The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at
State Prison
Kartika Sari, Devy Novianty, Mirza, Arum Sulistyani
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Keywords: Gratitude, Job Stress, Guard officers, State Prison
Abstract: Job is one of the primary needs of individuals. In working, not only have individuals always be in the
enjoyable situation, they also have pressures that lead to stress. Individual workers face a different stress;
some people deal it negatively, while the other deal it positively. Gratitude encourages positive emotions.
The presence of positive emotions can eliminate the negative emotions which reduce the job stress levels of
individual. This research aims to determine the relationship between the gratitude and job stress on guard
officers in the state prison. The sampling technique used in this study is saturated sampling where all the 40
guard officer populations were used as the sample. The two measuring instruments used in this study were
adaptation scale-6 Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) developed by McCullough, Emmons, and Tsang and the
scale of occupational stress scale (OSS) developed by House, McMichael, Wells, Kaplan, and Landerman.
The results of data analysis using Pearson correlation technique showed a correlation coefficient (r) of -
0.492 with p = 0.001 (p <0.05). Based on these results, the hypothesis is accepted which can be concluded
that there is a significant correlation between the negative emotions and gratitude with job stress on guard
officers in state prison. The results also indicated that the State Prison guard officers have a high category of
gratitude with low job stress.
Job is the main part of life and is required
professionalism which can raise some pressures for
an individual in workplace, the pressures may
happen continuously and make workers stress
(Rizkiyani & Saragih, 2012). Job stress is a
condition presenting as the result of one’s interaction
with his/her job and workplace (Anoraga, 2001). Job
stress can be experienced by everyone, one of whom
is the state prison guard.
Actof The Republic of Indonesia No 8 Year 1981
on Criminal Code Procedures states that a prison is a
place in which suspects or defendants are prisoned
during investigation, prosecution, and trial in
Indonesian court. A prison is prisoning facility of a
city or a state for the guilty who could not be
detained for more than a year in most states. A
prison functions to provide service and regulation
for prisoners, foster and guide inmates in the frame
of punishment, prevention and overcoming as well
as development and protection of Human Rights
(Machmud, 2013). According to Database system of
correctional service (2015), Aceh has 6 prisons, as
Table 1: Total of Prison in Aceh
Name of
Total of
Capacity %
Prison in
455 464 98 0
Class IIB
Prison in
23 55 45 0
Class IIB
Prison in
290 65 446 346
Sari, K., Novianty, D., Mirza, . and Sulistyani, A.
The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at State Prison.
DOI: 10.5220/0009437000290039
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 29-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Name of
Total of
Capacity %
Class IIB
Prison in
278 120 232 132
Class IIB
Prison in
275 140 196 96
Class IIB
Prison in
121 75 161 61
(Source: Database System of Correctional Service, 2015)
Based on the table above, four prisons are over
capacity i.e. Class IIB Prison in Takengon, Class IIB
Prison in Sigli, Class IIB Prison in Jantho, and Class
IIB Prison in Tapaktuan. Based on interview with
the head of Prison in Jantho, initial SM and 47-year-
old male, it is known that generally the prisoners in
the prison are from various cases like Narcotics,
corruption, and other crimes as follows murder,
thievery, and domestic violence.
Like other occupations, workers in prisons have
certain sources and levels of stress. A research from
Nigeria shows that prison guards’ stress is caused by
inadequate workplace and working facility. Those
are riots in prison, the lack of water, bad procedures,
improper building and others (Okoza &Aluede,
2010). It is different from what happens in
Indonesia, too much workload, not providing proper
welfare and the lack of resource and inadequate
facility become the causes of stress to the prisons
guards in Indonesia. Job stress experienced by the
prison guards in Indonesia tends to be caused by
workload (Rizkiyani & Saragih, 2012).
High workload is from various aspects, as the
reality told by the head of Jantho prison that job
stress of the guards is responsibility pressure.
According to House, McMichael, Wells, Kaplan,
and Landerman (1979) responsibility pressure is as
the result of the lack of human resource making
prison guards work improperly, the number of
guards is unequal with the number of prisoners, one
guard should have guard ten prisoners, however in
fact one guard guards tens of prisoners,
consequently control and overseeing are not
Workload, as the result of the lack of resource in
prison, is unequal number between guards and
prisoners affecting on the number of guards who
secure the main door. Based on interview with one
of prison guards, initial RS, he said that he became
difficult in controlling the guests in a day whose
number was expected about 100 people, and difficult
to guard the prisoners trying to escape through the
main door.
Another problem experienced by the guards in
Jantho prison was also told by a guard with initial
name R, he said that the problem happened when the
exchanging shift of guards was often late and made
the current guard have to make additional time to
wait the next guard came. Based on the interview, it
can be known that there is the indiscipline among
guards which can be seen from the lateness in
exchanging shift happening because of several
reasons like laziness in recounting the prisoners in
one block to another block, going to university to
study, walking and picking up family. It makes them
feel ashamed with the previous guard, consequently
it has bad impact to interpersonal relationship among
guards like not greeting or even not talking to each
other anymore. Robbins and Judge (2011) explains
that bad interpersonal relationship among employees
can cause stress, and role load is also experienced
when an employee is expected to work longer than it
should be. Moreover, emphasized by Mangkunegar
and Prabu (in Martini & Fadli, 2011), job conflict is
a cause of job stress.
In addition, another source of job stress in prison
is inadequate required facility at prison in Aceh.
Based on interview with the head of Jantho Prison,
SM, told that the lack of facility to support the job in
the prison like no gun, no security camera and tool
to check guests automatically. According to Istijanto
(in Martini & Fadli, 2011), a stress trigger is the
absence of facility to work. The condition is
contradict with Act of the Republic of Indonesia No.
12 year 1995 on correctional service at article 48, it
says that during working, the guards in prison should
be provided with gun and other security facilities.
Job stress is more frequently found in
organization (Robbins &Judge, 2011). According to
Hidayati, Purwanto, and Yuwono (2008), the
problem of job stress in organization is important
symptom to observe, if it is not overcome well, the
job stress can threaten and disturb job itself, like
getting angry and aggressive easily, being difficult
to be relax, having unstable emotion, committing
uncooperative behavior, having unable to be
involved feeling, and experiencing sleeping
problem, meanwhile symptoms suffered by the
prison guards are being anxious, difficult to sleep,
and depressed. Those happened because the threat of
the workplace, and other problems happening in
prison (Shanoon, 2001).
Based on the causes of job stress above, gratitude
has important role to reduce job stress. The
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
interview with one of the prison guards, initial M
said that working as prison guard was a grace in this
life, it was not only to earn for living but also to
reassure the soul and calm the heart, even though
this job was not easy to do, an individual did the job
by thinking positively. Thinking positively means
that if an individual faces problems in her/his job,
the individual will review the problem and consider
it not as frightening or avoidant matter. Despite
problems in job, an individual keep working
willingly and without complaining. An individual
keep having gratitude with the job one has because
one realizes that jobs are not necessarily pleasurable.
Jobs must feel easy if an individual has great
gratitude. As Emmons and McCullogh (2003)
explain that if one is grateful, one’s daily behaviors
and attitudes are positive, in contrary, if one is not
grateful, one’s daily behaviors and attitudes are
negative. Gratitude is not just words, but it is about
how our perspective to face something in life either
good or bad.
Al-Munajiid (2012) explains that an individual
who considers stress as positive thing will be able to
reduce stress by dzikir (remembering Allah),
performingshalat and prayer, improving self-quality,
and always being grateful to every grace from Allah.
Cahyono (2014) explains that stress can be
overcome by an individual by being grateful to
Allah as always.
According to Emmons and McCullough (2003),
gratitude is feeling about something great, feeling
thankful and appreciating advantages received
interpersonally or transpersonal from God. A
grateful individual is an individual who receives a
grace of appreciation and value of the appreciation.
A grateful individual is able to identify him/herself
as a person who is aware and thankful to the grace
by God, by others and willingly spends time to
express the gratitude (Peterson & Seligman, 2004).
When an individual cannot be grateful in facing job
problems, one is easy to suffer from job stress
(Dwijayanti, 2008). Gratitude can make an
individual accept his/her condition as part of job
which should be undergone. It will make an
individual consider the stress able to be overcome
easily (Krause, 2006).
Based on the explanation above, it can be
explained that one thing can be done to reduce job
stress is gratitude, based on this, the researchers are
interested in seeing whether there is relationship
between gratitude and job stress, especially for state
prison guards.
