Subjective Well-being and Self-acceptance among Scavengers
Sarah Hafiza, Marty Mawarpury, Dahlia, Maya Khairani
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Subjective Well-Being, Self-Acceptance, Scavengers, Banda Aceh.
Abstract: Working as a scavenger provides positive and negative experiences. It relates to the individual's self-esteem
and subjective well-being. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between subjective
well-being with self-acceptance on scavengers in Banda Aceh. This study using a quantitative approach
with non-probability sampling and incidental sampling techniques which involved 94 scavengers consisting
of 48 males and 46 females (17-65 years). Subjective well-being was measured using Satisfaction with Life
Scale (SWLS) and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE), while self-acceptance was
measured using Berger's Self-Acceptance Scale. Data analysis using correlation analysis Spearman-Brown
Formula with the result of correlation coefficient (r)=0.036 and significance value (p)=0.727 (p>0.05).
These results indicated that there was no relationship between subjective well-being and self-acceptance on
scavengers. In separate, data showed that more than 50% of scavengers with the highest category, both for
subjective well-being (67.1%) and self-acceptance (61.7%). It happens caused by several factors in the
meaning of life.
The population continues to occur in Indonesia.
According to Bahar (2014), a country will
increasingly get poorer population and economic
growth does not increase in harmony. Indonesia's
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) 2019, the number of
poor people in March 2019 reached 25.14 million
people with the number of poor people in Aceh as of
March 2019 depending on the number of 819
thousand people or 15.32 percent and the highest in
Sumatra. Poor population in Indonesia, including
Aceh, decreased population from the previous year,
but the poor population will affect the social life of
the community (Bahar, 2014; Nurnaningsih, 2017).
The results of Fitrah, Isnaini, and Asshary (2017)
research stated that scavengers are alternative jobs
chosen by several individuals so they will not be
accepted. Scavengers, according to Shalih (2003),
are individuals who collect, collect, and search for
trash, both individuals and groups. The positive
impact of working as a scavenger is to get an
education and be able to finance education for
families, free from work rules (KumparanNews,
2017), and also avoid deviant policies (Magdalena,
2015). Another benefit of scavengers for the
surrounding environment can reduce the amount of
waste in the city while classifying waste by type
(Pardede, 2017). On the other hand, the negative
impact of working as a scavenger is that some
people consider working as a scavenger representing
a profession that is considered low (Perdanaffebri,
2016), risks to health due to uncleanliness and the
safety factor of the scavengers working in
'mountains of garbage' (KumparanNews, 2017).
Working as a scavenger is one part of economic
development to get income. Efforts to increase
income to meet the needs needed and can improve
individual welfare (Rochaida, 2016). According to
Diener (2000), subjective well-being is determined
by how individuals evaluate information or events
experienced. The methods used to evaluate an event
are also influenced by temperament, standards set by
the individual, mood, situations that occur and are
experienced as well as cultural influences. In other
words, subjective well-being includes cognitive and
affective evaluations (positive and negative feelings)
of the individual.
In addition to subjective well-being, the impact
that is received by the scavengers is very influential
on the individual, so that this condition indirectly
relates to self-acceptance with the situations and
conditions that are undertaken. According to
Osborne (1992) self-acceptance as an attitude of
Hafiza, S., Mawarpury, M., Dahlia, . and Khairani, M.
Subjective Well-being and Self-acceptance among Scavengers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009447202430248
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 243-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
accepting themselves both weaknesses and strengths
they have. Self-acceptance is the key to achieving
success because individuals can walk with
confidence. Individuals with low self-acceptance
conditions will tend to close themselves off from
others, ashamed, to make certain efforts towards
various things that are still lacking (Ridha, 2012).
Conversely, individuals with high self-acceptance
will be able to accept all the weaknesses and
strengths they have to create self-confidence, joy,
enthusiasm, not feel inferior, be able to
communicate, adjust, and be able to carry out social
interactions with others and be more focused in
business optimizing one's potential for success
(Santrock, 2003; Prihadhi, 2004).
Working as a scavenger is not something that
every individual wants, but rather a life demand that
forces the scavenger to continue to live his life as
well as possible and accept his life sincerely (Ulina,
Kurniasih, & Putri, 2013; Diansari, 2016).
Individuals with low self-acceptance will tend to
close themselves off from others, ashamed, to make
certain efforts towards various things that are still
lacking (Ridha, 2012). Based on this, this study aims
to see whether there is a relationship between
subjective well-being with self-acceptance in
2.1 Subjective Well-being
In early 1969 Bradburn introduced welfare having
two approaches which are usually called hedonists
and eudaemonic. Hedonic well-being refers to good
feelings, while eudaimonic well-being refers to a
good life. Hedonic well-being is also often called
subjective well-being (Hederson & Knight, 2012).
According to Diener and Tov (2013), subjective
well-being is the way a person evaluates himself and
the experiences that occur from their lives.
Subjective well-being is also better known as
happiness, it is because positive feelings become an
important thing for the welfare aspect. According to
Diener and TOV (2013), subjective well-being has
three components, including; a) life satisfaction, b)
pleasant effect, and c) Negative Affect. Diener
(1984) explains that 6 factors influence subjective
well-being, some of which are subjective
satisfaction, income, behavior and results,
personality, and biological influence.
2.2 Self Acceptance
In the 20th century, experts discussed the acceptance
of acceptance (Williams & Lynn, 2010). In the late
1940s acceptance (acceptance) was divided into two
domains, namely self-acceptance and acceptance of
others (Sheerer, 1949). Self-acceptance is an
individual's assessment of him by giving rise to
confidence in living life, being responsible, being
able to accept criticism and suggestions objectively,
not blaming yourself, not feeling rejected, not
thinking of himself differently from others, and not
ashamed and feeling inferior (Berger, 1952). Self-
acceptance behavior according to Berger (1952) are;
a) Internal standards for individuals are guidelines
for behavior where the individual does not rely on
external pressure to behave; b) Have self-confidence
in living life; c) Responsible for accepting the
consequences of each behavior, d) Receiving praise
and criticism objectively, e) Individuals do not try to
reject and deny the feelings, motives, limitations,
and abilities possessed, f) Feel valuable and equal
with others; g) Individuals do not feel that others
will reject it; g) Individuals do not consider
themselves strange, abnormal, and different from
others; h) Individuals do not feel ashamed or self-
conscious of others.
This research is a type of quantitative research using
a non-probability sampling method with incidental
sampling techniques. The subjects in this study were
94 scavengers with the following subject criteria:
collecting or collecting used goods in various places
to make a living, do not have a permanent job, aged
15 years and above. Measuring instruments used in
the study are divided into three, on subjective well-
being measured using two scales, namely
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, et al.,
1985) which measure the components of life
satisfaction and positive and negative affect
components measured using Scale of Positive and
Negative Experience (SPANE) (Diener, et al.,
2009). Self-acceptance was measured using Berger's
Self-Acceptance Scale compiled by Berger (1952).
Analysis of the data used in this study uses non-
parametric methods, namely Spearman-Brown
Formula because the two variables are not linear.
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
The results of data analysis using the assumption test
that is the normality test on the subjective well-being
variable have a significance value (p) = 0.634 and
the self-acceptance variable shows a significance
value (p) = 0.390, and a linearity test with a
significance value (p) = 0.759. The assumption test
results indicate that the research data is normally
distributed and not linear, so the hypothesis test is
performed using the nonparametric method, namely
the Spearman-Brown Formula correlation. This
method is used to analyze the relationship between
subjective well-being and self-acceptance in
scavengers. Both variables show a correlation
coefficient of (r) = 0.036, with a significance value
(p) = 0.727 (p> 0.05), thus, it can be interpreted that
there is no relationship between self-acceptance and
subjective well-being of scavengers. The
demographic data of research subjects can be seen in
table 1.
The results showed that there was no relationship
between subjective well-being with self-acceptance
in scavengers, in other words, the hypothesis put
forward in the study was rejected. The absence of a
relationship between subjective well-being and self-
acceptance in individuals can be caused by several
factors. According to Diener (1984) which can affect
subjective well-being in individuals, for example,
subjective satisfaction, income, age, gender, culture,
religion, work, education, marriage, and personality.
The same thing was expressed by Hurlock (2009)
that several factors affect individual self-acceptance,
namely the existence of self-understanding, having
realistic expectations, the absence of environmental
barriers, appropriate social behavior, the absence of
emotional stress, and self-concept stable one.
Further study is conducted at the level of subjective
welfare categorization and self-acceptance. Can be
seen in the following Table 2.
Table 2: The level of subjective welfare
categorization and self-acceptance.
High (%) Low (%)
Subjective well-
Table 1: Demographic data of study samples.
Description Number
Male 48 51 %
Girl 46 48,9 %
17-25 years 19 20,2 %
26-35 years
29 30,8 %
36-45 years
27 28,7 %
46-55 years
16 17 %
65 years 2 2,1 %
65 and above 1 1,06 %
Last educatio
13 13,8 %
Middle School 38 40,4 %
39 41,4%
D2 / D3 2 2,1 %
S1 2 0,01 %
Marital status
65 70 %
Single 20 21,2 %
Widow 6 6,3 %
3 3,1 %
82 87,2 %
Flores 1 1,1 %
Java 8 8,5 %
Mandailing 1 1,1 %
Nias 2 2,1 %
Islam 94 100 % 100
Length of
<3 years 43 45,7%
4-6 years 14 14,8%
7-9 years 12 12,7%
10-12 years 18 19,1%
13-15 years 6 6,3%
> 16 years ol
Earnings (per
Rp1,000 –
38 40,2 %
Rp 50,000 to
Rp 100,000
49 52,1 %
IDR 100,000 -
IDR 150,000
5 5,3 %
Rp150,000 –
1 1,06 %
> 200,000 1 1,06 %
Subjective Well-being and Self-acceptance among Scavengers
According to the results of the study, researchers
suspect the role of religious and cultural factors that
greatly affect the level of subjective well-being and
self-acceptance of waste pickers in Aceh. Of the 94
subjects, there were 82 Acehnese and all of them
were Muslim. According to Ishak (2013), Islam is
the identity of the people of Aceh, so that Islam
becomes a way of life that is settled in a system and
social structure that will become a way of life.
Umami (2009) further explained that Aceh was
known to have a culture with strong religious values,
attitudes, and a hard character in dealing with life's
problems, and patience and sincerity towards things
that were God's will. According to Abdullah (2010),
there are several characteristics of Acehnese
according to the socio-cultural side of Aceh built
based on religion and tradition which forms a source
of social structuring that takes place in Aceh,
Acehnese people uphold the values of collectivity, it
can also be explained that culture and Acehnese adat
is nothing but the Islamic norm itself. Culture or
adat in the context of religion is very important and
Islamic teachings have become the way of life of the
people of Aceh (Samad, 2017).
Diener in 1984 said that religion and culture
were one of the factors that influenced subjective
well-being. In general, individual trust tends to
increase higher subjective well-being, such as prayer
and worship have also been linked to higher
subjective well-being (Diener & Ryan, 2009).
Badaria and Astuti (2004) also revealed that religion
can be one of the factors that influence self-
acceptance, where individuals will accept all trials
and see as something natural, consider themselves as
people chose to be tested, as trials of life, and maybe
things are not liked but that's the best thing for him.
individual self. The same thing was expressed by
Subandi (1997) that individuals who can accept their
nature with all their shortcomings and weaknesses
by trusting to foster an attitude of self-acceptance.
This is supported by the results of the research
conducted. Mukti and Dewi (2013) found that there
is a relationship between the role of religion and
When conducting research, researchers also
obtain information verbally in the field that shows
several reasons why subjects choose to work as
scavengers that can affect the level of subjective
well-being and subject self-acceptance. Some
reasons for choosing to work as a scavenger include;
because it went bankrupt from the business that was
undertaken before, did not get a job despite getting a
bachelor's degree, and other reasons because
working as a scavenger did not beg for others and
avoid deviant behavior (stealing). According to
Diener (2013) individuals who have a job, have
higher subjective well-being than those who do not.
work can also affect the feelings and happiness of
individuals. The results also showed that some of
these subjects showed high levels of subjective well-
Based on the results of the analysis conducted
separately showed that more than 50% of research
subjects are in the high-level categorization both for
the variable subjective well-being and self-
acceptance variable, where there are 67% of subjects
have a high level of subjective well-being, and there
are 61.7% subjects have a high level of self-
acceptance. Furthermore, there were only 32.9% of
subjects in the low categorization for subjective
well-being and 38.2% of subjects for low self-
acceptance. This is because there are factors that
influence subjective well-being and self-acceptance
in each of these variables.
The results showed that there was no relationship
between self-acceptance and the subjective well-
being of scavengers in the city of Banda Aceh.
However, if the two variables are examined
separately it can be seen that more than 50% of
scavengers in the city of Banda Aceh have
subjective well-being and high self-acceptance.
Based on the results of further analysis of each
variable, it is known that there are factors that
influence subjective well-being and self-acceptance,
namely the role of Acehnese culture and religion, in
which Acehnese culture makes Islam as a guide or
guideline in the values of life.
The next researcher can use qualitative methods
through observation and interviews to deepen the
results of the research variables, especially related to
the dynamics or the description of subjective well-
being and self-acceptance in the scavengers.
Research can also be done not only with scavengers
but can be compared with beggars or individuals
who have similar criteria.
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