
The sample used is fresh Rose Myrtle fruit that has
been ripe that grows in the area of Senggarang, Air
Raja Village, Tanjung Pinang Timur Sub-district,
Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands. The sample collection
is done purposively without comparing with other
2.5 Sample Preparation
Samples of Rose Myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
(Aiton) Hassk) were taken from the area of
Senggarang, Air Raja Village, Tanjung Pinang
Timur Sub-district, Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands.
Rose Myrtle samples are taken that are ripe or
purplish red, then cleaned and washed with running
water. After it, the sample is dried without direct
sunlight and then it is crushed by using a blender,
the sample is ready for extraction.
2.6 Phytochemical Testing
Phytochemical tests were carried out on dry
samples, namely the flavanoid test and the
anthocyanin test.
2.7 Extraction Preparation
As much as 1 kg of simplicia powder is put into a
dark glass container, 96% ethanol is added until they
are submerged and then covered and left for 5 days
and protected them from light while stirring
frequently, then filtered them with gauze, the filtrate
is accommodated (first filtrate). Then the pulp is
macerated again with 96% ethanol for 2 days and
then filtered them by using gauze. The results
obtained are mixed with the first filtrate and put in a
dark bottle, then evaporated with the assistance of a
Rotary Evaporator at ± 50
C, then freeze drying by
using a freeze dryer at -40
C (Risnawati, 2012),
(Pracima, 2015).
Figure 1: Scheme of Acess Method
2.8 Preparation of Lip Supplies
All the necessary ingredients are weighed, BHT is
dissolved with a little castor oil, stir them until they
are homogeneous (period I), methylparaben is
dissolved into Rose Myrtle fruit extract and they are
mixed into (period I), then stir them until they are
homogeneous (period II), lanolin with beeswax are
melted down on a water bath (period III), period III
is mixed with the mixture into period II, stir them
until they are homogeneous (period IV), paraffin
liquid is mixed in period IV then stirred them until
they are homogeneous (period V), a castor oil is
added in period V and then they are homogenized
(Widayanti, 2014) .Maceration results from 4 kg of
wet Rose Myrtle fruit is obtained as much as 1 kg of
dried Rose Myrtle fruit, and then after the
evaporation, it is produced 96.58 grams of thick
extract of Rose Myrtle fruit.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Table 1: Scheme of Acess Method
No Bahan F1 F2 F3 F4 Function
10 12 14
2 Beewax 3 3 3 Base
10 10 10 Emollient
4 Lanolin 10 10 10 Emollient
5 BHT 0,1 0,1 0,1
0,1 0,1 0,1 Preservative
100 100 100 Solvent
2.9 The Evaluation Test on Lip Gloss
Evaluation tests on lip gloss preparations include
color dispersion tes (Homogeneity) observation of
changes in shape, color and odor of lip gloss
preparations which is carried out on each
preparations which is camed out on each preparation
during storage at room temperature on 1st, 7th, 15th
day and then every 3th until 30th day it is done pH
test on the preparation y using natura dyes of rose
myrtle fruit extracts to find out whether lip gloss that
is made can cause irritation to the skin or not polish
test which is performed on the preparation of each
formulasi by polishing it five times and observing
the color and the preference test is carried out to
dtermine the preferences levels of the panelists on
the preparations made (Karmila, 2013).
3.1 Rose Myrtle Fruit Extraction
Maceration results from 4 kg of wet Rose Myrtle
fruit is obtained as much as 1 kg of dried Rose
Myrtle fruit, and then after the evaporation, it is
produced 96.58 grams of thick extract of Rose
Myrtle fruit.
3.2 Phtochemical Screnning Results
The results of Screening Result test on lip gloss
preparations showed that lip gloss preparations the
plant name is Rose Myrtle Fruit has Flavonoid and
Antosyanin positive.
Table 2: Screnning of Phytochemical
The Plant Name Under
Flavonoid Antocyanin
Rose Myrtle Fruit
(Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa
(Aiton) Hassk
+ +
3.3 Physical Examination Results of
Lip Gloss Preparation
Lip gloss with a concentration of 10% are red, lip
gloss with a concentration of 12% are blood red
while lip gloss with a concentration of 14% are
scarlet with a distinctive aroma.
3.4 Color Dispersion Test Results
The results of pH test on lip gloss preparations
showed that lip gloss preparations with a
concentration of 10% had a pH of 6.3 lip gloss
preparations with a concentration of 12% had a pH
of 6.4 while lip gloss preparations with a
concentration of 14% had a pH of 6.2.
