-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking
Employee in Banda Aceh
Cut Nurul Aflah, Mirza
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Employee, Job Satisfaction, Public Banking, Work-Life Balance.
Abstract: The length of working hours, high pressure and demands of work are the causes of employee experience of
job dissatisfaction, which will result on productivity and efficiency of employees towards the company.
Work-life balance will have a positive impact on employees, so that job satisfaction can be achieved. The
purpose of this study was to determine correlation between work-life balance and job satisfaction among
employees in public banking. This study uses a quantitative method with incidental sampling technique (n =
204). The sample characteristics are men and women who works at public banking. Data collection used the
Work-Life Balance Scale developed by Hayman from Fisher’s theory (α = 0.89) and Job Satisfaction
Survey from Spector (α= 0.91). Data analysis using Pearson correlation technique that showed the
correlation coefficient (r) = 0.336 (p <0.05). So that, there is work-life balance and job satisfaction
correlation among the employees. The higher work-life balance the higher job satisfaction. The employees
with higher work-life balance tend to feel harmonious between personal life and work, and it brings
satisfaction toward work and company.
One of the most influential and scattered banking
industry groups in all regions of Indonesia is state-
owned banks. BUMN banks are banks that shares
are owned by the central government (Haryanto,
2012). Some of the banks included in BUMN are
Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Rakyat
Indonesia (BRI), Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN),
and Bank Mandiri. Since there are many branches of
state-owned banks in Indonesia, there are more
employees working in the state-owned banks
compared to the employees at the private
banks.Employees are one of the most dominant
factors that can determine the activities in a
company. The success of a company is very
dependent on how a company recruits, motivates
and retains its employees who have good
performances (Muttaqin, 2017). One of the
company's efforts to be able to retain employees is
by fulfilling the needs required by employees. If the
employee's needs are met, then the employee will
feel satisfaction in working, and vice versa if the
employee's needs are not met, then what the
employee will feel is a dissatisfaction in work
(Soegandhi, Sutanto, & Setiawan, 2013).
According to a research conducted by
Sujarwanto in one of the state-owned banks, the
dissatisfaction that often occurs is that bank
employees must complete the target based on the
work goals that have been made, innine working
hours, but in reality, there are still many employees
who work more than the specified hours. This is in
line stated by Adikaram (2016) that the work at the
Bank are filled with targets that must be completed
on time, thus causing employees to have long
working hours, high demands and work pressure, so
that the burden borne is also getting heavier. In
addition to the rigid and orderly forms of work, the
Bank is also very strict regarding permission to
leave assignments and time off. This includes the
aspects of the type of work on the dimensions of job
satisfaction described by Spector (1985) relating to
work and the variety of tasks given.
The above phenomenon is also explained by a
research conducted Hasanah (2016) on one of the
state-owned banks in Indonesia. It said that the
employees often have high variations and demands
for work, so they also need a considerable amount of
time in completing tasks. Evidenced by the company
imposing overtime hours for employees if the task
has not been completed or the workers who demand
Aflah, C. and Mirza, .
Work-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking Employee in Banda Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0009448402980305
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 298-305
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to be completed on that day. Occasionally on
Saturdays and Sundays the companies still employ
employees when needed, and also at the end of the
month who are required to work beyond normal
hours because the company imposes heavier work at
the time such as billing customers or billing
recapitulation. At the end of the year, the activities
and demands of time are also getting harder because
the company works on annual reports.
According to Saleh (2015), it makes it difficult
for employees to share their time and energy
between their responsibilities to work while
managing other important aspects of their lives such
as time for self-development, relaxing and caring for
themselves, time for family and friends, religious
and community events, and other activities.
