The Relationship between Celebrity Worship and Parasocial
Interaction on Emerging Adult
Rizki Widiastuti, Marty Mawarpury, Arum Sulistyani and Maya Khairani
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Emerging Adult, Idol worship, Parasocial Interaction
Abstract: The ease of interacting with idols all the time allows fans to develop idol worshiping behavior. When fans
have developed idol worship behavior, they tend to develop a parasocial interaction with their idols. This
study aimed to determine the relationship between celebrity worship and parasocial interaction on emerging
adults. This study employed the quantitative method with incidental sampling technique. A total of 401
emerging adults aged 18-25 years, having an idol and students at universities in banda aceh involved in this
study. The celebrity attitude scale = 0.918) and the celebrity appeal questionnaire = 0,828) were modified
for data collection tools. Product-moment correlation was used for data analysis. The results of this study
indicate that there was a relationship between idol worship and parasocial interaction in emerging adults (r =
0.347) with the significance value of (p = 0,000), meaning that the higher the level of idol worship developed
by individuals, the higher the possibility of individual to develop interaction parasocial with his idol.
Technological development so to speak has enabled
humans to access various information through
electronic and print media. The media provides
numerous information; one of which is information
from the entertainment world. Celebrity, on the other
hand, is an essential element of entertainment hired as
a model to attract public interest alike. Celebrity
popularity has triggered the fans to take celebrities as
role models or behavioral references. This very act is
a form of idol worship (Sunarni, 2016). The media
play a significant role in promoting behaviors of idol
worship to the fans. The presence of social networks
further helps facilitate interaction between fans and
their idols. The ease of accessing the media allows
fans to intensely develop the behaviors of idol
worshiping in their lives because fans can access
various information and interact with their idols at
any time (Ninggalih, 2011).
The behavior of individuals who admire idols,
according to Raviv, Bar-Tal, and Ben-Horin (1996),
is called worship, a form of admiration with unusual
intensity toward certain persons. Worship can be
demonstrated through behaviors such as searching for
information and gathering various items related to the
idols. The fans may also imitate the way they dress
and talk and even follow their daily activities and
social behaviors. According to Maltby, Day,
McCutcheon, Houran, and Ashe (2006) idol worship
is fans' behavior that follows their idol styles or at
some point even considers themselves similar to their
idols, which if it continues to prevail may lead to
more extreme behavior and endanger themselves and
In Indonesia, the phenomenon of idol worship can
be found in the behavior of JKT48 fans so-called
"wota." Most of these wota are not only active in
seeking information about JKT48 members through
social media but also negate other fans who post
negative comments toward their idols on social
media. In the most extreme form, some wota even
threaten JKT48 members because they take pictures
with other people who are not JKT48 members
(Widjaja & Ali, 2015). The viewers of Ayat-Ayat
Cinta 2 also exhibit similar worshipping behavior.
Fahri played by Fedi Nuril attract the attention of the
audience. He is portrayed as someone who willingly
helps anyone without exception. The image of Fahri
as a good and perfect man inspire the viewers to take
him as their idols (Shintia, 2017).
A simple survey conducted by the authors
contributes to the data about idol worshiping behavior
in Banda Aceh. The responses from 30 subjects show
that 70% of the respondents developed idol worship
Widiastuti, R., Mawarpury, M., Sulistyani, A. and Khairani, M.
The Relationship between Celebrity Worship and Parasocial Interaction on Emerging Adult.
DOI: 10.5220/0009438000900094
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 90-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
behavior. One of Zayn Malik's fans said that she likes
Zayn Malik because of his appearance and talents.
The fan also feels that she and Zayn Malik is like a
close friend because she regularly searched for
information about him. The subject also reported that
the idol held the criteria of an ideal husband and
believed that he is exceptionally perfect.
A study conducted by Sukmana and Mardiawan
(2015) about parasocial interaction to female fans of
EXO Bandung in their early adulthood found that 106
respondents have developed idol worshiping
behavior. Such behavior should have been eroded
when people get older. Emerging adult fans who
worship idols and do not have a partner tend to look
for partners who are similar to their idols. Fans who
do not have a partner will eventually create
imagination or fantasize themselves as if they have
special relationships with their idols. The feelings,
which fans feel that they have special relationships
with the idol, are defined as parasocial interaction
(Sukmana & Mardiawan, 2015). According to Stever
(2009), parasocial interaction occurs when
individuals develop a one-way relationship with
someone or a figure, usually with a higher status, in
which they believe that they know the figure well but
not otherwise. Individuals also often feel that the
distance between themselves and their idols is
something good so they do not need to experience or
feel a failure in a romantic relationship.