Table 3: Lipgloss dosage stabilization test results.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
B: Shape (Good);
BK : Baukhan
3.5 Irritation Text Result
The results of Irritation Text Result on lip gloss
preparation and all of panelis is not feel Irritattion on
all Concentration, showed th at lip gloss
preparations with a concentration of 10% had a pH
of 6.3 lip gloss preparations with a concentration of
12% had a pH of 6.4 while lip gloss preparations
with a concentration of 14% had a pH of 6.2.
Formulation of Rose Myrtle Fruit (Rhodomyrtustomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) Extract as a Natural Colors in Lipgloss
Table 4: Irritation Text Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Erythema 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Papules 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vesicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Edema 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note :
1. No reaction 0
2. Erythema +
3. Erythema and Papules ++
4. vesicles +++
4. Edema and Vesicles ++++
3.5 Polish Test Result
Lip gloss with a concentration of 10% are red, lip
gloss with a concentration of 12% are blood red
while lip gloss with a concentration of 14% are
scarlet with a distinctive aroma.
Table 5: Polish Test Results
Lip gloss
preparation 10%
The color is less clear but it is
Lip gloss
preparation 12%
The color is clear and
Lip gloss
preparation 14%
The color is clear and
3.6 Hedonic Test
Lipgloss with a hedonic test The results of Hedonic
Text Result on lip gloss preparation and all of
panelis is not feel Irritattion on all Concentration,
showed that lip gloss preparations with a
concentration of 10% had a pH of 6.3 lip gloss
preparation concentration in 14% is very good.
Table 6: Hedonic Test Result
1 22 1 2 3
2 24 1 2 3
3 24 1 2 3
4 23 2 2 2
5 22 2 2 2
6 21 2 2 2
7 21 2 2 2
8 21 2 3 3
9 22 1 3 3
10 22 1 3 3
11 23 3 3 3
12 23 1 3 3
13 23 1 1 3
14 22 1 1 3
15 22 1 1 3
From the results of phytochemical screening in the
results table, it is known that Rose Myrtle fruit
(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) positively
contains flavonoids and anthocyanins.
Phytochemical results show that Rose Myrtle fruits
contain flavonoids which are characterized by the
formation of red pigment on the amyl alcohol layer.
And it also contains anthocyanin which is marked by
the occurrence of red color that will not fade on the
addition of HCL 2N. Rose Myrtle fruit contains
anthocyanin which is included flavonoids.
The study tools were stirring rods, 1000 mL
glass beakers, 250 mL, 100 mL (Pyrex), brown
bottles, glass sample bottles, vaporizer cups, 250 mL
Erlenmeyer (Pyrex), freeze dryers, 100 mL
measuring cups, 10 mL (Pyrex), gauze, parchment
paper, filter paper, ash-free filter paper, porcelain
crushers, mortar and stamper, oven, water bath, tube
clamp, filter, dropper, porcelain, Rotary Evaporator,
horn spoon, spatula, test tubes, furnaces, digital
scales, and containers.
The making of lip gloss preparations in this study
was carried out with variations in the concentration
of ethanol extract of Rose Myrtle fruits, namely
10%, 12% and 14% so that it produces a difference
on color intensity. The next process is to do some
evaluation tests on lip gloss preparations to ensure
the physical quality of lip gloss preparations, namely
color dispersion test (homogeneity), stability test,
pH test preparation, polishing test, irritation test and
hedonic test.
According to Rose Myrtle fruit has a large
antioxidant activity. Antiokidants are defined as
inhibitors that work to inhibit oxidation by reacting
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
with reactive free radicals to from non free radical
compounds that are not reactive and relatively
stable. This plant stems and twigs have large
antioxidant activity, and weak toxicity. Explained
that ethanol extract of hard mounting leaves has
anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory activity. This
plant (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) contain flavonoids,
saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids. Flavonoid
content is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce
lipid peroxidation, increase epithelialization speed,
and is anti micobial.
In a study conducted by (Jumiati, et al. 2017) by
using Rose Myrtle fruit as a natural coloring agent in
food, convincing researchers that Rose Myrtle fruit
can also be used as a natural coloring agent in
cosmetic preparations, namely lip gloss. This
research is to know the percentage of yield and to
know the quaity metabolite identification.
The making of lip gloss preparations in this study
was carried out with variations in the concentration
of ethanol extract of Rose Myrtle fruits, namely
10%, 12% and 14% so that it produces a difference
on color intensity. The next process is to do some
evaluation tests on lip gloss preparations to ensure
the physical quality of lip gloss preparations, namely
color dispersion test (homogeneity), stability test,
pH test preparation, polishing test, irritation test and
hedonic test.
The Use of traditional mediciine os the main
choice of society in addtion to the inability of people
to buy modern medicines, raw materials easily
obtained and the price is economical. For examples
is often used as an alternative tratment is known to
contain chemical compound that are able to treat and
is relatively safe is used properly and without abuse
if the information effects and i relatively is quite
clear. Therefore researchers are intersted quality and
to achieve it need to be standaradized.
The examination results on the color dispersion
test (homogeneity) showed that lip gloss
preparations from Rose Myrtle fruit extract were
evenly dispersed and free of particles that were still
clumping when it is tested by using glass object.
Variation in the concentration of Rose Myrtle fruit
extract used to produce color differences in lip gloss
preparations. Lip gloss with a concentration of 10%
Rose Myrtle fruit extract is red; a concentration of
12% is blood red while a concentration of 14% is
scarlet. The lip gloss odor is a distinctive aroma.
Lip gloss stability test results showed that all
preparations made remained stable when it is stored
at room temperature for 30 days. The parameters
observed in this physical stability test include
changes in the shape, color and odor of the
preparation. From the form observations results on
to 30
day the preparation did not change on
shape. From the color observations results on the 1
to 30
day the color on the lip gloss preparations
remained stable and there were no changes in color
due to the addition of concentration of Rose Myrtle
fruit extract dye, so the resulting of lip gloss colors
became more concentrated.
Lip gloss stability test results showed that all
preparations made remained stable when it is stored
at room temperature for 30 days. The parameters
observed in this physical stability test include
changes in the shape, color and odor of the
preparation. From the form observations results on
to 30
day the preparation did not change on
shape. From the color observations results on the 1
to 30
day the color on the lip gloss preparations
remained stable and there were no changes in color
due to the addition of concentration of Rose Myrtle
fruit extract dye, so the resulting of lip gloss colors
became more concentrated.
Traditionally, Rose Myrtle leaves can be used to
stop bleeding, relieve pain such as chest pain, reduce
back pain and leaf collisions can be used to
compress the forehead to reduce body temperature
during fever. In Malaysia, leaf stew is taken to treat
diarrhea and as a medicine for stomach ache, while
in Indonesia it is used to heal wounds (Putri, 2015).
Based on the irritation tests results conducted on
15 panelists which is conducted by applying lip
gloss preparations to certain area behind the ear and
it is left open for approximately 24 hours, it showed
that all panelists gave negative results to the
irritation reaction. From the lip gloss preparation test
which is carried out on 15 panelists, it produced
good polish and evenly intensive and homogeneous
color when it is applied to the skin of forearm. Based
on the hedonic test data on 15 panelists, it is known
that the most preferred lip gloss preparation is the
concentration of Rose Myrtle fruit extract 14% with
a hedonic percentage of 2.8% panelists very fond of
this preparation. Lip glosses preparations with
concentration of 14% Rose Myrtle fruit extract are
easily polished, clear and bright colors, and
homogeneous, with a deep red color so that many
panelists like it because of its bright color. Lip gloss
preparations with 12% Rose Myrtle fruit extract with
hedonic percentage of 2.3% panelists liked this
Maceration results from 4 kg of wet Rose Myrtle
fruit is obtained as much as 1 kg of dried Rose
Myrtle fruit, and then after the evaporation, it is
produced 96.58 grams of thick extract of Rose
Myrtle fruit.
Formulation of Rose Myrtle Fruit (Rhodomyrtustomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) Extract as a Natural Colors in Lipgloss
a) Rose Myrtle fruit extract dyes can be used as
natural dyes in lip gloss dosage formulations
because it contains anthocyanin and at the time of
color stability testing on lip gloss preparations did
not change.
b) The more concentration of Rose Myrtle fruit
extracts used in the formulation so it is more
concentrated the color of lip gloss preparation that is
produced. Lip gloss preparations with concentration
of 10% are red, with concentration of 12% are blood
red, and while with concentration of 14% are scarlet.
c) The Use of traditional formulation is the main
choice of society in addition to the inability of
people to byu modern cosmetic.
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ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology