Simultaneity Analysis between Portfolio Investment and
Macroeconomic Variables in Indonesia
Lia Nazliana Nasution
, Tiur Malasari Siregar
, Isfenti Sadalia
Department of Economic Development, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi,
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Km 4,5 Medan, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Medan,
Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T.M Hanafiah,
SH, Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Portfolio Investment, ER, IR, Growth, Inflation.
Abstract: Macroeconomic variables play an essential role in determining portfolio investment inflows in a country. If
one macroeconomic variable changes, investors will react positively or negatively depending on whether the
changes in the macroeconomic variables are positive or negative in the eyes of investors. The objective of this
study analyzes the effect of macroeconomic variables on portfolio investment in Indonesia. Suspected
economic variables are influential, namely the exchange rate (ER), interest rate (IR), inflation, and economic
growth (growth) sourced from the World Bank. With a 30-year observation period from 1989 to 2018, and
the method used simultaneous regression analysis, the findings show that ER, IR, and growth have a positive
effect on demand for portfolio investment in Indonesia while inflation and portfolio investment has a
significant negative impact on growth.
Investment assets can be classified into broad assets,
for example, stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate,
and others. A collection of investment assets is called
a portfolio investment. Portfolio investment can also
be options, derivatives, and futures. Portfolio
investment is an investment in the financial sector,
which is classified as the highest risk and the highest
rate of return. However, this high rate of return also
allows for significant losses if not managed properly
(Suhendra & Istikomah, 2016).
The high risk of portfolio investment is
inseparable from general macroeconomic risks such
as inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. Even
though company specific risks can be a risk for
portfolio investment. Several previous studies have
found that inflation, interest rates, economic growth,
and exchange rates significantly affect portfolio
investment in Indonesia (Suhendra & Istikomah,
2016). (Korap, 2010) Found that the behavior of
portfolio inflows in Turkey was influenced by
economic shocks. In India, exchange rates, interest
rates, domestic capital market performance, and local
output growth are determinants of portfolio inflows
(Garg & Dua, 2014).
Source: World Bank
Figure 1: Trends of Portfolio Investment in Indonesia,
1989 – 2018
Based on Figure 1 above, it can see that portfolio
investment in Indonesia fluctuates annually by
showing an overall increasing trend. The most
substantial portfolio investment in 2014 is 26 billion
USD. In 2018 portfolio investment has decreased
Nasution, L., Siregar, T. and Sadalia, I.
Simultaneity Analysis between Portfolio Investment and Macroeconomic Variables in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009326505490554
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 549-554
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
compared to 2017, from 21 billion USD to 9 billion
USD. The fluctuating value is due to Indonesia still
dependent on external financing sources from
portfolio investment inflows (WorldBank, 2019).
Even though in 2018, Indonesia's portfolio
investment decreased, but the Capital and Financial
Transaction (TMF) balance has been surplus
throughout 2018. One of the components forming the
TMF balance sheet came from foreign portfolio
investment inflows in the form of stocks, government
bonds, corporate bonds, and other investments
(cnbcindonesia, 2019). It means that foreign investor
confidence in the Indonesian economy is still quite
high. To maintain investor trust, stakeholders in
Indonesia need to continue to provide the latest
information on the Indonesian economy so that that
portfolio investment can increase again in 2019.
From the description above, the influence of
macroeconomic variables is quite considerable on
portfolio investment in Indonesia. This study was
conducted to see the effect of the economic shock
factor seen from the exchange rate variable, the
interest rate factor as the magnitude of the rate of
return, and economic growth on portfolio investment
in Indonesia simultaneously.
2.1 Portfolio Investment
Portfolio investment is an investment in securities
that expects returns and is not free from possible
risks. These securities are, for example, stocks,
government bonds, corporate bonds, and other
derivative products. The greater the expected rate of
return, the higher the risk that will be faced.
Different from direct investment, portfolio
investment expects a high return on target companies
and can be involved with daily management. In
purchasing portfolio investments, a tactical approach
and strategy are needed that are mature in a short
2.2 Investment Theory
The investment I is negatively related to the real
interest rate r. Its functions are as follows:
I = I (r) (1)
In a closed economy, the real interest rate adjusts
to balance the value of the investment, i.e. the real
interest rate is at the intersection of the investment
curve. However, in a small open economy, the real
interest rate is equal to the world real interest rate.
Source: (Mankiw, 2007)
Figure 2. Investment
2.3 Investment Allocation
It is an action in determining the investment weight
or the proportion of risk-free asset financial
instruments and risky asset financial instruments.
Risk-free asset financial instruments can be
interpreted as an investment instrument that is not
likely to experience default payments and investment
principals such as Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI).
While risky asset financial instruments are interpreted
as financial instruments that contain the risk of not
getting results or the principal of investment does not
return, in part or whole, for example, stocks and
bonds. In determining the weight of investment both
at risk andat risk, investors will consider market
conditions, the ongoing economic cycle at the time
the investment will be decided.
2.4 Investment Risk
Portfolios can be interpreted as investments in various
financial instruments that can be traded on the Stock
Exchange or Money Market to spread the results of
profits and possible risks. Financial instruments in
question, for example, stocks, bonds, real estate, and
other derivative products.
To reduce investment risk, investors must be
familiar with the types of investment risks. The first
type of risk is a systematic risk. Examples are the rise
in inflation, interest rates, and destructive economic
cycles. Systematic risk is more classified into
macroeconomic variables. The second type of risk is
the unsystematic risk. This risk only affects a
particular stock or sector, for example, the existence
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
of government regulations regarding the ban on
export or import of cement, which will affect the price
of cement stocks or derivative products such as
2.5 Macroeconomic Factor
Macroeconomics is a factor that comes from outside
the company but has a significant influence on the
increase or decrease in investment demand both
directly and indirectly. Some macroeconomic factors
that can directly influence investor decisions are as
a) Interest rate
b) Inflation rate
c) Exchange rates
d) Interest rates on foreign loans
e) Economic conditions
f) Tax regulations
g) Economic cycle
h) Circulation of money
2.6 Empirical Study
(Waqas, Hashmi, & Nazir, 2015) Investigated the
relationship between macroeconomic factors and the
volatility of foreign portfolio investment in South
Asian countries, namely China, India, Pakistan, and
Sri Lanka. Using monthly data from 2000 to 2012
because monthly data is ideal for measuring portfolio
investment inflows. This study uses the GARCH
model, with the findings showing that there is a
significant relationship between macroeconomic
factors and the volatility of foreign portfolio
investment. Lower volatility in international portfolio
flows is associated with high-interest rates, currency
depreciation, foreign direct investment, lower
inflation, and higher GDP growth rates than the host
country. This shows that international portfolio
investors focus on a stable macroeconomic
environment in the country.
(Haider, Khan, & Abdulahi, 2016) Observe the
impact of FPI determinants on the Chinese economy.
The data used are Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI),
GDP, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), foreign debt,
and the population was taken from the world bank.
GDP and external debt have a strong influence on
FPI. Exchange rates and population indicate that
these two variables have a significant impact on FPI.
(Garg & Dua, 2014) Analyzed the factors that
influence the inflow of foreign portfolio investment
to India. The results of the analysis show that lower
exchange rate volatility and higher risk
diversification opportunities are conducive to
portfolio flows. However, higher returns on equity
from other emerging markets hamper this flow.
Common determinants of portfolio flows are the
performance of domestic equity, exchange rates,
differences in interest rates, and local output growth.
Disaggregated portfolio flow analysis shows that the
determinants of FII are similar to aggregate portfolio
flows, while ADR / GDR is only significantly
affected by returns on domestic equity, exchange
rates, local output growth, and foreign output growth.
(Suhendra & Istikomah, 2016) Examine the
contribution of various macroeconomic variables that
are suspected of being able to influence portfolio
investment in Indonesia. Using multiple regression
analysis, the results of the study indicate that an
increase in inflation and economic growth will
significantly increase portfolio investment, while a
rise in interest rates and exchange rates will
significantly reduce portfolio investment in
(Korap, 2010) identified determinants of capital
flow based on portfolios for the Turkish economy.
The method used by SVAR. The estimation results
show that the 'push' factor based on external
developments for the Turkish economy has a
dominant role in explaining the behavior of portfolio
flows. Furthermore, domestic real interest rates as one
of the main 'pull' factors have been found in negative
dynamic relationships with portfolio flows. This
result is associated with that the progressive journey
of portfolio flows should not be associated with the
possibility of excessive returns from the real interest
structure of the Turkish economy.
To identify the effect of macroeconomic variables on
portfolio investment in Indonesia, data for the period
1989 to 2018 were used. The macroeconomic
variables studied were exchange rates, interest rates,
and economic growth, sourced from the World Bank.
The method used in this study is simultaneous
regression analysis, with the equation model as
Portfolio Investment = a
1ER + a
IR +
Growth = b
+ b
Inflation + b
Portfolio Investment
ER = Exchange Rate
IR = Interest Rate
Then identification of simultaneity is carried out,
which aims to find out whether the equation is under
conditions identified, exactly identified, or over-
Simultaneity Analysis between Portfolio Investment and Macroeconomic Variables in Indonesia
identified. The identification of simultaneity in the
equation of this study are as follows:
Table 1: Model Identification Test
From the table above, it can be seen that the first
equation is exactly identified, while the second
equation is over-identified. Thus it can be decided to
solve this simultaneous model that has been built
using the 2SLS method (Two-Stage Least Square).