Observing the adverse effect of idol worshiping
has on the developmental task of the emerging adults
especially in developing social interaction with others
and it may become a concern that individuals will
develop extreme parasocial interaction behaviors and
will affect individual functions in their social
environment, therefore the author expects that this
study may facilitate this group of adults to be aware
of the importance of communication and social
relations in real life. Thus, emerging adult can
function properly according to their developmental
tasks. The study hypothesizes that there is a
relationship between idol worship and parasocial
interaction on emerging adults.
2.1 Idol Worship
According to Maltby et al. (2006) idol worship is an
identity structure contained in individuals that
facilitates psychological absorption with celebrities
in an effort to build an identity and a sense of
fulfillment in individuals. Like the behavior of a fan
who follows the various styles of his idol or considers
himself to be similar to his idol. Furthermore, this
form of psychological absorption will then encourage
fans to carry out more extreme and possibly
delusional behavior.
According to Maltby et al. (2006) idol worship is
divided into three dimensions which can be described
as dimensions namely:
a. Entertainment-social
It is a dimension that is described by fans interest
in their talents, attitudes, behaviors, and things
they have done. This dimension describes the
pleasure of fans in discussing or discussing their
idols with friends.
b. Intense-personal
Intense-personal is a dimension that describes
feelings that are intensive and compulsive
towards idols. This dimension shows behavior
like fans who keep thinking about their idols even
when they don't want to.
c. Borderline-pathological
Borderline-pathological is the highest or extreme
dimension of idol worship. This is illustrated in an
attitude such as the willingness to do anything for
the sake of the celebrity even though it violates the
There are three factors that influence idol worship
(McCutcheon, Lange, & Houran, 2002), namely:
a. Age. Idol worship reaches its peak in adolescence,
and will decline slowly with age.
b. Social skills. Individuals with poor social skills
consider idol worship as compensation for not
occurring real social relations.
c. Gender. Men are more likely to idolize female
celebrities, while women tend to choose male
celebrities as their idols.
2.2 Parasocial Interaction
Stever (2009) defines that parasocial interaction is
a one-way relationship with a person or figure who
usually has a higher status, where individuals know
the figure well but not vice versa. Stever (2013)
explains that there are three highest categories that
motivate fans to develop parasocial interactions,
a. Task attraction, is the interest based on the talents
and abilities possessed by the idol.
b. Identification attraction, is an interest in being like
an idol. It can also be the thought that the idol is
like him.
c. Romantic attraction, is an interest of fans to want
to have more relationships with idols. This refers
to the desire to establish relationships with idols.
The Relationship between Celebrity Worship and Parasocial Interaction on Emerging Adult
There are several other factors that can influence
the formation of parasocial behavior according to
Hoffner (2002), namely motivational factors,
similarity, identification, and communication
between fans.
This study used the quantitative method with the
correlational approach. The correlation was examined
by looking at the relationship between idol worship
variable and parasocial interaction variable.
Correlation study is a study conducted to determine
the relationship and dimensions of the relationship
between two or more variables without any attempt to
influence these variables or variable manipulation
(Sugiyono, 2013). The population in this study were
all emerging adults in Banda Aceh aged 18-25 years
and had an idol. Incidental sampling technique was
used to draw the samples.
The author used The Celebrity Attitude Scale
developed by Maltby et al. (2006) to measure idol
worship behavior. The scale consists of 26 favorable
main items which were designed based on the three
dimensions of idol worship, Entertainment-social,
Intense-personal, and Borderline-pathological. Eight
filler items were inserted to obscure the purpose of
the questionnaire. The Celebrity Attitude Scale has
been proven valid because it has been used in several
studies. One of them was in a previous study
conducted by Maltby, Houran, Lange, Ashe, and
McCutcheon (2002). In previous studies, the validity
of The Celebrity Attitude Scale was tested using
content validity test by looking at the estimates of
several single item measurements.
The Celebrity Appeal Questionnaires developed
by Stever (1991) were modified to measure parasocial
interactions. The researcher modified this
measurement to adjust to the conditions and
objectives of the current study because The Celebrity
Appeal Questionnaire developed by Stever only
aimed to measure parasocial interactions toward
Michael Jackson fans. The Celebrity Appeal
Questionnaire consists of 26 favorable and
unfavorable items which were developed based on the
three categories of parasocial interactions, task
attraction, identification attraction, and romantic
attraction. The Celebrity Appeal Questionnaire
measuring instrument is proven to be valid because it
has been used in several studies, such as in previous
research conducted by Stever (1991) who tested the
validity of the Celebrity Appeal Questionnaire
measurement tool using the construct validity test
using the factor analysis method. Factor analysis is
done by analyzing 4 factors on the scale, namely, sex
appeal factor, hero / role model factor, entertainer
factor, and mystique factor, but only 3 factors
represent the construct except mystique factor. In
addition to the validity test that has been carried out
in previous studies, in this study the researchers
conducted a validity test on a measuring instrument
using a content validity test, this validity was
estimated through testing the feasibility or relevance
of the test content through rational analysis by a
competent panel or through expert judgment (Azwar,
Normality and linearity tests were carried out to
check if the test prerequisite was met before testing
the hypothesis. The values of the normality test are
normally distributed at K-SZ=1.142 (p>0.05) for idol
worship and K-SZ=1,162 (p>0.05) for parasocial
interaction. Linearity test indicated test for linearity
= 0,000 (p<0,05), meaning that there was a linear
relationship between idol worship and parasocial
Since the data were normally and linearly
distributed, Pearson correlation test was used to test
the hypothesis. The correlation test between idol
worship and parasocial interaction shows that there
was a strong and significant correlation value at (r) =
0,347 and p = 0,000 (p<0.05) respectively. It means
that there was a significant correlation between idol
worship and parasocial interaction in emerging
adults. This correlation suggests that the higher the
idol worship, the higher the parasocial interaction in
the emerging adults. On the other hand, the lower the
idol worship, the lower the parasocial interaction in
the emerging adults.
The results show that 37 (9. 22%) out of 401 subjects
in this study developed a higher level of idol worship
with the highest incidence occurred in the teenagers
aged 22 years old. 278 subjects (69.32%), mostly 21
years old, were in the medium category while only 86
subjects (21.44%) aged 20 years old were in the lower
category. It can be concluded that most subjects
practicing idol worship were in the medium category.
The fans will continue to think about the idols even
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
though they do not want to. One of Troye Sivan’s
idol reported that the subject often thinks of the idol
during the school hours and the subject often check
Sivan’s social network profile during the study time
(Maltby et al., 2006).
Similar results reported by Darfiyanti dan Putra
(2012) in their study regarding pop idol worship as
the bases for an intimate relationship in emerging
adults. They found that three out of four subjects
studied were in the medium category or intense-
personal feeling while the other one was in the lower
category or entertainment social. The three subjects
in the low category of idol worship or intense
personal feeling believe that having a relationship
with their ideal type idols is a reward for them since
they have little chance of being rejected.
In term of parasocial interaction, 286 (71.32) out
of 401 subjects were in the lower category. While 114
(28.42) subjects were in the medium category, only
one subject (0.2) was in the lower category. It can be
concluded that most subjects were in the high
category. At this stage, the subjects are prone to
develop parasocial interaction with their idols, and
they also tend to designate their idols as their partner
criteria (Stever, 2009).
Regarding the marital status, 4.23% of the
subjects were married, and 95.76% of the subjects
were unmarried. 12 (70.6%) of the married subjects
experienced a high level of parasocial interaction,
while only 5 (29.4) participants in the medium
category and no participants were in the lower
category. These results were in contrast to the result
found by Stever (2011) that an individual tends to
develop a linear relationship with their idol if they do
not have a partner. It seems that not only unmarried
experienced parasocial interaction with their idol.
Married subjects also have possibilities to develop a
similar struggle.
The analysis results indicate that there is a
correlation between idol worship and parasocial
interaction in the emerging adults. Slightly more than
half of the subjects, at around 51% developed
medium idol worship and high parasocial interaction
behavior. The more intense the fans develop the idol
worshiping toward their idols, the higher the chance
that they develop parasocial interaction with their
idols. The parasocial interaction may ignite the
emergence of pseudo-friendship and sense of
companionship in the fans. The sense of
companionship and pseudo-friendship is a long-term
effect of parasocial behavior that makes individuals
feel satisfied for the needs of their social interaction
and creates a pseudo-sense of friendship between
individuals and their idols (Hoffner, 2002).
The results of the study show that there was a
correlation between idol worship and parasocial
interaction which means that the hypothesis is
accepted. The majority of the emerging adults in the
current study developed a medium level of idol
worship and high level of parasocial interaction.
Emerging adults (18-25 years old) who have
developed idol worship behavior are suggested to
limit their idol worshipping activities by reducing the
time they spend looking for information (video or
news) about their idols from social and print media.
Only then can they avoid developing extreme
behavior such as leaving their duties to see their idols
and prevent themselves from the possibilities of
engaging in parasocial interaction.
The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions
of Marty Mawarpury, Arum Sulistyani and Maya
Khairani for helping author to improve this paper
research to be better and for always give warm advice
to the author during the process of writing this
research paper.
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ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology