The Relationship between Leadership Commitment, Environmentally
Sustainable Operations and Firm Performance: Evidence from a
Survey of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms
Benjamin Agyei-Owusu, Ebenezer Okpoti
Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
Keywords: Green practices, Leadership commitment, Environmentally sustainable operations.
Abstract: The last decade has seen growing interest in environmentally sustainable operations in emerging economies.
However research into the drivers and outcomes of environmentally sustainable operations of
manufacturing firms in Africa has been largely lacking. This study develops a research model which
proposes that environmentally sustainable operations are driven by a leadership commitment to green
practices and results in improved firm performance. Data to test to the research model was derived from a
survey of 334 manufacturing firms operating in Ghana and was analyzed using partial least squares
structural equation modeling. The results of the study confirmed that leadership commitment had a
significant effect on environmentally sound operations, which in turn significantly impacted firm
performance. The implications of the study are discussed.
The past two decades have witnessed considerable
growth in the concerns for the environment. There
have been growing calls for firms to minimize the
environmental effects of their business operations as
a result of environmental challenges such as global
warming, climate change, land, water and air
degradation, and renewable natural resource
depletion (Morelli, 2013). Research into
environmentally sustainable business operations has
also grown considerably over the past decades, with
the majority of recent studies exploring green
practices not only in individual firms but across the
entire supply chain (Srivastava, 2007).
Whilst the research into the adoption of
environmentally sustainable operations has been
growing in recent years, it is still not clear what
causes some firms to better implement
environmentally sustainable operations compared to
others. Existing literature has also not properly
explored the outcomes of adopting environmentally
sustainable operations within an African context.
This study attempts to address these research gaps
by proposing the firm’s leadership commitment to
green practices plays a vital role in the level of
environmentally sustainable operations achieved,
which subsequently translates into significant firm
performance gains. Leadership commitment refers to
the managerial preparedness to assign resources and
take behaviors that lead to the advance of
capabilities in-line with the anticipated results
(Noble et al., 2002). Thus in the context of this
study, leadership commitment to green practices
refers to the willingness of top management to lead
the firm’s green implementation. Firm performance
is a measure of the ability of the firm to meet its
functional and financial performance objectives.
The study is significant in a number of ways.
First, the study provides an explanation for why
some firms are able to outperform others in their
green practices outcomes, by confirming that firms
with a stronger top management commitment to
green practices achieve higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations. The study
also establishes that higher levels of environmentally
sustainable operations result in higher firm
performance within an African context. The study as
well provides insights for leaders of firms to help
guide them in their efforts to achieve higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations.
The rest of the paper is presented as follows. The
theoretical and research model are presented next,
followed by a discussion of the methodology. The
results of the study are then presented and discussed.
Agyei-Owusu, B. and Okpoti, E.
The Relationship between Leadership Commitment, Environmentally Sustainable Operations and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Survey of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms.
DOI: 10.5220/0009445902590264
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 260-265
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The study concludes with a discussion of the
implications of the study, limitations of the study,
and directions for future research.
The study is grounded on the resource-based view of
the firm, which proposes that firms are able to
outperform their rivals when they possess superior
resources, competences, and capabilities.
Specifically, firms that possess resources and
capabilities that are valuable, rare, and not easily
imitable resources and capabilities are able to gain a
competitive advantage over their rivals (Barney,
1991). Capabilities refer to bundles of skills,
competences, and resources that are used to perform
a task (Barney, 1991). Effective leadership has been
explored as competence in previous studies (Preston
et al., 2008). This study views leadership
commitment to green practices as an important
competence that influences the level to which firms
achieve environmentally sustainable operations.
Environmentally sustainable operations then serve as
valuable capabilities that firms can use as a basis for
achieving superior performance.
The conceptual framework of the study proposes
that firms’ leadership commitment to green practices
impacts the level of environmentally sustainable
operations they achieve, which in turn impacts their
firm performance. Leadership commitment is also
proposed to directly influence firm performance.
The conceptual framework is presented in Figure 1
Figure 1: Conceptual framework
The pursuit of environmentally sustainable
operations demands certain capabilities to help in the
implementation. It has been contended that robust
commitment and outstanding leadership are required
to improve competitiveness and sustainability of
supply value chains (Defee et al., 2009; Gosling et
al., 2017). A well trained top management team
committed to implementing green practices in an
organization is vital for high levels of
environmentally sustainable operations to be
achieved (Dubey et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2005;
Pagell and Wu, 2009). The study, therefore,
proposes that firms with high leadership
commitment to green practices will have higher
levels of environmentally sustainable operations. It
is therefore hypothesized that:
H1: Higher levels of leadership commitment to
green practices lead to higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations
The study additionally hypothesizes that firms
with high leadership commitment to green practices
attain higher firm performance. According to the
resource-based view, firms possessing superior
resources, competences, and capabilities that are
able to attain a superior competitive advantage
(Barney, 1991). Leadership commitment to green
practices represents one such competence and is
expected to result in firm performance gains in the
form of minimization of cost on resource utilization
and increased efficiency in operations (Overstreet et
al., 2013; Birasnav 2013). Thus it is hypothesized
H2: Higher levels of Leadership commitment
lead to higher levels of firm performance
Firms that have high levels of environmentally
sustainable operations are able to minimize resource
usage, utility bills, fines through non-compliance to
environmental laws, and resource wastage (Emmett
and Sood, 2010). This is expected to result in
considerable cost savings for the organization,
thereby improving the financial performance of the
organization. Thus, the study hypothesizes that:
H3: Higher levels of environmentally sustainable
operations lead to higher levels of firm performance
Measurement items for the constructs were sourced
from items previously used in literature. The items
were modified slightly to fit the context of the study.