Especially for employees who are married who have
to divide their time and responsibility for work,
themselves, spouses, children, domestic duties, take
care of elderly parents. (Lowe, 2005). When an
employee has difficulty in maintaining a balance of
time, physical and psychological involvement
between work life and personal life will be
imbalance (Efendi, 2014). This causes employees to
be in concern and feel burdened in the context of
continuous work, causing employees to be under
pressure which leads them to dissatisfaction in work
because it creates imbalances in their works and
personal lives (Hafeez & Akbar, 2015)
According to Jianguo and Frimpong (2010) the
impact of job dissatisfaction that occurs is that
employees will feel physically and emotionally
fatigued, frustrated with their work, prolonged stress
and decreased work morale which leads to a
decrease in work productivity, which will have a bad
influence on companies like, high levels of burnout
and turnover so companies have to spend a lot of
money on hiring while providing training to new
employees.If this impact occurs in a company, of
course, the efficiency and effectiveness of a
company will be disrupted, thus hampering efforts to
achieve the desired goals by the company (Akbar,
2017). Therefore, a company really needs to pay
attention to employee job satisfaction (Happock, in
Saeed and Farooqi, 2014). Job satisfaction is a
feeling felt by individuals towards the work being
undertaken (Vroom, in Aziri 2011). Furthermore,
Nur (2013) states that job satisfaction is a collection
of feelings and beliefs held by an employee both
pleasant and unpleasant about his work.
Job satisfaction is related to psychological
aspects such as comfort and tranquility in work,
physical aspects that include the type of work, time
management to the health conditions of employees,
and social factors related to the relationships that
employees have with colleagues and superiors, and
related financial factors with guaranteed employee
welfare including salary systems, types of benefits,
facilities provided and promotions that will be
obtained (Sutrisno, in Ganapathi, 2016).
Agha, Azmi, and Irfan (2017) state that job
satisfaction will have a positive impact on work
outcomes that can create the success of an
organization. One that can trigger job satisfaction is
work-life balance. Work-life balance becomes
important when an employee feels stress,
competition, and discomfort with the work
atmosphere. Delina and Raya (2013) added that
Work-life balance is a suitable variable for
employees who work for companies that have high
work demands and long working hours.According to
Lazar, Condruta, Patricia (2012) work-life balance is
defined as how an individual can match the various
roles he has, namely the role of being in the world of
work and outside the world of work. Work-life
balance is a perception that activities or roles
performed in these two domains must be balanced
and can provide positive growth and development in
their respective domains (Kalliath & Brough, 2008),
so that an individual can function properly in each
the role carried out, thus this will minimize the role
imbalances that occur (Meenakshi, Subrahmanyam,
and Ravichandran, 2013).
The form of work-life balance consists of the
balance of time which is related to the amount of
time given by individuals both in work and outside
the work context by allocating the time spent
working and doing other things outside the work
such as having time with family, relax, and rest
effectively. Then, the balance of involvement refers
to the level of psychological involvement and
commitment that an individual can give in his work
or outside of his job. The balance of involvement
involves employees who can enjoy the time
available, be involved physically and emotionally in
each role. When working hours have been
completed, then the remaining time is used to
engage with the family or do other activities other
than work.
Furthermore, the balance of satisfaction refers to
the level of satisfaction of an individual on the
activities of his work and things outside of his work.
Satisfaction balance comes from within, which
arises when employees consider what they have
done so far is good enough and can accommodate
work needs and outside the context of the work. This
can be seen from family conditions, relationships
with colleagues, and the quality and quantity of
Work-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking Employee in Banda Aceh
work produced. (Greenhaus, Collins, and Shaw,
2003). If the balance mentioned above can be
achieved with an appropriate portion, then
employees will feel happiness and satisfaction with
their work so that they can complete the tasks
assigned to them and become more productive
(Bajpai, Prasad, Pandey, 2013).If an employee can
achieve work-life balance, what will be felt is that
everything goes well between the roles performed in
the workplace and in the family environment so that
individuals do not feel burdened and can carry out
their roles properly. Furthermore, employees can
control what is their priority and the goals to be
achieved in accordance with the values adhered to
without influence from other people, feel that the
two roles are lived to give a sense of happiness,
satisfaction and feel life is more meaningful because
they feel more leverage in the workplace be
meaningful in the family (Adiningtyas and
Mardhatillah, 2016).
Employees with a good work-life balance feel
able to fulfill the role that is undertaken between the
work environment and outside the work
environment and can minimize the role conflicts that
occur between them (Byrne, in Hall & Rife, 2015).
If success in balancing roles in the world of work
and outside the world of work, then it can be a
determinant for an individual to be in positive
feelings while increasing one's self-esteem, abilities,
and satisfaction (Ramos, 2015).
There are several studies related to work-life
balance with job satisfaction including research
conducted by Noor Amalina Bt Bani Hasan and Lee
Su Teng in 2017 entitled work-life balance and job
satisfaction among working adults in Malaysia: The
Role of Gender and Race as moderators. The data
was obtained from questionnaires given to 120
respondents, 70% of 120 respondents were married
women. The results of the study are that the
relationship between work-life balance and job
satisfaction is significant.
2.1 Work-life Balance
Fisher (2003) states that work-life balance is
something that a person does in dividing his time
both in the workplace and other activities outside of
work in which there are individual behaviors where
this can be a source of personal conflict and a source
of energy for himself or herself.
The work-life balance aspects adopted by Fisher
(2001) are as follows:
a. Work Interference Personal Life (WIPL): This
aspect reveals the interference (interference) that
comes from work and disrupts personal life. In
other words, work affects one's personal life.
This interference has a negative effect on
personal life. This interference indicates a
person's low work life balance.
b. Personal Life Interference Work (PLIW): This
aspect reveals the interference from personal life
at work. That is, one's personal life affects the
work of the individual. This interference causes
the ineffectiveness of one's performance in their
work. This interference indicates a person's low
work life balance.
c. Work Personal Life Enhancement: This aspect
shows that personal life and work influence each
other and have a positive effect on these two
domains. The fulfillment of this aspect is one
indication of the achievement of one's work life
According to Poulose and Sudarsan (2014) the
factors that influence work-life balance are: (a)
Individual factors including personality, well being,
and emotional intelligence. (b) Organizational
factors including work arrangement, work support,
work-life balance policies, job stress, technology,
and role. (c) Societal factors including childcare
responsibilities and family support. (d) Other
societal factors
2.2 Job Satisfaction
Spector (1997) states that job satisfaction is an
individual's feeling towards his work which includes
various different aspects in it, as well as a condition
where an individual likes or dislikes his work.
There are nine aspects of job satisfaction according
to Spector (1994):
a. Pay, this aspect measures satisfaction related to
the salary received and the existence of a salary
b. Promotion, this aspect measures satisfaction with
regard to policies and opportunities to get
promotions fairly for every employee who does a
good job.
c. Supervision, this aspect measures one's job
satisfaction towards his supervisor. Do
employees prefer to work with superiors who are
supportive, warm (employee centered), or with
superiors who are indifferent, rude, and focus on
work (job centered).
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
d. Benefits, this aspect measures the extent to
which employees feel satisfied with the
additional benefits received from the company.
e. Awards, every individual who strives, works
hard, and serves the company must want to be
respected and also get the right reward.
f. Work Procedures and Regulations, this aspect
measures satisfaction related to regulations,
bureaucracy, workloads and procedures at work.
g. Co-workers, this aspect measures job satisfaction
related to relationships with co-workers who are
harmonious and complementary.
h. Nature of work, this aspect measures things
related to the work itself, for example variations
in tasks, increased knowledge, responsibility,
autonomy, job enrichment, and the complexity of
i. Communication, related to communication that
takes place within the company. with smooth
communication, employees become more aware
of tasks, obligations, and everything that happens
within the company.
According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2011) there are
main factors that influence job satisfaction, namely:
(a) Need Fulfilment, (b) Discrepancies, (c) Value
Attainment, (d) Equity, (e) Dispositional/Genetic
This study uses a quantitative approach to the type
of correlation research. Quantitative approach is a
set of statistical techniques used to measure the
closeness of the relationship between two variables
(Idrus, 2009). The population in this study were all
employees of state-owned banks located in Banda
Aceh. The sample in this study amounted to 204
people, using the nonprobability sampling method,
with incidental sampling technique.The sample in
this study were some employees who worked at
BUMN Bank in Banda Aceh and has the following
characteristics: (a) Male and female, (b) Work at
state-owned bank location in Banda Aceh.
The first stage in research is to prepare
measurment instruments that will be used to collect
data. In this study, the measuring instruments used
were two psychological scales namely Work-Life
Balance Scale and Job Satisfaction scale. Work-Life
Balance Scale by Fisher (2003) which has been
developed by Hayman (2005) which still refers to
Fisher's theory which consists of 15 items, designed
to asses three dimentions of work-life balance, i.e.,
work interference with personal life (WIPL-7 items),
personal life interference work (PLIW-4 items), and
work personal life enhancement (WPLE-4 items).
Meanwhile, the job satisfaction scale developed by
Spector (1985) measures nine aspects of job
satisfaction which consists of 36 items.
After the scale is arranged, the next process the
researcher enters is the expert review stage which
aims to see the accuracy of the statements that have
been translated. The expert review process was
carried out through a consultation process with three
experts who became reviewers. The trial was
conducted at Bank Syariah Mandiri employees in
Banda Aceh by providing a psychological scale
namely work-life balance scale and Job Satisfaction
Survey. The researcher distributed 32 scales to Bank
Syariah Mandiri employees in Banda Aceh. The trial
process is held from August 3 to September 10,
The collected data is then stored and analyzed to
test the reliability of the work-life balance scale and
job satisfaction survey. The work-life balance scale
has a reliability of 0.882 and the job satisfaction
survey scale has a reliability of 0.896. In the results
of the trial analysis, it was found that the different
item power index statements on work-life balance
ranged from 0.278 to 0.713, while the statement of
different power indexes on the job satisfaction
survey ranged from 0.255 to 0.628.
The research data collection process was
conducted from October 10 to December 4, 2018.
Researchers spread questionnaires directly and
online through the Google form. This is done to get
wider data. The researcher spread the questionnaire
directly from October 10 to November 23, 2018, but
after weighing so that more data was obtained, the
researcher decided to spread the questionnaire online
through google form which began on October 26 to
December 4, 2018. There were 103 subjects who fill
out questionnaires through direct questionnaires and
101 subjects who filled out questionnaires online.
3.1 Data Analysis
The normality test in this study is to use the One
sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in order to see
whether the population of the data is normally
distributed or not. Data that can be said to be
normally distributed is data that is at a significant
value of p> 0.05 (Priyatno, 2011).
Linearity test is carried out using Test for
linearity at a significance level of 5%. Both variables
are stated to have a linear relationship at a
significant value p <0.05 (Priyatno, 2011).
Work-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking Employee in Banda Aceh
The hypothesis test used in this study is the
Pearson correlation test. This is because the data in
the study are normally distributed. Hypothesis
testing uses the help of the Statistical Product and
Service Solution (SPSS) application.
The results of data analysis using the assumption test
that is the normality test on the subjective well-being
variable have a significance value (p) = 0.634 and
the self-acceptance variable shows a significance
value (p) = 0.390, and a linearity test with a
significance value (p) = 0.759. The assumption test
results indicate that the research data is normally
distributed and not linear, so the hypothesis test is
performed using the nonparametric method, namely
the Spearman-Brown Formula correlation. This
method is used to analyze the relationship between
subjective well-being and self-acceptance in
scavengers. Both variables show a correlation
coefficient of (r) = 0.036, with a significance value
(p) = 0.727 (p> 0.05), thus, it can be interpreted that
there is no relationship between self-acceptance and
subjective well-being of scavengers. The
demographic data of research subjects can be seen in
table 1.
Based on the demographic data above, the
highest number of samples is in the 26-30 year age
category, which is as many as 80 subjects (39.2%)
and at least in the 56-60 year age category, which is
as many as 1 subject (0.5%) Based on gender,
female subjects were more compared to male
subjects as many as 136 subjects (66.7%). The
subjects of this study were more married, 107
subjects (52.5%) and subjects who did not have
children dominated more than those who had
children, 111 subjects (54.4%). Subjects working at
Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) dominated more than
57 subjects (27.9%). The subjects of this study were
at most 5 years of work, namely 125 subjects (61%)
and the most dominant back office positions as
many as 102 subjects (50%).
Table 1: Data description
Category Amount (%) Total
21 – 25 Years 47 23%
26 – 30 Years 80 39,2%
31 – 35 Years 36 17,6%
36 – 40 Years 19 9,3%
41 – 45 Years 5 2,5%
46 – 50 Years 11 5,4%
51 – 55 Years 5 2,5%
56 – 60 Years 1 0,5%
Male 68 33,3%
Female 136 66,7%
Not Married 97 47,5%
Married 107 52,5%
0 111 54,4%
1 39 19,1%
2 34 16,7%
3 16 7,8%
4 1 0,5%
5 2 1%
6 1 0,5%
BNI 57 27,9%
BRI 53 26%
BTN 41 20,1%
Mandiri 53 26%
< 1 – 5 years 125 61%
6 – 10 years 38 19%
11 – 15 years 14 7%
16 – 20 years 12 6%
21 - 25 years 8 4%
26 - 30 years 5 2,5%
31 - 34 years 1 0,5%
ccount Office
19 9%
dministrasi 8 4%
nalis 10 5%
ack Office 102 50%
ront Line
55 27%
10 5%
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
Normality test conducted using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov on both variables. The results showed that
the data were normally distributed because the
significance (p) was> 0.05. The work life balance
scale obtained a significance value (p) = 0.632 (p>
0.05), while on the job satisfaction scale the
significance value (p) = 0.251 (p> 0.05).Based on
the linearity test performed on the two research
variables through ANOVA test for linearity. The
results showed a significance value (p) = 0,000.
Significance value (p) = 0,000 (p <0.05) indicates
that there is a linear relationship between work life
balance variables and job satisfaction.Hypothesis
testing in this study uses statistical analysis with
Pearson correlation techniques, because both data
are normally distributed. The results of the analysis
in this study indicate that the significance value (p) =
0,000 is smaller 0.05 (p <0.05). These results
indicate that there is a relationship between work life
balance and job satisfaction for employees of state-
owned banks in Banda Aceh. Therefore, the research
hypothesis is accepted.
This study was conducted to determine the
relationship between work-life balance and job
satisfaction in employees of state-owned banks in
Banda Aceh. The results showed a positive
relationship between work-life balance and job
satisfaction for employees of state-owned banks in
Banda Aceh, meaning that the higher the work-life
balance, the higher job satisfaction. Thus the
hypothesis proposed in this study was accepted.
These results are obtained from the results of
statistical data analysis which shows the value of the
correlation coefficient (r) = 0.366 with a significance
value (p) = 0,000 (p <0.05).
This finding is in line with the research of
Yusnani and Prasetio (2018) which states that there
is a significant positive relationship between work-
life balance and job satisfaction for employees due
to the fact that the creation of job satisfaction is
inseparable from the balance that occurs in work life
and personal life.
Wenno's research results (2018) state that
individuals who have a high work-life balance can
manage their time to work and personal affairs
properly, have and use the available time equally,
work well according to their responsibilities and
have a pleasant social life, it will have an impact on
employee job satisfaction.
Greenhaus (2003) states that individuals who
have work-life balance will be more satisfied and
happy with their work as well as their personal lives
because employees can participate in both fields,
have mental health because they feel harmony,
compatibility and in conditions optimal so that
individuals can meet the demands of long-term tasks
that exist in work and personal life. Employees who
can maintain work-life balance are characterized by
contributing and behaving positively towards their
work, assuming that the actual workload is heavy
and not being carried out, feeling comfortable and
happy with their work, this feeling will direct
employees to job satisfaction (Mukhtar, 2012).
The results of this study indicate that there are
72% of employees have high work-life balance,
while for job satisfaction there are 77% of
employees in the categorization of high job
satisfaction. This condition, according to Handayani
(2015) shows that employees already have the
ability to balance their roles by being able to share
roles well when they are in the workplace and
personal, can be responsible for activities in both
fields and can determine priorities in their lives
(Handayani, 2015 ).
Based on the results of research carried out on 204
subjects with employment status as Employees of
BUMN Banks in Banda Aceh, it can be concluded
that the hypothesis is accepted. This study has
proven that there is a relationship between the two
variables, namely work-life balance with job
satisfaction on employees of state-owned banks in
Banda Aceh and shows the direction of a positive
relationship so that the higher the work-life balance
results, the higher job satisfaction, conversely the
lower work-life balance, the lower job satisfaction.
To the next researcher who wants to do research
with the same variables, it can be investigated using
other methods, for example, qualitative by involving
interview techniques to deepen the results of
research, especially related to the dynamics or
description of how work-life balance and job
satisfaction are felt by the subject this.
For employees to set goals, plans, and priorities
so that will help in determining where to go, which
way to take. Make a structure of what must be done,
so that it will help in planning and determining
personal targets. Employees should have good time
management so that they can finish their jobs
effectively so that they lead to productive
Work-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking Employee in Banda Aceh
employees. Following the necessary training, so that
it adds knowledge and skills so that it will help in
resolving solutions that might not be solved so that
the solution can be applied in daily life.
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Work-balance and Job Satisfaction among Public Banking Employee in Banda Aceh