The classic assumption test used is the data normality
4.1 Results of Simultaneous Regression
The results of system estimation equations with Two-
Stage Least Square for endogenous portfolio
investment variable are as follows:
Table 2: TSLS for Portfolio Investment Variable
Source: Eviews 10 result, 2019
The R-square value is 0.4682, which means that
together, the ER, IR, and growth variables can explain
the portfolio investment variable by 46.82%, and the
remaining 53.18% is explained by other variables not
included in the estimation model. The F-statistical
probability value is 0.00073 < 0.05, so there is a
significant effect simultaneously.
Partial interpretation:
a) The ER variable has a significant positive
effect on portfolio investment with a
coefficient of 1219110. At a 95% confidence
level. The coefficient is 1219110. It means that
if the ER variable increases by 1%, it will
increase portfolio investment by 1219110.%
(ceteris paribus).
b) The IR variable has a not significant positive
effect on portfolio investment at a 95%
confidence level.
c) The economic growth variable has a positive
and insignificant effect on portfolio
investment at a 95% confidence level.
The results of system estimation equations with
Two-Stage Least Square for endogenous economic
growth variable are as follows:
Table 3: TSLS for Economic Growth Variable
Source: Eviews 10 result, 2019
The R-square value is 0.80457, which means that
together, the inflation and portfolio investment
variables can explain economic growth of 80.457%,
and the remaining 19.543% is explained by other
variables not included in the estimation model. The
F-statistic probability value is 0,000 <0.05, so there is
a significant effect simultaneously.
Partial interpretation:
a) The inflation variable has a significant
negative effect on economic growth with a
coefficient of -0.3903 at a 95% confidence
level. The coefficient of - 0.3903 means that if
inflation increases by 1%, it will reduce
economic growth by 0.3903% (ceteris
b) The portfolio investment variable has a
significant negative effect on economic
growth with a coefficient of -2.61E-10 at a
95% confidence level. The coefficient of -
2.61E-10 means that if portfolio investment
increases by 1%, it will reduce economic
growth by 2.61E-10% (ceteris paribus).
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
4.2 Results of Normality Test
Source: Eviews 10 result, 2019
Figure 3: Jarque-Bera Normality Test
From the figure above, the Jarque-Bera value is
4.15123 with a probability of 0.125479 > 0.05 which
means the data for all variables are normally
4.3 Discussion of Portfolio Investment
Simultaneity Analysis based on
Macroeconomic Variables
From the findings above, the exchange rate has a
positive and significant effect on portfolio investment
in Indonesia during the observation period. This
shows that the appreciation of the domestic exchange
rate encourages portfolio investment flows received
by Indonesia. These findings are consistent with the
research conducted by (Garg & Dua, 2014), (Waqas,
Hashmi, & Nazir, 2015), which found that the
exchange rate has a positive effect on portfolio
investment demand. But it is not consistent with the
research conducted by (Haider, Khan, & Abdulahi,
2016), (Suhendra & Istikomah, 2016), which state
that the exchange rate harms portfolio investment
Variable interest rates have a positive but not
significant effect on portfolio investment in Indonesia
during the observation period. These findings are not
consistent with the research conducted by (Garg &
Dua, 2014), (Waqas, Hashmi, & Nazir, 2015),
(Suhendra & Istikomah, 2016) which state that
interest rates affect portfolio investment negatively.
The variable economic growth has a positive and
not significant effect on portfolio investment in
Indonesia during the observation period. These
results indicate that increased economic growth has
boosted portfolio investment. In line with previous
studies conducted by (Garg & Dua, 2014), (Suhendra
& Istikomah, 2016), (Winona & Nuzula, 2016), and
(Haider, Khan, & Abdulahi, 2016). However, there is
no continuity between economic growth and portfolio
investment demand, which is characterized by
insignificant influence, by findings made by (Waqas,
Hashmi, & Nazir, 2015), in Pakistan, the GDP growth
rate has no continuity, and foreign investors are not
interested in the country's GDP.
The subsequent findings of inflation have a
negative and significant effect on economic growth in
Indonesia during the observation period. When prices
increase, people's purchasing power will decline, and
the country's economic growth will be obstructed. But
for the portfolio investment variable, it turns out that
the results are negative and significant for economic
growth. When portfolio investment increases, it will
reduce economic growth. This finding is not
consistent with the results of research conducted by
(Winona & Nuzula, 2016), which states that portfolio
investment affects economic growth positively and
Indonesia still has the opportunity to attract portfolio
investment flows by maintaining macroeconomic
indicator stability, such as strong economic growth,
lower exchange rate movements, and price and
interest rate stability. The economic shock factor does
not significantly affect portfolio investment flow,
which means that investor confidence is still
tremendous enough for the Indonesian economy.
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