The items were also submitted to two academics and
three business leaders who were experts in
environmentally sustainable operations for content
validation. Their inputs were used to refine the
questionnaire items.
Data for the study was obtained through a survey
of selected manufacturing firms in Ghana, an
emerging West African country. A directory of
The Relationship between Leadership Commitment, Environmentally Sustainable Operations and Firm Performance: Evidence from a
Survey of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms
manufacturing firms operating in Ghana was
obtained, and 640 manufacturing firms were
randomly selected for the survey. The research
questionnaire, including a cover letter, was delivered
to each selected firm through email, and some were
delivered by hand. After two rounds of follow-ups, a
total of 334 usable questionnaires were retrieved,
representing a response rate of 52.18%. The analysis
was done using Partial Least Squares Structural
Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).
4.1 Demographic Results
Analysis of the demographic data revealed that there
was a fair representation of firms of different sizes,
with the majority (25.7%) of the responding firms
having 500 to 1000 employees. In terms of industry
groups, classical manufacturing firms (42.5%) and
wood/furniture firms (35.3%) were strongly
represented. The full demographic data is presented
in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Demographic results
Number of employees Frequency Percent
Up to 30 18 5.4
30 to 100 60 18.0
101 to 500 59 17.7
501 to 1000 86 25.7
More than 1000 46 13.8
Missing 65 19.5
Total 334 100.0
Industry Frequency Percent
Manufacturing 142 42.5
Wood/Furniture 118 35.3
Mining/Extraction 2 0.6
Construction 3 0.9
Other 54 16.2
Missing 15 4.5
Total 334 100.0
4.2 Measurement Model Results
To assess the measurement model, we followed the
guidelines proposed by Hair et al. (2019). First,
indicator loadings were assessed to determine if they
exceeded the minimum cut-off criteria of 0.708. This
serves as an indication that the construct explains
more than 50 percent of the indicator's variance, thus
providing acceptable item reliability. All items
possessing factor loadings less than 0.708 were
dropped, with the remaining item loadings (in bold)
meeting this threshold, as can be seen from the
results in bold in Table 2.
Table 2: Items loadings and cross-loadings
0.245 0.406
0.233 0.287
0.288 0.295
0.220 0.336
0.275 0.343
LDCOM1 0.236
LDCOM2 0.270
LDCOM3 0.266
LDCOM4 0.281
LDCOM5 0.295
PERF1 0.293 0.270
PERF3 0.367 0.286
PERF4 0.387 0.278
PERF5 0.325 0.307
PERF6 0.410 0.312
PERF7 0.335 0.405
PERF8 0.336 0.332 0.820
Next, the internal consistency reliability of the
constructs was assessed by examining the
Composite Reliability and Cronbach Alpha values.
Composite reliability values ranged from 0.911 to
0.951, whilst Cronbach Alpha values ranged from
0.877 to 0.940, both meetings recommended
benchmarked thresholds (Hair et al., 2019). The
convergent validity of the constructs was then
assessed. Convergent validity is the extent to which
the construct converges to explain the variance of its
items. The metric used for evaluating a construct's
convergent validity is the average variance extracted
(AVE) for all items on each construct, with an AVE
0.50 or higher deemed acceptable. The AVE values
ranged from 0.671 to 0.763, meeting this
requirement. The summary of the tests for
convergent validity is presented in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Attributes of constructs
Constructs Cronbach’s
ESOP 0.877 0.911 0.671
LDCOM 0.922 0.941 0.763
PERF 0.940 0.951 0.737
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
Next, the discriminant validity of the constructs
was assessed, which is the extent to which a
construct is empirically distinct from other
constructs in the structural model. Discriminant
validity can be assessed by comparing the square
root of the AVE for each factor against the
correlation of constructs against each other, with the
former required to be higher than the latter (Fornell
and Larcker, 1981). In Table 4, the bold diagonal
figures represent square roots of AVEs whilst the
off-diagonal figures represent correlation among
constructs. It can be seen that the bold diagonal
values are all greater than the off-diagonal ones,
confirming adequate discriminant validity.
Table 4: Fornell-Larcker criterion
LDCOM 0.309
PERF 0.411 0.367
Hair et al. (2019) and Henseler et al. (2015)
argue that the Fornell-Larcker criterion is not a
strong metric of discriminant validity, with the
heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of the
correlations proposed as a more stringent alternative
(Voorhees et al., 2016). The HTMT is defined as the
mean value of the item correlations across constructs
relative to the (geometric) mean of the average
correlations for the items measuring the same
construct, with HTMT values of less than 0.90 and
below recommended for constructs that are
conceptually similar and HTMT values of 0.85 and
below recommended for constructs that are
conceptually dissimilar (Henseler et al., 2015). From
Table 5, the model passes this test, confirming
discriminant validity.
Table 5: HTMT results
LDCOM 0.342
PERF 0.446 0.390
4.3 Structural Model Results
After confirming the soundness of the measurement
model, we proceeded to analyze the structural model
and hypothesized relationships. Before assessing the
structural relationships, collinearity was examined to
ensure it does not bias the regression results. This
was done by assessing the variance inflation factor
(VIF) of the latent variables. The VIF values ranged
from 1 to 2.093, which meets the requirement of
being less than 3 (Hair et al., 2019). Next, the
model's in-sample explanatory power was assessed
by examining the R
values of the endogenous
variables. R
for the endogenous variables were
quite low, with Environmentally Sustainable
Operations having R
of 0.095 and Firm
Performance having R
of 0.233. A check of the
predictive relevance of the model using the Q
however confirmed the predictive relevance of the
model since they were larger than 0.
The hypothesized paths were analyzed by
examining their path coefficients and t-values. The
results of the tests of hypotheses are presented in
Figure 2 and Table 6.
Figure 2: Structural model results
Table 6: Summary of hypotheses results
Hs Hypothe-
0.309 6.421 Supported
0.266 5.146 Supported
0.329 6.238 Supported
The findings of the study revealed that all three
hypotheses were supported. Higher levels of
leadership commitment resulted in higher,
environmentally sustainable operations. This means
that one-way firms can improve their
environmentally sustainable operations is to get
leaders of the firm to commit to green initiatives.
This supports the assertions of Dubey et al. (2015)
and Gosling et al. (2016) that leadership
commitment is essential to achieve sound
environmental practices. Also, firms with higher
leadership commitment to green practices had higher
The Relationship between Leadership Commitment, Environmentally Sustainable Operations and Firm Performance: Evidence from a
Survey of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms
levels of firm performance as hypothesized,
supporting the assertions of Dubey et al. (2015).
This means that firms with high levels of leadership
commitment to green practices can expect both
improved environmentally sustainable operations
and improved firm performance. Finally, high,
environmentally sustainable operations lead to
higher firm performance (Emmett and Sood, 2010).
High commitment to green practices enables firms to
minimize costs and become more efficient, which
ultimately reflects positively on firm performance.
The study explored the effect of leadership
commitment to green practices on environmentally
sustainable operations and firm performance in a
Sub-Saharan African country. Analysis of data from
a survey of 334 firms revealed that higher levels of
leadership commitment to green practices enhance
both environmentally sustainable operations and
firm performance. Additionally, higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations enhance firm
There were some implications of the study. The
study presents new insights into the relationship
between leadership commitment, environmentally
sustainable operations, and firm performance, a
subject that has not been properly explored in
previous studies. Further, prior research suggests
that the outcomes of supply chain management
initiatives in Sub-Saharan African countries may be
different from outcomes observed in developed
regions from where most of the current studies
originate (Asamoah et al., 2016; Agyei-Owusu et al.,
2016). The study thus provides context-specific
insights into the positive outcomes of both high
leadership commitment to green practices and
environmentally sustainable operations in a Sub-
Saharan African country. By way of implications for
practice, the study provides insights that can guide
firms that want to achieve higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations in Sub-
Saharan Africa.
There were some limitations to the study. First,
the findings of the study may not be supported in
other regions of the world as the study was
conducted within the Sub-Saharan African context.
More studies on the antecedents and outcomes of
leadership commitment to green practices from
different regions are needed. Further studies are also
needed to explore the effects of leadership
commitment on other dimensions of sustainability.
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ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
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Measurement Items
Leadership Commitment (LDCOM)
We hold regular meetings to discuss
environmental management issues and initiatives
We allocate substantial budgets for solving
environmental problems
Our management spend substantial time and
effort on solving environmental problems
Our management devote a lot of energy to
learning and understanding emerging environmental
Our company has been engaging industry
business partners and industry experts on how to be
environmentally friendly
Environmentally Sustainable Operations (ESOP)
Compared to management’s expectations, how
much cost savings has your company made from the
following over the past 3 years?
energy/power consumption
water usage
raw material usage
fines for non-compliance with environmental
regulations and laws
fuel consumption
materials for product/service design/packaging
Firm performance (PERF)
Compared to expectations, how satisfied are you
with your company’s most recent performance in
terms of…
sales revenue
return on sales
return on investment
profit margin
growth in sales
growth in profit
growth in number of employees
growth in market share / customer size
The Relationship between Leadership Commitment, Environmentally Sustainable Operations and Firm Performance: Evidence from a
Survey of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms