Implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS on Expert Systems
for Core Competency Detection
, Supriyono
, Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah
, Zainul Arifin
Islamic Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik
Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik
Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: fuzzy TOPSIS, core competencies, expert system, application, learning.
Abstract: The expert system on core competency detection is a fairly important system development. The study aims to
implement the fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique For Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) in the core
competency detection expert system, and the student learning achievement was majoring in Islamic religious
education in Islamic Religious College. In the process of learning an Indonesian National Qualification
framework based curriculum designed to detect the level of development of core competencies and student
achievement in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training or Islamic Education study program at Islamic
Religious College. The leading product development of the study is an expert system application with the
fuzzy TOPSIS method in measuring the development indicators of core competencies include hard skills and
soft skills and learning factors that impact the students learning achievement. The result of this expert system
can help students and lecturers independently to detect how the level of development of student core
complications, detecting internal learning factors and external influences, and measuring how they influence
student learning achievements. The results obtained indicate the level of use of fuzzy TOPSIS reaches an
accuracy is excellent.
A college is a strategic unit of education in
preparing outstanding human resources and
excellence. Global competition demands that colleges
should be able to deliver their students to increase
competition globally. The college is required to
respond to the development speed of science and
technology and the rapid development of information
technology, which can affect the student's thinking
style more advanced. The development of Islamic
religious colleges in Indonesia is speedy. It is not
apart from the demands of the era of globalization and
the work that requires qualified workforce consisting
of graduate graduates, masters graduates even the
level of competency of doctors who are experts in
their field. It is due to fulfill the demands of
employment competence following the working
standards in the era of globalization that refers to
international working standards. The needs of
workers in the period of globalization not only require
graduates who are competent as a working
requirement, but they are also required to possess
interpersonal skills competence, information
technology skills, problem-solving skills, and other
skills. There are still many college graduates who are
not ready to work according to the demands and
development of continuously changing qualifications
and competencies and in line with the pace of
development of science and technology as expected
by stakeholders. This illustrates that there are still
many colleges, including the state Islamic religious
college, which has the quality of graduates yet not
following the demands of the community of users and
has not been able to competitiveness in the global
The quality of higher education graduates,
including the state Islamic religious college, can be
measured from how the level of achievement of
student learning and the level of the absorption of
graduates in employment following their field of
expertise. The competency level of graduates can
Sutiah, ., Supriyono, ., Zuhriyah, I. and Arifin, Z.
Implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS on Expert Systems for Core Competency Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0009321900120017
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 12-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
affect the quality of Islamic college graduates. The
College of Islam must prepare graduates who can
possess core competencies and produce quality
graduates who excel. Excellent human resources can
succeed in the ideals of the nation and state
development. The performance of academic skills,
special skills, and personality attitudes can be affect
students learning achievements. Personality is
essential to be known to everyone so that each
individual can develop and improve their strengths. A
person who has difficulty in developing himself is
likely not knowing all the weaknesses and faults he
controls. Many students do not achieve a learning
accomplishment even fail not because it is not
intelligent, but fail in managing themselves or do not
know how to recognize himself.
The success of achieving high learning
achievements in college lectures become the ideals
and expectations of each student. Significant learning
achievements impact the level of comfort in doing
decent work and can compete openly in global
competition. However, each student faces various
obstacles, challenges, and difficulties so that each
student is not necessarily able to face challenges and
succeed in obtaining the achievement. The facilities
and environment in the learning environment are very
influential in student learning achievements. High
motivation becomes an internal factor in encouraging
students to achieve good performances. While the
climate is conducive and also adequate, facilities as
an external factor can impact the learning system that
can affect students learning achievement in colleges.
The following research discusses the
implementation of the fuzzy TOPSIS method applied
to expert systems in detecting the core competencies
of students. The analysis of student learning experts
can help students and lecturers in decision making to
support the improvement of student learning
achievement. The following research can produce an
expert system application with the Fuzzy TOPSIS
method. The main issues are raised by detecting core
competencies and learning factors that influence the
level of student learning achievement.
The implementation of the fuzzy TOPSIS can
solve complicated problems. The expert systems are
a representation of the performance from the human
brain that seeks to simulate the way human brains
work to replace social work. For that, in the
introduction of patterns to predict, classifying can be
solved using expert systems. Therefore, this
development has adopted the method of the Fuzzy
TOPSIS method, which aims to detect the perception
of students and lecturers in the event of core
complications, internal and external factors in
identifying student learning achievements.
Other methods of use include Fuzzy AHP and
Fuzzy SAW. Fuzzy TOPSIS has an advantage over
Fuzzy AHP, which requires a somewhat complicated
calculation process. The technique also has linguistic
variables. Other researchers also use fuzzy TOPSIS
to other issues. Based on the above, it is a primary
developed method of Fuzzy TOPSIS based Neural
Network on an expert system of detection of core
competencies and learning factors that affect the
achievement of student learning achievement.
Optimization of Fuzzy TOPSIS on core competency,
learning elements, and student learning achievements
designed and created by integrating core
competencies development levels, learning factors,
and student learning achievement from student
perceptions and lecturers in the curriculum learning
process based on the Indonesian National
Qualification Framework. The development of this
application system can help lecturers and students to
avoid failures in learning and directing and help
students can achieve the highest learning
The theory of the fuzzy set is a mathematical
framework used to present uncertainty, obscurity,
imprecision, lack of information, and partial truth.
The fuzzy logic is an appropriate step in mapping an
input space into an output space. The technique for
Order Performance by fuzzy TOPSIS is a well-known
method in dealing with any Multiple Criteria
Decision Making (MCDM) problem (Ahmad and
Mohamad 2017). Implementation of the Fuzzy
TOPSIS method to solve a problem in MCDM with
the concept that the most effective alternatives were
the closest to the ideal solution positive and the
farthest of the perfect negative solution. The fuzzy
method of AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS can use to set
preferences by having a level of correspondence to
the ideal solution and is primarily developed to
handle data value.
One such technique is to implement a method
most often used in the process of making Multi-
criteria (MCDM). After calculating the rankings
against the solution, as well as finding that the
technology used to offer customers against real-time
and demand knowledge ' is the best solution with a
single rating (Bhosale and Kant 2018). A membership
function is a curve that shows the mapping of data
input points into its membership value that has
Implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS on Expert Systems for Core Competency Detection
intervals between 0 and 1. Standard function
approaches used in Fuzzy logic utilization. It is one
way to get the membership value on the Fuzzy logic.
The problem of multi-criteria decision making
(MCDM) is the need for an efficient computing
approach. In particular, in a distributed system, the
brokerage agents containing the scheduler and
dispatcher modules have limited time to decide the
scheduling and delivery of tasks over resources as
some tasks may have interdependence and Deadline.
The Fuzzy TOPSIS method is a suitable tool because
it carries a low overhead cost and because of the
robustness of its results and its sacrifice reaches
among a variety of applicable objectives. Also, our
approach used is optimal and measurable, where
applications on large-scale problems have low
overhead costs. However, this module works well in
static and batch processing environments, such as
grid computing that has predefined behaviors. The
only drawback is that it does not fit in dynamic
settings such as dynamic cloud environments due to
varying workloads. The implementation of several
scenarios indicates that the results are appropriate for
a dynamic environment by adding a predictive
method. Related research discusses the development
of Fuzzy TOPSIS using data mining techniques that
will result in better decisions in MCDM issues.
An example is by utilizing data mining techniques
to extract data history, recognizing workload
behavior, and then triggering an increase in Fuzzy
TOPSIS (Shirvani et al. 2017). The problem of multi-
criteria decision making (MCDM) is the need for an
efficient computing approach. In particular, in a
distributed system, the brokerage agents containing
the scheduler and dispatcher modules have limited
time to decide the scheduling and delivery of tasks
over resources as some tasks may have
interdependence and Deadline. The Fuzzy TOPSIS
method is a suitable tool because it carries a low
overhead cost and because of the robustness of its
results and its sacrifice reaches among a variety of
applicable objectives. Also, our approach used is
optimal and measurable, where applications on large-
scale problems have low overhead costs. However,
this module works well in static and batch processing
environments, such as grid computing, that has
predefined functions. The only drawback is that it
does not fit in dynamic settings such as dynamic
cloud environments due to varying workloads. The
implementation of several scenarios indicates that the
results are appropriate for a dynamic environment by
adding a predictive method. Related research
discusses the development of Fuzzy TOPSIS using
data mining techniques that will result in better
decisions in MCDM issues. An example is by
utilizing data mining techniques to extract data
history, recognizing workload performance, and then
triggering an increase in Fuzzy TOPSIS (Shirvani et
al. 2017).
An example of a Fuzzy TOPSIS implementation
is a variable weight linguistic and can be assessed
very low, low, medium, high, very high, and so on.
Fuzzy numbers can also represent linguistic values.
The fuzzy hybrid analytics process and fuzzy
technique for order performance with similarities to
the Fuzzy TOPSIS method to prioritize and rank from
the solutions offered. Fuzzy AHP used to determine
preference weights, and Fuzzy TOPSIS used to rank
the solution (Sirisawat and Kiatcharoenpol 2018).
MADM regarding the proposed issue is not will be
obtained an optimum solution. But the result of this
alignment can be used to systematically evaluate and
reduce the risk of the quality selection of poor service.
In related studies discussed the utilization of
MCDM methods such as on the fuzzy use of VIKOR
and fuzzy ELECTRE to examine alternate locations
and compare results along with the findings gained
(Senvar, Otay, and Bolturk 2016). The sharp value
illustrates individual assessments in the conventional
approach of TOPSIS. It is not always possible to set
a crisp value for personal preference. In such cases,
linguistic forecasts are more likely than definite
benefits, although there may be some uncertainty
related to linguistic judgment but can be solved using
a blurred approach (Singh and Sarkar 2019).
The best alternative not only has the shortest
distance from the ideal positive solution produced but
also has the most extended range from the perfect
negative solution. It is a concept of the Fuzzy TOPSIS
method. Decision-making to solve practical decision
problems with the modeling concepts of multiple
attributes. That's because the idea is simple and
understandable; the calculations are efficient. They
can measure the relative performance of the decision
in a relatively pure form of mathematics. The Fuzzy
TOPSIS implementation procedure has specific steps.
Among them makes the decision matrix normalized.
Also, making a weighted decision matrix normalized,
determining the ideal matrix of positive solutions and
a perfect matrix of harmful solutions, determines the
distance between each other value with an perfect
positive matrix solution and matrix solution Ideal,
specify a preference value for each alternative
(Ahmed et al. 2016).
In determining the weight of each criterion set,
the pressure will be stored in the system database.
Next is determining the alternative rules decision of
any given alternative. Decision rules the alternative
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
arrangement will be used to calculate the value of an
option provided by each respondent. After calculating
the alternative value decisions, then the next stage is
determining the fuzzy membership used to determine
the fuzzy matrix decision in the future. After that, turn
into the normalized decision matrix. An attendant is
multiplying the predefined criteria weights with the
normalized decision matrix, thus generating a model
weighted normalized decisions. Once obtained the
decision matrix, the most weighted normalization can
be determined as the ideal positive solution and the
perfect solution negative. The final step is to calculate
the criteria distance with the perfect solution in the
fuzzy TOPSIS, the relative importance of alternative
or alternate ratings concerning attributes can be
several fuzzy. Therefore the calculations are done in
fuzzy environmental, and fuzzy operators are used
(Sadi-Nezhad and Damghani 2011).
The main differences between the fuzzy
TOPSIS approach can be summarized in selecting the
normalization method of the decision matrix,
specifying the Fuzzy Positive Ideal (FPIS), and Fuzzy
Solutions Ideal Negative solution (FNIS), calculation
of distances between fuzzy numbers, and the
defuzzification method applied. Most of all, these
research works are presented procedures using the
defuzzification method at the beginning or middle
step of the fuzzy TOPSIS algorithm. This method
converts the fuzzy numbers to the corresponding crisp
values that will cause some rounding errors as well as
possible and significant interference in the final
rankings of various alternatives. TOPSIS requires the
performance rating of each Ai alternative on each Cj
criterion that is normalized.
with i=1, 2, … , m; and j = 1, 2, … , n
The methodology of the research is a series of
activities undertaken by systematic and orderly
researchers to achieve the objectives of the study
shown in Figure 1. The research methodology
consists of Identification Problem, literature review,
data collection, requirement specification, design
system, testing, result analysis, recommendations.
Figure 1: Research methodology.
Figure 1 describes several processes to complete
subsequent studies. The first step in this study is to
study and analyze the condition of the Islamic
Education Study program at Islamic State University
of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. The research object
discusses the level of core competency and
achievement in an Islamic study program at Islamic
State University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
The results of the analysis can identify and formulate
problems faced by the Department of Islamic
Education at the State Islamic University of Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang as a research object.
Furthermore, the study and literature studies in
the study of the field conducted observations more
deeply to the company that used to be a research
object, especially the part to be focused on the
research. As for the literary study, the stage will be
conducted, learning about the literature that supports
the implementation of this research. This step aims to
deepen and understand the theory or method to be
used in the solve the problem. The literature study
was conducted by searching for the literature relating
to the issues faced. The reference used can solve the
problem as a solid foundation in the study. In this
study, the researchers studied was the Related to the
Decision Support System (DSS) and the Fuzzy
TOPSIS method. The next step is data collection.
Identification Problem
Literatur Review
Data Collection
uirement S
Results anal
Implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS on Expert Systems for Core Competency Detection
Data and information According to the fact the field
is very influential in the research.
The study used questionnaires distributed to 70
respondents among Islamic religious education
students at the Islamic State University of Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang as an object of study.
Table 1: Criteria fuzzy TOPSIS
ode Criteria Fuzzy
Soft Skill
0,57 0,77 0,93
A2 Hard Skill 0,53 0,67 0,87
A3 Reli
ious 0,43 0,60 0,80
0,50 0,60 0,80
Memorization 0,37 0,47 0,67
Memorization 0,40 0,60 0,80
In TOPSIS fuzzy criteria consisting of Soft
skills, Hard skills, Religious, Knowledge, Quran
Memorization, hadith Memorization shows good
Figure 2: Fuzzy decisions
Figure 3: Normalized decision matrix
The result of normalization of fuzzy TOPSIS method
calculations with its six fuzzy criteria TOPSIS shows
good results. Figure 4 shows a weighted normalized
decision matrix.
Figure 4: Weighted normalized decision matrix
The following research uses six criteria consist of
Soft skills, Hard skills, Religious, Knowledge, Quran
Memorization, Hadith Memorization. Testing the
data by using these parameters indicates that each
parameter has a dependency function. The
implementation of the fuzzy TOPSIS method on an
expert system to detect core competencies in the
Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty
of Tarbiyah and the Teacher at state Islamic
University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang produced
optimal results.
The following research uses the fuzzy TOPSIS
on an expert system to detect core competencies at the
Islamic State University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang. The obtained results show an
implementation of the fuzzy TOPSIS achieving good
accuracy results.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
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Implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS on Expert Systems for Core Competency Detection