2.1 Gratitude
The word “gratitude is from Roman “gratia”
literally meaning elegance or thankful, performing
something with kindness, generosity, and beauty in
giving and accepting (Peterson& Seligman, 2004).
According to McCullough, Emmons, and Tsang
(2002) explain that gratitude can emerge as a trait,
feeling, mood or emotion. Gratitude is defined as
general tendency to be aware and respond to others’
kindness in the frame of positive experience and
respond what an individual gained.
Rey (2009) defines gratitude as an emotion
characterized with thankful and sufficient expression
obtained from the awareness of advantages gained
from others and the relationship between the giver
and the receiver of the advantages. Wood (2008)
states that gratitude is a form of personal character
who think positively, presenting life more positively.
2.1.1 Aspect of Gratitude
According to McCullough, Emmons and Tsang
(2002), gratitude has four aspects, as follows:
a. Intensity of gratitude
An individual that is grateful when
experiencing positive event is expected to have
more intense gratitude than one who is not
b. Frequency of gratitude
A grateful individual repeatedly and daily
expresses his/her gratitude, while one without
gratitude rarely expresses his/her gratitude.
c. Span of gratitude
Gratitude is based on how much life
condition one should be grateful, one with
gratitude will be more grateful to their family’s
condition, job, health, and their own lives. An
individual with little gratitude may be less
grateful to life aspects.
d. Density of gratitude
It is based on number of people whom will be
grateful to when one is asked to whom one feel
grateful, one with gratitude will mention many
names including family, friends, and one’s
2.1.2 Forms of Gratitude
Emmons and McCullough (2004) state that gratitude
can be personal or transpersonal. Forms of gratitude
are as follows:
The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at State Prison
a. Thankful
Thankful is a pattern of behavior to thank
someone or others personally.
b. Grateful
Gratefulis thank to what has been accepted,
or one’s full response to what he/she has even
though what he/she has is implicit.
2.1.3 Factors of Gratitude
McCullough, Emmons and Tsang (2002) state that
there are three factors of gratitude, as follows:
a. Emotion and well-being
A basic tendency to experience positive
emotion and happiness, moreover it is expected
that one with gratitude will perceive high
positive emotion
b. Prosocial
Prosocial character shows that grateful
character is from a character of how one is
oriented to sensitivity and cares of others.
Prosocial character is seen from one’s tendency
to be accepted in one’s social neighborhood.
c. Spirituality and religiousness
Gratitude is related to religion, faith and God.
2.1.4 Function of Gratitude
According to McCullough, Killpatrick, Emmons,
and Larson (in Froh, Yurkewicz, & Kashdan, 2009),
gratitude consists of three moral functions, as
a. As themoral benchmark
Gratitude functions as the moral benchmark
for an beneficiaries characterized with value of
the relationship with benefactor, a giver who
gives advantages and goodness.
b. As a moral reinforcement
Gratitude is the moral reinforcement, to
reinforce the possibility of benefactor to give
benefits or goodness in the future.
c. As the moral motif
Gratitude as the moral motif is encouraging
an individual (beneficiaries) who gets benefit to
provide prosocial response to others who provide
benefits (benefactor).
2.2 Job Stress
House, et al. (1979) defined job stress as a condition
as the result of an individual’s subjective
appreciation which can be in form of interaction
between the individual and workplace which is able
to threat and suppress psychologically,
physiologically, and individual’s attitude. Job stress
is a manifestation of a pressure of given
responsibility, concern to restlessness, role conflict,
workload, and work-excluding conflict.
Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (2006)
define job stress as an adaptive response chained up
by individual’s difference as consequence of every
action, situation, or event that give certain demand
to the individual. Moreover, according to Robbins
and Judge (2011), job stress is a dynamic condition
in which an individual faces an opportunity,
demand, or resource related to what the individual
desires and the result of which is considered
uncertain but important. Robbins and Judge also
specifically explain about stress related to demand
and resource. A demand is a responsibility, a
demand, an obligation, and even uncertainty faced
by an individual in the workplace. Resource is things
under and individual’s control being able to employ
to comply the demand.
According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2011), job
stress is adaptive response chained by individual’s
characters and psychological process as the
consequence of every external action, situation, or
event toward physical and psychological demand.
2.2.1 Dimensions of Job Stress
According to House, et al. (1979), there are 5
dimensions of job stress, as follows:
a. Responsibility Pressure
Bearing to many responsibilities on tasks given
by others either because of process or the lack of
human resource or the lack of supporting
b. Quality Concerns
Worrying about not being able to perform job as
good as it should be like other people’s doing
c. Role Conflict
Having unobvious expectation and/or conflict
with other people in workplace.
d. Job vs. Non-job Conflict
Perceiving that the job is influenced by condition
and other situations in life (e.g. family)
e. Work load
Having much job to do in limited time
2.2.2 Sources of Job Stress
According to Robbins and Judge (2011), there are
three potential factors to trigger stress (stressor), as
A. Environmental factor
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
a. Uncertain economy, a change in business
cycle causing uncertain economy. When
economy becomes poor, a person worries
about the sustainability of his/her job.
b. Uncertain politics, uncertain political
situation occurring around the organization
in which an individual works.
c. Technological changing, the third
environmental factor to cause stress because
innovations can make skills and experiences
of an individual become obsolete in short
time, computer, robotic system, automation,
and other technological innovations that
become a threat for many people and make
them stress
B. Organizational factors
a. Task demand, a factor related to someone’s
job. The demands consist of individual’s job
design (autonomy, task variety, and level of
automation), working condition, job’s
physical layout.
b. Role demand, a factor related to pressure
given to someone as a certain role function
run in an organization. Role conflict creates
an expectation which is possibly hard to
finish or comply. Excessive role load
experienced when an employee is expected to
do much job than the available time. Role
ambiguity emerges when role expectation is
not understood clearly and the employee is
not sure about what he/she should do.
c. Interpersonal demand, a factor related to
pressure caused by other employees. No
support from colleague and the presence of
bad interpersonal relationship can cause
stress, especially among employees who have
high social needs.
C. Personal Factors
a. Family matters, some problems in marriage,
broken relationship, and problem on
children’s discipline as a relationship
problem which cause stress to employees
then it is carried to workplace.
b. Economical problem, a personal problem
causes stress to employees and disturbs
working concentration, an individual with
stress due to economical problem is one
whose need is greater than income
c. Personality, a personal factor which is an
individual’s trait, significantly influences
stress. It means that stress symptoms which
are expressed during working could be from
the individual’s personality.
2.2.3 Job Stress’s Symptoms
According to Robbins and Judge (2011), stress
symptoms can be classified into three categories, as
a. Physiological symptoms, changing metabolism,
increasing heart rate and breathing rate,
increasing high blood pressure, resulting in
dizziness, and triggering heart attack.
b. Psychological symptoms, stress, anxiety, easily
angry, boredom, and procrastination.
c. Behavioral symptoms, stress symptoms related to
behavior are productivity level change
(decreasing of working result), absent (disobey
rule), and employees rotation. In addition,
change of eating habit, smoking pattern,
consuming alcohol, stammer, anxiety and sleep
This study is quantitative with correlation research.
The sampling employed non-probability sampling
by using saturation sampling (Sugiyono, 2014).
Samples are 40 prison guards from Class IIB Jantho
Prisonand Class IIB Sigli Prison. Samples are some
of prison guard population in Aceh Prison who are
eligible for a criterion as follows, a prison guard in
Sigli and Jantho Prison.
3.1 Data Collecting Method
Data collecting method used in this research is
psychological scale, a gratitude and job stress scale.
Gratitude scale was adapted from Gratitude
Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6) by McCullough, Emmons,
and Tsang (2002) which has 6 questions,it used
Likert scale model containing 7 answers (response).
Job stress scale was adapted from The Occupational
Stress Scale (OSS) by House, et al (1979). The OSS
scale contains 15 items divided into 12 questions
and 3 questions, it used Likert scale model
consisting of 5 answers (response).
Adapted Gratitude Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6)
scale, developed by McCullough, Emmons, dan
Tsang (2002), uses a construct validity which is
related to the quality of what aspect is measured by a
measurement and consists of an evaluation that a
construct is able to make performance of
The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at State Prison
measurement run well. Testing construct validity is a
continuous process that is in away with the
development of measured variable-related concept.
On the other hand, adapted the occupational stress
scale (OSS), developed by House, et al (1979),
employs a validity which is measured by combining
some other instruments such as work stress is
negatively related to social support in workplace,
internal locus of control, dan job satisfaction. Work
stress is also positively correlated with the ambiguity
of role, role conflict and personal discrimination.
Five stress dimensions that consist of responsibility
pressure, role conflict, workload, quality concern,
job vs non-job conflict are not positively correlated.
However, those dimensions become negatively
correlated with job satisfaction and job honorarium.
They are also positively correlated with the
employee with type A personality. Therefore, the
validity of job stress scale is measured by combining
and identifying the correlation among the variables
mentioned above.
Gratitude Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6) scale reaches
coefficient reliability of Alpha Cronbach for 0.599.
Meanwhile, The Occupational Stress (OSS) has
coefficient reliability of Alpha Cronbach for 0.823.
Based on the score, the reliability of The
Occupational Stress (OSS) scale and Gratitude
Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6) scale are categorized good
and reliable. It is supported by Azwar (2013) that the
closer the coefficient reliability to 1.00, the higher
its reliability, so that Gratitude Questionnaire-6
(GQ-6) and The Occupational Stress (OSS) scale are
considered as reliable instrument.
3.2 Data Analysis Method
The collected data was analyzed by using
Pearsoncorrelation technique with SPSS 20.0
version for Windows.
4.1 Description Data of Gratitude
Based on statistic result of research data, descriptive
analysis hypothetically shows that the minimum
answer is 6, maximum is 42, mean is 24 and
standard deviation is 6. Meanwhile, empirical data
shows that minimum answer is 25, maximum
answer is 42, mean is 34.3 and standard deviation is
4.3. Based on the description of result data, the
research samples can be categorized into three
categories, low, moderate, and high. The subject
categorization method used by the researcher is
difference significance-based categorization method
because the number of individuals in researched
group is not too many (Azwar, 2013). Categorizing
way can be found by determining score interval
containing moderate category.
Based on data description above, it can
categorize research sample into three categories,
low, moderate, and high. Method of categorizing
subject employed by the researcher is based on
difference significance because total individuals in
studied group is not many (Azwar, 2013). The
categorizing method is obtained by establishing an
interval score consisting moderate category.
The researcher used significance level for 95%,
t(α/2, n-1) = (0,05/2;40-1)
= 2,023
Based on categorization formula, significance
score, and t-value(α/2, n-1), the result of Gratitude
Scale categorization as follows:
24 – ((2.023)(4.3/√40)) ≤ X ≤ 24 +
24 – ((2.023)(0.680)) ≤ X ≤ 24 +
24 – 1.38 ≤ X ≤ 24 + 1.38
22.62 ≤ X ≤ 25.38
23 ≤ X ≤ 25
After obtaining interval score, therefore
categorization norm is diagnosed based on score.
Sample’s score for gratitude variable is as follows:
Table 2: Categorization of Gratitude
Category Jumlah
X < 23 Low - -
23 ≤ X < 25 Moderate 1 2.5
25 < X High 39 97.5
40 100
Categorization result of gratitude variable shows
that majority of guards have high categorization
level, 39 guards (79,5%), the other, 1 guard, is at
moderate category (2,5%) and no subject has low
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
4.2 Data Description of Job Stress
According to statistics result, descriptive analysis
hypothetically shows that the minimum answer is 0,
maximum is 60, mean is 30 and standard deviation
is 10. Meanwhile, empirical data shows that the
minimum answer is 10, the maximum is 45, mean is
26.9 and standard deviation is 8.1. Based on
description of result data, it can be used to make
division for categorizing research subjects into three
category, low and high. Subject categorization
method is standard error in measurement. According
to Azwar (2013), standard error consideration in
measurement is deviation of standard error which
shows error variation score for measurement of a
group of subjects.
Result data description can be used as the
standard to categorize the subjects into two
categories, high and low.
Researcher used significance level for 95%,
therefore the result is:
X ± z
) = X ± z
= X ± z
= X ± 1,96 (3,4)
= X ± 6,7 or integer X ± 7
Mean = 60/2 = 30
The categorization divides subjects into two
categories, high score and low score category. The
categorization uses mean value as division value of
category. Score higher than mean is diagnosed
positive, while score below mean is diagnosed
negative.Based on the norm formulated above, the
researcher categorized score of each subject in each
variable. The result can be seen in the table below:
Table 3: Job Stress Categorization
Score Category Total
X < 23
23 ≤ X ≤
No Category
X > 37 Hi
h 6 15
The result of job stress categorization shows that
job stress levels suffered by prison guards in the
Jantho Class IIB Prison and the Sigli Class IIB
Prison are at low for 16 guards (40%), while the
guards in high category are 6 guards (15%).
4.3 Testing of Assumption
The result of assumption test shows that the data is
normally and linearly distributed. The result of
normality test done in 40 subjects shows K-S Z =
0.979 p = 0.293 > 0.05 for gratitude variable,
meaning the variable is distributed normally (p >
0.05). Moreover, normality test for job stress
variable results in K-S, Z = 0.973 p = 0,300 > 0.05,
it means that the variable is also normally distributed
(p > 0.05). Linearity test result done in 40 subjects
by ANOVA test for linearityshows that significance
value of linearity is for 0,001. The significance value
of 0,001 is less than 0.05 (p = 0.001 < 0.05). It
shows the linear relationship between gratitude
variable and job stress variable.
4.4 Testing of Hypothesis
Analysis result shows that significance value in this
study is p = 0.001 (p < 0.05). It shows that the
hypothesis of this study is accepted, there is
relationship between gratitude and job stress of
guard officers in State Prison.
This study is conducted to know the relationship
between gratitude and job stress of guard officers in
State Prison. Analysis result shows that there is
negative and significant relationship between
gratitude and job stress of guard officers in State
Prison. The negative relationship shows that the
higher gratitude is, the lower job stress is. It is
proven by statistical calculation, correlation analysis
shows that significance value is p = 0,001 (p < 0.05)
and correlation = 0.492, therefore it can be said that
the hypothesis of this research is accepted.
Based on the result of this conducted research,
guard officers’ high gratitude is related to low job
stress. It is in accordance with study by Cahyono
(2014), gratitude significantly decreases job stress.
Gratitude has a role to raise positive emotion toward
the experienced condition, so that the life
satisfaction emerges. The presence of positive
emotion and life satisfaction, negative emotion is
disappeared, as the result stress level suffered by the
subjects decreases. Another research by Emmons
and McCullough (2003) found that experiment
group provided gratitude treatment had higher
subjective well-being than the group without
gratitude treatment. It can be said that gratitude can
increase individual’s subjective well-being. In
The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at State Prison
addition, the result of this research is in line with the
research by Wood (2008) which states that gratitude
is related to life satisfaction because it is positive
According to Emmons (2007), gratitude is
cognition, emotion and behavior construction.
Gratitude as cognition construction is shown by
acknowledging the kindness and the blessing, and
focusing on positive thing in him/herself. Gratitude
as emotional construction is characterized by the
ability to alter emotion responses to an event, so it
becomes more meaningful. Grateful emotion
involves amazement, thankfulness, appreciation and
happiness toward grace and life. Gratitude as
behavioral construction is replying others on
advantages and grace that have been received.
The more frequent someone becomes grateful,
the more positive emotion and memory will be
experienced. The positive emotion will be recalled
when needed, for instance when facing stressing
condition or even depressing condition (Dewanto &
Retnowati, 2015). It is in line with the research
conducted by Wood, Maltby, Gillett, Linley, and
Joseph (2008), gratitude can decrease stress and
depression level. Being grateful principally begins
with good intention and positive attitude to
appreciate good values by acting well and morally. It
is explained by Emmons and McCullough (2004) as
moral function of gratitude. Being grateful can be a
benchmark how high one’s moral is. A grateful
person is believed as a person with moral, and vice
versa. It is in line with Surah Ibrahim, verse 7: And
(remember) when your Lord proclaimed: If you are
grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor), and if
you deny, indeed, my punishment is severe.”
The research by Mutia, Subandi, and Mulyati
(2010) shows that gratitude therapy can reduce stress
and depression level of an individual. Makhdlori
(2007) states that by being grateful, an individual
can be calmer when facing a problem. This present
study shows that 75% of subjects have high
gratitude, it can occur because gratitude is related to
religion, faith and God (McCullough, Emmons &
Tsang, 2002), the majority of subjects, 40 guards
(100%), are Muslim.
The result of this research shows that for 39
guards(97.5%) in Jantho Class IIB Prison and Sigli
Class IIB Prison are at high gratitude category and 1
guard(2.5%) is at moderate category. McCullough,
Emmons, and Tsang (2002) says that one’s gratitude
is affected by personality and religiosity. An
extraversion and low neuroticism individual has
higher gratitude. A research by Rosmarin,
Pirutinsky, Cohen, Galler, and Krumrei (2011)
proved that religiosity consistently influences
gratitude. Those believing in God and performing
religion teaching consistently are more grateful than
the grateful individuals but no faith in God. It is
similar to study by Lambert, Fincham, Braitwaite,
Beach, and Graham (2009), they found that those
who prayed to God frequently had high gratitude
Data analysis result shows that descriptively, 16
guards (40%) in Jantho and Sigli class IIB Prison
experience job stress at low category, and 6 guards
(15%) are at high category, moreover majority
subjects in this research have low job stress.
According to Okoza and Aluede (2010), individuals
with low job stress are able to make stress as
motivator which provides positive impact for
attitude in working, while individuals with high job
stress usually perceive threats, suffer from physical,
psychological, and working behavior disorders.
In this research, majority guard officers, 38
guards (95%), are married, marriage is also
influential factor to an individual’s stress level. A
married individual usually has lower stress level
than unmarried one. It occurs if the worker has
carrier support from partner, job stress decreases
because of support by partner. However, marriage
will positively influence stress if the marriage runs
well (Fink, 2010).
Besides marriage, gender is also an influential
factor in facing job stress. According to ILO (2003),
women are riskier than men to suffer from stress
resulting in disease and the desire to leave the job. In
addition, women responded stress differently from
men. According to research by Wichert (2002), men
tend to cope stress by changing their behavior, like
committing smoking, drinking alcohol, and
consuming drug, etc. Meanwhile, women tend to
cope stress by changing emotionally. In addition,
men tend to experience health-quality decline
physically during stress. Women tend to experience
psychological health decline (Bickford, 2005). In
this study, majority subjects perceive low job stress
because 40 subjects (100%) are men. It is in line
with the research conducted to workers in Thailand,
it found that men suffer from lower stress level than
women (Tawatsupa, Lim, Kjellstrom, Seubsman, &
Sleigh, 2010).
The length of employment is a factor that
influences a person to face job stress. In this study,
majority subjects, 14 guards (35%), have been
working for 6 to 10 years. Sarwono and Purwono
(2006) state that the longer a subject works, the
lower job stress he/she suffers, because the subject
has a lot experience and quick response to face job
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
problems. It is in accordance with the result of this
research which states that majority prison guards
have low job stress.
Impact of gratitude on job stress among guard
officers can be seen from analysis measures of
association, it shows R Square (R
) = 0,242 meaning
that there are 24.2% are influenced by gratitude
impact on job stress, while 75.8% are influenced by
other factors like social support, effective
communication, self-esteem, and locus of control as
well as lifestyle (Dodiansyah, 2014; Susanti, 2004;
Dwijayanti, 2008; Cicei, 2012). According to the
explanation above, it can be concluded that gratitude
has role on high and low stress level among guard
officers in State Prison. Both have significantly
negative correlation, it means that if gratitude is
high, job stress will be low, and vice versa.
During the process of this research, the
researchers realize that there are some limitations.
First, this research employed job stress theory that is
only measured through 5 dimensions namely
responsibility pressure, quality concern, role
conflict, job and non-job conflict, as well as
workload, therefore measurement to other things like
leadership style and organizational behavior which
are related to working field cannot be researched
with the theory developed by House, et al (1979). In
addition, sampling technique is another limitation
because employing saturation sampling technique as
the result of small population or samples are only
guard officers in Jantho and Sigli Class IIB Prisons,
moreover this research cannot be generalized with
two other prisons undergoing prisoner overload.
The result of this study shows that there is negative
and significant relationship between gratitude and
job stress of guard officers in State Prison.
Furthermore, the result shows that generally the
guards have high category gratitude and low level
job stress.
For the guard officers in State Prison, it is
expected to control negative emotion and manage
some skills to cope the stress. For State Prisons,
especially Jantho and Sigli Class IIB Prisons, it is
expected to maintain the gratitude level and support
positive activities in the prisons. For future
researcher who is interested in conducting research
using gratitude and job stress variables, it is
recommended that those variables be researched by
using qualitative method with observation and in
depth interview. The next researcher is also
recommended to conduct the research in Takengon
and Tapaktuan prisons which undergo overload
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The Relationship between Gratitude and Job Stress Guard Officers at State Prison